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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What makes a company attractive for a takeover?, or, The effect of a target's operating characteristics on the bidder's takeover-decision

Rohrbach, Jan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper examines the effect a target's operating characteristics can have on the takeover-decision of a potential bidder. Consequently, the general socioeconomic changes within the takeover market and their consequences for companies acting within this hostile environment are described and the most common economic and non-economic motives of bidders as well as several distinctive target characteristics discussed. In particular, this study identifies and subsequently analyses 28 variables viewed to be potentially relevant for a bidder's takeover-decision. In order to obtain the best possible insights into the behavior of the identified variables and their particular influence on the likelihood of getting taken over, the specific variables are empirically tested on an individual level through the application of different nonparametric techniques as well as on a combined level through the performance of a binary logistic regression analysis. The empirical examination is based on a total of 804 observations gathered by Bloomberg L.P. for the pharmaceutical and the related health care sector and covers the period from 1996 to 2002. The results of the different testing methods, although subject to certain limitations, give reason to believe that there are indeed certain factors that can make companies more interesting for potential bidders. Therefore, a regular performance of 'target-self-tests' as suggested by the author is viewed to be paramount for an early anticipation of hostile takeover attempts and a timely establishment of adequate measures of defense, which as a consequence could contribute considerably to a decrease of a company's likelihood of getting taken over. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die effek wat 'n potensiele teiken se bedryfseienskappe op die oorname besluit van die organisasie wat die oorname oorweeg, kan hê. Gevolglik word die algemene sosio-ekonomiese veranderinge in die oorname mark en hulle gevolge vir maatskappy wat daarbinne opereer, bespreek. Verder word die mees algemene ekonomiese en nie-ekonomiese beweegredes van maatskappye wat oornames oorweeg asook verskeie onderskeidende eienskappe van teikenmaatskappye, ook bespreek. In besonder identifiseer en analiseer hierdie studie 28 veranderlikes wat potensieel relevant mag wees tydens 'n oorname besluit. Ten einde die bes moontlik insig te verkry oor die gedrag van die ge-identifiseerde veranderlikes en hulle spesifieke invloed op die waarskynlikheid van 'n oorname, word nie-parametriese tegnieke toegepas om op individuele en saamgestelde vlak die veranderlikes empiries te toets. Hierdie empiriese ondersoek is gebaseer op 'n totaal van 804 observasies soos versamel deur Blomberg L.P. vir die farmaseutiese en verwante gesondheidsorgsektore en strek oor die tydperk 1996 tot 2002. Die resultate van die onderskeie toetsmetodes - gegewe sekere beperkings - dui daarop dat daar inderdaad sekere faktore is wat maatskappye meer aantreklike teikens vir 'n potensiele oorname kan maak. Gevolglik beskou die navorser dit as belangrik dat sekere 'selftoetse' gereeld gedoen behoort te word. Dit kan dien as vroee waarskuwingsein met betrekking tot die waarskynlikheid van 'n vyandige oorname; en kan die geteikende maatskappy help om tydige verdedigingsmeganismes in plek te kry ten einde die waarskynlikheid van oorname beduidend te verminder.

An HR perspective on mergers & acquisition: an AT & T case study

王鳳馨, Wong, Fung-hing. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

Searching for the motives and effectiveness of Chinese mergers and acquisitions

Wang, Xiaokun, 王曉坤 January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Economics and Finance / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

China's antitrust measures on foreign mergers and acquisitions

Li, Jing, 李靜 January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Law / Master / Master of Philosophy

Determinants and outcomes of foreign acquisitions : explaining and evaluating the investment decisions of multinational enterprises

Lee, Tung Jean January 2002 (has links)
This study investigates the causes and consequences of acquisitions primarily foreign acquisitions undertaken by UK publicly listed firms. Firm- and country-specific factors are found to influence the propensity to acquire and the location of the acquired subsidiary. Indicators of a firm's organisational experience, such as firm size, profitability, and its investment history, increase the probability that an acquisition (relative to no acquisition) is undertaken. Larger and more profitable firms are also more inclined to invest abroad (rather than at home), as are firms engaged in RandD activities. In choosing among foreign locations, an increase in country-specific uncertainty (proxied by exchange rate and stock market volatility) deters a firm from investing in that location. Likewise, at the firm level, uncertainty is found to discourage a firm from acquiring (relative to not acquiring), and to deter an acquirer from undertaking a foreign (relative to a domestic) acquisition. Based on changes in industry-adjusted profit levels, acquiring firms in general perform poorly after making large foreign acquisitions. However, examining profit variability reveals interestingly that firms more likely to experience a decline in profit levels are also more likely to enjoy a reduction in profit variability, and vice versa, which suggests that a risk-return tradeoff could be a consideration when acquisitions are undertaken. When acquisition performance is evaluated on the basis of a firm's share price response to its acquisition announcement, the event study shows no evidence of negative performance. Resolving this discrepancy between the two performance measures leads us to examine the reliability of the stock market as an indicator of acquisition outcomes. On the one hand the immediate stock market reaction has some ability to predict a firm's postacquisition performance, while on the other post-acquisition stock returns are shown to be not completely consistent with market efficiency.

