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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discurso e representação sobre as práticas rituais dos esparciatas e dos seus basileus na Lacedemônia, do século V a.C. / Discourse and representation about the ritual practices of spartiates and their basileis in Lacedaemon, in the Fifth Century B.C.

Luis Filipe Bantim de Assumpção 21 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A história da pólis de Esparta como, por vezes, nos foi apresentada tomou uma perspectiva historiográfica dotada de pressupostos Atenocêntricos, os quais acabaram apresentando-a como rústica, dotada de uma economia e uma cultura estática e demasiadamente inclinada às atividades militares. No entanto, através de nossa pesquisa verificamos que as práticas político-culturais dos cidadãos de Esparta eram dinâmicas, para sua época. Seguindo por esse viés, verificamos que as representações de Esparta, sobretudo dos esparciatas e dos seus basileus, variaram de acordo com o grupo social e o contexto histórico em que foram empregadas. Com isso, observamos que embora os cidadãos de Esparta tenham sido, em algumas circunstâncias, criticados pelos pensadores antigos, esta não foi uma tendência hegemônica. Sendo assim, mediante os indícios da documentação literária do período Clássico, notamos que os esparciatas e os seus basileus teriam sido homens dotados de um habitus tradicional, o qual valorizava o aprimoramento físico e mental, assim como a responsabilidade com os deveres sagrados. Através da interação entre os vestígios documentais e dos estudos historiográficos mapeamos parte das representações de Esparta que figuraram os diversos discursos no decorrer da história do Ocidente, no intuito de materializarmos as possíveis motivações político-culturais nas apropriações do habitus espartano. Por conseguinte, recorremos à documentação literária para entendermos como parte dos pensadores clássicos concebeu, por meio de uma memória ancestral, a formação da região da Lacedemônia e da pólis de Esparta, a qual teria se dado concomitantemente com a legitimação político-cultural da identidade étnica dos basileus e dos esparciatas. Por fim, analisamos as práticas rituais em honra ao deus Apolo como um mecanismo empregado pelos segmentos sociais hegemônicos da Lacedemônia para ratificar o seu poder político frente a grupos sociais submetidos. / The history of Sparta sometimes was presented in Athenocentric perspective, which considered Sparta as a rustic society, with static economy and culture, leaning only military activities. However, our research has shown that policies and cultural practices of the citizens of Sparta were dynamic for his time. Following in this way, we find that the representations of Sparta, especially the spartiates and its basileis, ranged according to the historical and social context. Thus, we observe that although the citizens of Sparta were criticized by some ancient thinkers, this wasnt a hegemonic tendency. Upon the evidence of Classical literary documentation, we note that the spartiates and their basileis were men endowed with a traditional habitus, which valued the physical and mental improvement, but also the responsibility to the sacred duties. Through interaction between documentary traces and historiographical studies we charted part of Sparta that figured the discourses throughout the history of the West, in order to materialize the possible political and cultural motivations in the appropriations of Spartans habitus. Therefore, we refer to literary documentation to understand as part of classical thinkers conceived the formation of Lacedaemon region and the polis of Sparta, which would have given concomitantly with the cultural and political legitimation of ethnic identity of the basileus and the spartiates. Finally, we analyze the rituals practices in honor of the god Apollo as a mechanism employed to ratify the political power of hegemonic social segments of Lacedaemon against the subjected social groups.

