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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The law relating to the common lands of England and Wales

Gadsden, G. D. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Den nya boendeformen – en studie av byggherrens perspektiv på ägarlägenheter / The new form of tenure – a study of the constructor’s perspective on condominiums

Djurestål, Ina, Hedenström, Julia January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Finansiering av ägarlägenheter : en studie om bankens syn på byggnadskreditiv / The funding of condominiums in Sweden

Lundqvist, Amanda, Hosseini Madani, Kiana January 2021 (has links)
År 2009 infördes en ny lagstiftning som möjliggjorde den nya upplåtelseformen ägarlägenheter i Sverige. Sedan dess kan man konstatera att det inte har byggts i den utsträckning som lagstiftaren till en början bedömt. Reglerna för ägarlägenheter gör det möjligt att inneha enskilda lägenheter i flerbostadshus med äganderätt för bostadsändamål. Juridiskt har man full äganderätt och kan man få lagfart i den enskilda lägenheten till skillnad från bostadsrätt där en nyttjanderätt innehas. Begreppet ägarlägenhet innebär en fastighet av särskilt slag - en ägarlägenhetsfastighet. Idag finns det ett fåtal aktörer på marknaden som producerar denna typ av lägenheter, de får vanligtvis sitt byggnadsprojekt finansierat av banker i form av byggnadskreditiv. Detta kandidatexamensarbete tar upp hur bankerna bedömer dess villighet att finansiera ägarlägenhetetsprojekt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur synen på finansiering av ägarlägenheter ser ut i dagsläget, utifrån banker, byggherre och lantmäteriets perspektiv. Målet är att klargöra hur byggkreditiv bedöms för ägarlägenheter och vilka faktorer som är avgörande för bankerna. I detta arbete har en kvalitativ metod använts för att uppnå syftet med arbetet. En litteraturundersökning samt kvalitativa intervjuer med berörda parter har genomförts för att kunna besvara arbetets frågeställning.Resultatet visar att banker ställer sig positivt till upplåtelseformen för att det bidrar till en mer flexibel bostadsmarknad för privatpersoner. Resultatet visar att banker ställer sig mer återhållsam till att finansiera ägarlägenhetsprojekt då efterfrågan anses låg i jämförelse med bostadsrättsprojekt. De flesta bankerna finansierar ett byggnadskreditiv för ägarlägenheter men det förutsätter att byggherren är väletablerad och kapitalstark. Analysen kommer fram till att lagstiftningen fyller sin funktion och det inte finns behov av större reformer. Däremot skulle det behövas justeringar samt förtydliganden från lagstiftarens sida för att klargöra hanteringen av boendeformen i praktiken. / A new legislation was introduced 2009, it enabled a new form of condominiums (sv. ägarlägenheter) in Sweden. Since then, it can be stated that condominiums have not been built to the extent that the legislator initially assessed. The rules for condominiums make it possible to own individual flats in apartment buildings with ownership rights for residential purposes. Legally, you have full ownership and you can get a registration of the ownership in the individual apartment, unlike cooperative ownership where you hold a right of use. The term condominiums by Swedish law means a property unit of a special kind - a condominium property unit. Today, there are a few developers in the market that produce this type of apartment, they usually get their building project financed by banks in the form of construction loan agreements. This bachelor thesis brings up how the lender evaluates a request for a construction loan and their willingness to fund the project. The purpose of this thesis is to examine today's view of financing condominiums from the lenders, developers and cadastral authority’s perspective. The aim is to make it clear how the construction loan agreement is assessed and which the determined factors are for the lenders. The authors have chosen a qualitative method to achieve the purpose of the thesis. A literature study was done and qualitative interviews with relevant parties were also held to answer the question at issue. Results show that the lender is positive about the form of tenure. The reason is that it contributes to a more flexible housing market. The result also shows that lenders are being more abstemious about founding condominium projects because of the low demand compared to cooperative ownership. The lenders can provide a construction loan agreement given the developer is well-established and has financial muscles. The analysis reaches the conclusion that the law serves its purposes and there is no need for any big law reforms. However, adjustments and explanations from the legislator would clarify some problems that have arisen in the thesis.

