Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contractual"" "subject:"acontractual""
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Le traitement juridique d'un fait de dopage / The legal treatment of a doping caseTampere, Klaas 08 December 2017 (has links)
Lorsque le sportif professionnel exerce son activité en tant que salarié, il devrait disposer d’un contrat de travail classique soumis au droit commun. Toutefois, la spécificité du monde sportif complexifie les rapports contractuels que peut entretenir un sportif. En effet, la discontinuité des rapports contractuels, conséquence des transferts et prêts dont peuvent faire l’objet des joueurs, ou encore la règlementation sportive mise en place par les autorités sportives font que le législateur a dû s’adapter pour répondre correctement à l’originalité du monde sportif. Il a ainsi introduit, par le biais de la loi du 27 novembre 2015, le contrat à durée déterminée spécifique pour les sportifs et entraîneurs professionnels qui a permis de mettre fin à une incertitude juridique. Mais la spécificité du sport est également liée au rapport délicat qui existe entre les règles purement sportives et la législation étatique. La règlementation antidopage illustre parfaitement ce propos car il n’a vocation à s’appliquer que dans le monde du sport. Ainsi, pour préserver l’équité des manifestations sportives, il a été nécessaire de définir la notion de dopage mais surtout de rendre la lutte internationale en obligeant les différents États à intégrer les règlements en la matière au sein de leurs législations. La rencontre de ces différentes autorités permet d’expliquer la complexité du traitement juridique d’un fait de dopage d’un sportif. En effet, le sportif professionnel va faire face à plusieurs procédures qui peuvent entrer en conflit les uns avec les autres. La première est celle qui se tiendra devant la justice fédérale qui peuvent prononcer une sanction sportive. Les co-contractants du sportif peuvent également introduire une action afin d’obtenir réparation de leurs préjudices. Finalement, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte la possibilité que des poursuites pénales puissent être engagé à l’encontre du sportif qui se rend responsable d’un fait de dopage. / When the professionnal sportsman carry out his activity as an employee, he should have a classic work contract subject to the ordinary law. However, the specificity of the sports world further complicate the contractual relationship that the sportsman can have. Indeed, the discontinuity of the contractual relations, resulting of the players’ transfers and loans, or the rules governing sport implimented by the sports authorithies have forced the legislator to adapt himself and to take in account the uniqueness of the sports world. He thus incorporated, through the law of 27th november 2015, a specific fixed-term contract for the professionnal sportsmen and trainers which has put an end to the legal uncertainty. But the specificity of sport is also linked to the delicate balance existing between the purely sporting rules and the state legislation. The anti-doping regulation is a good example of this because it is intended to apply only in the sports world. Therefore, to preserve the fairness during the sport events, is was necessary to define the notion of doping but especially to make the fight international by forcing the different states to adopt the regulations into their legislations. The meeting between these different autorities can explain the complexity of the legal treatment of a doping case. Indeed, the professionnal sportsman will face different procedures who can be in conflict with each other. The first one is the procedure held before the federal justice who can pronounce a sporting sanction. The other contracting partners of the sportsman can also introduce an action to obtain redress for the injury caused. Finally, it is necessary to take in account the possibility that criminal proceedings are taken against the sportsman who is guilty of a doping case.