The Value of Ties: Impact of Director Interlocks on Acquisition Premium and Post-acquisition Performance

Lawani, Uyi 05 1900 (has links)
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) evolved as alternative governance structures for firms seeking to combine resources with other firms, access larger markets, or acquire strategic assets. In spite of managers’ enthusiasm about the practice, studies show mixed results regarding post-acquisition performance of acquiring firms. The impact of acquisitions on the performance of acquiring firms has therefore remained inconclusive. A few reasons for this have been suggested and recent meta-analytic research efforts indicate that studies in M&A may have ignored variables that have significant effects on post-acquisition performance. In a bid to extend the literature on M&A and identify cogent variables that impact on acquisition performance, this dissertation draws on social network theory to advance a proposition for the value-of-ties. This was done by examining the impact of directorate interlocks on acquisitions specifically and organizational strategy in general. A non-experimental cross-sectional study of 98 interlocked directorate companies simultaneously involved in acquisitions was conducted. Several multiple regression analyses were conducted and the results obtained suggest that there is a positive linear relationship between director interlocks and post-acquisition performance and that to some extent this relationship is moderated by acquisition experience. The study also showed that director interlocks have a negative linear relationship with acquisition premium. This study complements the body of knowledge on acquisitions and network theory. It also successfully combined a multi-level approach to research on organizations and strategic management.

Antecedents of financial success in post-merger and acquisitions: pursuing corporate entrepreneurship in the South African real estate industry

Makatini, Phumelele January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management specialising in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation Johannesburg, 2016 / This study was aimed at investigating what the antecedents are for achieving financial success in post mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the field of commercial property in an emerging economy. This study sought to understand the reasoning and the value addition behind mergers and acquisitions activities in the real estate sector. This paper used empirical research to conduct the investigation of the hypothesised relationship between financial performance and three key independent variables, namely; corporate entrepreneurial culture, resource sharing and infrastructure support. An analysis by testing the hypotheses that predict the relationships of the variables was undertaken through various statistical models. Mergers and acquisitions often take place in entrepreneurially oriented organisations as a means of increasing competitiveness, productivity and growth, therefore this paper tests the financial performance post mergers and acquisitions transactions. It also tests the role of corporate entrepreneurship and corporate culture (corporate entrepreneurial culture) specifically on the impact that it has on financial performance. Understanding the financial performance relationship with other variables is significantly important because it is argued by some researchers that the benefits of mergers and acquisitions sturdily enhance revenue growth through market share, create economies of scale through cost efficient methodologies and often produce tax gains. This paper tests the validity of these theories. / MT2016

Comparative performance of BEE and non-BEE mergers and acquisitions in South Africa

Mwelase, Nkanyezi January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.M. (Finance & Investment)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Wits Business School, 2016 / The study revisits the topic of post-acquisition performance of M&A in South Africa. Unlike preceding studies the emphasis was on target firms rather than acquiring firm and on operating performance rather than on share price reaction to M&A announcements. The study explores how operating performance is affected by BEE related M&A and non-BEE related M&A transactions. Operating performance is measured using EVA®. Economic Value Added (EVA®) reveals that target firms experienced a decline in post deal operating performance following an M&A transaction regardless of whether the M&A deal was motivated by BEE or not. The study also found that the decline in operating performance was larger for conventional (non-BEE) M&A transactions relative to BEE linked M&A transactions, though the decline was not statistically significant. Accounting based corporate performance measurement methods used to supplement the EVA® exhibit a marginal and insignificant increased in performance when the average five year post-acquisition returns are compared to the average five year pre-acquisition returns. Overall, the economic performance of target firms declined suggesting that target firms do not benefit significantly from the M&A. / GR2018

The impact of mergers and acquisitions announcements on the share price performance of acquiring companies: South African listed companies

Ndlovu, Mthabisi January 2017 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Finance & Investment in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management Wits Business School at the University of the Witwatersrand 2017 / This thesis empirically examines the stock market reaction to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) announcements in South Africa, and also analyses the effects of the method payment. Data was collected from 34 acquisitions, consisting of acquirer and target companies in the same industry listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, (JSE). The transactions were of mergers and acquisitions for the period 2003 – 2013. The event study methodology was used to calculate cumulative average abnormal returns for the acquiring companies over the total event window. Parametric t-tests were then applied to test the significance of the cumulative average abnormal returns, and a comparison of the pre and post-announcement returns was done over the event window. A comparison is also done for cash and share acquisitions over the entire event window (-10, +10). From the findings, it is clear that there were no significant abnormal returns or significant differences between the pre and post announcement returns. Comparing the two payment methods (cash and share payments), the results also show that there were no significant differences between these methods. The study therefore concluded that merger and acquisition announcements did not create any value for shareholders of acquiring companies during and around the announcement period. / MT2017

Determinants of private equity exit strategies in South Africa

Agyapong, Ntiamoah January 2017 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Finance & Investment in the Faculty of Commerce Law and Management Wits Business School at the University of the Witwatersrand / The objective of this paper is to study the exit behaviour of private equity investments held by independent private equity firms in South Africa. As this is an exploratory study we examine empirical hypotheses previously tested by other authors. Firstly, we test whether portfolio companies within high technology sectors are more likely to achieve an initial public offering (IPO) exit relative to other exits. Secondly, we test the effect of the lending rate on the likelihood of a secondary sale. Lastly, we consider the relative preference of IPO compared to acquisition (M&A) and other exit modes. As South Africa is considered to be a bank-centered financial system (Levine, 2002), private equity investments within the market would be expected to experience poor IPO activity as suggested by the literature (Black and Gilson, 1998).The research is quantitative in nature and involves the use of statistical modelling, multinomial logistic regression was applied, using panel data, which assumes that the effect of explanatory variables on the choice of exit varies across observations (private equity firms) and over time. From the multinomial logit model it was found that; 1) High technology firms were more likely to be exited by means of M&A rather than IPO; 2) An increase in the lending rate was found to increase the likelihood of a Secondary sale which is contrary to previous research (Sousa, 2010); and 3) M&A was found to be the most likely mode of exit assuming all explanatory variables were at their mean, while IPO was the least likely mode of exit. / MT2017

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