Spelling suggestions: "subject:"column"" "subject:"kolumn""
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Ductile steel plate shear walls with PEC columnsDastfan, Mehdi Unknown Date
No description available.
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Frame stability considering member interaction and compatibility of warping deformationsMacPhedran, Ian James Unknown Date
No description available.
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Prekybos centras "PRISMA" Pakruojyje / Shopping center "PRISMA" in PakruojisKulnytė, Almina 29 August 2012 (has links)
Šiame bakalauro baigiamajame darbe suprojektuotas prekybos centras "PRISMA", kurį numatyta statyti Pakruojo mieste esančiame sklype.Pirmoje dalyje aprašoma pastato sklypo planas, pastato charakteristika, jo konstrukciniai sprendimai, bei inţineriniai tinklai. Taip pat pateikti atitvarų šilumos perdavimo koeficiento skaičiavimai. Konstrukcinėje dalyje suprojektuota surenkama gelţbetoninės perdangos plokštė, metalinės sijos 12 m ir 6m ir viena pasirinkta gelţbetoninės kolona. Technologinėje dalyje pateikiama gelţbetoninių kolonų montavimo technologinė kortelė. Aprašomas mechanizmų parinkimas. Kolonų montavimo kokybės kontrolės reikalavimai, taip pat pagrindiniai saugumo technikos reikalavimai. Brėţiniuose pateikti darbų ir darbininkų pareikalavimo grafikai. Ekonominėje dalyje pateikti darbų kiekių ţiniaraščiai ir pagal juos parengta Pastato lokalinė sąmata su mechanizmų ir medţiagų ţiniaraščiais. / In this final bachelor work there is the designed shopping centre "PRISMA", which is foreseen to be constructed in the free plot of Pakruojis.First part consists of brief description of the plan of the plot, building characteristics, its construction solutions and engineering networks. In addition, there are calculationsof coefficients of heat-transferring walls. In the constructions part, there is a designed collectable reinforced floor slab, 12 m and 6 m metallic beams and one chosen reinforced column. In the technological part, there is given a card of reinforced columns estimations. Selection of mechanisms is also descripted. What is more, it consists of requirements of column construction’s quality control and main technical safety. Throughout the drawings there are demand graphs of works and workers. Economical part consists of sheets with quantity of works, and accordingly prepared local estimate of building with sheets of mechanisms and materials.
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Seismic behaviour of beam-column joint subassemblies reinforced with steel fibresLiu, Cong January 2006 (has links)
High performance cementitious composites have been increasingly used for a range of structural applications in many countries. More recently, a notable interest has been focused on structural performance under seismic loading. However, a critical lack of coherent information and experimental/numerical data available in the literature has to be recognized along with the absence of specific and well-accepted code-guidelines for use of FRC in seismic applications. More specifically, when dealing with seismic resistant frame systems, few researchers have investigated in the past the seismic response of beam-column joints reinforced with steel fibres. These preliminary experimental tests have shown that adding steel fibres in joints is an effective method for improving joint behaviour and energy absorption capacity as well as enhancing the damage tolerance of joints and reducing the number of stirrups in seismic joints. However, due to the limited number of experimental tests as well as of the wide dispersion in the type and mechanical properties of the fibres adopted in these independent researches, the actual contributions of concrete, steel fibres and stirrups to the overall joint shear capacity has not yet been clearly identified and understood. This research aims to investigate the seismic behaviour and failure modes of beam-column joint subassemblies reinforced with steel fibres with the intent to provide preliminary suggestions for a simple but rational analytical procedure to evaluate the joint shear strength when either fibres and/or stirrups are adopted. As part of a more comprehensive on-going research campaign on the seismic behaviour of FRC members and systems, six 2-D exterior beam-column joint subassemblies were tested under simulated seismic loading (quasi-static cyclic loading regime) at the Civil Engineering Laboratory of the University of Canterbury. In order to assess the contribution of steel fibres to the joint (panel zone) shear strength, both under-designed systems (with no transverse reinforcement in the joint, following older practice before the pre-1970s) and well designed systems (following the NZ concrete design standard NZS 3101:1995) were adopted as benchmark specimens. The performance of steel fibre reinforced beam-column joints were compared with that of conventional joints. Results showed that using steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) within beam-column joints can significantly enhance the shear resistance capacity of joints. However, using steel fibre reinforcement alone can not prevent buckling of the reinforcing bars when joints are under high intensity seismic loading. Furthermore, the test results also showed that using steel fibre reinforcement is an effective method to reduce the lateral reinforcement in the beam plastic hinge region. As part of the analytical investigation, a simplified procedure to evaluate the joint shear contribution provided by different amounts of fibres with or without the presence of stirrups has been also introduced. Influence of the axial load on the joint nominal shear capacity has been accounted for by adopting principle stresses. Tentative strength degradation curves (principle tensile stress vs. shear deformation) have also been calibrated on the experimental data which confirmed that a tentative relationship between the joint shear contributions provided by concrete, stirrups and steel fibres was a viable tool for designing SFRC joint. Furthermore, joint shear resistance coefficient contributed by steel fibres has been compared with previous experimental test available in literature to obtain an appropriate value for SFRC joint design guidelines. M_N performance based domain visualization has also been used to evaluate the hierarchy of strength and sequence of events of beam-column joint subassemblies.
