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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení rozvoje talentů / Management of Talent Development

Jindřich, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this text is the management of talent development. The aim of a dissertation was to identify what skills abilities are supposed from Talents in organizations what is suitable to develop in trainings by talents what method of development is most effective for talents and what we should consider hen we set up talent management in organization. The history of talent management manners and current interpretation of keywords are analysed in theoretical part. The hypotheses were set up to current problems and were verified by standard manners in organizations and at the university. The hypotheses have passed successful only for typical circumstances where the talents usually are. The most important knowledge are two new trends in talent management. The first is business coaching like combined method of development for talents is most effective manner of talent development. The second knowledge says that talent management set up of talent management depends on level of systematic work in organization.

Análise do processo de coaching na carreira de executivos do Vale do Paraíba paulista / Coaching process analysis on the Executive career in Paraíba paulista valley

Adriana Roman Muniz 06 April 2011 (has links)
Os procedimentos para desenvolvimento de competências das lideranças passam por constantes transformações de abordagens e metodologias. Muitas empresas, como forma de desenvolver seus líderes, têm implementado programas de coaching para que seus executivos, não somente se apropriem de novos modelos mentais, como também desenvolvam ou consolidem competências comportamentais essenciais ou técnicas para o trabalho atual e futuro. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a contribuição do programa de coaching na carreira do executivo do vale do Paraíba, sob a percepção dos profissionais de Recursos Humanos e executivos que passaram pelo processo O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas. A primeira delas, com o objetivo de levantamento, classifica-se como exploratória e descritiva. A amostra teve por base a publicação do Guia Exame Melhores e Maiores, no ano de 2009, e as empresas foram contatadas por entrevista telefônica. A segunda etapa foi de natureza qualitativa, com o critério de acessibilidade a duas empresas do setor químico e petroquímico. Foram entrevistados, por meio de roteiro semiestruturado, profissionais de Recursos Humanos e executivos. Os resultados da primeira etapa demonstraram que somente 07 empresas da amostra, de um total de 22, disponibilizaram dados efetivos sobre o processo de coaching, e que, destas, 43% possuem um programa de coaching formal, dedicado, em sua maioria, para executivos e potenciais. A segunda etapa, qualitativa, evidenciou: 1) falta de homogeneidade no conceito de coaching por parte dos entrevistados; 2) processo de coaching mais voltado para manutenção da carreira atual do que para preparo futuro, sendo uma intenção total da empresa, e não do indivíduo 3) não existência de alinhamento por parte dos profissionais de RH e dos executivos quanto a todas as etapas que compõem o programa de coaching, quando relacionado com a teoria; 4) fragilidade nas duas organizações, quanto ao processo de identificação das necessidades ou propósito para o coaching, o que reflete diretamente no processo de avaliação dos resultados; 5) processo de implementação de uma cultura de Leader coach ainda está em fase inicial de implementação. / Procedures for leadership skills developing pass through constant transformations of approaches and methodologies. Many companies, as a way to develop their leaders have implemented coaching programs for their executives, not only to them have ownership of new mental models, as well as consolidate and develop behavioral skills and techniques to current and future work. This study aims to examine the contribution of the coaching program at the executives career in the Paraíba valley, by the perception of HR professionals and executives who have undergone through the coaching process The study was conducted in two phases. First one, with the goal of collecting data, it is classified as exploratory and descriptive. The sampling was based on the publication of the magazine so called Guia Exama Melhores e Maiores in 2009, and companies were contacted by telephone interview. The second phase was qualitative, with the criteria of accessibility to two companies in chemical and petrochemical sector. HR professionals and executives were interviewed through a semi-structured script. Results of the first stage have showed that only 07 companies out of 22 in the sampling provided effective data about the coaching process an within these 7, just 43% have a formal coaching program dedicated mostly to executives and prospective executives. The second phase, the qualitative one has pointed out: 1) lack of homogeneity in the concept of coaching by part of interviewee; 2) coaching process more focused on maintaining the current career than to prepare for the future, with an overall demand of the company, not directed on the person; 3) misalignment by HR professionals and executives about all the steps that make up the coaching program when connected with the theory; 4) weakness in both organizations, about the process of identifying needs or purpose to coaching, which is directly reflected in the outcome of the process; 5) implementation process of a culture of Leader coach is still in early stages of implementation.