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Perceptions et couvertures des risques extrêmes en présence d'incertitudes sur les marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance / Perception and coverage of extreme risks under uncertainty on the insurance and reinsurance marketsDupont-Courtade, Théodora 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre les décisions individuelles des acteurs des marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance face à différents types d'information, la couverture des risques extrêmes, et les arrangements contractuels entre assureurs et réassureurs. Le contexte général de l'assurance des risques extrêmes est marqué par une intensification et un accroissement des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles depuis une vingtaine d'années dans le monde, ce qui rend délicat une évaluation correcte des caractéristiques des événements et questionne l'assurabilité de ces risques du fait de la présence d'incertitudes. La thèse est constituée de deux parties utilisant une large palette d'outils quantitatifs. La première partie se concentre sur l'analyse des effets de l'information sur les décisions d'assurance, en particulier sur les primes que les agents sont prêts à payer ou accepter pour transférer ou supporter des risques spécifiques. L'information disponible peut donner lieu à des situations de risque ou d'ambiguïté, en distinguant deux types d'ambiguïté: l'imprécision, situation dans laquelle l'information est consensuelle mais imprécise, et le conflit, situation où il y a désaccord entre experts. Cette partie s'appuie sur des enquêtes distribuées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de la population en tant qu'acheteurs potentiels d'assurance (chapitre 2) ou auprès de professionnels de l'assurance (chapitre 3) afin d'étudier les comportements d'assurance du côté de l'offre et de la demande. Cette partie présente aussi une approche expérimentale de ces comportements avec rémunération des participants (chapitre 4). La seconde partie étudie le marché de la réassurance. Après avoir présenté les spécificités et mécanismes de ce marché (chapitre 5), l'offre de réassurance est analysée à travers des comportements d'enchères de réassureurs (chapitre 6). A partir d'une base de données exclusive, cette partie détermine les facteurs explicatifs des primes de réassurance qui dépendent des caractéristiques des risques, mais également de celles des traités, des réassureurs et du marché. / This thesis aims to better understand the individual decisions of insurance and reinsurance market actors facing different information types, the coverage of extreme risks, and the contractual arrangements between insurers and reinsurers. The insurance context of extreme risks is characterized by the intensification and the increased number of natural and industrial disasters for the last twenty years in the world, which makes it difficult to properly evaluate the event characteristics and questions the insurability of these risks due to the presence of uncertainties. The thesis is composed of two parts using a wide range of quantitative tools. The first part focuses on the analysis of information effects on insurance decisions, especially the premium that actors are willing to pay or to accept in order to transfer or to take specific risks. The available information can lead to situations of risk or ambiguity, distinguishing two ambiguity types: imprecision in which the information is consensual but imprecise, and conflict where there is a disagreement between experts. This part is based on surveys distributed to a representative sample of the population as potential insurance buyers (chapter 2) or to insurance professionals (chapter 3) in order to study demand and supply behaviors. This part also presents an experimental approach in which participants are paid according to their performance (chapter 4). The second part examines the reinsurance market. After presenting the characteristics and mechanisms of the market (chapter 5), reinsurance supply is examined through auction behaviors of reinsurers (chapter 6). 8ased on a proprietary data-base, this part identifies the underlying factors of reinsurance premiums which depend on the risk characteristics, but also on the treaties, the reinsurers and the market.
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Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Sozialen Kontakt - La resistible ascensión del “contacto social”Zaccaria, Alessio 12 April 2018 (has links)
El autor parte de la constatación de que, mientras en Alemania (sede de procedencia de la teoría) ni la jurisprudencia ni la doctrina actuales afirman que un simple contacto social, sin fundamento normativo, puede ser fuente de deberes de protección, en Italia se afirma abiertamente lo contrario. En efecto, en Italia, desde el arribo del contacto social a la Casación, en 1999, han sido muchos los pronunciamientos que han hecho referencia al contacto social, para fundamentar las más diversas soluciones. De esta forma, la suerte del contacto social en Italia, puede ser descrita como una ascensión a la cual no se le ha hecho resistencia, pero que, sin embargo, si se hubiese prestado más atención a los (o a la falta de) fundamentos identificados por las cortes italianas para su sostenimiento, perfectamente se le habría podido hacer frente. The author begins by noting that, while in Germany (site of origin of the theory) current jurisprudence and doctrine don’t assert that a simple social contact, without normative basis, can be a source of duties to protection, conversely, in Italy it is openly asserted the opposite. Indeed, in Italy, from the arrival of social contact to the Court of Cassation in 1999, there have been many decisions, which have referred to social contact in order to support the most diverse solutions. Thus, the fate of social contact in Italy, can be described as a rise to which resistance has not been done, but, however, if enough attention had been given to (or to lack of) basis identified by italian Courts in order to support it, we perfectly could have coup with it.
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La información precontractual en la contratación entre consumidores y entidades financierasKorn Agustí, Aníbal January 2016 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / La prestación de servicios financieros en Chile ha aumentado de manera significativa a partir de las políticas de inclusión bancaria y del crecimiento de los servicios de inversión abarcando un importante segmento de la población afectada por una evidente asimetría informativa como consumidores. En este contexto, el punto central de esta memoria consiste en observar que la prestación de servicios financieros está regida por una importante serie de DPI establecidos en diversas normas que regulan la contratación con EF y que el establecimiento de DPI en la legislación positiva y en el ámbito judicial, constituye una herramienta adecuada para mejorar la posición de los consumidores frente a las asimetrías informativas que les afectan.
En el primer Capítulo del presente trabajo examinaremos los aspectos esenciales de los DPI en relación a las EF.
En el segundo Capítulo estudiaremos la contratación financiera, el ámbito de aplicación de los DPI y revisaremos detalladamente los diversos DPI a los que están sujetas las EF en la legislación nacional.
