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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control

Binjaku, Kleona, Pasquale, Cecilia, Sacone, Simona, Meçe, Elinda Kajo 23 June 2023 (has links)
In this extended abstract, we propose an Artificial Intelligence-based model dedicated to the representation of a multi-class traffic flow, i.e. a traffic flow in which different vehicle classes (at least cars and trucks) are explicitly represented, with the aim of using it for the development of freeway traffic control schemes based on ramp management. Specifically, the goal of this work is to develop a hybrid modelling technique in which a Machine Learning component and the multi-class version of METANET model are adopted to determine a better estimation and forecasting tool for freeway traffic. The resulting model is specifically devised in order to be included in a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme for the required traffic state prediction.

Control-Oriented Modeling and Output Feedback Control of Hypersonic Air-Breathing Vehicles

Sigthorsson, David O. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Model-based control and diagnosis of inland navigation networks / Contrôle et diagnostic à base de modèle de réseaux de navigation intérieure

Segovia Castillo, Pablo 11 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à répondre au problème de la gestion optimale des ressources en eau dans les réseaux de navigation intérieure du point de vue de la théorie du contrôle. Les objectifs principales à atteindre consistent à garantir la navigabilité des réseaux de voies navigables, veiller à la réduction des coûts opérationnels et à la longue durée de vie des équipements. Lors de la conception de lois de contrôle, les caractéristiques des réseaux doivent être prises en compte, à savoir leurs dynamiques complexes, des retards variables et l’absence de pente. Afin de réaliser la gestion optimale, le contrôle efficace des structures hydrauliques doit être assuré. A cette fin, une approche de modélisation orientée contrôle est dérivée. Cependant, la formulation obtenue appartient à la classe des systèmes de descripteurs retardés, pour lesquels la commande prédictive MPC et l’estimation d’état sur horizon glissant MHE peuvent être facilement adaptés à cette formulation, tout en permettant de gérer les contraintes physiques et opérationnelles de manière naturelle. En raison de leur grande dimensionnalité, une mise en œuvre centralisée n’est souvent ni possible ni souhaitable. Compte tenu du fait que les réseaux de navigation intérieure sont des systèmes fortement couplés, une approche distribuée est proposée, incluant un protocole de communication entre agents. Malgré l’optimalité des solutions, toute erreur peut entraîner une gestion inefficace du système. Par conséquent, les dernières contributions de la thèse concernent la conception de stratégies de supervision permettant de détecter et d’isoler les pannes des équipements. Toutes les approches présentées sont appliquées à une étude de cas réaliste basée sur le réseau de voies navigables du nord e la France afin de valider leur efficacité. / This thesis addresses the problem of optimal management of water resources in inland navigation networks from a control theory perspective. The main objectives to be attained consist in guaranteeing the navigability condition of the network, minimizing the operational cost and ensuring a long lifespan of the equipment. However, their complex dynamics, large time delays and negligible bottom slopes complicate their management. In order to achieve the optimal management, the efficient control of the hydraulic structures must be ensured. To this end, a control-oriented modeling approach is derived. The resulting formulation belongs to the class of delayed desciptor systems, for which model predictive control and moving horizon estimation can be easily adapted, as well as being able to deal with physical and operational constraints in a natural manner. However, a centralized implementation is often neither possible nor desirable. As these networks are strongly coupled systems, a distributed approach is followed, featuring a communication protocol among agents. Despite the optimality of the solutions, any malfunction can lead to an inefficient system management. Therefore, the last part of the thesis regards the design of supervisory strategies that allow to detect and isolate faults. All the presented approaches are applied to a realistic case study based on the inland navigation network in the north of France to validate their effectiveness.


Akash Agarwal (13114362) 01 September 2022 (has links)
<p>Program anomaly detection — modeling normal program executions to detect deviations at runtime as cues for possible exploits — has become a popular approach for software security. To leverage high performance modeling and complete tracing, existing techniques however focus on subsets of applications, e.g., on system calls or calls to predefined libraries. Due to limited scope, it is insufficient to detect subtle control-oriented and data-oriented attacks that introduces new illegal call relationships at the application level. Also such techniques are hard to apply on devices that lack a clear separation between OS and the application layer. This dissertation advances the design and implementation of program anomaly detection techniques by providing application context for library and system calls making it powerful for detecting advanced attacks targeted at manipulating intra- and inter-procedural control-flow and decision variables. </p> <p><br></p> <p>This dissertation has two main parts. The first part describes a statically initialized generic calling context program anomaly detection technique LANCET based on Hidden Markov Modeling to provide security against control-oriented attacks at program runtime. It also establishes an efficient execution tracing mechanism facilitated through source code instrumentation of applications. The second part describes a program anomaly detection framework EDISON to provide security against data-oriented attacks using graph representation learning and language models for intra and inter-procedural behavioral modeling respectively.</p> <p><br> This dissertation makes three high-level contributions. First, the concise descriptions demonstrates the design, implementation and extensive evaluation of an aggregation-based anomaly detection technique using fine-grained generic calling context-sensitive modeling that allows for scaling the detection over entire applications. Second, the precise descriptions show the design, implementation, and extensive evaluation of a detection technique that maps runtime traces to the program’s control-flow graph and leverages graphical feature representation to learn dynamic program behavior. Finally, this dissertation provides details and experience for designing program anomaly detection frameworks from high-level concepts, design, to low-level implementation techniques.</p>

Development of Combustion Indicators for Control of Multi-Fuel Engines Based on New Combustion Concepts