Lá vem a noiva: o epithalamium suas configurações do período helenístico à era flaviana / There comes the bride: the configurations of the \'epithalamium\' from the Hellenistic age through the Flavian period

Erika Pereira Nunes Werner 25 February 2011 (has links)
Esta tese dedica-se ao estudo do gênero poético conhecido como epithalamium, \"epitalâmio\", e sua presença entre as composições poéticas supérstites localizadas temporalmente entre o início do período helenístico e o fim da Antigüidade Clássica. Neste estudo, são analisadas composições poéticas gregas e latinas com o objetivo de identificar as características que seriam associadas a esse gênero ao longo desses séculos. / This doctoral thesis is a study about the poetical genre known as epithalamium and its occurrence among the transmitted poetical compositions located between the beginning of the Hellenistic period and the end of the classical antiquity. Greek and Latin poetical compositions are analysed in order to identify the main characteristics that are supposed to be associated to that genre during that time

An archaeology of memory : the 'reinvention' of Roman sarcophagi in Provence during the Middle Ages

Wyche, Rose-Marie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an exercise in the archaeology of memory. It investigates the reuse and ‘reinvention’ of late antique sarcophagi during the Middle Ages in the southern part of Gaul, with a particular emphasis on their reinvention for saints. The region of Provence has a large number of sarcophagi reused for the burial of saints (at least 20), including many of its most important holy figures such as Mary Magdalene, Cassian and Honorat. I shall analyse three groups of sites: the Alyscamps in Arles, Saint-Maximin and Tarascon (the sites connected with Mary Magdalene and her companions) and the monastery of Saint Victor in Marseille. In each case, the sarcophagi became part of an invented narrative created around the imagined antiquity of the site. These narratives varied significantly: some were monastic, others episcopal or biblical, still others heroic: but all were created around antique sarcophagi. Antiquities thus became monumental realms of memory for individuals and events that were thought to have been of significant historical importance in Provence. They formed part of the popular history and collective identity of the region. I will show that their association with saints changed the very function of these objects, as many were no longer seen simply as tombs but also as relics in their own right. I use a variety of sources to help reconstruct this imagined history, particularly saints’ vitae that often provide information about cults, particularly regarding the location of sarcophagi and sometimes even details of miracles that they produced, but also medieval chartae, sermons, and pilgrims’ descriptions of sites and rituals. The results of this study show that sarcophagi were of major importance in the religious history of Provence during the Middle Ages, as they became "proof" of the antiquity of local cults and of the histories based on these legends that the region created for itself. My work contributes to our knowledge of medieval Provence and the history of its collections of sarcophagi.

Ends of the Mahābhārata

Shalom, Naama January 2012 (has links)
The assertion that the Mahābhārata (MBh) narrative is innately incapable of achieving a conclusion has attained the status of a disciplinary truism in the epic’s study. My thesis challenges this prevalent assumption by proposing an un-investigated path of inquiry into the philological, historical, literary and semantic aspects of the epic. The thesis discusses the ending of the MBh, the Svargārohaṇa parvan (SĀ) by exploring several trajectories: the study of the SĀ in epic scholarship; its reception in the later tradition in Sanskrit literature; and finally, the problematic aspects of the SĀ and its relation to the rest of the narrative. It first points out that in comparison to other MBh episodes, the SĀ has been received with significant disregard or suppression in the literature commenting on the epic. Second, it characterizes the nature of the suppression of the SĀ in each of the three literary strands commenting on the MBh (epic scholarship, Sanskrit adaptations and theoretical discourses). It argues that all of these considerations, which are external to the MBh, have tended, in various modes, to suppress, ignore or overlook the importance of the SĀ. The thesis then proceeds to argue that on the most significant and internal level of the text itself, the SĀ is intrinsically consistent with the rest of the MBh narrative, and that this makes it thematically integral to the text as a whole. This argument derives from the importance with which this study addresses the moment of the condemnation of dharma in the SĀ, and is furthered by a philological and semantic study, as well as textual analyses of the multiple occurrences of the Sanskrit verb garh throughout the MBh. The use of this verb by the epic protagonist, Yudhiṣṭhira, in condemning his father, Dharma, at the last scenes of the SĀ comprises a key moment that bears significant and myriad implications upon the understanding of this pivotal concept (dharma), to which the entire epic is devoted.

