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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

XX a. žymių architektų ir inžinierių įtakos konstrukciniams statinių sprendiniams analizė / Analyzis of famous architects and engineers XX century who influenced structural decisions

Augustinavičius, Vytautas 22 July 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama XX a. žymių architektų ir inžinierių įtaka konstrukciniams statinių sprendiniams. Išnagrinėti pagrindiniai XX a. žymių architektų ir inžinierių darbo principai, kuriais remdamiesi jie darė įtaką konstrukciniams statinių sprendiniams. Baigiamajame darbe aptarti šių dviejų profesijų santykiai. Pateikiama XX a. architektūros ir inžinerijos raidos istorija. Išanalizuoti kelių architektūros stilių, dariusių įtaką konstrukcijoms, skirtumai, pateikiant jų ryšį su naujomis konstrukcijomis. Vertinant architektų ir inžinierių įtaką konstrukciniams statinių sprendiniams atsižvelgiama ne tik į jų objektus, bet ir į jų akademinę veiklą architektūros ir inžinerijos srityse. Darbe analizuojami objektai, kuriuose ryškiausiai atsispindi architektų ir inžinierių daroma įtaka naujų konstrukinių sprendinių nuosekliai integracijai į architektūrą, pabrėžiant konkrečius specialistų nuopelnus. Išnagrinėjus surinktą medžiagą, pateikiamas baigiamojo magistro darbo apibendrinimas ir išvados. / The influence of famous architects and engineers of the twenty-century for structural building’s decisions is analysed in this final master’s work. Their principals of work are analysed too. This final work talks about relations between architects and engineers, the process of architecture and engineering. Several architectonic styles differences, which made an influence to the structural, are analysed, as well as their relation with new structural. This final work talks not only about the objects of architects, but also about their academic activity in the sphere of architecture and engineering. This final work analyses objects, in which it can be seen the biggest influence of architects and engineers for the new structural decisions integration to the architecture. In this work there is a generalization and a conclusion.

Geosintetinių medžiagų panaudojimas formuojant šlaitus / Peculiarity of application of geosynthetics to form the slopes

Kalninia, Sandra 29 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėtas armuotų šlaitų pastovumą užtikrinančių geosintetinių gaminių kiekis ir stipris parenkant užpildą bei keičiant šlaito kampą. Siekiant padidinti šlaito pastovumą, nagrinėti tokie skaičiavimo atvejai: pirmas – kai šlaito užpildą sudaro birūs gruntai, kurių vidinės trinties kampas kinta φ = 38˚ ÷ 27˚, sankabumas c ir vienetinis grunto svoris γ pastovus; antras – kai vidinės trinties kampas kinta φ=38˚÷27˚, vienetinis grunto svoris kinta γ = 19,8 ÷ 15,1 [kN/m3], o sankabumas c pastovus; trečias – kai kinta sankabumas c = 10 ÷ 30 [kPa], o vidinės trinties kampas φ ir vienetinis grunto svoris γ pastovus; ketvirtas – kai kinta šlaito posvyrio kampas nuo 63° iki 45˚. Armuoti šlaitai sumodeliuoti ir paskaičiuoti „Stability“ programa, išnagrinėjus rezultatus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados. / In the master thesis it was analysed of reinforcement slopes stability controlled reduce the slope angle, change of fill properties. To increase the slope stability, consideration of such cases in the calculation: first – properties of fill: angle of friction change φ = 38˚ ÷ 27˚, cohesion c and unit weight of the soil γ are constant; second – properties of fill: angle of friction change φ = 38˚ ÷ 27˚, unit weight of the soil change γ = 19,8 ÷ 15,1 [kN/m3], cohesion c is constant; third – cohesion change c = 10 ÷ 30 [kPa], angle of friction φ and unit weight of the soil γ are constant; fourth – reduce the slope angle from 63° to 45˚. „Huesker – Stability „ program were used for calculation and design. After analysis of results, there were formulated an conclusion.

High Temperature Effect On Resistance Of Timber Structures / Aukštos temperatūros poveikis medinių konstrukcijų laikomajai galiai

