Spelling suggestions: "subject:"converging"" "subject:"converaging""
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Movimentos sociais e judiciário: uma análise comparativa entre Brasil e Estados Unidos da América do Norte / Social moviments and judiciary: a comparative analysis between Brazil and the United States of North America.Conceição, Isis Aparecida 24 March 2014 (has links)
A implementação de políticas de Ações Afirmativas no ensino superior do Brasil comemorou seu aniversário de 10 anos em 2013. O presente antecipado da comemoração foi a decisão de Abril de 2012 do Supremo Tribunal Federal que declarou em a constitucionalidade daquelas Políticas mesmo em face das críticas. As teses dos requerentes e requeridos no processo majoritariamente apoiaram-se na experiência Norte Americana de Justiça Racial. Reconhecendo que naquele país as políticas raciais de ações afirmativas foram desconstruídas e a desigualdade racial permaneceu, segundo alguns igual ou pior a que existia nos anos de legislação Jim Crown, entende-se de significativa importância observar e analisar a implementação das leis e normas de promoção de igualdade racial e combate ao racismo no Brasil a partir das lentes que buscaram explicar a desconstrução do uso de raça como categoria jurídica nos EUA. Quais elementos jurídicos viabilizaram a ocorrência do que chamam de ressegregação da sociedade americana? Quais elementos desse processo de ressegregação se fazem presentes no nosso processo de implementação de políticas de inclusão? As declarações dos Judiciário, Executivo e Legislativo reconhecendo a legalidade e fazendo uso da categoria raça, espelham uma conjuntura doméstica e Internacional a qual não permanecerá ad eternum. Tal conjuntura constitui se num momento em que é possível a intervenção em instituições, buscando a redução das desigualdades raciais e do racismo. Contudo, conforme mencionado, tal conjuntura não se manterá e surge a pergunta sobre a maneira pela qual se pode garantir que ao fim desse momentum tais conquistas permanecerão? Utilizando o princípio de convergência de interesses, cunhado por Derick Bell, analisamos as decisões do Tribunal de São Paulo e do STF que aplicam leis de combate ao racismo e de promoção de igualdade racial. O objetivo foi identificar a presença de leis e julgamentos álibis os quais são uteis para o Estado no cenário Internacional de Direitos Humanos, contudo, sem possibilidades de execução que possibilite mudanças estruturais sem possibilidade de retrocesso, como ocorreu nos Estados Unidos. Acreditamos que analisar o judiciário com tal ferramenta nos permitirá a visualização lúcida deste momentum e uma intervenção mais consciente por parte do Movimento Social Negro para a conquista da Justiça Racial. / The implementation of affirmative action policies in higher education in Brazil celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2013. The early gift of this celebration´s was the April´s decision of the Supreme Court declaring the constitutionality of those policies even in face of criticism. Claimants and defendants´ rationale in the case relied mostly on the experience of North American´s history of Racial Justice. Recognizing that race based affirmative action policies were deconstructed by the American Supreme Court and racial inequality remained the same or even worse to that existed in the Jim Crown´s years, we believe of significant importance to observe and analyze the implementation of laws and regulations to promote racial equality in Brazil using lenses that sought to explain the deconstruction of the use of race as a legal category in the U.S. What legal elements made possible the occurrence of what they call ressegregation of American society? What elements of this ressegregation´s process are present in our implementation of inclusion policies? The statements of the judiciary, executive and legislative recognizing the legality of making use of race as a category reflects a domestic and international momentum which will not remain ad eternum . Such a situation is in a time when intervention seeking to reduce racial inequality and racism in institutions is possible. However, as mentioned, this situation cannot be maintained for too long like we learned with the American experience and the question about the way in which we can ensure that this momentum won´t be over before achievements of the black movement goals? Using the principle of Interest convergence, coined by Derick Bell, we analyze the decisions of the Court of São Paulo and the Brazil´s Supreme Court application of laws to combat racism and promote racial equality. The objective was to identify the presence of laws and judgments \" alibis \" which are useful to the State in the International scenario of Human Rights , however, without the possibility of implementing structural changes that would provide no possibility of backsliding, as occurred in the United States . We believe that analyzing the judiciary with such a tool will allow us to lucid viewing this momentum and a more conscious intervention by the Social Movement for the conquest of the Black Racial Justice.
