Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cores"" "subject:"pores""
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Interprétations sur le dernier siècle du profil isotopique de l'eau dans deux carottes de glace andines (Coropuna, Pérou, 15°s et San Valentin, Chili, 46°s) / Interpretations over the last century of the water isotopes profiles based on two ice cores from the Andes (Coropuna, Peru, 15°s and San Valentin, Chile, 46°s)Herreros, Julien 25 February 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est centré sur l'analyse des compositions isotopiques de la glace (d18O et dD) de deux nouvelles carottes de glace longues provenant des régions subtropicale et tempérée des Andes. La première carotte, longue de 42m, a été extraite en 2003 au col du glacier Coropuna au Pérou (72°39'W, 15°32'S, 6425m) et la deuxième de 122m au sommet du glacier San Valentin au Chili (46°35'S, 73°19'W, 4032m) en 2007. L'étude a porté sur la représentativité du signal isotopique comme archive du climat sur le dernier siècle, correspondant à la totalité de la carotte du Coropuna et les 70 premiers mètres au San Valentin, dans deux régions climatiques différentes. Nous avons observé que les enregistrements des signaux isotopiques sont affectés par des processus de post-dépôt. Au col du Coropuna, le signal est lissé par homogénéisation en dessous de 3m de profondeur à cause de la percolation d'eau de fonte et de la diffusion isotopique via un flux de vapeur, et aucune interprétation climatique n'est possible à partir du signal isotopique. Au so mmet du San Valentin, les vents forts, présents toute l'année, érodent et/ou redistribuent la majorité des précipitations annuelles en créant certainement des hiatus sur une voire plusieurs années ou, au contraire, des dépôts exceptionnels de plusieurs mètres. Ces conditions rendent l'identification des cycles isotopiques annuels difficile et aucune relation entre les isotopes et les paramètres climatiques n'a pu être établie due à une datation très incertaine. / This work is focused on the analyses of two new isotopic records (d18O and dD) from Andean ice cores in the subtropics and temperate latitudes. The first 42 m-long ice core was extracted in 2003 from the saddle of Coropuna glacier in Peru (72°39'W, 15°32'S, 6425 m), and the second 122 m-long core in 2007 from the San Valentin summit in Chile (46°35'S, 73°19'W, 4032 m). The isotopic signals were investigated for their suitability as climate archives over the last century, covering the 42 m-long ice core from Coropuna and the first 70 meters of the core from San Valentin, in two different climatic regions. We observed that the isotopic records are affected by post-depositional processes. At the saddle of Coropuna, isotopic homogenization occurs below 3 m as a result of meltwater percolation and isotopic diffusion, and thus the climatic interpretation is not possible. At the San Valentin summit, removal and/or re-deposition of snow by strong winds occurring throughout the year may create a lack of one or more annual snow layers or, on the other hand, may cause unexpected deposits of several meters. Due to these potential conditions, we cannot always identify the annual isotopic cycles and the isotopes histories show no significant correlation with the climatic parameters because of an uncertain dating.
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Perturbations de l'efflux calcique du réticulum dans la fibre musculaire squelettique de mammifère par l'expression de récepteurs de la ryanodine pathologiques et par certains phophoinositides / Alterations of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release by expression of pathological mutant ryanodine receptors and by phophoinositides in mammalian skeletal muscle fibersLefebvre, Romain 10 September 2012 (has links)
Les ions Ca2+ responsables de la contraction musculaire sont extrudés du réticulum sarcoplasmique (RS) via le récepteur de la ryanodine de type 1 (RyR1). Des mutations du gène de RyR1 sont responsables chez l’homme de l’hyperthermie maligne (HM) et de la myopathie à cores centraux (MCC). Nous avons caractérisé les altérations de l’efflux calcique du RS dues à de telles mutations dans la fibre musculaire de souris par électrophysiologie et imagerie confocale. L’expression des formes Y523S, R615C et R2163H de RyR1, associées à l’HM, provoque une hypersensibilité de l’efflux vis-à-vis du potentiel membranaire alors que les formes I4897T et G4896V associées à la MCC provoquent une réduction chronique de l’efflux sans modification de densité des RyR1 s ainsi que des protéines Cav1.1 et SERCA1. L’expression de la forme R4892W associée à la MCC ne modifie pas l’efflux calcique suggérant une plus faible pénétrance fonctionnelle de cette forme. Dans tous les cas, aucune indication de changement du contenu en calcium RS n’a été observée. Les résultats suggèrent que les modifications pathologiques de l’efflux calcique sont la conséquence