Coaching Co-Teachers Using a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Jacob A Tandy (8770421) 28 April 2020 (has links)
<p>Co-teaching is a practice in which “two professionals co-plan, co-instruct and co-assess a diverse group of students. Both teachers provide substantive instruction to all students on a daily, consistent basis. Neither is considered the main teacher of the class; they are equals” (Murawski, 2008, p. 29). Unfortunately, co-teaching in practice is often characterized by one teacher handling most of the instruction and the other operating in an assistant role (Murawski & Lochner, 2009, 2010; Volonio & Zigmund, 2007). Co-teaching should also be characterized by the use of multiple models that facilitate small group instruction, which should increase student to teacher interaction and student engagement (Friend, 2014). </p><p>A way to address these gaps is to provide co-teachers with ongoing coaching support (CEC, 2012). The goal of this study was to increase the quality of co-teaching through different levels of coaching to facilitate small group instruction through parallel teaching and increase student engagement. This study used a MTSS model with a multi-probe design to respond to the level of support co-teachers need, starting with peer coaching, then traditional coaching, and finally bug in ear (BIE) coaching. </p><p>There were three sets of co-teaching pairs who participated. There was an intervention effect for all three pairs of teachers with peer coaching, the first tier of the intervention. Therefore, the other two levels of support were not needed as all participants met criteria in peer coaching. Additionally, there was an effect in increasing student engagement with peer coaching. These procedures can be used and adapted for future research in coaching co-teachers to improve their practices. </p>

A Self-Study Inquiry into Instructional Coaching: Developing Understandings of Intentional Coaching

Jennings, LaShay, Moran, Renee Rice, Hong, Huili 30 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of Gender in Collegiate Coaching: How Men’s and Women’s Experiences are Different

Chappell, Christie Mikyla January 2012 (has links)
The number of men in collegiate coaching, in comparison to women, is overwhelmingly unbalanced. The accessibility men have to the profession of collegiate coaching at a high level in comparison to women’s’ greatly affects women’s’ ability to achieve similar jobs. The ease at which men attain jobs coaching both genders is perpetuated through the desire to maintain collegiate athletics as a male dominated profession. The women’s perspective broadens the profession itself and helps to break down the societal roles that have been assigned to women. The lack of women in collegiate coaching discourages other women from entering the profession and the women did not feel supported, accepted, or welcomed as collegiate coaches. The results also show a combination of feeling scrutinized because of their gender, and pressure to prove themselves as valuable members of the profession, which led the women interviewed to question if they should continue to coach.

