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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Náhrada škody a nemajetkové újmy vzniklé pracovním úrazem / Compensation for damage and non-material damage caused by a work accident

Fojtíková, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of damage and non-material damage caused by work accidents. The first chapter describes the basic concept of legal liability and main functions of the employer's liability for damage caused to employees. The second chapter focuses on the basic assumptions, fulfilment of which creates an obligation for the employer to compensate employees for damage and non-material damage. It also describes the work accident as a legal term and discusses specific situations such as a heart-attack, a work injury during team-building or a work injury during a business trip using interpretation based, in particular, on a review of Czech case law. The employer is not always obliged to compensate employees for damage and non-material damage. Situations in which the employer is released from the obligation to pay damages and non-material damage are described at the end of the second chapter. These situations include violation of legal regulations or instructions, drunkenness or misuse of addictive substances and, last but not least, reckless behaviour of an employee. The third part which is the core of the thesis, deals with individual types and scopes of compensations, namely compensation for loss of earnings, material damage and purposefully spent treatment costs. A particular...

Náhrada újmy způsobené očkováním v době pandemie / Compensation for damages caused by vaccination during pandemic

Krudenc, Václav January 2022 (has links)
Compensation for damages caused by vaccination during pandemic This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive description of the legal regulation of compensation for damages caused by vaccination, both compulsory and voluntary. Emphasis is placed on the development of the legal regulation over time, where the subject of the thesis is not only the current regulation but also the regulation contained in Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Given the different legal frameworks set out in the old and the new Civil Code, the thesis compares the different periods, including their evaluation. This comparison and assessment conclude that, although the legislation regulated the issue of compensation for damage caused by vaccination completely differently, both regulations were significantly deficient and thus less than ideal. The second half of the thesis focuses on current aspects of the field, in particular two lex specialis enacted in 2020 relating to vaccine damage compensation. The core of this part of the thesis is a comprehensive interpretation of the act on compensation for injury caused by compulsory vaccination, including the most recent case law on the issue. This interpretation is followed by an assessment of the legal framework concerning the vaccination against Covid- 19 disease and the related liability...

人體試驗民事責任之研究―以新藥臨床試驗為主題 / Study of Civil Liability on Human Subjects Research ― Focus on Drug Clinical Trial

