Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contractual"" "subject:"acontractual""
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L'inexécution du contrat d'assurance dans les États africains membres de la CIMA : étude à partir du cas camerounais / The non-execution of the insurance contract in the African states members of the CIMA : a Cameroonian case studyDié Kouénéyé, Hubert 15 November 2018 (has links)
Le contrat d’assurance est un contrat synallagmatique. L’éthique en la matière impose l’exécution loyale de la convention par la fourniture des prestations réciproques incombant aux parties. Il s’agit, pour le souscripteur, de verser une prime en échange de la garantie, et pour l’assureur de garantir les conséquences de l’événement aléatoire prévu au contrat. Le prix de l'assurance est de ce fait la contrepartie de la garantie du risque pris en charge par l'assureur. Vu sous cet angle, l’assureur est le partenaire privilégié de l’assuré dans sa protection contre les risques de la vie quotidienne. Mais il peut arriver que, sans justification, l’une des parties ne fournisse pas la prestation pour laquelle elle s’est engagée. Dans ce cas, elle se rend coupable de manquement contractuel, autrement qualifié d’inexécution du contrat.Le droit camerounais des assurances issu de la réforme du 10 juillet 1992 qui met sur pied la Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d’Assurances ne dispose pas d’un régime unifié de l’inexécution du contrat d’assurance. Toutes les violations de l’engagement ne sont pas toujours sanctionnées. Les solutions existantes sont, soit limitées, soit exposées sans véritable hiérarchie entre remèdes de premier rang et solutions subsidiaires. De plus, la répartition des pouvoirs tend à accentuer l’inégalité entre la compagnie d’assurance et l’assuré. De ce point de vue, la réforme, qui a pourtant relativement modernisé les règles jusque là applicables, n’a pas totalement mis fin aux problèmes que soulève l’exécution des contrats d’assurance dans les États parties. La jurisprudence elle-même ne fournit pas toujours des solutions adéquates pour compléter l’œuvre du législateur. Cette situation qui est une véritable source de difficultés tant pour les cocontractants que pour les juges pouvant être appelés à trancher les différends, rend incertain le régime de traitement de l’inexécution.La question mérite alors d’être profondément repensée afin de trouver les meilleures solutions pouvant permettre de garantir les intérêts des parties en présence et, par voie de conséquence, favoriser le développement de l’industrie nationale, voire sous-régionale, des assurances. / The insurance contract is a bilateral contract. Ethics in this matter requires the fair execution of the agreement through the provision of reciprocal services incumbent upon the parties. For the subscriber, this means paying premiums in exchange for the guarantee and for the insurer to guarantee the consequences of the random event provided for in the contract. The price of the insurance is therefore the counterpart of the guarantee for the risk assumed by the insurer. Seen from this angle, the insurer is the insured's privileged partner in its protection against the risks of daily life. But it can happen that, without justification, one of the parties does not provide the service for which it has committed itself. In this case, it is guilty of contractual breach, also known as breach of contract.The Cameroonian insurance law resulting from the reform of July 10, 1992 which sets up the Inter-African Conference of Insurance Markets does not have a unified regime of non-performance of the insurance contract. Not all breaches of the commitment are always punished. Existing solutions are either limited or presented without any real hierarchy between first-tier remedies and subsidiary solutions. Moreover, the distribution of powers tends to accentuate the inequality between the insurance company and the insured. From this point of view, the reform, which has, however, relatively modernized the rules hitherto applicable, has not completely put an end to the problems raised by the implementation of insurance contracts in the States Parties. The case-law itself does not always provide adequate solutions to complete the work of the legislator. This situation, which is a source of difficulties both for contracting parties and for judges who may be called upon to settle disputes, makes the regime for dealing with non-performance uncertain.The issue then deserves to be thoroughly rethought in order to find the best solutions that can guarantee the interests of the parties involved and, consequently, promote the development of the national, even sub regional insurance industry.
