Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocitation analysis"" "subject:"concitation analysis""
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Modulation and Specialization in North American Knowledge Organization: Visualizing PioneersSmiraglia, Richard P. January 2009 (has links)
Pioneers are those who, in some way, lead their peers to new destinations. In the evolution of a domain, the pioneers might very well be those who have followed a theoretical principle in some particularly ardent manner, thus leading the rest of the domain toward an evolving research front. The present paper is an attempt to use the tools of domain analysis to diachronically analyze the domain of knowledge organization as it is evolving in North America. That is we use bibliometric tools to identify the axes that define North American knowledge organization and its scientists, who are its pioneers. The evolution of a North American chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) marks a growth in coherence of a long active research area. An interesting research question is: what are the characteristics of North American scholarship in knowledge organization? Author co-citation analysis of North American authors whose work appeared in the journal Knowledge Organization is contrasted with author co-citation analysis of authors from outside North America. North American leaders are clearly identified, and some themesâ such as knowledge organization onlineâ that are emergent topics in North America are identified.
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Fundamental methodologies and tools for the employment of webometric analyses - a discussion and proposal for improving the foundation of webometricsFugl, Liv Danman 06 1900 (has links)
The paper Fundamental methodologies and tools for the employment of webometric analyses defines the most important rules to keep in mind before performing webometric analyses. The paper deals with the two basic elements, that constitutes the foundation for webometric analyses: the documents being analysed, and the tools that are applied for the data collection. The concepts of a citation theory and a link theory are discussed through a study of the current litterature. Different methodologies for uncovering motivations for making references in scientific articles are reviewed and discussed. A methodology for uncovering motivations for making links on webpages is proposed and applied on six researchers' websites at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark, and on all the institutes at the same institution and at selected institutes at The Technical University of Denmark. The paper further contains a review on the linktopology of the Internet and the current status for the tools available for data collection. Finally, alternative possible tools for applying webometric analyses are proposed. The alternative tools are the Researchindex invented by Lawrence and Giles (Lawrence, Bollacker & Giles, 1999b; Giles, Bollacker & Lawrence, 1998), Kleinberg's HITS algorithm employed in the Clever search engine (The Clever Project, n.d.; Kleinberg, 1998), Proposals for possible extensions to the HTTP protocol to facilitate the collection and navigation of backlink information in the world wide web made by Chakrabarti, Gibson and McCurley (Chakrabarti, Gibson & McCurley, 1999c) and finally Link Agent, a program we have developed for this paper. The program makes it possible to uncover the reciprocal linking webpages, that exist in relation to the outgoing links from a chosen webpage.
Keywords: Informetrics, Webometrics, Citation theory, Link theory, Motivations for links, Motivations for references, Search engines, Webometric tools
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Mapping International Collaboration in Science in Asia through Coauthorship AnalysisArunachalam, Subbiah, Doss, M. Jinandra 09 1900 (has links)
Using data from SCI 1998, we have analysed international
collaboration in science in 11 Asian countries. Papers resulting from collaboration among these countries and with G7, European Union, OECD and selected Latin American and African countries were classified under subject categories to characterize each countryâ s total and collaborated scientific literature output. Japan (16.4% of internationally collaborated papers), India (17.6%) and Taiwan (16.3%) recorded an internationalization index less than 30 whereas China (28.5%), South Korea (24.6%) and Hong Kong (36.2%) recorded an internationalization index greater
than 40. India, China and South Korea have collaborated more in physics, whereas the other eight countries have collaborated more in life sciences. In almost all fields and for virtually all Asian countries, USA is the most preferred collaborating partner. All G7 countries collaborate more with China, which is emerging as a leader in regional collaboration, than with India.
