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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patient compliance with contemporary contact lenses: Impact on successful contact lens wear

Dumbleton, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: Contact lens (CL) materials, modalities of wear and replacement, and care systems have changed considerably since the early studies of CL compliance were first conducted. Silicone hydrogel (SiHy) and daily disposable (DD) lenses are now the most popular lenses worn worldwide and the care systems that are currently available for them have been designed to be straightforward to use. The purpose of this research was to investigate patient knowledge of and compliance with the use of these contemporary CLs and care products, to determine whether non-compliant CL wearers experience ocular complications relating to lens wear more frequently and are more likely to discontinue lens wear, and to try to determine the factors that may constrain or enable patients to follow recommendations for appropriate lens wear and care. Methods: There are many ways in which compliance can be assessed in health care. Several different methodologies were employed during this research: A questionnaire was administered to just over 100 current lens wearers to determine whether photographic aids would help them to recognize which products they were using. More than 500 contact lens (CL) wearers were recruited by their eye care practitioners (ECPs) and mailed a questionnaire designed to evaluate their compliance with contact lens wear and care and to determine whether they had experienced any contact lens related complications which may have occurred as a result of non-compliance. Close to 5000 Current and lapsed CL wearers in Canada were recruited using Facebook to take part in an on line survey investigating CL wearing experiences during 2008 – 2010 and to establish the percentage of participants who temporarily and permanently discontinued CL wear during the period surveyed, the reasons for discontinuation and whether compliance with lens wear and care may have played a role. ECPs and patients independently completed more than 2000 linked questionnaires evaluating their contact lens wear and care. In addition the frequency with which patients attended their ECP’s office for eye examinations was assessed to determine whether there was a relationship between this and their patients’ compliance. More than 800 daily disposable contact lens (DDCL) wearers in four countries completed an online questionnaire designed to investigate how frequently they reused their lenses, the reasons for reuse and how the lenses were stored between uses. Quantitative (online questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods were used to explore in detail the lens wear and care habits of adapted contact lens wearers in an attempt to seek a better understanding of what enables and constrains patient compliance with appropriate lens wear and lens care. Results: The rates of non-compliance with the wear of contemporary CLs were found to be similar to those previously reported. Non-compliance with recommendations for CL replacement was shown to be associated with a higher rate of CL related problems. CL wearers continue to “drop-out” for reasons of discomfort and dryness with their lenses but the drop out rates were not found to be different between compliant and non-compliant CL wearers. Patients who were non-compliant with lens replacement were found to attend their ECP’s offices less frequently. Wearers of DDCLs were the most compliant with lens replacement; however, some did report reusing these lenses and sleeping overnight in them. Focus group participants were able to provide a greater insight into why non-compliant behaviour occurs in CL wearers with the most frequently occurring themes identified as the “consequences” that may occur if patients are non-compliant with one or more aspects of their contact lens wear and the importance of receiving “instructions” regarding the most appropriate way to wear and care for their lenses. Most of the themes that emerged from this qualitative research study were both constraints to, and enablers of, compliance. Conclusions: Compliance with contemporary CLs and care products remains poor. Non-compliant behaviour can result in serious complications and patients may not always be aware of this. Careful counseling and education on the risks associated with CL wear is required to provide patients with a better lens wearing experience and continued successful contact lens wear. ECPs and the contact lens industry can hopefully apply this greater understanding of why patients fail to wear and care for their lenses as they should and to help them develop strategies and tools to aid compliance and success in contact lens wear.

Två linsrengöringsmetoders påverkan på hornhinnan i samband med användande av kontaktlinsvätskan Opti-Free® Express®

