Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constructional"" "subject:"tonstructional""
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Polyfunkční dům ve Svitavách / Multifunctional house in SvitavyFučík, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This project deals with a design of a multifunctional house in Svitavy. The object is designed as a building without a basement, detached house with four above-ground floors. It is fitted into flat terrain. Newly built multifunctional house serves two main functions. The first is the creation of nine housing units, which are accessible from the central staircase and have an individually designed entrance. The second function of the new building is commercial utilization. There are three business premises in the house, each of them has its own sanitary facilities and separate entrance. The roof is designed as single-layered, flat, composed of asphalt strips. The structural system of the building is brick, made of ceramic blocks. The building is insulated with a contact insulation system.
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STADENS BORTGLÖMDA PLATS : En studie om tekniska möjligheter och sociala och ekologiska fördelarmed bebyggelse av platser intill brofästen / The forgotten place of the city : A study of technical possibilities and social and ecological benefits with theconstruction of sites next to bridge abutmentJosephson, Anna, Lundström, Sara January 2017 (has links)
I städer finns det idag många bortglömda outnyttjade platser, så kallade ickeplatser,vars fulla potential inte tillvaratas. Stadens sociala hållbarhet missgynnas ofta av dessaplatser som i många fall ger upphov till otrygghet, obehag och utsatthet för förbipasserande,särskilt för kvinnor. Återkommande bortglömda platser i svenska städerär de så kallade brofästeplatserna, det vill säga platser under broar intill brofästen.Syftet med studien är att visa på potentialen hos outnyttjade brofästeplatser i urbanamiljöer och att belysa förutsättningar, problem och möjligheter samt sociala och ekologiskafördelar med en bebyggelse av dessa platser.Studien visar att bebyggelse av platserna kan skapa säkra och inkluderande områdenatt vistas i, samt öka den upplevda tryggheten på platsen framförallt för kvinnor.Bebyggelse som i någon form aktiverar platsen bidrar till att skapa sociala möten istaden. Bebyggelsen kan även fungera brottsförebyggande, bland annat till följd avett ökat flöde av människor på platsen. Ekologiska fördelar som erhålls är att urbangrönska, och därmed viktiga ekosystemtjänster, kan bevaras i större utsträckning dåde redan hårdgjorda eller grusbelagda ytorna används vid förtätning i urbana miljöeristället för grönområden. Grönska och ekosystemtjänster ger viktiga rekreativa ochsociala värden för stadens invånare och gynnar även förekomsten av biologisk mångfald.Brofästeplatser utnyttjas i andra länder både för bostäder och verksamheter, därföruppstår frågan om varför dess potential inte tillvaratas i Sverige. Platserna tycks haglömts bort eller tidigare inte behövt tas i beaktning vid förtätning av svenska städer,då det funnits annan mark att exploatera. Studien konstaterar att det inte finns någragenerella förbud eller reglemente som reglerar bebyggelse eller icke bebyggelse avbrofästeplatser. Samtliga lagar, krav och bestämmelser vilka gäller vid planering, projekteringoch uppförande av byggnader i Sverige, gäller för platserna. Varför platsernainte nyttjats kan även bero på förutfattade meningar hos aktörer i byggbranschen.Exempelvis förutsätts att krav inom andra områden än det egna inte uppnås. De förutfattademeningarna är ofta grundade i antaganden utanför respektive yrkesprofession,snarare än fakta, vetskap och erfarenhet. För att platserna ska kunna bebyggas krävsdärmed en förändring av inställning och attityd hos aktörer i branschen.Byggnadstypologierna verksamhetslokaler, bostäder och tillfälliga boenden, är allamöjliga att uppföra vid brofästeplatser, med undantag för bostäder vid de brofästeplatserdär ljudnivå och dagsljusinsläpp inte uppnår kraven. Bäst lämpade byggnadstypologiför många urbana brofästeplatser är verksamhetslokaler, där en blandningav funktioner som både kräver konsumtion och inte kräver konsumtion skulle gynnaden sociala hållbarheten i området bäst. Studien visar att bebyggelse av brofästeplatserär möjlig om parametrar som belysts i studien beaktas och tillgodoses. För attmöjliggöra ett sådant projekt krävs en ändrad inställning, attityd och ett gediget tvärprofessionelltsamarbetemellan olika professioner i branschen. Att myndigheter ochaktörer inom byggbranschenskapar ett bättre samarbete skulle inte enbart gynna eneventuell bebyggelse av dessa platser, utan samtliga byggprojekt i Sverige. / In today’s cities there are many forgotten places whose full potential is not being met.The social sustainability of the city is often disadvantaged by these places as theycause insecurity, discomfort and vulnerability to passers-by, especially women. Aforgotten place that is recurring in Swedish cities are so-called bridge abutment-sites,that is, places under bridges next to the abutment. The purpose of the study is todemonstrate the potential of these non-places at bridge abutments in urban environmentsand to highlight the conditions, problems and