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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direitos fundamentais sociais no Brasil: desafios e mecanismos para sua concretiza??o

Dantas, Fernanda Priscila Ferreira 03 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-04-25T23:18:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaPriscilaFerreiraDantas_DISSERT.pdf: 1062685 bytes, checksum: a91476a6c580f8e9e0719e01c264fc89 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-28T19:09:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaPriscilaFerreiraDantas_DISSERT.pdf: 1062685 bytes, checksum: a91476a6c580f8e9e0719e01c264fc89 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:09:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaPriscilaFerreiraDantas_DISSERT.pdf: 1062685 bytes, checksum: a91476a6c580f8e9e0719e01c264fc89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-03 / O trabalho em ep?grafe, com o intento de contribuir com a problem?tica jur?dica, econ?mica, pol?tica e social da viola??o dos direitos sociais, realiza uma abordagem atinente a diversos mecanismos de concretiza??o dos direitos sociais no Brasil. Para tanto, principia o estudo tratando dos aspectos e caracteres importantes dos direitos em comento, como a sua previs?o normativa, conceito, classifica??es; rela??o dos direitos sociais com o m?nimo existencial; o princ?pio da reserva do poss?vel e a necessidade de utiliza??o desse princ?pio como mandamento de otimiza??o dos recursos estatais e o d?ficit da concretiza??o dos direitos sociais no pa?s. Trata, nos cap?tulos posteriores, numa abordagem interdisciplinar, dos desafios e proposi??es para a concretiza??o dos direitos sociais, trazendo, em cada cap?tulo, mecanismos para tal concretiza??o. Assim, como objetivo geral, tem-se o de contribuir para a problem?tica discutida, ao apresentar proposi??es para a efetiva??o dos direitos sociais no cen?rio brasileiro. Como objetivos espec?ficos, al?m de registrar os aspectos centrais dos direitos em alus?o, temse o de promover a perspectiva do desenvolvimento econ?mico e da tributa??o como instrumentos postos ao Estado, os quais devem ser voltados para a promo??o dos direitos sociais registrando, nesse contexto, que inexiste desenvolvimento econ?mico sem que haja a redu??o da pobreza, da mis?ria e da desigualdade social e aduzindo que deve haver uma rela??o diretamente proporcional entre a carga tribut?ria do pa?s e o ?ndice de desenvolvimento humano e social; analisar a realiza??o de controle or?ament?rio como medida imprescind?vel e salutar para a efetiva??o dos direitos sociais; evidenciar a import?ncia da sociedade para a realiza??o dos interesses sociais indispon?veis, afirmando a necessidade de implementa??o da democracia participativa e, nessa linha, traz o conhecimento da Constitui??o e o sentimento constitucional como elementos ensejadores do progresso constitucional. Por fim, apresenta um estudo sobre as pol?ticas p?blicas, considerando que essas equivalem ao principal meio de promo??o dos direitos sociais. Dessa forma, analisa as fases que integram as pol?ticas p?blicas, que v?o desde a percep??o dos problemas sociais ? avalia??o e controle das pol?ticas implementadas; debate acerca da discricionariedade administrativa na tratativa das pol?ticas p?blicas; traz a classifica??o de pol?ticas p?blicas essenciais, a rela??o destas com o m?nimo existencial, par?metros de controle e, por fim, a judicializa??o das pol?ticas p?blicas, tida como leg?tima para sanar a omiss?o estatal inconstitucional e conferir efic?cia e for?a normativa ?s normas constitucionais definidoras de direitos fundamentais sociais. Utiliza, para alcan?ar os objetivos tra?ados, o m?todo de abordagem bibliogr?fica e normativa, bem como realiza uma an?lise de entendimentos jurisprudenciais correlatos ? mat?ria. Nas conclus?es, resgata os aspectos mais importantes elucidados no trabalho, com o fito de conferir ?nfase ?s proposi??es e mecanismos que contribuam para a solu??o da problem?tica discutida. / The work referred to above, in order to contribute to the legal issues, economic, political and social of the violation of social rights, performs even firmer approach to various implementation mechanisms of social rights in Brazil. Therefore, it begins the study dealing with aspects and important characters of the rights under discussion, as its normative forecast, concept, classifications; respect of social rights with the existential minimum; the principle of reservation of the possible and the need to use this principle