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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stochastic Renewal Process Model for Condition-Based Maintenance

Ramchandani, Pradeep January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the reliability and maintenance of structures that are damaged by shocks arriving randomly in time. The degradation is modeled as a cumulative stochastic point process. Previous studies mostly adopted expected cost rate criterion for optimizing the maintenance policies, which ignores practical implications of discounting of maintenance cost over the life cycle of the system.Therefore, detailed analysis of expected discounted cost criterion has been done, which provides a more realistic basis for optimizing the maintenance. Examples of maintenance policies combining preventive maintenance with age- based replacement are analyzed. Derivation for general cases involving preventive maintenance damage level have been discussed. Special cases are also considered.

Underhållskoncept : tillståndsbaserat underhåll på smörj- och hydrauloljesystem / Maintenance concept : condition based maintenance for lube and control oil system

Öhrn, Viktor, Sjöblom, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
Abstract This report describes our ten week long thesis work which is the last task in our education in mechanical engineering at Linköpings University. The project has been performed at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB’s service department. The company which is located in Finspång produces, sells and provides service for steam and gas turbines around the world. The purpose of this project is to help Siemens develop their maintenance programs for two of the auxiliary systems which are a part of the complete steam turbine system. These are lube and control oil systems. The project is restricted to two of Siemens maintenance products, No Stop Check (NSC) and the annual Safety Inspection (SI). Some parts of the major and limited overhauls have also been investigated. During the work different maintenance concepts have been investigated and evaluated. Focus has been centered on finding possible solutions that allow maintenance work while the steam turbine system is running. The economical consequences are enormous if the turbine has to be shut down. This due to today’s expanded capacity of the plants. Many discussions and interviews have taken place during the project. Information has also been obtained from documents, literature and the Internet. A Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) has also been input for the task, especially while maintenance measures and concepts were discussed. The present maintenance that Siemens supplies are mostly based on time and experience. We have tried to implement a more condition based maintenance. A lot of time has therefore been spent finding methods for reliable measuring of the machinery condition. The work has generated a lot of different recommendations for the future maintenance. These are more or less condition based and tailor-made for Siemens steam turbine systems. We hope that these propositions will be used in the future maintenance work and also to give some new ideas on how to develop the condition based maintenance at Siemens. / Sammanfattning Denna rapport beskriver vårt tio veckor långa examensarbete som är den avslutande delen i vår maskiningenjörsutbildning. Arbetet har utförts vid serviceavdelning på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (Siemens). Siemens som ligger i Finspång tillverkar, säljer och servar ång - och gasturbinanläggningar över hela världen. Syftet med arbetet är att hjälpa Siemens att utveckla sina serviceprogram för två av de kringsystem som ingår i en ångturbinanläggning, dessa är smörj- och hydrauloljesystem. Arbetet är avgränsat till två av Siemens serviceprodukter, No Stop Check (NSC) och Säkerhetsinspektion (SI). Även vissa delar av de större revisionerna har undersökts. I arbetet har olika underhållsfilosofier undersökts och utvärderats. Fokus har riktats mot att undersöka möjligheter att utföra underhållsåtgärder med turbinanläggningen i drift. I och med den höga kapacitet dagens ångturbinanläggningar har blir de ekonomiska förlusterna enormt stora vid ett eventuellt produktionsbortfall. Under arbetets gång har många diskussioner och intervjuer ägt rum. Information har också inhämtats genom dokument, böcker och Internet. En så kallad Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) har också legat till grund för arbetet när metoder och åtgärder för underhållet diskuterats. Siemens nuvarande underhåll är till stor del erfarenhets- och tidsbaserat. Vi har försökt att applicera ett mer tillståndsbaserat underhåll och därför har mycket tid ägnats åt att hitta metoder att tillståndskontrollera utrustningen med. Arbetet har genererat ett flertal olika rekommendationer på underhållsaktiviteter som är tillståndsbaserade och anpassade för Siemens turbinanläggningar. Tanken är att dessa förslag ska användas i det fortsatta underhållsarbetet och dessutom väcka idéer till fortsatt utveckling av tillståndsbaserat underhåll.