En el tercer Capítulo se estudiarán las sanciones y efectos que contempla nuestro ordenamiento ante el incumplimiento de la obligación precontractual de informar al consumidor de las entidades financieras.
Finalmente, realizaremos algunas consideraciones críticas tendientes a mejorar la regulación que actualmente existe sobre la materia y expondremos nuestras conclusiones
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Mutabilidad de los contratos de la administración en el Derecho UruguayoCajarville Peluffo, Juan Pablo 10 April 2018 (has links)
El artículo resalta la importancia práctica y teórica de la contratación administrativa. Por ello, explica el consenso doctrinal que justifica el carácter vinculante de los contratos de las entidades estatales para, posteriormente, desatar los modos, los motivos, los fines y los límites de la modificación de los contratos. Finalmente, sobre la base de la jurisprudencia uruguaya, nos explica la recepción de los tribunales respecto de la (in)mutabilidad de los contratos administrativos.
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Analýza role smluvního výzkumu podle znalostních základen v českých regionálních inovačních systémech / Analysis of contractual research according to knowledge bases in Czech regional innovation systemsŠtěpán, Marek January 2018 (has links)
This work is focused on the analysis of contractual research in Czechia. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the role and nature of contractual research in the Czech regions. The theoretical framework is grounded in the theory of regional innovation systems and in the concept of knowledge bases. Particular attention is paid to the specific type of cooperation between the research institutions and firms. Through data analysis and network charts, regions are compared based on different characteristics. It turns out that the role and nature of contractual research across regions varies profoundly. Differences are found in the size and number of actors involved in contractual research. The embeddedness of companies in the transfer of knowledge, the openness of regional innovation systems and the field of specialisation are also studied. Using localization quotients, the intensity of representation of knowledge bases in the NUTS 3 regions is measured. Some regions are strongly oriented towards one of the bases, while in other regions the specialization is not pronounced. Finally, network analyses performed according to differentiated knowledge bases, identify the key actors in contractual research.
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Os efeitos jurídicos das cartas de intenções e memorandos de entendimentosMoraes, Lívia Lenz de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objeto a análise dos documentos preliminares, usualmente chamados de carta de intenções e memorando de entendimentos, firmados na fase das tratativas durante o período pré-contratual. Em um primeiro momento, busca-se entender a natureza desses documentos, mediante o exame dos atos das partes na fase das tratativas, em especial as negociações e as declarações de vontade, e a comparação com figuras afins, como a proposta, o contrato, o contrato preliminar, a carta-conforto e a minuta. A partir dessa compreensão, aliada à demonstração de sua tipicidade social, chega-se a uma definição de documentos preliminares, baseada no acordo de vontades capaz de produzir efeitos obrigacionais de intensidade variada. Em um segundo momento, expõe-se a principal forma de tratamento dispensada a esses documentos na common law, dividindo-os entre aqueles que têm eficácia jurídica contratual (binding) e aqueles que não têm eficácia jurídica (nonbinding). Posteriormente, são trazidos casos da jurisprudência brasileira, seguindo-se o mesmo método, culminando com o papel da figura do abuso de direito nos casos de rompimento das negociações, identificada como a principal situação que desencadeia a discussão dos efeitos desses documentos nos tribunais. Adiante, as obrigações autônomas, como a de confidencialidade, exclusividade e divisão de custo, muitas vezes verificadas nesses documentos, são objeto de estudo, finalizando-se com a análise de determinadas cláusulas, perquirindo-se sua validade e efeitos. O resultado deste estudo revela que os efeitos que serão produzidos por um documento preliminar dependem não apenas do seu conteúdo, mas também do comportamento das partes condizente com ele. A partir desses dois fatores será possível determinar se o documento produzirá algum efeito, incluindo efeitos de vinculação aos deveres de proteção ou de vinculação contratual. / The subject of this work is the analysis of the preliminary documents, usually known as letter of intent or memorandum of understanding, executed in the negotiation phase during the precontractual period. Firstly, it seeks to understand the nature of these documents, through the examination of the parties’ acts during the negotiation phase, especially their dialogues and declarations, and the comparison with the proposal, the contract, the preliminary contract, the comfort letter and the minute. Given this comprehension, added to its social typicality, it reaches a definition of the preliminary document, based on the agreement capable of producing obligational effects of varied intensity. Secondly, it introduces the main approach given to these documents by the common law system, dividing them between those that have contractual legal effects (binding) and those that don’t have any legal effects (non-binding). Subsequently, cases from the Brazilian Case Law are brought, following the same method, ending with the role of the abuse of the law in the cases in which the parties break the negotiations, which are identified as the main situation that triggers the courts debate about the effects of such documents. Furtherly, the independent obligations, such as confidentiality, exclusivity and sharing of expenses, commonly identified in these documents, are studied, finalizing with the analysis of certain clauses investigating its validity and effects. The result of this work reveals that the effects that will be produced by a preliminary document depend not only of its content, but also of a parties’ behavior suitable with it. From these two factors it will be possible to determine whether or not the document will produce any effect, including binding effects in relation to protection duties or binding contractual effect.
