Spelling suggestions: "subject:"connections"" "subject:"bonnections""
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Análise numérica da ancoragem em ligações do tipo viga-pilar de extremidade / Numerical analysis of the anchorage in the exterior beam-column connectionsAssis Júnior, Edson Costa de 14 October 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo da ancoragem de barras de aço da armadura longitudinal em ligações de elementos fletidos de concreto armado em edifícios usuais. São investigadas importantes pesquisas que mostram os avanços em relação ao entendimento do tema nas últimas décadas. É proposto um método de aferição dos modelos constitutivos dos materiais, concreto e aço, no programa de elementos finitos ADINA para verificações de projeto seguindo recomendações da NBR 6118:2003 e MC CEB-FIP 1990. São realizadas análises numéricas de modelos bidimensionais em ligações viga-pilar de extremidade os quais são comparados a modelos experimentais e retirados de projetos já existentes. Os parâmetros de análise são o momento de fissuração e a força de tração a ancorar na seção mais solicitada da viga, conferidos com valores calculados por métodos analíticos e/ou expressões normativas, as tensões e deformações máximas em pontos ao longo do trecho ancorado das armaduras de longitudinais da viga e a influência da força normal. Os resultados revelam que as simplificações e hipóteses assumidas para a concepção dos modelos numéricos são consistentes / This work contributes to the study of anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement steel bars in connections of flexural elements in reinforced concrete buildings. Some important researches are investigated showing the advances of the subject in the last decades. An evaluation method of materials constitutive models, steel and concrete, using the Finite Element Analysis in the software ADINA is proposed, to project verifications according to NBR 6118:2003 and MC CEB-FIP 1990 recommendations. Comparisons between numerical analysis by using a two-dimensional model of exterior beam-column connections and experimental analysis and using existing projects are made. The analysis parameters are the cracking moment and the anchored steel bar tension force in the most requested beam section, compared to the values calculated by analytical methods and/or design expressions, the maximum stresses and strains in points along to anchored steel bar of the beam longitudinal reinforcement and the influence of the normal force. The results show that the assumed simplifications and hypothesis for the numerical model conception are consistent
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Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section ConnectionsVoth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being
under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch
plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the
behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the
basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.
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Branch Plate-to-circular Hollow Structural Section ConnectionsVoth, Andrew Peter 17 February 2011 (has links)
Although branch plate connections with circular hollow section (CHS) members are simple to fabricate and cost-effective, they are generally very flexible under low load application resulting in the limit states design resistance being governed by an imposed deformation limit. Restricting the ultimate capacity of a branch plate connection by a deformation limit results in the inherent strength of the CHS member being
under-utilized, highlighting the need to develop connection stiffening methods. Two methods to stiffen branch plate-to-CHS connections are examined: a through plate connection and a grout-filled CHS branch
plate connection. Further, the current design guidelines of various plate-to-CHS connection types are reexamined including the effect of chord axial stress and chord length on connection behaviour. Finally, the
behaviour of connections with non-orthogonal or skew plate orientation, which has not previously been examined, was studied in depth.The behaviour of these uniplanar connection types under quasi-static axial loading was studied through 16 large-scale laboratory experiments and 682 numerical finite element analyses, as well as an extensive review of all previous international experimental and numerical findings. The extensive study formed the
basis for a complete set of proposed design guidelines and provided insight into plate-to-CHS connection behaviour. For all plate-to-CHS connection types, the plate thickness is shown to effect connection capacity, though previously this was thought not to have significant impact on connection behaviour. The existing ideology of using the same design recommendations for tension- and compression-loaded connections, which was developed from compression results, under-utilizes an inherent increase in capacity provided by a connection primarily loaded in tension. As such, the recommended design guidelines split the two load senses into separate expressions that reflect the difference in behaviour. Stiffened through plate connection behaviour was determined to be the summation of branch plate behaviour in compression and tension, leading to a significant increase in capacity and identical behaviour regardless of branch load sense. The skewed branch plate connection behaviour was found to relate directly to the established behaviour of longitudinal and transverse plate connections. A design function was developed that interpolates the capacities of intermediate angles by using the proposed design recommendations of the two extreme connection types. Finally, the examination of chord axial stress and chord length for plate-to-CHS connections yielded results similar to previous international studies on CHS-to-CHS connections. The effect of chord length, however, has wide-reaching implications as to how experimental and numerical FE research programs are developed.
