Spelling suggestions: "subject:"column"" "subject:"kolumn""
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Optimal Truck Scheduling : Mathematical Modeling and Solution by the Column Generation PrinciplePalmgren, Myrna January 2005 (has links)
We consider the daily transportation problem in forestry which arises when transporting logs from forest sites to customers such as sawmills and pulp and paper mills. Each customer requires a specific amount of a certain assortment, and the deliveries to the customers can be made within time intervals, known as time windows. Further, there are a number of supply points, each with a certain assortment, and a number of vehicles of a given capacity, to be used for transport. The log truck scheduling problem consists of finding a set of minimal costs routes, one for each vehicle, such that the customers’ demands are satisfied without exceeding the supplies available at the supplies. Each route has to satisfy a number of constraints concerning time windows, truck capacity, timetable of the driver, lunch breaks, et cetera. The model used to describe the log truck scheduling problem is based on the route concept, and each variable, or column, represents one feasible route. Since the number of feasible routes is huge, we work only with restricted versions of this problem, which are similar to restricted master problems in a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition scheme. We use three solution methods based on the column generation principle, together with a pool strategy which allows us to deal with the feasible routes outside the restricted master problem. The three methods proposed have a common structure; they use branch-andprice together with a column generator, followed by branch-and-bound. The column generators in the three methods differ. In the first method, the subproblem is based on a cluster-first-route-second strategy. The column generator in the second method involves solving a constrained shortest path problem, and finally, the third method builds on a repeated generation of clusters and routes. The three methods are tested on real cases from Swedish forestry companies, and the third method has been adapted to a computerised system that utilises the Swedish national road data base, for computing travelling distances. The results obtained show that the optimisation methods succeed in finding significantly better solutions than those obtained by manual planning, and in a reasonable computing time.
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Determinacion de residuos de herbicidas polares mediante cromatografia líquida de alta resolución. Aplicación de técnicas acopladasSancho Llopis, Juan Vicente 27 September 1994 (has links)
Las técnicas cromatográficas acopladas se encuentran entre las más sensibles y selectivas disponibles para la determinación de residuos de pesticidas en muestras medioambientales.El principal objetivo de esta Tesis es estudiar el potencial de la cromatografía líquida acoplada a cromatografía líquida (CL-CL) para el análisis de residuos de herbicidas polares seleccionados (fenoxiácidos, glufosinato, glifosato y el principal metabolito de éste último, AMPA). La aplicación de un procedimiento con acoplamiento CL-CL para la determinación de los residuos de estos herbicidas presenta numerosas ventajas, como son: menor tiempo de análisis, menor manipulación de la muestra, menor uso de disolventes orgánicos, mayor selectividad y sensibilidad y automatización de la etapa de purificación.La combinación de dos procedimientos de EFS y el acoplamiento CL-CL proporcionan un procedimiento global capaz de determinar ocho herbicidas fenoxiácidos a nivel de 0.1 g.l-1 en diferentes muestras de agua con una elevada capacidad de análisis. El procedimiento está basado en la extracción en fase sólida mediante cartucho C18 de 50 ml de muestra de agua previamente acidificada. Posteriormente, se purifica el extracto mediante un cartucho relleno de silicagel. Una alícuota de 400 µl se inyecta en el cromatógrafo líquido con columnas acopladas y detección UV a 228 nm. Se realiza una purificación sobre una pequeña columna de 10 mm rellena de la fase ISRP y se transfiere la fracción que contiene los analitos a la segunda columna de 100 mm rellena de Microspher C18, 3 µm.La aplicación de derivatización con FMOC antes de CL con columnas acopladas y detección fluorescente utilizando una columna de fase reversa acoplada a una de intercambio iónico es útil para la determinación de pesticidas muy polares como glufosinato, glifosato y AMPA en muestras de aguas a nivel de sub-ppb. La derivatización de la muestra de agua con FMOC se efectúa en medio tamponado borato; tras 30 min de reacción, se diluye con tampón borato y se inyectan 2 ml en el cromatógrafo líquido con columnas acopladas y detección fluorescente con ex = 263 nm y em = 317 nm. Se realiza una purificación sobre una columna de 30 mm rellena de fase reversa C18 y se transfiere la fracción que contiene los analitos a la segunda columna de 250 mm rellena de Adsorbosphere NH2 de 5 µm.La rapidez del procedimiento de prederivatización y el corto tiempo de análisis posterior proporciona una elevada capacidad de análisis, de al menos 50 muestras por día. El método parece ser muy robusto ya que, durante el tiempo que duraron las experiencias, la columna C18 (C-1) mantuvo su resolución y el reajuste de las condiciones de purificación y transferencia no fue necesario. La columna amino (C-2) sufrió una pérdida gradual de eficiencia, sólo advertible tras dos meses de uso continuado.
