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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of Human Resources managerial effectiveness of the public health sector of Ghana

Chebere, Margaret January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this research is to evaluate Human Resources managerial/development effectiveness (HRM/DE) of frontline managers from the perspectives of managers themselves and stakeholders in the public health sector (PHS) of Ghana. The study did this through the development of a conceptual framework which combined the use of integrated organisational and management theoretical perspectives and contextual variables. The study employed the mixed methods research methodology which combined both empiricism and post post-positivists' views with critical realism as the underpinning philosophy. A total of 18 district directors of health, from two regions were purposively sampled and interviewed utilising an in-depth open ended questionnaire through the discussion. Additionally, key policy makers were interviewed and focus group discussions held and a structured questionnaire completed by another group of employees, who assessed managers' capabilities. Discourse analysis was used for the analysis with the aid of Nvivo 7 for the qualitative material whilst quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics. Findings were triangulated using Marquart and Zercher's (2000) cross-over track analysis framework. Findings show research questions were answered. Majority of district directors lack managerial competencies; are less interested in HRM/D activities, less confident of their human resource skills and less sure of the political and representational skills required of managers. In particular, it is necessary to take account of the political structure of the PHS of Ghana; significant differences exist in power, individual or group interests, values, assumptions and expectations. However, most district directors have tried to indigenise HRM/D practices as a way of motivating and retaining staff. Core Human resources managerial competencies from the perspectives of the three sampled groups have been compiled. It is the first time such a study has been conducted in the PHS of Ghana and which has therefore made inroads in the existing literature and has contributed to HRM/D literature information in Africa particularly Ghana. It also paves the way for understanding management in the African context and perspective and specifically in health care settings. This study has gone beyond the two groups of respondents and proved that the use of multiple respondents generates rich findings and unveiled what would normally have not been possible if single respondents were used.
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Competências para o contexto tecnológico-musical : um foco nas tecnologias digitais online para a educação

Rosas, Fátima Weber January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação de Mestrado trata das competências para o contexto tecnológicomusical educacional. Seu objetivo principal é mapeá-las para que professores, tutores e alunos músicos ou leigos utilizem tecnologias digitais voltadas à música, principalmente as gratuitas e baseadas na Web. Esta proposta dirige-se a docentes e discentes da educação presencial e da educação a distância, músicos ou leigos que almejam atuar no âmbito pretendido. Estas tecnologias consistem em recursos tais como objetos de aprendizagem, software para a composição musical cujo funcionamento e armazenamento ocorre através da internet e ferramentas para a edição de áudio. Utilizadas de forma integrada a ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, essas mesmas ferramentas têm sido aplicadas em cursos de extensão para a formação de professores para o contexto pretendido. No mapeamento das competências apresentado neste estudo também são listados os seus elementos: os conhecimentos, as habilidades e as atitudes para uma atuação eficaz no contexto tecnológico-musical educacional. / This Master's thesis deals with the competences for the technological and musical education context. especially the free Web-based. Its main objective is to map them to teachers, tutors and students musicians and no musicians use digital technologies focused on music, especially free and Web-based. This proposal is aimed at teachers, tutors and students of classroom education and distance who want to act within deprecated. These technologies consist of resources such as learning objects, software for music composition whose operation and storage occurs over the internet. Used in an integrated virtual learning environments, these tools have been applied in extension courses to prepare teachers for the context deprecated. In mapping the competences presented in this study are also listed its elements: knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective action in the technology-musical education.
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A relação entre aprendizagem organizacional e centros de excelência: um estudo no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos / The relationship between organizational learning and centers of excellence: a case study in an American company with subsidiary in Brazil

