Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constructive"" "subject:"onstructive""
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Σχεδίαση και αξιολόγηση ακολουθίας διδακτικών ενοτήτων στα πλαίσια της καινοτομικής και εποικοδομητικής αντίληψης για το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα φυσικών επιστημών : η περίπτωση της διδασκαλίας του εκκρεμούς στο γυμνάσιοΔόσης, Σωτήρης 26 August 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η σχεδίαση και η αξιολόγηση μιας διδακτικής ακολουθίας για την κίνηση του απλού εκκρεμούς, στα πλαίσια της καινοτομικής και εποικοδομητικής αντίληψης για το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα Φυσικών Επιστημών. Πρόκειται για έρευνα εφικτότητας η οποία διενεργείται σε τρία επίπεδα: της ανάλυσης, του σχεδιασμού και της εφαρμογής.
Το επίπεδο ανάλυσης περιλαμβάνει την επιστημολογική ανάλυση του Γαλιλαϊκού πλαισίου μελέτης της κίνησης του απλού εκκρεμούς, την ανάλυση των νοητικών παραστάσεων των μαθητών για την κίνηση του απλού εκκρεμούς και την ανάλυση των απαιτήσεων της καινοτομικής και εποικοδομητικής αντίληψης για το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα Φυσικών Επιστημών.
Το επίπεδο σχεδιασμού περιλαμβάνει τη διατύπωση των διδακτικών στόχων και τη διαμόρφωση του περιεχομένου της διδακτικής ακολουθίας. Δομικά χαρακτηριστικά της ακολουθίας συνιστούν (α) η πολιτισμική επιλογή του τεχνολογικού πλαισίου λειτουργίας του ρολογιού-εκκρεμούς, (β) η εννοιολογική επιλογή της Γαλιλαϊκής προσέγγισης της μελέτης του απλού εκκρεμούς και (γ) η μεθοδολογική επιλογή της σχολικής εκδοχής της υποθετικο -παραγωγικής προσέγγισης της επιστημονικής γνώσης. Η προτεινόμενη ακολουθία απαρτίζεται από τέσσερις διδακτικές ενότητες και υλοποιείται μέσω δραστηριοτήτων - προβλημάτων, οι οποίες βασίζονται σε μετασχηματισμένο ή αυθεντικό υλικό προερχόμενο από την Ιστορία της Επιστήμης.
Το επίπεδο εφαρμογής περιλαμβάνει την πειραματική εφαρμογή της διδακτικής ακολουθίας σε 36 μαθητές της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου και την αξιολόγηση της γνωστικής προόδου που υποθέτουμε ότι θα σημειώσουν. Χρησιμοποιείται η τεχνική του ερωτηματολογίου για να ανιχνευθούν οι νοητικές παραστάσεις των μαθητών πριν και μετά τη συμμετοχή τους στην εφαρμογή του προγράμματος.
Η ανάλυση των δεδομένων πραγματοποιείται σε τρία επίπεδα. Στο πρώτο επίπεδο καταδεικνύεται η θετική συμβολή των δραστηριοτήτων της διδακτικής ακολουθίας στη μετακίνηση των απαντήσεων των μαθητών προς την κατεύθυνση της αποδεκτής σχολικής γνώσης για τη κίνηση του εκκρεμούς. Στο δεύτερο επίπεδο καταδεικνύεται η συνολική σημαντική γνωστική πρόοδος των μαθητών στις τρεις συνιστώσες της επιστημονικής γνώσης, την πολιτισμική, την εννοιολογική και τη μεθοδολογική. Τέλος, στο τρίτο επίπεδο καταδεικνύεται η θετική συμβολή της διδακτικής ακολουθίας στη συγκρότηση ομάδων μαθητών που χρησιμοποιούν με επαρκή και συνεκτικό τρόπο τόσο την εννοιολογική όσο και τη μεθοδολογική συνιστώσα της επιστημονικής γνώσης. / The aim of this thesis is the design and evaluation of a teaching sequence for the motion of the simple pendulum, under the innovative and constructive approach of the science curriculum. This study belongs to the ‘feasibility’ research current and was carried out at three levels: analysis, design and implementation.