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3-d Finite Element Analysis Of Semi-rigid Steel ConnectionsUslu, Cafer Harun 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Two types of connection are generally considered in the design of steel
structures in practice. These are classified as completely rigid (moment) and simple
(shear) connections. In theory, completely rigid connections can not undergo rotation
and simple connections can not transfer moment. However, in reality rigid
connections have a relative flexibility which makes them to rotate and simple
connections have some reserve capacity to transfer moments. In many modern design
specifications, this fact is realized and another type which is called partially
restrained or semi-rigid connection is introduced. These types of connections have
got the transfer of some beam moment to column together with shear. However,
there is a lack of information on the amount of moment transferred and rotation of
connection during the action of the moment transfer. The only way to quantify the
moment and rotation of the partially restrained connections is to draw momentrotation
curves. Nevertheless, drawing such curves requires great amount of
expenses for experiments. Taking these into account, the use of finite elements with
the help of increased computational power is one way to obtain moment-rotation
curves of connections. Available test results guides the finite element analysis for justifications. So
these analyses can be further implemented into design functions. This thesis is
intended to conduct 3-D non-linear finite element analyses to compliment with tests
results for different types of semi-rigid connections with angles and compare them
with mathematical models developed by different researchers.
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Early college connections : an investigation of first-year, persisting, full-time and part-time students' perceptions at a suburban community collegeMauppin, Shelia Fran 25 July 2012 (has links)
Nationally, nearly 40% of full-time community college students drop out before the second year, and drop-out rates for part-time students are even more astounding. In 2008, nearly 60% of part-time community college students dropped out before year two. As community colleges embrace President Obama’s call for a 50% increase in completion by 2020, it is imperative that community college leaders find ways to retain and graduate students. A number of community and technical colleges utilize the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) to quantitatively measure early campus connections. Building on the institutional early connection benchmark score, this study qualitatively describes first-year, persisting, full- and part-time students’ perceptions of early campus experiences and the role that early connections play in their decision to persist. The study employs a qualitative research approach via a single case study. Twenty-four, first-year, second semester, consecutively enrolled, full- and part-time students, who mirrored the college’s population participated in semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Findings indicate that early connections, as defined by the SENSE were not instrumental in persistence; however, a number of other factors were impactful: academic support; social influences; family support; and academic success. This study may provide information that will enhance the understanding of community college student perceptions related to factors that encourage persistence, and it may provide community colleges that operate within similar conditions, resources, and constraints with useful information as they design early connection strategies. / text
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A Complexity Theory for VLSIThompson, C. D. 01 August 1980 (has links)
The established methodologies for studying computational complexity can be applied to the new problems posed by very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. This thesis develops a ''VLSI model of computation'' and derives upper and lower bounds on the silicon area and time required to solve the problems of sorting and discrete Fourier transformation. In particular, the area A and time T taken by any VLSI chip using any algorithm to perform an N-point Fourier transform must satisfy AT2 ≥ c N2 log2 N, for some fixed c > 0. A more general result for both sorting and Fourier transformation is that AT2x = Ω(N1 + x log2x N) for any x in the range 0 < x < 1. Also, the energy dissipated by a VLSI chip during the solution of either of these problems is at least Ω(N3/2 log N). The tightness of these bounds is demonstrated by the existence of nearly optimal circuits for both sorting and Fourier transformation. The circuits based on the shuffle-exchange interconnection pattern are fast but large: T = O(log2 N) for Fourier transformation, T = O(log3 N) for sorting; both have area A of at most O(N2 / log1/2 N). The circuits based on the mesh interconnection pattern are slow but small: T = O(N1/2 loglog N), A = O(N log2 N).
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Comportamento de elementos pré-moldados de concreto com ligações semi-rígidas. / Behaviour of concrete precast elements with semi-rigid connections.Souza, Abner Soares de 01 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-01 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The behaviour of reinforced concrete precast beams is strongly influenced by the flexural
stiffness of its beam-column connections, wherein there is interdependence between the nonlinearity
of the moment-curvature relationship along the beam and the non-linearity of the
moment-rotation relationship of the beam-column connections. In most of the existing
researches on semi-rigid connections in precast structures, the main focus lays on the
characterization of the flexural stiffness by performing experimental tests on isolated models
of beam-column connections instead of tests on sub-frames, comprising beam and
connections. In this research an experimental procedure was developed, wherein different
theoretical equations based on the fixity factor of the connections were combined, allowing
the integration between the stiffness of the reinforced concrete beam with the flexural
stiffness of the beam-column connections. Therefore, by using this procedure it was possible
to evaluate the semi-rigid behaviour of the beam-column connection, highlighting the
possibility of carrying out just one test for the precast beam with its connections. The analyses
of the experimental results indicate that the studied connection was capable of absorbing
around 53% of the elastic beam-end moment at the ULS, compared with the situation of a full
restrained connector, implying the increase of 170% of the positive mid-span moment of the
beam. This level of semi-rigid behaviour for the beam-column connection can affect the
global stability of skeletal precast concrete structures with more than five storeys in height.
