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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les relations contractuelles et extracontractuelles en matière médicale : regards croisés franco-espagnols / The contractual and extracontractual relationships in the medical field : fgrench and spanish perspectives

Quintane, Emilie 04 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis de nombreux siècles, médecin et patient sont unis sous le prisme de la confiance, principe qui a connu des vicissitudes face à la judiciarisation de la relation de soins et la mutation de l’exercice médical. L’essor du tourisme ainsi que la création du premier hôpital transfrontalier participent à ce phénomène, et montrent que désormais le patient n’hésite plus à franchir les frontières pour recevoir des soins de qualité. C’est dans un contexte d’étroite collaboration entre la France et l’Espagne que s’inscrit l’étude des relations contractuelles et extracontractuelles dans le secteur médical. Elle met en avant un enchevêtrement de jeu d’acteurs entre établissements publics et privés de santé, professionnels de soins, compagnies d’assurance de prestations de services sanitaire et patient. Il est donc difficile d’identifier la nature des relations qui les unit et le régime d’indemnisation applicable. L’impact des droits des patients et la recherche de la qualité des soins dans les deux pays frontaliers démystifient l’aspect contractuel de la relation et amènent à une nouvelle lecture en faveur d’une qualification unitaire. L’approche institutionnelle doit être privilégiée, caractérisée par l’intromission constante des législateurs français et espagnols, sur l’exécution des soins mais également sur l’indemnisation des dommages médicaux, mais à quel degré ? / Since the early ages, doctors and patients are bonded together under the lens of trust, principle that has suffered tribulations faced with the increasing litigiousness in the caring relationship and the professional medical practice changes.The rise of tourism as well as the creation of the first transborder hospital play an important role in this phenomenon, and show that from now on the patient does not hesitate to cross the borders in order to benefit from high quality medical care. The study of contractual and extra-contractual relationships in the medical field falls within a context of close collaboration between France and Spain. It reveals an entanglement in the interactions between public and private health care facilities, healthcare professionals, health care services insurance providers and the patient.Thus, it is difficult to identify the nature of the relationships federating them, as well as the practicable compensation system. The patients’ rights impact and the search for high quality medical care in both transborder countries explain the contractual aspect of the relationship and bring in a new point of view in favour of unitary qualification. The institutional approach must be given priority through the constant insertion of French and Spanish legislators, regarding the accomplishment of medical care as well as the medical damages compensation, but to which degree?

Economic Crisis and Relationships : How Economic Crisis Affect Family Firm’s Contractual Relationship and What is the Driving Logic for the Change?

Ghorbani, Mehrnoosh, Cai, Yiping January 2012 (has links)
Leading up to the time just before the economic and global meltdown of 2008, economist and theorist forecasted as early as 2005 about and impending financial crisis that would affect every sector of the business and financial community. As we discover in more dramatic detail that family firms are occupying a big percentage in small to medium size enterprises, we wondered how they would be affected by such a high degree of uncertainty and volatility in the financial markets during the economic crisis. With these factors in mind, we would like to see it in a more day–to–day, practical application within family firms. In the supply chain or procurement life-cycle, firms need to receive products and services from the supplier and the supplier will in turn offer those same services to the customer. The firm will tend to structure this tradeoff with a contractual structure to guarantee achievement of mutual benefit and economic objectives of the firm. On the other hand, family firms are famous for being distinguish from non-family firms in their non-economic objective they persuade along their businesses. Considering these two different logics that affects the decision of the firm in structuring contractual governance with the exchanging party. We ask the following questions in our purpose.