Wikander, Markus January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att jämföra två linsrengöringsmetoders påverkan på hornhinnan. Studien jämförde tillverkarens rekommenderade användningsinstruktioner för Opti-Free® Express®, med den alternativa rengöringsmetoden att gnugga linserna, något som ofta rekommenderas av optiker. Metod: Deltagarna sågs vid två tillfällen för utvärdering av eventuell påverkan på hornhinnan. Värdena som återfanns vid första tillfället fungerade som ett utgångsvärde. Samtliga fynd dokumenterades, graderades och poängräknades efter vilken typ av staining samt utbredning. Cornea delades in i fem regioner; centralt, superiort, inferiort, nasalt och temporalt. Typen staining som återfanns poängsattes enligt; mikropunktata (25), makropunktata (50), coalesced (75) och patch (100). Medelvärden för respektive deltagares ögon räknades ut genom att muliplicera poängen given för typen funnen staining med den procentuella utbredningen i varje region. Därefter dividera med fem för att få ett medelvärde utbrett över hela ögat. Deltagarna fick ett nytt par linser och blev därefter instruerade att under två veckors tid rengöra höger och vänster lins separat. Det ena sättet att rengöra var att följa tillverkarens rekommenderade instruktioner, något som innebär sköljning i fem sekunder per linssida. Det andra sättet var genom att gnugga linserna i en L-formad rörelse fem gånger per sida och därefter skölja linsen i fem sekunder. Efter två veckors tid undersöktes deltagarna på nytt. Funna värden sammanställdes och jämfördes sedan med varandra samt utgångsvärdena. Resultat: I de ögon vars linser gnuggades minskade medelvärdet av mängden staining från ursprungligen 140179 till 12185 (p = 0,68). Ursprungsvärdet för de ögon vars linser sköljdes var 125149, något som efter två veckor ökade till 214179 (p = 0,03). Medelvärdena efter två veckor för de båda rengöringsmetoderna uppkom till 12185 för gnugg respektive 214179 för skölj, jämförelser drogs emellan grupperna (p = 0,046). Slutsats: I de ögon vars linser rengjordes genom sköljning återfanns en högre grad av påverkan på hornhinnan. Mängd funnen staining var större i dessa ögon än i de ögon vars linser rengjordes genom gnuggning. Skillnaden var av statistisk signifikans. / The aim of this study was to compare the impact of contact lens cleaning on cornea using two different methods. The study compared the manufacturer’s recommended usage for Opti-Free® Express®, with the alternative cleaning method that involves rubbing the lens, a method often recommended by Optometrists. The participants were seen twice to evaluate the cornea. The values found on the first visit were used as baseline values. The participants were given a new pair of contact lenses and were told to clean them in two different ways for the upcoming two weeks. The first method was to follow the recommended instructions by the manufacturer. A method that involves rinsing the lens for five seconds per side. The alternative method was to rub both sides in shape of the letter L. This procedure was repeated five times per side followed by rinsing for five seconds. The participants were seen for a second visit after two weeks. Evaluations were once again made. The values found were compared with the baseline values as well with each other.  In those cases where the lenses had been cleaned by rubbing, the value of found staining decreased from 140179 at the baseline to 12185 after two weeks (p = 0,68). The baseline value for the eyes where the lenses were cleaned by rinsing was 125149. Those values increased to 214179 after two weeks (p = 0,03). A comparison between the two groups later values showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the two types of cleaning, where the eyes that were only rinsed contained a higher amount of staining (p = 0,046). In those eyes where lenses had been cleaned only by rinsing there were found a higher amount of staining compared to the ones cleaned by rubbing. The difference in found staining between the two cleaning methods were statistically significant.

Patient compliance with contemporary contact lenses: Impact on successful contact lens wear