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Movimentos sociais e judiciário: uma análise comparativa entre Brasil e Estados Unidos da América do Norte / Social moviments and judiciary: a comparative analysis between Brazil and the United States of North America.Isis Aparecida Conceição 24 March 2014 (has links)
A implementação de políticas de Ações Afirmativas no ensino superior do Brasil comemorou seu aniversário de 10 anos em 2013. O presente antecipado da comemoração foi a decisão de Abril de 2012 do Supremo Tribunal Federal que declarou em a constitucionalidade daquelas Políticas mesmo em face das críticas. As teses dos requerentes e requeridos no processo majoritariamente apoiaram-se na experiência Norte Americana de Justiça Racial. Reconhecendo que naquele país as políticas raciais de ações afirmativas foram desconstruídas e a desigualdade racial permaneceu, segundo alguns igual ou pior a que existia nos anos de legislação Jim Crown, entende-se de significativa importância observar e analisar a implementação das leis e normas de promoção de igualdade racial e combate ao racismo no Brasil a partir das lentes que buscaram explicar a desconstrução do uso de raça como categoria jurídica nos EUA. Quais elementos jurídicos viabilizaram a ocorrência do que chamam de ressegregação da sociedade americana? Quais elementos desse processo de ressegregação se fazem presentes no nosso processo de implementação de políticas de inclusão? As declarações dos Judiciário, Executivo e Legislativo reconhecendo a legalidade e fazendo uso da categoria raça, espelham uma conjuntura doméstica e Internacional a qual não permanecerá ad eternum. Tal conjuntura constitui se num momento em que é possível a intervenção em instituições, buscando a redução das desigualdades raciais e do racismo. Contudo, conforme mencionado, tal conjuntura não se manterá e surge a pergunta sobre a maneira pela qual se pode garantir que ao fim desse momentum tais conquistas permanecerão? Utilizando o princípio de convergência de interesses, cunhado por Derick Bell, analisamos as decisões do Tribunal de São Paulo e do STF que aplicam leis de combate ao racismo e de promoção de igualdade racial. O objetivo foi identificar a presença de leis e julgamentos álibis os quais são uteis para o Estado no cenário Internacional de Direitos Humanos, contudo, sem possibilidades de execução que possibilite mudanças estruturais sem possibilidade de retrocesso, como ocorreu nos Estados Unidos. Acreditamos que analisar o judiciário com tal ferramenta nos permitirá a visualização lúcida deste momentum e uma intervenção mais consciente por parte do Movimento Social Negro para a conquista da Justiça Racial. / The implementation of affirmative action policies in higher education in Brazil celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2013. The early gift of this celebration´s was the April´s decision of the Supreme Court declaring the constitutionality of those policies even in face of criticism. Claimants and defendants´ rationale in the case relied mostly on the experience of North American´s history of Racial Justice. Recognizing that race based affirmative action policies were deconstructed by the American Supreme Court and racial inequality remained the same or even worse to that existed in the Jim Crown´s years, we believe of significant importance to observe and analyze the implementation of laws and regulations to promote racial equality in Brazil using lenses that sought to explain the deconstruction of the use of race as a legal category in the U.S. What legal elements made possible the occurrence of what they call ressegregation of American society? What elements of this ressegregation´s process are present in our implementation of inclusion policies? The statements of the judiciary, executive and legislative recognizing the legality of making use of race as a category reflects a domestic and international momentum which will not remain ad eternum . Such a situation is in a time when intervention seeking to reduce racial inequality and racism in institutions is possible. However, as mentioned, this situation cannot be maintained for too long like we learned with the American experience and the question about the way in which we can ensure that this momentum won´t be over before achievements of the black movement goals? Using the principle of Interest convergence, coined by Derick Bell, we analyze the decisions of the Court of São Paulo and the Brazil´s Supreme Court application of laws to combat racism and promote racial equality. The objective was to identify the presence of laws and judgments \" alibis \" which are useful to the State in the International scenario of Human Rights , however, without the possibility of implementing structural changes that would provide no possibility of backsliding, as occurred in the United States . We believe that analyzing the judiciary with such a tool will allow us to lucid viewing this momentum and a more conscious intervention by the Social Movement for the conquest of the Black Racial Justice.
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Analyzing Foresight Studies In Converging Technologies Studies Of Eu, Usa And TurkeyCalisir, Ibrahim 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to examine the situation of converging technologies - nano technology, biotechnology, information technologies, and cognitive science - in Turkish foresight study and to analyze situation of Turkey.
