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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Skoba [dammsug] igen, en gång till!” : Barns interaktioner med dammsugaren som ett tekniskt system i en undervisningssituation / ”Skoba [vacuum] again, one more time!” : Children’s interactions with the vacuum cleaner as a technical system in a teaching situation

Lövgren Röös, Joline January 2024 (has links)
Teknik framställs som ett viktigt ämne i förskolans läroplan. Samtidigt utrycker många förskolelärare en brist på kunskap om att undervisa i tek-nikämnet. I studien ska jag ge ett exempel på en undervisningsaktivitet. Då studien genomförs inom ramen för designbaserad forskning bygger den på en aktivitet som jag har planerat och genomfört med några barn i förskolan. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur de yngre barnen kunde interagera med en dammsugare som ett tekniskt system. För att få reda på det användes en kvalitativ metod. Barnen videoinspelades och därefter observerade jag videoinspelningen och transkriberade den. Resultatet presenteras i olika teman med olika underrubriker i form av situationer som uppstod. Situation-erna analyserades och kopplades till tidigare forskning och teorier. I resultaten framkom att barnen visade förståelse för hur dammsugaren fungerade men att det var skillnad på om barnet var ett år eller tre år. En treåring kunde visa vad som krävdes för att dammsugaren skulle starta, förståelse för dess funktion och uppbyggnad. En ettåring visade mest förståelse för hur dammsugaren är uppbyggd och ser ut. Resultatet visade också att barnen utforskade genom sina kroppar och olika sinnen. Barnen visade att de upplevde med sin hörsel genom att hålla för sina öron, de fysiskt hoppade över dammsugaren, de provade även att dammsuga olika föremål. Barnen utforskade och prova nya sätt att använda dammsugaren på. / Technology is presented as an important subject in the preschool curriculum. Many preschool teachers lack knowledge of technology. In the study I give an example of a teaching activity. The study is an example of a design-based study, and it is based on an activity that I have planned and conducted with preschool children. The purpose of the study was to find out how the younger children interact with a vacuum cleaner as a technical system. To find it out I use a qualitative method. The children were video recorded as they engaged with the activity, and then I observed the videotape and transcribed it. The result was presented in different categories with subheadings of those situa-tions that happened. The situations were analysed and connected to earlier science and theories. The result showed that the children showed a lot of understanding for the vacuum cleaner, their understanding was different depending on if the child was one or three years old. A three year old showed how to start the vacuum cleaner, and an understanding for the function and the construction. A one year old showed most understanding for how the vacuum cleaner looks like and the construction. The result also showed that the children explored through their bodies and different senses. The children showed that they experienced through hearing by cover their ears. They jumped over the vacuum cleaner and tried to vacuum different objects. The children explore and try new ways to use the vacuum cleaner.

Millimeter Wave Radar as Navigation Sensor on Robotic Vacuum Cleaner / Millimetervågsradar som navigationssensor på robotdammsugare