Dumbleton, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: Contact lens (CL) materials, modalities of wear and replacement, and care systems have changed considerably since the early studies of CL compliance were first conducted. Silicone hydrogel (SiHy) and daily disposable (DD) lenses are now the most popular lenses worn worldwide and the care systems that are currently available for them have been designed to be straightforward to use. The purpose of this research was to investigate patient knowledge of and compliance with the use of these contemporary CLs and care products, to determine whether non-compliant CL wearers experience ocular complications relating to lens wear more frequently and are more likely to discontinue lens wear, and to try to determine the factors that may constrain or enable patients to follow recommendations for appropriate lens wear and care. Methods: There are many ways in which compliance can be assessed in health care. Several different methodologies were employed during this research: A questionnaire was administered to just over 100 current lens wearers to determine whether photographic aids would help them to recognize which products they were using. More than 500 contact lens (CL) wearers were recruited by their eye care practitioners (ECPs) and mailed a questionnaire designed to evaluate their compliance with contact lens wear and care and to determine whether they had experienced any contact lens related complications which may have occurred as a result of non-compliance. Close to 5000 Current and lapsed CL wearers in Canada were recruited using Facebook to take part in an on line survey investigating CL wearing experiences during 2008 – 2010 and to establish the percentage of participants who temporarily and permanently discontinued CL wear during the period surveyed, the reasons for discontinuation and whether compliance with lens wear and care may have played a role. ECPs and patients independently completed more than 2000 linked questionnaires evaluating their contact lens wear and care. In addition the frequency with which patients attended their ECP’s office for eye examinations was assessed to determine whether there was a relationship between this and their patients’ compliance. More than 800 daily disposable contact lens (DDCL) wearers in four countries completed an online questionnaire designed to investigate how frequently they reused their lenses, the reasons for reuse and how the lenses were stored between uses. Quantitative (online questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods were used to explore in detail the lens wear and care habits of adapted contact lens wearers in an attempt to seek a better understanding of what enables and constrains patient compliance with appropriate lens wear and lens care. Results: The rates of non-compliance with the wear of contemporary CLs were found to be similar to those previously reported. Non-compliance with recommendations for CL replacement was shown to be associated with a higher rate of CL related problems. CL wearers continue to “drop-out” for reasons of discomfort and dryness with their lenses but the drop out rates were not found to be different between compliant and non-compliant CL wearers. Patients who were non-compliant with lens replacement were found to attend their ECP’s offices less frequently. Wearers of DDCLs were the most compliant with lens replacement; however, some did report reusing these lenses and sleeping overnight in them. Focus group participants were able to provide a greater insight into why non-compliant behaviour occurs in CL wearers with the most frequently occurring themes identified as the “consequences” that may occur if patients are non-compliant with one or more aspects of their contact lens wear and the importance of receiving “instructions” regarding the most appropriate way to wear and care for their lenses. Most of the themes that emerged from this qualitative research study were both constraints to, and enablers of, compliance. Conclusions: Compliance with contemporary CLs and care products remains poor. Non-compliant behaviour can result in serious complications and patients may not always be aware of this. Careful counseling and education on the risks associated with CL wear is required to provide patients with a better lens wearing experience and continued successful contact lens wear. ECPs and the contact lens industry can hopefully apply this greater understanding of why patients fail to wear and care for their lenses as they should and to help them develop strategies and tools to aid compliance and success in contact lens wear.

Estudo comparativo entre o telescópio com lente de contato e o telescópio convencional em pacientes com baixa visão / Comparative study between contact lens telescope and conventional telescope in lowvision patients

