Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constructive"" "subject:"onstructive""
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Pozitivní a negativní zprávy v televizním zpravodajství / Positive and negative news in tv broadcastingKohoutková, Ladislava January 2015 (has links)
In master thesis called Positive and Negative news in Television Broadcasting we dealt with the structure of television news from negative vs. positive news angle of view in the main television broadcasts of Czech television, TV Nova and FTV Prima. At first we recalled the thought that news have been as many other demonstrations of society constructed. Then we dealt with mechanisms and influences, which affect form of media outputs; we focused on concept of gatekeeping, media routines, character features and news values. One of them was negativity. We presented journalistic concepts, which are aimed positive: Solution Journalism and Constructive Journalism. Than we focused on television broadcasting and its limits. We showed some researches and ideas about audience of broadcasting and about potential influence on it. We have introduced three analyzed TV stations. The analysis showed us percentage of positive and negative news in three main news programs of Czech television, TV Nova and FTV Prima. We analyzed them from the view of predominance, overlap (news, which occurred on more than one station in the same evening), topics, dichotomy home/foreign and concept of constructive news.
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Zobrazení šachů pomocí sledování paprsku / Rendering Chess Using Ray TracingVaverka, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
This work aims at rendering 3D scene using ray tracing. It describes advantages and disadvantages of this technology and its alternation known as distributed ray tracing. Other part deals with method from different branch, which are closely related to distributed ray tracing - constructive solid geometry and procedural texturing.
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Övergången till IFRS 16 : En studie av detaljhandelsföretag och flygbolag / The transition to IFRS 16 : A study on retail and airline companiesDahir Ali Elmi, Adna, Yalda, Gorgees January 2019 (has links)
Leasingstandarden IAS 17 har motstått en del kritik eftersom företag har kunnat ta del av fördelarna av operationell leasing då både leasade tillgångar och motsvarande skulder har effektivt hållits utanför balansräkningen med endast not-upplysningar om framtida leasing skyldigheter. Under 2005 uttrycktes oro över brist på öppenhet och information gällande leasingförpliktelser av US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), något som redan bekymrade investerare och andra intressenter. Som svar på kritiken initierade International accounting standards board (IASB) tillsammans med Financial accounting standards board (FASB) ett projekt i hopp om att förbättra redovisningen av leasingavtal. Den nya standarden, IFRS 16, innebär att alla operationella leasingavtal kapitaliseras och redovisas i balansräkningen, det vill säga, en modell som liknar redovisningen av finansiella leasingavtal. Således elimineras uppdelningen av leasingavtal i operationella och finansiella leasingavtal. Syftet med denna studie är genom att analysera skillnaderna mellan IAS 17 och IFRS 16, utforska vilken inverkan IFRS 16 kommer att ha på företagens finansiella rapporter och nyckeltal. Vidare utgörs syftet av att förklara hur effekterna på nyckeltal förhåller sig till jämförelseperioder särskilt vid tillämpning av den modifierade retroaktiva övergångsmetoden. I denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats i kombination med ett induktivt angreppssätt tillämpats. Undersökningen har genomförts på ett fiktivt bolag samt åtta årsredovisningar från åtta olika företag inom detaljhandel och flygbranschen. Vad gäller de verkliga företagen har datamaterialet som extraheras från årsredovisningarna bearbetats med hjälp av den konstruktiva kapitaliseringsmodellen utformad av Imhoff, Lipe och Wright (1991, 1997) och modifierad av Fülbier, Silva och Pferdehirt (2008). Utifrån studiens undersökning blir det tydligt att IFRS 16 handlar om öppenhet och delgivning av information. IFRS 16 inverkan på resultat- och balansräkningen leder till att nyckeltal som bland annat soliditet, skuldsättningsgrad, räntabilitet på eget- och totalt kapital och genomsnittlig skuldränta påverkas. Användare av finansiella rapporter använder dessa nyckeltal för att identifiera problemområden samt möjligheter inom ett företag. Vi finner att kapitaliseringen av operationella leasingavtal förser användare av finansiella rapporter med mer verklighetstrogen information. Vidare bidrar studien till en djupare förståelse för hur och varför en del nyckeltal kommer att påverkas av IFRS 16 i förhållande till jämförelseperioder. Studien bidrar även till att förstå relevansen av IFRS 16 och hur denna standard bidrar till redovisningens informationsvärde. / The lease accounting standard IAS 17, has been criticized for enabling companies to take advantage of the benefits of operational leasing, since both leased assets and their corresponding liabilities have been kept off-balance sheet with information on future lease obligation presented only in notes. In 2005, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) raised some concerns due to the lack of transparency and information on lease obligations, something that already worried investors and other stakeholders. In response to the criticism, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), together with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), launched a project hoping to improve the accounting of leases. With the new IFRS 16 