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Punching shear behaviour of slab-column edge connections reinforced with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite barsElGendy, Mohammed 08 1900 (has links)
The use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites as an alternate to steel has proved to be an effective solution to the corrosion problem. However, FRP bars have low axial and transverse stiffness compared to steel bars which results in a lower shear capacity of FRP reinforced concrete (RC) elements compared to steel-RC elements.
Flat plate systems are commonly used to take advantages of the absence of beams. They, however, are susceptible to punching shear failure where the column suddenly punches through the slab.
An experimental program was conducted to investigate the punching shear behaviour of slab-column edge connections. Nine isolated full-scale slab-column edge connections were constructed and tested to failure. One connection was reinforced with steel flexural reinforcement, six with GFRP flexural reinforcement and two with GFRP flexural and shear reinforcement. The parameters investigated were the flexural reinforcement type and ratio, the moment-to-shear ratio and the shear reinforcement spacing.
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Betongpelare och brand : En utvärdering av 500 °C isotermmetodenSantesson, Li January 2013 (has links)
At the beginning of 2011, Sweden started using the European rules for structural design, the Eurocodes, instead of the previous national rules. In both the previous rules and the Eurocodes, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using tabled values. However, the required cross section measurements have increased considerably. Moreover, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using calculations, however, this is unusual. The development of a fire in a fire cell can be divided into the growth stage, the fully developed fire and the cooling phase. The duration of each phase, as well as the temperature, is dependent on a number of factors, e.g. the fire load, the size of openings and the geometry of the fire cell. In the Eurocodes there are standardized temperature-time curves that can be used in the dimensioning of a structural design, one of which is the standard temperature-time curve. The tabled values are based on this time-heat regime. When exposed to fire the strength of both concrete and reinforcements decreases. Regarding the reinforcement steel, the decrease is well documented. Concrete, however, is not a homogeneous material which makes the strength at elevated temperatures complex to determine. The dimensioning of concrete columns can be executed using tabled values. However, the objective of this report is a method called the 500 °C isotherm method. Using this method, concrete at temperatures above 500 °C is assumed not to contribute to the load bearing capacity. The residual cross-section retains its initial value of strength and modulus of elasticity. This results in a reduced cross-section. Subsequently, a reduced load bearing capacity is determined for the reinforcement steel due to the temperature. Thereafter, conventional calculation methods are used. The process of describing how the isotherm method should be implicated has been obstructed by the lack of explicit information in the Eurocodes. Furthermore, few people have knowledge about how the method should be used in practice. This has resulted in some assumptions based on logical arguments. A concrete column was evaluated for 60 and 90 minutes standard fire exposure to enable a comparison with the tabled values. The result showed that concrete columns can meet the requirements with a considerably smaller cross section. The calculated cross section measurements resulted in a value between the tabled values in the Eurocodes and those in the previous rules. Although the 500 °C isotherm method is the most simple of the simplified calculation methods, and the model in this report is limited to a circular, centrically loaded column, the method is complicated and time-consuming. It is therefore likely that it only