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Les relations contractuelles et extracontractuelles en matière médicale : regards croisés franco-espagnols / The contractual and extracontractual relationships in the medical field : fgrench and spanish perspectivesQuintane, Emilie 04 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis de nombreux siècles, médecin et patient sont unis sous le prisme de la confiance, principe qui a connu des vicissitudes face à la judiciarisation de la relation de soins et la mutation de l’exercice médical. L’essor du tourisme ainsi que la création du premier hôpital transfrontalier participent à ce phénomène, et montrent que désormais le patient n’hésite plus à franchir les frontières pour recevoir des soins de qualité. C’est dans un contexte d’étroite collaboration entre la France et l’Espagne que s’inscrit l’étude des relations contractuelles et extracontractuelles dans le secteur médical. Elle met en avant un enchevêtrement de jeu d’acteurs entre établissements publics et privés de santé, professionnels de soins, compagnies d’assurance de prestations de services sanitaire et patient. Il est donc difficile d’identifier la nature des relations qui les unit et le régime d’indemnisation applicable. L’impact des droits des patients et la recherche de la qualité des soins dans les deux pays frontaliers démystifient l’aspect contractuel de la relation et amènent à une nouvelle lecture en faveur d’une qualification unitaire. L’approche institutionnelle doit être privilégiée, caractérisée par l’intromission constante des législateurs français et espagnols, sur l’exécution des soins mais également sur l’indemnisation des dommages médicaux, mais à quel degré ? / Since the early ages, doctors and patients are bonded together under the lens of trust, principle that has suffered tribulations faced with the increasing litigiousness in the caring relationship and the professional medical practice changes.The rise of tourism as well as the creation of the first transborder hospital play an important role in this phenomenon, and show that from now on the patient does not hesitate to cross the borders in order to benefit from high quality medical care. The study of contractual and extra-contractual relationships in the medical field falls within a context of close collaboration between France and Spain. It reveals an entanglement in the interactions between public and private health care facilities, healthcare professionals, health care services insurance providers and the patient.Thus, it is difficult to identify the nature of the relationships federating them, as well as the practicable compensation system. The patients’ rights impact and the search for high quality medical care in both transborder countries explain the contractual aspect of the relationship and bring in a new point of view in favour of unitary qualification. The institutional approach must be given priority through the constant insertion of French and Spanish legislators, regarding the accomplishment of medical care as well as the medical damages compensation, but to which degree?
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[pt] A presente dissertação objetiva analisar a possibilidade de incidência dos
efeitos advindos da onerosidade excessiva nos contratos aleatórios e sua
compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, diante da ausência de
previsão expressa na codificação civil. Sob a perspectiva funcional, propõe-se o
exame dos institutos jurídicos para além de sua estrutura, por meio de uma
interpretação à luz do princípio do equilíbrio contratual. Torna-se necessário,
primeiramente, compreender as particularidades dos contratos aleatórios e abordar
conceitos imprescindíveis como a delimitação da álea ordinária e extraordinária.
Em seguida, pretende-se examinar os pressupostos necessários para a verificação
da onerosidade excessiva, com destaque para as controvérsias sobre o tema na
doutrina e na jurisprudência. Após a análise de seus efeitos nos contratos aleatórios,
a resolução e da revisão contratual, finaliza-se o estudo com a apreciação de
parâmetros para o intérprete na aferição do tema no caso concreto. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze the possibility of incidence of effects
arising from excessive burden in aleatorycontracts and their compatibility with the
Brazilian legal system, given the lack of express provision in the civil code. From
a functional perspective, it is proposed to examine legal institutes beyond their
structure, through an interpretation in light of the principle of contractual balance.
It is necessary, firstly, to understand the particularities of aleatory contracts and
address essential concepts such as the delimitation of the ordinary and extraordinary
areas. Next, it intends to examine the necessary assumptions for verifying excessive
burden, with emphasis on the controversies on the subject in doctrine and
jurisprudence. After analyzing its effects on random contracts, contractual
resolution and contractual review, the study ends with the assessment of parameters
for the interpreter to assess the topic in the case study.
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Die grondslag van kontraktuele gebondenheidOlivier, Pierre J. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An overview of the historical development of contract law and its underlying
theory, spanning from Roman times to the present day, and in Western
European and Anglo American systems, shows that the gradually developing
will theory dominated in the early nineteenth century.
It was, however, also in the nineteenth century that the first cracks in
this theory were observed. First, sociological, political and economic factors,
brought about by the Industrial Revolution, the rise of socialism and of labour,
required a new, more humane approach. Secondly, with the emergence of a
new economic system, new technical problems came to the fore: how were
problems of mistake, interpretation, implied terms and derogation to be
solved, unless reliance was placed, in each case, on untenable fictions?
