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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Serious games pour la e-santé : application à la formation des médecins généralistes / Serious games for e-health : an application for training practitioners

Guo, Jing 16 September 2016 (has links)
Les Jeux Sérieux (Serious Games) sont des jeux vidéo qui sont conçus avec un objectif premier qui n'est pas le divertissement. Les jeux sérieux sont de plus en plus utilisés dans le domaine de la santé en tant qu'outil éducatif dans le cadre de la formation à la médecine, ou pour aider au rétablissement des patients. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la conception d'un jeu sérieux pour la formation des médecins généralistes, en nous intéressant tout particulièrement à l'apprentissage des compétences communicationnelles et interpersonnelles qui jouent un rôle très important dans le métier de médecin, et qui sont assez peu présentes dans les programmes des cursus de formation. Nous nous intéressons en particulier aux méthodologies de conception d'un tel jeu qui doit délivrer un contenu utilitaire tout en équilibrant apprentissage et divertissement. Afin de mener ce travail, nous présentons dans la première partie de la thèse une analyse des méthodes existantes de conception de jeux sérieux en étudiant en particulier les mécanismes permettant de motiver le joueur ainsi que les principaux design patterns de conception. Nous expliquons en quoi les jeux sérieux nécessitent une architecture particulière dont la principale caractéristique est de séparer clairement les concepts nécessaires à l'apprentissage de ceux liés à l'aspect ludique. Nous proposons ensuite une modélisation de la consultation médicale qui en plus de rendre compte du processus métier auquel elle correspond, permet de représenter les différents éléments nécessaires à l'implémentation algorithmique d'un moteur de dialogue entre un joueur et un patient virtuel. Cette modélisation utilise les ontologies pour décrire les connaissances impliquées et nous montrons comment un scénario de consultation médicale peut se décrire en termes d'instances de ces ontologies. Ces ontologies incluent quatre niveaux qui décrivent le profil du patient, le résultat de consultation, le scénario et la phrase. Cette description est accessible aux experts formateurs qui disposent donc d'un outil leur permettant de définir les objectifs pédagogiques que le joueur-apprenant doit atteindre au cours de la simulation. Ces analyses sont enfin appliquées au cas de la consultation médicale et nous décrivons l'architecture d'un jeu que nous avons conçu appelé AgileDoctor. Ce jeu a pour objectif de permettre à un apprenant de jouer le rôle d'un médecin qui mène des consultations médicales en accueillant des patients aux profils divers. / Serious games are games designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment. More and more, serious games are developed and used in the health area as educational tools dedicated to medical knowledge training, or helping with the recovery of the patients. Communication and interpersonal skills for general practitioners in medical consultation play an important role in providing high-quality health care and establishment of good doctor-patient relationship. However, specific trainings on communication skills for doctors and medical school students are often overlooked. Comparing to traditional training approaches by using role-playing and standardized patients, an educational tool in form of a game can maximize the variety of scenario, reduce the limitation and enhance learner's motivation. For the above purposes, in this thesis we are interested in the design of a serious game for training general practitioners, in particular on communication skills learning. We are particularly interested in design methodologies of such a game, which is able to deliver a utility content while balancing learning and entertainment. To conduct this work, firstly we present an analysis of existing methods of serious games design by studying the mechanisms to motivate the player as well as the main design patterns. We explain how serious games require a special architecture in the design phase whose main characteristic is to clearly separate the concepts necessary for learning to those associated with the fun aspect. We then propose a model of medical consultation based on our analyses of identification of key concepts in the medical consultation process. This model is used to represent the different elements required for algorithmic implementation of a dialogue engine between a doctor and a patient. Our modeling uses ontologies to describe involved domain knowledge and show how a medical consultation scenario can be described in terms of instances of these ontologies. The proposed ontologies include four levels which describe the patient's profile, the result of consultation, the scenario and the phrase respectively. This description is available to the trainers and domain experts by using the authoring tool thus allows them to define the educational objectives for the player-learner during the simulation process. Finally these models are implemented and applied to the case of medical consultation. We represent the architecture of a serious game that we've designed called AgileDoctor. This game aims to enable a learner to play the role of a doctor who conducts medical consultations facing the patients of various profiles.