Bellini, Luciano Porto January 2009 (has links)
Objetivos: comparar o telescópio com lente de contato (TLC) com o telescópio convencional (TC) em pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) e baixa visão, com respeito a: acuidade visual (AV), campo de visão (CV), satisfação do paciente com a visão oferecida pelo telescópio (SV), dificuldade de uso do telescópio (DU) e satisfação do paciente com o aspecto estético do telescópio (SE). Materiais e Métodos: Em ensaio clínico randomizado mascarado, foram incluídos 12 pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, formando 2 grupos de 6 pacientes cada: grupo 1 (uso de TLC) e grupo 2 (uso de TC). Os telescópios usados no estudo foram padronizados para que tivessem a mesma magnificação (2,8x). A AV e o CV foram aferidos antes e durante o uso do telescópio, enquanto a SV, a DU e a SE foram obtidas após a intervenção. Resultados: Não houve diferenças entre os grupos na linha de base. Os dois telescópios demonstraram melhora da AV em relação à linha de base (P=0,002 com o TLC e P<0,001 com o TC) e não houve diferença entre os grupos a este respeito. O CV foi reduzido em 15° com o TLC (P<0.001) e em 54.3° com o TC (P<0.001), em comparação com a linha de base, e tais diferenças também foram significativas entre os grupos durante a intervenção (P<0.001). Os escores de SV foram semelhantes entre os grupos testados. Já os escores de SE, foram maiores com o TLC (P<0.001), assim como os de DU (P=0.003), em relação ao TC. Conclusões: Os dois telescópios promoveram melhora semelhante da AV em pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, mas o TLC acarretou menor perda de CV em relação ao TC. A SE foi maior com o TLC, mas a DU também foi maior com o TLC, em relação ao TC. / Purpose: To compare the conventional telescope (CT) with the contact lens telescope (CLT) in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and low-vision, with respect to visual acuity (VA), visual field (VF), patient satisfaction with the vision provided by the telescope (VS), telescope use difficulties (UD) and patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope (CS). Methods: In a masked randomized clinical trial, 12 patients with AMD and low-vision were enrolled in 2 groups with 6 patients each: group 1 (CLT use) and group 2. (CT use) The telescopes used in this study were standardized to have the same magnification power. (2.8x) Visual field and VA were obtained before and during the telescope use, while VS, UD and CS were obtained after the telescope use. Results: There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. Both groups achieved VA improvement with telescopes compared to baseline (P=0.002 in CLT group and P<0.001 in CT group) and there were no significant differences between groups in this regard. Visual field was reduced by 15° in CLT group (P<0.001) and by 54.3° in CT group (P<0.001) compared to baseline, and VF differences between groups were also significant during telescope use. (P<0.001) Scores observed in both groups were similar in regard to VS. Telescope use difficulties were significant higher in CLT group (P=0.003) as well as CS scores (P<0.001) compared to CT group. Conclusions: Both telescopes provide similar improvement in VA in AMD patients with low-vision, but CLT caused less VF reduction than CT use. Patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope was higher in CLT group, but UD was also higher in this group compared to CT group.

Estudo comparativo entre o telescópio com lente de contato e o telescópio convencional em pacientes com baixa visão / Comparative study between contact lens telescope and conventional telescope in lowvision patients

Bellini, Luciano Porto January 2009 (has links)
Objetivos: comparar o telescópio com lente de contato (TLC) com o telescópio convencional (TC) em pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) e baixa visão, com respeito a: acuidade visual (AV), campo de visão (CV), satisfação do paciente com a visão oferecida pelo telescópio (SV), dificuldade de uso do telescópio (DU) e satisfação do paciente com o aspecto estético do telescópio (SE). Materiais e Métodos: Em ensaio clínico randomizado mascarado, foram incluídos 12 pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, formando 2 grupos de 6 pacientes cada: grupo 1 (uso de TLC) e grupo 2 (uso de TC). Os telescópios usados no estudo foram padronizados para que tivessem a mesma magnificação (2,8x). A AV e o CV foram aferidos antes e durante o uso do telescópio, enquanto a SV, a DU e a SE foram obtidas após a intervenção. Resultados: Não houve diferenças entre os grupos na linha de base. Os dois telescópios demonstraram melhora da AV em relação à linha de base (P=0,002 com o TLC e P<0,001 com o TC) e não houve diferença entre os grupos a este respeito. O CV foi reduzido em 15° com o TLC (P<0.001) e em 54.3° com o TC (P<0.001), em comparação com a linha de base, e tais diferenças também foram significativas entre os grupos durante a intervenção (P<0.001). Os escores de SV foram semelhantes entre os grupos testados. Já os escores de SE, foram maiores com o TLC (P<0.001), assim como os de DU (P=0.003), em relação ao TC. Conclusões: Os dois telescópios promoveram melhora semelhante da AV em pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, mas o TLC acarretou menor perda de CV em relação ao TC. A SE foi maior com o TLC, mas a DU também foi maior com o TLC, em relação ao TC. / Purpose: To compare the conventional telescope (CT) with the contact lens telescope (CLT) in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and low-vision, with respect to visual acuity (VA), visual field (VF), patient satisfaction with the vision provided by the telescope (VS), telescope use difficulties (UD) and patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope (CS). Methods: In a masked randomized clinical trial, 12 patients with AMD and low-vision were enrolled in 2 groups with 6 patients each: group 1 (CLT use) and group 2. (CT use) The telescopes used in this study were standardized to have the same magnification power. (2.8x) Visual field and VA were obtained before and during the telescope use, while VS, UD and CS were obtained after the telescope use. Results: There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. Both groups achieved VA improvement with telescopes compared to baseline (P=0.002 in CLT group and P<0.001 in CT group) and there were no significant differences between groups in this regard. Visual field was reduced by 15° in CLT group (P<0.001) and by 54.3° in CT group (P<0.001) compared to baseline, and VF differences between groups were also significant during telescope use. (P<0.001) Scores observed in both groups were similar in regard to VS. Telescope use difficulties were significant higher in CLT group (P=0.003) as well as CS scores (P<0.001) compared to CT group. Conclusions: Both telescopes provide similar improvement in VA in AMD patients with low-vision, but CLT caused less VF reduction than CT use. Patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope was higher in CLT group, but UD was also higher in this group compared to CT group.