The level of analysis involves the analysis of Galilean epistemological framework about the motion of the pendulum, the analysis of mental representations of students about the motion of the simple pendulum and the analysis of the requirements of innovative and constructive approaches for the science curriculum.
The level of design includes the formulation of learning objectives and the content development of the teaching sequence. The structural features of the sequence concern (a) the cultural dimension of scientific knowledge (the relationship between the simple pendulum and the timekeeping problem), (b) the conceptual dimension of scientific knowledge (a Galilean semi-quantitative approach of the isochronal motion of the simple pendulum) and (c) the methodological dimension of scientific knowledge (a hypothetico-deductive approach of the relation between the period of the simple pendulum, its string length and its gravitational acceleration) The proposed sequence is composed of four modules and is implemented through problem – solving activities, which are based on transformed or authentic material from the History of Science.
The application level includes the experimental implementation of the teaching sequence to 36 students aged 14-15 y.o. and the evaluation of their cognitive progress that we assume took place during the teaching. A questionnaire is used to detect mental representations of students before and after having participated in the teaching intervention.
Data analysis was carried out on three levels. The first level shows the positive contribution of the activities of the teaching sequence to a transformation of student responses towards the acceptable scientific school knowledge about the motion of the simple pendulum. The second level shows the overall significant cognitive progress of students in the three components of scientific knowledge, cultural, conceptual and methodological. Finally, the third level shows the positive contribution of the teaching sequence in the formation of groups of pupils using in an efficient and coherent manner both conceptual and methodological aspects of scientific knowledge.
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La transmission professionnelle : processus d'élaboration d'interactions formatives en situation de travail. Une recherche auprès de personnels soignants dans un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire.Thébault, Jeanne 27 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche auprès de soignants d'un CHU vise à rendre compte, à partir d'une approche ergonomique, de la complexité de la transmission des savoirs professionnels en situation de travail, dans un contexte de transformations du monde productif. Elle propose un modèle de la " transmission professionnelle " en termes de " processus d'élaboration d'interactions formatives ", en insistant sur leur émergence, leur déroulement et leur dynamique. Les analyses reposent sur la combinaison d'observations de situations de transmission, d'entretiens individuels et collectifs (" ateliers réflexifs ") centrés sur l'activité de transmission. Les résultats montrent que l'élaboration des interactions formatives repose sur trois composantes fortement influencées par le contexte productif : la combinaison de savoirs professionnels, la co-construction d'une relation entre protagonistes, et la conciliation entre activités de transmission et de production. Ils amènent aussi, en retour, à considérer la transmission professionnelle comme un " révélateur " des contraintes du monde productif dans lequel elle se déroule.
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La renormalisation constructive pour la théorie quantique des champs non commutativeWang, Zhituo 07 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la partie principale de cette these on considère la theorie euclidienne constructive des champs. La théorie constructive (ou la renormalisation constructive) propose l'étude mathématiquement rigoureuse de l'existence et des propriétés non perturbatives de la théorie quantique des champs. Les méthodes traditionnelles de la théorie constructive sont les développements en amas et le groupe de renormalisation de Wilson. Mais il y a aussi des défauts de ces deux méthodes: premièrement, les techniques du développement en amas et de Mayer sont compliquées, donc sont difficiles à utiliser. Deuxièmement, ces méthodes ne peuvent pas s'appliquer pour les théories quantiques des champs noncommutatives, où il n'y a pas de localité sur l'espace et l'interaction est non-locale.Récemment une nouvelle méthode a été trouvée qui s'appelle loop vertex expansion (LVE), ou développement de vertex à boucle, qui est une combinaison de la technique des champs intermédiaires et de la formule des forêt (la formule de BKAR), qui peut résoudre ces deux problèmes avec succès.Avec cette méthode, on n'a pas besoin du développement de Mayer et le développement en amas est aussi simplifié. Et comme le terme d'interaction devient non-local aussi, cette méthode s'applique bien pour les théories quantique des champs noncommutatives, par exemple, le modèle de Grosse-Wulkenhaar, qui est un modèle λΦ4 avec un potentiel harmonique dans l'espace de Moyal. C'est le premier modèle de la théorie quantique des champs noncommutative qui est renormalisable. De plus, la fonction β est nulle quand on attend le point fixe ultraviolet de cette théorie. Donc c'est aussi un modèle naturel qu'on peut construire non-perturbativement.Dans cette thèse nous allons construire le modèle de Grosse-Wulkenhaar à 2-dimensions avec la LVE.Dans le reste de cette these nous considerons aussi la construction des varieties noncommutative par les états coherents et les polynomes topological pour les graphes de Feyman dans les théorie commutatives et noncommutatives.
