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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dokumentation av Piteå Sjukhus fibernät

Öhrvall, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en fullständig dokumentation över Piteå Sjukhusfibernät som består av noder från Cisco. Sjukhuset har inte haft någon tidigarenätverksdokumentation överhuvudtaget och var därmed i stort behov av detta.I en byggnad av denna storlek, som består av flertalet flyglar och våningsplan, krävs ett stortnätverk. Detta leder till att dokumentation av detta blir ett omfattande jobb. Det har krävtsen strukturerad och noggrann arbetsmetod för att hitta och verifiera data, som sedan kundeanvändas till att skapa en helhetsbild av nätverket.Resultatet av detta arbete blev ett dokument i PDF-format som är 30 sidor långt. I detdokumentet finns en bild av hela nätverkets topologi, där läsaren kan klicka på de olikanoderna för att få information om var dessa befinner sig fysiskt. Detta har åstadkommitsmed planritningar över sjukhuset, där alla rum som innehåller ett dataskåp tydligt har ritatsin i planritningarna. Utöver detta så innehåller dokumentet även flertalet tabeller somutförligt beskriver hur fibern går kopplad mellan noder och Optical Distribution Frames(ODF).Rapporten beskriver mitt tillvägagångssätt och även de hinder jag bemött under arbetetsgång. Rapporten visar bara en liten del av resultatet, då detta arbete är lagt undersekretessavtal. I rapporten diskuterar jag även hur denna dokumentation skulle kunnaförbättras för att den ska hålla i framtiden.

Serverrum / SD-Access

Drugge Lundström, Eric, Agmalm, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
Vi fick i uppdrag av ATEA att sätta upp två stycken serverrum på Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå i samarbete med Nätverksteamet på Northvolt, samt installera distributionswitchar ute i fabriken som sedan ska användas för att koppla fabrikens maskiner till nätverket. Denna rapport handlar om Cisco DNA, SD-ACCESS och ISE som är tre moderniseringar av hur ett nätverk kan byggas upp. Rapporten kommer först att gå igenom teorin för att förstå vad som var målet för Cisco DNA, ISE och SD-ACCESS och varför det är bra att använda i ett modernt nätverk. Rapporten kommer gå igenom hur vi gick tillväga för att lära oss hur det fungerar, och vilket praktiskt arbete som utfördes för att fysiskt sätta upp två serverrum på Northvolt Ett.

Podpora kvality služeb v koncových aplikacích / Quality of services support in the end applications

Zelinka, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis has been chosen for a discussion and implementation of quality of service on the application and link layer of the OSI model. At the beginning of this thesis the general parameters and basic technologies of the OSI model network layer has been explained. This part was chosen as a resource for explanation of the basic parameters in the quality of services. Basic part is followed by the introduction to the Ethernet technology, which became as a ground for the real model in this diploma thesis. As a part of this section has been written a block which contains a analysis of quality of services in the Ethernet, which means the implementation of IEEE 802.1Q/p. This analysis is followed by structured descrition of the controlling and functionality of quality of services parameters on the link layer with the system tool in the Windows XP, description of Win XP link layer drivers and its modification with system tool tcmon. The end of the theoretical part is represented by introduction to the implementation of quality of service in the wireless networks especially the 802.11e standard. At the beginning of the practical part is specified the description of the topology design which is dedicated to the quality of services implementation. This section is developed to well-founded analysis of applications which were used during topology creating. The last segment of this thesis is dedicated to evolving the practical informations which were obtained during the measurement.

Laboratorní úloha CISCO Security / CISCO security laboratory exercise

Švec, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of this diploma thesis is to become familiar with the principles and technical solutions regarding security components of Cisco company and configure assigned system according to valid rules of security. In introduction are explained the reasons for networks security solutions. This work also analyses different kinds of security weaknesses which include deficiencies of networks protocols and also the attacks from hackers. The principle of firewall is described and also its particular types. This work is focused on explanation and classification of PIX firewall, which has dominant role in the field of network security. The other equipments of Cisco, which are improving the level of security, are also mentioned. The practical part of this diploma thesis is composed of networks connections and configuration of system consisting of router, PIX firewall and switch. It also includes the detailed procedure and description of configuration of network equipments. The focus is put on minimalization of threats and elimination of DoS attacks.

