Spelling suggestions: "subject:"copyright daw"" "subject:"copyright caw""
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Vybrané aspekty autorskoprávní ochrany počítačových programů / Selected aspects of copyright protection of softwareČerná, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The field of copyright protection of computer programs and resale of a copy of a computer program is not free of many substantial problems which are even supported by a fast technological development and which will probably soon result in substantial revision of both national and international copyright law. This thesis is to analyze and assess selected aspects of copyright protection of computer programs with main focus on resale of a copy of a computer program in both theoretical area and jurisprudence of European and US-American courts. This thesis reflects jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, German and Dutch courts and court decision available in the USA. The general introduction in the theme and related issues is followed by a thorough analyze of the jurisprudence, including two decisions of the European Court of Justice in the UsedSoft case and related decisions of German courts, as well as the decision in Vernor vs. Autodesk case, which is relevant for the US-American jurisprudence. With the focus on international legal protection of computer programs, which provides the computer programs with the same protection of literary works, a completely new aspect of copyright protection of the computer programs, which is the relation between the legal regulation of resale of immaterial...
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Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright lawSkoupá, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Agreements and contracts within Copyright Law This thesis examines the Contractual Copyright Law, which is a part of the Intellectual Property Law. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the valid legislation dealing with license agreement in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters. Chapter One is introductory, it explains the importance of the Copyright Law and briefly describes the structure of the thesis. Chapter Two examines the sources of the Contractual Copyright Law on Czech, European and international level. Chapter Three provides the initial introduction to the Copyright and Intellectual Property Law in general. It explains specific terms of this branch of law, such as "the work" and "constitutive transfer of rights", which are crucial for understanding of the topic of thesis. Chapter Four describes the License Agreement itself and the legal relationship arising out of it, its purpose, subjects, object and content, while chapter Five examines the ways of classification of License Agreements. Chapter Six concentrates on problems of principles governing the License Agreement and its elements. Chapter Seven deals with the transfer of the license and chapter Eight with the special ways of a legal relationship termination based on the License Agreement. Chapter Nine contains...
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Srovnání autorskoprávní ochrany autora a výkonného umělce / A comparison of copyright protection of author and performing artistPivoda, Radomír January 2012 (has links)
Radomír Pivoda Srovnání autorskoprávní ochrany autora a výkonného umělce A comparison of copyright protection of authors and performing artists The main goal of this thesis is to compare the key aspects of the copyright protection of authors and performing artists in the Czech Republic. The basic differences are explained with respect to its historical evolution, which is put into context with the current social situation in the field of art. The paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter gives an explanation of the basic terminology used in the area of copyright law and sets the frame for the comparison of authors and authorship and performing artists and their artistic performances. In the Czech Republic, authorship is based on the expression of a piece of art in any way perceivable by human senses. There is no registration principle in effect. This fact provides the starting point for the protection of authors' rights. Therefore it is important to precisely define what can be considered a piece of art and who can be recognised as an author or a performing artist. The second chapter deals with the legal treatment of authors according to the Czech Copyright Act and other legal regulations, including the recent case law and description of the most often infringements of the copyright...
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Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright lawJurista, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Summary: Contractual copyright law The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current state of regulation of contractual copyright law in the Czech Republic. I have chosen this topic, because I am an amateur photographer and knowledge of different kinds of contracts dealing with copyright might be very useful for me in the future. Knowing most of details affecting final conditions of the contract is the best way, how to exploit my work well, and, what is even more important, I should be able to answer all of questions concerning copyright to my friends (and, in later, professional life, also to my clients). The thesis is thematically divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and outlines all the content, which is to be dealt with in latter text. It attempts to define the position of copyright in the Czech legal system. Chapter Two focuses on the grounds of contractual techniques and the way of their implementation in the basic civil codex. Furthermore, attention is paid to differences between commercial and civil law, which might be crucial for some side questions of copyright contracts. In Chapter Three, there is the conception and approach of Czech legislature to copyright described. The dichotomy between personal and property rights of authors is explained as well as the nature of...