as optimization commandment of state resources and the deficit of the realization of social rights in the country. This, in later chapters, in an interdisciplinary approach, challenges and proposals for the realization of social rights by bringing in each chapter, mechanisms for such implementation. That way, as a general objective, it has been to contribute to the discussed problems, when present proposals for the realization of social rights in the Brazilian context. As specific objectives, as well as record the key aspects of the rights in allusion, the one has to promote the perspective of economic development and taxation as posts instruments that the State must be focused on the promotion of social rights by registering in this context that nonexistent economic development without reducing poverty, misery and social inequality and adding that there should be a directly proportional relationship between the tax burden in the country and the human and social development index; analyze the achievement of budget control as essential and healthy measure for the realization of social rights; highlight the importance of society to the achievement of unavailable social interests, affirming the need for the implementation of participatory democracy and, in this line, brings knowledge of the Constitution and the constitutional sense as elements that provide the constitutional progress. Finally, it presents a study on public policies, considering that these are equivalent to the primary means of the promotion of social rights. That way it analyzes the stages that integrate public policies, ranging from the perception of social problems for evaluation and control of the policies implemented; debate about the administrative discretion in when it comes to public policies; brings the classification of essential public policies, the relationship of these with the existential minimum, control parameters and, finally, the legalization of public policy, regarded as legitimate to remedy the unconstitutional state failure and give normative effectiveness and strength to the defining constitutional rules for fundamental social rights. It uses to achieve the objectives outlined, the bibliographic and normative approach method and performs an analysis of jurisprudence related understandings to matter. In the conclusions, it rescues the most important aspects elucidated at work, with the aim of giving emphasis to the proposals and mechanisms that contribute to the solution of the discussed problems.

Direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo judicial: limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o no ordenamento jur?dico p?trio

Nascimento, Carlos Francisco do 29 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosFN_DISSERT.pdf: 1117429 bytes, checksum: fd5c9f1fb5bd475f5333136bbafa92c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-29 / This dissertation aims to address the limits and possibilities of realizing the fundamental right to reasonable time of the Brazilian legal system process. From this perspective, we analyze a reasonable time concept for the process, consistent with the civil homeland process; the relationship between efficiency, effectiveness, legal security and reasonable time of adjudication; a formal recognition of the fundamental right to reasonable time of the procedure in the Constitution of 1988; and the immediate applicability of this fundamental right. As indicated, the crisis of the Judiciary and procedural delay are problems directly related to the limits and possibilities of realization of the fundamental right under study. Moreover, we also present some mechanisms that can be used to overcome these problems. The subject was developed based on constitutional interpretation of fundamental rights, an approach that will always have this concern to be based on a methodology which includes the normative and empirical-dogmatic fields, realizing the fundamental right to reasonable time of the process. We adopted as methodological approach the study of this issue in judicial aspect, more specifically in the field of civil procedure. Finally, we weave through a critical and analytical view, our conclusions, which demonstrate the possibilities of overcoming the limits imposed to immediate implementation of the fundamental right to reasonable time of the process in our legal system / A presente disserta??o tem por objetivo abordar os limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo no ordenamento jur?dico brasileiro. Nessa