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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive design of complex mechanical parts using a parametric representation

Ugail, Hassan, Robinson, M., Bloor, M.I.G., Wilson, M.J. January 2000 (has links)
Yes / In CAD, when considering the question of new designs of complex mechanical parts, such as engine pistons, a parametric representation of the design is usually defined. However, in general there is a lack of efficient tools to create and manipulate such parametrically defined shapes. In this paper, we show how the geometry of complex mechanical parts can be parameterised efficiently enabling a designer to create and manipulate such geometries within an interactive environment. For surface generation we use the PDE method which allows surfaces to be defined in terms of a relatively small number of design parameters. The PDE method effectively creates surfaces by using the information contained at the boundaries (edges) of the surface patch. An interactively defined parameterisation can then be introduced on the boundaries (which are defined by means of space curves) of the surface. Thus, we show how complex geometries of mechanical parts, such as engine pistons, can be efficiently parameterised for geometry manipulation allowing a designer to create alternative designs.


PEDRO JOSE TOBAR ESPINOZA 30 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] O deslocamento de um líquido por outro em espaços anulares é comumente encontrado na indústria do petróleo, e a maioria deles envolve materiais não newtonianos. O espaço anular muitas vezes apresenta irregularidades causadas pela erosão, onde quantidades consideráveis de fluido de perfuração podem ser deixadas para trás durante o processo de deslocamento, comprometendo a qualidade da operação de cimentação. Motivados por esse processo industrial, testes de deslocamento entre líquidos a vazão constante foram realizados em espaços anulares cuja parede externa possui, em uma determinada posição axial, um aumento repentino de diâmetro seguido de uma diminuição repentina de diâmetro mais a jusante. O objetivo dos experimentos era determinar a eficiência do deslocamento em função da vazão, reologia dos fluidos e geometria da cavidade. Os resultados revelaram forte influência desses parâmetros na eficiência de deslocamento. Ao mesmo tempo, um estudo numérico foi desenvolvido. Simulações numéricas das equações de Navier-Stokes em geometria axissimétrica para fluidos incompressíveis foram acopladas ao método Level-Set para captura da interface. Fluidos com viscosidade constante e o modelo newtoniano generalizado com função viscosidade de Carreau-Yasuda foram utilizados. Isso permitiu simular deslocamentos entre dois fluidos newtonianos e entre um fluido newtoniano e outro não-newtoniano. Este foi utilizado tanto como fluido deslocador quanto como deslocado. Foram realizadas simulações para várias razões de diâmetros, viscosidades, tempos de relaxação, e números de capilaridade e de Reynolds. Identificamos quando a aproximação do espaço anular por duas placas paralelas pode ser aplicada e calculamos como a forma da interface depende dos parâmetros investigados. / [en] The displacement of a fluid caused by another one, inside annular spaces, is commonly found in the oil industry and most of these rearrangements involve non-Newtonian materials. The annular space often shows irregularities caused by erosion, in which considerable amounts of drilling fluid can be left behind during the displacement process, compromising the cementing operation efficiency. Motivated by that industrial process, fluid-fluid displacement tests at constant flow rate were performed in annular spaces in which their exterior walls displayed - in a determined axial position - an abrupt expansion followed by an abrupt contraction. The purpose of the tests were to determine the displacement efficiency as a function of flow rate, rheological properties and geometric cavity. The results revealed a strong influence of these parameters on the displacement efficiency. At the same time, a numerical research was developed. Numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations in axisymmetric geometry for incompressible fluids were coupled to the Level-Set method to capture the interface. Fluids with constant viscosity and the generalized Newtonian model with viscosity function of Carreau-Yasuda were used. That allowed to simulate displacements between two Newtonian fluids and a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian fluid. This was used both as a displacer and as a displaced fluid. Simulations were performed for several diameters and viscosities ratios, relaxatation time, capilar and Reynolds numbers. We identified when the approximation of the annular space by two parallel plates can be applied and calculated how the shape of the interface depends on the investigated parameters.

