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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A importância dos fatores ambientais na reutilização de imóveis industriais em São Paulo. / Considering soil quality in industrial sites redevelopment in São Paulo.

Anna Carolina Marques Ayres da Silva 30 September 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma questão ainda relativamente nova, mas de urgente reflexão: a reutilização de imóveis industriais, considerados hoje, áreas potencialmente contaminadas (AP) por atividades não industriais. Objetiva documentar a postura mais freqüentemente utilizada no Brasil quando da reocupação da implantação de novos usos em imóveis industriais desativados, adotando-se como parâmetro o município de São Paulo. Busca averiguar se, em algum momento deste processo, há qualquer consideração sobre a possibilidade da existência de passivo ambiental, dada a natureza industrial da atividade anteriormente desenvolvida no imóvel. Parte da hipótese que os agentes envolvidos nesse processo de mudança de uso (incorporadoras, construtoras, etc) ignoram ou desconsideram a possível existência de contaminação no imóvel. A metodologia consistiu na seleção dos imóveis, a partir de uma base cartográfica (4 cartas – escala 1: 25.000 da EMPLASA) que registrava o uso do solo em 1980. Posterior visita ao campo e registro do uso atual destes imóveis. Os que apresentaram um novo uso não industrial foram analisados e se dentro dos parâmetros desejados, sujeitos a uma entrevista. O resultado das entrevistas comprovou a hipótese inicial. Conclui-se que, a reincorporação destes imóveis ao tecido urbano dá-se sem qualquer preocupação quanto à existência de uma possível contaminação do solo, dos aqüíferos ou das instalações se reaproveitadas. Mesmo se, durante a construção do novo empreendimento, tenham sido observados indícios de uma provável contaminação. Não há qualquer interesse na investigação da qualidade do solo e água, além do usual, para execução das fundações. Do ponto de vista dos agentes envolvidos, somente a exigência de um órgão público justificaria tal atitude. / This research refers to a very new problem, which needs urgent reflection and response: the new land uses in industrial areas, considered potentially contaminated. The research intends to define which is the more common attitude in Brazil for redevelopment of decommissioning industrial plants areas, focused on São Paulo city. It aims to examine the process of redevelopment projects, in order to discover if there is any consideration about the environment quality during the land uses changes. It takes as hypothesis that the agent involved in land uses changes process ignore completely the existence of contaminated sites. The methodology was grounded and developed by using charts (4 charts- scale 1:25.000 –.EMPLASA), which indicated the industrial plants in 1980. Later visit on land to verify their current uses. The agents involved in the installation of new non-industrial establishments were interviewed about the process. In summary, one can say that the reintegration of these decommissioning industrial areas is done without any kind of deeply concerns about the contaminated sites, or the impact of the past industrial activities on the groundwater quality, or in the abandoned installations. There isn’t any further interest in order to investigate the possibility of environmental liabilities and consequent risks and hazards.

Revitalização de brownfields : da aplicação do princípio da função socioambiental da propriedade ao gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas ou suspeitas de contaminação