Larissa de Paiva Almeida 13 November 2018 (has links)
Este estudo visa analisar a relação entre Aprendizagem Organizacional (AO) e Centro de Excelência (CoE), através de um estudo de caso em uma multinacional do setor de Tecnologia da Informação nos Estados Unidos (matriz) e no Brasil (filial), para validar as seguintes hipóteses: a) AO afeta positivamente CoE; e b) a condição de matriz ou subsidiária afeta a relação entre a AO e CoE. Para a formação de um Centro de Excelência é fundamental ter uma estrutura de Aprendizagem Organizacional efetiva, que promova troca de competências que possam agregar valor para a empresa, e que possibilite que elas sejam compartilhadas entre as unidades da organização. Apesar da importância estratégica desses temas para alavancar a vantagem competitiva das empresas, ainda há poucos estudos na literatura acadêmica que os relacionam, havendo uma lacuna ainda maior quanto à metodologia quantitativa. Sendo assim, foi feito um estudo de caso quantitativo, com o uso de Survey, em que foram analisadas as respostas de 91 funcionários através de equações estruturais, usando o software SmartPLS. Os resultados evidenciam a influência positiva de Aprendizagem Organizacional em Centro de Excelência, sendo que há alguns subprocessos de AO que apresentaram uma alta significância nessa influência. Não foram encontradas evidências que confirmem a moderação da condição de matriz ou subsidiária nessa relação / This study aims to analyze the relationship between Organizational Learning (OL) and Center of Excellence (CoE), through a case study in an information technology multinational in the United States (headquarters) and in Brazil (subsidiary), to validate the following hypotheses: a) OL positively affects CoE; and b) the matrix or subsidiary condition affects the relationship between OL and CoE. In order to form a Center of Excellence, it is essential to have an effective Organizational Learning structure that promotes the exchange of competences that can add value to the company and that allow them to be shared among the units of the organization. Despite the strategic importance of these themes to leverage the competitive advantage of companies, there are still few studies in the academic literature that relate them, and there is an even larger gap regarding quantitative methodology. Thus, a quantitative case study was done using Survey, in which the responses of 91 employees were analyzed through structural equations using the SmartPLS software. The results evidenced the positive influence of Organizational Learning in a Center of Excellence, and there are some subprocesses of OL that presented a high significance in this influence. No evidence was found to confirm the moderation of the condition of matrix or subsidiary in this relation
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A relação entre aprendizagem organizacional e centros de excelência: um estudo no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos / The relationship between organizational learning and centers of excellence: a case study in an American company with subsidiary in Brazil

Almeida, Larissa de Paiva 13 November 2018 (has links)
Este estudo visa analisar a relação entre Aprendizagem Organizacional (AO) e Centro de Excelência (CoE), através de um estudo de caso em uma multinacional do setor de Tecnologia da Informação nos Estados Unidos (matriz) e no Brasil (filial), para validar as seguintes hipóteses: a) AO afeta positivamente CoE; e b) a condição de matriz ou subsidiária afeta a relação entre a AO e CoE. Para a formação de um Centro de Excelência é fundamental ter uma estrutura de Aprendizagem Organizacional efetiva, que promova troca de competências que possam agregar valor para a empresa, e que possibilite que elas sejam compartilhadas entre as unidades da organização. Apesar da importância estratégica desses temas para alavancar a vantagem competitiva das empresas, ainda há poucos estudos na literatura acadêmica que os relacionam, havendo uma lacuna ainda maior quanto à metodologia quantitativa. Sendo assim, foi feito um estudo de caso quantitativo, com o uso de Survey, em que foram analisadas as respostas de 91 funcionários através de equações estruturais, usando o software SmartPLS. Os resultados evidenciam a influência positiva de Aprendizagem Organizacional em Centro de Excelência, sendo que há alguns subprocessos de AO que apresentaram uma alta significância nessa influência. Não foram encontradas evidências que confirmem a moderação da condição de matriz ou subsidiária nessa relação / This study aims to analyze the relationship between Organizational Learning (OL) and Center of Excellence (CoE), through a case study in an information technology multinational in the United States (headquarters) and in Brazil (subsidiary), to validate the following hypotheses: a) OL positively affects CoE; and b) the matrix or subsidiary condition affects the relationship between OL and CoE. In order to form a Center of Excellence, it is essential to have an effective Organizational Learning structure that promotes the exchange of competences that can add value to the company and that allow them to be shared among the units of the organization. Despite the strategic importance of these themes to leverage the competitive advantage of companies, there are still few studies in the academic literature that relate them, and there is an even larger gap regarding quantitative methodology. Thus, a quantitative case study was done using Survey, in which the responses of 91 employees were analyzed through structural equations using the SmartPLS software. The results evidenced the positive influence of Organizational Learning in a Center of Excellence, and there are some subprocesses of OL that presented a high significance in this influence. No evidence was found to confirm the moderation of the condition of matrix or subsidiary in this relation
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Référentiels de compétences et pilotage de formation à l'université. Rôle, enjeux et limites/Competences Framework and Conducting University Training. Role, Stakes and Limits.