The research on convergence in Turkish foresight is carried out in the first foresight study of Turkey, Vision2023 consisting of Delphi Report, Panel Reports and Strategy Reports. All of these reports are investigated thoroughly to find out the statements about the converging technologies to have an insight what Turkey is planning to do in the following years. Additionally, to compare the perspective of Turkey in terms of converging technologies, the findings of this study are compared with the findings of the USA NBIC Report. Moreover, as a base of comparison of findings, the foresight study (ManVis Study) whose participants was 22 European countries one of which is Turkey about manufacture vision is taken into consideration.
The findings of the study indicate that in different reports, there are some visions that are not mentioned in Vision2023 Study. A detailed investigation of these, shows that most of these visions are related to cognitive science. Only a few are nano technology oriented visions. However, according to the findings of the study, in biotechnology related statements, the position of Turkey and expertise of Turkish scientists are considered as " / very good" / by Turkish experts. As far as information technology in Turkey is considered, Turkey is in an average position among other countries according to the findings of the study.
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Effects Of Associative Processes On False Memory: Evidence From Converging Associates And Category Associates ProceduresMisirlisoy, Mine 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The present study investigated the differential effects of test-induced priming on false memories evoked by Converging Associates Procedure (DRM lists) and Category Associates Procedures (Category lists). The experimental settings involved the manipulation of test order of the critical items, in relation to the list items from their corresponding lists. The significance of the study comes from the fact that it directly compares the false memories elicited by Converging Associates Procedure and Category Associates Procedures within the same experimental settings. The results demonstrated that associative processes at test affected the proportion of false recollections elicited by DRM lists more than that elicited by Category lists. The results are discussed in relation to gist based theories of false memory and activation/monitoring account.
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On the Borel complexity of some classes of Banach spacesBraga, Bruno 10 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Criterios numéricos en la resolución de la transferencia de calor en fenómenos de convecciónPérez Segarra, Carlos David 18 February 1988 (has links)
La finalidad de esta tesis es la obtención de las distribuciones de velocidades, presiones y temperaturas en la convección forzada de flujos compresibles en situaciones bidimensionales y de estabilización. Es a partir de estos valores que se determina la fricción y la transferencia de calor entre el fluido y el contorno o canalización.La tesis consta de cinco capítulos. En el primero, de carácter introductorio, se plantea la problemática de resolución de las ecuaciones que describen el comportamiento del flujo. Se analizan dos niveles de modelización. De una parte, y en base al concepto de capa límite introducido por L. Prandtl, se divide el dominio por el que circula el flujo en dos zonas: unas delgadas regiones próximas a los contornos sólidos en los que la fricción y la transferencia de calor son factores condicionantes, y el resto del dominio en el que el flujo puede considerarse como no viscoso, pudiéndose despreciar los efectos de la fricción y de la transferencia de calor. En el segundo nivel de modelización se plantea la resolución directa de las ecuaciones de continuidad, cantidad de movimiento y energía en todo el dominio.Los capítulos segundo, tercero y cuarto están dedicados al primer nivel de modelización indicado. En el segundo capítulo se resuelve el flujo potencial compresible en base a la discretización del dominio mediante la generación de mallas adaptables a los contornos. Se analizan diferentes criterios de discretización de las ecuaciones siendo los resultados numéricos obtenidos contrastados entre si y con los que se derivan del empleo de mallas de discretización rectangulares. El tercer capítulo trata de la resolución de las capas límites hidrodinámicas y térmicas mediante la integración numérica de la ecuaciones de conservación. Para el análisis de las capas límite turbulentas se ha utilizado los conceptos de viscosidad turbulenta y conductividad térmica turbulenta, empleándose expresiones semiempíricas en la descripción de dichas cantidades. Se estudian diversas situaciones contrastándose los resultados numéricos obtenidos con los que se derivan de estudios experimentales presentados por distintos autores. En el cuarto capítulo se efectúa la resolución conjunta de la zona potencial y de las capas límite en el marco de un algoritmo global de resolución. A modo ilustrativo se ha realizado el estudio del flujo de aire en una tobera o canalización convergente, analizándose aspectos tales como la compresibilidad del flujo y la transferencia de calor entre el fluido y los contornos sólidos limitantes. Los resultados que se derivan de la resolución numérica, supuestos los contornos adiabáticos, son contratados con los obtenidos experimentalmente en esta tesis y en una unidad de soplado del laboratorio. En el quinto y último capítulo se aborda el segundo nivel de modelización arriba indicado, si bien la atención se centra en ecuaciones genéricas del tipo convección-difusión. Así, partiendo de una distribución de velocidades conocida, se realiza la resolución de dicha ecuación en base a la generación de sistemas ortogonales de coordenadas curvilíneas coincidentes con las propias líneas de corriente del flujo. La precisión y zonas de aplicación del método numérico son puestas de manifiesto en situaciones singulares de solución analítica conocida. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios en un amplio rango de números de Peclet, y claramente superiores a los que se derivan del empleo de mallas de discretización rectangulares. / The purpose of this thesis is to obtain velocity, pressure and temperature distributions in compressible flows under steady-state conditions.The thesis has five chapters. The first one introduces the mathematical formulation and two main strategies to solve the governing equations. The first one is based on a zonal model, which solved in a coupled manner the Euler and the boundary layer equations. The second level is based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole domain.The next three chapters are devoted to the first level of modelization mentioned above. The second chapter solves the Euler equations of the inviscid flow based on the discretization of the domain by means of body-fitted meshes. Numerical solutions are also carefully verificated based on grid refinement techniques. Several numerical criteria for the discretization of the equations are presented and contrasted. The third chapter deals with the numerical integration of the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer equations using algebraic turbulence models extended to compressible flows. A study of the different parameters which influence on flow is presented.In the fourth chapter, a coupled procedure of the two zones (inviscid zone and boundary layers) is proposed within the framework of a global algorithm. By way of illustration the study of the compressible flow in a converging channel is carried out. Different aspects related to the compressibility of the flow and the heat transfers exchanged with the solid boundaries are studied. The mathematical model is validated against experimental results obtained in a specially designed set-up.In the fifth and final chapter, the second level of modelization is presented but only the part which refers to generic convection-diffusion equations. Thus, starting from a known velocity distribution, an analysis of different standard numerical schemes is performed together with a proposal of a new scheme to reduce the numerical false diffusion effects.
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Transition Zone In Constant Pressure Boundary Layer With Converging StreamlinesVasudevan, K P 01 1900 (has links)
The laminar-turbulent transition in viscous fluid flows is one of the most intriguing problems in fluid dynamics today. In view of the enormous applications it has in a variety of fields such as aircraft design, turbomachinery, etc., scientists have now realized the importance of tackling this problem effectively. Three-dimensional flows are usually associated with pressure gradient, streamline curvature, streamline convergence / divergence etc., all acting simultaneously. Towards a better understanding of the transition process and modeling the transition zone, it is important to study the effect of each of these parameters on the transitional flow. The present work aims at studying experimentally the effect of lateral streamline convergence alone on the laminar-turbulent transition zone under constant stream-wise pressure.
The experimental setup consists of a low turbulence wind tunnel with its test section modified to cause lateral streamline convergence under constant pressure. This is achieved by converging the side-walls and appropriately diverging the roof, thus maintaining a constant stream-wise pressure. The half angle of convergence is chosen as 100 , which is approximately the same as the half of the turbulent spot envelope in constant pressure two-dimensional flows.
Experiments are carried out to analyze the development of the laminar and transitional boundary layers, intermittency distribution in the transition zone and the overall characteristics of an artificially induced turbulent spot.
The laminar velocity profiles are found to be of the Blasius type for two-dimensional constant pressure flows. However, the converging streamlines are found to contribute to an increased thickness of the boundary layer as compared to the corresponding two-dimensional flow.
The intermittency distribution in the transition zone is found to follow the universal intermittency distribution for two-dimensional constant pressure flow. A simple linear-combination model for two-dimensional flows is found to perform very well in predicting the measured velocity profiles in the transition zone.
An artificially introduced turbulent spot is found to propagate along a conical envelope with an apex cone angle of 220 which is very nearly the value for a corresponding constant pressure two-dimensional flow. The spot shapes and celerities are also comparable to those in two-dimensional flow.
In summary, the present study brings out many similarities between a constant pressure laterally converging flow and a constant pressure two-dimensional flow.