Blomqvist, Anneli January 2020 (has links)
Does millimeter-wave radar have the potential to be the navigational instrument of a robotic vacuum cleaner in a home? Electrolux robotic vacuum cleaner is currently using a light sensor to navigate through the home while cleaning. Recently Texas Instruments released a new mmWave radar sensor, operating in the frequency range 60-64 GHz. This study aims to answer if the mmWave radar sensor is useful for indoor navigation. The study tests the sensor on accuracy and resolution of angles and distances in ranges relevant to indoor navigation. It tests if various objects made out of plastic, fabric, paper, metal, and wood are detectable by the sensor. At last, it tests what the sensor can see when it is moving while measuring. The radar sensor can localize the robot, but the ability to detect objects around the robot is limited. The sensor’s absolute accuracy is within 3° for the majority of angles and around 1dm for most distances above 0.5 m. The resolution for a displacement of one object is 1°, respectively 5 cm, and two objects must be located at least 14° or 15 cm apart from each other to be recognized. Future tasks include removing noise due to antenna coupling to improve reflections from within 0.5 meter and figure out the best way to move around the sensor to improve the resolution. / Har radar med millimetervågor förutsättningar att vara navigationsutrustning för en robotdammsugare i ett hem? Electrolux robotdammsugare använder för närvarande en ljussensor för att navigera genom hemmet medan den städar. Nyligen släppte Texas Instruments en ny radarsensor med vågor i frekvensområdet 60-64 GHz. Denna studie syftar till att svara om radarsensorn är användbar för inomhusnavigering. Studien testar sensorn med avseende på noggrannhet och upplösning av vinklar och avstånd i områden som är relevanta för inomhusnavigering. Den testar om olika föremål tillverkade av plast, tyg, papper, metall och trä kan detekteras av sensorn. Slutligen testas vad sensorn kan se om den rör sig medan den mäter. Radarsensorn kan positionera roboten, men hinderdetektering omkring roboten är begränsad. För det mesta ligger sensorns absoluta noggrannhet inom 3° för vinklar och omkring 1dm för avstånd över 0,5 m. Upplösningen för en förflyttning av ett objekt är 1° respektive 5 cm, och två objekt måste placeras minst 14° eller 15 cm ifrån varandra för att båda kunna upptäckas. Kommande utmaningar är att ta bort antennstörningar som ger sämre reflektioner inom 0,5 meter och ta reda på det bästa sättet att förflytta sensorn för att förbättra upplösningen.

Reporting udržitelného rozvoje / Sustainability Report in Company

Mlejnek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with the reporting of sustainability development and its mode of administration of regular reports. The first section contains information ofsustainability development and a summary of the approach of the UN and the EU to sustainability development, which influenced business attitudes to the disclosure of periodic results using standardized reporting of sustainability. The second part analysis the situation of companies in the administration report brewing on sustainability and social responsibility. The aim is to develop recommendations for the creation of reports on sustainable development and social responsibility on the basis of previous analyzes and evaluation of their development.

Técnica experimental para quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquidos industriais do tipo tubos perfurados paralelos. / Liquid aspersion effuciency quantification experiment: application in ladder type distributors.

Moraes, Marlene Silva de 07 July 2008 (has links)