Hekate, de deusa ctônica dos atenienses do período clássico à deusa da feitiçaria no imaginário social do Ocidente / Hekate, the chthonic goddess of the Athenians of the classical period to the goddess of witchcraft in the western social imaginary

Tricia Magalhães Carnevale 12 April 2012 (has links)
Nosso eixo temático se desenvolve a partir do questionamento do epíteto de Deusa da Feitiçaria atribuído tardiamente à deidade grega Hekate. A partir do período Clássico em Atenas iniciaram-se críticas às práticas mágico-religiosas cujo objetivo era fazer mal ao inimigo; realizadas por indivíduos (mágoi - magos) os quais também sabiam utilizá-las para a cura, como o uso das phármaka (ervas). O desenvolvimento da Escola de Medicina Hipocrática, no período Clássico, e seus tratados médicos, se configuram como uma das críticas direcionadas aos mágoi e das divindades que evocavam em suas práticas mágicas. Um tratado em especial, Da Doença Sagrada, combate a divinização da epilepsia e as práticas curativas desta enfermidade através da persuasão dos deuses. Platão também teceu críticas aos que ofereciam seus serviços mágicos de porta em porta por uma pequena quantia. Acreditamos que a partir dessas críticas se desenvolveu no imaginário social ateniense a relação entre a deusa grega Hekate e a magia de fazer mal ao inimigo cuja permanência é observada nos dias atuais. Nosso arcabouço teórico constitui-se dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo filósofo polonês Bronislaw Baczko no verbete imaginação social na Enciclopedia Einaudi. / Our main theme is developed from the questioning of the epithet "Goddess of Witchcraft" later attributed to the Greek deity Hecate. From the Classical period in Athens began criticism of magic-religious practices whose aim was to hurt the enemy, held by individuals (magoi - wizards) who also knew how to use them for healing, such as the use of phármaka (herbs). The development of the Hippocratic School of Medicine in the Classical period, and his medical treatises, are configured as one of the criticisms directed at magoi and deities that evoked in their magical practices. A treated particular, The Sacred Disease, the combating of deification of epilepsy and healing practices of this disease by the persuasion of the gods. Plato also made criticism of the magicians who offered their services door to door for a small fee. We believe that from these criticisms developed in the social relationship between the Athenian Greek goddess Hecate and magic to hurt the enemy, whose residence is observed today. Our theoretical framework is made up of the concepts developed by Polish philosopher Bronislaw Baczko social imagination in the entry in the Encyclopedia Einaudi.

A recepção da antiguidade nas Inscripções e tradições da America prehistorica de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1930-1939)

Silva, Guilherme Dias da January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o imaginário da ocupação pré-colombiana das Américas por parte das civilizações do Mediterrâneo antigo, nomeadamente grega e fenícia, tal como abordada nas Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). As Inscripções, publicadas entre 1930-1939, são o resultado de décadas de pesquisa do autor sobre esta teoria, especulada no século XIX nos círculos da arqueologia brasileira, mas que por ocasião do fim do século caída em descrédito. Esta obra, publicada pela Imprensa Nacional com subsídios governamentais, é o último momento onde o imaginário da Antiguidade brasileira ainda encontrou algum respaldo institucional, passando a partir daí a persistir apenas em meios pseudohistóricos e pseudocientíficos, entre outros. Concluiu-se que a argumentação das Inscripções é marcada por um discurso de resignificação do território nacional e seus monumentos, e constituía uma tentativa de valorização do passado nacional através da vinculação com as culturas da Antiguidade. / This thesis deals with the imagery of pre-Columbian colonization of the Americas by the ancient Mediterranean civilizations, such as Greek and Phoenician, as seen on the work Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, (Inscriptions and Traditions of Prehistoric America) de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). That work, published between 1930-1939, was the result of decades of research on that theory, which was entertained by some circles of Brazilian archaeology on the 19th century but later discredited. The Inscripções, published by the Imprensa Nacional (National Press) with governmental funding, is the last moment in which the imagery of Brazilian Antiquity still found some institutional support, later belonging only to pseudohistorical and pseudoscientifical speculation. It was concluded that the argumentation of the Inscripções consists of a strong discourse of reinterpretation of the country and its monuments, and that it attempted to enhance the national past by linking it with the cultures of Classical Antiquity.