Método de fronteira virtual para escoamentos invíscidos compressíveis / Virtual boundary method for inviscid compressible flow

Pineda, Jhonathan Solarte 13 February 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um método de interação fluido estrutura chamado de fronteira virtual para modelagem de escoamentos sobre geometrias complexas. A principal característica do método é que a condição de contorno interna da superfície do corpo imerso é obtida usando uma função que calcula a força de campo das equações de momentum. Este método de cálculo da força de campo é conhecido como método direto. A principal vantagem do método da fronteira virtual é que se trabalha com duas malhas, uma cartesiana (também conhecida como euleriana) para o fluido e outra curvilínea (também conhecida como malha lagrangiana) para o objeto imerso. Como estas malhas são independentes uma da outra, os algoritmos de geração das malhas são simples em comparação com outros métodos de geração de malha, nos quais a esta precisa se adaptar ao corpo que se quer analisar. Nos métodos de body fitted, algoritmos complexos com custo computacional muito elevado são necessários para se trabalhar com geometrias complexas. Neste trabalho, o método de fronteira virtual é desenvolvido para trabalhar escoamentos compressíveis não viscosos em duas dimensões sobre geometrias complexas, e testado sobre um cilindro de seção circular e sobre uma série de aerofólios NACA da série 4. O regime de principal interesse é o regime transônico, em particular para velocidades abaixo da velocidade do som (Mach entre 0,8 e 1). No entanto, resultados para outros regimes de escoamento (subsônico incompressível, subsônico compressível, transônico e supersônico) também são mostrados. / This work presents a fluid-structure interaction method, known as virtual boundary method, developed for flow modeling, over complex geometries. The main characteristic of the method is that, the internal boundary condition at the surface are created using a function, that compute the body force from the momentum equations. This method is known as direct method. The virtual boundary method main advantage is the easy and quick mesh generation. Due the use two different grids, a Cartesian grid for the fluid and a curvilinear grid for the body that interact with the fluid. As these two grids are independent one of other, the grid generation algorithms are easier compared with other methods on CFD as the body fitted. Where the grid has to be adapted to the body of interest. The body fitted methods are implemented with complex algorithms, and high computational cost, especially when complex geometries are analyzed. In this work, the virtual boundary method are developed in order to work with in viscid compressible flow in two dimensions over complex geometries, tested over a cylinder and several NACA series 4 and critical airfoils. The regime of interest is the transonic, below the speed of sound, nevertheless results for several flow regimens (incompressible subsonic, compressible subsonic, transonic and supersonic) are also presented.

Método de fronteira virtual para escoamentos invíscidos compressíveis / Virtual boundary method for inviscid compressible flow

Jhonathan Solarte Pineda 13 February 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um método de interação fluido estrutura chamado de fronteira virtual para modelagem de escoamentos sobre geometrias complexas. A principal característica do método é que a condição de contorno interna da superfície do corpo imerso é obtida usando uma função que calcula a força de campo das equações de momentum. Este método de cálculo da força de campo é conhecido como método direto. A principal vantagem do método da fronteira virtual é que se trabalha com duas malhas, uma cartesiana (também conhecida como euleriana) para o fluido e outra curvilínea (também conhecida como malha lagrangiana) para o objeto imerso. Como estas malhas são independentes uma da outra, os algoritmos de geração das malhas são simples em comparação com outros métodos de geração de malha, nos quais a esta precisa se adaptar ao corpo que se quer analisar. Nos métodos de body fitted, algoritmos complexos com custo computacional muito elevado são necessários para se trabalhar com geometrias complexas. Neste trabalho, o método de fronteira virtual é desenvolvido para trabalhar escoamentos compressíveis não viscosos em duas dimensões sobre geometrias complexas, e testado sobre um cilindro de seção circular e sobre uma série de aerofólios NACA da série 4. O regime de principal interesse é o regime transônico, em particular para velocidades abaixo da velocidade do som (Mach entre 0,8 e 1). No entanto, resultados para outros regimes de escoamento (subsônico incompressível, subsônico compressível, transônico e supersônico) também são mostrados. / This work presents a fluid-structure interaction method, known as virtual boundary method, developed for flow modeling, over complex geometries. The main characteristic of the method is that, the internal boundary condition at the surface are created using a function, that compute the body force from the momentum equations. This method is known as direct method. The virtual boundary method main advantage is the easy and quick mesh generation. Due the use two different grids, a Cartesian grid for the fluid and a curvilinear grid for the body that interact with the fluid. As these two grids are independent one of other, the grid generation algorithms are easier compared with other methods on CFD as the body fitted. Where the grid has to be adapted to the body of interest. The body fitted methods are implemented with complex algorithms, and high computational cost, especially when complex geometries are analyzed. In this work, the virtual boundary method are developed in order to work with in viscid compressible flow in two dimensions over complex geometries, tested over a cylinder and several NACA series 4 and critical airfoils. The regime of interest is the transonic, below the speed of sound, nevertheless results for several flow regimens (incompressible subsonic, compressible subsonic, transonic and supersonic) are also presented.