O presente texto descreve um método experimental simples para comparar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquido empregados nas indústrias de tratamento de minérios em lavadores, classificadores e moinhos e nas indústrias de processos químicos. A técnica consiste basicamente em analisar a dispersão pelo desvio padrão da massa do líquido coletado em tubos verticais dispostos em arranjo quadrático colocados abaixo do distribuidor. Como exemplo de aplicação, empregouse para a coleta da massa de líquido uma unidade piloto, montada no Laboratório de Engenharia Química da Universidade Santa Cecília em Santos, com um banco de 21 tubos verticais de 52 mm de diâmetro interno e 800 mm de comprimento. Uma manta acrílica que não dispersa o líquido com 50 mm de espessura foi fixada entre o distribuidor e o banco de tubos para evitar respingos. Foram realizados ensaios com nove distribuidores do tipo espinha de peixe de 4 tubos paralelos cada, para uma coluna piloto com 400 mm de diâmetro. A literatura é discordante no que concerne aos parâmetros de projeto e eficiência destes distribuidores. Variaram-se o número (n) de orifícios (95, 127 e 159 furos/m2, 12, 16 e 20 furos por distribuidor) o diâmetro (d) dos orifícios (2, 3 e 4 mm) e as vazões de entrada indicadas por rotâmetro nos distribuidores (q) de 1,2; 1,4 e 1,6 m3/h. A melhor eficiência de espalhamento pelo menor desvio padrão (0,302) foi obtida com n de 159 furos/m2, d de 2 mm e q de 1,4 m3/h indicando as limitações dos parâmetros de projeto da literatura. A pressão (p), na entrada do distribuidor para esta condição, foi de apenas 0,51 kgf/cm2. A relação adimensional entre a área da seção do tubo de alimentação e a somatória da área dos furos foi de 5,81, a vazão volumétrica total por unidade de área da seção da coluna para esta melhor condição foi de 11,32 m3/(h.m2) e a velocidade média (v) em cada orifício foi de 6,31 m/s. Portanto, o método proposto permite comparar e quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores além de demonstrar a não validade de alguns parâmetros de projeto recomendados pela literatura. / The current text describes a simple experimental method in order to compare the efficiency of the liquid distributors applied at the ore treatment industries in washers, classifiers and mills as well as at the chemical processing industries. The technique basically consist of analyzing the dispersion through the standard deviation of the liquid mass which was collected in vertical pipes placed in a square way under the distributor. As an example of us usage, it has been applied a pilot scale for collecting the liquid mass, installed at the Santa Cecília Universitys Chemical Engineering Laboratory in Santos, with a setting of 21 vertical tubes measuring 52 mm in internal diameter and 800 mm in length. A 50 mm thick acrylic blanket was fixed between the distributor and the pipe setting in order to avoid splashes. Some experiments have been made with a ladder-tipe distributors containing 4 parallel tubes each, for a pilot column of 400 mm in diameter. The literature shows disagreement regarding the characteristics of the project and the efficiency of the distributors. The number of holes has varied (n) 95, 127 and 159 holes/m2; 12, 16 and 20 holes for distributor, the diameter of the holes (d) 2, 3 and 4 mm and the flow of entrance in the distributors (q) of 1,2; 1,4 and 1,6 m3/h. The best efficiency of splashing of the lowest deviation pattern (0,302) was achieved with n of 159 holes/m2, d of 2 mm and q of 1,4 m3/h showing the limitation of characteristics of the project literature. The pressure (p), for this condition in the distributor entrance, was only 0,51 kgf/cm2. The measuring relation between the area of the section of the feeding pipe and the addition of the area of the roles was 5,81, the total volume of the out flow for unit of the area of the column section for this better condition was 11,32 m3/(h m2) and the average speed (v), in each hole was 6,31 m/s. Finally, the indicated method permits the comparison and quantification of the efficiency of the distributors, besides showing that some of the project concepts are not valid and the literature does not recommend them.

