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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hopping the Pond: The Normalization of North Atlantic Civil Aviation from its Origins to the Rise of the Jumbo Jet, 1919-1970

Nicklin, Sean January 2016 (has links)
Flight across the North Atlantic is a routine process now, with thousands of flights carrying millions of passengers between Europe and North America every year quickly, safely, and affordably. By some measures it remains the busiest international flight corridor in the world and the most profitable for airlines. Yet there were no planes capable of making the flight a mere century ago. Aviation underwent a period of rapid development and expansion during the twentieth century that transformed the North Atlantic from a barrier into a central corridor in the global air network. This dissertation examines the development of civil aviation on the North Atlantic from 1919 to 1970, focusing on political, economic, and technological factors. Transatlantic flight was a focus of aviation but the earliest planes lacked the range needed to make the crossing. Technological improvements let pioneering aviators cross the ocean by 1919, proving that it was possible though difficult without further advances. Infrastructure also needed to be further developed since the North Atlantic was a hostile environment, with bad weather and limited facilities for aircraft in emergencies. Until 1945, the governments of the North Atlantic region thoroughly explored, studied, and built the infrastructure to make regular transatlantic possible. Postwar, governments supported their airlines through further infrastructural improvements, subsidies, by funding aeronautics, and by complex negotiations with foreign countries to open the skies to passenger travel. By 1970, transatlantic flight was a routine endeavour enjoyed by the masses and supported by systems invisible to the average traveler.

La notion de sûreté à l'épreuve des spécificités des déplacements aériens et ferroviaires / The concept of "security" challenged by the specificities of air and rail travel

Lauga, Jean-Charles 21 December 2018 (has links)
Un siècle aura suffi à révolutionner les habitudes de transport des voyageurs grâce à la popularisation du rail puis de l’aviation civile. Cette révolution s’est accompagnée progressivement de nouvelles règles de protection des passagers notamment sur les aspects « sécuritaires ». L’objectif de ces travaux de recherche est de parvenir ainsi, à partir de l'étude juridique de la notion de la sûreté de l’aviation civile et de la notion de sûreté ferroviaire et des particularités inhérentes à ces deux modes de transport, à dresser une définition générale de la « sûreté des transports ». / It will have taken only one century to revolutionize the transport habits of travelers through the popularization of rail and then civil aviation. This revolution has gradually been accompanied by new passenger protection rules, particularly on "security" aspects. The goal of this research work is to draw up a general definition of "transport security" from the legal study of civil aviation security and of railway security concepts and the particularities of these two means of transport.

Návrh bezpečnostní studie jako prostředku ke zvyšování bezpečnosti civilního letectví v ČR / Draft safety studies as a tool to improve the safety of civil aviation in the Czech Republic

Tejkl, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is to create a safety study which can be used as a tool to improve the safety of civil aviation. In the theoretical part of this thesis consideration is given to important organizations that are involved in creating legislation for civil aviation. Further, organizations which investigate aviation events were carefully examined and subsequently compared (ÚZPLN and BEA). The second part of this thesis consists of an analysis of events from 2014 using the ECCAIRS database from which were obtained suitable topics for the draft safety study. Finally a draft outline safety study was created and applied to study a specific event associated with aircraft L13 SE/SW Vivat.

Mezinárodněprávní ochrana bezpečnosti civilního letectví / International protection of civil aviation safety

Michálek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Mezinárodněprávní ochrana bezpečnosti civilního letectví Abstrakt Předmětem této diplomové práce je právní úprava ochrany bezpečnosti v civilním letectví. Čtenáři se snaží poskytnout ucelený pohled na tuto problematiku ze všech úrovní právní úpravy. Práce je rozdělena do 3 částí, které by měly poskytnout celkový náhled na tuto oblast právní úpravy. Vzhledem k povaze letecké dopravy je největší část této práce věnována právě mezinárodněprávní úpravě. První část práce zasvěcuje čtenáře do historie civilního letectví a leteckého práva. Stranou nezůstávají ani mezinárodní organizace, jak vládní, tak nevládní, které napomáhají se zvyšováním standardu bezpečnosti. V závěru této části je popsána situace z hlediska mezinárodního práva veřejného velmi ožehavá, a to je sestřelení civilního letounu státem, včetně postoje některých států, respektive jejich právních řádů. Druhá část se zaměřuje na konkrétní právní instrumenty upravující security bezpečnost civilního letectví. Tato kapitola patří také především mezinárodněprávní úpravě, respektive konkrétním meznárodním smlouvám, které byly v oblasti bezpečnosti civilního letectví přijaty. Autor se zde však zastavuje i u vztahu jednotlivých právních úprav a u problematiky recepce mezinárodních standardů a doporučení do vnitrostátního práva. Poslední kapitola se věnuje...