Hekate, de deusa ctônica dos atenienses do período clássico à deusa da feitiçaria no imaginário social do Ocidente / Hekate, the chthonic goddess of the Athenians of the classical period to the goddess of witchcraft in the western social imaginary

Tricia Magalhães Carnevale 12 April 2012 (has links)
Nosso eixo temático se desenvolve a partir do questionamento do epíteto de Deusa da Feitiçaria atribuído tardiamente à deidade grega Hekate. A partir do período Clássico em Atenas iniciaram-se críticas às práticas mágico-religiosas cujo objetivo era fazer mal ao inimigo; realizadas por indivíduos (mágoi - magos) os quais também sabiam utilizá-las para a cura, como o uso das phármaka (ervas). O desenvolvimento da Escola de Medicina Hipocrática, no período Clássico, e seus tratados médicos, se configuram como uma das críticas direcionadas aos mágoi e das divindades que evocavam em suas práticas mágicas. Um tratado em especial, Da Doença Sagrada, combate a divinização da epilepsia e as práticas curativas desta enfermidade através da persuasão dos deuses. Platão também teceu críticas aos que ofereciam seus serviços mágicos de porta em porta por uma pequena quantia. Acreditamos que a partir dessas críticas se desenvolveu no imaginário social ateniense a relação entre a deusa grega Hekate e a magia de fazer mal ao inimigo cuja permanência é observada nos dias atuais. Nosso arcabouço teórico constitui-se dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo filósofo polonês Bronislaw Baczko no verbete imaginação social na Enciclopedia Einaudi. / Our main theme is developed from the questioning of the epithet "Goddess of Witchcraft" later attributed to the Greek deity Hecate. From the Classical period in Athens began criticism of magic-religious practices whose aim was to hurt the enemy, held by individuals (magoi - wizards) who also knew how to use them for healing, such as the use of phármaka (herbs). The development of the Hippocratic School of Medicine in the Classical period, and his medical treatises, are configured as one of the criticisms directed at magoi and deities that evoked in their magical practices. A treated particular, The Sacred Disease, the combating of deification of epilepsy and healing practices of this disease by the persuasion of the gods. Plato also made criticism of the magicians who offered their services door to door for a small fee. We believe that from these criticisms developed in the social relationship between the Athenian Greek goddess Hecate and magic to hurt the enemy, whose residence is observed today. Our theoretical framework is made up of the concepts developed by Polish philosopher Bronislaw Baczko social imagination in the entry in the Encyclopedia Einaudi.

A recepção da antiguidade nas Inscripções e tradições da America prehistorica de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1930-1939)

Silva, Guilherme Dias da January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o imaginário da ocupação pré-colombiana das Américas por parte das civilizações do Mediterrâneo antigo, nomeadamente grega e fenícia, tal como abordada nas Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). As Inscripções, publicadas entre 1930-1939, são o resultado de décadas de pesquisa do autor sobre esta teoria, especulada no século XIX nos círculos da arqueologia brasileira, mas que por ocasião do fim do século caída em descrédito. Esta obra, publicada pela Imprensa Nacional com subsídios governamentais, é o último momento onde o imaginário da Antiguidade brasileira ainda encontrou algum respaldo institucional, passando a partir daí a persistir apenas em meios pseudohistóricos e pseudocientíficos, entre outros. Concluiu-se que a argumentação das Inscripções é marcada por um discurso de resignificação do território nacional e seus monumentos, e constituía uma tentativa de valorização do passado nacional através da vinculação com as culturas da Antiguidade. / This thesis deals with the imagery of pre-Columbian colonization of the Americas by the ancient Mediterranean civilizations, such as Greek and Phoenician, as seen on the work Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, (Inscriptions and Traditions of Prehistoric America) de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). That work, published between 1930-1939, was the result of decades of research on that theory, which was entertained by some circles of Brazilian archaeology on the 19th century but later discredited. The Inscripções, published by the Imprensa Nacional (National Press) with governmental funding, is the last moment in which the imagery of Brazilian Antiquity still found some institutional support, later belonging only to pseudohistorical and pseudoscientifical speculation. It was concluded that the argumentation of the Inscripções consists of a strong discourse of reinterpretation of the country and its monuments, and that it attempted to enhance the national past by linking it with the cultures of Classical Antiquity.