perspectiva, analisamos uma concep??o de tempo razo?vel do processo adequada ao processo civil p?trio; a rela??o entre efic?cia, efetividade, seguran?a jur?dica e o tempo razo?vel da presta??o jurisdicional; a positiva??o formal do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo na Constitui??o Federal de 1988; e a aplicabilidade imediata desse direito fundamental. S?o indicadas a crise do Judici?rio e a demora processual como problemas relacionados diretamente aos limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o do direito fundamental em estudo. Apresentamos, ainda, alguns mecanismos que podem ser utilizados na supera??o desses problemas. O tema foi desenvolvido com base no vi?s constitucional de interpreta??o de direitos fundamentais, abordagem que ter? sempre presente a preocupa??o de pautar-se numa metodologia que contemple os campos normativo, emp?rico-dogm?tico e de concretiza??o do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo. Adotamos como corte metodol?gico o estudo dessa problem?tica no ?mbito judicial, mais especificamente, no campo do processo civil. Por fim, tecemos, numa vis?o anal?tica e cr?tica, nossas conclus?es, as quais demonstram as possibilidades de supera??o aos limites impostos ? concretiza??o imediata do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo em nosso ordenamento jur?dico

Direito fundamental ? sa?de: par?metros e alternativas para sua concretiza??o no Brasil

Albuquerque Junior, Helio Varela de 25 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HelioVAJ_DISSERT.pdf: 1567406 bytes, checksum: 502a170acbf20e593d9f5d7e7510f0ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-25 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / If, on one hand, only with the 1988 Federal Constitution the right to health began to receive the treatment of authentic fundamental social right; on the other, it is certain since then, the level of concretization reached as to such right depicts a mismatch between the constitutional will and the will of the rulers. That is because, despite the inherent gradualness of the process of concretization of the fundamental social rights, the Brazilian reality, marked by a picture of true chaos on public health routinely reported on the evening news, denatures the priority status constitutionally drew for the right to health, demonstrating, thus, that there is a clear deficit in this process, which must be corrected. This concern regarding the problem of the concretization of the social rights, in turn, is underlined when one speaks of the right to health, since such right, due to its intimate connection with the right to life and human dignity, ends up assuming a position of primacy among the social rights, presenting itself as an imperative right, since its perfect fruition becomes an essential condition for the potential enjoyment of the remaining social rights. From such premises, this paper aims to provide a proposal for the correction of this problem based upon the defense of an active role of the Judiciary in the concretization of the right to health as long as grounded to objective and solid parameters that come to correct, with legal certainty, the named deficit and to avoid the side effects and distortions that are currently beheld when the Judiciary intends to intervene in the matter. For that effect, emerges as flagship of this measure a proposition of an existential minimum specific to the right to health that, taking into account both the constitutionally priority points relating to this relevant right, as well as the very logic of the structuring of the Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS inserted within the core of the public health policies developed in the country, comes to contribute to a judicialization of the subject more in alignment with the ideals outlined in the 1988 Constitution. Furthermore, in the same intent to seek a concretization of the right to health in harmony with the constitutional priority inherent to this material right, the research alerts to the need to undertake a restructuring in the form of organization of the Boards of Health in order to enforce the constitutional guideline of SUS community participation, as well as the importance of establishing a new culture budget in the country, with the Constitution as a compass, pass accurately portray a special prioritization directed constitutional social rights, especially the right to health / Se, por um lado, apenas com a Constitui??o Federal de 1988 o direito ? sa?de veio a receber tratamento de