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Information systems as a discipline in the making: comparing EJIS and MISQ between 1995 and 2008Córdoba, José-Rodrigo, Pilkington, Alan, Bernroider, Edward 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The status of Information Systems (IS) as a discipline has been widely debated as a body of knowledge that offers a number of concepts, methods and techniques to understand and improve the roles of information communication systems and technologies in organizations. Current state of this debate as reported in academic journals signals an imperative to ground some of the perspectives in relation to what IS professionals use in practice in different cultural and geographical contexts. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by tracing the unfolding of information systems as a body of knowledge using the ideas of Abbott on disciplines. We use three different stages of a discipline's development: differentiation, conflict and absorption and map them using a citation and co-citation analyses of two main IS journals (EJIS and MISQ) in the period between 1995 and 2008. Our results indicate that dominant ideas and models to investigate IS phenomena emerged over time are behavioural based and study IS adoption/acceptance/rejection in organisations, many of which are predictive and thus lending themselves usable for positivistic quantitative and qualitative research. There are however stable varieties within IS building on interpretivism and constructivism that we need to recognise and reignite in order to ensure that this field continues moving forward, in particular in studying current and future processes of innovation and diffusion of technology worldwide. (author's abstract)
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Bibliometry; Citation analysis; Vectorials Spaces Model (VSM); Multidimensional Scaling (MDS); Mapping of Science; Contemporany History / The spatial perfomance of the relationships there are among researchers in Contemporany History of Jaén for 1990-1995 through their behaviour in citing process is the objetive of this work. Through reference analysis bases on Vectorial Spaces Model (VSM) and displayed in a graphic thanks to Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) are obtained results about research fronts, who lead them, who made up them, and the "disciple/master" relationships there are among researchers.
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Web impact factors for Iranian UniversitiesNoruzi, Alireza 04 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the Web Impact Factors (WIFs) for Iranian universities and introduces a new system of measurement. Counts of links to the web sites of Iranian universities were calculated from the output of AltaVista search engine. The WIFs for Iranian universities were calculated by dividing link page counts by the number of pages found in AltaVista for each university at a given point in time. These WIFs were then compared, to study the impact, visibility, and influence of Iranian university web sites. Overall, Iranian university web sites have a low inlink WIF. While specific features of sites may affect an institution's Web Impact Factor, there is a significant correlation between the proportion of English-language pages at an institution's site and the institution's backlink counts. This indicates that for linguistic reasons, Iranian (Persian-language) web sites may not attract the attention they deserve from the World Wide Web. This raises the possibility that information may be ignored due to linguistic and geographic barriers, and this should be taken into account in the development of the global Web.
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Research in Information Systems: A Study of Diversity and Inter-Disciplinary Discourse in the AIS Basket Journals between 1995 and 2011Bernroider, Edward, Córdoba, José-Rodrigo, Pilkington, Alan 01 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The paper investigates how Information Systems (IS) has emerged as the product of interdisciplinary
discourses. The research aim in this study is to better understand diversity in IS research,
and the extent to which the diversity of discourse expanded and contracted from 1995 to 2011.
Methodologically, we apply a combined citations/co-citations analysis based on the eight Association
for Information Systems (AIS) basket journals and the 22 subject-field classification framework
provided by the Association of Business Schools (ABS). Our findings suggest that IS is in a state of
continuous interaction and competition with other disciplines. General Management was reduced from
a dominant position as a reference discipline in IS at the expense of a growing variety of other
discourses including Business Strategy, Marketing, and Ethics and Governance among others. Over
time, IS as a field moved from the periphery to a central position during its discursive formation. This
supports the notion of IS as a fluid discipline dynamically embracing a diverse range of adjacent
reference disciplines, whilst keeping a degree of continuing interaction with them. Understanding
where IS is currently at allows us to better understand and propose fruitful avenues for its development
in both academia and practice.