standard, all operating leases will be capitalized and reported on the balance sheet. Hence, a model similar to the accounting for financial leasing agreements eliminating the division of lease agreements into operational and financial leases. The aim of this study is to analyze the differences between IAS 17 and IFRS 16, examine what impact IFRS 16 will have on the companies' financial reports and key ratios. Furthermore, the study aims to explain how the effects on key ratios relate to comparative periods in particular when applying the modified retrospective approach. In this study, a qualitative approach in combination with an inductive approach has been applied. The study has been carried out on a fictitious company and eight annual reports from eight different companies within the retail and airline industry. With regard to the actual companies, the data material extracted from the annual reports has been processed using the constructive capitalization model designed by Imhoff, Lipe and Wright (1991, 1997) and modified by Fülbier, Silva and Pferdehirt (2008).Based on the study's results, it becomes clear that IFRS 16 is about transparency and disclosure of information. IFRS 16’s impact on the income statement and balance sheet results in key ratios such as equity ratio, debt/equity ratio, return on equity and total capital and average debt interest rate to change. Users of financial reports use these key ratios to identify problem areas and opportunities within a company. This study finds that the capitalization of operating leases provides users of financial reports with more accurate information. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how and why some key ratios will be affected by IFRS 16 in relation to comparative periods. The study also helps in understanding the relevance of IFRS 16 and how this standard contributes to the information value in accounting.
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Métodos heurísticos para minimização da duração total da programação em ambiente no-wait flow shop com políticas de manutenção-preventiva / Heuristics methods for the no-wait flow shop problem with preventive maintenance constraints and makespan minimizationMiyata, Hugo Hissashi 20 July 2015 (has links)
O problema de programação de operações em ambiente no-wait flow shop tem sido abordado desde a década de 60. Por se tratar de um ambiente em que as tarefas devem ser processadas continuamente e sem interrupções entre uma máquina e outra, um tempo de espera entre o início da tarefa anterior e o início da tarefa atual deve ser determinado na primeira máquina. Neste sentido, uma vez que a tarefa inicia seu processamento, as máquinas devem estar disponíveis para que atendam a restrição de no-wait. Portanto, operações de manutenção preventiva são necessárias para que a programação seja atendida sem maiores problemas. Este trabalho aborda dois problemas: no-wait flow shop e no-wait flow shop com operações de manutenção preventiva. O critério de desempenho adotado foi a duração total da programação (makespan). Por meio de uma revisão de literatura, mecanismos de construção de soluções foram identificadas e classificadas e, baseando-se em tais, novos métodos heurísticos construtivos simples e compostos foram propostos para o problema no-wait flow shop e uma heurística composta foi desenvolvida considerando as operações de manutenção preventiva. Experimentações computacionais para os dois problemas foram realizadas para fins de comparação e avaliação dos métodos propostos com os métodos heurísticos construtivos da literatura. Para o problema Fm|no - wait|Cmax resultados evidenciaram que as heurísticas propostas H4GPSLLS e MH4GPSLLS superaram as heurísticas da literatura em qualidade de solução, com diferença estatisticamente significativa no nível de 5% de significância. Para o problema Fm|no - wait, m(k)|Cmax, pode-se constatar que a heurística BIHLS e as heurísticas H4GPSLLS e MH4GPSLLS apresentaram desempenho superior com diferença estatística significativa no nível de 5% de significância em comparação as heurísticas da literatura. / The no-wait flow shop scheduling problem has been studied since 60\'s. In this environment, jobs must be processed continuously without interruption between one machine and another, and because of this, a delay between the start time of the previous job and the start time of the current job must be determined in the first machine. In this sense, since a job starts its processing, the machines must be available to respect the no-wait constraint. Therefore, preventive maintenance operations are needed. This work adresses two problems: the m machine no-wait flow shop and the m machine no-wait flow shop with preventive maintenance operations. The performance measure adopted was the makespan. By means of a literature review, mechanisms of solution construction were identified and classified. New simple and composite constructive heuristics were proposed to the no-wait flow shop problem and a new composite constructive heuristic was developed considering the preventive maintenance operations. Computational experiments and their respective analyses for both problems were carried out to compare and evaluate the performance between the proposed methods and the constructive heuristics of the literature. Regarding Fm|no - wait|Cmax problem, results show that the proposed heuristics H4GPSLLS and MH4GPSLLS outperformed the heuristics of the literature in quality of the solution and is statistically significative to 5% of significance level. To the Fm|no - wait, m(k)|Cmax problem it can be seen that the proposed heuristic BIHLS and H4GPSLLS and MH4GPSLLS outperformed the heuristics of the literature and is statistically better to 5% of significance level.