Coupled High-Order Finite Difference and Unstructured Finite Volume Methods for Earthquake Rupture Dynamics in Complex Geometries

O'Reilly, Ossian January 2011 (has links)
The linear elastodynamic two-dimensional anti-plane stress problem, where deformations occur in only one direction is considered for one sided non-planar faults. Fault dynamics are modeled using purely velocity dependent friction laws, and applied on boundaries with complex geometry. Summation-by-parts operators and energy estimates are used to couple a high-order finite difference method with an unstructured finite volume method. The unstructured finite volume method is used near the fault and the high-order finite difference method further away from the fault where no complex geometry is present. Boundary conditions are imposed weakly on characteristic form using the simultaneous approximation term technique, allowing explicit time integration to be used. Numerical computations are performed to verify the accuracy and time stability, of the method.

Étude de l’impact du grenaillage sur des composants mécaniques industriels à géométrie complexe / Effect of shot peening on industrial mechanical components with complex geometry

Gelineau, Maxime 02 February 2018 (has links)
Les traitements de surface mécaniques sont appliqués dans la plupart des secteurs industriels comme procédé de finition afin de renforcer les propriétés des composants métalliques. Le grenaillage de précontrainte est probablement l’un des plus répandu. Ce procédé introduit des contraintes résiduelles de compression en générant un gradient de déformation plastique dans la profondeur de la pièce traitée. L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre et prédire l’effet de la géométrie des composants sur la redistribution des contraintes résiduelles post-grenaillage. En effet, même lorsqu’elle est maîtrisée, l’opération de grenaillage peut générer un champ de contraintes résiduelles complexe qui dépend fortement de la géométrie de la pièce. Par suite, parmi les paramètres influents sur le comportement en fatigue des composants grenaillés, le paramètre géométrique peut donc avoir un rôle majeur. Puisque les approches conventionnelles de modélisation ne sont pas transposables aux géométries non planes, et ne sont pas conformes aux contraintes industrielles en termes de temps de calcul, une méthodologie basée sur la Méthode de Reconstruction des Eigenstrains est proposée. L’approche développée est construite à partir de relations analytiques pour des massifs plans traités de façon homogène. La principale contribution est la comparaison entre modélisation et expérimentation. Les données expérimentales sont obtenues à partir d’analyses de la microstructure et par diffraction des rayons X réalisées sur des échantillons d’un superalliage base nickel, pour plusieurs géométries complexes élémentaires (plaques minces, formes convexes et concaves). Par ailleurs cette étude vise à prendre en compte l’effet des contraintes résiduelles équilibrées sur la durée de vie en fatigue. A partir du critère de fatigue multiaxial de Crossland, la méthodologie complète est appliquée à des démonstrateurs industriels à géométrie complexe. / Most manufacturing industries perform mechanical surface treatments at the end of the manufacturing chain to reinforce relevant working parts. Shot peening is probably the most common of those processes. This treatment induces compressive residual stresses by generating in-depth plastic strains. The objective of this work is to understand and predict the effect of the geometry on the redistribution of residual stresses into shot peened mechanical parts. Indeed, even when properly controlled, shot peening treatment may induce a complex residual stress field depending on the geometry of the treated part. Hence, among the variables which affect the fatigue behaviour of shot peened components, the geometry could play a major role. Because the traditional approaches for the modelling of residual stresses are not convenient for complex non-flat geometries and not consistent with industrial constraints in terms of computing time, a methodology based on the Eigenstrains Reconstruction Method is proposed. The developed approach is built with analytical relationships for massive and plane geometries homogeneously treated. The main contribution lies in the capacity to provide a comparison between modelling and experiment. Experimental data are obtained by microstructural observation and by X-ray diffraction analyses, which are carried out on Ni-based superalloy samples with elementary complex geometries (thin sheets, convex and concave shapes). In addition, this study aims to take into account the effect of the rebalanced residual stresses for fatigue life prediction. Thus, using a Crossland criterion for high cycle fatigue regime, the complete methodology is applied on industrial demonstrator samples with complex geometry.

