Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cleaner"" "subject:"leaner""
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Prevenção à poluição industrial: identificação de oportunidades, análise dos benefícios e barreiras / Industrial pollution prevention: opportunities assessment, benefits and barriers analysisCarmenlucia Santos 02 September 2005 (has links)
A prevenção à poluição é uma abordagem de gerenciamento ambiental que prioriza a redução dos resíduos na fonte como forma de preservar os recursos naturais e reduzir o desperdício de materiais, água e energia, em contraposição à abordagem tradicional, que se apóia nas tecnologias de controle e tratamento de resíduos. Apesar de resultar em benefícios ambientais e econômicos, existem uma série de barreiras que impedem uma maior disseminação das práticas de prevenção à poluição nas indústrias, dentre as quais a principal é a falta de conscientização em relação aos benefícios. Para eliminar esta barreira, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento e a divulgação dos conceitos e ferramentas de apoio ao processo de identificação de oportunidades, ferramentas para o monitoramento e avaliação da performance ambiental dos processos produtivos, bem como de estudos de caso propondo alternativas de prevenção à poluição para os diferentes setores industriais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo fundamental apresentar os conceitos, sistemáticas e ferramentas necessárias ao entendimento da abordagem de prevenção à poluição, e ao desenvolvimento, implantação e monitoramento de programas de prevenção à poluição em processos industriais. Como forma de avaliar a aplicação do conceito e das ferramentas de identificação de oportunidades, e os benefícios e barreiras, foi realizada a avaliação de um processo produtivo industrial. Os resultados obtidos fornecem embasamento teórico para que outros trabalhos semelhantes sejam desenvolvidos, e servem como incentivo para que a empresa na qual foi realizada a avaliação, passe a adotar o conceito de prevenção à poluição como princípio norteador nas suas atividades de gestão ambiental. / Pollution prevention is an environmental management approach that prioritizes the source reduction of wastes as a way to preserve natural resources and reduce material, water and energy losses, conversely to the traditional approach, based on end of pipe technologies. In spite of the environmental and economic benefits, many barriers can impede the widespreading of pollution prevention practices at industry, among them, the most important one is the lack of consciousness on the pollution prevention benefits. To overcome this barrier, it is necessary to develop and report concepts and tools to support the opportunity assessment process, tools to monitor and evaluate industrial processes environmental performance, as well as case studies on pollution prevention alternatives to different industrial sectors. This research fundamental aim is to present the concepts, approaches and tools necessary to understand the pollution prevention approach and to develop, implement and monitor industrial pollution prevention plans. A case study was conducted in a company to evaluate the concept application, the utilization of the apportunities assessment tools, and the benefits and barriers. The results provide a theoric framework so that other similar studies can be conducted, and also serve as an incentive for the company where the case study was conducted, to improve its environmental management activities by adopting pollution prevention concept as a guiding principle.
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Gerenciamento de resíduos madeireiros em pequenas indústrias de produtos de madeira de maior valor agregado / Wood waste management in small industries of higher value-added wood productsMariana de Araújo Lopes 02 February 2016 (has links)
No Brasil, o setor de produtos de madeira maciça de maior valor agregado é composto por um grande número de micro e pequenas empresas familiares, de capital nacional e que fabricam esquadrias, móveis, pisos e outros produtos sob encomenda. Essas empresas são geradoras de grande quantidade e diversidade de resíduos madeireiros com gerenciamento inadequado que resultam em impactos negativos para o ambiente e para a saúde pública, prejudicando a imagem da empresa. Este trabalho teve por objetivo, através de um estudo de caso realizado em uma pequena indústria de produtos de madeira de maior valor agregado (PMVA) localizada no município de Piracicaba - SP, identificar as não conformidades e principais desafios enfrentados pelo setor no gerenciamento dos resíduos madeireiros, visando obter informações necessárias para elaboração de um modelo de Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos (PGRS), atendendo às diretrizes da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) com base no Produção Mais Limpa. Através de observações \"in loco\", entrevistas com funcionários, análise de documentações e quantificação dos resíduos em cada operação da fabricação, foi realizado um diagnóstico da geração de resíduos. Após caracterização, os