Hybriddrift av Flygvapnet : En organisation i symbios med indviden

Hjärp, Anders, Stenbergh, Olof January 2020 (has links)
Försvarsmakten har specificerat personalen som sin kanske viktigaste resurs. Tidigare flygvapenchefen poängterade det mycket bra med att i sin värdegrundspolicy uttrycka att vi ”inte har råd att bara rekrytera ur halva befolkningen”. Det han då hade i åtanke var faktumet att vår arbetsgivare brister i att attrahera och behålla medarbetare som är kvinnor. I den kontexten kan man identifiera att Försvarsmakten behöver nyttja sin befintliga personal på bästa sätt. Vi vill undersöka hur flygvapnet kan nära personalens ambitioner att utvecklas till att bli det bästa de kan bli. Vi har med ett öppet sinne sökt svaren till vilka faktorer som påverkar och möjliggör en framgångsrik väg genom den yrkesverksamma delen av livet. De individer i vårt samhälle som vi valt att fokusera på har valt Försvarsmakten som arbetsplats och officer som yrke. Studien har en induktiv ansats, där empirin hämtas från både kvalitativa intervjuer och workshops. Genom hela arbetet har vi inspirerats av grounded theory som metod. Vi som forskare har en förförståelse för ämnet och har på ett naturligt sätt haft en god kontakt med de individer som deltagit i studien. Referensramen har hämtats från olika delar av forskningsfältet. Främst från organisationsteorier och organisationspsykologi. För att se helheten har vi använt Bolman &amp; Deals organisationsteori, Brown &amp; Brooks som utvecklar olika karriärteorier och Mintzberg som kompletterar med strukturmodeller. Från Försvarsmakten har vi tagit befintliga styrdokument och använt, av Försvarsmakten, anlitade företags teoretiska grund för karriärutveckling. För att konstruera vår sammanfattande modell har vi utgått från två etablerade modeller, en av Super (The Life-Career Rainbow: Six Life Roles in Schematic Life Space) och Schein (A Temporal Development Model). Utifrån empirin framträdde tre tydliga teman i vad som officeren fann som viktigast i förutsättningar till att vilja bygga sin karriär. Coaching, där tydlig feedback från chef och kollegor är en viktig ingrediens tillsammans med möjligheter och målinriktning. Livspusslet bygger på att kombinera arbetet med det övriga livet. Familj och fritid ska även fungera på ett balanserat sätt i förhållande till arbetsbelastning. Avtal och Försvarsmaktens geografiska spridning är andra områden som hämmar individen. Strategisk personalplan ses som en av framgångsfaktorerna för att locka och ge individen bra förutsättning för chefskarriären. För att underlätta för både organisation och individ krävs en symbios emellan dessa två. I karriären vi ser som önskvärd finns en långsiktighet och en metodiskt iterativ utveckling av både organisation och individ. Vidare har vi sett att en central personalplanerare får ett perspektiv som gynnar båda intressenterna i detta sammanhang.  Det har varit en spännande resa som har gett oss många intryck att ta med i framtiden. Vi har lärt oss om det faktiska ämnet men minst lika mycket om rollen som forskare och metoder för att tillgodogöra oss information och att förhålla oss till densamma. Vi har funnit en del väntade svar men också en hel del oväntade faktorer som i stort och smått påverkar de respondenter vi mött under vår resa. Vi har fått bekräftat vår uppfattning om ledningsgruppers sammansättning, lärt oss om vikten av mentorering på olika nivåer och hur mycket en organisationsstruktur med tydlighet värderas. Att den sociala delen av livet är viktig har vi egna erfarenheter av men att komma till insikt om samspelet som gör helheten var vi inte riktigt beredda på. Vi har valt att i en modell likna den här helheten vid en hybridkonstruktion där varje del är, likt en hybridbil, en motor samtidigt som en generator. För den med endast ett visst intresse för teknik så kan liknelsen ge en insikt om att varje del tillåts belasta en till del men också att batteriet ibland behöver laddas. Den moderna syn som växt fram hur samspelet fungerar idag har sin grund hos Frone och den integrativa modellen. Han menar att familj kan fungera som buffert mot stress genom att ge stöd och möjlighet till avkoppling lika väl som att familjen kan generera stress som påverkar arbetet Vi har under arbetet skiftat från en tydlig uppfattning om att grundutbildningen ger oss en, i viss mån, förutbestämd förutsättning för vidare karriär. Delvis har den uppfattningen bekräftats men inte på det sättet som vi förutspådde. Vi förväntade oss att finna strukturella tydligheter som med historik och ”gammal hävd” gjorde att en pilot i Flygvapnet på något sätt har en enklare och tydligare väg uppåt i hierarkin. Det stämmer, men det finns saker bakom kulisserna som vi inte var medvetna om. Det handlar om att välja medarbetare som liknar en själv och vi har sett det med all önskvärd tydlighet på fler olika platser och nivåer inte bara med just den kategorin. Det finns mer bakom, det finns processer som en chef bör medvetandegöras. Det finns påverkansfaktorer som inte går att bortse från då de i så fall omöjliggör för en stor del av vår personal att bidra på det sätt de har kapacitet till. Vi anser att vår organisation inte har lyxen att INTE ta till vara på de resurser vi har. / The Armed