Bases teóricas para a concepção e a gestão de Programas de Produção mais Limpa adequados a grupos de empresas

Dutra, Cléber José Cunha January 2008 (has links)
Considerada a importância de que os Programas de Produção mais Limpa (PPLs) são investidos e os problemas constatados com suas performances em todo o mundo, avalia-se como crítica a ausência de Bases Teóricas para avaliar esses programas. Na Literatura acadêmica para este tema, não se encontram abordagens que orientem a Concepção e a Gestão dos PPLs. Movida por estas constatações críticas e pelo senso de urgência em atender esta carência, a pesquisa empreendida, da qual parte dos resultados compõem esta Tese, se dedica à construção de Bases fundamentadas em áreas do conhecimento científico que apóiem a avaliação dos PPLs. Diante da escassez de abordagens teóricas para este propósito, esta Tese se constitui em estudo exploratório e voltado à proposição de um conjunto de enfoques que atenda à sua meta fundamental. Sugerindo que o conjunto resultante estabeleça um arcabouço teórico primário, dirigem-se os enfoques para três níveis de análise : (i) aspectos externos a um Programa a avaliar (macro-análise); (ii) constituição estrutural deste PPL e dinâmicas de seus componentes (meso-análise); e (iii) aspectos psico-sociológicos das relações internas no PPL (micro-análise). Define-se o nivel de meso-análise como foco das elaborações da Tese, para o qual se desenvolvem dois enfoques. Aos enfoques elaborados para os outros dois níveis de análise dedicam-se menores desenvolvimentos, limitando-se a indicar sua integração com os enfoques do nível de meso-análise e seus posteriores desdobramentos e aprofundamentos. Para as construções dos enfoques, utiliza-se de revisões amplas na literatura de Teorias de Aprendizagem, Teorias Organizacionais, Psicologia Ambiental, Complexidade e Gestão da Mudança, como apoios para a revisão de publicações acadêmicas sobre PPLs. Limitações constatadas para estas elaborações teóricas do conjunto de enfoques destacam a importância de uma fase complementar de estudos empíricos qualitativos que, na Tese, prioriza aperfeiçoar o enfoque para Análise Estrutural. Empregando-se principalmente a abordagem de Estudos de Caso e recursos adaptados da Grounded Theory, elabora-se um Esboço Estrutural para este enfoque. A consolidação da integração dos enfoques propostos pela Tese alcança maior consistência pela aplicação do Esboço Estrutural para descrever aspectos dos Casos estudados em um Estudo de Caso Genérico, acompanhada de uma série de análises que integram, progressivamente, conceitos teóricos das ferramentas analíticas que compõem os enfoques. A base da lógica que coordena concepções e construções da Tese se alicerça no enfoque de Pensamento Complexo de Morin, operacionalizada através da dialética hermenêutica que orienta a postura de pesquisa. Tais escolhas filosófico-epistemológicas proporcionam nexo para a integração complexa de múltiplos e variados fatores e conceitos que passam a compor os enfoques, conciliando ambigüidades, oposições e paradoxos típicos dos fenômenos observados nos PPLs. Como resultados, alcança-se evidente capacidade do conjunto de enfoques elaborado para avaliar PPLs de diversos arranjos organizacionais, permitindo-se interpretações ricas dos aspectos que concorrem para seus resultados, o que atende ao propósito original de contribuir para a compreensão de suas performances. Desta forma, a Tese oferece contributo significativo para um campo de conhecimento que carece de contribuições teóricas urgentes. / A critical lack of approaches based on theoretical fundamentals to evaluating Cleaner Production Programmes (CPPs) in the academic literature collides with the significance of these programmes and with their crucial performance problems all over the world. Scientific guidance on designing and managing CPPs is nonexistent or unavailable to regular search on academic publications. Intending to reduce this scarcity of scientific knowledge, the research from which this Thesis gathers its results conceives approaches supported by theoretical underpinnings aimed to evaluate CPPs. Given the knowledge insufficiency on this subject, this Thesis constitutes an exploratory study devoted to the proposition of a set of analytical approaches. This set is intended to establish a basic theoretical framework whose approaches are designed to fit three analytical levels : (i) external aspects of a Programme under assessment (macro-analysis); (ii) structural constitution of this CPP and the dynamics of its components (meso-analysis); and (iii) psycho-sociological aspects of the CPP internal relations (micro-analysis). The main focus of elaborative work concerns the meso-analysis level, to which two approaches have been developed. Less development is dedicated to the other levels and the Thesis confines the elaboration of their approaches to their vital fit and sound synergy with the approaches of the meso-analysis level. The study indicates detailed features of the micro-analysis approach and how they develop in future advanced stages of the research. Similar indications of future developments for the macro-analysis approach receive attention in the discussions. Encompassing reviews of the literature on Learning Theories, Organisational Theories, Environmental Psychology, Complexity and Organisational Change underpin the conception and development of the approaches, integrating elements drew on an extensive review of the academic literature on CPPs. In order to overcome limitations pointed out from the elaboration of the approaches, a complementary empirical phase of qualitative research assumes vital importance to the study and its priority focused improvements in the structural analysis approach. Case Study methods and adapted features of Grounded Theory served as main contributing approaches/techniques to the complex confection of a Structural Blueprint for this analytical approach. Applying this Structural Blueprint as a tool to describe aspects examined in actual Cases, composing a Generic Case Study, followed by a series of analyses that progressively integrate theoretical concepts of the proposed approaches into the assessment supported by the Blueprint, the study succeed in consolidating the integration of the analytical approaches. The logical basis steering Thesis conceptions and developments stands on Morin’s concept of Complex Thinking, which provides guidance to the hermeneutic dialectic conducted in accordance with the study’s research posture. Nexus afforded by such philosophic-epistemological orientation prevails in the complex integration of multiple and diverse factors and concepts embodied in the analytical approaches, providing consonance for the typical ambiguities, oppositions, and paradoxes observed in phenomena related to CPPs. The proposed set of approaches features evident capacity to evaluate CPPs holding varied organisational arrangements, imparting rich interpretations of aspects that contribute to their results and serving its original purpose of assisting the comprehension of their performance. Thus the Thesis offers relevant contribution to this field of knowledge, which demands urgent theoretical advancements.