Validace parametrů sítě založená na sledování síťového provozu / Validation of Network Parameters Based on Network Monitoring

Martínek, Radim January 2011 (has links)
The Master's Thesis presents a theoretical introduction, familiarization with the issue and a implementation for a solution of a "network parameter validation" tool, which is founded on principle of network traffic monitoring. Firstly, the current development of computer network setup is analyzed with its limitations. This is an initial point for an introduction of a new approach for implementation and verification of required network setting, which uses techniques of verification, simulation and validation. After the introduction into the context, validation techniques are specifically examined. The Thesis main contribution lies in the capacity to determine appropriate parameters, which can be used for validation and also for implementation of the tool, which ensures validation process. The network traffic, which characterizes the behavior of the network, is collected by NetFlow technology, which generates network flows. These flows are consequently used by the designed tool used for validation of required network parameters. This process overall verifies whether the main computer network requirements have been met or not.

Modelování multicastových distribučních stromů a klientských protokolů / Multicast Distribution Trees Modelling in OMNeT++

Malik, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Support of multicast routing and its implementation is one of the main goals in nowadays computer networks. Adapting new technology could be often challenging and connected with difficulties. For this reason its better to try it in some simulating enviroment and implement it only after successful results of tests and simulations. The aim of this diploma thesis is to familiarize the reader with the multicast routing, describe the possibilities of network testing in OMNeT++ and come up with new multicast routing framework for this discrete simulation tool.

Návrh univerzitního firewallu na platformě Cisco

Burian, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on design of university firewall on Cisco platform. The design deals with important functionalities, which are used in the current solution. These include routing, network address translation, access control lists, VPN. The thesis furher deals with dynamic insertion rules, which are generated based on traffic analysis by Flowmon probe and its ADS module. The new design is implemented in a testing environment and its funcionality is verified. The thesis will serve like feasibility study for final implementation in the production MENDELU network.

Relational Effects of Data Networks: How Strategically Aligned Data Networks Impact Digital Transformation

Toussaint, Michael, 0000-0001-7890-4294 January 2020 (has links)
Digital Transformation (DX) has become a pervasive global phenomenon that is having a profound effect at all levels of an enterprise. The umbrella term DX is supported by nascent technologies such as blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud-based computing and networking. The speed by which these new DX technologies have emerged has challenged current technical infrastructures, budgets, and skillsets as organizations attempt to incorporate and implement these technologies as part of pervasive digital operational initiatives. DX also includes the transformative effects (deployment and adoption) of these technologies, and these are referred to as “outcomes” in this thesis. Not surprisingly, recent studies indicate that at least seventy percent of DX projects either fail or underperform. As firms assess existing technology-to-business alignments in search of attributable causation, they discover that these alignments are often opaque regarding the capabilities required to obtain optimal digital transformation outcomes from the application of specific technologies. This is especially true as underlying technology infrastructures and architectures, which have had a traditionally functional role such as the data network, are increasingly relied upon to support the strategic outcome requirements of DX. This dissertation uses an inductive, multiple case study approach to explore these relationships and outcomes. It directly observes a set of large organizations across multiple verticals. These organizations have all completed pervasive digital transformation initiatives, more specifically, this study measured the resultant levels of digital transformation project outcomes achieved as a fraction of the initial digital transformation project deliverables. Furthermore, the study makes inferences regarding the relationship of the data network deployment posture to the observed digital project outcomes. To study this empirically, data network alignment is classified as either being functionally or strategically aligned. Analysis of the resultant data revealed four distinct themes: (a) organizations that procured data network equipment with pricing as the critical determinant experienced sub-par digital transformation outcomes; (b) organizations which considered key business drivers when procuring and architecting the data network achieved more successful digital transformation outcomes; (c) organizations which did not perform a network upgrade or perform a significant data network architectural change during the previous five years did not meet their own goals of digital transformation, and (d) some DX technology deployments achieved a high percentage of project deliverables without undertaking a data network upgrade. With respect to the fourth theme, however, the resulting low internal adoption of deployed DX technology among targeted operational units resulted in a ‘split-brain’ operation and thus an overall underperformance of the DX project. The final thesis chapter includes recommendations for future qualitative research on both digital transformation outcomes and the effect of managed network services on digital transformation outcomes as well as the need for quantitative research to establish deeper causation beyond the loose causation which is posited in this paper. / Business Administration/Management Information Systems