will be used in special cases when the tabled values are inapplicable. / Vid årsskiftet 2010-2011 övergick Sverige från nationell standard till de europeiska standarderna för konstruktion, Eurokoderna. I den europeiska standarden, precis som i den gamla, kan betongpelare förenklat branddimensioneras med hjälp av tabellvärden. Kraven på minsta tvärsnitt har dock blivit avsevärt större. Detta har varit blivit svårt att förena med önskemål från arkitekter. Det är även möjligt att branddimensionera betongpelare med beräkningar. Detta är dock ovanligt. Brandförloppet i en brandcell kan förenklat delas in i uppvärmning, fullt utvecklad brand och avsvalning. Tiden för de olika faserna, liksom temperaturen, påverkas av en mängd faktorer. Några av dessa är mängden brännbart material, hur stora öppningar som finns och brandcellens geometri. I Eurokoderna finns standardiserade brandförlopp som kan användas vid dimensionering. En av dessa kallas standardbrandkurvan. Tabellvärdena är baserade på standardbrandpåverkan. Vid branddimensionering används en annan lastkombination än vid normaltemperaturdimensionering. Denna lastkombination ger en lägre last än vid brottgränsdimensionering. Både betong och armeringsstål förlorar bärförmåga vid förhöjda temperaturer. För armeringsstål är denna reducering väl dokumenterad. För betong, som inte är ett homogent material, är hållfastheten svårare att beräkna. Betongpelare kan dimensioneras enligt tre metoder: Vedertagna och beprövade detaljlösningar (Tabellerade värden) Förenklade beräkningsmetoder Avancerade beräkningsmetoder Fokus i denna rapport ligger på en av de förenklade beräkningsmetoderna, 500 °C isotermmetoden. Den utgår från att betong som har en temperatur över 500 °C försummas, emedan betong med en temperatur under 500 °C antas ha sin fulla bärförmåga. Därefter beräknas en reducerad hållfasthet för armeringsstängerna utifrån den temperatur de uppnår. Dimensionering sker sedan enligt traditionella metoder. Arbetet med att beskriva hur isotermmetoden ska användas har försvårats av bristande information i Eurokoderna. Dessutom finns det få personer som känner till hur metoden ska användas i praktiken. Detta har resulterat i vissa antaganden som underbyggts av logiska resonemang. För att kunna jämföra isotermmetoden med tabellerade värden kontrollerades en pelare för 60 och 90 minuters standardbrandpåverkan (se Bilaga A). Resultatet visade att pelare kan klara kraven med mindre tvärsnitt än i tabellen. Vid dimensioneringen erhölls ett tvärsnitt som låg mellan de nya och de gamla kraven. 500 °C isotermmetoden är den enklaste av de förenklade beräkningsmetoderna för betongpelare. Detta innebär dock inte att den är enkel. Trots att modellen i denna rapport har avgränsats till centriskt belastade, cirkulära pelare är metoden tidskrävande. Troligt är därför att den bara kommer att användas vid speciella fall då tabellmetoden inte är tillämpbar.
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Seismic performance of GFRP-RC exterior beam-column joints with lateral beamsKhalili Ghomi, Shervin 14 February 2014 (has links)
In the past few years, some experimental investigations have been conducted to verify seismic behaviour of fiber reinforced polymer reinforced concrete (FRP-RC) beam-column joints. Those researches were mainly focused on exterior beam-column joints without lateral beams. However, lateral beams, commonly exist in buildings, can significantly improve seismic performance of the joints. Moreover, the way the longitudinal beam bars are anchored in the joint, either using headed-end or bent bars, was not adequately addressed. This study aims to fill these gaps and investigate the shear capacity of FRP-RC exterior beam-column joints confined with lateral beams, and the effect of beam reinforcement anchorage on their seismic behaviour. Six full-scale exterior beam-column joints were constructed and tested to failure under reversal cyclic loading. Test results showed that the presence of lateral beams significantly increased the shear capacity of the joints. Moreover, replacing bent bars with headed-end bars resulted in more ductile behaviour of the joints.