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Právo na náhradní odměnu při rozmnožování autorského díla - česká a německá úprava v evropském kontextu / Right to a substitute fee for distribution of a copyrighted work - Czech and German regulation in the European contextsDvořák, Karel January 2011 (has links)
Vergütungspflicht bei der Vervielfältigung von Urheberwerken - die tschechische und deutsche Regelung im europäischen Kontext Abstrakt Die Vervielfältigung zu privaten Zwecken ist eine der Schranken vom Recht des Urhebers, das Werk zu nutzen. Auf der Grundlage eines Konzepts, das in den 1960er Jahren in Deutschland entstanden ist, ist eine solche Vervielfältigung nur dann möglich, wenn dem Urheber für einen solchen Eingriff in seine wirtschaftlichen Interessen Vergütung gewährt wird. Wie auch in anderen Bereichen des Urheberrechts ist es auch im Falle des Systems der Vergütungen notwendig, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den Interessen des Urhebers und der gesamten Gesellschaft zu finden. Ein weiteres typisches Zeichen im Zusammenahng mit dem Institut der Vergütungen ist die technologische Entwicklung, die auch der Motor bei der Einführung des Systems der Vergütungen in den 1960er Jahren war. Die Arbeit widmet sich im ersten Kapitel den Gründen für die Einführung des Systems der Vergütungen und den Möglichkeiten seiner Ausgestaltung. Das heißt der Einführung der Vergütungspflicht im Zusammenhang mit bestimmten Geräten, Trägern und dem Angebot einiger Dienstleistungen zu zahlen. Der Problematik der Vergütung wird eine große Aufmerksamkeit sowohl seitens der Fach- wie seitens der breiten Öffentlichkeit gewidmet -...
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Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts withing copyright lawStejskal, Vilém January 2011 (has links)
CONTRACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW This thesis is dedicated to the Czech Copyright Law, which is part of Intellectual Property Law. The core of this work is lying on description and recognition of contractual concepts of Copyright Law in Czech Republic, namely the last two Copyright Acts. The first Copyright Act was valid from 1965 till 2000. The second Copyright Act is effective since 2000. Chapter 1 covers the sources of Czech Contractual Copyright Law on different levels, from the constitutional grounds to the regulations. Chapters 2 and 3 are initial introduction to the Intellectual Property Law. It provides basic explanation of intangible property terms. Chapter 4 tries to briefly show the history and the development of the Copyright Law on the Czech territory, particularly Czech Contractual Copyright Law. Chapter 5 deals with provisions of Copyright Act 35/1965. It concentrates on contracts for the distribution of a work and contracts to produce a work. Chapter 6 is devoted to the effective czech Copyright Act 121/2000 and its provisions related to contractual law. With short notice about contract for a work done. Chapter 6 compares some important attributes of both mentioned Copyright Acts.
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Let's Play videa z pohledu autorského práva / Let's Play videos from the point of view of copyright lawHálek, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Let's Play videos from the point of view of copyright law Abstract This Master's Thesis examines Let's Play videos (that are a new but significant and popular part of the entertainment industry) from the point of view of copyright law, especially the Czech one. The view of the European Union law is of course not omitted. With respect to the global nature of the issue, the Thesis includes selected foreign legislation, case law and expert opinions. Since the issue of Let's Play videos is new and almost unexplored, this Thesis examines and defines not only Let's Play videos but also their creators. It also identifies sources of income from Let's Play videos, persons involved and their interests, which can collide with each other. Given the existential interdependence of Let's Play videos on videogames, this Thesis examines even some relevant copyright aspects of videogames. Besides the question of copyright classification of Let's Play videos, the Thesis also deals with not so obvious consequences of such classification. There are analyzed possible legal titles for the use of video games and their elements in the creation, publication and monetization of Let's Play videos as well. Subsequently, this Thesis also examines and analyses the current worldwide licensing practice in this field. Despite the fact, that...