Factors affecting participation in group agri-environment schemes : a case study of the Dartmoor Commons

Willcocks, Ann January 2017 (has links)
Environmental stewardship schemes are an important driver of biodiversity and habitat improvement throughout England, with the provision of funding to land managers to deliver effective land management that will benefit wildlife, habitats, natural resources and the population. Participation in agri-environment schemes is voluntary and much is done to encourage scheme participation. Dartmoor is a designated landscape, a National Park, and a Special Area of Conservation and encompasses areas of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Dartmoor is a farmed landscape, with the area divided into 92 common land units, over which a diversity of common rights are exercised. At present, the majority of Dartmoor Commons are managed by Environmental agreements, protecting the habitat and the SSSI’s. There is a demand for Dartmoor to be a recreational area, an environmental jewel, and a farmed landscape. Protection of this landscape requires the amalgamation of various organisations and individuals. Research indicates the benefits of group agri-environment schemes, of a landscape-scale approach to the improvement of habitats and the provision of wildlife corridors, crossing the boundaries of land ownership. vi The research considers the factors associated with group agri-environment schemes, where it is not necessarily like-minded individuals who come together because of a common cause and a shared vision. The issue surrounding common rights results in persons coming together because they have common rights and not necessarily a common view. A combination of interview responses and questionnaire data has been pulled together to ascertain the factors affecting agri-environment scheme participation on Dartmoor. The data reflects on the impacts of group agri-environment schemes on the commons of Dartmoor. The question remains as to the voluntary nature of group agri-environment schemes on Dartmoor. Hardin (1968) recognised the impact of one commoner’s decision had on another. Dartmoor agri-environment schemes require participation from the majority of commoners; therefore an individual’s action has a consequence. This research aims to investigate the impacts of agri-environment schemes on the commons of Dartmoor.

D'herbe, de terre et de sang : la Cerdagne du XIVe au XIXe siècle / Grass, land and blood bonds : cerdanya in the modern era (14th – 19th c.)

Conesa, Marc 30 November 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale porte sur la relation des sociétés aux territoires qu’elles construisent dans une perspective diachronique. Je fais l’hypothèse que le rapport à l’espace participe de la classification des individus en plusieurs groupes, selon la résidence, le statut familial ou la richesse en terre. Cette série ne saurait être considérée comme ni exhaustive ni ahistorique. Dans cette perspective, la Cerdagne (Pyrénées de l’Est) est apparue comme un terrain idoine compte tenu des lignes de fracture, sociale et spatiale, qui révèlent et recomposent les différents rapports à l’espace entre le XVIe et le XIXe siècle. Trois questionnements envisagés à trois échelles différentes se sont posés. À petite échelle, l’apparition d’une frontière politique au milieu du XVIIe siècle (traité des Pyrénées, 1659) modifie-t-elle les rapports à l’espace en créant un nouvel horizon étatique ? Et quelle place tient la ville de Puigcerdà dans la structuration de ces sociétés de montagne ? A l’échelle des communautés d’habitants, quels types de rapport à l’espace se noue autour de l’accès aux biens collectifs tant au niveau intercommunautaire qu’intracommunautaire ? Enfin, à grande échelle, quels rapports se créent et se recréent entre les familles, les individus et la terre dite « privée », alors que du point de vue historiographique, la Cerdagne se situe dans une aire pyrénéenne marquée par la primogéniture et l’exclusion des puînés de l’héritage foncier. / This doctoral research dwells on the relationship between societies and the territories they shape within a diachronic perspective. The hypothesis at the core of this work is that the relation to space partakes of the classification of the individuals into several groups, according to localities, family status or land wealth. This list is neither to be considered exhaustive nor ahistorical. From this perspective, Cerdanya (in the Eastern Pyrenees) qualified as a terrain, given the social and spatial divides which bring to the fore and reconstruct the manifold relations to space between the 16th and 19th centuries. Three questions arise at three different scales. On a small scale, does the coming upon the political scene of a frontier in the middle of the 17th c. (with the Treaty of the Pyrenees, 1659) modify the relations to space by creating a new state, a new actor ? Then, what about the role held by the city of Puigcerdà in the shaping of these moutain societies ? On the community scale, what kinds of relations to space form when it comes to common lands as much on the intercommunal as the intracommunal level ? Lastly, on the large scale, what are the links weaving between families, individuals and the land called “private”, when, from a historiographical point of view, Cerdanya is located in a Pyrenean aera where primogeniture and the exclusion of the youngest is deeply rooted.