Transferência de calor durante o processo de pasteurização de polpas de frutas armazenadas em recipientes obtidos por revolução de áreas planas.

ATAÍDE, Jair Stefanini Pereira de. 12 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2017-12-12T20:48:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JAIR STEFANINI PEREIRA DE ATAÍDE – TESE (PPGEP) 2014.pdf: 4947088 bytes, checksum: 8019d110744376ffaadc9a31152768ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T20:48:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JAIR STEFANINI PEREIRA DE ATAÍDE – TESE (PPGEP) 2014.pdf: 4947088 bytes, checksum: 8019d110744376ffaadc9a31152768ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-24 / O aumento na demanda por produtos alimentícios por parte da população requer uma indústria alimentícia moderna e de qualidade, na qual se faz necessário avaliar e ter conhecimento profundo, dentre outras coisas, das propriedades termofísicas dos alimentos, principalmente daqueles submetidos a uma tecnologia de conservação pelo uso do calor. Neste estudo, o fenômeno da difusão transiente de calor foi estudado em gêneros alimentícios pastosos contidos em recipientes com forma geométrica arbitrária. Dessa forma, tem-se o intuito de disponibilizar as análises das implicações da consideração de uma difusividade térmica constante (ou dependente da temperatura média) no estudo de transferência de calor durante a pasteurização de produtos cuja forma possa ser obtida pela revolução de áreas planas. Em adição, propôs que a difusividade térmica seja uma função da temperatura local no interior do produto, possibilitando uma maior precisão na descrição da transferência de calor. Para isso, foi discretizada e resolvida numericamente a equação de difusão escrita em coordenadas generalizadas, através do método dos volumes finitos, com uma formulação totalmente implícita, para condições de contorno de primeiro tipo. O código computacional foi desenvolvido em FORTRAN, usando o estúdio CVF 6.6.0, na plataforma Windows XP. As ferramentas numéricas foram validadas através de dados obtidos na literatura para o cilindro infinito. Para comprovação da eficiência do método de pasteurização realizou-se análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas antes e após o tratamento térmico. A análise e comparação dos resultados mostraram que ocorre uma redução dos micro-organismos totais, sem proporcionar tanta alteração nutricional, particularmente no valor proteico das polpas, proporcionando segurança alimentar com um menor gasto energético. Bem como, uma vez conhecida a expressão da difusividade térmica em função da temperatura local, é possível definir o tempo necessário para que o alimento acondicionado em um recipiente com uma geometria qualquer e simetria de revolução, entre em equilíbrio térmico com uma temperatura previamente definida, através de simulações. Dessa forma, torna-se desnecessário a realização de experimentos a cada vez que um novo recipiente for utilizado para acondicionar o produto. / The increase in demand for food products by the population requires a modern and quality food industry, where it is necessary to evaluate and have deep knowledge, among other things, the thermophysical properties of foods, especially those subjected to a conservation technology by use of heat. In this study, the phenomenon of transient heat diffusion was studied in pasty foodstuffs in containers of arbitrary geometric shape. Thus, it has been the aim of the analysis of the implications of an account (or dependent on the average temperature) to study the transfer of heat during pasteurisation of products whose shape can be obtained by the flat areas provide thermal diffusivity constant revolution. In addition, proposed that the thermal diffusivity is a function of the local temperature inside the product, providing greater precision in the description of the heat transfer. For it was discretized and numerically solved the diffusion equation written in generalized coordinates by the finite volume method with a fully implicit formulation for boundary conditions of the first kind. The computer code was developed in FORTRAN, using the CVF Studio 6.6.0 on Windows XP platform. The numerical tools were validated using data from the literature for the infinite cylinder. To prove the efficiency of the pasteurization method was carried out physicochemical and microbiological before and after heat treatment analysis. The analysis and comparison of the results showed that a reduction in total micro-organisms occurs, without providing much nutritional changes, particularly in the pulp protein value of providing food security to a lower energy expenditure. And, once known the thermal diffusivity of the expression depending on the local temperature, it is possible to set the time required for the food packed in a container with any geometry and symmetry of revolution, comes into thermal equilibrium with a previously set temperature, through simulations. Thus, it becomes unnecessary to perform experiments each time a new container is used for packaging the product.