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Alternatives contractuelles et optimisation fiscale d'entreprises / Contractual alternatives and fiscal optimization of the companiesToulza, Claire 26 September 2017 (has links)
L’objet de la démonstration qui va suivre s’attache à l’optimisation fiscale des entreprises à travers la réalisation de choix fiscaux contractuels stratégiques. Il va être démontré comment, à travers certaines alternatives contractuelles, l’optimisation fiscale d’entreprises est possible. D’un point de vue conceptuel, l’article 1101 du Code civil définit le contrat comme « un accord de volontés entre deux ou plusieurs personnes destiné à créer, modifier, transmettre ou éteindre des obligations ». D’un point de vue théorique, le droit définit un « bon » contrat comme celui qui est, sur le plan juridique, correctement formé et donc comme celui qui répond aux conditions d’exigences de validité des contrats qui figurent à l’article 1128 du Code civil, lesquelles se résument par la présence d’un consentement des parties, de leur capacité de contracter et d’un contenu licite et certain.La pratique entrepreneuriale ne réalise pas une étude aussi rigoureuse, quant à la définition de la notion de contrat, que sur le plan juridique. Pour elle, cette notion porte sur la relation commerciale dans son ensemble, par une appréciation générale, qui doit être faite sous l’éclairage de l’avantage économique et fiscale qui est attendu. Il existe donc une distinction certaine entre les critères de qualification du « bon » contrat théorique et les critères de qualification du « bon » contrat pratique.Dans le monde de l’entreprenariat, les praticiens devront procéder à une série de choix, et cela à différents stades de vie de leur entreprise. Chronologiquement, en début de vie sociale, l’un des premiers choix auxquels les praticiens en charge de conseiller ces entreprises devront procéder réside dans le choix de la structure sociétaire que l’entreprise concernée adoptera. En effet, toute entreprise nouvellement créée, viendra systématiquement à se poser la question de savoir sous quelle forme juridique il est le plus intéressant pour elle d’évoluer. Une multitude de facteurs entreront en jeu lors de la prise de décision, et le facteur fiscal est un facteur ayant un impact considérable en la matière. Une fois le choix de la structure sociétaire opéré, c’est en cours de vie sociale que d’autres choix devront être fait. Le choix des outils permettant l’optimisation fiscale de l’entreprise se posera et jouera un rôle conséquent dans le succès des opérations mises en œuvres par l’entreprise concernée. / The object of the demonstration which is going to follow becomes attached to the fiscal optimization of companies has fault the realization of strategic contractual fiscal choices. It is going to be demonstrated how, through certain contractual alternatives, the fiscal optimization of companies is possible.From an abstract point of view, the article 1101 of the Civil code defines the contract as " an agreement of wills between two or several people intended to create, to modify, to pass on or to put out obligations ". From a theoretical point of view, the law defines a "good" contract as the one who is correctly formed and the one who answers in the conditions of requirements of validity of the contracts which appear in the article 1128 of the Civil code,who amount by the presence of a consent of the parties, their capacity to contract and of a licit and certain contents.The entrepreneurial practice does not realize a study so rigorous, as for the definition of the notion of contract, that on the legal plan. For her, this notion concerns the commercial relation in general, by a general appreciation, which must be made under the lighting of the advantage economic and fiscal which is expected. There is a certain distinction between the criteria of qualification of the "good" theoretical contract and the criteria of qualification of the "good" practical contract.In the world of the entrepreneurship, the practitioners will have to proceed to a series of choice, and it to various stages of life of their company. Chronologically, in the beginning of social life, one of the first choices to which the practitioners to advise these companies will have to proceed in the choice of the structure member whom the concerned company will adopt. Indeed, any company recently created, will systematically come to ask itself the question to know under which legal shape it is the most interesting for her to evolve. A multitude of factors will come into play during the decision-making, and the fiscal factor is a factor having a considerable impact on the subject. Once the choice of the structure operated member, it is in the course of social life that other choices will have to be made. The choice of tools allowing the fiscal optimization of the company will settle and will play a consequent role in the success of the operations implemented by the concerned company.