Griškevičius, Mečislavas 19 November 2010 (has links)
The present dissertation and its main subjects inquires into the pine and oak timber strength property changes-temperature relations. It also explores the behaviour of slender timber elements in axial compression at higher temperatures; and the comparative analysis of obtained results. The work seeks to accomplish the following major tasks: to obtain test data about the influence of high temperature on the properties of different natural – pine and oak – timber; to investigate the behaviour of slender timber elements under axial compression exposed to fire. Taking into account the investigated real fire effect to correct accordingly the existing in LST EN 1995-1-2 procedure for the fire resistance calculation of timber slender elements in compression. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, general conclusions, a list of references, a list of author’s publications on the dissertation subject, and 2 Annexes. Chapter 1 provides a literature review. It focuses on the publications inquiring into the loss of strength properties by timber at higher temperatures, the fire resistance of timber structures in compression. The chapter ends with the formulation of conclusions and the adjustment of research tasks. Chapter 2 offers the methodology of the research on strength properties of timber at higher temperatures, and the schemes of the developed testing equipment. Chapter 3 presents the procedure of the research on the behaviour of slender timber elements... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami pušinės ir ąžuolinės medienos stipruminių savybių pokyčių temperatūriniai sąryšiai bei medinių centriškai gniuždomų liaunų elementų elgsena veikiant aukštesnėms temperatūroms. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra Lietuvos spygliuočių ir lapuočių medienos savybių pokyčiai didėjant temperatūrai ir centriškai gniuždomų liaunų medinių elementų elgsenos veikiant kaitrai eksperimentiniai tyrimai bei rezultatų lyginamoji analizė. Darbe spręsti tokie pagrindiniai uždaviniai: gauti eksperimentinius duomenis apie aukštos temperatūros poveikį skirtingos natūralios – pušinės ir ąžuolinės – medienos savybėms, atlikti centriškai gniuždomų liaunų medinių elementų elgsenos ugnyje tyrimus. Atsižvelgiant į tyrinėtą tikrovišką gaisro poveikį patikslinti esamą EN 1995-1-2 medinių liaunų gniuždomų elementų atsparumo ugniai skaičiavimo metodiką. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, penki skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir du priedai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros apžvalgai. Jame pateikta darbų, kuriuose nagrinėjamas aukštesnės temperatūros veikiamos medienos, stipruminių savybių mažėjimas ir kuriuose pateikiami gaisro sąlygomis gniuždomų medinių elementų laikomosios galios tyrimų rezultatai. Pabaigoje formuluotos išvados ir disertacijos tikslai ir uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikta medienos stipruminių savybių aukštesnėse temperatūrose tyrimo metodika ir sukurtų nestandartinių bandymo įrenginių schemos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Solutions for technological and economic problems of construction in the case of uncertainty / Technologinių ir ekonominių statybos uždavinių sprendimas neapibrėžtumo sąlygomis

Migilinskas, Darius 19 November 2010 (has links)
Uncertainty and risk management by means of classification, identification of sources, assessment of consequences and implementation of systematic means to reduce their impact and costs. Developed complex management of technological and economic problems of construction integrated into the automated design and management system of a building throughout the project life cycle. Automated management model and methodology for a construction project used to accumulate and correct data in the implementation of individual stages of a construction project and to analyse the alternatives of reducing the impact of uncertainties and risk on the final solution and results of a construction project developed. / Naudojant neapibrėžtumų ir rizikos valdymą (klasifikuojant, nustatant šaltinius, įvertinant pasekmes bei imantis sisteminių priemonių) sumažinama neapibrėžtumų įtaka ir papildomos projekto išlaidos. Sukurtas kompleksinis statybos technologinių ir ekonominių uždavinių neapibrėžtumų valdymas integruotas į pastato automatizuoto projektavimo ir valdymo sistemą per visą projekto gyvavimo laikotarpį. Sukurtas statybos projekto automatizuoto valdymo modelis ir metodika, kuriais remiantis kaupiami bei koreguojami duomenys įgyvendinant statybos projekto etapus bei analizuojamos alternatyvos mažinant neapibrėžtumų ir rizikos įtaką galutiniam statybos projekto sprendiniui bei rezultatui.

Asfaltbetonio mišinių gamybos technologinio proceso tyrimai / Analysis of technological process of asphalt concrete mixes

Šernienė, Evelina 10 June 2005 (has links)
This research paper covers the analysis of the main asphalt concrete production technological processes. It includes calculation of dosed materials for the asphalt concrete mix, as well as precision and stability of maintenance of temperature necessary for the technological process.

Išorės ir vidaus apdailos darbų automatizuotų sąmatinių skaičiavimų ir ekonominių resursų poreikio analizė / The analysis of automated estimate calculations and resources requerements for works of internal and external finishing

Sodeika, Mantas 13 June 2005 (has links)
This work deals with the computer aided design technology based on the concept of static graphical – information modeling, which has the following goal: to ensure the succession of the building design, its construction process and project maintenance management; to ensure the integrated management of graphical and information data flows under a unified software environment; to perform life cycle operations of a construction project better, cheaper, and faster. State-of-the-art automated design, to be more specific, computer aided design is based on Object Modeling Technique (OM): “from idea to a real object”. One of the fundamental innovations of this technology includes component modeling. While implementing this design the concept of the relation between a graphical – information model of a building and estimate calculations has been formulated; technique for classifying design elements and materials has been generated; necessary programming tools and data structures have been developed; integration of CAD OM and EP systems has been performed; technique for computer aided evaluation of economic indicators of a construction project has been composed, enabling to price a project interactively. For effective design, technological and organizational variants of construction finishing the proposed TOPSIS method has been selected.