Some aspects of the legal status of I.C.A.O. personnel

Sawicki, Manuela Lila January 1969 (has links)
No description available.

The European civil aviation conference

Stage, Edma January 1960 (has links)
Note: Extra Large

Оценка эффективности управления доходностью предприятий гражданской авиации на уровне рейсов : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of the efficiency of revenue managing of civil aviation enterprises at the flight level

Дивеева, Н. А., Diveyeva, N. A. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические основы, государственное регулирование систем управления доходностью предприятий гражданской авиации. Во второй главе проведен анализ текущего состояния систем управления доходностью, проведен анализ управления доходностью авиакомпании на уровне рейсов. В третьей главе разработан комплекс мероприятий по повышению доходности авиакомпании и дано их экономическое обоснование. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. The first chapter discusses the theoretical foundations, state regulation of civil aviation profitability management systems. The second chapter analyzes the current state of profitability management systems and analyzes the airline’s profitability management at the flight level. In the third chapter, a set of measures to increase the profitability of the airline is developed and their economic rationale is given.

Mezinárodněprávní ochrana bezpečnosti civilního letectví (zejména před činy ohrožujícími bezpečnost letectví). / International protection of civil aviation safety (in particular against acts endangering the safety of aviation)

Horká, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This study deals with the international civil aviation safety purely in the sense of,,security" which means protection against acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation. The thesis is composed of ten chapters. Chapter two is introductory and defines basic notions as aircraft piracy or aviation terrorism. Chapter three characterises main forms of acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation as they were regarded in the past as well as in nowadays. Chapter four is concerned with legal sources of the International Aviation Law. Chapter five describes origins of the international repressive system and provides interpretation of the most important international antiterrorism conventions. Chapter six focuses on the exercise of juridiction and extradition under the Tokyo Convention from 1963, the Hague Convention from 1970 and the Montreal Convention from 1971. The classification of unlawful acts against the civil aviation based on the responsibility for such acts is the object of the chapter seven.Chapter eight is the overview of safety standards and recommendations which have been made by international organizations. Chapter nine is talking about the preventive system of the aviation and contains two parts. First part speaks about its general principles and second part is dealing with the...

Mezinárodněprávní ochrana bezpečnosti civilního letectví (zejména před činy ohrožujícími bezpečnost letectví) / International protection of civil aviation safety (in particular against acts endangering the safety of aviation)

Sendlerová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
International protection of civil aviation safety(in particular against acts endangering the safety of aviation). This work deals with issues of the current scope of the international means of protection of civil aviation safety against acts which immediately threaten the safety of air transport. The work is based on the thesis that, through the available international instruments, the safety of civil aviation cannot be ensured. It seems that in practice the appropriate permission takes over UN Security Council, which its resolutions shall establish appropriate sanctions against States that support terrorism are guilty. The UN Security Council by its resolutions No. 731, 748 and 883 and 1192 created a precedent for the avoidance of any negotiations with terrorists, as provided for in the Montreal Convention. Through article 24 of the Charter of the United Nations is entitled to accept the UN Security Council resolution, which opposed the established multilateral antiterrorism Convention in the background. International protection of the safety of civil aviation is fragmented and does not meet the conditions of civil aviation in the atmosphere of 21 st. century. The optimal solution would be that States have established definitively, universally accepted definition of terrorism, which would become even...

