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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I Fasti sacri di Sforza Pallavicino: edizione e commento

APOLLONIO, SILVIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Con l’edizione commentata di un’opera giovanile di Sforza Pallavicino, il poema inedito e incompleto 'I fasti sacri', si cerca di fornire una ulteriore tessera utile a comprendere e definire le caratteristiche della poetica del circolo barberiniano nella Roma di inizio Seicento. In apertura dell’opera il 'Discorso intorno al seguente poema' raccoglie le dichiarazioni esplicite della poetica del Pallavicino, a partire dalla riflessione di Tasso sul poema; seguono poi sette canti, ognuno dei quali è anticipato e riassunto da un 'Soggetto' in prosa. In essi l’autore, sul modello dei 'Fasti' di Ovidio, rilegge il calendario in chiave cristiana, raccontando le vicende dei principali santi e martiri di ogni mese. La stesura del testo, sotto la supervisione di Papa Urbano VIII, sembra avvicinarsi alle operazioni di revisione del 'Martyrologium Romanum', in particolare all’edizione voluta dallo stesso Urbano nel 1630. L’opera, in stretta sintonia con la 'Poetica sacra' di Giovanni Ciampoli ma che dialoga anche con altri testi del classicismo barberiniano, si propone come alternativa alla poesia avvertita come lasciva e mendace della scuola marinista, in un’opposizione spesso polemica, ma che mostra a volte alcune interessanti consonanze con le opere di Marino stesso e di alcuni esponenti del marinismo moderato. / The commented edition of the unpublished and unfinished poem ‘I fasti sacri’, written by Sforza Pallavicino in the first years of his poetic activity, proposes new interesting information about Barberini’s circle in Rome, at the beginning of XVII century. Explicit definitions on poetic matter are in the ‘Discorso intorno al seguente poema’, with argumentations taken from the theoretical consideration on the epic poem by Tasso. On the model of Ovid’s ‘Fasti’, throughout seven cantos, each one anticipated by a subject in prose, the author covers the Christian calendar narrating the stories of some important saints and martyrs, in the same years of the revision of ‘Martyrologium Romanum’ promoted by the Pope Urban VIII. The poem, extremely close to ‘Poetica sacra’ by Giovanni Ciampoli but also in dialogue with other works of the classicism of Barberini’s circle, proposes itself as an alternative to Marino’s poetry, perceived like lascivious and mendacious. Notwithstanding an often polemic opposition to Secentismo, the text reveals some interesting consonances with Marino’s works, as well as with other authors of the moderate Marinism.

Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov: uma apresentação / Introducing: Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov

Frate, Rafael Nogueira de Carvalho 11 November 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a esboçar a primeira apresentação em língua portuguesa de uma das mais importantes figuras do pensamento, letras e educação da Rússia, absolutamente central em seu desenvolvimento técnico, científico e literário, Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov. Nele, juntamente com uma introdução provendo uma contextualização geral do século XVIII russo, seguida de um panorama biográfico do polímata centrado em sua produção literária e findada em um relato sobre sua contribuição para a formação da língua russa moderna, são apresentadas as traduções integrais de quatro obras suas na área das letras, duas das quais poemas longos acrescidos de comentários, bem como outras traduções secundárias ilustrativas da primeira parte. / The goal of the present work is to provide a sketch presenting for the first time in Portuguese language one of the most important individuals in Russian thought, language and education, who played a fundamental role in the technological, scientific and literary development of the country, Mikhail Vasilievitch Lomonosov. Here, along with an introduction containing a general outline of 18th century Russia, followed by a biographical overview of the polymath and ending in an account of his main contributions to the shaping of the modern Russian language, four full translations of his works in the realm of letters are presented, two of which duly commented long poems, as well as minor secondary translations, illustrating the first part.

Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov: uma apresentação / Introducing: Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov

Rafael Nogueira de Carvalho Frate 11 November 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a esboçar a primeira apresentação em língua portuguesa de uma das mais importantes figuras do pensamento, letras e educação da Rússia, absolutamente central em seu desenvolvimento técnico, científico e literário, Mikhail Vassílievitch Lomonóssov. Nele, juntamente com uma introdução provendo uma contextualização geral do século XVIII russo, seguida de um panorama biográfico do polímata centrado em sua produção literária e findada em um relato sobre sua contribuição para a formação da língua russa moderna, são apresentadas as traduções integrais de quatro obras suas na área das letras, duas das quais poemas longos acrescidos de comentários, bem como outras traduções secundárias ilustrativas da primeira parte. / The goal of the present work is to provide a sketch presenting for the first time in Portuguese language one of the most important individuals in Russian thought, language and education, who played a fundamental role in the technological, scientific and literary development of the country, Mikhail Vasilievitch Lomonosov. Here, along with an introduction containing a general outline of 18th century Russia, followed by a biographical overview of the polymath and ending in an account of his main contributions to the shaping of the modern Russian language, four full translations of his works in the realm of letters are presented, two of which duly commented long poems, as well as minor secondary translations, illustrating the first part.


BINDA, LAURA 22 May 2017 (has links)
Nuovi dati e considerazioni sulla biografia e gli scritti di Carlo Bianconi che emergono principalmente dallo spoglio di materiale archivistico inedito. Con questo studio viene ad essere chiarita la fase formativa di Bianconi cresciuto in una casa di bibliofili e collezionisti d’arte. Aggiornato sulle elaborazioni teoriche di Winckelmann e Mengs entrambi conosciuti personalmente, lo vedono progressivamente avvicinarsi e aderire ai modi del classicismo, mediato anche dal rapporto instaurato con Francesco Algarotti, a cui viene in questa sede ridato valore. Uno spiraglio viene aperto sul biennio trascorso a Roma, la frequentazione del cardinale Albani e sul viaggio a Napoli con importanti risvolti per la sua maturazione intellettuale. Seguono i motivi della scelta di Bianconi a segretario dell’Accademia di Brera, le sue iniziative a livello didattico e il rapporto con Carlo di Firmian. Vengono, di volta in volta ricordati i suoi numerosi corrispondenti, la sua produzione figurativa e soprattutto commentati i suoi scritti editi (guide di Bologna e Milano) e inediti (Vitruvio, scritti teorici sull’origine dell’architettura e dell’incisione, orazioni) e riconsiderata la collaborazione all’Enciclopedia Metodica di Pietro Zani. Artista, collezionista, scrittore d’arte e insegnante, immerso in una temperie di matrice razionalista è precoce assertore dei dettami del nuovo gusto per il classico. / New information and analysis about Carlo Bianconi’s biography and writings mainly appear from unpublished archival material bare. This work allows to clarify the education of Bianconi, who grew up in a family of bibliophiles and art collectors. He kept abreast of theoretical development of Winckelmann and Mengs, who personally knew and he gradually moved closer and accepted the models of the classicism that was also mediated by the relationship established with Francesco Algarotti, who is here reevaluate. Regarding his two-year period spent in Rome, the relationship with the Cardinal Albani and moreover his trip to Naples, a glimmer is opened, with important implications for his intellectual maturity. Furthermore, there are: the reason regarding the choice of Bianconi as Secretary of the Academy of Brera, his educational initiatives and the relationship with Carlo di Firmian. From time to time, his many correspondents, his figurative works of art and especially his published writings were commented (for example the guide of Bologna and Milan) and his unpublished writings (such as Vitruvius, theoretical writings on the origin of architecture and engraving, orations) are remembered and also the collaboration with the Enciclopedia Metodica of Pietro Zani is reconsidered. Artist, collector, art writer and teacher, immersed in a climate of a Rationalism, he is a early supporter of the new taste for the classic.

Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Mezi manýrou a barokem. / Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Between Mannerism and Baroque.

