Spelling suggestions: "subject:"control networks"" "subject:"coontrol networks""
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A functional imaging study of the relationship between the Default Mode Network and other control networks in the human brainMaxwell, Adele January 2013 (has links)
The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a large-scale brain network implicated in the control and monitoring of internal modes of cognition. The aim of this research was to investigate DMN function and its relationship to other large-scale cognitive control networks through functional connectivity analysis and analysis of combined electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings. Data utilised across a series of three experiments were obtained from combined EEG-functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging recordings acquired during technical development of a new scanner in the Clinical Research Centre, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. Analyses were based on data acquired from neurologically healthy participants while they rested with their eyes-closed for five minutes. Following this, participants completed a 14-minute auditory attention task, designed to engage the dorsal and ventral attention networks. In this task, participants responded to task-relevant stimuli (odd/even numbers) and attempted to inhibit their responses to task-irrelevant ‘oddballs’ (the number ‘0’) and task-irrelevant/distractor stimuli (environment sounds). Experiment 1 utilised the simultaneous acquired EEG-fMRI resting-state data in order to establish whether EEG frequency content in the beta range (13-30 Hz) was a significant predictor of DMN activity (regions of which were identified on an individual basis using functional connectivity analysis). Results were comparable to existing literature showing there is inconsistency in establishing a reliable electrophysiological signature of the DMN. Experiment 1 also employed region-of-interest (ROI)-to-ROI functional connectivity analysis as a method of exploring the functional relationship between the DMN and: (1) a task-positive resting-state network; (2) other commonly identified DMN regions; and (3) regions covering the whole of the cerebral cortex. Results revealed networks were correlated at a component-based level and challenged existing literature which appears to over-generalise results from exploration of network interaction. Findings also revealed activation of specific DMN components were coupled with down-regulation of sensory-associated cortical regions. Experiment 2 analysed the fMRI data that were obtained from the auditory attention task in order to: (1) determine whether DMN activity was observed when participants were engaged in an externally-directed task; and (2) explore changes in DMN activity associated with increasing task duration. Results revealed that activation of the DMN was prominent and did not vary over three equal time periods. This supports existing research showing the DMN is a continuously active system (whose activity is modulated based on external-task demands). Results also hinted at the existence of possible relationships between the DMN and components of several other large-scale control networks. Therefore, in Experiment 3 potential interactions were explored using ROI-to-ROI functional connectivity analysis of the whole 14-minute time series. Firstly, functional connectivity within the dorsal/ventral attention, executive/frontoparietal control and salience networks was analysed; secondly, the relationships between putative regions of these networks and the DMN were analysed. Overall, results revealed that networks were functionally connected with one another at a component-based level only. This suggests flexible interaction between several large-scale control networks allows neurologically healthy participants to allocate resources to the simultaneous monitoring of the internal and external worlds.
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Reprogrammation comportementale : modèles, algorithmes et application aux maladies complexes / Behavioral reprogramming : models, algorithms and application to complex diseasesBiane, Célia 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les maladies complexes comme le Cancer et la maladie d'Alzheimer sont causées par des perturbations moléculaires multiples responsables d'un comportement cellulaire pathologique.Un enjeu majeur de la médecine de précision est l'identification des perturbations moléculaires induites par les maladies complexes et les thérapies à partir de leurs conséquences sur les phénotypes cellulaire.Nous définissons un modèle des maladies complexes,appelé la reprogrammation comportementale,assimilant les perturbations moléculaires à des altérations des fonctions dynamiques locales de systèmes dynamiques discrets induisant une reprogrammation de la dynamique globale du réseau. Ce cadre de modélisation s'appuie d'une part, sur les réseaux Booléens contrôlés, qui sont des réseaux Booléens dans lesquels sont insérés des paramètres de contrôle modélisant les perturbations et, d'autre part, sur la définition de modes (Possibilité, Nécessité) permettant d'exprimer les objectifs de cette reprogrammation.A partir de ce cadre, nous démontrons