Análise da inflamabilidade de têxteis de uniformes de aeronautas / Analysis of textile flammability of the flight crew uniform

Silva, Marcia Cristina 06 September 2018 (has links)
As condições de inflamabilidade estabelecidas nas normas aeronáuticas aplicadas aos têxteis integrantes da cabine de passageiros do avião, não são requeridas para aplicação aos uniformes dos aeronautas. No entanto, uma vez que faz parte da função da tripulação, notadamente os comissários de voo, o combate de fogo a bordo, mesmo que esse tipo de acidente não seja frequente em relação à totalidade dos acidentes em geral desse setor, esse fato direcionou o presente estudo para conhecer os limites dos materiais têxteis dos uniformes dos aeronautas com relação à inflamabilidade. Deste modo, foram objetivos: determinar a inflamabilidade (velocidade de queima) de amostra de tecidos profissionais e de amostras de peças de uniformes de aeronautas; caracterizar os tecidos profissionais e os que constituem peças de uniformes de aeronautas, através de testes de: composição, gramatura, número de fio por trama e urdume, ligamento, espessura do tecido, diâmetro de fios, densidade linear e torção; calcular o diâmetro do fio e fator de cobertura e correlacionar os valores obtidos de inflamabilidade com os valores da caracterização dos tecidos e parâmetros calculados. Os experimentos foram realizados em três tecidos profissionais e em oito peças de uniformes de aeronautas de companhias diferentes, doadas para este estudo, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas e visita técnica. A interpretação dos resultados obtidos foi realizada com aplicação de testes de normalidade de dados, igualdade de variâncias, ANOVA, teste T e teste não paramétrico de Kruskall-Wallis. Os resultados encontrados no presente estudo não se enquadram nos limites preconizados pela FAR25 para que o material seja qualificado auto extinguível. O menor valor de inflamabilidade foi de 0,742±0,140 (cm/s). Este resultado trata-se da média obtida da velocidade de queima das 10 amostras ensaiadas do tecido da peça P7 (calça masculina) na direção da trama. A composição da peça é uma mistura de 50% lã e 50% poliéster com gramatura de 225,12±5,02 (g/m2), densidade linear do fio de 36,61±1,48 (tex) e torção de 598,00±45,34(torções/m). O diâmetro do fio calculado pelo modelo de Peirce foi de 0,219 mm. O maior valor de inflamabilidade foi 3,698±1,806 (cm/s). Este resultado trata-se da média obtida da velocidade de queima das 10 amostras ensaiadas do tecido da peça P5 (camisa masculina) na direção da trama. A composição da peça é uma mistura de 67% poliéster e 33% algodão com gramatura de 108,72±2,39 (g/m2), densidade linear do fio de 15,88±1,27 (tex) e torção de 991,00±45,75 (torções/m). O diâmetro do fio calculado pelo modelo de Peirce foi de 0,148 mm. Influência da direção na velocidade de queima. A análise de variância com todos os fatores, não foi validada pela análise dos resíduos., entretanto a verificação da relação entre as variáveis explicativas direção, material e ligamento com a variável resposta velocidade de queima realizada com o agrupamento por características físicas específicas, resultou em análises validadas por seus resíduos.Influência da direção na velocidade de queima para grupo material 100% CO, ligamento tela, a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente igual na direção de trama e urdume, grupo material 100% PES, ligamento sarja, a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente diferente, sendo menor na direção da trama, grupo material 100% PES, ligamento tela, a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente diferente, sendo menor na direção do urdume, grupo material 67% PES/33% CO, ligamento sarja e material 67% PES/33% CO, ligamento tela, a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente igual na direção de trama e urdume e grupo material 50% WO /50% PES, ligamento tela, a elocidade de queima é igual na direção de trama e urdume. Influência do material na velocidade de queima:grupo ligamento sarja, direção trama a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente diferente, sendo menor para a composição algodão (100%CO), grupo ligamento sarja, direção urdume a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente diferente, sendo menor para o material algodão (100%CO), grupo ligamento tela,direção trama a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente igual para os materiais 100%CO, 100%PES, 67%PES/33%CO e 50%WO/50%PES, grupo ligamento tela, direção urdume a velocidade de queima é estatisticamente igual para o material 67%PES/33%CO. Assim sugestões para estudos futuros podem levar em conta construções mais fechadas de tecidos; construção de tecidos com fibras de origem vegetal ou animal ou misturas com