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Teachers Writing about Math: Exploring Inquiry in an Online CommunityMcLoughlin, Brenda 29 November 2012 (has links)
This study followed three elementary-school teachers as they engaged in online discussions about inquiry-based mathematics teaching, and wrote and tested inquiry lessons for their own classrooms. In an inquiry lesson, students bring their own knowledge to open-ended problem situations, and build on that knowledge as they try out solutions and share their ideas with others.
Evidence from the study suggests that teachers may turn to inquiry as an antidote to the way they learned about mathematics as schoolchildren, and that participating in an online community is a way for teachers to gain new mathematical and pedagogical knowledge and to change their conceptual understanding of inquiry-based teaching. The study results indicate that online professional development can help teachers improve their practice, but that care must be taken to build social ties within the group, and to structure tasks in a way that encourages collaboration and constructive criticism.
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Multi Item Integrated Location/inventory ProblemBalcik, Burcu 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the design of a three-level distribution system is considered in which a
single supplier ships a number of items to the retailers via a set of distribution
centers (DC) and stochastic demand is observed at the retailers. The problem is to
specify the number and location of the DCs, and the assignment of the retailers to
the DCs in such a way that total facility, transportation, safety stock, and joint
ordering and average inventory costs are minimized, and customer service
requirements are satisfied. Single source constraints are imposed on the assignment
of the retailers to the DCs. The integrated location/inventory model incorporates the
inventory management decisions into the strategic location/allocation decisions by
considering the benefits of risk pooling and the savings that result in the joint
replenishment of a group of items. We develop two heuristic methods to solve the
non-linear integer-programming model in an integrated way: (1) Improvement type
heuristic, (2) Constructive type heuristic. The heuristic algorithms are tested on a number of problem instances with 81 demand points (retailers) and 4 different types
of items. Both of the heuristics are able to generate solutions in very reasonable
times. The results are compared to the results of the p-median problem and found
that the total cost and the number of DCs can be lowered using our integrated model
instead of the p-median problem. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed with
respect to the changes in inventory, transportation, and ordering cost parameters, and
variability of the demand.
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國中教師之建設性思考、人際智慧與其需求困擾及快樂之關係黃琬芯 Unknown Date (has links)
及學術研究上作為參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among constructive thinking, interpersonal intelligence, need problems and happiness of junior high school teachers.The participants included 366 junior high school teachers in Taipei City and Taipei County. The employed instruments were The Constructive Thinking Inventory, The Teachers’ Interpersonal Intelligence Inventory, The Teachers’ Need Problems Inventory, and The Teachers’ Happiness Inventory. The applied analysis methods were Descriptives, One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance, One-way Univariate Analysis of Variance, Canonical Correlation, and Multiple Regression.
The main findings in this study were as follows:
1. Constructive thinking had negative influences on the
teachers’ need problems.
2. The indices of constructive thinking and those of need
problems were significantly correlated. More specifically,
the constructive thinking of behavioral coping, emotional
coping, superstitious thinking, and categorical thinking had
significant negative correlations with the teachers’ need
3. Constructive thinking had positive influences on the
teachers’ happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and
happiness activities.
4. The indices of constructive thinking and those of happiness
were significantly correlated. More specifically, the
constructive thinking of behavioral coping and emotional
coping had significant positive correlations with the
teachers’ happiness feelings, that of categorical thinking
and behavioral coping had significant positive correlations
with the teachers’ happiness conditions, and finally, that
of categorical thinking and behavioral coping had
significant positive correlations with the teachers’
happiness activities.