que le calcul des noyaux, i.e., des ensembles minimaux d'actions permettant la reprogrammation selon un mode s'exprime comme un problème d'inférence abductive en logique propositionnelle. En nous appuyant sur les méthodes historiques de calcul d'impliquants premiers des fonctions Booléennes,nous développons deux méthodes permettant le calcul exhaustif des noyaux de la reprogrammation. Enfin, nous évaluons la pertinence du cadre de modélisation pour l'identification des perturbations responsables de la transformation d'une cellule saine en cellule cancéreuse et la découverte de cibles thérapeutiques sur un modèle du cancer du sein. Nous montrons notamment que les perturbations inférées par nos méthodes sont compatibles avec la connaissance biologique en discriminant les oncogènes des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs et en récupérant la mutation du gène BRCA1. De plus, la méthode récupère le phénomène de létalité synthétique entre PARP1 et BRCA1, qui constitue un traitement anticancéreux optimal car il cible spécifiquement les cellules tumorales. / Complex diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's are caused by multiple molecular perturbations responsible for pathological cellular behavior. A major challenge of precision medicine is the identification of the molecular perturbations induced by the disease and the therapies from their consequences on cell phenotypes. We define a model of complex diseases, called behavioral reprogramming, that assimilates the molecular perturbations to alterations of the dynamic local functions of discrete dynamical systems inducing a reprogramming of the global dynamics of the network. This modeling framework relies on the one hand, on Control Boolean networks, which are Boolean networks containing control parameters modeling the perturbations and, on the other hand, the definition of reprogramming modes (Possibility, Necessity) expressing the objective of the behavioral reprogramming. From this framework, we demonstrate that the computation of the cores, namely, the minimal sets of action allowing reprogramming is a problem of abductive inference in propositional logic. Using historical methods computing the prime implicants of Boolean functions, we develop two methods computing all the reprogramming cores.Finally, we evaluate the modeling framework for the identification of perturbations responsible for the transformation of a healthy cell into a cancercell and the discovery of therapeutic targets ona model of breast cancer. In particular, we showthat the perturbations inferred by our methods a recompatible with biological knowledge by discriminating oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and by recovering the causal of the BRCA1 gene. In addition, the method recovers the synthetic lethality phenomenon between PARP1 and BRCA1 that constitutes an optimal anti-cancer treatment because it specifically targets tumor cells.
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Spatio-Temporal Neural Dynamics at Rest Relate to Cognitive Performance and Age: Spatio-Temporal Neural Dynamics at Rest Relate to Cognitive Performance and AgeCesnaite, Elena 19 June 2024 (has links)
In this dissertation, I have addressed the question of how resting-state EEG markers primarily in the alpha frequency range are linked to general cognitive performance and age. In the three studies presented in the work, I show that alpha power, frequency, and temporal dynamics, have distinct contributions to cognitive control functions in different age groups. Moreover, individual alpha peak frequency as well as the slope of 1/f decay of the PSD shows consistent age-related alterations, while alpha power is linked to structural alterations in the white matter. Our research extends further existing literature by specifying relevant neural networks as well as important methodological considerations that should be taken into account when analysing properties of oscillations.
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ITC/USA 2007 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Third Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2007 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / In a modern ground control network for space communications, secure peer-to-peer TCP/IP
network socket connections are typically used to transfer real-time telemetry and command
frames between satellite operations centers and remote ground stations. Reliable and timely
reconfiguration of data paths for upcoming pass supports becomes rather complex when many
spacecraft and ground stations are involved. This paper describes a routing software application
that was developed to facilitate switching of telemetry and command data paths between
multiple ground stations and spacecraft command and control systems, and to forward telemetry
streams to multiple client applications in parallel. Fully automated configuration and monitoring
of the data flows is accomplished via a remote control interface that is tied into a pass scheduling
system. The software is part of the SatTrack Suite and currently supports multi-mission flight
operations, including those of the recently launched THEMIS constellation mission at Space
Sciences Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley.