Estudo comparativo entre o telescópio com lente de contato e o telescópio convencional em pacientes com baixa visão / Comparative study between contact lens telescope and conventional telescope in lowvision patients

Bellini, Luciano Porto January 2009 (has links)
Objetivos: comparar o telescópio com lente de contato (TLC) com o telescópio convencional (TC) em pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) e baixa visão, com respeito a: acuidade visual (AV), campo de visão (CV), satisfação do paciente com a visão oferecida pelo telescópio (SV), dificuldade de uso do telescópio (DU) e satisfação do paciente com o aspecto estético do telescópio (SE). Materiais e Métodos: Em ensaio clínico randomizado mascarado, foram incluídos 12 pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, formando 2 grupos de 6 pacientes cada: grupo 1 (uso de TLC) e grupo 2 (uso de TC). Os telescópios usados no estudo foram padronizados para que tivessem a mesma magnificação (2,8x). A AV e o CV foram aferidos antes e durante o uso do telescópio, enquanto a SV, a DU e a SE foram obtidas após a intervenção. Resultados: Não houve diferenças entre os grupos na linha de base. Os dois telescópios demonstraram melhora da AV em relação à linha de base (P=0,002 com o TLC e P<0,001 com o TC) e não houve diferença entre os grupos a este respeito. O CV foi reduzido em 15° com o TLC (P<0.001) e em 54.3° com o TC (P<0.001), em comparação com a linha de base, e tais diferenças também foram significativas entre os grupos durante a intervenção (P<0.001). Os escores de SV foram semelhantes entre os grupos testados. Já os escores de SE, foram maiores com o TLC (P<0.001), assim como os de DU (P=0.003), em relação ao TC. Conclusões: Os dois telescópios promoveram melhora semelhante da AV em pacientes com DMRI e baixa visão, mas o TLC acarretou menor perda de CV em relação ao TC. A SE foi maior com o TLC, mas a DU também foi maior com o TLC, em relação ao TC. / Purpose: To compare the conventional telescope (CT) with the contact lens telescope (CLT) in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and low-vision, with respect to visual acuity (VA), visual field (VF), patient satisfaction with the vision provided by the telescope (VS), telescope use difficulties (UD) and patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope (CS). Methods: In a masked randomized clinical trial, 12 patients with AMD and low-vision were enrolled in 2 groups with 6 patients each: group 1 (CLT use) and group 2. (CT use) The telescopes used in this study were standardized to have the same magnification power. (2.8x) Visual field and VA were obtained before and during the telescope use, while VS, UD and CS were obtained after the telescope use. Results: There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. Both groups achieved VA improvement with telescopes compared to baseline (P=0.002 in CLT group and P<0.001 in CT group) and there were no significant differences between groups in this regard. Visual field was reduced by 15° in CLT group (P<0.001) and by 54.3° in CT group (P<0.001) compared to baseline, and VF differences between groups were also significant during telescope use. (P<0.001) Scores observed in both groups were similar in regard to VS. Telescope use difficulties were significant higher in CLT group (P=0.003) as well as CS scores (P<0.001) compared to CT group. Conclusions: Both telescopes provide similar improvement in VA in AMD patients with low-vision, but CLT caused less VF reduction than CT use. Patient satisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the telescope was higher in CLT group, but UD was also higher in this group compared to CT group.