Étude sur la normativité précontractuelle : recherche à partir des fautes commises en contractant / Study on pre-contractual normativity : research from pre-contractual mistakes

Fathisalout, Motahareh 25 November 2015 (has links)
Absente en tant que telle dans le discours des juristes civilistes français, la normativité précontractuelle constitue un phénomène juridique à part entière, dont l'appréhension suppose de suspendre provisoirement le raisonnement habituel par lequel le juriste appréhende la période précontractuelle.Signalée par les fautes précontractuelles, la normativité précontractuelle est distincte de la normativité générale et abstraite, inhérente à la période précontractuelle, que des différents dispositifs du Code civil (p. ex. art. 1109 et s.) et des principes jurisprudentiels (p. ex. la bonne foi) indiquent. Concrète, la normativité précontractuelle apparaît dans un premier temps tel un rapport normatif, établi entre les précontractants en situation de négociation. Décelable en rétrospective d'un contrat critiqué à l'occasion d'une faute simple ou qualifiée, ce rapport se constate également dans la perspective d'un contrat en négociation et constitue la réalité matérielle de cette normativité particulière. Dans un second temps, la normativité précontractuelle renvoie, dans l'ordre des concepts, à une norme. Endogène, celle-ci se manifeste dans l'environnement évolutif, au sein duquel les précontractants se placent volontairement pour déterminer le contenu de leur contrat futur.Point de jonction d'une norme spécifique précontractuelle et d'un rapport noué entre les précontractants, la normativité précontractuelle tient en échec la théorie des sources d'obligations, dans la mesure où celle-ci, considérée comme répertoriant les sources de normativité, ne parvient pas à expliquer celle-là par une seule source. Éclectique et complexe, la normativité précontractuelle échappe, quant à sa représentation, à une construction juridique. Fabriquée dans une discussion normative qui suppose d'envisager les précontractants dans le rapport qui les unit l'un à l'autre, la norme précontractuelle concrète se réalise, au cas par cas, sous l'action originale du juge, lorsque celui-ci reconnaît, rétrospectivement, sa présence ou non, à l'issue d'une bataille argumentative à laquelle les précontractants, parties au procès, participaient, pour mettre en avant l'intérêt qui les animaient lors des négociations et qu'ils entendent désormais faire privilégier par le juge, dans la pesée des intérêts.Hypothèse de quasi-droit, la mise en évidence de la normativité précontractuelle et sa mise à l'épreuve invitent le juriste à repenser les chemins de la normativité pour faire entièrement place à l'irréductible sociabilité qui caractérise le droit. / Absent as such in the discourse of French civil lawyers, the pre-contractual normativity is a legal phenomenon. Its comprehension supposes temporarily suspending the usual reasoning by which a jurist apprehends the pre-contractual period.Revealed through mistakes committed during pre-contractual negotiations, pre-contractual normativity is distinct from general and abstract normativity of the pre-contractual period and indicated in various provisions of the Civil Code (art. 1109 et seq.) and jurisprudential principles (e.g. good faith). As it is concrete, pre-contractual normativity firstly appears as a normative relationship, established between negotiators in the process of negotiating, whether the contract is finally signed or not. This relationship is the material reality of this particular normativity. Secondly, pre-contractual normativity sends back to a norm. As it is endogenous, it is revealed in the evolving environment, in which the negotiators voluntarily place themselves to settle the content of their future contract.Pre-contractual normativity is where a specific pre-contractual norm and a relationship forged between negotiators meet. It renders ineffective the theory of sources of obligations, since the latter, which is known for listing the sources of normativity, fails to explain the former with a single source. Pre-contractual normativity is eclectic and complex and thus, defies a single theorization in the way it is presented. Created in the process of a normative discussion which supposes considering negotiators in the relationship that unites them to one another, the concrete pre-contractual norm is achieved, case-by-case, under the supervision of a judge, who afterwards recognizes a presence or absence of such a norm at the end of a debate in which the negotiators – who have become party to the case - actively take part. The aim is to put forward the interests that stir them during the negotiations and that they now intend to have the judge's favor in his balancing of interests.The demonstration of pre-contractual normativity and its modus operandi are hypothesis of quasi-law and invite jurists to rethink the paths to normativity to give way to the completely inherent sociability that characterizes the law.