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Integração entre redes LonWorks e redes IP: aplicações, requisitos e soluções. / LonWorks and IP networks interconnection: applications, requirements and solutions.Canovas, Sergio Roberto de Mello 25 August 2006 (has links)
As redes de controle tendem a ser cada vez mais utilizadas nos sistemas de automação. Sua interconexão com a Internet também apresenta uma interessante alternativa, gerando uma demanda para novos estudos. Este trabalho considera a interconexão entre redes de controle LonWorks e redes baseadas no Internet Protocol (IP) sob o ponto de vista de quatro categorias de aplicações: monitoração remota de redes LonWorks via rede IP; gerenciamento remoto de redes LonWorks via rede IP; utilização de backbone IP para interligar diferentes redes LonWorks; e utilização de backbone IP para interligar diferentes redes LonWorks com aplicações de requisitos de tempo real. Quatro questões delimitam o escopo do estudo: que tipos de soluções existem para a interconexão entre redes LonWorks e IP; que tipos de parâmetros de rede devem ser considerados para uma solução baseada em redes LonWorks/IP e como eles podem ser utilizados para estabelecer requisitos de uma certa aplicação; a quais requisitos cada uma das quatro categorias de aplicações referidas está associada; quais tipos de soluções, dentre as apresentadas, melhor atendem a cada uma das quatro categorias de aplicações. As respostas a essas questões foram embasadas tanto em estudos teóricos quanto em experimentos. Através do levantamento do estado da arte dessa área, reunindo o conhecimento atual, procurou-se uniformizar a nomenclatura associada e apresentar uma série de elementos e conceitos que servem como base teórica para avaliação e projeto de soluções de interconexão entre redes LonWorks e IP. Introduziu-se também novas explicações, exemplos e considerações sobre o assunto. Desenvolveu-se um aplicativo que permite emular uma situação de laço de controle sobre redes LonWorks e IP, obtendo-se uma ferramenta prática para a realização de testes ou mesmo para auxiliar na elaboração de projetos de novas redes LonWorks interligadas a redes IP. Como contribuições do trabalho, destacam-se: levantamento de parâmetros de rede quantitativos para estabelecimento de requisitos de aplicações LonWorks e IP; desenvolvimento de um aplicativo para experimento de controle sobre LonWorks/IP; análise do conhecimento atual sobre a tecnologia LonWorks, harmonizando as diversas visões; elucidação dos relacionamentos entre as soluções tecnológicas para interconexão LonWorks/IP com as categorias de aplicações da tecnologia. / Control networks utilization on automation systems has been increasing. Their interconnection with the Internet is also an interesting option, creating the necessity of new studies. This work considers the interconnection between LonWorks control networks and IP-based networks. Four categories of applications are the focus: remote monitoring of LonWorks networks thorugh IP networks; remote management of LonWorks networks through IP networks; use of an IP network as a backbone to interconnect more than one LonWorks network; and the same use of an IP network for applications with real time requirements. Four questions establish the escope of this study: what kinds of solutions are available to provide interconnection between LonWorks and IP networks; what kinds of network parameters should be considered in a LonWorks/IP based solution and how can they be used to determine requirements for an application; which are the most common requirements for each one of the four categories of applications; and which solution does best fit to each category. The answers of these questions were based on theoretical studies and experiments. The notation used in different references was unified, and basic concepts and elements about the topic were presented. New explanations, examples and considerations were also introduced. A software application to emulate a control loop running over LonWorks/IP networks has been developed. This tool can be used for tests and even as a start point for real projects. The main contributions of this work are: identification of quantitative network parameters for establishement of requirements of LonWorks/IP applications; creation of a software application to run a control loop over LonWorks/IP networks; analysis of current knowledge about LonWorks technology; and identification of relationships between technological solutions for LonWorks/IP interconnection and categories of application of the technology.