Jiménez, Irina Ayelén 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Debido a las regulaciones en materia de emisiones y CO2 la industria automotriz a desarrollado diferentes tecnologías innovadoras. Estas tecnologías incluyen combustibles alternativos y nuevos modos de combustión, entre otros. De aquí surge la necesidad del desarrollo de nuevos métodos para el control de la combustión en estas condiciones mencionadas. Por este motivo, en este trabajo se han desarrollado diferentes modelos e indicadores orientados al diagnóstico y control de la combustión tanto en condiciones normales como anormales. Para los casos de combustión normal, se ha desarrollado un modelo de combustión, cuyo objetivo es estimar la media de la evolución de la fracción de la masa quemada y la presión dentro del cilindro. Se implementó un observador, basado en la señal de knock, con la finalidad de mejorar la estimación en condiciones transitorias y poder aplicar así el modelo a diferentes tipos de combustibles. También se presenta un modelo de variabilidad cíclica, en el cual, a partir del modelo de combustión, se propaga una distribución en dos de los parámetros de dicho modelo. Ambos modelos han sido aplicados para un motor de encendido provocado y un motor de combustión de encendido por chorro turbulento. En los casos de combustión anormal, se ha incluido un análisis de la resonancia dentro de la cámara de combustión, en donde también se desarrollaron dos modelos capaces de estimar la evolución de la resonancia. Estos modelos, tanto para condiciones normales como anormales, se utilizaron para el diagnóstico de la combustión. Por una parte, para la detección de knock, en donde tres estrategias de detección de knock fueron desarrolladas: dos basadas en el sensor de presión en cámara y una en el sensor de knock. Por otra parte, se realizó una aplicación de un modelo de resonancia para la mejora de la estimación de la masa atrapada a partir de la resonancia. Finalmente, para mostrar el potencial de los modelos de diagnóstico, dos aplicaciones a control se desarrollaron: una para el control de knock a través de la actuación de la chispa, y otra para el control de gases residuales, a través de la actuación de la distribución variable, realizando paralelamente una optimización de la combustión a través de la actuación de la chispa. / [CA] Impulsada per les regulacions en matèria d'emissions i CO2 la indústria automotriu a desenvolupat diferents tecnologies inovadore. Aquestes tecnologies inclouen combustibles alternatius i nous modes de combustió, entre altres. D'ací sorgix la necessitat posar en pràctica nous mètodes per al control de la combustió. En aquest context, el present trevall proposa diferents models i indicadors orientats al diagnòstic i control de la combustió tant en condicions normals com anormals. Per als casos de combustió normal, es proposa un model de combustió, l'objectiu del qual és estimar la mitjana de l'evolució de la fracció de la massa cremada i la pressió dins del cilindre. Es va implementar un observador, basat en la senyal de knock, amb la finalitat de millorar l'estimació en condicions transitòries i poder aplicar així el model a diferents tipus de combustibles. També es presenta un model de variabilitat cíclica, en el qual, a partir del model de combustió, es propaga una distribució en dos dels parametres del dit model. Ambdós models han sigut aplicats a un motor d'encesa provocada i un motor de combustió d'encesa per doll turbulent. Als casos de combustió anormal, s'ha inclos un anàlisi de la ressonància dins de la cambra de combustió, on també es van desenvolupar dos models capaços d'estimar l'evolució de la ressonància. Aquests models, tant per a condicions normals com anormals, s'utilitzen per al diagnòstic de la combustió. Per una part, per a la detecció de knock, on tres estratègies de detecció de knock s'han desenvolupat: dues basades en el sensor de pressió a la cambra de combustió i una altra basada en el sensor de knock. Per altra part, es va realitzar una aplicació d'un model de ressonància per a la millora de l'estimació de la massa atrapada a partir de la ressonància. Finalment, per a mostrar el potencial dels models de diagnòstic, dos aplicacions de control es van desenvolupar: una per al control de knock a través de l'actuació de l'espurna, i una altra per al control de gasos residuals, a través de l'actuació de la distribució variable, realitzant paral·lelament una optimització de la combustió a través de l'actuació de l'espurna. / [EN] The need to satisfy emissions and CO2 regulations is pushing the automotive industry to develop different innovative technologies. These technologies include alternative fuels and new modes of combustion, among others. Therefore, the need for the development of new methods for combustion control in these mentioned conditions arises. For this reason, in this work different models and indicators have been developed aimed at the diagnosis and control of combustion in both normal and abnormal conditions. For normal combustion cases, a combustion model has been developed, the objective of this model is to estimate the mean of evolution of the mass fraction burned and the in-cylinder pressure. An observer had been implemented, based on knock sensor signal, in order to improve the estimation in transient conditions and also to be able to make use of the model with different fuels. A cyclic variability model is also presented, where from the combustion model, a probability distribution is propagated over two of the parameters of such model. Both models had been applied for a spark ignition engine and a turbulent jet ignition combustion engine. For the abnormal combustion cases, an analysis of the resonance within the combustion chamber had been included, where two models capable of estimating the evolution of the resonance were also developed. These models, for both normal and abnormal conditions, were used for the diagnosis of combustion: on the one hand, for knock recognition, where three knock detection strategies were developed: two based on the in-cylinder pressure sensor and one on the knock sensor. On the other hand, an application of a resonance model was carried out in order to improve the estimation of the trapped mass from the resonance excitation. Finally, to show the potential of such models and applications, two control strategies were developed: one for the control of knock through the actuation of the spark advance, and a second for the control of residual gases, through the actuation of the variable valve timing, while optimizing the combustion through the actuation of the spark advance. / El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis ha sido posible gracias a la financiación de la Generalitat Valenciana y el fondo social europeo a través de la beca 132 GRISO- LIAP/2018/132 y BEFPI/2021/042. / Jiménez, IA. (2022). Development of Combustion Indicators for Control of Multi-Fuel Engines Based on New Combustion Concepts [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181561

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