Em terra vestida: contradições de um processo de territorialização camponesa na Resex Quilombo do Frechal (MA) / On dressed land: contradictions of a peasant territorialization process in the Resex Quilombo do Frechal (MA)

Guerrero, Natalia Ribas 18 December 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre as contradições no processo de territorialização de camponeses da Reserva Extrativista Quilombo do Frechal, situada no município de Mirinzal (MA), na baixada ocidental maranhense. Distribuída em três povoados Rumo, Deserto e Frechal a população da Resex relata descender de escravos e trabalhadores livres vinculados desde o século XVIII aos proprietários da Fazenda Frechal. Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, moradores ligados particularmente ao povoado de Frechal se viram diante de ameaças de expropriação, que desencadearam contra o fazendeiro um processo de luta pela terra que se estenderia ao longo de mais de uma década. Em sua resistência, a população de Frechal se viu envolvida no movimento das chamadas comunidades negras rurais que culminaria, em 1988, na inclusão do artigo 68 no ADCT na Constituição, a reconhecer o direito à terra dos remanescentes de quilombo. Frechal pleiteou esse reconhecimento, no que foi atendida, em 1990, tornando-se a primeira comunidade assim entendida no Brasil inteiro. No entanto, à falta de regulamentação para possibilitar a titulação nesses moldes, a garantia dos direitos territoriais de Frechal e o fim do assédio do fazendeiro viram-se assegurados por meio de uma recém-estabelecida modalidade de unidade de conservação ambiental, a de Reserva Extrativista. A criação da Resex Quilombo do Frechal, em 1992, com tal perímetro que coincidisse com os da antiga fazenda, resultou em que os outros dois povoados, Rumo e Deserto, até então beneficiados pelo fazendeiro para minar o pleito de Frechal, fossem também reconhecidos como beneficiários da Resex. Pelos diplomas atinentes a esse tipo de unidade de conservação, portanto, os três grupos são entendidos como populações tradicionais. Trata-se, portanto, de coletivos que se viram interseccionados, à época, por dois recém-criados objetos político-administrativos e formas de tutela do território (remanescentes de quilombo/titulação pelo artigo 68 e populações tradicionais/reservas extrativistas). A implementação da Resex Quilombo do Frechal, em particular na última década, traz, assim, situações conflituosas oriundas dessa sobreposição de objetos e tutelas, e que resultaram em uma contraditória territorialização desses grupos. Esse é o objeto de investigação desta pesquisa. / This thesis proposes a reflection on the contradictions of the territorialization process experienced and conducted by peasant groups of the Reserva Extrativista Quilombo do Frechal, situated in Mirinzal, on the northern portion of Brazilian state of Maranhão. Distributed among three villages Rumo, Deserto e Frechal the Resex population associates their ascendancy to former slaves and free peasants that were connected to the owners of the Frechal Farm since the 18th century. During the 1970s and 1980s, villagers mainly from Frechal were confronted by expropriation threats, which triggered off a struggle for the land. In their resistance, Frechal people got involved in what was known as the black rural communities movement. In articulation with the uprising of the Brazilian black movement, this dynamics culminated, in 1988, with the inclusion on the new Constitutional letter of an article (the 68th of the ADCT) assuring territorial rights to remainders of quilombos (maroon communities). Frechal pleaded the recognition of its identity as quilombolas, which was granted and turned the village into the first officially recognized remainder of quilombos in Brazil. However, there was not yet an agreement over the juridical regulation to actually give land titles to Frechal based on the 68th article. As the conflict with the land owner intensified, the solution came in the form of an Extractivist Reserve (Resex), an also recent form of environmental conservation unit with origin within the seringueiros movement. In 1992, the Resex was created exactly over the former farm perimeter, which entailed the recognition of the other two villages, Rumo e Deserto, as Resex beneficiaries as well as Frechal. According to Resex statutes, that qualifies them as members of traditional populations. The peasant villagers are, therefore, intersected by two recent juridical and administrative objects (remainders of quilombos/traditional populations), two official ways to guard the territory (the 68th article and the Resex). The actual implementation of the Resex, particularly over the last decade, results in a contradictory process of territorialization, and this was made the object of this research.