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Post-deregulation passenger selection of US airportsHammond, Rex January 2018 (has links)
Airlines have endured a prolonged period of intense competition with the advent of deregulation in 1978. Market innovations and price-cutting dramatically expanded the number of travelers utilizing the national air transportation network. Bankruptcies and mergers reduced the number of contestants in the industry and eventually produced four national carriers controlling 80-85 percent of the passengers and routes. This new market power of the dominant airlines is resulting in industry changes designed to reduce operational uncertainty but is also having detrimental effects on many airports, particularly the smallest airports. This study employs qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the viability of the nationâs smallest primary commercial service airports. Three journal articles are fused in examining different aspects of the viability question. In Article 1, a longitudinal comparative analysis presents historic growth patterns for various sized airports during deregulation and reveals a distinctly lower growth rate for nonhub airports than their larger rivals. Even with a burgeoning market for travelers, growth for nonhub airports was anemic and the industry experienced massive passenger migration to the 60 largest airports. Article 2 addresses the topic of consumer switching, expands on extant literature with qualitative analyses, and proposes a theoretic, conceptual framework of four primary types of traveler purchasers. Each traveler type has its own distinct switching rationale and creates leakage patterns contoured to the features of their preferred airport. Building on the migration and switching findings of the first two articles, Article 3 explores converging market conditions and factors that are threatening future airline service for dozens of the smallest airports. By extracting findings from contemporary research, a comparative analysis of airports identifies 33 airports that face the highest risk of losing air service. The explanatory model places the airports in rank order by weighting various threat criteria. Qualitative interviews of air service professionals offer insider observations generally not known to the public, confirm observations found in existing research and verify that market forces are acting to reduce the number of airports in the network. The key contribution of the three articles of the thesis is its description of how key actors (firms, customers, agencies) interact and respond to policy decisions that have unintended consequences to small airports and their regional economies. There are predictable patterns in the relational linkages of these actors that contribute to our understanding of how a particular industry evolves under various pressures and how it interacts with factors outside the industry. The preponderance of the evidence from this study reveals that current market trends are generally caustic to the continued operation of small airports. Industry experts are reticent in acknowledging that the next phase of deregulation is underway with the consolidation of the nationâs nonhub airports.
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通貨競爭--不同時點下的貨幣理論模型之研究 / Currency competition - M.I.U. model under different timing basis楊建昌, Yang, Jian-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文基本上承襲 Weil(1991)的分析架構,以貨幣在效用函數模型(money-in-the utility model)來分析通貨替代的問題,也就是研究在一個整合的經濟體中,兩種通貨可替代時,高成長率通貨與低成長率通貨彼此競爭流通市場所可能產生的結果。本文改採不連續時間的模型,並引用 Fukuda(1997)的分析,分別以期末實質貨幣餘額及期初實質貨幣餘額放入效用函數中,比較其結果的差異。我們發現期初貨幣模型之各組恆定均衡解(steady state equilibrium)均可能出現多重收斂路徑,如此一來,Weil(1991)所提出的「劣幣逐良幣」現象未必會成為通貨競爭的必然結果。
除此之外,我們以兩個特定的效用函數為例(log-linear, CRRA),以求進一步了解 Weil(1991)結論的模型適應性(robustness)。我們發現在線性對數效用函數的推導下,期初、期末貨幣模型所得到的結果並沒有明顯的分別,但 CRRA 模型的結果則顯示,期初貨幣模型的結論不同於 Weil(1991)。 / The study issues and analytical framework of this thesis follow Weil(1991). We apply the money-in-the-utility model (M.I.U. model) to analyze several issues in currency substitution. We want to investigate the monetary equilibria and their stability when there are two substitutable currencies in an integrated economy. Specifically, we want to know whether the faster growing currency will drive the slower growing ones out of the market, or vise versa. Unlike Weil(1991), we base our model on a discrete-time basis Following the study of Fukuda(1997), we use two different approaches to put the real money balances in the utility function. One is "end-of-the-period" M.I.U. model, and the other is "beginning-of-the-period" M.I.U. model. We make the comparison of the result of the two alternative approaches. Furthermore, we contrast our outcomes against those of Weil(1991).
Besides the analysis based upon the general utility form, we also provide analysis of two specific utility functions. Except for the log-linear utility function, we find that there are significant differences between the two alternatives timing framework. The "beginning-of-the-period" M.I.U. model shows that "Gresham's Law" would not necessarily be the inevitable outcome of the economy with two perfectly substitutable currencies. Thus, it limits the validity of the conclusion of Weil(1991).
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