Dangų degradacijos modeliai ir jų taikymas Lietuvos automobilių keliams / Models Of Pavement Deterioration And Their Adaptation To Lithuanian Automobile Roads

Braga, Aivaras 27 September 2005 (has links)
Planning road maintenance and development activities, prioritizing road construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation works, performing project economic evaluations, forecasting road operation expenditures and road user effect always requires prediction of pavement behaviour. For this purpose models of pavement deterioration are used. Commonly they are integrated in more sophisticated computational systems, known as Pavement Management systems (PMS) and Highway Development and Management systems (HDM). The implementation of these systems started in Lithuania shortly after the Re-establishment of the Independence. This was triggered by the violent drop in financing of the road sector, forcing to change obsolete road management strategy and planning approach. The need for project economic evaluations, transport modelling and long term pavement performance forecasts grew up after Lithuania joined the European Union and this brought the opportunity for financing road infrastructure projects from the EU funds. At present only on the Lithuanian state road network the total value of implemented projects, justified by evaluations and modelling with PMS, amounts to about 500 million Litas annually. Any Pavement Management System is just as good as the models within it, used for pavement deterioration prediction. The performed test calculations show that prediction models, currently used for this purpose in PMS we have in Lithuania, are of doubtful accuracy and have to be improved.

Iš anksto įtemptųjų gelžbetoninių elementų įtempių ir deformacijų apskaičiavimo sluoksnių modelis / Layer Model for Stress and Strain Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Members

Zamblauskaitė, Renata 11 November 2005 (has links)
Application of refined ultimate state theories and use of high strength materials have resulted in longer spans and smaller depths of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Consequently, the condition of the limiting deflection rather than the strength requirement often is the governing design criterion. Long-term deflections might be up to 3 to 4 times larger than the short-term deflections. Such increments are caused by complex physical effects such as concrete creep, shrinkage and cracking, bond defects, etc. Long-term concrete creep and shrinkage deformations govern prestress losses. Structural analysis can be carried out either by traditional design code methods or numerical techniques. Although design code methods ensure safe design, they have significant limitations. Different techniques are used for strength, deflection, crack width and prestress loss analyses. Besides, most of the simplified approaches do not assess such factors as concrete shrinkage, cracking or tension stiffening. Based on a large number of empirical expressions and factors, they lack physical interpretation and do not reveal the actual stress-strain state of cracked structures. On the other hand, numerical techniques are universal and can take into account each physical effect. However, inadequacies made in the prediction of each effect might lead to significant inaccuracies when integral magnitudes such as deflection are to be assessed. Consequently, the predictions by the numerical... [to full text]

Miesto struktūros įtaka energetinių resursų suvartojimui vežant keleivius / Influences of Urban Structures on Energy Resources Consumed by Passenger Transportation

Grigonis, Vytautas 11 November 2005 (has links)
A modern town is comprised of complex interrelations between socio-political, environmental and economical subsystems. Every city is a framework directed by local inhabitant’s needs and is filled with the ideas of local planners, local and global economical conditions and consequently it is crucial to find reasonable technological solutions. These solutions should shape the sustainable urban environment and the urban transport system is a substantial part of this environment. The quality and supply of transport services very closely relate to environmental aspects and are one of the main indicators showing the quality of life in cities. Transport is the most energy intensive sector of transport and is viewed as a key challenge for sustainable development. Transport causes pollution that has adverse effects on the environment at the local, regional and global levels and harms human health. Integrated approaches to transportation that include improved planning, demand management, fuel efficiency and cleaner fuels can help to meet transport’s challenges. There are three main groups of tools to reduce fuel consumption and emissions: technological, administrational, and planning. One of the main strategic objectives of the Lithuanian transport sector is development of its infrastructure, increase of transport flows and energy efficiency. Therefore, the Lithuanian policy is orientated to secured operation, traffic safety, reduction of environmental impacts, market regulation and... [to full text]

Statybinių konstrukcijų jungčių įtaka vibracijų silpimui / Influence of junctions on vibration attenuation,in building construction

Mickaitis, Marius 16 January 2006 (has links)
The thesis consists of general characteristics, list of notations, introduction, four main chapters, general conclusions, 56 pictures, 2 tables and list of references. The total scope of the dissertation is 106 pages.

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