Spelling suggestions: "subject:"combustion dynamics"" "subject:"ombustion dynamics""
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A Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Engine Shape and Mixing Processes on Wave Engine PerformanceErickson, Robert R. 12 January 2005 (has links)
Wave engines are a class of unsteady, air-breathing propulsion devices that use an intermittent combustion process to generate thrust. The inherently simple mechanical design of the wave engine allows for a relatively low cost per unit propulsion system, yet unsatisfactory overall performance has severely limited the development of commercially successful wave engines. The primary objective of this investigation was to develop a more detailed physical understanding of the influence of gas dynamic nonlinearities, unsteady combustion processes, and engine shape on overall wave engine performance. Within this study, several numerical models were developed and applied to wave engines and related applications. The first portion of this investigation examined the influence of duct shape on driven oscillations in acoustic compression devices, which represent a simplified physical system closely related in several ways to the wave engine. A numerical model based on an application of the Galerkin method was developed to simulate large amplitude, one-dimensional acoustic waves driven in closed ducts. Results from this portion of the investigation showed that gas-dynamic nonlinearities significantly influence the properties of driven oscillations by transferring acoustic energy from the fundamental driven mode into higher harmonic modes. The second portion of this investigation presented and analyzed results from a numerical model of wave engine dynamics based on the quasi one-dimensional conservation equations in addition to separate sub-models for mixing and heat release. This model was then used to perform parametric studies of the characteristics of mixing and engine shape. The objectives of these studies were to determine the influence of mixing characteristics and engine shape on overall wave engine performance and to develop insight into the physical processes controlling overall performance trends. Results from this model showed that wave engine performance was strongly dependent on the coupling between the unsteady heat release that drives oscillations in the engine and the characteristics that determine the acoustic properties of the engine such as engine shape and mean property gradients. Simulation results showed that average thrust generation decreased dramatically when the natural acoustic mode frequencies of the engine and the frequency content of the unsteady heat release were not aligned.
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Numerical Modeling of Gas Turbine Combustor Utilizing One-Dimensional AcousticsCaley, Thomas 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Coupling in a Model Rocket CombustorTristan Latimer Fuller (6846197) 13 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Thermoacoustic instabilities in rocket engines have been studied for decades and models have been attempted, however, the heat release fluctuations and overall response</div><div>is still poorly understood. To understand the heat release mechanism in a rocket combustion chamber the effect of hydrodynamics and chemical kinetics on the mode/s of combustion need to be studied. Using prior simulations of the CVRC, an initial design for a new model rocket combustor was proposed. The new design improved on past experiments by having better control of all important boundary conditions; facilitate higher fidelity pressure and optical measurements with emphasis on quantifying the results and using them to validate simulation models of the design; and allow good control over the characteristic parameters of the injection mechanics. A prior simulation was done on the proposed design to allow fine tuning of the</div><div>design elements. Three distinct modes of self-excited instability were observed in the experiment, two of which transitioned between one another with a sweep in oxidizer</div><div>temperature. A number of configurations and operating conditions were tested, but the primary focus was on three oxidizer rich cases, at different oxidizer temperatures. The two extreme cases were compared to the simulations conducted. At low oxidizer temperatures there was good agreement, where at high oxidizer temperatures there</div><div>was a fairly good agreement in the type of mechanics observed, but there were a few discrepancies. The vortex shedding off of the fuel collar was captured using chemiluminescence measurements and compared quite well with the simulations. It was found that the fuel collar vortex shedding did not directly contribute to the generation of</div><div>instabilities.</div>
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No description available.