Modeling particle-particle and particle-wall interactions in liquid-particle flows in complex geometries

Akbarzadeh, Vajiheh January 2014 (has links)
<p>Many practical fluid flows involve liquid-particle systems and so there is a need to better understand the mechanism of particle deposition, adhesion, and agglomeration in suspensions, especially in complex geometries with moving boundaries and free surfaces. In this thesis, the nature of the particle-solid interactions and particle-fluid interactions is studied where the above complexities are present, taking into account particle collision, colloidal, and hydrodynamic forces, and two way coupling between the fluid flow and particles. The research is motivated by the industrial examples of: flow of dross particles near the sink roll surface in a galvanizing bath (moving surface), and the flow of particles in slot coating dies (free and moving surfaces). Particle motion and agglomeration play important roles in the example systems chosen for this fundamental 3-D study. Numerical studies of flow of dispersed suspensions makes it possible to understand the effects of flow conditions, particle characteristics, and flow geometry specifications that lead to agglomeration of particles in complex systems, especially where experimental studies are difficult to perform. Often the effects of these conditions are discovered due to process or product failures, rather than through insight into the processing steps.</p> <p>The modeling methodology used in this work is that micron sized spherical particles are tracked in the fluid phase by solution of Newton`s second law of motion for each particle. Fluid phase applies hydrodynamic forces on particles (drag, lift). Body forces, (soft sphere) particle-particle collisions and particle-wall collisions are considered. Particle concentrations are in the dilute regime between 0.01-5%vol. Flow of particles with the fluid phase is a fully coupled formulation in systems with particle concentrations > 1%vol.</p> <p>The thesis is organized around three example problems taken from industry that pose challenging modeling issues. The first involves particle collisions with a moving wall (dross particles in a zinc bath). The second problem includes particle-particle and particle-wall collisions in a turning flow geometry. The third problem, particle dispersion flows in a slot coating die, has the most complexity and includes particle-particle, particle-wall and free surfaces.</p> <p>Dross particle build up on the sink roll inside the zinc bath is an industrial problem that causes significant down time, and where an experimental study of the molten zinc in a bath running at C is difficult to perform. With the aid of computational fluid dynamics, turbulent flow of molten zinc in galvanizing bath is simulated, compared with previous cold model experiments, and coupled with the motion of dross particles around the sink roll. The presence of fixed position hardware and moving sink roll and guide rolls in a bath with dimensions in the orders of meters, and micron sized (20-100 ) dross particles makes this case a complex study. Drag, buoyancy, lift force and soft sphere nonlinear collision is considered in solution of Newton`s law of motion for each particle. Turbulent flow is simulated using a standard model. Simulations show regions on the sink roll where particles are dragged toward the surface of sink roll and have long residence times. These regions have been reported to experience large particle build-ups in the hot-dip galvanizing process.</p> <p>In another study, formation and breakage of agglomerates in a turning flow is studied. Neutrally buoyant particles with concentration of 5%vol are tracked in a fully coupled flow. Particles form agglomerates at the corner, where drag and lift force from the fluid breaks a number of agglomerates. The presence of a moving wall in the turning flow shifts the suspended particle formations toward the inside of channel. Location of particles agglomerates shifts toward the free surface with the presence of free surface at the turning flow.</p> <p>Motion of micron sized spherical particles with 1-4%vol through a slot die coating system is elucidated in a separate study. The system is complex with presence of moving web and free surface. Discrete element method (DEM) for motion of dispersed phase and volume of fluid (VOF) method for solution of continuous phase are integrated in a simulation study. Particles are 2-4 and the flow dimensions of the system are in the order of 100 . Particles experience collision, colloidal and hydrodynamic forces. Coupling between flow of particles and fluid phase is conducted. The results of this study show particle positions on the coating film can be predefined and depends on their initial positions within the feed slot. Particles agglomerate in recirculating regions of the coating gap and follow the streamlines of flow on the moving web. Regions in the coating gap where particles have high residence times (inside the die and near the feed slot edges) have particle agglomerations in the slot die coating system.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