aut?ntico direito fundamental social; por outro, ? certo que, desde ent?o, o n?vel de concretiza??o alcan?ado quanto a tal direito retrata um descompasso entre a vontade constitucional e a vontade dos governantes. Isso porque, em que pese a inerente gradualidade do processo de efetiva??o dos direitos fundamentais sociais, a realidade brasileira, marcada por um quadro de verdadeiro caos na sa?de p?blica noticiado rotineiramente nos telejornais, desnatura o status priorit?rio desenhando constitucionalmente para o direito ? sa?de, demonstrando, desta maneira, que h? um claro d?ficit neste processo, o qual precisa ser corrigido. Essa preocupa??o quanto ? problem?tica da efetiva??o dos direitos sociais, por sua vez, ? refor?ada quando se fala em direito ? sa?de, pois tal direito, frente sua ?ntima liga??o com o direito ? vida e ? dignidade da pessoa humana, acaba assumindo uma posi??o de primazia dentre os direitos sociais, apresentando-se como um direito impreter?vel, visto que sua perfeita frui??o torna-se condi??o prec?pua para o potencial gozo dos demais direitos sociais. Partindo dessas premissas, o presente trabalho tem o intuito de fornecer uma proposta para a corre??o desta problem?tica, sobretudo, a partir da defesa de um papel ativo do Judici?rio na concretiza??o do direito ? sa?de desde que arraigado a par?metros objetivos e s?lidos que venham a corrigir, com seguran?a jur?dica, o d?ficit apontado e a evitar os efeitos colaterais e distor??es que s?o hodiernamente vislumbrados quando o Judici?rio se prop?e a intervir no tema. Para tanto, desponta como aspecto principal desta medida a proposi??o de um m?nimo existencial espec?fico para o direito ? sa?de que, levando em considera??o, tanto os pontos constitucionalmente priorit?rios referentes a este relevante direito, quanto ? pr?pria l?gica da estrutura??o do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de SUS inserta no seio das pol?ticas p?blicas em sa?de desenvolvidas no pa?s, venha a contribuir para uma judicializa??o do tema mais consent?nea com os ideais tra?ados na Constitui??o de 1988. No igual intuito de se buscar uma concretiza??o do direito ? sa?de harm?nica com a prioridade constitucional ?nsita a este relevante bem, a pesquisa alerta, tamb?m, para a necessidade de se empreender uma reestrutura??o na forma de organiza??o dos Conselhos de Sa?de de modo a se fazer valer a diretriz constitucional do SUS da participa??o da comunidade, bem como para a import?ncia da instaura??o de uma nova cultura or?ament?ria no pa?s que, tendo a Constitui??o como b?ssola, passe a retratar fielmente a especial prioriza??o constitucional direcionada aos direitos sociais, especialmente o direito ? sa?de

A concretiza??o constitucional da tutela das uni?es homoafetivas

Oliveira, Ygor Werner de 31 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-08-01T13:50:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 YgorWernerDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1558064 bytes, checksum: de77d18fbf983d33b79cff0b6da5ee2f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-07T14:35:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 YgorWernerDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1558064 bytes, checksum: de77d18fbf983d33b79cff0b6da5ee2f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T14:35:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 YgorWernerDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1558064 bytes, checksum: de77d18fbf983d33b79cff0b6da5ee2f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-31 / O conceito de fam?lia, atribu?do ao longo do s?culo XX, sofreu profundas mudan?as de fun??o, natureza, composi??o e, consequentemente, de concep??o, sobretudo ap?s o advento do Estado Social. A moldura de fam?lia patriarcal, tradicionalista, formada exclusivamente pela uni?o entre homem e mulher, que as legisla??es brasileiras tomaram como par?metro desde a Col?nia, entrou em crise, culminando com sua derrocada, no plano jur?dico, pelos valores introduzidos a partir da Constitui??o de 1988, a qual incorporou as mudan?as dos valores e costumes socioculturais que afloraram na sociedade p?s-moderna brasileira. N?o obstante o aprimoramento de car?ter jur?dico e, tamb?m, do vi?s ideol?gico e compromiss?rio que passou a ser conferido ? tutela constitucional edificada em torno da dignidade da pessoa humana, fato ? que o ordenamento jur?dico brasileiro n?o regula expressamente os efeitos jur?dicos decorrentes das rela??es afetivas havidas, de forma duradoura, entre pessoas do mesmo sexo. O