Postiaux, Nadine 28 January 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à analyser le rôle des référentiels de compétences sur le pilotage de la formation à l’université et sur les pratiques d’enseignement et d’évaluation des enseignants. Cette analyse cherche également à explorer les liens entre le rôle joué par un référentiel (son usage, ses effets) et les conditions qui ont présidé à sa réalisation : motivation de départ, méthode d’élaboration et de diffusion. La méthodologie utilisée est double. D’une part, nous avons mené une étude croisée reprenant 10 cas, soit 10 équipes d’enseignants ayant élaboré un référentiel en Belgique, en France, aux Pays-Bas et au Canada. D’autre part, nous avons suivi, durant trois années, l’élaboration du référentiel de formation de l’Ecole polytechnique de l’ULB. Entretiens semi-dirigés et observation participante ont été les deux outils respectifs de cette double méthodologie. Nous avons pu montrer que dans la plupart des cas, les référentiels ont joué un rôle dans le pilotage de la formation et dans les pratiques d’enseignement et d’évaluation mais nous avons également identifié d’autres rôles joués par les référentiels tels un rôle de gestion des ressources humaines (outil d’engagement et d’intégration de nouveaux engagés, outil de construction d’une identité collective, outil de communication interne) ou encore de communication à caractère promotionnel. Nous pouvons également formuler des hypothèses quant aux conditions susceptibles de favoriser l’usage du référentiel dans le pilotage et dans les pratiques d’enseignement et d’évaluation. Par contre, nous n’avons pas identifié l’impact de la forme du référentiel (concept de référence ou modèle théorique) sur son usage, l’usage du référentiel étant davantage lié à une politique qui l’englobe et dont il est sans doute l’un des rouages. Enfin, en regard de nos résultats et de notre échantillon, le référentiel ne semble pas constituer un levier pour accroître la professionnalisation de la formation mais se trouve au contraire en équilibre entre professionnalisation et académisation, en ce qui concerne les formations initiales de deux cycles dans un contexte universitaire ou assimilé.
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Effet d'une formation à l'intelligence émotionnelle et substrats neuroanatomiques

Nelis, Delphine 11 October 2010 (has links)
Lintelligence émotionnelle (IE) ou les compétences émotionnelles (CE) désignent la capacité à identifier, comprendre, exprimer, utiliser et réguler ses émotions et celles dautrui. Les nombreuses recherches dans le domaine montrent que lIE joue un rôle essentiel dans la santé mentale et physique, dans les relations sociales mais aussi au niveau de la performance au travail. Eu égard à ces données, il serait primordial daméliorer lIE afin daugmenter le bien-être général de lindividu et ses performances. Limpact des diverses formations destinées à améliorer lIE na pas été, jusquà présent, mesuré de façon rigoureuse et scientifique. Malgré le foisonnement des interventions proposées, aucune ne simpose et aucune na été testée. Lobjectif de ce travail est de développer et de valider un dispositif de formation destiné à optimiser lIE dans une population détudiants. A cette fin, une formation a été créée, elle repose sur différents modèles théoriques et inclut les différentes CE faisant partie du concept de lIE. Ensuite, plusieurs études de validation ont été entreprises afin de tester limpact de notre formation sur lIE, sur les différentes CE et sur diverses variables liées à lIE telles la santé mentale et physique, les relations sociales, le bien-être, etc. Les résultats montrent que notre formation améliore le niveau de lIE, celui des CE, la santé mentale et physique, les relations sociales, la satisfaction dans la vie, le bonheur, certains traits de personnalité ainsi que la probabilité dun futur engagement professionnel. Une dernière étude a permis de montrer que le pattern dactivité cérébrale des individus ayant participé à la formation se modifie après lintervention. Ainsi, en plus de mesures auto-rapportées, une mesure objective a été introduite dans nos études de validation. Ces résultats sont encourageants et ils permettent de mettre en avant lefficacité de notre formation. Les recherches futures devront sattarder à mesurer limpact de notre dispositif de formation dans dautres milieux quils soient scolaire, clinique ou encore professionnel.
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Global Knowledge Management Competence and Competitive Advantage-The role of dynamic capabilities

Liu, Weining 20 July 2004 (has links)
This paper examines the mediating effects of dynamic capabilities on the relationship between global knowledge management competences and competitive advantage. The predictions of dynamic capabilities were tested using a sample of international enterprises in Taiwan. The results indicate that dynamic capabilities are the key to competitive advantage. The performance of an organization can be considered as the outcome of a complex isomorphism and reciprocal influences between its internal and external competences and dynamic capabilities related to environmental uncertainty and turbulence. Structural equation analysis is applied to empirically testify the relationships and the path model suggests that dynamic capabilities of an organization play an important role on transforming global knowledge management competences toward competitive advantage. These results provide evidence of the dynamic capabilities view that the dynamic capabilities refer to the capacity of the firm to shift its boundaries in order not to be overwhelmed when the environment pressure becomes excessive.