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Tomada de decisão Fuzzy e busca Tabu aplicadas ao planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão / Fuzzy decision making and Tabu search applied to planning the expansion of transmission systemsSousa, Aldir Silva 27 February 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho é proposta uma nova técnica de solução para resolver o problema de planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão estático através da introdução da tomada de decisão fuzzy. Na técnica apresentada neste trabalho, a tomada de decisão fuzzy é aplicada para o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo heurístico construtivo. O sistema fuzzy é utilizado para contornar alguns problemas críticos das heurísticas que utilizam o índice de sensibilidade como guia para inserção de novas linhas. A heurística apresentada nesse trabalho é baseada na técnica dividir para conquistar. Verificou-se que a deficiência das heurísticas construtivas é decorrente da decisão de inserir novas linhas baseada em valores não seguros encontrados através da solução do modelo utilizado. Para contornar tal deficiência, sempre que surgirem valores não seguros divide-se o problema original em dois subproblemas, um que analisa a qualidade da resposta para o caso em que a linha é inserida e outro para verificar a qualidade da resposta para o caso em que a linha não é inserida. A tomada de decisão fuzzy é utilizada para decidir sobre quando dividir o problema em dois novos subproblemas. Utilizou-se o modelo cc com a estratégia de Villasana-Garver-Salon para realizar a modelagem da rede elétrica para os problemas da expansão de sistemas de transmissão aqui propostos. Ao serem realizados testes em sistemas de pequeno, médio e grande portes certificou-se que o método pode encontrar a solução ótima de sistemas de pequeno e médio portes. Porém, a solução ótima dos sistemas de grande porte testados não foi encontrada. Para melhorar a qualidade da solução encontrada utilizou, em uma segunda fase, a metaheurística busca tabu. A busca tabu utiliza o modelo cc. Os resultados se mostraram bastante promissores. Os testes foram realizados em alguns sistemas reais brasileiros e com o sistema real colombiano. / A new solution technique to solve the long-term static transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem based on fuzzy decision making is proposed. The technique applies the concepts of fuzzy decision making in a constructive heuristic algorithm. The fuzzy system is used to circumvent some critical problems of heuristics that use sentivity indices as a guide for insertion and construction of new lines. The heuristic algorithm proposed in this work is based on the divide and conquer technique. It has been verified that the deficiency of the constructive heuristics is due to the decision of inserting new lines based only on information given by the index, which usually is calculated from a relaxed mathematical representation of the problem and can become less accurate during the solution process. In order to be able to deal with such problem, whenever the quality of the index decreases, the original problem is divided into two sub-problems: one examines the quality of the solution when the transmission line indicated by the sensitivity index is inserted and the other subproblem checks the opposite. Fuzzy decision-making is used to decide the moment to divide the problem into two subproblems based on other information. The hybrid linear model is used to model the long-term transmission expansion planning problem and is used in the proposed algorithm. Tests was done with systems of small-term, medium-term and long-term. The optimal solution of small-term and medium-term was foundo using just the construtive heuristic algorithm with fuzzy decision-making. To deal with long-term systems was used the solutions of the construtive heuristic algorithm with fuzzy decision-making to init a tabu search. The tabu search uses the dc model. The results are very promising. The test was done with some real brazilian systems and with the real colombian system.