Modelling of IC-Engine Intake Noise

Knutsson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Shorter product development cycles, densely packed engine compartments and intensified noiselegislation increase the need for accurate predictions of IC-engine air intake noise at earlystages. The urgent focus on the increasing CO2 emissions and the efficiency of IC-engines, aswell as new techniques such as homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) mightworsen the noise situation. Nonlinear one-dimensional (1D) gas dynamics time-domainsimulation software packages are used within the automotive industry to predict intake andexhaust orifice noise. The inherent limitation of 1D plane wave propagation, however, limitsthis technique to sufficiently low frequencies where non-plane wave effects are small. Thereforethis type of method will first fail in large components such as air cleaners. Further limitations,that might not be important for simulation of engine performance but indeed for acoustics,include difficulties to apply frequency dependent boundary conditions and losses as well as toinclude effects of vibrating walls. The first part of this thesis treats two different strategies to combine nonlinear and linearmodelling of intake systems in order to improve the accuracy of the noise predictions. Paper Adescribes how a linear time-invariant one-port source model can be extracted using nonlineargas dynamics simulations. Predicted source data for a six-cylinder naturally aspirated engine isvalidated using experimental data obtained from engine test bench measurements. Paper Bpresents an experimental investigation on the influence of mean flow and filter paper on theacoustics of air intake systems. It also suggests how a linear source, extracted from nonlinearsimulations can be coupled to acoustic finite elements describing the intake system and toboundary elements describing the radiation to the surroundings. Simulations and measurementsare carried out for a large number of engine revolution speeds in order to make the firstsystematic validation of an entirely virtual intake noise model that includes 3D effects for awide engine speed range. In Paper C an initial study on a new technique for the use of two-portsin the time domain for automotive gas dynamics applications is presented. Tabulated frequencydomaintwo-port data representing an air cleaner unit on the impedance form is inverselytransformed to the time domain and used as FIR filters in nonlinear time-domain calculations. The second part of the thesis considers detailed modelling of sound propagation in capillarytubes. Thermoviscous boundary effects and interaction between sound waves and turbulencecan, for sufficiently narrow tubes, yield significant attenuation. Several components in the gasexchange system of IC-engines are based on arrays of narrow ducts and might haveunderestimated silencing capabilities. In particular the sound transmission properties of chargeair coolers (CAC) have so far gained interest from very few authors. In Paper D a detailedinvestigation of the acoustic properties of CACs is presented. As a result the first linearfrequency-domain model for CACs, which includes a complete treatment of losses in the narrowtubes and 3D effects in the connecting tanks, is proposed. Interesting low frequency dampingmost likely due to interaction between sound and turbulence is observed in the experimentaldata. A new numerical model that describes this dissipative effect in narrow tubes is suggestedin Paper E. Validation is carried out using experimental data from the literature. Finally, inPaper F the CAC-model presented in Paper D is updated with the new model for interactionbetween turbulence and acoustic waves proposed in Paper E. The updated model is shown toyield improved predictions. / QC 20100723

Sustainable development challenges of contemporary technologies : Nigeria liquefied-natural-gas project as a case study / S.A. Oluwole

Oluwole, Samson Abayomi January 2008 (has links)
The way people view development is changing. The world now advocates for a development that also considers future generations. There is a paradigm shift towards sustainable development - a development in today's lifestyle without destroying the resources for tomorrow generations. Sustainable development is a broad concept that addresses how human activities impact on the economic, environmental and social well-being of an ecosystem; however, practical application of the sustainability concept is complex because its objective assessment is elusive. It is often said that the effect of technology on society has never been more profound than today. As mankind develops in science and technology to improve on his well-being, certain impacts are made on the systems that support human existence. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) technology, like gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology, is a latest innovation conceived to 'fight' the problem of gas flaring, and help contribute to the social and economic growth of the people; but it is necessary for man to know if these contemporary technologies are sustainable. This dissertation critically appraises the impact of the LNG project on the community of Bonny Island in Nigeria from a holistic perspective. The approach to the research work is three-fold: an appropriate sustainability framework is selected based on certain criteria; sustainability indicators are developed from the chosen framework; and the sustainability indicators are used to assess the impact of the project on the flora and fauna of the community. To have a clear picture of the impact of Nigeria LNG on its host community, Epe-Waterside is chosen as a control community because of its similar socio-geographical outlook to Bonny Island community. The control community is then subjected to the same set of sustainability indicators for a comparative analysis. The outcome of the research work shows that, though the economic and social conditions of Bonny Island seem much better, its environmental status remains a challenge. In other words, it can be concluded that the present approach to the operation of the LNG technology is not sustainable. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Sustainable development challenges of contemporary technologies : Nigeria liquefied-natural-gas project as a case study / S.A. Oluwole