5. Interpersonal intelligence had negative influences on the
teachers’ need problems.
6. The indices of interpersonal intelligence and those of need
problems were significantly correlated. More specifically,
the interpersonal intelligence of communicating and
expressing as well as interpersonal awareness had
significant negative correlations with the teachers’ need
problems of interpersonal and belongingness as well as
abilities and confidence.
7. Interpersonal intelligence had positive influences on the
teachers’ happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and
happiness activities.
8. The indices of interpersonal intelligence and those of
happiness were significantly correlated. More specifically,
the interpersonal intelligence of social flexibility as
well as communicating and expressing had significant
positive correlations with the teachers’ happiness
feelings; that of communicating and expressing,
interpersonal awareness, and social flexibility had
significant positive correlations with the teachers’
happiness conditions; and finally, that of communicating and
expressing as well as interpersonal awareness had
significant positive correlations with the teachers’
happiness activities.
9. Need problems had negative influences on the teachers’
happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and happiness
10. The indices of need problems and those of happiness were
significantly correlated. More specifically, the need
problems of interpersonal and belongingness as well as
abilities and confidence had significant negative
correlations with the teachers’ happiness feelings, those
of interpersonal and belongingness as well as economical and
life had significant negative correlations with the
teachers’ happiness conditions, and finally, those of
interpersonal and belongingness had significant negative
correlations with the teachers’ happiness activities.
11. The teachers’ constructive thinking, interpersonal
intelligence, and need problems could effectively predict
their happiness feelings, happiness conditions, and
happiness activities. Among the predictors, the most
powerful predictor of the teachers’ happiness feelings was
interpersonal intelligence, that of happiness activities was
constructive thinking. Moreover, the most powerful
predictors of the teachers’ happiness conditions were
interpersonal intelligence and need problems.
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A constru??o da ponte met?lica sobre o Rio Potengi: aspectos hist?ricos, construtivos e de durabilidade - Natal/RN, Brasil (1912-1916) - estudo de caso / The construction of the iron bridge over the Potengi River: historical, constructives and durability aspects - in Natal, Brazil(1912-1916). Case studyNegreiros Neto, Manoel Fernandes de 28 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:48:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / It is a case study that reports the construction of metal truss bridge in the river Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1912 and 1916.
From testimonials on steel bridges in Brazil and worldwide including foundations. Documentary research from procurement of projects and contracts was performed. A chronology of construction, with a description of the equipment used and its original budget with the Brazilian government. Still, we used interviews and surveys with experimental sampling / testimonies, laboratory tests.
This study aims to analyze historically and technically the Bridge over the River Potengi, emphasizing primarily the construction process, the qualities and characteristics of the materials used and the technological, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural properties of cement and concrete used in its construction. Taking as conclusions that cements pozol?nicos ensured a good durability to the concrete in a hundred-year period and that the solution employed with the compressed air caissons was right / ? um estudo de caso que relata a constru??o da ponte em treli?a met?lica sobre o rio Potengi em Natal, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, entre os anos de 1912 e 1916.