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Proposta de desenvolvimento de transdutores inteligentes baseados na norma IEEE 1451 aplicados a redes LonWorks. / Proposed development of smart transducers based on the IEEE 1451 standard and applied to LonWorks networks.Tani, Fernando Keisuke 24 November 2006 (has links)
A busca constante por soluções mais eficientes, tanto no âmbito técnico como econômico, tem levado à crescente adoção de sistemas de automação baseados em redes de controle e transdutores inteligentes. A fragmentação desse mercado, no entanto, decorrente da proliferação de inúmeros protocolos e especificações para as redes de controle, impõe restrições e entraves ao desenvolvimento dos transdutores e dos sistemas de automação. A família de normas IEEE 1451 procura atenuar esse problema propondo interfaces padronizadas entre os transdutores e as redes, permitindo separar o projeto do transdutor da escolha da rede de controle. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um transdutor inteligente baseado na norma IEEE 1451.2 (STIM) e sua interface para a rede de controle LonWorks (NCAP). Através do desenvolvimento e avaliação dos protótipos foi verificada a aplicabilidade da norma e dos conceitos gerais da IEEE 1451, comprovando ainda seu uso em uma rede para a qual, no presente momento, não se tem conhecimento de solução similar. Constatou-se também que um transdutor inteligente baseado na IEEE 1451.2 pode ser desenvolvido com ferramentas e componentes comerciais de fácil acesso e baixo custo, e que é possível agregar os benefícios da IEEE 1451 às qualidades presentes nas redes LonWorks. Verificou-se ainda que a aceitação da IEEE 1451 no mercado é ainda incipiente, sendo imprescindível a publicação das demais normas que compõe a família para facilitar e incentivar sua adoção e disseminação. / The need for more efficient and cost-effective solutions in the control and automation market drives the increasing demand for systems based on control networks and smart transducers. However, the fragmented nature of the control network market hinders the development of solutions based on such technologies. The IEEE 1451 family of standards tries to solve this problem by specifying a common set of interfaces between the transducers and the control networks, isolating the transducer\'s project from the choice of networks. In this work, a smart transducer based on the IEEE 1451.2 standard (STIM) and its interface module to a LonWorks network (NCAP) were developed. Through the development and evaluation of the prototypes, the applicability of the standard and the concepts involved in the IEEE 1451 were verified. It was confirmed that a smart transducer based on the IEEE 1451.2 standard can be developed with low-cost, off-the-shelf components and software tools, and that it is possible to combine the benefits of the IEEE 1451 with the qualities of the LonWorks system. It was also perceived that the acceptance of the IEEE 1451 in the market is quite low, and that the release of the remaining standards that make up the IEEE 1451 family is essential for its success.
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Proposta de desenvolvimento de transdutores inteligentes baseados na norma IEEE 1451 aplicados a redes LonWorks. / Proposed development of smart transducers based on the IEEE 1451 standard and applied to LonWorks networks.Fernando Keisuke Tani 24 November 2006 (has links)
A busca constante por soluções mais eficientes, tanto no âmbito técnico como econômico, tem levado à crescente adoção de sistemas de automação baseados em redes de controle e transdutores inteligentes. A fragmentação desse mercado, no entanto, decorrente da proliferação de inúmeros protocolos e especificações para as redes de controle, impõe restrições e entraves ao desenvolvimento dos transdutores e dos sistemas de automação. A família de normas IEEE 1451 procura atenuar esse problema propondo interfaces padronizadas entre os transdutores e as redes, permitindo separar o projeto do transdutor da escolha da rede de controle. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um transdutor inteligente baseado na norma IEEE 1451.2 (STIM) e sua interface para a rede de controle LonWorks (NCAP). Através do desenvolvimento e avaliação dos protótipos foi verificada a aplicabilidade da norma e dos conceitos gerais da IEEE 1451, comprovando ainda seu uso em uma rede para a qual, no presente momento, não se tem conhecimento de solução similar. Constatou-se também que um transdutor inteligente baseado na IEEE 1451.2 pode ser desenvolvido com ferramentas e componentes comerciais de fácil acesso e baixo custo, e que é possível agregar os benefícios da IEEE 1451 às qualidades presentes nas redes LonWorks. Verificou-se ainda que a aceitação da IEEE 1451 no mercado é ainda incipiente, sendo imprescindível a publicação das demais normas que compõe a família para facilitar e incentivar sua adoção e disseminação. / The need for more efficient and cost-effective solutions in the control and automation market drives the increasing demand for systems based on control networks and smart transducers. However, the fragmented nature of the control network market hinders the development of solutions based on such technologies. The IEEE 1451 family of standards tries to solve this problem by specifying a common set of interfaces between the transducers and the control networks, isolating the transducer\'s project from the choice of networks. In this work, a smart transducer based on the IEEE 1451.2 standard (STIM) and its interface module to a LonWorks network (NCAP) were developed. Through the development and evaluation of the prototypes, the applicability of the standard and the concepts involved in the IEEE 1451 were verified. It was confirmed that a smart transducer based on the IEEE 1451.2 standard can be developed with low-cost, off-the-shelf components and software tools, and that it is possible to combine the benefits of the IEEE 1451 with the qualities of the LonWorks system. It was also perceived that the acceptance of the IEEE 1451 in the market is quite low, and that the release of the remaining standards that make up the IEEE 1451 family is essential for its success.