Stochastic Renewal Process Model for Condition-Based Maintenance

Ramchandani, Pradeep January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the reliability and maintenance of structures that are damaged by shocks arriving randomly in time. The degradation is modeled as a cumulative stochastic point process. Previous studies mostly adopted expected cost rate criterion for optimizing the maintenance policies, which ignores practical implications of discounting of maintenance cost over the life cycle of the system.Therefore, detailed analysis of expected discounted cost criterion has been done, which provides a more realistic basis for optimizing the maintenance. Examples of maintenance policies combining preventive maintenance with age- based replacement are analyzed. Derivation for general cases involving preventive maintenance damage level have been discussed. Special cases are also considered.

Underhållskoncept : tillståndsbaserat underhåll på smörj- och hydrauloljesystem / Maintenance concept : condition based maintenance for lube and control oil system

Öhrn, Viktor, Sjöblom, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This report describes our ten week long thesis work which is the last task in our education in mechanical engineering at Linköpings University. The project has been performed at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB’s service department. The company which is located in Finspång produces, sells and provides service for steam and gas turbines around the world.</p><p>The purpose of this project is to help Siemens develop their maintenance programs for two of the auxiliary systems which are a part of the complete steam turbine system. These are lube and control oil systems.</p><p>The project is restricted to two of Siemens maintenance products, No Stop Check (NSC) and the annual Safety Inspection (SI). Some parts of the major and limited overhauls have also been investigated.</p><p>During the work different maintenance concepts have been investigated and evaluated. Focus has been centered on finding possible solutions that allow maintenance work while the steam turbine system is running. The economical consequences are enormous if the turbine has to be shut down. This due to today’s expanded capacity of the plants.</p><p>Many discussions and interviews have taken place during the project. Information has also been obtained from documents, literature and the Internet. A Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) has also been input for the task, especially while maintenance measures and concepts were discussed.</p><p>The present maintenance that Siemens supplies are mostly based on time and experience. We have tried to implement a more condition based maintenance. A lot of time has therefore been spent finding methods for reliable measuring of the machinery condition.</p><p>The work has generated a lot of different recommendations for the future maintenance. These are more or less condition based and tailor-made for Siemens steam turbine systems. We hope that these propositions will be used in the future maintenance work and also to give some new ideas on how to develop the condition based maintenance at Siemens.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Denna rapport beskriver vårt tio veckor långa examensarbete som är den avslutande delen i vår maskiningenjörsutbildning. Arbetet har utförts vid serviceavdelning på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (Siemens). Siemens som ligger i Finspång tillverkar, säljer och servar ång - och gasturbinanläggningar över hela världen.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet är att hjälpa Siemens att utveckla sina serviceprogram för två av de kringsystem som ingår i en ångturbinanläggning, dessa är smörj- och hydrauloljesystem.</p><p>Arbetet är avgränsat till två av Siemens serviceprodukter, No Stop Check (NSC) och Säkerhetsinspektion (SI). Även vissa delar av de större revisionerna har undersökts.</p><p>I arbetet har olika underhållsfilosofier undersökts och utvärderats. Fokus har riktats mot att undersöka möjligheter att utföra underhållsåtgärder med turbinanläggningen i drift. I och med den höga kapacitet dagens ångturbinanläggningar har blir de ekonomiska förlusterna enormt stora vid ett eventuellt produktionsbortfall.</p><p>Under arbetets gång har många diskussioner och intervjuer ägt rum. Information har också inhämtats genom dokument, böcker och Internet. En så kallad Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA) har också legat till grund för arbetet när metoder och åtgärder för underhållet diskuterats.</p><p>Siemens nuvarande underhåll är till stor del erfarenhets- och tidsbaserat. Vi har försökt att applicera ett mer tillståndsbaserat underhåll och därför har mycket tid ägnats åt att hitta metoder att tillståndskontrollera utrustningen med.</p><p>Arbetet har genererat ett flertal olika rekommendationer på underhållsaktiviteter som är tillståndsbaserade och anpassade för Siemens turbinanläggningar. Tanken är att dessa förslag ska användas i det fortsatta underhållsarbetet och dessutom väcka idéer till fortsatt utveckling av tillståndsbaserat underhåll.</p>

