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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smluvní pokuta podle obchodního zákoníku / Contractual penalty under the Commercial Code

Kratochvíl, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
Contractual penalty under the Commercial Code Summary The theme of this Master's degree thesis is Contractual penalty under the Commercial Code. Author chose this topic because contractual penalty is important and very often-used institute through which parties to the contract can secure their obligations. This instrument should guarantee that the debtor would perform his main (primary) commitment to the creditor. If not, he may be punished for a breach of the contract even if there won't arise any damage (loss) on the creditor's side. This fact represents considerable advantage over other similar institutes. The study is focused on issues of contractual penalty in commercial relations, specifically in a situation when both parties to the contract are businessmen and they entered into agreement in connection with their business. However the legislation of the instrument is relatively brief (articles 544 and 545 of the Act No. 40/1964 Coll., The Civil Code and articles 300 to 302 of the Act No. 513/1991 Coll., The Commercial Code, which includes a special regulation for business relations), many questions and uncertainties can be found. Many of them were resolved by adjudications but there are still problematic aspects. Author focuses on their solutions and tries to give response, which will be satisfactory...

Mimosmluvní závazkové vztahy v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Non-contractual obligations in private international law

Holubová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Non-Contractual Obligations in Private International Law This thesis deals with non-contractual obligations in private international law. The most important law in this area is the Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations that applies since 11 January 2009. The Regulation creates a common regime of conflict of law rules for most civil and commercial non-contractual obligations. The general rule is the law of the place of injury (lex loci damni). The rule is subject to two exceptions, the common habitual residence exception and a general escape clause based on the closer connection principle. Special rules are laid down for some non-contractual obligations, such as product liability, unfair competition and acts restricting free competition, environmental damages, infringement of intellectual property rights, unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio and culpa in contrahendo. However, in most cases, the parties may agree on the law applicable to the non- contractual obligations between them. Post-tort agreements may be made between all parties whereas pre-tort agreements are allowed only where all the parties are pursuing commercial activity. Where the Rome II Regulation does not apply the courts will look to the relevant national legislation, which is the Private...

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright law

Skoupá, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Agreements and contracts within Copyright Law This thesis examines the Contractual Copyright Law, which is a part of the Intellectual Property Law. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the valid legislation dealing with license agreement in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters. Chapter One is introductory, it explains the importance of the Copyright Law and briefly describes the structure of the thesis. Chapter Two examines the sources of the Contractual Copyright Law on Czech, European and international level. Chapter Three provides the initial introduction to the Copyright and Intellectual Property Law in general. It explains specific terms of this branch of law, such as "the work" and "constitutive transfer of rights", which are crucial for understanding of the topic of thesis. Chapter Four describes the License Agreement itself and the legal relationship arising out of it, its purpose, subjects, object and content, while chapter Five examines the ways of classification of License Agreements. Chapter Six concentrates on problems of principles governing the License Agreement and its elements. Chapter Seven deals with the transfer of the license and chapter Eight with the special ways of a legal relationship termination based on the License Agreement. Chapter Nine contains...

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright law

Jurista, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Summary: Contractual copyright law The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current state of regulation of contractual copyright law in the Czech Republic. I have chosen this topic, because I am an amateur photographer and knowledge of different kinds of contracts dealing with copyright might be very useful for me in the future. Knowing most of details affecting final conditions of the contract is the best way, how to exploit my work well, and, what is even more important, I should be able to answer all of questions concerning copyright to my friends (and, in later, professional life, also to my clients). The thesis is thematically divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and outlines all the content, which is to be dealt with in latter text. It attempts to define the position of copyright in the Czech legal system. Chapter Two focuses on the grounds of contractual techniques and the way of their implementation in the basic civil codex. Furthermore, attention is paid to differences between commercial and civil law, which might be crucial for some side questions of copyright contracts. In Chapter Three, there is the conception and approach of Czech legislature to copyright described. The dichotomy between personal and property rights of authors is explained as well as the nature of...

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts withing copyright law

Stejskal, Vilém January 2011 (has links)
CONTRACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW This thesis is dedicated to the Czech Copyright Law, which is part of Intellectual Property Law. The core of this work is lying on description and recognition of contractual concepts of Copyright Law in Czech Republic, namely the last two Copyright Acts. The first Copyright Act was valid from 1965 till 2000. The second Copyright Act is effective since 2000. Chapter 1 covers the sources of Czech Contractual Copyright Law on different levels, from the constitutional grounds to the regulations. Chapters 2 and 3 are initial introduction to the Intellectual Property Law. It provides basic explanation of intangible property terms. Chapter 4 tries to briefly show the history and the development of the Copyright Law on the Czech territory, particularly Czech Contractual Copyright Law. Chapter 5 deals with provisions of Copyright Act 35/1965. It concentrates on contracts for the distribution of a work and contracts to produce a work. Chapter 6 is devoted to the effective czech Copyright Act 121/2000 and its provisions related to contractual law. With short notice about contract for a work done. Chapter 6 compares some important attributes of both mentioned Copyright Acts.