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Integração entre redes LonWorks e redes IP: aplicações, requisitos e soluções. / LonWorks and IP networks interconnection: applications, requirements and solutions.Sergio Roberto de Mello Canovas 25 August 2006 (has links)
As redes de controle tendem a ser cada vez mais utilizadas nos sistemas de automação. Sua interconexão com a Internet também apresenta uma interessante alternativa, gerando uma demanda para novos estudos. Este trabalho considera a interconexão entre redes de controle LonWorks e redes baseadas no Internet Protocol (IP) sob o ponto de vista de quatro categorias de aplicações: monitoração remota de redes LonWorks via rede IP; gerenciamento remoto de redes LonWorks via rede IP; utilização de backbone IP para interligar diferentes redes LonWorks; e utilização de backbone IP para interligar diferentes redes LonWorks com aplicações de requisitos de tempo real. Quatro questões delimitam o escopo do estudo: que tipos de soluções existem para a interconexão entre redes LonWorks e IP; que tipos de parâmetros de rede devem ser considerados para uma solução baseada em redes LonWorks/IP e como eles podem ser utilizados para estabelecer requisitos de uma certa aplicação; a quais requisitos cada uma das quatro categorias de aplicações referidas está associada; quais tipos de soluções, dentre as apresentadas, melhor atendem a cada uma das quatro categorias de aplicações. As respostas a essas questões foram embasadas tanto em estudos teóricos quanto em experimentos. Através do levantamento do estado da arte dessa área, reunindo o conhecimento atual, procurou-se uniformizar a nomenclatura associada e apresentar uma série de elementos e conceitos que servem como base teórica para avaliação e projeto de soluções de interconexão entre redes LonWorks e IP. Introduziu-se também novas explicações, exemplos e considerações sobre o assunto. Desenvolveu-se um aplicativo que permite emular uma situação de laço de controle sobre redes LonWorks e IP, obtendo-se uma ferramenta prática para a realização de testes ou mesmo para auxiliar na elaboração de projetos de novas redes LonWorks interligadas a redes IP. Como contribuições do trabalho, destacam-se: levantamento de parâmetros de rede quantitativos para estabelecimento de requisitos de aplicações LonWorks e IP; desenvolvimento de um aplicativo para experimento de controle sobre LonWorks/IP; análise do conhecimento atual sobre a tecnologia LonWorks, harmonizando as diversas visões; elucidação dos relacionamentos entre as soluções tecnológicas para interconexão LonWorks/IP com as categorias de aplicações da tecnologia. / Control networks utilization on automation systems has been increasing. Their interconnection with the Internet is also an interesting option, creating the necessity of new studies. This work considers the interconnection between LonWorks control networks and IP-based networks. Four categories of applications are the focus: remote monitoring of LonWorks networks thorugh IP networks; remote management of LonWorks networks through IP networks; use of an IP network as a backbone to interconnect more than one LonWorks network; and the same use of an IP network for applications with real time requirements. Four questions establish the escope of this study: what kinds of solutions are available to provide interconnection between LonWorks and IP networks; what kinds of network parameters should be considered in a LonWorks/IP based solution and how can they be used to determine requirements for an application; which are the most common requirements for each one of the four categories of applications; and which solution does best fit to each category. The answers of these questions were based on theoretical studies and experiments. The notation used in different references was unified, and basic concepts and elements about the topic were presented. New explanations, examples and considerations were also introduced. A software application to emulate a control loop running over LonWorks/IP networks has been developed. This tool can be used for tests and even as a start point for real projects. The main contributions of this work are: identification of quantitative network parameters for establishement of requirements of LonWorks/IP applications; creation of a software application to run a control loop over LonWorks/IP networks; analysis of current knowledge about LonWorks technology; and identification of relationships between technological solutions for LonWorks/IP interconnection and categories of application of the technology.