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Le rôle de l'économie en droit du contrat. / The role of economy in the contract lawMoradinejad, Reza 17 October 2011 (has links)
La présente étude entend montrer comment les objectifs définis par la science économique peuvent contribuer à l'évolution du droit du contrat. Dans un premier temps, nous montrerons pourquoi et comment la conception du contrat doit évoluer en suivant les évolutions des théories économiques. Nous démontrerons que le contrat, en tant que cadre juridique des relations économiques, ne peut effectuer sa fonction principale, qui est d'assurer l'efficience des relations économiques, que si sa conception est fondée sur les résultats obtenus en science économiques. Nous proposons alors une nouvelle conception qui repose sur l'approche relationnelle du contrat. Dans un second temps, nous montrerons comment la quête de la justice sociale a pu faire évoluer la conception de la justice contractuelle. Le sens de cette évolution est, d'une part, de l'indifférence du droit à l'égard de la question de l'équilibre contractuel vers les interventions, directes ou indirectes, dans ce domaine et, d'autre part, de la justice commutative au sein d'un seul contrat isolé vers la promotion de la justice sociale en intervenant dans les relations contractuelles. / The present study aims to show how the objectives defined by the economic science may contribute to the evolution of the contract law. First, it shows why and how the conception of contract should be changed following the evolution of economic theories. We demonstrate that the contract, as a legal framework for the economical relations, may fulfil its principal function, which is to assure the efficiency of the economic relations, only if its conception is based on the economic findings. Thus, we propose a new conception which is based on the relational approach to contract. Then, we will show how the quest for social justice has changed the conception of contractual justice. The direction of this evolution is, on the one hand, from indifference of law regarding the contractual balance towards the direct or indirect interventions, and, in the other hand, from commutative justice in one isolated contract to the promotion of social justice by intervening in the contractual relations.
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Análise da aceitação de filmagem (VHS) como prova legal em substituição a documentação odontológica convencional por Magistrados de Varas Cíveis Brasileiras / Analysis of the acceptance of filming (VHS) as legal evidence in substitution the conventional dentistry documentation for Magistrates of Brazilian Civil PolesSérgio Donha Yarid 09 March 2007 (has links)
Cada vez mais, tem sido verificada a importância de um prontuário odontológico completo e bem estruturado com finalidade de evitar possíveis processos judiciais movidos contra Cirurgiões-Dentistas. Isso porque nestes prontuários, o profissional tem condições de armazenar todas as informações necessárias de seus pacientes e seguir um tratamento mais organizado. Os pacientes também vêm tendo mais informações quanto aos seus direitos e as obrigações do profissional. Desta maneira, o profissional da área de saúde deve estar sempre pronto e ciente quanto aos possíveis problemas de ordem jurídica que poderá encontrar em sua carreira. Sendo assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da visão do Magistrado brasileiro de Varas Cíveis a respeito da aceitação de filmagem (VHS) em substituição a documentação odontológica convencional como prova em litígios que possa sofrer. Observou-se haver aceitação da filmagem (VHS) em substituição à maioria dos documentos odontológicos que compõem o prontuário. Concluiu-se que a filmagem (VHS) é aceita como prova legal em substituição a documentação convencional, não havendo, no entanto, consenso entre os Magistrados de Varas Cíveis Brasileiras quanto ao tempo que o Cirurgião-Dentista deverá armazenar tal documentação. / Each time more, has been verified the importance of a complete dentistry handbook and structuralized well with purpose to prevent possible moved actions at law against surgeon-dentists. This because in these handbooks, the professional has conditions to store all the information necessary of its patients and to more follow an organized treatment. The patients also come having more information how much to its rights and the obligations of the professional. In this way, the professional of the health area must be always ready and client how much to the possible problems of jurisprudence that will be able to find in its career. Being thus, the present study he has as objective to carry through an analysis of the vision of the Brazilian Magistrate of Poles Civil court jurisdiction regarding the acceptance of filming (VHS) in substitution the conventional dentistry documentation as test in litigations that can suffer. He observed himself to have acceptance of the filming (VHS) in substitution to the majority of the dentistry documents that compose the handbook. He concluded himself that the filming (VHS) is accepted as legal evidence in substitution the conventional documentation, not having, however, consensus enters the Magistrates of Brazilian Poles Civil court jurisdiction how much to the time that surgeon-dentists will have to store such documentation.
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