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Adaptação tecnológica para teto de habitação social: estudo de caso em Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México / Technological adaptation for roof of social dwelling: study case in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, MexicoCastañeda Nolasco, Gabriel 17 October 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de um dos componentes da habitação social, o teto, que por suas características técnico-construtivas é o mais complexo dos seus componentes. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, entre as atividades do programa 10x10, do projeto XIV.5 con techo, subordinado ao sub programa XIV, tecnologías para vivienda de interés social HABYTED de CYTED. Pelas atividades realizadas com o grupo técnico do programa citado, o objetivo principal foi desenvolver uma adaptação da tecnologia para teto Domozed ao contexto de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, orientada a melhorar a transferência tecnológica para habitação social. Esta tecnologia é utilizada no Peru e foi difundida em diversos países de América Latina, assim como muitas outras tecnologias cedidas pelos membros da equipe de trabalho do programa 10x10 con techo. As experiências vividas evidenciaram a necessidade de adaptação das tecnologias difundidas aos contextos selecionados, para sua melhor aceitação e funcionamento ou para sua realização. Partiu-se da hipótese que as tecnologias difundidas pelos membros participantes do programa 10x10, ao serem desenvolvidas para contextos específicos e pretender transferi-las a outros, sua apropriação ao novo contexto está condicionada por sua adaptação. O resultado foi o sistema de teto Domotej com a integração da análise de cinco variáveis priorizadas (processo construtivo, resistência mecânica, preço, desempenho térmico y aceitação social), que permitiram o desenvolvimento da adaptação; onde foi construído para sua avaliação, um protótipo experimental de moradia com o que se comprovou a viabilidade de construção e no contexto social do bairro Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, foi explorada a possibilidade de sua transferência. / The present work is about one of the components of the social dwelling, the roof, which is the most complex of the elements that make it a reality, due to its technician-constructive characteristics. The research project was developed in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, in the mark of activities of the program 10x10, of the project XIV.5 with roof, dependent on the sub program XIV, technologies for housing of social interest HABYTED of CYTED. For the achieved activities with the technical group of the mentioned project, the main objective was the adaptation of the roof Domozed to the study context. This roof technology is used in Peru and it has been diffused to different countries of iberoamerica, the same as many other technologies contributed by the members of the work team of the program 10x10 with roof. The lived experiences showed the adaptation need of the technologies diffused to the chosen contexts, for their best acceptance and function or simply for their realization. We started from the hypothesis that the transference of technologies diffused by the participant members of the program 10x10, when having been developed for specific contexts and intend to transfer them to other different contexts, their production, function, economic viability and social acceptance are conditioned by their adaptation, according to the necessity of making them appropriate and appropriable to the new context The result was the integration of the analysis of five prioritized variables (constructive process, mechanical resistance, price, thermal performance and social acceptance), what allowed the development of the adaptation, which was evaluated by the construction of an experimental prototype of dwelling proving the construction feasibility and in the social context of the neighborhood Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, the possibility of its transfer was explored.
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Meaning-making and the wilderness experience: an examination using a constructive-developmental lensPollock, Curtis J. 29 April 2019 (has links)
Wilderness Experience Programs (WEPs) take youth into wilderness settings in order to
teach wilderness travel and leadership, expand personal capacity, and equip youth with coping skills in order to manage life’s difficulties. Though considerable research has been conducted on WEPs, no one has sought to understand the student experience these programs provide through a constructive-developmental lens (Kegan, 1982, 1994). The purpose of this case study was to explore, describe, assess, and understand–using the framework of Robert Kegan’s (1982, 1994) constructive-developmental theory–the impact a 21-day wilderness backpacking experience had on five participating youth. The researcher believed that understanding how participants in a wilderness backpacking course make sense of their experience through the lens of their constructive-developmental perspective might help inform the theories of change that underpin
WEPs, the means by which desired change is facilitated, and the reasons why some youth thrive and others struggle. This exploratory study utilized a case study approach. The researcher embedded as a participant-observer for the duration on a 21-day backpacking course with Outward Bound Canada in the Ghost River Wilderness, Alberta, Canada. Nine youth participated in the expedition, with five male students volunteering as research participants. Pre-trip and post-trip administrations of the Subject-Object Interview and post-expedition semi-structured interviews were conducted with each research participant. Additionally, the researcher made field observations and wrote field notes. The subsequent analysis produced in-depth profiles of each research participant’s experience of the course, pre and post expedition scores from the Subject-Object Interviews, and a description of how each research participant’s experience might be understood through the lens of their constructive-developmental perspective. Although no significant changes to constructive-developmental perspective were realized, implications of these analyses were discussed, conclusions were drawn, and recommendations were made. / Graduate