Kim, GwanSeon 01 January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation combines large scale datasets to evaluate crop prediction, land values, and consumption of a crop being considered to advance a sustainable bioeconomy. In chapter 2, we propose a novel application of the multinomial logit (MNL) model to estimate the conditional transition probabilities of crop choice for the state of Kentucky. Utilizing the recovered transition probabilities the forecast distributions of total acreages for alfalfa, corn, soybeans, tobacco, and wheat produced in the state from 2010 to 2015 can be recovered. The Cropland Data Layer is merged with the Common Land Unit dataset to allow for the identification of crop choice at the field level. Our findings show there are higher probabilities of planting soybeans or wheat after corn relative to corn after corn, tobacco, or alfalfa. In addition, the transition probability of the crop rotation demonstrates that corn will be planted after soybean, and vice versa and that alfalfa has a lower probability of being rotated with other crops from year to year. These findings are expected with traditional crop rotation in the U.S., and a characteristic of a perennial crop, especially for alfalfa. Finally, forecasting results indicate that there are significantly wider distributions in corn and soybean, whereas there is a little variation in the tobacco, wheat and alfalfa acres in the simulation. In chapter 3, we identify critical consumer-demographic characteristics that are associated with the consumption of products containing hemp and investigate their effect on total expenditure in the U.S. To estimate the likelihood of market participation and consumption level, the Heckman selection model, is employed using the maximum likelihood estimation procedure utilizing Nielsen consumer panel data from 2008 to 2015. Results indicate marketing strategies targeting consumers with higher education and income levels can attract new customers and increase sales from current consumers for this burgeoning market. Head-of-household age in different regions shows mixed effects on decisions to purchase hemp products and consumption levels. Findings will provide a basic understanding of a consumer profile and overall hemp market that has had double-digit growth over the last six years. As the industry continues to move forward, policymakers are going to need a deeper understanding of the factors driving the industry if they are going to create regulations that support the development of the industry. In chapter 4, we investigate the factors that affect agricultural land values by proposing a new rich dataset, Zillow Transaction and Assessment Data (ZTRAX) provided by Zillow from 2009 to 2014. we also examine whether National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) could be a good indicator of land values or not by comparing two different regression models between county-level cash rent and parcel-level NCCPI. Finally, this study incorporates flexible functional forms of the parcel size to test the parcel size and land values relations. Findings show that factors influencing agricultural land values in states with heterogeneous agricultural lands such as Kentucky are not different from other states with relatively homogeneous agricultural lands. This study also provides suggestive evidence that there is a non-linear relationship between parcel size and land values. Furthermore, we find that a disaggregated NCCPI at parcel-level could be considered an acceptable indicator to estimate agricultural values compared to an aggregated cash rent at county-level.