resíduos foram classificados quanto a origem e periculosidade com base na PNRS e na NBR 10.004:2004. Foram identificados, ainda, as causas de geração e os pontos críticos de geração de cada tipo de resíduo madeireiro. Para avaliação do sistema produtivo e de gerenciamento de resíduos em operação na empresa, foi utilizado o método \"Diagrama de Árvore\". Posteriormente, elaborado o modelo de PGRS. Os resíduos madeireiros da empresa foram classificados como de origem industrial e Classe II A, pois não recebem nenhum tipo de produto químico nos processos produtivos. Os produtos com menores rendimentos foram decks e guarnições com 52,66% e 52,85% e com maiores geração de resíduos foram batentes, com 11,04%, resíduos grossos; assoalhos 34,69% de finos; e guarnições, 22,18,12% sendo material de aproveitamento. As principais causas de geração de resíduos foram relacionados à falta de modulação entre a matéria prima e o desenho do produto e elevada incidência de defeitos na madeira. Os pontos mais críticos de geração foram: (i) a secagem da madeira, cujos problemas ocasionando descartes; (ii) na fabricação de portas, os cortes na largura (serra circular) e desengrossamento; (iii) para guarnições, em corte na largura (serra circular); (iv) para deck, no fresamento (moldureira); (v) para assoalho, a utilização de respigadeira ao invés da moldureira para o fresamento; e (vi) para batentes, desengrossadeira e destopadeira. As ações prioritárias indicadas foram: melhoria da qualidade da matéria prima; manutenção de equipamentos e capacitação dos funcionários. Verificou-se que o modelo atual de gerenciamento de resíduos da empresa era de destinação adequada e valorização dos resíduos, porém faltavam ações para redução de geração. Foi elaborado um modelo de PGRS com ações prioritárias para a redução de geração e maior valorização dos resíduos, que poderá ser aplicado em empresas do setor de produtos acabados de madeira maciça de porte de características semelhantes, contribuindo para o atendimento à legislação e maior sustentabilidade na cadeia produtiva. / In Brazil, the solid wood products sector with higher added value consists of a large number of micro and small family businesses, national capital that manufacture frames, furniture, flooring and other products on request. These companies are generating large and diverse amounts of wood waste, together with inadequate management of this waste, resulting in negative impacts to the environment and to public health, damaging the company. This study aims, through a case study of a small higher value-added wood products industry located in Piracicaba - SP, to identify non-compliance and major challenges facing the sector in the management of wood waste in order to obtain information necessary for the preparation of a model of Solid Waste Management Plan, following the guidelines of the National Solid Waste Policy based on Cleaner Production. Through observations \"in loco\", interviews with employees, review of documentation and quantification of residues at each manufacturing operation, we arrived at a diagnosis of waste generation. After characterization, the waste were classified according to origin and danger based on PNRS and NBR 10004: 2004. We have identified the operative factors and critical points of generation of each type of wood waste. To evaluate the productive system and operating waste management of the company, we used the \"tree diagram\" method. Subsequently developed the model of Solid Waste Management Plan. The wood waste of the company were classified as industrial and Class II \"A\" source because they does not receive any chemicals during the production processes. Products with lower incomes were decks and frames with 52.66% and 52.85%; with higher waste generation were jambs, with 11.04% of thick waste; in the floor 34.69% of fine waste; and frames, 22.18% of use material. The major factors generating residues were related to the lack of modulation between the raw material and product design, high incidence of defects in the wood before and after drying, defects in the wood and inappropriate moisture content. The most critical points of the generation were: (i) the drying of wood, whose disposal problems subsequently appeared during the wood processing; (ii) the manufacture of doors, the cuts in width (circular saw) and thicknesser; (iii) frames, in cutting width (circular saw); (iv) on the deck, in milling (molding); (v) in the floor, use of a tenoning machine instead of molding for milling; and (vi) form jambs, in thicknesser and cross-cut. The priority actions recommended were better quality raw material; maintenance of equipment and training of employees. It was found that the current model of waste management of the Company was appropriate disposal and recovery of waste, but lacked actions to generate savings. A model of SWMP with priority actions to reduce generation and greater recovery of waste was produced and can be applied in companies of the finished products of solid wood sector size and similar characteristics, contributing to compliance with legislation and greater sustainability in productive chain.