L’utilisation des pratiques théâtrales dans l'enseignement du FLE en Suède. Une étude qualitative. : A Qualitative Study of the Usage of Creative Drama Activities when teaching French as a Foreign Language in Sweden

Mihart, Mirella January 2017 (has links)
La présente étude a pour but d’examiner comment un groupe d’enseignants suédois travaille en pratique avec les activités dramatiques en classe de FLE. De plus, l’étude a l’objectif d’analyser les attitudes de ces enseignants concernant l’emploi de cette méthode de travail et les facteurs qui influencent leur choix d’activités pour développer la communication orale en classe de FLE. Après une analyse de notre corpus, qui comprend des interviews avec quatre enseignantes et douze réponses à une enquête, nous avons tiré la conclusion que les enseignants ont en général une attitude positive au sujet de l’emploi des pratiques théâtrales comme outil alternatif dans l’enseignement du FLE. De plus, ils sont conscients de tous les avantages que possède cette activité pédagogique. Cependant, ils n’utilisent pas toujours la notion de pratiques théâtrales dans le sens de simulacre ou d’imitation d’un état en vue d’entrainer à la fois la communication verbale et non-verbale comme il arrive dans la vie quotidienne, et comme nous l’avons décrit dans notre premier mémoire (Le théâtre éducatif dans l’enseignement du FLE, Mihart, 2016). / The aim of this study is to investigate how a group of Swedish teachers works with creative drama activities when teaching French as a foreign language. Also, the aim is to analyse the teachers’ attitudes towards the use of these activities, as well as the factors influencing their choice of activities in order to develop the pupils’ oral communication skills. After an analysis of the corpus, which includes interviews with four teachers and twelve responses to a survey, the conclusion is that, in general, teachers have a positive attitude towards the use of creative drama activities as an alternative method when teaching French as a foreign language. Moreover, they are aware of all the advantages that this pedagogical tool implies. Nevertheless, they do not always use the concept of creative drama in the sense of "simulacre", or imitation of real life events, which involves both verbal and non-verbal communication, as it has been described in the first paper, namely Le théâtre éducatif dans l’enseignement du FLE (Mihart, 2016).

Le théâtre éducatif – un outil au service de l'enseignement du FLE en cadre scolaire / Creative drama – a tool at the service of teaching French as a Foreign Language in schools

Mihart, Mirella January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier le rôle que le théâtre éducatif peut avoir sur le développement de la compétence de communication orale dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère (en abrégé FLE) en cadre scolaire. La recherche montre que le théâtre éducatif donne aux élèves la possibilité d’utiliser leurs compétences linguistiques en les préparant pour des situations réelles. Il leur donne aussi l’occasion de découvrir toutes les émotions et tous les mouvements physiques qui font partie d’une langue vivante. / This thesis aims at studying the role that educational drama can have on the development of oral communication skills when teaching French as a foreign language in the classroom. Research shows that creative drama gives pupils the opportunity to use their language skills, as well as it prepares them for real life situations. Moreover, it gives them the opportunity to experience the emotions and the body movements that come with a living language.

Logopedická intervence realizovaná u dětí předškolního věku v mateřských školách v podmínkách okresního města / Logopaedic intervention implemented in preschool facilities in the conditions of a district town

Stará, Dana January 2016 (has links)
NAME: Logopaedic intervention implemented in preschool facilities in the conditions of a district town. AUTHOR: Bc. Dana Stará DEPARTMENT (INSTITUTE): Department of Special Education WORK SUPERVISOR: doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT THESIS: The aim of this diploma work was to analyse the issues relating to logopaedic intervention implemented in preschool facilities in the conditions of a district town. The diploma work was focused on determining the situation with training of educational workers involved in logopaedic care among children of preschool age, what cooperation is like with professional institutions in this area, what teaching methods preschool educators use in work with children and what kind of care kindergartens provide in relation to the development of speech skills. Professional literature relating to psychomotoric development of children of preschool age was analysed, along with communication, communication skills, speech development in children of preschool age and disruption of communication skills in children of preschool age. Legislation relating to education in kindergartens and logopaedic intervention in the Czech Republic was also examined. The practical part of the work presents a confrontation of theory and findings obtained during research investigation. The basis of...

Diagnostika lexikálně-sémantické jazykové roviny v předškolním věku / Diagnostics of lexical and semantic level of language in preschool age

Malechová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This theses deals with diagnostic of speech development of pre-school children. Its focus is on lexical-semantic language level. The goal of my work is to trace and map diagnostic possibilities in the lexical- semantic area of of pre-school children and to introduce the international PPVT test , considering its adaptation into czech language environment. Theses consists of two parts - the theoretical and empiric. Theoretical part is concern with the most important theories and personalities in the speech development and the process of experiencing language, characteristics of pre-school period, ontogenesis of speech and the ways to evaluate vocabulary and semantics in Czech and overseas. The empiric part examines the usages of PPVT in czech environment. The survey was realised by quantitative research, using datas from 236 tested individuals. The PPVT was adapted into czech language and given to preschool children, whose results were compared with the results of american children. The outcomes of the empiric part could be a solution for future research in the area, with the purpose of adapting a testing- language instrument into czech language and widening the limited possibilities in the field of language and speech development evaluation. Keywords: ontogenesis of speech, pre-school period,...