Three Essays on Voluntary Disclosure of Performance Metrics in Marketing Channels

Sadeh, Farhad January 2019 (has links)
Research on Voluntary Information Disclosure (VID) has been of interest in several disciplines including, but not limited to, entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, law, and marketing. Although there has been extensive research on VID aimed at financial market investors, scant research in marketing exists on VID targeted at prospective business partners that can influence firm future performance significantly. Financial and marketing disclosures have been advocated for by investors and public policymakers as they mitigate the adverse selection problems between the firm and its stakeholders (e.g., investors, customers, and prospective channel partners). Managers are, however somewhat skeptical about its outcomes because of the cost of disclosures (i.e., ex-ante costs of collecting, processing and disseminating the information, ex-post costs of conflicts and litigations, competitive position and proprietary costs). My dissertation consists of three essays on voluntary disclosure of performance metrics in marketing channels and aims to enhance our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of such VIDs. The first essay examines the antecedents of ex-ante VID for standardized contracts in marketing channels. Prior literature in accounting, entrepreneurship, and marketing has investigated drivers of information disclosures to analysts, investors, and customers. Nonetheless, this study bridges the gap in examining why some firms disclose information to prospective channel partners when it cost them to do so and makes the firms vulnerable to competitors. If the disclosure is a signal of quality, we are also interested in knowing whether it is a substitute for other signals of quality or a complement. I draw on signaling and institutional theories to develop a theoretical framework and empirically test it through econometric analyses of multi-sector panel data for the U.S. franchising industry. The results suggest that firms (e.g., franchisors) make such disclosures to prospective business partners (e.g., franchisees) in order to signal profitability of partnering, to attract financial and managerial resources, and develop their entrepreneurial networks. This study contributes to signaling theory literature by investigating organizational quality signaling, providing empirical evidence for drivers of multiple signaling and shedding light on the conflicting views on substitutability or complementarity of multiple quality signals. The study has implications for managers who wish to attract potential business partners through signaling profitability of their business. Furthermore, there are some insights for regulators on the debate on making voluntary disclosures mandatory. The second essay examines the performance consequences of i) signaling through ex-ante voluntary disclosure of performance metrics and ii) screening through selection standards, in the formation stage of new partnerships in marketing channels. It is essential for many entrepreneurial business networks to expand their channel by attracting business partners while still preventing low-quality partners from joining the network. However, information asymmetry between the two parties introduces a double-sided adverse selection problem to the relationship. In other words, the heterogeneous quality - the ability to perform the job - of each party (i.e., the focal firm or the prospective partner) is unknown to the other party. To date, most of the empirical studies have addressed the issue from only one side, either from the perspective of the buyer or the supplier, and have assumed that the other side is open to the relationship. However, in a selective inter-firm relationship that both parties have the option to select the other party, adverse selection problems should be resolved for both of them to enhance the performance of the partnership. To bridge this gap in the literature (i.e., to mitigate double-sided adverse selection problems), I propose a novel framework based on signaling and transaction cost theories. This study suggests and empirically examines a complementary effect of the simultaneous use of signaling and screening on the firm performance. I integrate secondary data from various sources to shape a unique multi-sector panel data set that allows for assessment of the effects of these predictors on firm performance over time through a rigorous econometric model. Contrary to some claims in the extant literature, the results demonstrate that rigorous screening process hurts the firm performance unless it is combined with a proper quality signaling mechanism. This study contributes to the B2B marketing literature and provides implications for practitioners by shedding light on the performance implications of channel governance mechanisms such as signaling and screening. Further, it provides empirical support for the effects of B2B marketing strategies on firm sales revenue growth. The third essay looks closely into the voluntary disclosure of performance metrics. In the previous studies, the decision to disclose is operationalized as a binary variable of whether a firm discloses or not. In the absence of comprehensive regulation, disclosure strategies are subject to significant variation amongst firms, but can also vary over time within an individual firm. Through a content analysis of disclosure documents and scrutiny of the different components that comprise them, I explore the impact of disclosure content on firm performance. This study attempts to reconcile conflicting views of managers, investors, analysts, and regulators. On the one hand, VID should positively impact firm performance through mitigating information asymmetry. On the other hand, skeptical managers make the argument that VID negatively impacts a firm’s performance through costs of preparation, dissemination, potential litigation, and competition. Using a sample of publicly traded restaurant chains in the U.S., I empirically assess firm performance as a function of the disclosure strategy and its interactions with the firm’s characteristics and governance mechanisms. I collect independent variables from the firms’ disclosures through content analysis of public documents and obtain performance metrics of the firms in the stock market from Compustat. This study provides a novel context within which to investigate whether and how financial markets look at the firm’s disclosure behavior in dealing with its prospective channel partners, and it contributes to marketing-finance interface literature. My dissertation is positioned in the marketing strategy-entrepreneurship interface domain and is a multi-faceted study that looks at the phenomenon of VID from different angles and provides implications for several stakeholders. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Distribution channel strategy has a long-term effect on firm performance, is associated with considerable irreversible costs, and can constitute a sustainable asset and competitive advantage for firms. Information asymmetry among the distribution channel members has been known as the basis of opportunistic actions in such exchange relationships. My dissertation research investigates drivers and consequences of information disclosure strategies and is focused on the firms’ voluntary disclosure of performance metrics at the inter-firm relationship formation stage of developing marketing channels. This dissertation consists of three inter-related essays. In the first one, I study drivers of voluntary information disclosures to prospective channel partners. Then, I investigate the performance consequences of such disclosures and their interactions with channel governance mechanisms such as screening, in the second study. Since firms are heterogeneous in the content of their disclosures, in the third study, I conduct a content analysis of the firm’s disclosures to understand its influence on firm performance. Based on Organizational Economics theories and Institutional Theory, I develop my theoretical frameworks and test them empirically using archival data. The empirical context for my work is the franchising industry because it is the most common type of partner-based retail system and is a significant component of the US economy as well as other developed countries and emerging economies. The research findings offer both theoretical and practical implications for researchers and practitioners and contribute to the literatures on signaling and transaction cost theories as well as information disclosure and franchising.