Thus, towards the last quarter of the nineteenth century, an intense
and unparalleled juristic debate ensued, mainly in Europe, but later also in
England and the United States of America. New approaches, e.g. that a strict
and uncompromising declaration be followed, was proposed. The outcome of
this debate was the emergence of the so-called confidence theory. The basis
of this approach is that, whatever a person's real intention may have been, he
so conducts himself as to lead the other party, as a reasonable person, to
believe that the first party has assented to the contract as proposed or
understood by the second party, the first party is bound by the impression he
created. The principle was clearly stated by Blackburn J in Smith v Hughes
(1871) LR 6 OB 597, which has since become one of the famous dicta in the
law of contract, and forms part of the English law. It should be stressed that the Blackburn approach was not alien to
Europe, where the gradual and natural development of the common law was
overtaken by codification
The French Codification retained the pure will theory. Under the Dutch
code, the so-called will-reliance system was developed, akin to the Blackburn
approach. In German law, however, the De Groot view was followed: the
mistaken party was permitted to 'resile' from the 'contract' but under obligation
to compensate the 'innocent' party's negative interest.
In South Africa, the basic point of departure is the will theory but
supplemented by the confidence theory This system is made possible by our
law of procedure, where two remedies, the justus error approach and the
contractual consent approach are available. As both these remedies have the
same objective, viz. to protect the legitimate interests of the party that was
misled, they require the same substantive law requirements.
The confidence theory has imbedded itself so deeply in South African,
European and English law, that it is now recognized by some as the key, not
only to the solution of the dissensus problem, but also in cases of
interpretation, supplementation and derogation.
The combination of will and reliance are the foundation stones of
contractual liability. These two principles have developed (and are still
developing) from society's pre-positive, moral, ethical, political, economic,
religious and other values, which have been and are still being absorbed in
the body of legal rules.
This process of development is informed by the norms and rules
relating to public policy, public interest, the bani mores and good faith. These norms and rules are recognized and applied in the legal systems of the
United States of America, England and Europe. They form part of our law, but
unfortunately our courts are extremely conservative in recognizing and
applying them. If we wish to obtain and sustain social and contractual justice,
more weight should be accorded to these values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Oorsig van die geskiedkundige ontwikkeling van die kontraktereg en die
onderliggende teorie daarvan vanaf die Romeinse tyd tot vandag in sowel
Wes-Europese as die Anglo-Amerikaanse stelsels, toon aan dat die
geleidelik-ontwikkelende wilsteorie in die negentiende eeu die botoon gevoer
Dis egter ook gedurende die negentiende eeu dat die eerste krake in
hierdie teorie waargeneem is. Eerstens het sosiologiese, politieke en
ekonomiese faktore, veroorsaak deur die Industriële Revolusie, 'n nuwe, meer
menslike benadering geverg. Tweedens het nuwe, tegniese probleme
ontstaan met die opkoms van 'n nuwe ekonomiese sisteem: hoe moes
probleme soos dwaling, uitleg, stilswyende bepalings en derogasie opgelos
word, tensy die oplossing in elke geval op onhoudbare fiksies moes berus?
In die laaste kwart van die negentiende eeu het derhalwe 'n intense en
ongeëwenaarde juridiese debat ontstaan, hoofsaaklik in Europa, maar later
ook in Engeland en die VSA Nuwe benaderings, bv. dat slegs gelet word op
die eksterne verklaring ter uitsluiting van enige subjektiewe bedoeling, is
voorgestel. Die resultaat van hierdie debat was die ontwikkeling van die
vertrouensteorie. Die basis van hierdie benadering is dat wat ookal 'n mens
se werklike bedoeling mag gewees het, hy so opgetree het dat die ander
party, redelikerwys, oortuig was dat die eerste party toegestem het tot die
kontrak soos voorgestelof verstaan deur die tweede party die eerste party
dan gebonde is aan die indruk wat hy geskep het. Die beginsel is duidelik
gestel deur Blackburn R in Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 OB 597. Dit moet benadruk word dat die Blackburn benadering nie vreemd aan
Europa was nie, waar die geleidelike en natuurlike ontwikkeling van die
gemene reg deur kodifikasie kortgeknip is.