Smluvní a mimosmluvní povinnost k náhradě škody (komparace se zahraničními úpravami) / Contractual and non-contractual liability to damages (a comparison with foreign legislation)

Černý, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
Contractual and non-contractual liability to damages (a comparison with foreign legislation) In theory tort and contractual liability might seem to draw clear boundaries. The first one arises from breach of contract whereas tort being unrelated to any contractual obligation. However it is known that some legal systems, like the Czech law, do not differentiate between them and do not provide them with different rules. Does it only mean the differentiation is useless in these legal systems or does it suggest that there might be no reasonable grounds for distinction in other legal systems? How do tort and contractual liability differ? Differences have to be weighed when area between tort and contract is considered. They are of significance when it comes to possibility or impossibility of choice in case of concurrence of tort and contract and they are important for liability to third parties of a contract. I researched following legal systems: Czech law, German law, French law, Spanish law and Italian law. In each of them I examined these areas: contractual liability, liability to third party, tort liability, liability for behaviour contrary to bonos mores, and selected elements of tort liability with some remarks to some special rules for contractual liability: wrongfulness, fault, causation, damage and its...

Převody vlastnictví družstevních bytů / The transfer of ownership of cooperative apartments

Moravec, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The transfer of ownership of cooperative apartments The thesis deals with the issue of the transfer of property of cooperative apartments which is a topic frequently approached due to a large number of members of the cooperatives who still haven't settled their legal claims against the housing cooperatives. The housing cooperatives will keep their importance even with the new civil code being applicable. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze legal regulation concerning transfers of ownership of apartments from the housing cooperatives to their members, concentrating especially on the conditions, fulfilling of which establishes an obligation for the cooperative to conclude the contract with their members in order to transfer the ownership of cooperative units. The thesis also attempts to describe some changes brought into the legal system by the new civil code. The thesis is composed of four chapters which are further divided into subchapters. Chapter One is dedicated to the definition of the essential concepts used in the thesis. Considering the transfer of ownership, it is necessary to denominate the parties of the relationship which are the housing cooperative on one side and the member the housing cooperative, and the subject to the property right or claim - cooperative apartment. Chapter Two...

Smluvní pokuta jako nástroj utvrzení dluhu v obchodních vztazích / Contractual penalty as an instrument of confirming a debt in commercial relations

Hořenín, Radim January 2013 (has links)
Contractual penalty as an instrument of confirming a debt in commercial relations. The Master degree's thesis is concerned with contractual penalty. The topic was chosen because contractual penalty has been an important often-used instrument of confirming debts for many years. Through its functions, it contributes to compliance with the fundamental principle of private law - "pacta sunt servanda". The aim of the study is to analyse and assess contractual penalty on the basis of valid Czech law, related judicial decisions and professional literature chiefly with the use of language, logical, systematic and teleological method of legal reasoning. The text is based on the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, which is to become effective on 1st January 2014. The Act's legal rules are compared to the former ones so that the changes of law can be described as a result of recodification of private law. The thesis is focused on the most important and the most discussed issues regarding contractual penalty. Chapter one is devoted to general characterization of contractual penalty with respect to its functions and accessory character. Chapter two deals with the prerequisites for commencement of the claim on contractual penalty - a valid and proper agreement on contractual penalty and a breach of the secured...

Problémy aplikace smluvní pokuty / Application issues of contractual penalty

Proněk, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a contractual penalty as an institution of private law. Thanks to the simple application of contractual penalty, it has become a traditional way of ensuring of debts which is frequently used as an instrument for strengthening the cre- ditor's position. Considering the growing non-formality of legal relations in current society, it is possible to expect the increase of contractual penalty's importance in future. The aim of this thesis is to explore the institution of contractual penalty with focusing on actual application issues which arise from its practical use. The thesis relates to the current legislation on contractual penalty of the Czech Civil Code, Act No. 89/2012 Coll. With regard to the nature of the topic, the thesis concentrates on the case law and the comparison with the previous legislation. In this way the legal development is reflected as well. The work consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the legal institution of contractual penalty in a general way, outlining the concept and functions of contractual penalty. This chapter also examines the current legislation on contractual penalty and the comparison with the previous legislation and the European legislation. In the second chapter, the thesis refers to the contractual penalty's negoti- ation...

El deber de mitigar el daño en la responsabilidad contractual chilena

Hermosilla Estay, Paola Andrea, Reyes Espejo, Ramón Ignacio 03 1900 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad analizar la procedencia del deber de mitigar el daño por parte del acreedor una vez que se ha incumplido el contrato en el derecho civil chileno. Para ello se ha dividido la obra en seis capítulos a través de los cuales se examinan los orígenes históricos de la regla llegando hasta su situación actual, se hacen un examen de derecho comparado y se estudia cómo se puede fundamentar y que naturaleza jurídica envuelve a la institución en estudio. A partir de lo argumentado a lo largo de esta Tesis, concluimos que, efectivamente, puede construirse una regla genérica que imponga el deber de mitigar el daño al acreedor; fundamentada en la noción de que todo daño para ser resarcible debe cumplir con el requisito de “causalidad”; esto es, debe ser consecuencia necesaria y directa del hecho ilícito (incumplimiento); y en el deber que tienen las partes en la relación contractual de actuar correcta y honradamente en las relaciones jurídicas (buena fe objetiva).

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