For this reason, the present research shows the need for further studies with the purpose of
enhancing the analysis and the design of precast concrete structures for multi-storey buildings. / O comportamento das vigas pré-moldadas de concreto armado é fortemente influenciado pela
rigidez à flexão das ligações viga-pilar, existe uma interdependência entre a não linearidade
da relação momento-curvatura ao longo da viga pré-moldada com a não linearidade da relação
momento-rotação nas ligações viga-pilar. A maioria das investigações experimentais
existentes sobre ligações semi-rígidas em estruturas pré-moldadas, tanto na literatura nacional
quanto internacional, têm enfatizado seus estudos na caracterização da rigidez à flexão de
maneira isolada, não realizando ensaios do comportamento conjunto das vigas pré-moldadas
com as suas ligações. Desenvolve-se nesta pesquisa um procedimento experimental onde se
procurou integrar diversos equacionamentos teóricos com base no fator de restrição aos giros
na ligação, os quais permitiram integrar parâmetros de rigidez da ligação e da viga. Desta
forma, com base nos resultados experimentais em um único ensaio de um modelo de viga
com ligações viga-pilar, foi possível se estimar o engastamento parcial nas ligações viga-pilar.
A partir dos resultados experimentais, a ligação viga-pilar foi capaz de absorver cerca de 53%
dos momentos elásticos na extremidade da viga, havendo assim um acréscimo de 170% no
momento positivo no centro da viga para a situação de projeto no ELU. Este engastamento
parcial pode afetar sensivelmente a estabilidade global de estruturas pré-moldadas com mais
de 5 pavimentos. Por esta razão, o presente estudo aponta para a necessidade de mais
pesquisas nesta área, com o objetivo de possibilitar projetos mais adequados e seguros de
estruturas pré-moldadas em esqueleto para múltiplos pavimentos.
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Estudo da continuidade em ligações laje-viga-pilar em estruturas pré-moldadas de concretoKataoka, Marcela Novischi 26 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-26 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The present research deals with the study of continuity in slab-beam-column connections in precast concrete structures, wherein an experimental investigation about the contribution of longitudinal reinforced bars, passing on the side of the column in the top of the slab, on the connector flexural stiffness. For this study, a beam-to-column connection was selected, comprising concrete corbel with dowel bars and continuity reinforced bars passing trough the column and fulfilling of grout in the interface of the connection. Two tests were carried out for the characterization of the moment-rotation relationship of two different connection prototypes, one with 100% of the continuity reinforced bars passing trough the column and another with 50% trough the column and 50% in the laterals. The experimental results indicate that bars passing on both sides of the column enhanced the moment-rotation relationship for the second prototype, being even more significant for the serviceability stage. However, rotations at the beginning of plasticization of the moment-rotation curve were close for the two prototypes. The results indicate that the transverse reinforcement between the slab and the beam was capable of mobilizing the external longitudinal bars at the same time of the internal longitudinal bars, passing through the column. Additionally, this reinforcement arrangement provided an increase of the cracking control within the connection zone at the end of the beam / No presente trabalho foi estuda a continuidade em ligações laje-viga-pilar em estruturas pré-moldadas de concreto com a realização de uma investigação experimental quanto à contribuição da parcela de armadura passante nas laterais do pilar na capa da laje, tanto para a rigidez à flexão quanto para o controle da fissuração. Para objeto de estudo, selecionou-se uma ligação viga-pilar com consolo de concreto e chumbador, com armadura de continuidade passante no pilar por meio de bainhas lisas preenchidas com graute. Foram realizados ensaios para a caracterização das ligações com dois modelos experimentais, sendo um com 100% da armadura de continuidade passando dentro do pilar e o segundo com 50% dentro do pilar e 50% nas laterais. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que as barras laterais ao pilar contribuíram para aumento da rigidez à flexão, principalmente para a fase de serviço, inferior à carga de projeto. Entretanto, as rotações relativas ao início da plastificação da relação momento-rotação foram próximas para os dois modelos. Acredita-se que o detalhamento empregado para armadura de costura entre a viga e a laje permitiu que as armaduras longitudinais dentro e fora do pilar fossem mobilizadas de forma conjunta, tanto na fase de serviço quanto para a fase de projeto, promovendo um controle efetivo da fissuração na região da ligação
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Análise experimental e numérica de ligações viga mista-pilar com cantoneiras de alma e assento - pavimento tipo e ligações isoladas / Theoretical and experimental analysis of beam-to-column composite connections with bottom and web angle - typical floor and isolated prototypesWilliam Oliveira Bessa 08 December 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um amplo programa experimental de ligações viga mista-pilar com cantoneiras de alma e assento, incluindo protótipos isolados e ligações inseridas num pavimento tipo constituído de laje pré-moldada com vigotas e lajotas cerâmicas. Os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos da fissuração da laje no comportamento da ligação (rigidez inicial e momento resistente), o acréscimo da taxa de armadura secundária e os detalhes propostos para a ancoragem das