Oluwole, Samson Abayomi January 2008 (has links)
The way people view development is changing. The world now advocates for a development that also considers future generations. There is a paradigm shift towards sustainable development - a development in today's lifestyle without destroying the resources for tomorrow generations. Sustainable development is a broad concept that addresses how human activities impact on the economic, environmental and social well-being of an ecosystem; however, practical application of the sustainability concept is complex because its objective assessment is elusive. It is often said that the effect of technology on society has never been more profound than today. As mankind develops in science and technology to improve on his well-being, certain impacts are made on the systems that support human existence. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) technology, like gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology, is a latest innovation conceived to 'fight' the problem of gas flaring, and help contribute to the social and economic growth of the people; but it is necessary for man to know if these contemporary technologies are sustainable. This dissertation critically appraises the impact of the LNG project on the community of Bonny Island in Nigeria from a holistic perspective. The approach to the research work is three-fold: an appropriate sustainability framework is selected based on certain criteria; sustainability indicators are developed from the chosen framework; and the sustainability indicators are used to assess the impact of the project on the flora and fauna of the community. To have a clear picture of the impact of Nigeria LNG on its host community, Epe-Waterside is chosen as a control community because of its similar socio-geographical outlook to Bonny Island community. The control community is then subjected to the same set of sustainability indicators for a comparative analysis. The outcome of the research work shows that, though the economic and social conditions of Bonny Island seem much better, its environmental status remains a challenge. In other words, it can be concluded that the present approach to the operation of the LNG technology is not sustainable. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Bases teóricas para a concepção e a gestão de Programas de Produção mais Limpa adequados a grupos de empresas