A recepção da antiguidade nas Inscripções e tradições da America prehistorica de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1930-1939)

Silva, Guilherme Dias da January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda o imaginário da ocupação pré-colombiana das Américas por parte das civilizações do Mediterrâneo antigo, nomeadamente grega e fenícia, tal como abordada nas Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). As Inscripções, publicadas entre 1930-1939, são o resultado de décadas de pesquisa do autor sobre esta teoria, especulada no século XIX nos círculos da arqueologia brasileira, mas que por ocasião do fim do século caída em descrédito. Esta obra, publicada pela Imprensa Nacional com subsídios governamentais, é o último momento onde o imaginário da Antiguidade brasileira ainda encontrou algum respaldo institucional, passando a partir daí a persistir apenas em meios pseudohistóricos e pseudocientíficos, entre outros. Concluiu-se que a argumentação das Inscripções é marcada por um discurso de resignificação do território nacional e seus monumentos, e constituía uma tentativa de valorização do passado nacional através da vinculação com as culturas da Antiguidade. / This thesis deals with the imagery of pre-Columbian colonization of the Americas by the ancient Mediterranean civilizations, such as Greek and Phoenician, as seen on the work Inscripções e Tradições da America Prehistorica, (Inscriptions and Traditions of Prehistoric America) de Bernardo de Azevedo da Silva Ramos (1858-1931). That work, published between 1930-1939, was the result of decades of research on that theory, which was entertained by some circles of Brazilian archaeology on the 19th century but later discredited. The Inscripções, published by the Imprensa Nacional (National Press) with governmental funding, is the last moment in which the imagery of Brazilian Antiquity still found some institutional support, later belonging only to pseudohistorical and pseudoscientifical speculation. It was concluded that the argumentation of the Inscripções consists of a strong discourse of reinterpretation of the country and its monuments, and that it attempted to enhance the national past by linking it with the cultures of Classical Antiquity.

Language and the body in the performance reception of Senecan tragedy

Slaney, Helen January 2013 (has links)
Seneca’s contribution to the development of Western European theatre and conceptions of theatricality has been underestimated in comparison to that of Greek tragedy. This thesis argues for the continuous importance of Senecan drama in theatrical theory and practice from the sixteenth century until the present day. It examines significant instances of Seneca in performance, and shows how these draw on particular aspects of Seneca’s style and dramaturgical technique to coalesce into a sub-genre of tragedy termed here ‘hypertragedy’ or the ‘senecan aesthetic’. The underlying premise of this representational mode is that verbal (vocal) performance is a physical act and induces physical responses. This entails the consequential inference that Senecan theatre is not mimetic – that is, based on an isomorphic identification of character with performer – but rather affective; like oratory, it functions through direct, quasi-musical manipulation of the auditor’s senses. The goal of this theatrical form is to articulate extreme states of mind or experiences which cannot be conveyed via conventional mimetic means: pain, frenzy, dissolution of the self. In tracing the theories of tragedy which comprise a narrative contrapuntal to the reception of Seneca onstage, it is possible to identify the factors which have successively constructed, promoted, suppressed, reviled and finally reinstated the senecan aesthetic as philhellenism’s other.

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