Cisco DNA Center / SD-Access

Sundqvist, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
De senaste åren har Cisco jobbat intensivt med att utveckla DNA Center. DNA Centerär en kraftfull nätverkskontroller som ger användarna en ny och effektiv plattform närdet gäller arbetet med nätverk.Denna rapport behandlar och beskriver Cisco Digital Network Architecture Center(Cisco DNA-Center) samt Software defined Access (SD-Access).Rapporten beskriver DNA center utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv och beskriver hurden nya tekniken nyttjas idag hos en kund hos Atea.Med den nya tekniken kan man effektivisera och introducera ett nytt arbetssätt somkan underlätta arbetet med hjälp av mjukvara. / In recent years, Cisco has worked intensively to develop the DNA Center. DNACenter is a powerful network controller that gives users a new and efficient platformwhen it comes to working with networksThis report covers and describes the Cisco Digital Network Architecture Center(Cisco DNA-Center) and Software defined Access (SD-Access).The report describes the DNA center from a theoretical perspective and describes howthe new technology is used today by a customer at Atea. With the new technology,you can streamline and introduce a new way of working that can facilitate the workwith the help of software.

Konsten att delegera prefix : En jämförelse av automatiserad och statisk konfiguration

Andersson, Joakim, Eriksson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
När det stod klart att antalet adresser i ipv4 inte skulle räcka, togs ipv6 fram. Med nya funktioner som hade anpassats till den infrastruktur som hade byggts upp världen runt så fanns det nu en ersättare till ipv4. Men skillnaderna är stora och protokollen är i sig inte lika varandra alls, framför allt inte när man tittar på inbygda funktioner. En av dessa nya funktioner i ipv6 är det som kallas för Prefix delegation, ett enkelt och smidigt sätt att per automatik dela ut delar av ett större nät till mindre nät. Även om det finns enkla och smidiga sätt att genomföra detta på så är inte all infrastuktur så enkel. Det gör att denna typ av funktioner kommer varvas med routes, både statiska och dynamiska. För att få en förståelse för hur detta kan skilja sig åt har vi tittat på en översikt av hur infrastrukturen kan se ut och sedan testat hur man skulle kunna lösa adresseringen genom en automatiserad process och en statisk process. Resultatet visar att den automatiserade lösningen kräver lite mer förarbete och specificerad utrustning, men att arbetet därefter blir lätt att kontrollera, felsöka och dokumentera. Den statiska processen är mer rakt på sak och kräver ingen speciell utrustning, däremot kommer det bli svårt att kontrollera, felsöka och dokumentera då minsta förändring kan kräva mycket arbete där risken för komplikationer är stor. / When it became clear that the number of ipv4 addresses would not be enough, ipv6 was developed. With new features that had been adapted to the infrastructure that had been built up around the world, there was now a replacement for ipv4. But the differences are many and the protocols are not alike at all, especially when looking at the built-in functions. One of these new features in ipv6 is called Prefix Delegation, a simple and convenient way to automatically distribute parts of a larger network into smaller networks. Although there are simple and flexible way to implement this, the existing infrastructure of the Internet may not be so simple. The complexity of the infrastructure forces us to use a variety of routes, both static and dynamic. To get an understanding of how this can differ, we looked at an overview of how the infrastructure might look like and then tested how to solve the addressing through an automated process and a static process. The results shows that the automated solution requires a little more preparation and specified equipment, but the work then becomes easy to control, debug, and document. The static process is more straightforward and requires no special equipment, however, it will be difficult to control, debug, and document where the slightest change can require a lot of work where the risk of complications is great.

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