A partir de aprecia??es sobre pontes met?licas no Brasil e no mundo inclusive funda??es. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental a partir da obten??o dos projetos e contratos. Uma cronologia da constru??o, com a descri??o de equipamentos utilizados e de seu or?amento original com o governo brasileiro. Utilizaram-se ainda, entrevistas e pesquisas experimentais com coleta de amostras/testemunhos, ensaios em laborat?rio.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar historicamente e tecnicamente a Ponte sobre o Rio Potengi, ressaltando, primordialmente, o processo construtivo, as qualidades e caracter?sticas dos materiais utilizados e as propriedades tecnol?gicas, qu?micas, mineral?gicas e microestruturais do cimento e do concreto empregados em sua constru??o. Tendo-se como conclus?es que cimentos pozol?nicos garantiram uma boa durabilidade ao concreto em um per?odo de cem anos e que a solu??o empregada com tubul?es ? ar comprimido foi acertada
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[pt] O planejamento da expansão da transmissão (PET) visa identificar reforços para a rede a fim de permitir uma adequada interligação entre a demanda e a geração de energia elétrica, ambas previstas para um determinado horizonte futuro de planejamento. Um bom plano de expansão deve garantir o adequado equilíbrio entre o custo de investimento e o custo de operação, mantendo ainda um nível satisfatório de confiabilidade no fornecimento da energia. Entretanto, a identificação de bons planos de expansão para a rede de transmissão tem se tornado uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil. Isso se deve, principalmente, às características e dimensões dos sistemas atuais e, ainda, às incertezas inerentes ao problema. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de ferramentas cada vez mais ela-boradas para auxílio dos planejadores. Neste sentido, é proposto nesta tese de dou-torado um algoritmo metaheurístico construtivo, denominado AMC-PET, o qual realiza um processo gradual e concomitante de construção de soluções viáveis (planos de expansão). Por meio de mecanismos baseados principalmente em índices de sensibilidade para avaliação dos reforços candidatos e na troca de informações entre as soluções correntes, o processo construtivo proposto é conduzido, parcimoniosamente, na direção de planos de excelente qualidade. Para validação da metodologia proposta, é utilizado o problema PET estático de longo prazo, considerando o critério de segurança N-1 para a rede de transmissão. Um mode-lo linearizado de rede com a inclusão de perdas ôhmicas é utilizado para análise das configurações obtidas. Dois sistemas teste, comumente utilizados neste tópico de pesquisa e, também, um sistema real de grande porte, que corresponde à rede elétrica do sul do Brasil, são empregados na validação. / [en] The transmission expansion planning (TEP) aims to identify reinforcements for the network in order to allow an adequate interconnection between load and electric power generation, both foreseen for a given future planning horizon. A good expansion plan must ensure the proper balance between investment and operating costs, while preserving a satisfactory reliability level in the energy supply. However, identifying good expansion plans for the transmission network has become an increasingly difficult task. This is mainly due to the characteristics and dimensions of current power systems and also to the uncertainties inherent to the problem. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop even more elaborate tools to assist system planners. This doctoral thesis proposes a new optimization tool named constructive metaheuristic algorithm (CMA-TEP). The proposed CMA-TEP tool performs a gradual and parallel process of building feasible solutions (expansion plans). By means of mechanisms mainly based on sensitivity indices for the evaluation of candidate reinforcements and on the information exchange among current solutions, the proposed constructive process is parsimoniously conducted towards high quality plans. To verify the performance of the proposed methodology, the long-term static PET problem considering the N-1 security criterion for the transmission network is solved. A linearized network model with the inclusion of ohmic losses is used to analyze the obtained configurations. Two test systems, commonly utilized in this research area, and also a real large network, which corresponds to the electric grid of Southern Brazil, are used to validate the proposed method.
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Didaktické situace při vytváření matematických pojmů v předškolní edukaci / Didactical situations in construction of mathematical concept in preschool educationSEMERÁDOVÁ, Soňa January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation explored didactical situations, in which mathematical concepts in nursery schools are created and specified. It discusses the link between two issues related to institutional pre-school mathematics education. These are: Do children in nursery schools have opportunity to discover mathematical concepts? What is characteristic for didactical situations, in which it happens? Dissertation is organised according to a scheme "theory-methodology-empirical findings". Presented research is realized as qualitative, data material is formed by written narratives, chosen analytical procedures belong to the framework grounded theory method. In the main research I managed not only to compare individual narrations of teachers from nursery schools and identify various teachers´ actions, practises and types of didactical situations, but also to find the form of the mathematical didactical situation in the environment of nursery schools.
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Srovnání psychologického a budovatelského románu v literární tvorbě Václava Řezáče / Psychological novel as compared with novel of Socialistic Realism in the literary work of Václav ŘezáčŠÍMOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on Václav Řezáč's novel interpretation. To be more specific, it deals with the formation of the psychological novels (Černé světlo, Svědek, Rozhraní) and novels called as constructive novels (unfinished trilogy Nástup and Bitva). Although all of these works were created gradually over fifteen years, a contemporary situation was developing in the meantime as well. That's why we can find ourselves in two different state systems and in two different period atmospheres which significantly influenced the former art. The essential default method is a new historicism which is enriched by hermeneutic approaches.
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