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Science Foresight ProjectKatz, J. Sylvan, Stewart, Sally 03 1900 (has links)
The aim of the Science Foresight Project was to design and assess a simple, objective and cost-effective technique to gather information about emerging short and long-term research developments, primarily in the physical and engineering sciences. International experts were objectively chosen using co-citation patterns in scientific and technical literature, and were invited to submit their predictions about emerging developments in their research fields. They were questioned about how the effects of various factors and driving forces might affect their predictions. The cost and time required to administer the questionnaire and collect the responses was minimised through the use of Internet and Web based technologies. A simple process was used to report the predictions; short excerpts from each prediction were used as the summary and each prediction was classified into one of ten categories of emerging developments. Authors from 114 papers (23.7%) responded, identifying a total of 190 short-term and 111 long-term predicted emerging developments. Expert responses were received from an international group of senior researchers between the ages of 36 and 55, mostly engaged in basic research in academic institutions. Some experts described specific emerging developments, some discussed broad emerging trends in their field and others described both. Emerging development categories such as Atomic & Stellar Matter, Biology & Biosphere, Biomedical & Clinical, Computers & Robotics and Genomics & Proteomics were closely aligned with conventional science areas while other categories such as Mathematical & Computational and Nano Science & Technology contained predictions from almost every area of science. The technique developed and applied here appears to constitute an efficient means of surveying the international research community in order to gain insights into common patterns that evolve from their collective research activities. Dynamically monitoring emerging research developments on a continuous basis could provide valuable information to policy makers, planners and researchers.
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The Rise and Rise of Citation AnalysisMeho, Lokman I. 01 1900 (has links)
Accepted for publication in Physics World (January 2007) / With the vast majority of scientific papers now available online, this paper (accepted for publication in Physics World) describes how the Web is allowing physicists and information providers to measure more accurately the impact of these papers and their authors. Provides a historical background of citation analysis, impact factor, new citation data sources (e.g., Google Scholar, Scopus, NASA's Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service, MathSciNet, ScienceDirect, SciFinder Scholar, Scitation/SPIN, and SPIRES-HEP), as well as h-index, g-index, and a-index.
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Pioneiros dos métodos de projeto (1962-1973) : redes na gênese da metodologia do design / Pioneers of design methods (1962 - 1973): networks in the genesis of the design methodologyLacerda, André Pedroso de January 2012 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as bases teóricas da metodologia de projeto, compreender sua evolução inicial e a influência de outras áreas nesse processo. Teve também como objetivo, descrever os primeiros métodos sistemáticos, presentes entre 1962 a 1973, os confrontado com as teorias presentes no referencial teórico. Isso foi feito através da análise de citações das seis primeiras obras publicadas sobre o tema somado ao registro da primeira conferência sobre métodos de projeto de 1962, criando uma base de dados de 1330 referências bibliográficas. O estudo identifica os principais campos que influenciaram os métodos, centrados em uma abordagem de sistemas. Além disso, revela uma lista de trabalhos e autores que precederam as publicações sobre métodos de projeto e que podem ser considerados os primórdios de um pensamento projetual. Essa lista, que pode ser considerada a principal contribuição do trabalho, foi feita através de técnicas de bibliometria, como a co-citação e o acoplamento bibliográfico, aliadas a análise de redes fazendo o cruzamento entre os autores, unindo dados quantitativos a uma análise qualitativa, esse resultado é contextualizado em uma linha do tempo e em um quadro histórico. Por fim é feita uma reflexão sobre a evolução e as tendências atuais e futuras da metodologia de projeto. / The main aim of this work was to investigate the theoretical bases of design methodology, understand their early evolution and the influence of other fields in this process. Had also aimed to describe the first systematic methods, present from 1962 to 1973, and confronting it with the theories present in the theoretical framework. This was done through citation analysis of the first six books published on the subject added to the published papers of the 1962 first conference on design methods, creating a database of 1330 references. The study identifies core fields that influenced the methods, focusing on a systems approach. Moreover, it shows a list of works and authors that preceded the publications on design methods and can be considered the beginnings of design thinking. The list, which can be considered the main contribution of the research was done through bibliometric techniques such as co-citation and bibliographic coupling, combined with network analysis making the crossing between the authors combining quantitative data with qualitative analysis, this results is contextualised into a time line and in a historical frame. At last was made a reflection about the evolution, current trends, and future of design methodology.
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