armaduras longitudinais. Nos ensaios experimentais foram analisadas as rotações das ligações, deslocamentos e deformações nos elementos. Para o estudo teórico, tomou-se como referência o Método das Componentes do EUROCODE 3 e 4. Paralelamente, um estudo numérico para ligações mistas foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de incluir a laje de concreto, as armaduras longitudinais e transversais, além da não linearidade física e geométrica na análise por elementos finitos. De acordo com os resultados, a condição prévia de fissuração da laje mostrou-se menos relevante que a continuidade das vigas na direção do eixo de menor inércia do pilar, no que se refere à determinação da rigidez inicial e resistência das ligações mista inseridas num pavimento tipo. A metodologia de modelagem numérica foi capaz de representar de forma satisfatória os mecanismos plásticos e os estados limites últimos da ligação. / This research presents an extensive experimental study of the structural behavior of the beam-to-column composite connections with bottom and web angle, including isolated prototypes and typical floor with slab made of precast joist with lattice and bricks. The objectives were to evaluate concrete slab cracking effects in the composite connections behavior (initial stiffness and resistant moment), the secondary steel ratio increase and the proposed details for the longitudinal steel bars anchorage. In the experimental tests, it was analyzed the connection total rotation, the displacements and deformations in the connection components. The theoretical study was developed based on EURODODE 3 and 4 methodologies. Besides, a numerical study was developed with the purpose of including the concrete slab modelling, the longitudinal and transversal steel bars, and the geometrical and material non-linearity in the finite element analysis. According to the results, the beam continuity through to the column minor axis showed to be more important than the concrete slab previous cracking, for the initial stiffness and resistant moment composite connections behavior in the typical floor. The numerical models represented satisfactorily the plastic mechanism connection and the ultimate limit states.
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Análise do comportamento dinâmico da ligação formada por barras de aço coladas para tabuleiros mistos de madeira e concreto para pontes / Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the connectors formed by bonded-in steel rods for log-concrete composite deck bridgesJulio Cesar Molina 26 May 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento estrutural do sistema misto madeira-concreto para tabuleiros de pontes, com ênfase na análise dinâmica dos conectores de cisalhamento, para dois tipos de conectores: \"vertical\" e em \"X\". Foram efetuadas duas principais abordagens, numérica e experimental, além de um amplo levantamento teórico sobre o tema com base na literatura disponível. Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados em corpos-de-prova de madeira como também em corpos-de-prova mistos e vigas mistas de madeira-concreto. Todos os corpos-de-prova e vigas foram submetidos a solicitações estáticas e dinâmicas, considerando-se os diversos materiais envolvidos na ligação. A análise numérica dos sistemas mistos foi efetuada com base no método dos elementos finitos, a partir da utilização do software ANSYS. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que ambos os sistemas de conexão perderam efetivamente rigidez para um total de 1 x \'10 POT.6\' ciclos de carga aplicados, sendo a maior parcela desta perda verificada para os ciclos iniciais. Além disso, o sistema de conexão \"vertical\" apresentou maior facilidade de execução quando comparado com o sistema de conexão em \"X\". A partir dos resultados numéricos constatou-se que a perda de rigidez ocorreu devido ao acúmulo do dano localizado nos materiais, nas regiões dos conectores. Os resultados numéricos mostraram uma boa concordância com os resultados experimentais. Para finalizar, foram propostos os valores dos níveis máximos e mínimos de carga cíclica, como também da frequência de excitação a serem utilizados nos ensaios dinâmicos para a verificação da rigidez dos sistemas mistos de conexão. / In this work was evaluated the structural behavior of log-concrete composite deck bridge system, with emphasis in the dynamic analysis of the shear connectors using two types of connectors: \"vertical\" and \"X\". Two main approaches were considered, numeric and experimental, besides a wide theoretical study about the theme with base in the available literature. The experimental studies were accomplished in specimens of wood, wood-concrete specimens and wood-concrete beams. All of the specimens and beams were subjected to static and dynamic loads considering several materials in the composed connection system. The numeric analyze of the composed systems was made with base in the method of the finite elements using the software ANSYS. The experimental results showed that both connection systems reduced stiffness really for 1 x \'10 POT.6\' applied load cycles, and the largest portion of this reduction happens in the initial cycles. Besides, the system of \"vertical\" connection presented larger execution easiness when compared with the system \"X\" connection. The numeric results showed that the reduced stiffness of the connection systems happened due to the accumulation of the located damage of the materials in the areas of the connectors. The numeric and experimental results comparison showed a good agreement. It was proposed values for the maximum and minimum levels of cyclical load, as well as for the frequency to be used in the dynamic tests for the verification of the reduced stiffness of the composite system of connection.
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