L'influence du droit des procédures collectives sur le droit des contrats / The influence of bankruptcy law on contract law

Ouegoum, Lucas 14 January 2014 (has links)
Que faut-il entendre par influence ? Faute d'une définition juridique, il peut être recouru aux dictionnaires non juridiques. D'après ceux-ci, le terme d'influence signifie l'action, généralement graduelle et continue, qu'exerce une personne, une chose, ou une situation sur une autre. Ce phénomène est l'objet de l'étude. Il est examiné, de manière délimitée, dans les rapports du droit des procédures collectives et du droit des contrats. Le sujet abordé est précisément celui de l'influence du droit des procédures collectives sur le droit des contrats. L'influence du droit des procédures collectives sur le droit des contrats s'exerce selon plusieurs modes. Suivant un mode concret, le droit des procédures collectives exerce une action généralement lente et continue sur le droit des contrats, produisant des modifications. En d'autres termes, le droit des contrats porte pour une part sur les règles, les concepts, les notions du droit des procédures collectives qu'il accueille. Sur un autre mode, celui abstrait, le droit des procédures collectives exerce une action généralement graduelle et imperceptible sur le droit des contrats, suscitant en celui-ci des mutations. L'on est en présence des changements, des mutations qui, dans le droit contractuel, sont dus au droit des procédures collectives. A ces deux modes d'influence du droit des procédures collectives sur le droit des contrats, il y a lieu d'adjoindre un troisième mode, le mode éventuel. A cet égard, sont explorés les règles, les concepts, les procédés, les raisonnements qui sont à l'état brut dans le droit des procédures collectives et qui pourraient être transposés, adaptés dans le droit contractuel. / What is meant by influence ? In the absence of a legal definition, it can be ressorted to non-legal dictionaries. According to these, the term of influence means the action, generally gradual and continuous, that exercises a person, a thing, or a situation on another. This phenomenon is the subject of the study. It is examined, in a delimited way, in the reports of bankruptcy law and contract law. The subject matter is precisely the influence of bankruptcy law on contract law. The influence of bankruptcy law on contract law is exercised in several modes. According to a concrete mode, the bankruptcy law has a generally slow and continuous action on the law of contracts, producing modifications. In other words, contract law is for a part on rules, concepts, notions of bankruptcy law it hosts. In another mode, the abstract, the bankruptcy law has a generally gradual and impercetible action on contract law, arousing in the latter mutations. One is in the presence of changes, mutations in contract law, are due to bankruptcy law. With these two modes of influence of bankruptcy law on contract law, it is necessary to associate a third mode, the possible mode. In this regard, are explored rules, concepts, processes, reasoning which are in the crude state in the bankruptcy law and which could be transposed, adapted in contract law.