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Dynamique de la combustion dans un foyer annulaire multi-injecteurs diphasique / Combustion dynamics of an annular combustor with multiple spray injectorsPrieur, Kevin 14 December 2017 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies ont vu apparaître de nombreuses innovations dans le domaine de la combustion afin de réduire la consommation et les émissions polluantes. De nouveaux types d'injecteur, de type LPP - Lean Premixed Prevaporized, ont été mis au point permettant de diminuer le rapport combustible/air et visent à pré-vaporiser le carburant en amont de la combustion afin de mieux le mélanger à l'air issu du compresseur. Cette architecture permet une amélioration de la consommation et des émissions polluantes, mais rend les foyers annulaires plus sensibles à des phénomènes instationnaires qui perturbent le fonctionnement du système, accroissent les flux de chaleur vers les parois de la chambre, induisent des vibrations de structures, entrainent une fatigue cyclique des pièces mécaniques et dans des cas extrêmes conduisent à des dommages irréversibles. L'objectif est de poursuivre l'effort engagé au laboratoire EM2C sur ce thème et plus particulièrement sur celui de la dynamique de la combustion dans les chambres annulaires. La thèse concerne plus spécialement le cas où l'injection du combustible s'effectue sous forme liquide. La configuration reproduit sous forme idéalisée celle que l'on trouve en pratique dans les moteurs aéronautiques. La chambre, désignée sous le nom de MICCA-Spray, est équipée de 16 injecteurs swirlés pouvant être alimentés par un combustible liquide ou gazeux, permettant ainsi une combustion diphasique ou prémélangée. Le système possède des parois en quartz donnant un accès optique à la zone de flamme. Il est aussi équipé d'un ensemble de diagnostics tels des microphones, des photomultiplicateurs ainsi que des systèmes d'imagerie à haute cadence. / These last decades have seen many innovations in the field of combustion to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. New types of injector, for example LPP - Lean Premixed Prevaporized, have then been developed to reduce the fuel / air ratio and aim to pre-vaporize the fuel upstream of the combustion in order to mix it better with the air coming from the compressor. Unfortunately this architecture makes annular chambers more sensitive to unsteady phenomena which disturb the functioning of the system, increase the heat flows towards the walls of the chamber, induce vibrations of structures, cause cyclic fatigue of mechanical parts and in extreme cases lead to irreversible damage. The objective of this thesis is to continue the effort undertaken at the EM2C laboratory on this topic and more particularly on the dynamics of combustion in annular chambers comprising a set of injectors. The thesis concerns more particularly the case where the injection of the fuel takes place in liquid form. This configuration reproduces, in idealized form, what can be found in practice in aeronautical engines. It is also a configuration studied at the fundamental level. The chamber, known as MICCA-Spray, is equipped with 16 swirled injectors that can be powered by liquid or gaseous fuel, thus enabling two-phase or fully premixed combustion. The system has quartz walls giving optical access to the flame zone. It is also equipped with a set of diagnostics such as microphones, photomultipliers and high-speed imaging systems.
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Premixed flame kinematics in a harmonically oscillating velocity fieldShin, Dong-hyuk 13 November 2012 (has links)
Air pollution regulations have driven modern power generation systems to move from diffusion to premixed combustion. However, these premixed combustion systems are prone to combustion instability, causing high fluctuations in pressure and temperature. This results in shortening of component life, system failure, or even catastrophic disasters. A large number of studies have been performed to understand and quantify the onset of combustion instability and the limit cycle amplitude. However, much work remains due to the complexity of the process associated with flow dynamics and chemistry. This thesis focuses on identifying, quantifying and predicting mechanisms of flame response subject to disturbances.
A promising tool for predicting combustion instability is a flame transfer function. The flame transfer function is obtained by integrating unsteady heat release over the combustor domain. Thus, the better understanding of spatio-temporal characteristics of flame is required to better predict the flame transfer function. The spatio-temporal flame response is analyzed by the flame kinematic equation, so called G-equation. The flame is assumed to be a thin interface separating products and reactant, and the interface is governed by the local flow and the flame propagation.
Much of the efforts were done to the flame response subject to the harmonic velocity disturbance. A key assumption allowing for analytic solutions is that the velocity is prescribed. For the mathematical tools, small perturbation theory, Hopf-Lax formula and numerical simulation were used. Solutions indicated that the flame response can be divided into three regions, referred to here as the near-field, mid-field, and farfield. In each regime, analytical expressions were derived, and those results were compared with numerical and experimental data.
In the near field, it was shown that the flame response grows linearly with the normal component of the velocity disturbance. In the mid field, the flame response shows peaks in gain, and the axial location of these peaks can be predicted by the interference pattern by two characteristic waves. Lastly, in the far field where the flame response decreases, three mechanisms are studied; they are kinematic restoration, flame stretch, and turbulent flow effects. For each mechanism, key parameters are identified and their relative significances are compared.