possibilities as well as the socialand ecological benefits of a development of these sites.The study shows that building these sites can create safe and inclusive areas to stayin, as well as increase the perceived security of the site, especially for women. Housingthat in some way activates the site helps to create social meetings in the city. Thebuilding can also act crime preventive, partly due to an increased flow of people onthe site. The ecological benefits obtained are that urban greenery, and thus importantecosystem services, can be preserved to a greater extent as already impermeable surfacesare used in densification in urban environments instead of green areas. Greeneryand ecosystem services provide important recreational and social values for the city’sinhabitants and also benefit the presence of biodiversity.All laws, requirements and regulations that apply to planning, design and constructionof buildings in Sweden, also applies to these locations. The study finds that there areno general prohibitions or regulations that regulate the construction or non-constructionof bridge abutments. Bridge abutment-sites seem to have been forgotten or previouslynot needed to be taken into account in the densification of Swedish cities, sincethere have been other land to exploit. Another reason why the sites have not been usedis due to preconceived opinions in the construction industry. The preconceptions areoften based on assumptions beyond professional knowledge, rather than facts andexperience. In order for the places to be built, a change of attitude in operators in theconstruction industry is required.The function-types of community center, housing and temporary accommodationare all possible to construct at these sites, with the exception of housing at the bridgeplaces where noise levels and daylight emissions do not meet the requirements. Thebest-suited function-type for many urban bridge abutment-sites is a communitycenter, where a mix of functions that require both consumption and non-consumptionwould best benefit social sustainability in the area.The study shows that construction of the bridge abutment-sites is possible if parameters,as mentioned in the study, are considered and met. In order to enable such aproject, a change in attitude and solid cooperation between several operators in theindustry are required. The cooperation between authorities and operators in the constructionindustry would not only benefit the possible development of these sites, butall construction projects in Sweden.
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Use of phrasal verbs among Swedish secondary school students : Do patterns and amount of phrasal verb usage correlate with the level of engagement in Extramural English activities?Olson, Edith January 2023 (has links)
Extramural English (EE) activities are activities in English that students spend time on outside of school. Previous studies have often concluded that EE activities have a positive effect on students’ English proficiency. The phrasal verb is a language feature which often causes problems for learners of English as a second language. Phrasal verbs are multi-word phrases whose meaning cannot be guessed by the learner, often causing them to avoid using them. This study investigates the phrasal verb usage among Swedish secondary school students and if it is possible to link the usage to level of engagement in popular EE activities. The source of data for this study is the Swedish Learners English Corpus (SLEC), which contains texts written by Swedish secondary school students. An important feature that makes this corpus suitable for this study is that the metadata contains information about time spent on EE activities among the students. The analysis of the phrasal verb usage is structured around a three-level analysis of phrasal verb constructions. Although some differences in the use were noted, the study shows that phrasal verbs are a language feature which is not affected by amount of time spent on EE activities to a significant extent. / Extramural engelska (EE)-aktiviteter är aktiviteter på engelska som elever spenderar tid på utanför skolan. Tidigare studier har ofta kommit fram till att EE-aktiviteter har en positiv effekt på elevernas engelska kunskaper. Frasverb är en språkfunktion som ofta orsakar problem för elever som studerar engelska som andraspråk. Frasverb är fraser som består av flera ord och vars betydelse inte kan gissas av eleven, vilket ofta får dem att undvika att använda dem. Denna studie undersöker användningen av frasverb bland svenska högstadieoch gymnasieelever och om det är möjligt att koppla användningen till hur mycket tid de spenderar på populära EE-aktiviteter. Datakällan för denna studie är ’Swedish Learners English Corpus’ (SLEC), som innehåller texter skrivna av svenska högstadie- och gymnasieelever. En viktig del som gör denna korpus lämplig för studien är attkorpusens metadata innehåller information om hur mycket tid som läggs på EE-aktiviteter bland studenterna. Analysen av användningen av frasverb-konstruktioner är uppbyggd kring en analys i tre nivåer. Även om vissa skillnader i användningen noterades, visar studien att frasverb är en språkfunktion som inte påverkas av mängden tid som spenderas på EE-aktiviteter i betydande utsträckning.