Tillståndsbaserat underhåll på verktygsmaskiner : Utvärdering av det tillståndsbaserade underhållet på verktygsmaskiner hos Volvo Cars i Skövde och hur det kan utvecklas / Condition Based Maintenance on machine tools : Evaluation of the condition based maintenance on machine tools at Volvo Cars in Skövde and how it can evolve

Häggblom, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Företag kan använda sig av olika strategier för underhåll. Det kan vara avhjälpande underhåll som utförs först när ett fel uppkommer eller förebyggande underhåll. Ofta används en kombination av båda. Det förebyggande underhållet kan vara förutbestämt eller tillståndsbaserat. Fördelar med att använda sig av tillståndsbaserat underhåll är exempelvis att utbyte av enheter inte behöver ske i onödan utan först när en observation visar att ett fel är på väg att ske. Vid val av förebyggande underhåll kan RCM-metoden användas för att utröna vilka feltillstånd som kan uppstå och som orsakar funktionsfel. Val av förebyggande underhåll kan baseras på fakta om nya tekniker, felhistorik samt vilken utrustning och kompetens som finns tillgänglig. Volvo Cars i Skövde använder sig just nu av i stort sett likadant förebyggande underhåll på nya verktygsmaskiner som på gamla. Företaget använder sig av tillståndsbaserat underhåll på vissa komponenter och enheter. Det består då främst av inspektioner, subjektiva tillståndskontroller, och vibrationsövervakning på motorspindlar. Genom intervjuer framkommer att nya tekniker sällan införs och att lagda planer sällan ändras. Företaget är dock medvetet om att nya tekniker för tillståndsbaserat underhåll finns och är intresserat av att undersöka om ett utökat tillståndsbaserat underhåll är lämpligt på verktygsmaskiner. De tillståndsbaserade teknikerna som det talats om är främst ballbarmätning, övervakning av processparametrar och geometrisk verifiering. Ett underlag för att se om nya tekniker bör införas togs fram genom datainsamling av felhistorik på maskiner. Avgränsning gjordes genom att en fem år gammal bearbetningslinje för cylinderhuvuden studerades. Genom sortering av data från haverier ur underhållssystemet Maximo från de senaste åren och prioritering genom Paretoprincipen visade det sig att återkommande haverier på kulskruvar finns. Till komponenten finns ett tillståndsbaserat underhåll kopplat, den inspekteras en gång om året. Det är dock sällan som fel på komponenten upptäcks på inspektionen, bara fyra av tjugosju bytta kulskruvar de senaste fem åren är bytta efter anmärkning från inspektion. Genom att kartlägga komponentens haverier på femton verktygsmaskiner och när FU gjorts hittades flera förbättringsmöjligheter. Kostnaden för att byta kulskruv när väl fel uppstått är upp till tio gånger så stor jämfört med att byta den förebyggande. När fel uppstått har det medfört kassationer av producerade detaljer och lång stilleståndstid. Motiv för att införa ett bättre förebyggande underhåll finns därför framför allt i minskade kostnader och ökad tillgänglighet. Företaget rekommenderas att införa ballbarmätning som ett nytt tillståndsbaserat underhåll. Detta för att öka den objektiva kontrollen av mekaniska slitdelar. Mätmetoden är inte helt okänd för företaget och relativt lätt att införa. Den subjektiva kontrollen som görs idag bör göras om för att bättre fånga begynnelse till fel. Kontrollen kräver idag en hel del driftstoppstid vilket gjort att den inte utförts i tid och bör därför kortas ner. Företaget rekommenderas också att undersöka nya metoder för förebyggande underhåll kontinuerligt. Idag finns ingen anställd med uppdraget och för att utveckla underhållet måste företaget hålla sig uppdaterade på nya tekniker. / A company can use different strategies when performing maintenance. One strategy is corrective maintenance where maintenance is carried out after a failure has occurred. Another strategy is preventive maintenance. A combination of the two is often used. The preventive maintenance can be predetermined or condition based. Advantages with the condition based maintenance are e.g. that the replacement of parts can be planned according to observations indicating there’s an increasing risk of failure. When choosing preventive maintenance, the RCM method can be used to determine risk of failure modes and the cause of function failures. Decisions regarding the preventive maintenance should be based on knowledge in new techniques, history of failures and the equipment and competence available. Volvo Cars in Skövde is doing more or less the same preventive maintenance on machine tools regardless of whether it’s a new or old machine. The company is using condition based maintenance on some of the components and units. Mostly it consists of human inspections, a subjective control of the machine’s condition, and spindle vibration analysis. Through interviews it has been determined that new techniques are rarely implemented and that the decided maintenance plan for a machine is rarely changed. The company is aware of the development of new techniques for condition based maintenance and wants to investigate whether it is appropriate to evolve their condition based maintenance on machine tools. The techniques further investigated are measurement with Ball bar, monitoring of process parameters and geometrical verification. To make accurate decisions regarding the implementation of new techniques, a data collection of the history of frequent failures was done. To limit the amount of data a five year old processing line was studied. Data from the maintenance system Maximo was sorted by long failures from the recent years and by prioritizing with the Pareto principle it showed the recurring failures of ball screws. The component do have a condition based maintenance activity today, there is an inspection once a year. However, the inspection is rarely able to predict or find a failure on the ball screw. Four out of twenty-seven ball screws with fault have been changed after inspection over the last five years. By mapping the components failures on fifteen machine tools and when preventive maintenance has been done, several options for improvements were found. The cost of the replacement of a ball screw when a failure has already occurred is as much as ten times the cost of replacement before failure. This is caused by cost of scrap and long down time. A new, improved preventive maintenance task is therefore highly justified. The motif is both reducing the scrap cost related to failure and with increased availability. The company is recommended an investment in Ball bar as a new method for condition based maintenance. It should be used to increase the objective control of the mechanical parts of a machine tool. The method is not totally new for the company and relatively easy to implement. The current subjective control on the machine tools should be revised to increase the probability of finding degradation of functions. Today the activity takes rather long time and has therefore not been done in time, it should be shorter. The company is also recommended to investigate new methods for preventive maintenance continually. Today there is no employee with that mission and to evolve maintenance, the company has to be updated on new techniques.