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Utveckling av rattstång med övre teleskopfunktion / Development of steering column with upper telescopic functionJosefsson, Johannes, Lundberg, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
I denna rapport redogör projektgruppen för resultatet i kursen examensarbete 15hp (C-nivå) utfört på maskiningenjörsprogrammet, inriktning produktutveckling och design, vid Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola. Examensarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Kongsberg Power Product Systems AB i Ljungsarp. Syftet var att utveckla en ny typ av övre teleskopfunktion till Kongsbergs modulsystem för ställbara rattstänger. Utgångspunkten i projektet var att skapa en mer ergonomisk förarmiljö, något som Kongsbergs kunder och marknaden för långsamtgående fordon allt mer efterfrågar. Kraven som ställts på projektet bestod i största del av axiella och radiella krafter som konstruktionen skulle klara av, samt den axiella förlängningen av rattstången. För att strukturera arbetet har en produktutvecklingsmetod från boken The Mechanical Design Process av David G. Ullman använts. Dessa metoder har använts i genomförandefasen för att leda fram till resultatet. Projektet har resulterat i ett koncept som löser Kongsbergs krav på förbättrad förarergonomi. / In this report the project team describes the outcome of the course degree project 15 ECTS (C level) performed at the program of mechanical engineering, targeted product development and design, at Jönköping University. The degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Kongsberg Power Products Systems AB in Ljungsarp. The aim was to develop a new type of upper telescopic function to the Kongsberg modular system for adjustable steering columns. The starting point of the project was to create a more ergonomic driver's environment, as Kongsberg’s customers and the market for slow vehicles are increasingly demanding. The requirements placed on the project consisted in the main part of the forces that construction would meet, and the axial extension of the steering column. To structure the work a product development methodology from the book The Mechanical Design Process by David G. Ullman has been used. The project has resulted in a concept that solves Kongsberg's demands for improved driver ergonomics.
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Characterizing Chromium Isotope Fractionation During Reduction of Cr(VI): Batch and Column ExperimentsJamieson-Hanes, Julia Helen January 2012 (has links)
Chromium (VI) is a pervasive groundwater contaminant that poses a considerable threat to human health. Remediation techniques have focused on the reduction of the highly mobile Cr(VI) to the sparingly soluble, and less toxic, Cr(III) species. Traditionally, remediation performance has been evaluated through the measurement of Cr(VI) concentrations; however, this method is both costly and time-consuming, and provides little information regarding the mechanism of Cr(VI) removal. More recently, Cr isotope analysis has been proposed as a tool for tracking Cr(VI) migration in groundwater. Redox processes have been shown to produce significant Cr isotope fractionation, where enrichment in the ⁵³Cr/⁵²Cr ratio in the remaining Cr(VI) pool is indicative of a mass-transfer process. This thesis describes laboratory batch and column experiments that evaluate the Cr isotope fractionation associated with the reduction of Cr(VI) by various materials and under various conditions.
Laboratory batch experiments were conducted to characterize the isotope fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction by granular zero-valent iron (ZVI) and organic carbon (OC). A decrease in Cr(VI) concentrations was accompanied by an increase in δ⁵³Cr values for the ZVI experiments. Data were fitted to a Rayleigh-type curve, which produced a fractionation factor α = 0.9994, suggesting a sorption-dominated removal mechanism. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicated the presence of Cr(III) on the solid material, suggesting that reduction of Cr(VI) occurred. A series of batch experiments determined that reaction rate, experimental design, and pre-treatment of the ZVI had little to no effect on the Cr isotope fractionation. The interpretation of isotope results for the organic carbon experiments was complicated by the presence of both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) co-existing in solution, suggesting that further testing is required.
A laboratory column experiment was conducted to evaluate isotopic fractionation of Cr during Cr(VI) reduction by OC under saturated flow conditions. Although decreasing dissolved Cr(VI) concentrations also were accompanied by an increase in δ⁵³Cr values, the isotope ratio values did not fit a Rayleigh-type fractionation curve. Instead, the data followed a linear regression equation yielding α = 0.9979. Solid-phase analysis indicated the presence of Cr(III) on the surface of the OC. Both the results of the solid-phase Cr and isotope analyses suggest a combination of Cr(VI) reduction mechanisms, including reduction in solution, and sorption prior to reduction. The linear characteristic of the δ⁵³Cr data may reflect the contribution of transport on Cr isotope fractionation.