Dutra, Cléber José Cunha January 2008 (has links)
Considerada a importância de que os Programas de Produção mais Limpa (PPLs) são investidos e os problemas constatados com suas performances em todo o mundo, avalia-se como crítica a ausência de Bases Teóricas para avaliar esses programas. Na Literatura acadêmica para este tema, não se encontram abordagens que orientem a Concepção e a Gestão dos PPLs. Movida por estas constatações críticas e pelo senso de urgência em atender esta carência, a pesquisa empreendida, da qual parte dos resultados compõem esta Tese, se dedica à construção de Bases fundamentadas em áreas do conhecimento científico que apóiem a avaliação dos PPLs. Diante da escassez de abordagens teóricas para este propósito, esta Tese se constitui em estudo exploratório e voltado à proposição de um conjunto de enfoques que atenda à sua meta fundamental. Sugerindo que o conjunto resultante estabeleça um arcabouço teórico primário, dirigem-se os enfoques para três níveis de análise : (i) aspectos externos a um Programa a avaliar (macro-análise); (ii) constituição estrutural deste PPL e dinâmicas de seus componentes (meso-análise); e (iii) aspectos psico-sociológicos das relações internas no PPL (micro-análise). Define-se o nivel de meso-análise como foco das elaborações da Tese, para o qual se desenvolvem dois enfoques. Aos enfoques elaborados para os outros dois níveis de análise dedicam-se menores desenvolvimentos, limitando-se a indicar sua integração com os enfoques do nível de meso-análise e seus posteriores desdobramentos e aprofundamentos. Para as construções dos enfoques, utiliza-se de revisões amplas na literatura de Teorias de Aprendizagem, Teorias Organizacionais, Psicologia Ambiental, Complexidade e Gestão da Mudança, como apoios para a revisão de publicações acadêmicas sobre PPLs. Limitações constatadas para estas elaborações teóricas do conjunto de enfoques destacam a importância de uma fase complementar de estudos empíricos qualitativos que, na Tese, prioriza aperfeiçoar o enfoque para Análise Estrutural. Empregando-se principalmente a abordagem de Estudos de Caso e recursos adaptados da Grounded Theory, elabora-se um Esboço Estrutural para este enfoque. A consolidação da integração dos enfoques propostos pela Tese alcança maior consistência pela aplicação do Esboço Estrutural para descrever aspectos dos Casos estudados em um Estudo de Caso Genérico, acompanhada de uma série de análises que integram, progressivamente, conceitos teóricos das ferramentas analíticas que compõem os enfoques. A base da lógica que coordena concepções e construções da Tese se alicerça no enfoque de Pensamento Complexo de Morin, operacionalizada através da dialética hermenêutica que orienta a postura de pesquisa. Tais escolhas filosófico-epistemológicas proporcionam nexo para a integração complexa de múltiplos e variados fatores e conceitos que passam a compor os enfoques, conciliando ambigüidades, oposições e paradoxos típicos dos fenômenos observados nos PPLs. Como resultados, alcança-se evidente capacidade do conjunto de enfoques elaborado para avaliar PPLs de diversos arranjos organizacionais, permitindo-se interpretações ricas dos aspectos que concorrem para seus resultados, o que atende ao propósito original de contribuir para a compreensão de suas performances. Desta forma, a Tese oferece contributo significativo para um campo de conhecimento que carece de contribuições teóricas urgentes. / A critical lack of approaches based on theoretical fundamentals to evaluating Cleaner Production Programmes (CPPs) in the academic literature collides with the significance of these programmes and with their crucial performance problems all over the world. Scientific guidance on designing and managing CPPs is nonexistent or unavailable to regular search on academic publications. Intending to reduce this scarcity of scientific knowledge, the research from which this Thesis gathers its results conceives approaches supported by theoretical underpinnings aimed to evaluate CPPs. Given the knowledge insufficiency on this subject, this Thesis constitutes an exploratory study devoted to the proposition of a set of analytical approaches. This set is intended to establish a basic theoretical framework whose approaches are designed to fit three analytical levels : (i) external aspects of a Programme under assessment (macro-analysis); (ii) structural constitution of this CPP and the dynamics of its components (meso-analysis); and (iii) psycho-sociological aspects of the CPP internal relations (micro-analysis). The main focus of elaborative work concerns the meso-analysis level, to which two approaches have been developed. Less development is dedicated to the other levels and the Thesis confines the elaboration of their approaches to their vital fit and sound synergy with the approaches of the meso-analysis level. The study indicates detailed features of the micro-analysis approach and how they develop in future advanced stages of the research. Similar indications of future developments for the macro-analysis approach receive attention in the discussions. Encompassing reviews of the literature on Learning Theories, Organisational Theories, Environmental Psychology, Complexity and Organisational Change underpin the conception and development of the approaches, integrating elements drew on an extensive review of the academic literature on CPPs. In order to overcome limitations pointed out from the elaboration of the approaches, a complementary empirical phase of qualitative research assumes vital importance to the study and its priority focused improvements in the structural analysis approach. Case Study methods and adapted features of Grounded Theory served as main contributing approaches/techniques to the complex confection of a Structural Blueprint for this analytical approach. Applying this Structural Blueprint as a tool to describe aspects examined in actual Cases, composing a Generic Case Study, followed by a series of analyses that progressively integrate theoretical concepts of the proposed approaches into the assessment supported by the Blueprint, the study succeed in consolidating the integration of the analytical approaches. The logical basis steering Thesis conceptions and developments stands on Morin’s concept of Complex Thinking, which provides guidance to the hermeneutic dialectic conducted in accordance with the study’s research posture. Nexus afforded by such philosophic-epistemological orientation prevails in the complex integration of multiple and diverse factors and concepts embodied in the analytical approaches, providing consonance for the typical ambiguities, oppositions, and paradoxes observed in phenomena related to CPPs. The proposed set of approaches features evident capacity to evaluate CPPs holding varied organisational arrangements, imparting rich interpretations of aspects that contribute to their results and serving its original purpose of assisting the comprehension of their performance. Thus the Thesis offers relevant contribution to this field of knowledge, which demands urgent theoretical advancements.