A model-based reasoning architecture for system-level fault diagnosis

Saha, Bhaskar 04 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation presents a model-based reasoning architecture with a two fold purpose: to detect and classify component faults from observable system behavior, and to generate fault propagation models so as to make a more accurate estimation of current operational risks. It incorporates a novel approach to system level diagnostics by addressing the need to reason about low-level inaccessible components from observable high-level system behavior. In the field of complex system maintenance it can be invaluable as an aid to human operators. The first step is the compilation of the database of functional descriptions and associated fault-specific features for each of the system components. The system is then analyzed to extract structural information, which, in addition to the functional database, is used to create the structural and functional models. A fault-symptom matrix is constructed from the functional model and the features database. The fault threshold levels for these symptoms are founded on the nominal baseline data. Based on the fault-symptom matrix and these thresholds, a diagnostic decision tree is formulated in order to intelligently query about the system health. For each faulty candidate, a fault propagation tree is generated from the structural model. Finally, the overall system health status report includes both the faulty components and the associated at risk components, as predicted by the fault propagation model.

Sensing and Knowledge Mining for Structural Health Management

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Current economic conditions necessitate the extension of service lives for a variety of aerospace systems. As a result, there is an increased need for structural health management (SHM) systems to increase safety, extend life, reduce maintenance costs, and minimize downtime, lowering life cycle costs for these aging systems. The implementation of such a system requires a collaborative research effort in a variety of areas such as novel sensing techniques, robust algorithms for damage interrogation, high fidelity probabilistic progressive damage models, and hybrid residual life estimation models. This dissertation focuses on the sensing and damage estimation aspects of this multidisciplinary topic for application in metallic and composite material systems. The primary means of interrogating a structure in this work is through the use of Lamb wave propagation which works well for the thin structures used in aerospace applications. Piezoelectric transducers (PZTs) were selected for this application since they can be used as both sensors and actuators of guided waves. Placement of these transducers is an important issue in wave based approaches as Lamb waves are sensitive to changes in material properties, geometry, and boundary conditions which may obscure the presence of damage if they are not taken into account during sensor placement. The placement scheme proposed in this dissertation arranges piezoelectric transducers in a pitch-catch mode so the entire structure can be covered using a minimum number of sensors. The stress distribution of the structure is also considered so PZTs are placed in regions where they do not fail before the host structure. In order to process the data from these transducers, advanced signal processing techniques are employed to detect the presence of damage in complex structures. To provide a better estimate of the damage for accurate life estimation, machine learning techniques are used to classify the type of damage in the structure. A data structure analysis approach is used to reduce the amount of data collected and increase computational efficiency. In the case of low velocity impact damage, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors were used with a nonlinear regression tool to reconstruct the loading at the impact site. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering 2011