Forces have specified personnel as their perhaps most important resource. As the former Air Force Supreme Commander very well pointed in expressing “we can´t afford to recruit from half of the population". What he had in mind was the fact that the Swedish Armed Forces are not very good at attracting and retaining female employees. However, in this context it is possible to identify that the defense force needs to utilize its entire existing staff in the best possible way. We want to investigate how the Air Force can enthuse the personnel's ambitions and develop them to become all they can be. We have with an open mind sought the answers to what affects and enables a successful path through the professional part of life. The individuals in our society that we have chosen to focus on have chosen the Swedish Armed Forces as a workplace and Officer as a profession. The case study has an inductive approach, where the empiricism is derived from both qualitative interviews and workshops. Throughout the work we have been inspired by grounded theory as a method. We as researchers have had a certain understanding of the subject and naturally have had good contact with the individuals who participated in the study. The frame of reference has been taken from various parts of the research field. Mainly from organizational theories and organizational psychology. To see the whole, we have used Bolman &amp; Deal organizational theory, Brown &amp; Brooks who develop different career theories and Mintzberg who supplement with structural models. From the Armed Forces, we have taken existing governance documents and used, by the Armed Forces, the companies' theoretical basis for career development. To construct our model, we have based on two established models, one of Super (The Life-Career Rainbow: Six Life Roles in Schematic Life Space) and Schein (A Temporal Development Model). Based on the empiricism, three clear themes emerged in what the officer found to be most important in the conditions for wanting to build his career. Coaching, where clear feedback from the manager and colleagues is an important ingredient along with opportunities and goals. In the Life Puzzle it is important to get together work with the rest of life. Family and leisure should also function in a balanced way in relation to workload. Agreements and the Armed Forces' geographical distribution are other areas that hamper the individual. Strategic personnel plan is seen as one of the success factors for attracting and giving the individual a good basis for the managerial career. To facilitate both organization and individual, a symbiosis between these two is required. In the career model we have built there is a long-term perspective and a methodically iterative development of both organization and individual. Furthermore, we have seen that a central staff planner has a perspective that benefits both stakeholders in this context. It has been an exciting journey that has given us a lot, we have learned about the actual subject but also about the role of researcher and provided us with information and means to relate to it. We have found some expected answers, but also a lot of unexpected factors that affect the respondents. We have confirmed our view on the composition of management groups and learned about the importance of mentoring at different levels and how much an organizational structure is clearly valued. The social part of life is important but we have now also an understanding of the interaction that makes the whole. We have chosen to create a model to resemble this in a hybrid design where each part is, like a hybrid car, an engine at the same time as a generator. For those with only a certain interest in technology, we think that the parable gives an insight that each part can be allowed to propel but also that it sometimes needs to charge its battery. The modern view that has emerged how the interaction works today has its foundation in Frone and the integrative model. He believes that family can act as a buffer against stress by providing support and opportunities for relaxation as well as that the family can generate more stress that affects the work. During the duration of the work, we have shifted from a clear perception that the basic training and undergraduate education gives us a certain predetermined condition for further career. In part, this view has been confirmed, but not in the way we assumed. We expected to find structural clarity that, with history and "old claims", made a pilot in the Air Force somehow have a clearer path up the hierarchy. That's correct, but there are things behind the scenes that we weren't aware of. This is a story about choosing employees who are similar to yourself and we have seen it. We have seen it with all the desirable clarity in several different places and levels, not just with that particular category. There is more behind the scenes, there are processes that a manager should make conscious. There are influencing factors that cannot be ignored as they in this case make it impossible for a large part of our staff to contribute in the way they have capacity. We believe that our organization does not have the luxury of NOT utilizing the resources we have.