O estágio de adoção das práticas de produção mais limpa na cadeia de suprimentos de artefatos de couro do Oeste Paulista

Polidório, Gilson Rodrigo Silvério 17 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:15:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 61080100066.pdf: 1081236 bytes, checksum: b3a0ff32bf2aa84a9c349bd4092963c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-17T00:00:00Z / Ao longo da década de 1990, uma grande sensibilização com as mudanças climáticas, a depreciação de recursos naturais e a geração de desperdícios redirecionaram as questões ambientais da periferia à linha de frente da gestão empresarial. Decorrente desta sensibilização é possível citar algumas das práticas mais utilizadas pelas indústrias no processo de esverdeamento de sua produção: Produção Mais Limpa, Produção Enxuta, Eco-Eficiência e Gestão da Qualidade Total Ambiental. Neste trabalho pretende-se focar a Produção Mais Limpa (P+L) no processo de esverdeamento da produção da cadeia que será objeto de estudo: a cadeia de suprimentos de artefatos de couro, devido à grande geração de resíduos (sólidos, líquidos e gasosos) que ocorrem durante o processo de transformação do couro. Tal pesquisa se justifica pelo fato da não existência de estudos que propiciem uma identificação do estágio de adoção das práticas de P+L nesta cadeia e a contribuição que os resultados relativos ao estudo da P+L podem trazer aos grupos de interesse (parceiros, sociedade, pesquisadores, entre outros). Além disso, grande parte das pesquisas se propõe a estudar a indústria calçadista apenas e não os artefatos de couro como integrantes dos processos da cadeia do couro. A partir da identificação desses estágios, por meio do estudo de caso de seis empresas desse setor, ações de melhoria podem ser propostas para que se alcancem estágios mais avançados de práticas de P+L ou que, no mínimo, se mantenha o estágio já atingido, caso a empresa se encontre em um estágio avançado de práticas de P+L, para uma efetiva preservação ambiental e redução de desperdícios, beneficiando o meio ambiente e a sociedade assim como proporcionando o desenvolvimento econômico empresarial com a redução de desperdícios. Os resultados mostram que dentre as práticas de P+L mais utilizadas por esta cadeia estão: a reutilização e conseqüente redução no consumo de água limpa através de métodos de tratamento de efluentes, a redução do consumo de energia elétrica e a limpeza e sinalização de cada etapa dos processos industriais. O investimento de esforços na formação do Ecotime e o investimento financeiro na capacitação e treinamento constante desta equipe constituíram a base para o desenvolvimento de novas oportunidades de P+L. / Throughout the 1990s, a great awareness about climate change, the depreciation of natural resources and generating waste redirected environmental issues from the periphery to the forefront of business management. Due to this awareness is possible to mention some of the practices used by most industries in the greening of production: Cleaner Production, Lean Production, Eco-Efficiency and Total Quality Management Environment. This paper aims to focus on Cleaner Production (CP) in the process of greening the production chain which is an object of study: the supply chain of leather, due to the generation of waste (solid, liquid and gaseous) that occur during the processing of leather. Such research is justified by the non-existence of studies that provide an identification of the stage of adoption practices of CP in the chain and the contribution that the results for the study of CP can bring interest groups (partners, society, researchers, among others). Moreover, much of the research aims to study the footwear industry and not just the leathergoods as integral to the process the leather. By identifying these stages, through a case study of six companies in this sector, improvement actions can be proposed for reaching the advanced stages of practice CP or at least maintain the stage already reached If a company is in an advanced stage of practice CP, for effective environmental conservation and waste reduction, benefiting the environment and society as well as providing economic development business by reducing waste. The results show that among the practices of CP most commonly used by this chain are: the reuse and consequent reduction in the consumption of clean water by methods of effluent treatment, the reduction of energy consumption, cleaning and signs of each stage industrial processes. The investment of effort in training Ecotime and financial investment in training and constant training of this team formed the basis for the development of new opportunities for CP.

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