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Development of a Life Cycle Impact Assessment procedure for Life Cycle Management in South AfricaBrent, Alan Colin 15 September 2004 (has links)
Competitive industries in the manufacturing sector have a holistic Life Cycle Management (LCM) view of business practices. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which forms part of the LCM approach, is increasingly used as a decision support tool in the South African manufacturing industry. The Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase of the LCA tool has been standardised within the ISO 14000 family and aims to quantify the environmental impacts of economic activities. A number of LCIA methodologies have been developed in Europe, which can be applied directly when life cycle systems are assessed. The LCIA procedures that are most commonly used in the South African manufacturing industry include the CML, Ecopoints, EPS and Eco-indicators 95 and 99 procedures. The five European methods are evaluated based on the applicability of the respective classification, characterisation, normalisation and weighting elements for the South African situation. The evaluation and comparison is further based on a cradle-to-gate Screening Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) case study of the production of dyed two-fold wool yarn in South Africa. Shortcomings are identified with the European methodologies in the South African context in terms of comprehensiveness and modelling approaches. A LCIA framework and calculation procedure, termed the Resource Impact Indicator (RII) model, is subsequently proposed for South Africa, which is based on the protection of four natural resource groups: water, air, land, and mined abiotic resources. A distance-to-target approach is used for the normalisation of midpoint categories, which focuses on the ambient quality and quantity objectives for the four resource groups. The quality and quantity objectives are determined for defined South African Life Cycle Assessment (SALCA) regions and take into account endpoint or damage targets. Following the precautionary approach, RIIs are calculated for the resource groups from conventional Life Cycle Inventories (LCIs). The calculation of the RIIs ensures that all natural resources that are important from a South African perspective are duly considered in a LCIA. The results of a LCIA are consequently not reliant on detailed LCIs and the number of midpoint categories that converge on a single resource group. The proposed model is evaluated with the SLCA wool case study. The case study establishes the importance of region-specificity, for LCIs and LCIAs. The proposed LCIA model further demonstrates reasonable ease of communication of LCIA results to decision-makers or managers. Subjective weighting values for the resource groups are also proposed, based on survey results from manufacturing industry sectors in the South African automotive value chain, and the expenditure of the South African national government on environmental issues. The subjective weighting values are used to calculate overall Environmental Performance Resource Impact Indicators (EPRIIs) when comparing life cycle systems with each other. The EPRII approach is applied to a specific LCM problem in the South African context, i.e. evaluating and comparing environmental performance for supply chain management purposes in the developing country context. Thereby, RIIs are provided for key Cleaner Production process parameters in the South Africa context: water usage, energy usage, and waste produced per manufactured product. / Thesis (PhD (Engineering and Technology Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) / unrestricted
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Vybavenost československých domácností domácími spotřebiči v šedesátých letech 20. století / Vybavenost československých domácností domácími spotřebiči v šedesátých letech 20. stoletíSedlmajerová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
My dissertation deals with the progress of consumer society in the 60th of 20th century in the Czechoslovakia. At the beginning of my work i try to theory of consumer society, everydayness and the free time in czechoslovak society. My aim is equipment of electric apparatus in the families and their importance for women's work in households. Especially I reply the questions, where and how the apparatus were sold, how was the quality of them and how much apparatus saved women's jobs. I analyse the availability of those apparatus for consumers/users. I compare amount, prices and design of home appliances in Czechoslovakia and abroad. My dissertation is based on the fact that in 60th of 20th century was very big increase of refrigerators, automatic washing machines, irons, hoovers, hairdryers, televisions and next smaller home appliances. I compare this growth with countries of Western Europe. My dissertation is based on studium of specialized monographs, articles and studies of czech and english provenance. But I also use the unpublished sources of institucional and personal characters (Archive of the National Technical Museum, the National Museum Archive
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Hodnocení rizik dle zákona o ekologické újmě v a.s. Fosfa / The Risk Assessment under the Act on Environmental Damage in Fosfa joint-stock CompanyDavčíková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays there is an increasing pressure on manufacturing companies to reduce their impact on the environment. This thesis seeks to address two approaches to reducing the environmental impact - legislative and voluntary. The theoretical part defines the procedure for environmental risk assessment under applicable law and the implementation of cleaner production in the company. The practical part describes the evaluation of risks arising in all production areas of the company and implementing the cleaner production program in the selected department. The introduction of cleaner production is economically evaluated by the simple return on investment method.