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Towards more selective sorbents for extraction of drugs and biomarkers from biological fluids using molecularly imprinted polymersMoein, Mohammad Mahdi January 2014 (has links)
Sample preparation has a critical role as a first step in analytical processes, especially in bioanalysis and environmental analysis. A good sample preparation technique should be robust and stable, regardless of the sample matrix. The aim of this thesis is to design and synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers that can be used in various sample preparation techniques, such as on-line MEPS, on-line SPE and on-line monolithic pre-columns used for the extraction of drugs, hormones, and cancer biomarkers from human plasma and urine samples. Additional aim was to provide full automation, on-line coupling, short sample preparation time and high-throughput. In this thesis MIP in MEPS was used on-line with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) for the determination of sarcosine in human urine and plasma samples. The method was fully automated and the packed sorbent could be used for about hundred extractions. In additional work a coated needle with MIP-Sol-Gel as thin layer was prepared and used for the microextraction of bilirubin from human plasma and urine. Small sample volumes could be handled and the validation of the method showed that the method was robust and selective. In a further work MIP-SPE on-line with HPLC was used for the extraction and determination of dextromethorphan in human plasma samples. MIP-SPE showed a good selectivity and high recovery (87% - 92%). On-line MIP monolithic pre-column was prepared and used in a coupled system for the extraction of tramadol in human plasma and urine samples. The MIP monolithic pre-column showed good selectivity and high extraction recovery was obtained (91-96%). The extraction and analysis of human insulin in plasma and pharmaceutical formulation solutions were carried out using MIP-SPE on-line with HPLC. The validation of the method showed that the method was accurate and robust. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 5: Submitted.</p>
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Investigation of Operating Parameters Influencing Electrostatic Charge Generation in Gas-Solid Fluidized BedsGiffin, Amanda 02 February 2011 (has links)
Electrostatic charge generation in gas-solid fluidized beds is a significant industrial problem. Associated problems include particle agglomeration and particle wall fouling. In the polymerization industry this may result in "sheets" of fused polymer, due to exothermic reaction causing the melting of the polymer, which can fall off and block the distributor plate disrupting fluidizing gas flow. Additionally, blockage of the catalyst feed or the polymer removal system can take place or the product can become non-uniform. All of these problems require shut-down of the reactor which results in lost production time. While this phenomena has been identified for many years, the mechanisms involved are not well understood, especially wall fouling and the distribution of charge within the bed. Isolation of individual parameters such as hydrodynamics, operating conditions, and material involved is necessary to evaluate how each parameter impacts charge generation during fluidization.
In this thesis, the fluidization system consisted of a stainless steel column, two online Faraday cups, and a retractable distributor plate. This system allowed for the simultaneous measurement of charge within different regions of the bed: the entrained fine particles, the particles adhered to the column wall, and the bulk of the bed. Additionally, mass and particle size distributions were measured and images of the layer of particles adhered to the column wall were taken for comparison. This allowed for a charge distribution comparison and evaluation of wall fouling.
Three different parameters were investigated: duration of fluidization, column wall material, and relative humidity of fluidizing gas. Fluidization time was studied for 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 360 min; relative humidity was investigated for 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% relative humidity. Both fluidization time and relative humidity were evaluated at four different fluidization gas velocities, two each in the bubbling and slugging flow regimes. Column wall material was evaluated for a stainless steel and carbon steel column at two gas velocities, one each in the bubbling and slugging flow regimes.
Fluidization time was found to influence wall fouling in the bubbling flow regime as the particle layer continued to build as fluidization progressed. In the slugging flow regime, the particle layer developed within 15 minutes of the onset of fluidization. The bubbling flow regime was shown to have a greater capacity for charge generation than the slugging flow regime. This was due to the vigorous mixing in the bubbling flow regime resulting in more particle-particle interactions.
Column wall material was shown to influence wall fouling in the slugging flow regime due to the differences in surface roughness of the columns. This was due to the particle-wall contacts resulting in frictional charging which is the predominant charging mechanism in this flow regime. Charge was also impacted in the bubbling flow regime in those particles that were adhered to the column wall.
Relative humidity was found to influence wall fouling at the lowest gas velocity tested. However, variations in generation of charge occurred at all fluidization gas velocities tested; the charge-to-mass ratios for the particles adhered to the column wall in the slugging flow regime decreased with high relative humidities. This was due to either the formation of a water film layer on the column wall or instantaneous surface water films on the particles throughout fluidization.
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P-Cycle-based Protection in Network VirtualizationSong, Yihong 25 February 2013 (has links)
As the "network of network", the Internet has been playing a central and crucial role in modern society, culture, knowledge, businesses and so on in a period of over two decades by supporting a wide variety of network technologies and applications. However, due to its popularity and multi-provider nature, the future development of the Internet is limited to simple incremental updates.
To address this challenge, network virtualization has been propounded as a potential candidate to provide the essential basis for the future Internet architecture. Network virtualization is capable of providing an open and flexible networking environment in which service providers are allowed to dynamically compose multiple coexisting heterogeneous virtual networks on a shared substrate network. Such a flexible environment will foster the deployment of diversified services and applications.
A major challenge in network virtualization area is the Virtual Network Embedding (VNE), which aims to statically or dynamically allocate virtual nodes and virtual links on substrate resources, physical nodes and paths. Making effective use of substrate resources requires high-efficient and survivable VNE techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is two high-performance p-Cycle-based survivable virtual network embedding approaches. These approaches take advantage of p-Cycle-based protection techniques that minimize the backup resources while providing a full VN protection scheme against link and node failures.
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