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Serum proteomic profiles between diabetic patients and healthy adults with Tai-Chi exercise by Nano LC-ESI technology.Chang, Wan-Ching 15 February 2012 (has links)
We have previously used a two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis protein expression with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization of mass spectrometry to identify the serum proteomic profiles before and after the Tai Chi exercise in normal adults (Yang & Chang, et al. Clin Chem 56:127, 2010). However, the high abundant serum proteins in seyal samples might interfere the discovery of low abundance proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis, but these low abundant proteins may play an important role on human physiology. Therefore, we looked for another way to resolve this complex issue. After multiple attempts, we chose a commercial affinity column to exclude 14 kinds of high-abundance proteins before analyses of serum proteomic displays. This column could be fit into a fast liquid chromatography separation of purified proteins and eluted for low abundant proteins. The low abundant proteins were first expressed by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins followed by a series of gel cut down for in-gel digestion by trypsin and subject to nano-liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis (nano-LC ESI MS/MS ). The results obtained by software analysis were subject to its functional pathways analysis. We analysed 3 comparisons of the protein displays including differences between normal adults before and after exercise, differences of normal adults and diabetic patients before and after exercise. Experiments were next performed to validate the most significant difference of proteins between each category by enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results showed that dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) proteins were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in normal adults ( P values were 0.011 and less than 0.001), while the prolactin-inducible protein (PIP) was higher in normal adults than in diabetic patients after exercise (P value of 0.042). To our knowledge, decrease of DPP4 in type 2 diabetes has been shown to reduce blood sugar and improve the immunity; and NGAL has been confirmed to be an indicator for early diagnosis of acute kidney injury. Therefore, we have identified certain functional proteomic markers in normal and diabetic patients after Tai Chi exercise. This study model with exclusion of high-abundance serum proteins is a useful mode for identifying immune and metabolic marker with and without.
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Assessment of critical parameters that affect the seismic performance of bridge steel pedestalsSrivastava, Siddharth 15 May 2009 (has links)
The Georgia Department of Transportation has been installing steel pedestals on bridges, ranging in height up to 33½” (0.85m) to increase the vertical clearance of many multi-span simply-supported and multi-span continuous bridges in Georgia. But there is a concern about the performance of these steel pedestals as they are designed without seismic consideration and may perform poorly compared to high-type steel “rocker” bearings, which were found to be unstable supports in previous earthquakes. This research models a candidate bridge using experimental data that captures the force-displacement hysteretic behavior of the steel pedestals. The results show how these steel pedestals behave when subjected to a range of ground motions. Nonlinear time history analysis is conducted using SAP 2000 software on a three-dimensional model of the candidate bridge. In addition, parametric studies of various critical parameters that can affect the seismic performance of the bridge are investigated, such as 1) varying the mass of the structure, 2) varying the stiffness of the deck joint, 3) varying column heights, and 4) seismic retrofitting using cable restrainers.
The results show that these pedestals should not be used in regions of high seismicity, and in regions of low seismicity, it is likely that they need to be retrofitted. They can, although, be used safely in regions of low seismicity. In addition, it was shown that the mass of a superstructure and height of the columns significantly affect the behavior of these steel pedestals, and should be given a careful consideration before usage. It was also shown that the stiffness of the expansion joints does not significantly affect the displacement of the steel pedestals and the forces transmitted to them. However, if the expansion joints are too stiff compared to the adjacent bridge components, then the forces transferred during pounding of superstructure is increased significantly.
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Seismic fragility estimates for corroded reinforced concrete bridge structures with two-column bentsZhong, Jinquan 15 May 2009 (has links)
To assess the losses associated with future earthquakes, seismic vulnerability
functions are commonly used to correlate the damage or loss of a structure to the level of
seismic intensity. A common procedure in seismic vulnerability assessment is to
estimate the seismic fragility, which is defined as the conditional probability that a
structure fails to meet the specific performance level for given level of seismic intensity.
This dissertation proposes a methodology to estimate the fragility of corroded
reinforced concrete (RC) bridges with two-column bents subject to seismic excitation.
Seismic fragility functions are first developed for the RC bridges with two-column bents.