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Simulátor čístícího stroje česlí / Simulator of Trash Rack Cleaning MachineBoďa, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the realization of a simulator for a trash-rack cleaning machines in small hydroelectric power stations. This thesis contains adequate research about a trash-rack cleaning mashines. This diploma thesis is focused on detailed description of the hardware and software part of the created simulator and describes the realization of a control system, which verified the functionality of the simulator.
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Sustainable Industrial Development in Uganda through Cleaner Production : Case Study of Sugar Corporation of Uganda Ltd (SCOUL)Batumbya Nalukowe, Barbara January 2006 (has links)
The thesis provides an assessment of Cleaner Production (CP) implementation in Ugandan industries, using Sugar Corporation Of Uganda Limited (SCOUL) as a case study. The thesis covers the time the CP programme was implemented in 2004 to date. The study is primarily concerned with the sustainability of CP in Ugandan industries. Using the local Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC) Assessment Approach, both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used to explore the trend (progress) of environmental and economic performance of CP in SCOUL. Several indicators are used to gain better understanding of the raw materials, products and waste in SCOUL. The thesis sets out to assess the environmental and economic performance of CP in Uganda, identify barriers to CP and make recommendations for Sustainable CP in Uganda. The findings show that both the environmental and economic performance of SCOUL continues to improve, in line with raw material, products and wastereduction. This improvement can be attributed to the different CP optionswhich were implemented. These options include reduction, reuse and recycling. From the findings, it can also be argued that CP is a practical way towards sustainable industrial development as demonstrated in the progress made by SCOUL and that CP has good potential for application in other industries in Uganda. This is because CP is simple to implement and yet it has both economical and environmental performance benefits. As such, it can be argued that CP will lead to sustainable industrial development in Uganda. The long term aim of this study is to contribute towards promotion of sustainable industrial development in Uganda by showing that the implementation of Cleaner Production is simple and yet it has both financial and environmental benefits. / www.ima.kth.se
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IoT Offensive Security Penetration Testing : Hacking a Smart Robot Vacuum CleanerLarsson Forsberg, Albin, Olsson, Theodor January 2019 (has links)
IoT devices can be found in almost any type of situation as the availability and viability of them has surged in the last decade with technological advancements. The purpose of this project is to investigate how secure these types of devices, in particular a robot vacuum cleaner, actually are if an ill intended actor tries to interfere with the device. Different methods used in the sphere of threat modeling and penetration testing were applied and tested with the result coming back positive. The robot vacuum cleaner was successfully compromised and the privacy of the owner could be violated applying the attacks used. The current way of thinking about privacy and security of IoT devices could therefore need to be reviewed.