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Métodos heurísticos para minimização da duração total da programação em ambiente no-wait flow shop com políticas de manutenção-preventiva / Heuristics methods for the no-wait flow shop problem with preventive maintenance constraints and makespan minimizationHugo Hissashi Miyata 20 July 2015 (has links)
O problema de programação de operações em ambiente no-wait flow shop tem sido abordado desde a década de 60. Por se tratar de um ambiente em que as tarefas devem ser processadas continuamente e sem interrupções entre uma máquina e outra, um tempo de espera entre o início da tarefa anterior e o início da tarefa atual deve ser determinado na primeira máquina. Neste sentido, uma vez que a tarefa inicia seu processamento, as máquinas devem estar disponíveis para que atendam a restrição de no-wait. Portanto, operações de manutenção preventiva são necessárias para que a programação seja atendida sem maiores problemas. Este trabalho aborda dois problemas: no-wait flow shop e no-wait flow shop com operações de manutenção preventiva. O critério de desempenho adotado foi a duração total da programação (makespan). Por meio de uma revisão de literatura, mecanismos de construção de soluções foram identificadas e classificadas e, baseando-se em tais, novos métodos heurísticos construtivos simples e compostos foram propostos para o problema no-wait flow shop e uma heurística composta foi desenvolvida considerando as operações de manutenção preventiva. Experimentações computacionais para os dois problemas foram realizadas para fins de comparação e avaliação dos métodos propostos com os métodos heurísticos construtivos da literatura. Para o problema Fm|no - wait|Cmax resultados evidenciaram que as heurísticas propostas H4GPSLLS e MH4GPSLLS superaram as heurísticas da literatura em qualidade de solução, com diferença estatisticamente significativa no nível de 5% de significância. Para o problema Fm|no - wait, m(k)|Cmax, pode-se constatar que a heurística BIHLS e as heurísticas H4GPSLLS e MH4GPSLLS apresentaram desempenho superior com diferença estatística significativa no nível de 5% de significância em comparação as heurísticas da literatura. / The no-wait flow shop scheduling problem has been studied since 60\'s. In this environment, jobs must be processed continuously without interruption between one machine and another, and because of this, a delay between the start time of the previous job and the start time of the current job must be determined in the first machine. In this sense, since a job starts its processing, the machines must be available to respect the no-wait constraint. Therefore, preventive maintenance operations are needed. This work adresses two problems: the m machine no-wait flow shop and the m machine no-wait flow shop with preventive maintenance operations. The performance measure adopted was the makespan. By means of a literature review, mechanisms of solution construction were identified and classified. New simple and composite constructive heuristics were proposed to the no-wait flow shop problem and a new composite constructive heuristic was developed considering the preventive maintenance operations. Computational experiments and their respective analyses for both problems were carried out to compare and evaluate the performance between the proposed methods and the constructive heuristics of the literature. Regarding Fm|no - wait|Cmax problem, results show that the proposed heuristics H4GPSLLS and MH4GPSLLS outperformed the heuristics of the literature in quality of the solution and is statistically significative to 5% of significance level. To the Fm|no - wait, m(k)|Cmax problem it can be seen that the proposed heuristic BIHLS and H4GPSLLS and MH4GPSLLS outperformed the heuristics of the literature and is statistically better to 5% of significance level.
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Tomada de decisão Fuzzy e busca Tabu aplicadas ao planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão / Fuzzy decision making and Tabu search applied to planning the expansion of transmission systemsAldir Silva Sousa 27 February 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho é proposta uma nova técnica de solução para resolver o problema de planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão estático através da introdução da tomada de decisão fuzzy. Na técnica apresentada neste trabalho, a tomada de decisão fuzzy é aplicada para o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo heurístico construtivo. O sistema fuzzy é utilizado para contornar alguns problemas críticos das heurísticas que utilizam o índice de sensibilidade como guia para inserção de novas linhas. A heurística apresentada nesse trabalho é baseada na técnica dividir para conquistar. Verificou-se que a deficiência das heurísticas construtivas é decorrente da decisão de inserir novas linhas baseada em valores não seguros encontrados através da solução do modelo utilizado. Para contornar tal deficiência, sempre que surgirem valores não seguros divide-se o problema original em dois subproblemas, um que analisa a qualidade da resposta para o caso em que a linha é inserida e outro para verificar a qualidade da resposta para o caso em que a linha não é inserida. A tomada de decisão