Mattei, Juliana Flávia 19 November 2010 (has links)
Como efeito negativo da sociedade marcada pelo desenvolvimento industrial a qualquer preço, especialmente decorrente do revés processo histórico de desativação de indústrias, surgiram no espaço urbano extensas áreas abandonadas suspeitas ou efetivamente contaminadas. Estas áreas são denominadas brownfields, e podem ser encontradas em praticamente todos os países industrializados ou em processo intenso de industrialização, em qualquer dos Continentes. Mostra-se relevante perceber a situação atual do gerenciamento de brownfields, mais especificamente de áreas contaminadas, que compõem o cenário de grande parte das cidades, e os instrumentos utilizados para promover a sua refuncionalização, especialmente os mecanismos legais criados para este fim. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo é caso emblemático no Brasil tanto na constatação e registros da formação de brownfields pela relocalização de empreendimentos industriais quanto pela forma pioneira com que vem inovando e implementando instrumentos para a revitalização desses espaços urbanos, aliando iniciativas políticas e legais. Ainda, a recentíssima Resolução CONAMA nº 420, de 28 dezembro de 2009, surge como a primeira regulamentação sobre o tema em nível federal no Brasil, e traz a expectativa de que o tema seja finalmente enfrentado adequadamente no País, embora ainda mereça aprimoramentos e medidas complementares. / As a negative effect of the industrial development at any price, especially due to the historical process of closure of industries have emerged large urban areas abandoned, which are suspected or actually contaminated. These areas are called brownfields, and can be found in virtually all countries, industrialized or under intense process of industrialization in any of the Continents. It is necessary to study the current status of brownfields management, which have been being a mark of industrialized cities, and the instruments used to promote their revitalization or refunctioning, especially the legal mechanisms created for this purpose. The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in Brazil is emblematic case both in finding and comfirming the formation of brownfields by relocation of industrial enterprises, as well the pioneer way in innovating and deploying tools for urban areas revitalization, combining political and legal initiatives. Also, the very recent CONAMA Resolution 420 of December 28th, 2009, appears as the first legislation on the issue from federal initiative in Brazil, and raises the hope that the problem is finally addressed adequately in the country, though still worthy of improvements and complementary measures.

Landscapes of perception : reclaiming the Athabasca oil sands and the Sydney tar ponds

Dance, Anne T. January 2013 (has links)
This interdisciplinary project offers new insights into the reclamation history of two of the most controversial and contaminated sites in Canadian history: the Sydney tar ponds and coke ovens and the Athabasca oil sands. It argues that Canada’s natural resource-dependent economy, combined with jurisdictional uncertainty, created a hesitant, fragmentary site cleanup regime, one that left room for different ideas about landscapes to shape and even distort reclamation’s goals and processes. In the absence of substantive reclamation standards and legislation, researchers struggled to accommodate the unique challenges of the oil sands during the 1960s and 1970s. Ambitious goals for reclamation faltered, and even the most successful examples of oil sands reclamation differed significantly from the pre-extraction environment; reclamation was not restoration. Planners envisioned transforming northeastern Alberta into a managed wilderness and recreation nirvana, but few of these plans were realised. The Sydney tar ponds experience suggests that truly successful reclamation cannot exist unless past injustices are fully acknowledged, reparations made, and a more complete narrative of contamination and reclamation constructed through open deliberation. Reclamation, after all, does not repair history; nor can it erase the past. Effective oil sands reclamation, then, requires a reconsideration of the site’s past and an acknowledgement of the perpetuated vulnerabilities and injustices wrought by development and reclamation.

Bioremédiation de sols en milieu nordique : des ressources locales pour traiter une variété d’hydrocarbures pétroliers et autres contaminants avec la phytoremédiation, la mycoremédiation et l’aide de matières résiduelles fertilisantes