objetivo geral desta disserta??o ? investigar, cientificamente, a evid?ncia da tutela constitucional das rela??es homoafetivas, lan?ando bases, com apoio em diretrizes hermen?uticas, sobre as normas que asseguram o sustent?culo jur?dico para o reconhecimento das uni?es entre pessoas do mesmo sexo na condi??o de entidades familiares constitucionalmente protegidas. Para tanto, no escopo de solucionar as problem?ticas suscitadas ao longo da investiga??o, a pesquisa se utiliza de uma hermen?utica capaz de conferir for?a normativa aos princ?pios constitucionais impl?citos e expl?citos, dentre estes o da liberdade, dignidade da pessoa humana, igualdade, afetividade, solidariedade, bem como o da proibi??o da discrimina??o de qualquer natureza, como meio de promover o reconhecimento da tutela jur?dica aplic?vel ?s rela??es homoafetivas. Em conson?ncia com esta abordagem, analisa tamb?m as decis?es proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), em sede de controle abstrato de constitucionalidade, que reconheceram a uni?o homoafetiva como entidade familiar, o que restou consagrado no ?mbito da ADI n. 4277 e da ADPF n. 132. A investiga??o aponta que omiss?o legislativa ? motivo de inseguran?a jur?dica, sobretudo quando a homossexualidade ? discriminada e tratada com repulsa por alguns segmentos sociais, e conclui, a partir da leg?tima atua??o da jurisdi??o constitucional, pela conformidade legal e pertin?ncia jur?dica da autoaplicabilidade do casamento civil homoafetivo, demonstrando que tais decis?es foram o divisor de ?guas para a consolida??o de conquistas em prol dos homossexuais, inaugurando-se, desde ent?o ? em car?ter vinculante e com efic?cia erga omnes ? a eleva??o da uni?o cont?nua, p?blica e duradoura, entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, ao patamar de entidade familiar constitucionalmente protegida. / The concept of family, attributed throughout the twentieth century, has undergone profound changes function, nature, composition and, consequently, the design, especially after the advent of the welfare state. The patriarchal family frame traditionalist, formed exclusively by the union between man and woman, that Brazilian legislation taken as a parameter from Cologne, was in crisis, culminating in his downfall, in legal terms, by the values entered from the Constitution of 1988, which incorporated the changes of values and socio-cultural customs that surfaced in the brazilian post-modern society. Despite the legal character of improvement and also the ideological bias and price undertaking now being given to the constitutional protection built around the dignity of the human person, the fact is that brazilian law does not expressly cover the legal effects of affective relationships, lastingly, between persons of the same sex. The overall objective of this dissertation is to investigate scientifically the evidence of the constitutional protection of same-sex relations, laying the foundation, with support hermeneutical guidelines on standards that ensure the legal bulwark for the recognition of marriages between persons of the same sex on condition of entities constitutionally protected family. Therefore, the scope to address the issues raised during the investigation, the research uses a hermeneutic able to give legal force to the implicit and explicit constitutional principles, among them the freedom, human dignity, equality, affection, solidarity and the prohibition of discrimination of any kind as a means of promoting the recognition of legal protection applicable to same-sex relations. And in line with this approach, also examines the decision of the Supreme Court in the seat of abstract control of constitutionality, which recognized the homosexual union as a family entity, which remains enshrined within the ADI n. 4277 and ADPF n. 132. Research indicates that legislative omission is a cause of legal uncertainty, especially when homosexuality is discriminated against and treated with disgust by some social segments, and concludes from the legitimate action of the constitutional jurisdiction for legal compliance and legal relevance of the applicability same-sex civil marriage and stable conversion into marriage against homosexuals, demonstrating that such decisions were the watershed for the consolidation of achievements in favor of homosexuals, is inaugurating since then - in binding character and for all effectiveness - high continuous, public and lasting union between persons of the same sex, the family unit level of constitutionally protected.