High order summation-by-parts methods in time and space

Lundquist, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis develops the methodology for solving initial boundary value problems with the use of summation-by-parts discretizations. The combination of high orders of accuracy and a systematic approach to construct provably stable boundary and interface procedures makes this methodology especially suitable for scientific computations with high demands on efficiency and robustness. Most classes of high order methods can be applied in a way that satisfies a summation-by-parts rule. These include, but are not limited to, finite difference, spectral and nodal discontinuous Galerkin methods. In the first part of this thesis, the summation-by-parts methodology is extended to the time domain, enabling fully discrete formulations with superior stability properties. The resulting time discretization technique is closely related to fully implicit Runge-Kutta methods, and may alternatively be formulated as either a global method or as a family of multi-stage methods. Both first and second order derivatives in time are considered. In the latter case also including mixed initial and boundary conditions (i.e. conditions involving derivatives in both space and time). The second part of the thesis deals with summation-by-parts discretizations on multi-block and hybrid meshes. A new formulation of general multi-block couplings in several dimensions is presented and analyzed. It collects all multi-block, multi-element and  hybrid summation-by-parts schemes into a single compact framework. The new framework includes a generalized description of non-conforming interfaces based on so called summation-by-parts preserving interpolation operators, for which a new theoretical accuracy result is presented.

Difusão 3d em sólidos com forma arbitrária Usando coordenadas generalizadas.

FARIAS, Vera Solange de Oliveira. 07 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Dilene Paulo (dilene.fatima@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-02-07T13:41:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERA SOLANGE DE OLIVEIRA FARIAS – TESE PPGEP 2011.pdf: 7179434 bytes, checksum: 4a30c9a95f4a089e00fa550fbf1b42b8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-07T13:41:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VERA SOLANGE DE OLIVEIRA FARIAS – TESE PPGEP 2011.pdf: 7179434 bytes, checksum: 4a30c9a95f4a089e00fa550fbf1b42b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / CNPq / Este trabalho apresenta a solução numérica da equação de difusão tridimensional em regime transiente, para um domínio arbitrário. Para atingir os objetivos, a equação de difusão foi discretizada usando coordenadas generalizadas via método dos volumes finitos com uma formulação totalmente implícita, para condições de contorno de equilíbrio e convectiva. Para cada passo no tempo, o sistema de equações obtido para uma dada malha estruturada foi resolvido pelo método de Gauss-Seidel. O código computacional foi desenvolvido em FORTRAN, usando o estúdio CVF 6.6.0, na plataforma Windows Vista. A solução proposta foi validada usando soluções analíticas e numéricas da equação de difusão para várias geometrias, permitindo validar malhas ortogonais e não-ortogonais. A análise e comparação dos resultados mostraram que a solução proposta forneceu resultados coerentes para todos os casos investigados. O código computacional desenvolvido foi aplicado na simulação, a partir de dados experimentais da secagem de telhas cerâmicas para as seguintes condições experimentais: temperaturas de 55,6 °C, 69,7 °C, 82,7 °C e 98,6 °C e teor de umidade inicial variando de 0,2345 até 0,2405 (b.s.). A simulação tornou possível determinar o coeficiente de difusão efetivo em função da razão de umidade e da temperatura do ar de secagem e também o valor do coeficiente de transferência convectivo de massa correspondente para cada temperatura. / This work presents a three-dimensional numerical solution for the diffusion equation in transient state, in an arbitrary domain. The diffusion equation was discretized using the finite volume method with a fully implicit formulation and generalized coordinates, for the equilibrium and convective boundary condition. For each time step, the system of equations obtained for a given structured mesh was solved by the Gauss-Seidel method. A computational code in FORTRAN, using the CFV 6.6.0 Studio, in a Windows Vista platform was developed. The proposed solution was validated by analytical and numerical solutions of the diffusion equation for several geometries. The geometries tested enabled to validate both orthogonal and non-orthogonal meshes. The analysis and comparison of the results showed that the proposed solution provides correct results for all cases investigated. The developed computational code was applied in the simulation, using experimental data of the drying of ceramic roof tiles, for the following experimental conditions: temperature from 55.6; 69.7; 82.7; 72.8 and 98.7 °C, initial moisture content from 0.2345 up to 0.2405 (d.b.). The simulation makes it possible to determine an expression for the diffusion coefficient as a function of the moisture content and temperature of the drying air, and also the value of the convective mass transfer coefficient corresponding to each temperature.

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