Robichaud, Kawina 04 1900 (has links)
Les hydrocarbures pétroliers sont expédiés et utilisés dans pratiquement toutes les parties du monde et sont devenus l’un des contaminants parmi les plus communs et les plus répandus dans les sols. Les éléments traces sont parfois associés aux hydrocarbures, ce qui peut augmenter la toxicité d’un site, compliquer les voies possibles de remédiation, et augmenter les coûts de traitements traditionnels. Dans les régions nordiques, où des déversements sont recensés dans de nombreux sites, le temps de nettoyage des contaminants et les coûts des méthodes d’assainissement traditionnelles peuvent s’avérer considérablement plus élevés que dans les régions tempérées. Des recherches alternatives visant une remédiation plus rapide et moins coûteuse, adaptée à des climats subarctiques, sont nécessaires et l’utilisation de plantes et champignons indigènes à l’écosystème local sont des approches prometteuses. En parallèle, les gouvernements de multiples pays visent à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, notamment par la réduction des déchets putrescibles voués à l’enfouissement. En utilisant ces matières résiduelles fertilisantes obtenues localement dans le processus de décontamination, une opportunité se présente pour valoriser ces matières tout en décontaminant des sites. Cette recherche doctorale vise à développer des méthodes de bioremédiation adaptées aux conditions locales, avec des intrants indigènes aux régions d’étude, pour des sols contaminés aux HCP au sein de trois projets de recherche à grande échelle sur le terrain, dont un également contaminé aux éléments traces. Deux projets ont été effectués dans un climat subarctique au 60° parallèle (Whitehorse, Yukon), en utilisant une approche novatrice de phytoremédiation assistée de champignons et compost municipal; nous qualifions cette technique intégrée d’approche par « microsystème écologique ». Comme le volume de sol affecte beaucoup l’efficacité des méthodes de bioremédiation, des volumes considérables de 0.15 m3 et 1 m3 ont été utilisés (au premier et deuxième site, respectivement), pour maximiser la pertinence des résultats lors de transfert d’échelles futures. Au premier site, l’efficacité des différentes composantes du microsystème a été évaluée en bacs dans quatre différentes combinaisons et comparée au traitement de base habituel (fertilisant) dans un sol contaminé par un déversement accidentel de diésel. La plante choisie était le saule Salix planifolia et le champignon Pleurotus ostreatus. Les résultats indiquent qu’après une saison de traitement, le microsystème était le traitement avec le taux d’élimination du diésel le plus rapide. Après trois saisons, les traitements contenant un ou plusieurs éléments du microsystème avaient des taux de contamination sous les normes pour des sols agricoles et étaient plus efficaces que le traitement au fertilisant ou que l’atténuation naturelle. Le deuxième site était une fosse à huiles usées située sur une pile de stériles miniers au cœur d’un ancien dépotoir. Le microsystème a été implanté dans des cellules au sol avec une doublure à l’épreuve du lessivât de contaminants. Les saules Salix alaxensis et Salix planifolia furent utilisés en combinaison avec le champignon Trametes versicolor. Cette approche, dans un sol hautement contaminé, a réussi à diminuer de façon considérable les hydrocarbures pétroliers (plus de 65 à 75 %). Le potentiel d’accumulation des métaux dans les tissus aériens des plantes a également été mesuré. Les deux espèces de saules ont démontré des taux d’accumulation d’éléments traces distincts et des stratégies racinaires différentes. Un champignon de la famille des Psathyrellaceae fut observé pour la première fois sur un site si hautement contaminé, puis est apparu de façon récurrente sur les cellules du microsystème pendant quatre ans. Les deux premiers sites répondent à un besoin de développer des méthodes de bioremédiation efficaces, passives et applicables en climat subarctique. Le troisième site de recherche porte sur l’utilisation de deux matières résiduelles fertilisantes (bois raméal fragmenté et drêche) et de fumier pour la dégradation de l’huile à moteur dans un climat continental humide à une latitude moyenne (Neuville, Québec). Des mésocosmes de 0.76 m3 avec aération contrôlée furent utilisés. L’utilisation de bois raméal fragmenté et de drêche de brassage à cette échelle, de même que l’acquisition des matières résiduelles dans un rayon très rapproché du centre de traitement afin d’explorer une approche d’économie circulaire dans un tel contexte, constituent les volets novateurs de cette étude. Les résultats démontrent que le fumier est plus efficace que le traitement habituel au fertilisant. La drêche de brassage et le bois raméal fragmenté sont utiles pour conserver l’humidité dans les sols (un paramètre de bioremédiation important). Cette étude, menée en collaboration avec un partenaire industriel, s’intègre dans la politique canadienne et québécoise de réductions des gaz à effets de serre et la philosophie de l’économie circulaire en valorisant des matières organiques résiduelles locales. Cette thèse a permis de démontrer qu’une combinaison de stratégies de bioremédiation avec des composantes locales est une méthode efficace dans un climat subarctique. Deux nouvelles espèces de saules (Salix planifolia et Salix alaxensis) ont été utilisées avec succès pour