O direito fundamental ? igualdade na perspectiva da antidiscrimina??o racial: para al?m do mandado constitucional expresso de criminaliza??o do racismo

Lauria, Mariano Paganini 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T22:09:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianoPaganiniLauria_DISSERT.pdf: 1376821 bytes, checksum: 7c208f73b9daa2ed03621e1af7e5b13f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-12T00:01:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianoPaganiniLauria_DISSERT.pdf: 1376821 bytes, checksum: 7c208f73b9daa2ed03621e1af7e5b13f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-12T00:01:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarianoPaganiniLauria_DISSERT.pdf: 1376821 bytes, checksum: 7c208f73b9daa2ed03621e1af7e5b13f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Mesmo ap?s a refuta??o cient?fica da divis?o humana em ra?as biol?gicas, a discrimina??o racial ainda constitui mazela social recorrente. Por muitos anos, o racismo no Brasil permaneceu como pr?tica disseminada, por?m silenciosa, gra?as ? sedimenta??o do dogma da democracia racial, tendo em vista a miscigena??o observada na forma??o do povo brasileiro (mistura do ?ndio nativo, do europeu portugu?s e do escravo africano). Com efeito, as pol?ticas antidiscriminat?rias acabaram sendo alijadas da agenda governamental. Nada obstante, estudos sociol?gicos demonstraram, de forma inexor?vel, o contr?rio. A discrimina??o por conota??o de ?ra?a?/cor ? uma met?stase que se alastrou no seio da sociedade brasileira. A popula??o negra acabou subordinada e ? margem da integralidade das conquistas sociais dos novos tempos. Diante de tal panorama, a Constitui??o Federal de 1988, buscando tutelar eficazmente o direito ? igualdade, sob a perspectiva da proibi??o de discrimina??o racial negativa, inovou ao prever um mandado expresso de criminaliza??o do racismo, esp?cie de dever fundamental dirigido ao pr?prio Estado, notadamente ao legislador infraconstitucional. Vieram, ent?o, as respectivas leis penais, criminalizando as condutas discriminat?rias. Todavia, apesar da ineg?vel import?ncia de tais mecanismos, verificou-se que o direito penal, por si s?, n?o foi capaz de refluir esse multifacetado e complexo fen?meno social (racismo), motivo pelo qual tem-se por objetivo primordial analisar o desenvolvimento no processo dogm?tico de concretiza??o constitucional do direito ? igualdade, na perspectiva da antidiscrimina??o racial, para, logo ap?s, apontar caminhos te?ricos aptos a propiciar avan?os em tal tem?tica. Sendo constatado, no curso da presente pesquisa, a imprescindibilidade na evolu??o de pol?ticas p?blicas que proporcionem tanto a redistribui??o econ?mica, quanto o necess?rio reconhecimento ao status, valores e ? cultura das pessoas negras, a fim de que possam promover a almejada emancipa??o de tal parcela da popula??o brasileira (hoje j? majorit?ria), de modo a deixar para tr?s, de uma vez por todas, a sombra da escravid?o. / Despite the scientific denial of human classification into biological races, racial discrimination is perceived as a social issue. Thanks to the belief of a racial democracy, racism was, for many years in Brazil, a widespread practice that resulted from the multicultural background of the Brazilian people (which is a mixture of native indians, the Portuguese European and African slaves). As a result, anti-discriminatory policies ended up being pushed out of the government?s agenda. Nonetheless, sociological studies have shown, inexorably the opposite; discrimination by ?race?/skin color is a social virus that widely spread through Brazilian society and as such, the black population became subordinate and alienated from social achievements. For this reason, seeking to effectively safeguard the right to equality through banning racial discrimination, the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution broke new grounds, criminalizing racial discrimination, as an ultimate State responsibility enforced by the legislator. Criminal laws then emerged, proscribing discriminatory behavior. Nevertheless, despite the undeniable relevance of such legal mechanisms, criminal laws were not sufficient to prevent this multifaceted and complex social phenomenon (racism) and for this reason, the main goal became to analyze the evolution of the dogmatic process of constitutional realization of the right to equality, in the context of racial non-discrimination, to find theoretical paths able to provide improvement on this matter. It has been noted, through this research, the need for improvement of public policies that provide both economic redistribution of wealth, as well as the recognition to the status, values and culture of black people, to allow and promote the emancipation of this part of the population (now already majority) and to leave behind once and for all, the shadow of slavery.

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