fibras sintéticas (com ou sem aditivação de retardantes de chamas) para agregação de funcionalidade; mudanças na modelagem das peças; e estudar alteração na gramatura dos tecidos e da torção dos seus fios constituintes / The flammability conditions laid down in the aeronautical standards applied to the textiles forming part of the passenger cabin of the aircraft. But these standards are not required for application to crew uniforms. However, since it is part of the function of the crew, notably flight attendants, the fire fighting on board, even if this type of accident is not frequent in relation to all accidents in general in this sector, this fact directed the present study to know the limits of the textile materials of the uniforms of the aeronauts with respect to the flammability. Thus, the objectives were: to determine the flammability (burning rate) of professional fabric samples and samples of aeronaut uniform pieces; characterize the professional fabrics and those that constitute parts of uniforms of aeronauts, through tests of: composition, weights, number of threads per weft and warp, weaving, fabric thickness, yarn diameter, linear density and torsion; calculate the yarn diameter and coverage factor and correlate the values of flammability obtained with the tissue characterization values and calculated parameters. The experiments were carried out in three professional fabrics and in eight pieces of uniforms of aeronauts from different companies donated for this study, in addition to semi-structured interviews and technical visits. The interpretation of the obtained results was carried out with application of tests of normality of data, equality of variances, ANOVA and response surface. The results found in the present study do not fit within the limits recommended by FAR25 for the material to be qualified self-extinguishing. The lowest flammability value was 0.742 ± 0.140 (cm/s). This result is the mean obtained from the burning rate of the 10 samples tested from the fabric of the P7 piece (male trousers) in the direction of the weft. The composition of the piece is a mixture of 50% wool and 50% polyester with a weight of 225.12 ± 5.02 (g/m2), linear yarn density of 36.61 ± 1.48 (tex) and a twist of 598.00 ± 45.34 (torsions/m). The yarn diameter calculated by the Peirce model was 0.219 mm. The highest flammability value was 3.698 ± 1.806 (cm/s). This result is the mean obtained from the burning rate of the 10 samples tested from the fabric of the piece P5 (male shirt) in the direction of the weft. The composition of the piece is a mixture of 67% polyester and 33% cotton with weights of 108.72 ± 2.39 (g/m2), linear yarn density of 15.88 ± 1.27 (tex) and twisting of 991.00 ± 45.75 (torsions/m). The wire diameter calculated by the Peirce model was 0.148 mm. The analysis of variance with all the factors was not validated by the residue analysis. However, the relationship between the explanatory variables \"direction\", \"material\" and \"ligament\" with the variable \"burning rate\" grouping by specific physical characteristics, resulted in analyzes validated by their residues. Influence of the \"direction\" on the \"burning rate\" for group \"material 100% CO, plain weave\", the burning speed is statistically equal in the direction of warp and weft, group \" material 100% PES, twill weave, burning rate is a statistically different one, being smaller in the direction of the weft, group \"material 100% PES, plain weave\", the burning speed is statistically different, being smaller in the direction of the warp, group \"material 67% PES / 33% CO, twill weave and \"material 67% PES / 33% CO, plain weave\", the burning speed is statistically equal in the direction of warp and warp and group \"material 50% WO / 50% PES, plain weave\", the speed of burn is equal in the direction of warp and warp. Influence of the material on the burning rate: group twill weave, direction weft burning rate is statistically different, being smaller to material 100% CO, group twill weave, direction warp burning rate is statiscally different, being smaller to material 100% CO, group plain weave, direction weft, burning rate is statiscally equal to material 100% CO, 100% PES, 67%/33%CO and 50%WO/50%PES, group plain weave, direction warp burning rate is statiscally equal to material 67%PES/33%CO. Thus suggestions for future studies may take into account more closed constructions of tissues; fabric construction with fibers of vegetable or animal origin or mixtures with synthetic fibers (with or without additives of flame retardants) for aggregation of functionality; changes in the modeling of parts; and to study alteration in the weight of the tissues and the torsion of their constituent yarns

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