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Effect of harmonic forcing on turbulent flame propertiesThumuluru, Sai Kumar 15 November 2010 (has links)
Lean premixed combustors are highly susceptible to combustion instabilities, caused by the coupling between heat release fluctuations and combustor acoustics. In order to predict the conditions under which these instabilities occur and their limit cycle amplitudes, understanding of the amplitude dependent response of the flame to acoustic excitation is required. Extensive maps of the flame response were obtained as a function of perturbation amplitude, frequency, and flow velocity. These maps illustrated substantial nonlinearity in the perturbation velocity - heat release relationship, with complex topological dependencies that illustrate folds and kinks when plotted in frequency-amplitude-heat release space. A detailed analysis of phase locked OH PLIF images of acoustically excited swirl flames was used to identify the key controlling physical processes and qualitatively discuss their characteristics. The results illustrate that the flame response is not controlled by any single physical process but rather by several simultaneously occurring processes which are potentially competing, and whose relative significance depends upon forcing frequency, amplitude of excitation, and flame stabilization dynamics. An in-depth study on the effect of acoustic forcing on the turbulent flame properties was conducted in a turbulent Bunsen flame using PIV measurements. The results showed that the flame brush thickness and the local consumption speed were modulated in the presence of acoustic forcing. These results will not only be a useful input to help improve combustion dynamics predictions but will also help serve as validation data for models.
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Analyse des instabilités de combustion dans des foyers de centrale thermique fonctionnant au fioul lourd / Analysis of combustion instabilities in thermal power plants operating with heavy fuel oilMirat, Clément 08 July 2015 (has links)
Des crises vibratoires ont été constatées dans plusieurs centrales thermiques d’EDF opérant avec du fioul lourd, certaines ayant entraîné l’arrêt du foyer. Ce travail traite des instabilités de combustion pouvant se déclencher dans ce type de système où le combustible liquide est injecté avec de la vapeur d’eau et où l’écoulement d’air est mis en rotation. Ces phénomènes vibratoires résultent d’un couplage résonant entre la dynamique de la combustion et l’acoustique du foyer. La réponse acoustique des flammes diphasiques non-prémélangées swirlées reste largement méconnue et est difficilement analysable sur le foyer réel. L’objectif de ce travail est donc d’étudier la stabilité des chaudières EDF à partir de l’analyse de la réponse d’une flamme diphasique non-prémélangée swirlée issue d’un injecteur générique et soumise à des perturbations de la vitesse acoustique. Cette réponse est déterminée sur un dispositif original (DIFAV) équipé d’un swirler et d’un injecteur bi-fluides fonctionnant à la vapeur d’eau et au dodécane. Ce système est constitué des principaux éléments des brûleurs utilisés sur les centrales thermiques EDF à une échelle 1/7000. Le dispositif est conçu pour facilement modifier la géométrie de la tête d’injection, les conditions d’injection de combustible et de vapeur et ainsi contrôler le spray généré. Des visualisations à la sortie d’une buse d’injection montrent l’influence de la topologie de l’écoulement diphasique dans l’injecteur sur la taille des gouttes mesurées dans le spray. Des mesures de taille et de vitesse des gouttes lorsque le rapport des débits de vapeur et de combustible (GLR) est modifié sont réalisées. Ces données comparées à des modèles ont permis d’estimer l’évolution de la taille des gouttes générées par l’injecteur qui équipe les centrales thermiques lorsque le GLR varie. Une analyse modale du foyer DIFAV et d’un modèle simplifié de la chaudière réelle est ensuite menée. Les fréquences propres et les taux d’amortissement du foyer DIFAV sont déterminés expérimentalement en soumettant le système à une modulation acoustique externe. Un modèle acoustique simplifié composé de trois cavités couplées représentatif du brûleur DIFAV est également développé. Des simulations acoustiques réalisées avec COMSOL Multiphysics sur une coupe transverse d’une chaudière générique représentative de la chaudière industrielle permettent d’identifier trois modes à basses fréquences établis entre les plenums et la chambre de combustion qui sont susceptibles d’être instables. La sensibilité de ces modes à la géométrie du foyer et aux conditions limites est étudiée. La réponse de la flamme générique lorsqu’elle est soumise à des modulations acoustiques de l’écoulement d’air en amont du brûleur est ensuite mesurée sur le banc DIFAV pour différents niveaux d’excitation et deux topologies de flamme lorsque les conditions d’injection sont modifiées. Les mécanismes qui pilotent l’évolution du gain de l’une des fonctions de