Critical appraisals about the foundation of duties of protection in the Peruvian legal system / Apreciaciones críticas sobre el fundamento de los deberes de protección en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano

Moreno More, César E. 12 April 2018 (has links)
The acceptance of the theory of the duties of protection isstrongly conditioned by systemic features of each legal order. if the premise and the scope of the doctrine are overlooked, and its historical and dogmatic location is dissociated from it, eventually it will be created a wasteful duplication of compensatory systems, in a legal order where the same result is obtained using the tort law. Nevertheless, it does not mean that creditor’s person or property will not be relevant with respect to contractual relationship. it is enough just to understand that this will only happen in a few situations in which the possibility to affect the rights of obligee falls within the specific contractual obligation. Out of these situations, any effort to turn tort damage into contractual damage will nothave otherwise forced and unsustainable consequences. / El acogimiento de la teoría de los deberes de protección y de la relación obligatoria compleja, está estrechamente condicionado por las características sistémicas de cada ordenamiento jurídico. si se desconocen tanto la premisa como el objetivo de dicha doctrina, y se la disocia de su ubicación histórico-dogmática, se terminará por crear una duplicación inútil de las tutelas resarcitorias en un sistema en donde el mismo resultado se obtiene recurriendo a la responsabilidad aquiliana. sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que la persona y el patrimonio del acreedor no asuman relevancia dentro de la relación obligatoria. será suficiente con comprender que esto sólo ocurrirá en determinadas hipótesis en las que la posibilidad de afectar la esfera jurídica del acreedor quede comprendida dentro de la prestación deducida en obligación. Fuera de estas, todo esfuerzo por convertir el daño aquiliano en contractual no tendrá si no consecuencias forzadas e insostenibles.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky z pohledu investora / Construction Order Preparation and Management from Aspect of Investor

Bobková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is related to construction order preparation and management from the investor´s view. Theoretical part deals with the project management, essential legislation included. In the practical part the construction order preparation and management of the concrete contracting authority is described. This work´s outcome is the elementary methodical process how to manage project by a contracting authority.