Can iba detect the next compressor failure? : Condition-based monitoring applied to nitrogen compressor – a case study

Kurttio, Kalle January 2023 (has links)
Production of steel powder is done by atomization of a molten steel stream. Atomization is done by feeding high pressure nitrogen gas through nozzles, creating jets of gas which scatter the molten steel stream into powder. The steel powder falls through the atomization tower whilst it cools and solidifies. Finally, the steel powder is transported for further processing. The compressor is used for two main purposes, to compress the nitrogen gas to desired pressure and enable recycling of nitrogen gas. As nitrogen is inert and do not react with its surrounding, the gas can be recycled. Filtering nitrogen gas from the atomization process, one is able to reuse the gas, which is led to the inlet side of a compressor. A closed loop is thus created which is economically important. In 2021 a major compressor failure occurred, which caused large production losses. iba systems is a commercially available product extensively utilized in the Swedish steel industry for data acquisition, production monitoring and generating key performance indicators. Therefore, this thesis investigates what modules and functionality iba systems have to offer. Process and machine signals are studied to assess both their utility in predicting machine failure and relevant iba modules for the predictive maintenance purposes, based on a literature review. This thesis shows the possibility to implement an anomaly detection to detect abnormal behavior, related to historic compressor failure. Estimating when maintenance is needed is possible but requires implementation of new sensors to obtain useful information, mainly vibration data from machinery. Anomaly detection is implemented using ibaAnalyzer. Additional analysis is done in Matlab.

Långsiktig underhållsplan på ångsystem / Long-term maintenance plan for steam systems

Adem, Aba Jimma Jihad January 2022 (has links)
Examensarbetet genomfördes på AstraZeneca, Snäckviken hos fabriken API. Dess ångsystem har länge drabbats av oavsiktliga avbrott och detta har inte åtgärdats trots förebyggande insatser, vilket i sin tur har resulterat i produktionsbortfall. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att ta fram en långsiktig underhållsplan på komponentnivå som ska minska samtliga avbrott i ångsystemet. För att genomföra detta var det nödvändigt med litteraturstudier, avbrottanalys, nulägesanalys, besök på Snäckviken samt intervjuer. Studiens teoriavsnitt omfattades bland annat av väsentliga begrepp såsom underhåll, tidsbaserat- och tillståndsbaserat underhåll. Dessa termer bidrog till förståelsen av arbetet och framtagningen av resultatet och i sin tur även diskussionen. Det slutliga resultatet påvisade faktumet att det fanns tre komponenter som orsakade flest avbrott i systemet, och för en av dessa skapades det en underhållsplan. Planen omfattas av en underhållsbeskrivning, reservdelar/utbyteskomponenter, tidsutförande samt underhållsreperationer som inkluderar rekommenderad utförarkompetens. / The project was carried out at AstraZeneca, Snäckviken at the API factory. Its steam system has long been affected by unintentional interruptions and this has not been remedied despite preventive measures, which in turn has resulted in production losses. The purpose of this study is therefore to develop a long-term maintenance plan at component level that will reduce all interruptions in the steam system. To implement this, it was necessary with literature studies, current situation analysis, interruption analysis, visits to Snäckviken and interviews. The theoretical section of the study included, among other things, essential concepts such as maintenance, time-based- and condition-based maintenance. These terms contributed to the understanding of the study and the result, and in turn also the discussion. The result demonstrated the fact that there were three components that caused the most interruptions in the steam system, and for one of these a maintenance plan was created. The plan is covered by a maintenance description, spare parts / replacement

Application of Optical Detection Methods for Top-of-Rail (TOR) Lubricity Evaluation on a Moving Platform for Revenue Service Track