Hlušičková, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation evaluated the formal, stylistic and contextual analysis of the painting oeuvre of the Cremonese native Antonio Campi. Monographic elaboration of Campi's oeuvre complement to the existing range of syntheses a number of information that has been in the literature so far omitted. The work assessed Antonio's oeuvre on the revision of archival material preserved in Milanese and Cremonese state and church archives, as well as by the means of thorough study of the secondary literature. Chronology of Campi's production was based on the stylistic and formal analysis and at the same time it has been enriched by a number of comparisons of the Lombardy-Ligurian region. Perspective at Antonio's oeuvre was accompanied by drawings and panel paintings that have emerged in the art market in recent years. With this thorough analysis, it became clear that the simple definition of an older Italian scientific literature that had Antonio Campi understood as a painter, who by his work formed the basis of Caravaggio chiaroscuro approach in the last decades of the 16th century and in the early years of the 17th age, proved to be inaccurate. It became clear that with this view we can not identify ourselves any more. Constant changes in mood, surprise, unpredictability, restlessness and individuality, the...


ANA PAULA GONCALVES PONTES 06 April 2005 (has links)
[pt] O Movimento Moderno da arquitetura afirmou-se nas primeiras décadas do século XX como proposta de ruptura radical com o passado, desejando instaurar uma nova estética afinada com o espírito da era industrial. Sem desconsiderar as profundas transformações que a nova linguagem operou na arquitetura, este trabalho busca investigar os possíveis diálogos entre obras modernas e a tradição clássica, tendo em vista edifícios de arquitetos brasileiros. A discussão insere-se no debate recente da historiografia brasileira, que busca abordar a arquitetura moderna sob seus múltipos aspectos, valorizando as qualidades ambivalentes que tornam as obras mais complexas e interessantes, como já vem fazendo há mais tempo a crítica internacional, sobretudo com as interpretações que apontam para as relações de Le Corbusier com a tradição clássica. Dentre as obras destacadas na análise estão a sede do Ministério da Educação e Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (1936), de Lucio Costa e equipe, com consultoria de Le Corbusier; os palácios de Brasília de Oscar Niemeyer (Alvorada, Planalto e Supremo Tribunal Federal, 1957-58); e o edifício da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (1962-69), de Vilanova Artigas. A escolha de exemplos representativos e ao mesmo tempo variados da produção brasileira permite compreender as diversas formas com que a arquitetura moderna se relacionou com a tradição clássica, especialmente nos momentos em que desejou corporificar nos edifícios os ideais emblemáticos de seu tempo histórico. / [en] The Modern Movement in Architecture gained ground in the first decades of the 20th Century as a proposal of radical rupture with the past, willing to establish a new aesthetic in tune with the spirit of the industrial era. Not wanting to disregard the deep changes which the new language produced in architecture, this dissertation aims to investigate the possible dialogues between modern works and classical tradition, having in mind buildings of Brazilian architects. The discussion is inserted in the recent debate of Brazilian historiography, which intends to approach the modern architecture taking into account its multiple aspects, highlighting ambivalent qualities which make the works more complex and interesting, as the international critic has been showing for some time, especially with the interpretation that points to the relations between Le Corbusier and the classical tradition. Among the works distinguished in this analysis are the headquarters building of Ministério da Educação e Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (Education and Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, 1936), by Lucio Costa and his team, with consultancy of Le Corbusier; the palaces of Brasília by Oscar Niemeyer (Alvorada, Planalto and Supreme Federal Court, 1957-58) 1957-58) Court and the building of the FAU/USP (College of Architecture and Urbanism of São (College of Architecture and Urbanism of São Paulo University, 1962- 69), by Vilanova Artigas. The choice of representative and, at the same time, varied examples of the Brazilian production allows us to understand the different forms with which the Modern Architecture has established relations with the classical tradition, especially when it aimed to embody in the buildings the emblematic ideals of its historical time.

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