La sécurité de l'emploi dans l'entreprise / Job security in the enterprise

Takafo-Kenfack, Didier 21 November 2014 (has links)
Socle des revenus et de la stabilité politique, l'emploi est l'instrument par lequel l'Homme s'épanouit et acquiert une place en société. Il fait l'objet de constantes interventions législatives en vue de permettre au salarié de faire pleinement carrière dans l'entreprise. On a vu ces dernières décennies diverses actions assurant non seulement au salarié la permanence du rapport contractuel, mais également, celles visant à le protéger contre la perte de l'emploi. Il en est ainsi dans la majorité des systèmes juridiques, notamment en France et dans les pays de l'espace OHADA tels que le Cameroun où les pouvoirs publics s'efforcent de conduire des reformes visant à pérenniser le rapport contractuel. Ces mesures prennent de l'importance à la naissance même de la relation de travail. Durant celle-ci, interviennent la suspension, la formation professionnelle et la règle du maintien des contrats en cas de restructuration, en vue de parvenir à l'impératif de stabilité des emplois. Il en est également des diverses dispositions visant à protéger l'emploi contre les risques de perte pouvant provenir de l'employeur. Cette étude a pour objet l'analyse des techniques de protection du rapport contractuel. Elle retrace l'ensemble des mesures préconisées pour garantir la conservation de l'emploi dans l'entreprise, fait ressortir des insuffisances et propose quelques solutions. / Basis of income and political stability, employment is the gateway through which man gets his roots and acquires a place in society. It is the object of constant legislative intervention in order to assist the worker to fully exercise his career in the enterprise. We have seen these last decades diverse actions geared towards not only assuring to the worker the stability of contractual relations, but equally actions to guarantee him against loss of employment. It is thus the case in a majority of legal systems, notably France and within the OHADA sphere such as Cameroon where the State authorities are striving to drive reforms aimed at preserving contractual relationship. These measures gain importance during the establishment of the employment contract. During the execution of the relationship, involved the suspension, professional training and maintaining the rule of contracts in the event of restructuring in order to achieve the imperative of job stability. It is equally same for various dispositions aimed at protecting employment against the risk of loss which could result from the employer. This study aims to analyze the different techniques of protection of contractual relationship. It relates the recommended possible ways to secure jobs in the enterprise. However, it also displays the insufficiencies and proposes some solutions.

Clauses et pratiques restrictives de concurrence / Clauses and practices restricting competition

Fortunato, Aurelien 29 June 2016 (has links)
Traditionnellement, le droit prend soin de distinguer entre les clauses, parties d’un acte juridique, et les pratiques qui sont des faits juridiques. Pourtant, le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence semble réaliser une assimilation de ces deux notions, en qualifiant de pratiques restrictives de concurrence certaines clauses. L’étude analyse cette qualification d’une clause en pratique en proposant un critère et en s’interrogeant sur ses effets : la possible contestation de clauses sur le fondement du droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence. En invitant à une réflexion sur cet aspect du droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence, il s’agit également de s’interroger sur les finalités de cette matière, autant que sur la possibilité d’une meilleure intégration de la contestation de clauses dans un droit des pratiques commerciales déloyales entre professionnels en construction. / Generally, the law is careful to distinguish between the clauses, part of a legal act, and practices, that are legal facts. Yet, the law about restrictive competition practices seems to realise an assimilation of these two concepts, and provide the classification of a clause in restrictive competitive practice. The study analyses the classification of a clause into practice by proposing a criterion and pondering its effects: possible challenge clauses on the bases of the right of restrictive practices. By inviting a reflection on this aspect of the law of restrictive practices, it is also to question the aims of this particular law, as well as on the possibility of a better integration of the challenge clauses in a law about unfair trade practices between professionals in construction.

Payment of Insurance Premium and Subsistence of the Insurance Contract / Pago de la Prima y Subsistencia del Contrato de Seguro

Ortega Piana, Marco Antonio 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the issue referred to the remedies of the insurance contract for the non-payment of the premium. t hrough an analysis of the previous and current legislation, the author examines the consequences of the non-payment of the insurance premium in the contractual relationship. By recognizing the protective nature of the legislation in favor of the insured as the weak party, three specific contractual remedies are identified: The suspension of coverage, the termination of the contract and the the extinction of the contractual relationship by inaction of the parties. / El presente artículo aborda la temática referida a los remedios del contrato de seguro ante el incumplimiento del pago de la prima. r ealizando un análisis de los remedios que planteaba la anterior legislación así como la vigente, el autor examina las consecuencias que tiene el incumplimiento del pago de la prima en la relación contractual. Reconociendo el carácter tuitivo de la legislación en favor del asegurado como parte débil, se identifica tres remedios contractuales específicos: la suspensión de la cobertura, la resolución del contrato y la extinción del contrato por inacción de las partes.

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