Die Franse Kodifikasie het die suiwer wilsteorie behou. Die
sogenaamde wils-vertrouens stelsel, soortgelyk aan die Blackburnbenadering,
het onder die Nederlandse Kode ontwikkel, maar in Duitsland is
die De Groot-benadering gevolg: die party wat homself vergis het, is toegelaat
om uit die 'kontrak' terug te tree, maar onder die verpligting om die
'onskuldige' party se negatiewe interesse te vergoed.
In Suid-Afrika is die basiese vertrekpunt die wilsteorie, maar aangevul
deur die vertrouensteorie. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur ons prosesreg,
waar twee remedies, die Justus error-benadering en die
wilsooreenstemmings-benadering beskikbaar is. Aangesien beide hierdie
remedies dieselfde mikpunt het, naamlik om die regmatige belange van die
misleide party te beskerm, verg hulle dieselfde materiële regsvereistes.
Die vertrouensteorie is so diep in die Suid-Afrikaanse, Europese en
Engelse reg ingebed dat dit nou deur sommige mense erken word as die
sleutel, nie alleen tot die oplossing van die dissensus probleem nie, maar ook
in gevalle van uitleg, aanvulling en derogasie.
Die kombinasie van wil en vertroue is die hoekstene van kontraktuele
aanspreeklikheid. Hierdie twee begrippe het ontwikkel (en ontwikkel nog
steeds) uit die gemeenskap se voor-positiewe, morele, etiese, staatkundige,
ekonomiese, godsdiens- en ander waardes, wat in die regstelselopgeneem
en beliggaam is en word. Hierdie ontwikkelingsproses berus op die norme en reëls betreffende
openbare beleid, openbare belang, die boni mores en goeie trou en word
erken en toegepas in die regstelsels van die VSA, Engeland en Europa. Dit
maak deel uit van ons reg, maar ongelukkig is ons howe aartskonserwatief in
die erkenning en toepassing daarvan. As ons maatskaplike en kontraktuele
geregtigheid wil bekom en volhou, moet groter gewig aan hierdie waardes
vergun word.
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OM NI INTE STÅR FÖR NÅGOT, VAD INSPIRERAR ER DÅ? : En studie av Socialdemokraterna, Liberalerna och Sverigedemokraternas etiska perspektiv Norin, Kajsa Handledare: Agneta Blom Seminariedatum: 2016Norin, Kajsa January 2016 (has links)
This essay is about the importance of discussing ethics in political debates. I chose to analyse three of the parliamentary parties in Sweden: Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats), Socialdemokraterna (the Social Democrats) and Liberalerna (the Liberals). I chose to ask the questions:{ Do the three parties’ ethical perspectives correlate to the discussions of one or more of the chosen theories?{ Is one of the theories more common?{ Is there a difference between the parties, if so: what is the differences? By using qualitative classification I studied the party programme and some other documents from each party. I also analysed two parliamentary debates. One was between the leaders of the parties when discussion immigration and the other was about the Panama papers. The ethical theories I chose as a theoretical base were utilitarism, ethics of duty, rights ethics and contractual ethics. In order to get an eassier way of comparing them I also chose four areas of comparison: view on humanity, preferred culture in society, method of governing and hierarchy of values.During the essay I discovered that all three parties had at least part of their ethics in common with each theory. Contractual and rights ethics were the most reoccurring ones for all three. Sverigedemokraterna and Liberalerna had slightly more in common with rights ethics, while Socialdemokraterna had a preference towards contractual ethics.
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Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright lawVlasák, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
- CONTRACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW This theses deals with contracts in copyright law. Its main aim is to describe legal regulation concerning most frequent types of contracts in copyright law and to compare the regulation of these contracts as it was before the recodification of Czech private law, which was done by the new civil code, with the state after it and to mark out main terminological and conceptual changes, which have some connection to contractual copyright law. The work consists of eight chapters. The first chapter contains a brief overview of domestic sources of contractual copyright law. The second chapter explains some basic concepts of copyright law which have some relation to the contractual law - the concepts of authors' rights and prohibition of its transfer to other person and terms of license and consent in copyright law. In this chapter reader also finds subchapters on new legal definition of things and ownership in the new civil code and how these new definitions influence copyrighted works and license agreements. Chapters three to eight describe the legal regulation of the most important types of contracts in the contractual copyright law. The third chapter is the core of the work. It describes in detail the license agreement. It points out irregularities of contractual process in...