Coaches' knowledge of injury and associated risk factors among young track and field athletes: A case study on the Western Cape Talent Development Programme (TDP) branch of the Mass participation, Opportunity and accessibility, Development and growth (MOD) programme for U12-U14 track and field athletes

Isaacs, Neda 16 February 2022 (has links)
Background: The management, prevention, and recognition of injuries forms an integral part of coaches training. It is imperative that coaches are equipped with a sound understanding of specialised coaching to teach developing athletes correct performance techniques, promote strategies to reduce the risk of injury, and be able to determine the need for medical attention in the event of an injury (9). The South African Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) has created opportunities for young people living in low socio-economic settings to participate in various sports within the Mass participation, Opportunity and Development and growth (MOD) programme (10). Athletes showing potential for competing at a provincial or national level are selected into the specialised Talent Development Programmes (TDP). The MOD and TDP also provides an employment opportunity for coaches. At present, very little is known about the knowledge and practices of coaches working with young athletes in low socio-economic settings within South Africa. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the knowledge and practices of youth athletics coaches employed by the Western Cape (WC) TDP branch of the MOD within the under 12–14 year age group. The specific objectives were to: 1) describe the coaches qualifications and experience, using an online Demographic and Coaching Practices (D&CP) questionnaire; 2) assess coaches' knowledge regarding athlete development, injuries, and the management of injuries using an online Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ); 3) describe coaches practices regarding injury prevention techniques using the D&CP questionnaire and 4) assess the relationship between the coaches a) experience and their MCQ scores, b) qualification and MCQ score, and c) qualification in first aid and the MCQ subsection score relating to injury and injury management. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. Inclusion criteria were: 1) coaches associated with the TDP for Athletics in the WC, 2) coaches with > one year's experience coaching U12-14 athletics, and 3) access to internet. Exclusion criteria were: 1) coaches < one season coaching experience. Ethics approval was granted by the University of Cape Town Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC REF 554/2019). The online MCQ consisted of 40 questions covering topics relating to coaches' knowledge and understanding of methods used to reduce the risk of injury and management of acute injuries. The D&CP questionnaire included questions related to the practices used by coaches to reduce injury risk and management protocols used during pre-season, training, or in competition. Results: Twenty-six coaches consented to participate; five coaches exercised their right to withdraw after having only completed the online MCQ component. Profile of coaches: 16 of the 21 coaches (76.19%) reported having a coaching qualification. Most coaches were certified by Athletics South Africa (n = 12; 57.14%). Most coaches (n = 17; 81%) held a first aid qualifications ranging from level one to three. Participants' experience ranged from less than five years to 15 years (median = 7 years; IQR = 10.5 years). Performance on the MCQ: The median score achieved by the coaches (n = 26) for the MCQ was 14 out of 40 points (35%; IQR = 4) and only two coaches achieved a score greater than 50%. Coaching Practices: Most coaches (71%) used 30-minute warm-up sessions which included various exercise techniques. During warm-ups, a few of the coaches (n = 11) included static stretching, while the majority (n = 19) included dynamic stretching techniques. During competition season, most coaches encouraged athletes to complete a cool-down following each event (n = 17; 80.95%). Most coaches (90%) incorporated a pre-season conditioning programme, lasting an average of 7.5 weeks (range = 2-16 weeks). Injury Management: 19% of coaches relied on the first aider present at each training session. Sixteen of the 21 coaches depended on medical professionals to make the final decision regarding to returning the athlete to training and competing, and 38.5% (n = 26) of coaches believed it was the coach or parents' decision. Relationship between MCQ Performance and Coaching profile: A moderate correlation between coaches' years of experience and MCQ score was found, however this was not significant (r = 0.43; p = 0.054), and weak non-significant correlations were found between MCQ scores were not significantly for groups of coaches who held or did not possesses a coaching qualification (u = 37; z = 0.21; p = 0.84). There was no difference between coaches who had a first aid qualification and those who did not on the MCQ test scores (u = 22; z = 1.03; p = 0.32). Discussion and Conclusion: Coaches' knowledge regarding injuries, practices used to reduce the risk of injuries, and the acute medical management of injuries is less than optimal. Several coaches performed poorly on the MCQ, and some practices used by the coaches in our sample were questionable. Despite the majority having qualifications in both coaching and first aid, their understanding relating to injuries and the practices used did not always reflect the latest guidelines for coaching youth athletes. The findings of the present study are similar to the findings of others studies (11). This may be as a result of insufficient coaching development throughout their careers. The present findings indicated that 42.3% of TDP coaches still use outdated warm-up techniques (i.e., static stretches). Coaches are generally aware of the importance of strength and conditioning programmes. The moderate correlation between years of experience and MCQ score suggests that coaches do gain implicit knowledge through their experience. As health professionals working in the field of sport, physiotherapists are key allies for sharing knowledge with coaches. Empowering coaches with the knowledge and skills required to reduce the risk of injury development and manage injuries appropriately may, in turn, provide developing athletes with the support they require.