Em terra vestida: contradições de um processo de territorialização camponesa na Resex Quilombo do Frechal (MA) / On dressed land: contradictions of a peasant territorialization process in the Resex Quilombo do Frechal (MA)

Natalia Ribas Guerrero 18 December 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre as contradições no processo de territorialização de camponeses da Reserva Extrativista Quilombo do Frechal, situada no município de Mirinzal (MA), na baixada ocidental maranhense. Distribuída em três povoados Rumo, Deserto e Frechal a população da Resex relata descender de escravos e trabalhadores livres vinculados desde o século XVIII aos proprietários da Fazenda Frechal. Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, moradores ligados particularmente ao povoado de Frechal se viram diante de ameaças de expropriação, que desencadearam contra o fazendeiro um processo de luta pela terra que se estenderia ao longo de mais de uma década. Em sua resistência, a população de Frechal se viu envolvida no movimento das chamadas comunidades negras rurais que culminaria, em 1988, na inclusão do artigo 68 no ADCT na Constituição, a reconhecer o direito à terra dos remanescentes de quilombo. Frechal pleiteou esse reconhecimento, no que foi atendida, em 1990, tornando-se a primeira comunidade assim entendida no Brasil inteiro. No entanto, à falta de regulamentação para possibilitar a titulação nesses moldes, a garantia dos direitos territoriais de Frechal e o fim do assédio do fazendeiro viram-se assegurados por meio de uma recém-estabelecida modalidade de unidade de conservação ambiental, a de Reserva Extrativista. A criação da Resex Quilombo do Frechal, em 1992, com tal perímetro que coincidisse com os da antiga fazenda, resultou em que os outros dois povoados, Rumo e Deserto, até então beneficiados pelo fazendeiro para minar o pleito de Frechal, fossem também reconhecidos como beneficiários da Resex. Pelos diplomas atinentes a esse tipo de unidade de conservação, portanto, os três grupos são entendidos como populações tradicionais. Trata-se, portanto, de coletivos que se viram interseccionados, à época, por dois recém-criados objetos político-administrativos e formas de tutela do território (remanescentes de quilombo/titulação pelo artigo 68 e populações tradicionais/reservas extrativistas). A implementação da Resex Quilombo do Frechal, em particular na última década, traz, assim, situações conflituosas oriundas dessa sobreposição de objetos e tutelas, e que resultaram em uma contraditória territorialização desses grupos. Esse é o objeto de investigação desta pesquisa. / This thesis proposes a reflection on the contradictions of the territorialization process experienced and conducted by peasant groups of the Reserva Extrativista Quilombo do Frechal, situated in Mirinzal, on the northern portion of Brazilian state of Maranhão. Distributed among three villages Rumo, Deserto e Frechal the Resex population associates their ascendancy to former slaves and free peasants that were connected to the owners of the Frechal Farm since the 18th century. During the 1970s and 1980s, villagers mainly from Frechal were confronted by expropriation threats, which triggered off a struggle for the land. In their resistance, Frechal people got involved in what was known as the black rural communities movement. In articulation with the uprising of the Brazilian black movement, this dynamics culminated, in 1988, with the inclusion on the new Constitutional letter of an article (the 68th of the ADCT) assuring territorial rights to remainders of quilombos (maroon communities). Frechal pleaded the recognition of its identity as quilombolas, which was granted and turned the village into the first officially recognized remainder of quilombos in Brazil. However, there was not yet an agreement over the juridical regulation to actually give land titles to Frechal based on the 68th article. As the conflict with the land owner intensified, the solution came in the form of an Extractivist Reserve (Resex), an also recent form of environmental conservation unit with origin within the seringueiros movement. In 1992, the Resex was created exactly over the former farm perimeter, which entailed the recognition of the other two villages, Rumo e Deserto, as Resex beneficiaries as well as Frechal. According to Resex statutes, that qualifies them as members of traditional populations. The peasant villagers are, therefore, intersected by two recent juridical and administrative objects (remainders of quilombos/traditional populations), two official ways to guard the territory (the 68th article and the Resex). The actual implementation of the Resex, particularly over the last decade, results in a contradictory process of territorialization, and this was made the object of this research.

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