fuzzy é utilizada para decidir sobre quando dividir o problema em dois novos subproblemas. Utilizou-se o modelo cc com a estratégia de Villasana-Garver-Salon para realizar a modelagem da rede elétrica para os problemas da expansão de sistemas de transmissão aqui propostos. Ao serem realizados testes em sistemas de pequeno, médio e grande portes certificou-se que o método pode encontrar a solução ótima de sistemas de pequeno e médio portes. Porém, a solução ótima dos sistemas de grande porte testados não foi encontrada. Para melhorar a qualidade da solução encontrada utilizou, em uma segunda fase, a metaheurística busca tabu. A busca tabu utiliza o modelo cc. Os resultados se mostraram bastante promissores. Os testes foram realizados em alguns sistemas reais brasileiros e com o sistema real colombiano. / A new solution technique to solve the long-term static transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem based on fuzzy decision making is proposed. The technique applies the concepts of fuzzy decision making in a constructive heuristic algorithm. The fuzzy system is used to circumvent some critical problems of heuristics that use sentivity indices as a guide for insertion and construction of new lines. The heuristic algorithm proposed in this work is based on the divide and conquer technique. It has been verified that the deficiency of the constructive heuristics is due to the decision of inserting new lines based only on information given by the index, which usually is calculated from a relaxed mathematical representation of the problem and can become less accurate during the solution process. In order to be able to deal with such problem, whenever the quality of the index decreases, the original problem is divided into two sub-problems: one examines the quality of the solution when the transmission line indicated by the sensitivity index is inserted and the other subproblem checks the opposite. Fuzzy decision-making is used to decide the moment to divide the problem into two subproblems based on other information. The hybrid linear model is used to model the long-term transmission expansion planning problem and is used in the proposed algorithm. Tests was done with systems of small-term, medium-term and long-term. The optimal solution of small-term and medium-term was foundo using just the construtive heuristic algorithm with fuzzy decision-making. To deal with long-term systems was used the solutions of the construtive heuristic algorithm with fuzzy decision-making to init a tabu search. The tabu search uses the dc model. The results are very promising. The test was done with some real brazilian systems and with the real colombian system.
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Algoritmo especializado aplicado ao planejamento da expansão de redes aéreas de sistemas de distribuição / Specialized algorithm applied to planning the expansion of overhead power lines of distribution systemsMendonça, Willian Douglas Ferrari 04 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:11:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Willian Douglas F Mendonca.pdf: 2130607 bytes, checksum: ef5e681d6a8d26e8c6fe5324e3cf0c03 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-07-04 / In this Master's Dissertation is presented the development of a specialized algorithm for planning the expansion of pole networks of distribution systems. The technique used for solution is the Constructive Heuristics that has been used together with mathematical optimization models to solve the problem. However the presented algorithm does not employ a mathematical optimization model, in other words, a model compound of objective function and constraints. So, instead of working with variables, we seek to work with parameters, with the objective of providing greater speed to the research process, simplifying the search process for the final topology always keeping committed to finding a solution of good quality. Despite not having a guarantee that the solution is the global optimum, the solutions obtained by this type of algorithm solutions are almost always of excellent quality and can be used as a starting point for algorithms that use techniques or more complex mathematical models. To assist the Constructive Heuristic Algorithm in the search for the final topology is used a specialized routine for the calculation of AC power flow The methodology used by the subroutine for these calculations is based on the Backward Forward Sweep algorithm. / No presente trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo especializado para o planejamento da expansão de redes aéreas de sistemas de distribuição. A técnica utilizada para solução é a Heurística Construtiva que tem sido utilizada em conjunto com modelos matemáticos de otimização para resolver o problema. No entanto o algoritmo apresentado não emprega um modelo matemático de otimização, em outras palavras, um modelo composto de função objetivo e restrições. Assim, em vez de trabalhar com variáveis, procura-se trabalhar com parâmetros, com o objetivo de proporcionar uma maior velocidade ao processo de pesquisa, simplificando o processo de busca para a topologia final sempre buscando manter o compromisso de encontrar uma solução de boa qualidade. Apesar de não ter a garantia de que a solução seja a ótima global, as soluções obtidas por este tipo de algoritmo são quase sempre soluções de excelente qualidade e podem ser usadas como ponto de partida para os algoritmos que usam técnicas ou modelos matemáticos mais complexos. Para auxiliar o Algoritmo Heurístico Construtivo na busca para a topologia final é usada uma rotina especializada para o cálculo do fluxo de potência CA. A metodologia utilizada pela subrotina para estes cálculos está baseada no algoritmo de varredura Backward Forward Sweep.
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