la bioremédiation d’hydrocarbures pétroliers et pour l’accumulation de certains éléments traces. Lors d’une collaboration avec un partenaire industriel, il a été possible de démontrer l’applicabilité de certains concepts d’économie circulaire et d’approche écosystémique en bioremédiation. / Petroleum hydrocarbons are shipped and used in virtually all parts of the world and have become one of the most common and widespread contaminants in soils. Trace elements are sometimes associated with them, and they can increase the toxicity of a site, complicate remediation, and increase the costs of traditional treatments. In northern areas where spills occur at multiple sites, the clean-up time and cost of traditional remediation methods can be significantly higher than in temperate regions. Alternative research aimed at faster and cheaper remediation adapted to subarctic climates is needed and the use of native plants and fungi integrated into the local ecosystem are promising approaches. Concurrently, governments in multiple countries aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, namely through the reduction of putrescible waste destined for landfills. By using locally-sourced residual fertilizing materials for decontamination processes, an opportunity arises to valorize these materials while restoring soils. This doctoral research aims to develop locally-adapted bioremediation methods, with indigenous plant and fungal inputs, to treat petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils in three large-scale field research projects, including one also contaminated with trace elements. Two projects were carried out in a subarctic climate at the 60 ° parallel (Whitehorse, Yukon), using an innovative approach of phytoremediation assisted by mushrooms and municipal compost; we call this integrated technique the "ecological microsystem" approach. Because soil volume has significant impacts on the efficiency of bioremediation methods, considerable volumes of 0.15 m3 and 1 m3 were used (at the first and second sites, respectively) to maximize the relevance of results in the event of a scale-up operation. At the first site, the effectiveness of the various components of the microsystem were evaluated in four different combinations, as well as compared to the usual basic treatment (fertilizer) in soil contaminated by an accidental diesel spill. The plant species chosen was Salix planifolia and Pleurotus ostreatus was selected for the fungus. Results indicate that after one treatment season, the microsystem was the treatment with the fastest diesel removal rates. After three seasons, treatments containing one or more elements of the microsystem were below standards for agricultural soils and were more effective than fertilizer treatment or natural attenuation. The second northern site was a waste oil pit located on top of a mine waste rock pile, at the heart of an old landfill. The microsystem was implanted into ground-level cells with a contaminant-proof leachate liner. The plant species Salix alaxensis and Salix planifolia were used in combination with the fungus Trametes versicolor. This approach in a highly contaminated soil was able to significantly reduce petroleum hydrocarbons (65 to 75%). The potential for metal accumulation in aerial plant tissues was also measured. Both willow species demonstrated distinct trace element accumulation patterns and different rooting strategies. A fungus of the Psathyrellaceae family was observed for the first time at a site so highly contaminated and was recurrent on the cells of the microsystem for 4 years. The first two sites contribute to the development of efficient and passive bioremediation methods applicable in subarctic climates. The third research site focused on the use of two residual fertilizing materials (fragmented rameal wood and brewer’s spent grain) and manure for the degradation of motor oil in a humid continental climate at a medium latitude (Neuville, Quebec). Mesocosms of 0.76 m3 with controlled aeration were used. Innovative aspects of this project include the use of rameal wood and spent grain at this scale, as well as the acquisition of residual materials in a very close radius of the treatment center to explore how a circular economy approach could apply in such a context. Results indicate that the addition of manure is more effective than the usual fertilizer treatment alone. Brewer’s spent grain and fragmented rameal wood were useful for maintaining soil moisture (an important bioremediation parameter) but did not increase degradation. This study, conducted in close collaboration with an industrial partner, falls under the objectives set by Canadian and Quebec policy on greenhouse gas reductions and circular economy approaches by working on the valorization of local residual organic matter. This thesis has demonstrated that combining strategies with local biological components is an effective bioremediation method in a subarctic climate. Two new willow species (Salix planifolia and Salix alaxensis) have been successfully used for the bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and for the accumulation of certain trace elements. In collaboration with an industrial partner, it has been possible to demonstrate the applicability of certain circular economy concepts and the ecosystemic approach to bioremediation.

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