丁予安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,病人自主權意識高漲,醫療糾紛頻傳,每個醫師無不戒慎恐懼,而醫療爭議之處理模式與醫師專門職業之道德責任都受到社會高度的檢視及廣泛的討論。事實上,醫學的進步需要依賴不斷地創新與大膽地試驗研究,因此人體試驗相關的問題也受到大眾的關注。 由於人體試驗所面對的是複雜而變化多端的情境,所以參與人體試驗之受試者將會面對甚而遭到危險或傷害。我國人體試驗的相關法規,多散置於醫療法、醫師法、藥事法、藥品優良臨床試驗準則、藥品優良臨床試驗規範等,除了無整體之法規範外,且多為行政法令,在法律位階上均較低,加上衛生署主管機關無法落實對試驗過程中之管理與監控,因此參與人體試驗之受試者往往會受到損害而無法得到應有的保障。因為人體試驗的特殊性與常規醫療是不同的,如果僅由既有的傳統醫療糾紛處理方式,如醫療契約於受試者的關係、侵權行為於違反保護他人法律的標準、醫療倫理不傷害原則於人體試驗規範等,這些恐怕都是必須的,但是仍嫌不足。 本文參考國外人體試驗規範包括紐倫堡法則、赫爾辛基宣言、美國貝爾蒙特報告、美國聯邦法規、CIOMS國際生物醫學研究人體試驗倫理準則、國際醫藥法規協和會之優良人體臨床試驗準則等等,然後針對個別議題如受試者保護之告知後同意,受試者權益之醫療契約關係及侵權行為責任,受試者受傷害之損害賠償責任,作一整理分析與檢討,並進一步配合我國現行法律制度與社會倫理規範做出建議。 本文共分為七章,分別為「序論」、「人體試驗」、「人體試驗告知後同意法則」、「國外人體試驗之民事責任」、「我國人體試驗之民事責任」、「人體試驗之賠償責任及機制」及「結論」。 / In recent years, patients’ consciousness of self-determination has raised and many medical disputes occurred; doctors feel discomfort and developed the high intensity of self-defense. The solution of medical malpractice and professional liability of doctors have became the major public issues and received many discussions. We are quite sure that the medical progress is based on innovative and intensive clinical study on human subjects. Under this background, the topics on human subject research have been attracted more attention than ever. Since the situations in human research are complex and variable. If relative clinical standards and legal protections are not adequately provided, the human subjects involved in clinical researches may face many risks and even injured. In Taiwan, we don’t have a systemic regulations on human subject research, all regulations are distributed in different code, act, proceeding, and agreement. Furthermore, the government does not have enough resource and manpower to monitor or inspect the processes of human research, the issues of protection of human rights and benefits of testee has raised serious concern. The human subject research is not exactly the same as the clinical medical treatment, it’s impossible for legislators or institutions to regulate research through traditional medical regulations such as medical ethics doctor-involved informed consent, medical agreement (contract), tort laws, and compensation for injury. In this thesis, firstly, I reviewed the most important publications related to human subject research include Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, USA’s Belmont Report and Code of Federal Regulations, CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, and ICH-GCP; secondly, focus on each specific topics especially the value of informed consent, the importance of medical agreement, the liabilities of torts and the policy of compensation for injury. Finally, I’ll make my comments and suggestions to the health care authorities to update and implement new regulating policies to protect human rights of subjects involved in clinical researches. My thesis is restricted to discuss the impact of civil liability on human subjects research focus on drug clinical trial and divided into seven chapters as follows: “Introduction”, “Human subject research”, “Principles of informed consent”, “International liability of civil law on human subject research”, “Liability of Taiwan civil law on human subject research”, “Policy of compensation for injured human research subject” and “Conclusion”.

L'inégalité de la réparation des victimes en droit commun et en accidents du travail / Compensation for injury inequality between industrial accident system and common law scheme

Settembre, Sabrina 15 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse fait le constat d'une inégalité manifeste entre le régime des accidents du travail et celui du droit commun. Un salarié blessé dans le cadre de son activité professionnelle aura droit à une réparation forfaitaire. Cette indemnité tend à compenser la perte de salaire et l'incidence professionnelle. Les préjudices personnels en sont exclus sauf l'hypothèse de la faute inexcusable de l'employeur. Le fonctionnaire n'a pas le même traitement que le salarié et bénéficie d'une meilleure protection. Enfin, en matière d'accidents de la circulation, de la vie et même d'agressions, la victime a droit à l'indemnisation de la totalité des préjudices subis. Au vu de ces inégalités, il est important d'apporter des solutions tendant à supprimer ces disparités entre les régimes d'accidents du travail mais également entre le système des accidents du travail et de droit commun. Cette volonté d'anéantir ces inégalités s'inscrit dans la politique actuelle de notre droit. Il est impensable que les travailleurs se voient priver des préjudices personnels alors que l'accident a des effets dans leur vie courante. C'est pourquoi, cet ouvrage préconise des solutions afin de rétablir une égalité entre les justiciables / Thesis have to admit there are inequalities in own system of compensation for injury. Industrial accident's victims we are not considered likes accidents road victims and others. A worker injured will can request flate-rate compensation. This accident compensation will be established on the basis of income and professionally incidence. Personal damages are excluded except case of inforgivable fault employer's. State employee haven't same traitment than worker and he has got a best protection. At last, it is right to say road accident victim's, mugging victim's could ask indemnity on bodily injuri. They could request personal and economic damages. In view of inequality, we make changes to system in order to cancel these gap in compensation. This willingness to abolish inequality it's current political and human rights practices. From now on, it's imbelievable to think to deprive workers of personal damages while this accident are effects on the private life employee. That is why, hand work recommend solutions to restore equality between citizen

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