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Tutela autoral da obra jornalística gráfica / Copyright protection of the graphic work.Hototian, Andrea 07 April 2011 (has links)
O estudo em comento é um convite à reflexão sobre a atividade desenvolvida pelo jornalista escritor. Reconhecer originalidade e criatividade em seus artigos é uma responsabilidade imposta pela Lei de Direitos Autorais. Detectar na informação jornalística atributos que lhe conferem status de obra proporciona proteção ao jornalista como autor e incentiva cada vez mais o trabalho responsável. Assim, busca-se a diferenciação dos diversos escritos divulgados pela imprensa assegurando proteção legal àqueles cujos atributos pessoais do escritor revelam o esplendor de um estilo próprio que, além de informar, propõe ao leitor uma visão e abordagem diferenciada sobre o fato noticiado, consequência da vivência técnica e cultural do escritor. / The present study is an invitation to reflect about the activity developed by the journalist and writer. Recognizing the originality and criativity in his articles is a responsibility imposed by the Copyright Law. Detecting in the attributes which give him the status of work provides protection to the journalist as the author and encourages each time more the responsible work. Therefore, it seeks the differentiation of the several writings released by the press ensuring legal protection to those whose personal attributes of the writer reveal the splendor of his own style, which, besides informing, proposes to the reader a differentiated vision and approach about the reported fact, a consequence of the writer\'s technical and cultural experience.
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Le conflit entre le droit d'auteur et le droit de la concurrence / The conflict between copyright and competition lawDormont, Sarah 22 November 2011 (has links)
Les rapports entre le droit d’auteur et le droit de la concurrence sont conflictuels. Ce conflit s’observe aussi bien pour la gestion individuelle du droit que pour sa gestion collective. Et c’est le droit de la concurrence qui parvient à imposer sa logique, au détriment de la logique intellectualiste. Dans la gestion individuelle de l’auteur, la prohibition de l’abus de position dominante a pour effet d’imposer l’octroi d’une licence forcée sur l’œuvre de l’auteur au bénéfice d’un concurrent, ce qui constitue une atteinte au droit exclusif de l’auteur. Pour la gestion collective, la logique concurrentielle a pour conséquences de bouleverser les équilibres traditionnels de ce mode de gestion et notamment le principe de mutualisation entre les membres des sociétés. Outre ces atteintes au droit d’auteur, la logique concurrentielle n’est au final pas toujours elle-même préservée dès lors que l’atteinte au droit exclusif de l’auteur, dans la gestion individuelle comme dans la gestion collective, a pour conséquence, indirectement, de porter atteinte aux incitations à créer. Le conflit peut néanmoins être dépassé, via un raisonnement en termes de finalités des intérêts qui conduit à proposer un test de proportionnalité de ces derniers. / The interactions between copyright law and competition law turn into conflict. One can see it about both the individual management of copyright and the collecting one. Competition law wins recognition to the detriment of copyright law principles. Within the individual management of copyright, the antitrust law turns to impose to the author a compulsory license for its competitors, which is prejudicial for his exclusive right. Moreover, competition law is prejudicial for the traditional balance of interests that collecting societies tend to reach and especially for the solidarity between authors. Besides these consequences, the interests protected by competition law are not even reached because the conflict decreases the competitors will for innovation. Nevertheless the conflict may be resolved by thinking about the interests which stand into the conflict toward a balanced test.
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Direito de autor: exceções, com ênfase em normas técnicas / Copyright: exceptions with emphasis on technical standardsCrivelli, Ivana Có Galdino 15 October 2012 (has links)
O trabalho abordará o estudo das criações intelectuais não protegidas pelo Direito de Autor, as diferentes terminologias adotadas pela doutrina, suas peculiaridades, a proposta de uma terminologia mais abrangente e a importância do estudo das fontes do direito para a validação dos pressupostos à proteção, formulados pela doutrina e jurisprudência, com destaque em capítulo próprio para as denominadas normas técnicas. / This present dissertation will address the study of intellectual creations that are not protected under copyright law, the different terminology adopted by the doctrine, its peculiarities, the proposed terminology and the importance of more comprehensive study of sources of law to validate the protection assumptions, formulated by doctrine and jurisprudence, especially in a separate chapter to the so-called technical standards
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