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Komparace předsmluvní odpovědnosti v českém právu a v common law / A comparison of pre-contractual liability in Czech and Common LawNováková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to consider the importance of culpa in contrahendo which does not have a long tradition in the Czech law. However, since the 1 January 2014 it has become enshrined the Czech legal system. The instrument of culpa in contrahendo is connected with the need to protect the good faith of the parties to a contract which is an essential principle of modern contract law, particularly in continental legal systems. Despite the lack of the general duty to act in good faith while negotiating contracts in common law systems, we can see that English or American judges solve the practical problems resulting from dishonesty of one party to the contract through equitable principles such as misrepresentation or promissory estoppel. The importance of protecting good faith is visible even from international contract law documents that are important for the interpretation of national law. Chapter One contains the explanation of culpa in contrahendo as a practical instrument and I distinguish it from pre-contractual liability in the anglo-american legal systems. Despite the differences of the continental and common law systems of law, I consider, on the basis of the laws and court decision analysis, whether the Czech courts, in deciding the pre-contractual liability cases, are getting closer...
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Smluvní pokuta jako nástroj utvrzení dluhu v obchodních vztazích / Contractual penalty as a means of corroboration of a debt in business relationsNovotný, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with contractual penalty as a means of corroboration of a debt in business relations. The topic was chosen by the author primarily because of the fact that contractual penalty is a traditional institute of private law. It is frequently used in the law of obligations as an instrument of corroboration of a debt. Therefore its application improves the position of creditor. The aim of this thesis is to scientifically describe and analyze institute of contractual penalty as frequently used tool of corroboration of a debt in the context of the current, relatively new legislation. The work is based on rules of the Civil Code effective since 1. 1. 2014. At the same time, there is a great emphasis on jurisprudence. The work also abounds comparison with the previous legislation, which aims to capture the development of the concept of contractual penalty. The thesis focuses on the most important issues related to the penalty clause. At the same time it offers a comparison with the English legislation in the last chapter. This comparison is particularly interesting due to the diversity of the legal system in the Czech Republic and the legal system in England. The work is divided into eight main chapters, which are divided into subsections according to the content of the topic. The first...
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Culpa in contrahendo / Culpa in contrahendoKolářová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Culpa in Contrahendo Resumé The aim of this degree work is to introduce the institute of pre-contractual liability and its practical application. The work focuses on the position of this institute in the Czech legislation, its classification in the system of laws before the recodification of civil law, and its express regulation in Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. Much attention is devoted to rulings of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and its approach to the application of pre-contractual liability in specific cases. The degree work is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter defines the term 'Culpa in contrahendo', describes its origin in the work of a German jurist of genius, Rudolf von Jhering, and outlines the origin of the institute in Roman law. In this chapter is also a description of the first case of pre-contractual liability, 'Linoleumfall', which was resolved by the Imperial Court. The chapter also contains an overview of instances of pre-contractual liability embodied in foreign judicial codes. The second chapter describes the regulation of pre-contractual liability in the Czech body of laws before the recodification of civil law with illustrations of individual facts in issue formerly contained in Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, and Act No. 513/1991 Coll., Commercial Code....
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Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo) / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)Vlachová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Pre-Contractual Liability (Culpa in Contrahendo) Summary The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of pre-contractual liability from the microcomparative perspective which subsequently serves as the tool to characterise the main features of pre-contractual liability in the realm of Czech Civil and Commercial Codes. The reason for my research is to prove the existence and importance of pre-contractual liability in the Czech legal order as well as in the sphere of the European Union in the light of its respective case laws. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of negotiation stage and pre-contractual liability. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology, methodology used in the thesis, scope, and aims. Chapter Two examines chosen foreign legal regulations of pre-contractual liability. The essential attention is given to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as those legal systems are very close to the Czech one (historically and geographically). The French view is also considered because legislators seek to prepare the reform of obligation laws. Finally, common law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America is discussed and challenged because of its adverse approach to pre-contractual liability....
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