CEREMO, KARINE. Sibaud, Bernard. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Gestion : Metz : 2000. / 2000METZ001D. 99 ref.

Initial Screening : A talent's qualities within the matching process between employer and talent in the Business Sector

Lodewijk, Niels, Mastenbroek, Roselique January 2008 (has links)
The importance of human capital is rising tremendously since the last few decades. Human capital is now rewarded as the most important factor in an organization on the way to success. Nowadays in the Netherlands talents need to be able to show employers that they possess certain qualities and employers need to be able to show that they offer something worthwhile for talents. The match is: You can employ men and hire hands to work for you, but you must win their hearts to have them work with you. —Tiorio This research project is primarily about the initial screening within the matching process, where both parties (employer & talent) need to express themselves to each other without having live contact. The strategic question throughout this research is: How can we explain problems between employer and talent during the initial screening phase in the matching process, in terms of measuring, explicating and expressing qualities? Within this question perspectives of both parties are included: to understand the position, requirements and expectations of qualities. The objective of this research is to explore, get insight in and elaborate on the process taking place in the initial meeting. This is researched through qualitative research in the form of a mix of interviews, experiments and text analyses. The result of this research conducts of several tips based on the analyses of this research. The tips are for talents as well as employers. Even though the results of this research were very diverse from the talent‘s perspective, some patterns could be seen. From the employers’ perspective the answers were less diverse and more clear patterns emerged. Altogether many interesting aspects are highlighted in this research.
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Ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos raiška ir turinys / EXPRESSION AND CONTENT OF DEPUTY MANAGEMENT COMPETENCES IN PRE- SCHOOL INSTITUTIONS

Baltutytė, Vitalija 25 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuva įžengė į itin sparčios kaitos ir naujų iššūkių amžių, kuris kelia naujus reikalavimus ir asmeniui, ir visuomenei, ir švietimo sistemai. Kadangi švietimo kokybė tiesiogiai priklauso nuo švietimo įstaigose dirbančių vadovų bei pedagogų kompetencijų, svarbu išryškinti ir apibrėžti ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų turinį, jų kryptingumą bei raiškos tendencijas. Tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinės kompetencijos. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos turinį bei nustatyti jų raiškos tendencijas realybėje ir parengti rekomendacijas jų plėtotei. Magistro darbe naudojamas kiekybinis (ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų bei direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui) tyrimas. Tyrimo empirinę bazę sudaro 208 respondentai (192 - ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogai,16 - ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojai ugdymui). Magistro darbe pabrėžiama kompetencijos koncepcijos problematika, pateikiamos vadybinių kompetencijų apibrėžtys, nagrinėjami vadybinės kompetencijos modeliai, apibūdinami jų pagrindiniai skirtumai bei išryškinamos ypatybės; analizuojamas Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo dokumentuose pateiktų vadovo vadybinių kompetencijų turinys. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogai bei direktoriaus pavaduotojai ugdymui sudarant vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos turinį esminėmis įvardija ugdymo proceso valdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuania walked in the age of change and new challenge which makes great demands of person, society and Education system of Lithuania. Education quality assurance has a direct reference to heads of educational institutions. It is very importan to present and define the management competences content of deputy in Pre – school institutions. The Object of the research is managing preparation of Pre – school deputy. The purpose is to analyse expression and content of deputy management competences in Pre – school institutions. Methodology of the research: Theoretical research of the problem raised is based on the scientific literature by foreign and Lithuanian authors, scientific publications. Quantitative method was used in collecting empiric data. Data analysis was performed by using Excel computer program and the method of mathematic statistic. The research was done in Pre – school institutions of Siauliai town. There were 208 respondents in the research (192 – educators, 16 – deputies of Pre – school institutions). Problems of competence conception, definitions of management competences, kinds and classification of competences, models of management competences, their differences and peculiarities are prsented in this winal work. Results: Having summarized analysis of scientific literature sources and the results of empiric research showed the essential management competences of deputy: - Competences of communication. - Strategy making. - Human resources. - The development... [to full text]
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