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Intrinsic functional brain connectivity in South African methamphetamine users undergoing inpatient treatment, with or without additional cognitive trainingBanwell, Michelle Jeanne 25 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Methamphetamine (MA) abuse is a global crisis that exacerbates sociopolitico-economic burdens in South Africa. MA use is associated with a myriad of neural abnormalities of structure and function, with associated neurocognitive deficits, particularly executive function (EF). Working memory (WM) training has been identified as a potential adjunct to treatment of substance use disorder (SUD) to improve EF in the hope of reducing relapse rates. Neuroimaging suggests MA alters intrinsic resting state functional connectivity (rsFC), and this may contribute to neuropsychological deficits observed in methamphetamine use disorder (MUD). Methods: This nested study analysed data described in Brooks et al. (2016), in which WM training was used as an adjunct to inpatient treatment of MUD. Healthy controls (HC, N = 25) were compared to two MUD groups, one receiving treatment as usual (TAU, N = 17), and one receiving additional cognitive training (CT, N = 24) in the form of a modified version of the ‘N-back' task (C-Ya). This task was also used to assess WMA in the neural scanner, using conditions of 0-back and 1-back across groups. The current research explored these data in a novel manner through examining rsFC. Hypotheses: It was predicted that: 1) HC and MUD participants would differ on measures of WMA, but WMA would improve in MA groups at follow-up compared to baseline and this would be augmented in the CT group; 2) rsFC networks of neural regions supporting WM would be predictive of ability to perform well and improve on WM tasks; and 3) MA groups would display heightened rsFC activity within and between resting state neural networks of the default mode network (DMN) and canonical cognitive control networks (CCNs). Results: Significant differences were observed between HC and MA groups in race and level of education, but not on WMA as tested in the scanner. The CT group, who completed WMA 3-back conditions, demonstrated significant improvement on this task post- intervention. Exploratory regression models showed the WM rsFC network did not demonstrate significant relationships with any clinical, demographic, or WM variables when controlling for multiple comparisons. Heightened connectivity within and between the DMN and CCNs was observed in the MUD compared to the HC group, which provided support for hypothesis 3. Exploratory multivariate regression models demonstrated race, age, education, duration of drug use, and an interaction of group and abstinence may impact rsFC in these networks. Post-hoc analyses identified pairwise network combinations affected by these variables. Conclusions: Despite limitations of this small study, it offers tentative preliminary insights into the largely unexplored field of rsFC in MA populations. This study supports limited research demonstrating hyperconnectivity within and between CCNs and DMN of MA users. This study also offers support for recent research suggesting that easier conditions of the Nback task may not reliably test all aspects of WM function. Exploratory analyses of covariates potentially affecting rsFC provide a platform for directions of future research.
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Aplicação de técnicas de Inteligência Artificial para o gerenciamento dinâmico de dispositivos de um PABX distribuído, desenvolvido com a tecnologia LonWorks. / Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques for devices dinamic management of a distributed PBX system developed with LonWorks technology.Cunha, Rafael de Aquino 09 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo propor e testar uma metodologia para a realização de bindings dinâmicos na tecnologia LonWorks®, com a finalidade de permitir que um Sistema Distribuído de Comunicação Telefônica Privada (SDCTP), também desenvolvido com a tecnologia LonWorks®, realizasse seus enlaces telefônicos. Para tal, utilizou-se uma metodologia voltada para equipamentos embarcados e a visão de agentes reativos no desenvolvimento de cada dispositivo de rede, oferecendo uma solução única, prática e totalmente inédita na tecnologia LonWorks® e nos dispositivos de PABX. Essa visão resultou no desenvolvimento de dispositivos inteligentes e totalmente autônomos, no que diz respeito aos seus processos internos, gerando resultados satisfatórios e mais eficientes do que se esperava com base nos requisitos levantados para o sistema SDCTP. Este trabalho é o ponto de partida e oferece uma base para o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades, tanto nos sistemas de telefonia atuais, quanto nas redes de controle. / This presentation has the goal to propose and test a new method to implement dynamic bindings in LonWorks® technology, allowing a new Private Telephony Comunication Distributed System (SDCTP), also developed with LonWorks® technology, to make their telephone links. In order to do this, a method for developping embedded systems and the reactive agent view was applied for each different devices in this new system, thus offering a unique, practical and innovative solution for both, LonWorks® and PBX systems. This view allowed the implementation of intelligent and autonomous devices, specially in their internal process, thus granting satisfactory and more efficient results based on the SDCTP requirements. This work is the kick-off and the basis for developing new functions for telephone systems and control networks.
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