All available information from science/engineering laws, numerical analysis, laboratory
experiments, and field measurements has been used to construct the proper form of the
fragility functions. The fragility functions are formulated, at the individual column,
bent, and bridge levels, in terms of the spectral acceleration and the ratio between the
peak ground velocity and the peak ground acceleration. The developed fragility
functions properly account for the prevailing uncertainties in fragility estimation. The probabilistic capacity and demand models are then combined with the probabilistic
models for chloride-induced corrosion and the time-dependent corrosion rate. The
fragility estimates for corroded RC bridges incorporates the uncertainties in the
parameters of capacity and demand models, and the inexactness (or model error) in
modeling the material deterioration, structural capacity, and seismic demands. The
proposed methodology is illustrated by developing the fragility functions for an example
RC bridge with 11 two-column bents representing current construction in California.
The developed fragility functions provide valuable information to allocate and
spend available funds for the design, maintenance, and retrofitting of structures and
networks. This study regarding the vulnerability of corroding RC bridges will be of
direct value to those making decisions about the condition assessment, residual life, and
the ability of lifeline structures to withstand future seismic demands.
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Extraction Of Nickel From Lateritic OresBuyukakinci, Ergin 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to extract nickel and cobalt from the lateritic nickel ores of Gö / rdes region by hydrometallurgical methods under the optimum conditions.
Limonitic and nontronitic types of Gö / rdes lateritic nickel ores were used during experiments. Agitative and column leaching experiments at atmospheric pressure were conducted with various parameters / these were duration, temperature and initial sulfuric acid concentration of leach solution. It was shown that in agitative leaching, under the optimum conditions that were determined as 24 hours of leaching at 95° / C with initial sulfuric acid concentration of 192.1 g/L for nontronite and 240.1 g/L for limonite, nickel and cobalt extractions were 96.0% and 63.4% for nontronite / 93.1% and 75.0% for limonite, respectively. Overall acid consumptions of ores were calculated as 669 kg H2SO4/ton dry ore for nontronitic type nickel ore and 714 kg H2SO4/ton dry ore for limonitic type nickel ore.
Column leaching experiments also showed that nickel and cobalt could be extracted from both ore types by heap leaching. Nontronite type of laterite was found to be more suitable for column leaching by sulfuric acid. In column leaching, the calculated nickel and cobalt extractions were 83.9% and 55.2% for nontronite after 122 days of leaching with 100 g/L sulfuric acid concentration. Acid consumption of nontronite was found to be 462 kg H2SO4/ton dry ore.
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Affinity Chromatographic Purification Of Recombinant Human Growth HormoneBalci, Oguz 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study is to purify human growth hormone from the
fermentation broth by affinity chromatography. For this purpose, human growth
hormone specific oligonucleotide aptamers are selected among an aptamer
library / selected oligonucleotides were synthesized and used as ligands. Effect of
pH on ligand-human growth hormone complex formation was investigated and
the highest complex formation was obtained at pH= 7.0. Human growth hormone
is separated from the fermentation broth with 99.8% purity and 41% overall
yield. The equilibrium data obtained was described by Langmuir type isotherm
where saturation constant (q0) and affinity constant (K) are calculated as 0.338
mg hGH/ì / mol aptamer and 0.059 mg hGH/ml, respectively. Further, equilibriumdata obtained using aptamer affinity column was described by Langmuir type
isotherm where saturation constant (q0) and affinity constant (K) are 0.027 mg
hGH/ì / mol aptamer and 1.543 mg hGH/ml, respectively. It is possible that,
selected aptamer can be used for purification of bulk amounts of recombinant
human growth hormone by using aptamer affinity chromatography.
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Safety Assessment Of R/c Columns Against Explosive Attacks By Vehicle Or Human From ExteriorAltunlu, Kartal 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Reinforced concrete structures may be subjected to blast loads together with static loads during their service life. Important buildings may be attacked by using explosives as a part of increasing global terrorist activities. Evaluation of blast phenomena for economically and strategically significant buildings is especially important, in order to analyze and design their structural members subjected to air blast loading. Understanding nature of explosions, which are loading characteristics and relation to selected parameters such as explosive type, quantity, and distance, were studied in this thesis. Earlier studies found in the literature survey on explosives, blast, and behavior of structural elements were investigated. Behavior of structures under blast load was described in terms of pressure magnitude, distribution, and reflection phenomena. Simple design, assessment guidelines, and useful charts were developed. A computer program was generated using MATLAB programming language, which automatically generates the air blast pressure versus time data resulting from an air explosion in addition to finite element model formation and dynamic time stepping analysis of a reinforced concrete column. The shear and moment capacities can be calculated and compared against dynamically calculated demand under known axial column force / therefore, vulnerability of a column under blast loading is evaluated. The results of the numerical analyses indicated that failure mechanism of columns is mostly shear failure instead of moment (i.e., plastic hinge and mechanism formation).
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