Essential Executive Coaching Competencies for Enhancing Executive On-the-Job Performance: A Modified Delphi Study

Maxwell, Arturo Small 01 January 2017 (has links)
Approximately 93% of Fortune 1000 companies in the United States rely upon executive coaching to accelerate executive performance. However, there is a lack of empirical research identifying effective executive coaching competencies. In this modified Delphi study, a panel of 17 executive coaching experts was purposefully selected from the International Coach Federation and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Participant selection criteria included training in executive coaching, executive coaching credentialing, and -?¥3 years practicing executive coaching or purchasing executive coaching services. Participants used a 5 point Likert-type questionnaire to provide their expert opinion regarding essential executive coaching competencies for enhancing executive on-the-job performance. In an iterative 3-round process, a consensus between these experts was determined when the mean of respondent ratings reached 4.0 or higher. Data received from the panel of experts were calculated for means and standard deviations. This analysis showed key executive coaching competencies such as trustworthiness, adherence to a code of ethics, executive coaching certification, and 19 others. This list of competencies may be used to inform future research on coaching effectiveness, and may serve as criteria for HR managers when selecting coaches. Coach training entities could benefit by integrating these findings in their teaching curriculum. More effective executive coaching is important because of its potential to improve organizational efficiency, profitability, and work environment, positively impacting the lives of employees.

Sports Coaching Through the Ages with an Empirical Study of Predictors of Rowing Coaching Effectiveness

Kiosoglous, Cameron Michael 08 May 2013 (has links)
Coaching effectiveness is a result of a coach getting the best out of the people and resources in their environment. For coaches, learning from experience is vital in a role that is a complex, dynamic and multifaceted process of balancing fun and winning where one cannot be sure if results will go according to plan. At the Olympic level, due to commercialization more money is being spent than ever before on developing more professional and effective training systems to maximize athletic performances. Medals won determine how a coach is evaluated and with more nations competition at a higher level, success is becoming even more competitive. More qualified and adaptable coaches are required to cope with the demands of international competition. The literature has been extensively examined based on the research question: to what extent is coaching success predicted by a coaches' ability to self-reflect on past experiences? The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that if coaches who are highly self-reflective and have successful athletic and coaching experiences would be more likely to have future coaching success than those who either were not self-reflective or had less success in the past. Coaching knowledge is acquired though experience and the process of learning and self-reflection is an activity that facilitates this process. This study showed that rowing coaching experience and rowing athletic experience are positive predictors of coaching success, albeit weakly so. While self-reflective activities are not predictors of coaching success, self-reflection is an activity that coaches engage in. This study also identified the challenges in measuring coaching success. But like any domain, deliberate practice, which is a known pathway to developing expertise, is an activity that contributes to the professionalization of sports coaching and its advancement as a profession. / Ph. D.

Instructional Coaching and its Impact on Teachers’ Stage of Concern about a Curricular Initiative

Michael, Kristine Treece 10 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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