Mast, Timothy Edward 17 April 2020 (has links)
This research serves to evaluate the ability of optical detection techniques to ascertain the lubricity of revenue service track from a moving platform for railroad applications. A literature review is presented that covers the rail vehicle dynamics that drive the need of Top-of-Rail lubrication and directly affect the manner in which the Top-of-Rail Friction Modifiers (TORFM) and flange grease both spread down rail and eventually wear away. This literature review also highlights previous research in the field of rail lubrication and the benefits that rail lubricants, specifically TORFM, provide for the railroads. Finally, the literature review covers the governing optical principals inherent to the synchronous spot radiometer that has been developed for use in the research as a gloss ratio instrument and also addresses the drawbacks and challenges inherent to applying this type of instrument in the railroad industry. The research then overviews previous rail lubricity sensors developed by the Railway Technologies Laboratory (RTL) at Virginia Tech and the lessons learned from their application. The preceding field testing conducting with a modified second generation rail lubricity sensor and a rail push car is briefly summarized with emphasis on the drawbacks and issues that were used to develop the third generation sensor used for this research. The development of the third generation sensor is covered, including the issues that it attempts to solve from its predecessor and the governing optical principals that govern the operation of the sensor. The laboratory evaluations conducting to commission the sensor are also covered in preparation for deploying the new third generation sensor in medium speed, medium distance revenue service testing. This includes a shakedown run on a siding in Riverside, VA prior to conducting mainline in-service testing. Finally, this research thesis covers the in-service testing on revenue track conducted with the new third generation rail lubricity sensor and the accompanying remote-controlled (RC) rail cart. The two components, when combined, create a Lubricity Assessment System which is capable of being operated at speeds upwards of 10 mph remotely from a follow hy-rail truck. The data collected from this field test is analyzed for the lubricity assessments that are able to be drawn from this initial phase of field service testing. The conclusions from this testing affirm the ability of optical methods to determine and evaluate Top-of-Rail (TOR) lubricity from a moving platform. Specifically, the new sensor is able to identify several local phenomena that demonstrate the high potential for errant evaluation of rail lubricity evaluation from spot check based methods that are solved by evaluating the track in a continuous, moving fashion. Based on the continuous moving data collected for this test, several new signal traits such as the spatial frequency (wavenumber) associated with the passing freight cart wheels in the lubricity signal and the phantom applicator effect of transient lubricity conditions at the entrances and exits of curves can be detected and investigated. The success of this research indicates the continued evaluation of lubricity signals from a moving platform is warranted and suggests the potential for introducing one of these systems to various track metrology cars deployed throughout the United States railroads. / Master of Science / The United States railroads have been employing rail lubricants to the rails since the beginning of the industry and have recently, in the past 20 years, introduced another type of lubricant: Top-of-Rail Friction Modifiers (TORFM). TORFM creates a third body layer between the train wheels and the Top-of-Rail surface to minimize asset wear of both the wheel and rail and to increase the train efficiency. As the United States railroads embrace Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR), increased train efficiency can allow the railroads to run longer trains with fewer locomotives. This increases the efficiency and capability of the rail network and also decreases the fuel burned and the amount of rail and wheel wear. TORFM has been proven to be effective and is widely adopted, but the railroads are still in need of tools to determine the presence and absence of these thin and often nearly invisible layers of lubricant on the rail surface. This research uses lasers as tool to quantify the level of lubrication of the rail surface. The presence of rail lubricants, such as TORFM, on the rail surface change the amount of light that is reflected and scattered off the shiny steel surface. These changes are often small but can be captured by photodetectors housed in the instrument. By plotting the detected sensor values, trends in the lubricity signal can be tracked and evaluated to determine the presence or absence of rail lubricants and assess the overall quality of lubrication on the rail at specific locations down track. The research in this thesis takes existing methods that were used for single spot inspections and adapts them to a moving platform. The moving platform is able to continuously scan the Top-of-Rail surface as the instrument moves along and generates continuous moving evaluations of rail lubricity. This can be especially important when the lubricity is not uniform and allows for trends in the data to be analyzed to provide more consistent and precise evaluations of the lubricity trends down rail. Optical tools like this sensor, which are by nature non-contact sensors, can easily be adapted to existing track measurement railcars and deployed system wide. This solves a strong need for railroad engineers: to be able to identify the presence of rail lubricants and evaluate the effectiveness of their lubrication practices.

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