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Real Time Measurement of Dirt Pick-up by a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner using Light Sensing TechnologyTina Monteiro, Shelsea January 2018 (has links)
Domestic chores are one of the most tedious and time consuming tasks in a person’s life. A lot of time can be saved and put to better use if these tasks can be automated. One such chore is the routine task of vacuuming the house every day. Robotic vacuum cleaners that clean the house are thus one of the most widely used domestic robots. These robots have the ability to clean the entire house almost autonomously with little or no human intervention. However, most of these robots do not have a system to report the real-time pick up of dirt which can be useful to the user in knowing which parts of his house are dirty and maybe investigate the reason behind it. This information can be useful to the robot as well in determining efficient cleaning patterns based on the dirt localization in the house. In this thesis a prototype was developed to measure the real-time pick-up of dirt by a robotic vacuum cleaner. It uses light sensing technology to measure the amount of dirt picked up and can thus be used to glean which parts of the house are dirtier than the others. The signals can also potentially be used to understand the size of the dirt picked up by the robotic vacuum cleaner. Research was done to investigate the different sensing technologies that can be used and to select the appropriate one. The system was tested and conclusions were made regarding its performance. Additional functions that can be implemented and improvements that can be made have also been suggested as future work. / Att städa hemmet är en av de mest tråkiga och tidskrävande uppgifterna i en persons liv. Mycket tid kan sparas och användas bättre om dessa uppgifter kan automatiseras. Robotdammsugare som städar golvet i hemmet är en av de mest använda inhemska robotarna, då dessa robotar har möjlighet att rengöra hela huset nästan autonomt med liten eller ingen mänsklig intervention. De flesta av dessa robotar har dock inte ett system för att rapportera realtidsupphämtning av smuts som kan vara användbart, då användaren kan få reda på vilka delar av huset som är smutsiga och då ha möjlighet att undersöka orsaken bakom. Denna information kan också vara användbart för roboten för att bestämma effektiva rengöringsmönster baserat på lokalisering av smuts i huset. I denna avhandling utvecklades en prototyp för att mäta upptagning av smuts i realtid av en robotdammsugare. Den använder IR-teknik för att mäta mängden smuts som hämtas upp och kan därmed använda informationen för att avgöra vilka delar av huset som är smutsigare än andra. Signalerna kan också potentiellt användas för att förstå storleken på smuts som tas upp. Forskning av olika tekniker utfördes för att kunna välja den mest lämpliga. Systemet testades därefter och slutsatser gjordes avseende dess prestanda. Ytterligare utredningar och förbättringar som kan genomföras har också föreslagits som framtida arbete.
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[pt] O turismo como uma atividade econômica e um fenômeno social, que tem
um enorme potencial como ferramenta para proteção do meio ambiente,
assim como, para erradicação da pobreza. Tem-se hoje uma atividade
turística promissora, com um turista mais cauteloso em suas escolhas,
usufruindo de um turismo mais saudável e responsável. Neste contexto,
pensando o meio de hospedagem como um equipamento turístico, que tem
de estar alinhado a esse novo turismo responsável, os empreendimentos
hoteleiros devem estar dispostos a adotar práticas, que objetivem a
melhoria do seu desempenho diante das questões ambientais sociais e
econômicas. Nesta perspectiva, a Produção mais Limpa (P+L), vem como
uma ferramenta que aplicada a empresas dos mais variados segmentos,
através de uma estratégia econômica e socioambiental, mostrando-se
como uma alternativa viável e interessante para os gestores, que
vislumbram a melhoria dos seus processos produtivos. Assim, este trabalho
tem por objetivo o estudo de viabilidade de implantação da Produção mais
Limpa em um pequeno meio de hospedagem localizado na praia de Vilatur
em Saquarema- RJ, visando trazer benefícios importantes ao
empreendimento no que se refere aos aspectos ambientais, econômicos e
sociais, assim como, utilizar esse estudo como um piloto para que a
proposta possa ser multiplicada para adesão em outros meios de
hospedagem do município. / [en] Tourism as an economic activity and a social phenomenon, which has a big
potencial as a tool for protecting the environment, as well as, for eradicating
poverty. Today, there is a promising tourist activity, with tourists who are
more cautions in their choices, enjoying healthier and responsible tourism.
In this context, considering the accommodation as a tourist equipment,
which must be aligned with this new responsible tourism, hotel enterprises
must be willing to adopt practices that aim to improve their performance in
the face of environmental, social and economic issues. In this perspective,
Cleaner Production (CP) comes as a tool that can be applied to companies
in the most varied segments, through an economic and socio-environmental
strategy, proving to be a viable and interesting alternative for managers,
who envision the improvement of its production processes. Thus, this work
aims to study the feasibility of implementing Cleaner Production in a small
accommodation located on Vilatur beach in Saquarema – RJ, aiming to
bring important benefits to the enterprise in terms of environmental,
economic and social aspects, as well as using this study as a pilot so that
the proposal can be multiplied for adherence to other small hotels in the city.
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