transfert généralisées (FDF) de la flamme sont étudiés à l’aide de visualisations en moyenne de phase de l’écoulement et de mesures des vitesses axiale et azimutale de l’écoulement d’air au cours d’un cycle de modulation. Une forte sensibilité de la phase de la FDF à l’amplitude des perturbations acoustiques est observée. Un adimensionnement par le nombre de Strouhal basé sur la vitesse débitante et la longueur efficace de la flamme est proposé pour transposer ces FDFs sur le brûleur réel. Une analyse de stabilité du foyer DIFAV est réalisée en intégrant les FDF au modèle acoustique afin de déterminer les cycles limites des oscillations lorsque la longueur de la chambre de combustion varie. Ces calculs sont comparés aux fréquences des instabilités auto-entretenues mesurées aux cycles limites dans le foyer DIFAV. [...] / Vibratory crises have been observed in EDF thermal power plants operating with heavy fuel oil. Such instabilities may lead to shutdown and damage the boiler. This work deals with combustion instabilities that can take place in boilers equipped with steam-assisted atomizers and where the airflow is swirled. These vibratory phenomena result from a resonant coupling between the combustion dynamics and the boiler acoustics. Analyses of combustion dynamics of non-premixed swirling spray flames remain rare and are difficult to realize on the real system. The objective of this work is to analyze the stability of EDF boilers using the response of generic non-premixed swirling spray flames submitted to acoustic velocity disturbances. This response is determined on an original device (DIFAV) equipped with a swirling vane and a twin-fluid atomizer operated with steam and dodecane. This burner is equipped with the main elements of those used in the thermal power plant, but has a reduced scale of 1/7000. The influence of the injector geometry and of the operating conditions on the spray generated by the injector can be studied. Spray visualizations at the outlet of the injector reveal the relationship between the topology of the two-phase flow in the injector and the measured droplet size. Measurements of the droplet diameter and velocity as a function of the gas-to-liquid ratio (GLR) have been performed at the outlet of the injector. These data have been compared to models and were used to estimate the evolution of the droplets diameter as a function of the GLR generated by the industrial injector. A modal analysis of the DIFAV combustor is then carried out and a simplified acoustic model made of three coupled cavities is developed. The natural frequencies and damping rates of the DIFAV combustor are determined experimentally when it is submitted to acoustic modulation. Acoustic simulations are performed with COMSOL Multiphysics on a simplified geometrical model of the industrial boiler. Three low frequency modes established between the plenums and the combustion chamber have been identified and may be unstable. Their sensitivity to modifications of the boiler geometry and boundary conditions are studied. Flame responses subjected to acoustic modulations of the airflow rate are then measured on the DIFAV combustor for several amplitudes and two flames topologies obtained at globally lean condition. Phase-conditioned flame visualizations and measurements of swirl number fluctuations during an acoustic forcing cycle are conducted to explain the mechanisms that control the evolution of gain of the Flame Describing Function (FDF). A high sensitivity of the phase of the FDF to the amplitude of the acoustic disturbance is observed. The Strouhal number based on the airflow velocity and the effective length of the flame is used to transpose these FDF on the industrial burner. FDF are integrated in the acoustic model of the DIFAV setup to carry out a stability analysis and predict the limit cycle oscillations as a function of the combustion chamber length. These calculations are compared to frequencies of self-sustained instability measured at the limit cycles in the DIFAV combustor. A reasonable agreement is obtained showing the validity of the stability analysis for the non-premixed two-phase flames investigated based on the knowledge of their FDF. Finally, a stability analysis of the EDF boiler is conducted with the COMSOL Multiphysics model by including the acoustic flame response of the industrial burner in the simulation. This FDF is deducted from the dimensionless FDF measured on the generic burner. The Rayleigh criterion is used to analyze the stability of the combustor as a function of the flame length for different boundary conditions. Indications are given to improve the stability of the EDF boiler.
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Characterization of Combustion Dynamics in a Liquid Model Gas Turbine Combustor Under Fuel-Rich ConditionsWeber, Matthew F. 21 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Swirling Flow in a Gas Turbine Fuel InjectorGhulam, Mohamad 21 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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