Phospholipid Transport in Silicon Hydrogel Contact Lenses

Zhao, Yibei 20 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dry eye syndrome has been associated with the lack of phospholipids in the tear film, leading to disruption of the tear film and subsequent irritation. Characterization of the transport and release of phospholipids from a silicone hydrogel contact lens is required to assess the possible use of these lenses for phospholipid delivery to increase patient comfort. This thesis examines the use of silicone hydrogel contact lenses as phospholipid delivery devices. Contact lenses of silicone hydrogel composition were loaded with varying amounts of radiolabeled 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) from a solution of n-propanol. These lenses were eluted at 35°C into artificial tear fluid (ATF) or ATFcontaining varying amounts of DMPC. The amount of DMPC loaded into a lens is a linear function of the time of exposure to the DMPC/propanol solution. The initial rate of elution into ATF appears to be diffusion controlled for at least 10 hrs and is proportional to the amount of DMPC loaded. The ease of loading and the controllable release of DMPC from silicone hydrogels present the possibility of using such lenses to counter eye discomfort caused by inherently low levels of phospholipid in tears. To reduce manufacturing steps and concern for residual n-propanol in the lens, it is beneficial to incorporate the DMPC into the monomer formulation and then photopolymerize the lens. Results showed that using this process, DMPC can be placed in the lens and then eluted at faster rates than when it was loaded from n-propanol.


Seul Ah Lee (17591811) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>In this study, we present advancements in smart contact lenses, highlighting their potential as minimally or non-invasive diagnostic and drug delivery platforms. The eyes, rich in physiological and diagnostic data, make contact lens sensors an effective tool for disease diagnosis. These sensors, particularly smart contact lenses, can measure various biomolecules like glucose, urea, ascorbate, and electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3-) in ocular fluids, along with physical biomarkers such as movement of the eye, intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular surface temperature (OST).</p> <p>The study explores the use of continuous, non-invasive contact lens sensors in clinical or point-of-care settings. Although promising, their practical application is hindered by the developmental stage of the field. This thesis addresses these challenges by examining the integration of contact lens sensors, covering their working principle, fabrication, sensitivity, and readout mechanisms, with a focus on monitoring glaucoma and eye health conditions like dry eye syndrome and inflammation.</p> <p>Our design adapts these sensors to fit various corneal curvatures and thicknesses. The lenses can visually indicate IOP through microfluidic channels' mechanical deformation under ambulatory conditions. We also introduce a colorimetric hydrogel tear fluid sensor that detects pH, electrolytes, and ocular surface temperature, indicating conditions like dry eye disease and inflammation.</p> <p>The evaluation of these contact lens sensors includes in vivo/vitro biocompatibility, ex vivo functionality studies, and in vivo safety assessments. Our comprehensive analysis aims to enhance the practicality and effectiveness of smart contact lenses in ophthalmic diagnostics and therapeutics.</p>


Ramamoorthy, Padmapriya 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Generation and Use of Functional Hydrogels That Can Rapidly Sample Infected Surfaces

Swift, Thomas, Pinnock, A., Shivshetty, N., Pownall, David, MacNeil, S., Douglas, I., Garg, P., Rimmer, Stephen 09 August 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper outlined our method for developing polymer-linked contact lens type materials for rapid detection and differentiation of Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi in infected corneas. It can be applied to both model synthetic or ex-vivo corneal models and has been successfully trialed in an initial efficacy tested animal study. First a hydrogel substrate for the swab material is selected, we have demonstrated selective swabs using a glycerol monomethacrylate hydrogel. Alternatively any commercial material with carboxylic acid functional groups is suitable but risks nonspecific adhesion. This is then functionalised via use of N-hydroxysuccinimide reaction with amine groups on the specified highly branched polymer ligand (either individually gram negative, gram positive or fungal binding polymers or a combination of all three can be employed for desired sensing application). The hydrogel is then cut into swabs suitable for sampling, used, and then the presence of gram positive, game negative and fungi are disclosed by the sequential addition of dyes (fluorescent vancomycin, fluorescein isothiocyanate and calcofluor white). In summary this method presents: Method to produce glycerol monomethacrylate hydrogels to minimize nonspecific binding Methods of attaching pathogen binding highly branched polymers to produce selective hydrogel swabs Method for disclosing bound pathogens to this swab using sequential dye addition

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