Logopedická intervence a mladí lidé se sluchovým postižením / Speech therapy and young people with hearing impairment

Jakubcová, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on young people with hearing impairment who are educated by oral auditory method at school for pupils with special educative needs, particularly at School for the Hearing Impaired. The theoretical part is especially oriented on the characteristics and specifics of the developmental period of adolescence which is a very important milestone at the transition from childhood to maturity. It is focused on the hearing impairment issue and it also observes the psychological aspects of the people with hearing impairment. Furthermore, it deals with communication competencies of people with hearing impairment with focusing on spoken words and speech therapy intervention. The aim of the scientific examination of this thesis is to bring closer and mediate the opinions and experience of the young people with hearing impairment who are educated by oral - auditory method on their own communication skills and abilities. In this part of work the students themselves express their communication competencies. This work contains authentic parts of testimonies and brings some interesting insights of students themselves. This is a little probe into the lives of the young people with hearing impairment through their experience.

L'intérêt de l’enseignement de la traduction à vue à des apprenants de FLE (French)

Van Dyk, Jeanne 24 January 2008 (has links)
At a nexus between translation studies and didactics, the teaching of sight translation within the parameters of a foreign language course has as its primary aim to improve the communication skills of foreign language learners in general and of French learners at the University of Pretoria in particular. Contrary to the communication process in their first and second languages, students who try to speak a foreign language such as French are unable to express their thoughts freely. To compensate for their insufficient language knowledge and intuition, they tend to rely on their other languages as a reference for all communication. Although this natural reflex is part of the learning process, students' attempts to transfer words, phrases, and rules directly from one language to another can be detrimental to language performance. The problem does not lie in the fact that they translate mentally before speaking, but that they tend to translate literally. This is a highly inefficient communication strategy that results in a non-idiomatic, imperfect reflection of students’ actual knowledge of language. Unlike the above-mentioned mental transcoding and the so-called pedagogical translation generally practiced in the language class, the interpretive translation approach focuses on the reexpression of the meaning of the original text. This professional translation approach should be applied to all translation, including translation in the language class. Although the purpose is not to train professional translators or interpreters, students still need to learn to translate intelligently, whether verbally or mentally, without literally reproducing their reference languages. Since students are even more tempted than professionals to rely on the source language due to their limited language knowledge, they should explicitly learn to look for alternative means of expression available to them instead of transcoding this language. Sight translation is a very economical technique to teach this approach in language classes, as students learn to translate in their own words, using all their communication skills. Students learn how best to convey the meaning of the source text with the limited vocabulary and grammar skills at their disposal. When speaking, they also focus on the meaning of their utterances and use compensatory strategies when faced with a language problem, instead of copying from their reference languages or avoiding the problem altogether by switching to another language. In the space of little more than a year, the majority of the forty-four students who participated in the empirical research learned to communicate in a natural and authentic manner without undue interference from their other languages (mainly English). Those who have mastered the approach increasingly use efficient strategies to overcome language shortcomings, thus abandoning formal transfer to the benefit of their oral expression. In addition, a small number of talented students were identified to engage in further specialised translation and interpretation training. In conclusion, sight translation teaching in the classroom proved to be a highly beneficial method to improve translation and communication skills among French foreign language learners in the multicultural environment of the University of Pretoria. / Thesis (DLitt(French))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Modern European Languages / DLitt / unrestricted

A Training Program to Facilitate Caregiver Involvement in School Meetings

Barahona, Heather 08 1900 (has links)
Caregivers of children with autism will likely meet with many school professionals once their children become school-aged. These meetings can be intimidating for caregivers who are unfamiliar with special education terminology and protocol, and caregivers may feel ineffective when communicating with school personnel. The purpose of this study is to describe a training curriculum to teach caregivers ways in which to communicate during meetings with school professionals, including the kinds of questions to ask/statements to make and when to ask or make them. A detailed overview of the training procedures, the participants, and the outcomes are described here. Preliminary data suggest the training produced increases in communication skills and that caregivers found the training effective and useful.

Alaskan Native Social Integration and Academic Achievement

Strohmaier, Mahla 12 1900 (has links)
The variables communication skills, state anxiety, communication apprehension, and level of integration are studied in relation to the assimilation of Alaskan Natives into a western-culture university. Specifically, the differences in communication skills between the two cultures and their effects on course grades are addressed. Results of the statistical analyses (ANOVA, MANOVA, discriminant function analysis, multiple regression) were not significant, most likely due to the small Alaskan Native sample size. The most significant relationship appeared between situational communication apprehension and the ethnicity of the interaction partner. Other results were directional, indicating that variables may be related to assimilation of Native students into a western university environment. Further research and replication is warranted, using an adequate sample of Alaskan Natives.

Interpersonální konflikty a návrhy na zlepšení pracovních podmínek / Interpersonal Conflicts and Proposals to Improve Working Conditions

Vejnarová, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
In my work, I will focus on interpersonal conflict management and ways to prevent them. A description of how to ideally act in conflict situations and achieve the best possible solution to the "right" way.

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