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Stavebně technologická studie realizace haly Blansko / CONSTRUCTIONAL-TECHNOLOGICAL STUDY OF HALL REALIZATION IN BLANSKOŠkopík, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with solution of construction of steel hall in Blansko. In this thesis is solved constructional-technological study of construction of steel hall. The thesis focuses in assembly of steel skeleton. More specifically deals with traffic situation around building, time and financial plan of the building for individual objects, draft of equipment of construction site, design of the main lifting machines and mechanisms, schedule of the main building object, safety measures at the construction site and ensuring quality requirements for the installation of a steel skeleton. Extra is processed itemized budget with bill of quantities, risk plan of construction of steel hall and construction details. This building is very interesting about architectural design. The basis for this thesis was a drawing documentation for realization of this construction.
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Stavebně technologický projekt výstavby penzionu pro seniory / Construction technology project of construction boarding house for seniorsKarafiátová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the final thesis is to elaborate selected parts of a technology building project of the Pension for the elderly. The complex includes eleven building objects and the main one is developed in detail. The final thesis includes a technical report about the technology building project, a building schedule, suggestion for realization of the main stages of its construction, a design of mechanical assembly. The final thesis also includes the project of site equipment, technological regulations , an inspection and test plan, an occupational safety and health plan.
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Stavebně technologický projekt pavilonu laboratoří technologií Akademie věd v Brně / Constructional and Technological Project of Laboratoty Pavilion for Technology of AS in BrnoCihelka, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is dealing with selected parts of the constructional and technological project of laboratoty pavilion for technology of AS in Brno. Thesis is mainly focused for technological instructions of ground works, support of next building and solving of city center problems. Components of this thesis are evaluation plans and work place safety protocols. Next content of thesis are study of main technological phases, time and finanical plans, items budget, selected details, construction site equipment and design and verification of tower crain.
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Rezidence Sochorova - bytový dům BD 2, stavebně technologický projekt / Residence Sochorova - apartment building BD 2, construction and technology projectVybíral, David January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the building of a residential house called Rezidence Sochorova BD02 in Brno, Žabovřesky. The aim was the creation of the main parts of a constructional-technological project focused on the design of transport relations, the construction site facilities and its machinery, the creation of selected technological regulations and their control and testing plans. To secure safety and to protect health during the construction work itself, a risk plan and a suggestion of safety aids was created. In addition, an itemized budget of the construction, a time plan, environmental protection and a financial and time comparison of using a hopper in contrast to a concrete pump.
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Příprava realizace polyfunkčního domu v Pardubicích / Realization of a polyfunctional building PardubiceVýborný, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The main contens of the thesis is solving a construction-technological project substructure and the upper shell construction of a polyfunctional building in Pardubice. Excavation and foundation work are done in section A and B1 and B2. Drilled piles are foundation of a polyfunctional building. Drilled piles are support of reinforced concrete grillage, which are from strips foundation and foundation pads. Cast-in-place concrete frame is a form of load-bearing structure, which contens plate ceilings, pillars and walls. Peripheral masonry is from hellow clay blocks, which are between cast-in-place concrete frame. Diploma thesis includes technical report, plan of building side, schedule and the budget of the building, technological instructions, radon prevent, control and testing plan, safety, balance resources, selected constructional details, machinery composition, bill of quantities.
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