directe de l’altération de fonction des canaux. Le deuxième objectif du travail s’est intéressé au rôle de certains phosphoinositides (PtdInsPs) dans la régulation de l’efflux calcique du RS. La surexpression de la PtdInsPs-phosphatase Mtm 1 n’a aucun effet sur l’efflux calcique alors que l’application intracellulaire de ses deux principaux substrats inhibe l’efflux, suggérant que leur accumulation dans les fibres musculaires déficientes en Mtm1 pourrait contribuer aux altérations pathologiques associées du couplage excitation-contraction / Ca2+ ions that trigger muscle contraction are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RyR1) channel. Mutations of the gene encoding RyR1 are responsible for malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD) in human. We characterized the alterations of SR Ca2+ release due to such mutations in mouse fibers using electrophysiology and confocal imaging. Expression of each of the MH-associated Y523S, R615C and R2163H mutant forms of RyR1 increases the sensitivity of Ca2+ release to membrane potential whereas forms I4897T and G4896V that are associated to CCD provoke a chronic depression of Ca2+ release with no concurrent alteration of RyR1, Cav1.1 and SERCA1 density. Expression of the CDD-associated R4892W form of RyR1 has no effect on Ca2+ release suggesting a weaker functional penetrance of this mutant form. In all cases we found no indication for a change in SR calcium content. Results suggest that pathological changes in Ca2+ release are the direct consequence of the functional alteration of the channels. The second goal of this work focused on the role of certain phosphoinositides (PtdInsPs) in the control of SR Ca2+ release. Over-expression of the PtdInsPs-phosphatase Mtm 1 does not affect Ca2+ release whereas intracellular application of its two main substrates inhibits Ca2+ release, suggesting that accumulation of these molecules in Mtm 1-deficient fibers could contribute to the associated alterations of excitation-contraction coupling
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Les premières phases d'évolution des étoiles massives dans NGC 6334 et NGC 6357 révélées par le sondage Herschel-HOBYS / The first evolutionary phases of Massive star formation in NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 as seen by the Herschel -HOBYS projectTigé, Jérémy 03 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude des coeurs denses et massifs de deux régions de formation d'étoiles massives de notre Galaxie. J'utilise pour ce travail des observations Herschel-HOBYS de NGC 6334 et NGC 6357 complémentées par les sondages GLIMPSE, MIPSGAL, ATLASGAL, MALT90 ainsi que des observations SCUBA-2 et SIMBA. La vision multi-longueur d'onde m'a permis d'identifier spatialement les coeurs les plus denses des deux régions et d'extraire leur distribution spectrale d' énergie. J'ai modélisé l'émission des coeurs pour extraire leurs paramètres physiques et j'ai utilisé des données infrarouge, des catalogues de sources masers et radio, ainsi que des raies mol éculaires pour déterminer leur statut évolutif. Mon travail présente l'extraction des coeurs denses et massifs ainsi que l'analyse de leur distribution spatiale et de leurs paramètres physiques dans le contexte évolutif de la formation d'étoiles massives dans les régions NGC 6334 et NGC 6357. / This thesis aims at studying the massive dense cores found inside two regions of high-mass star formation within our Galaxy. I make use of Herschel observations of NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 from the HOBYS project, complemented with the GLIMPSE, MPISGAL, ATLASGAL, MALT90 surveys as well as observations from SCUBA-2 and SIMBA. The multi-wavelength view allows me to spatially identify the densest cores in both regions and extract their spectral energy distribution. I modelled the emission from the cores to extract their physical parameters and I used infrared data, masers and radio catalogues, and molecular lines to assess their evolutionary status. My study present the extraction of massive dense cores in the regions NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 together with the analysis of their spatial distribution and physical parameters in the evolutionnary context of massivestar formation that is occuring in both regions.
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"Marcadores orgânicos geoquímicos em testemunhos de sedimento do Sistema Estuarino de Santos e São Vicente, SP: um registro histórico da introdução de hidrocarbonetos no ambiente marinho" / Geochemical organic markers in sediment cores of the Santos-São Vicente Estuary, SP: a historical register of the introduction of hydrocarbons in the marine environmentCésar de Castro Martins 11 March 2005 (has links)
Os sistemas estuarinos são ambientes de transição entre o continente e o oceano, onde atividades humanas são intensivamente desenvolvidas. O Sistema Estuarino de Santos e São Vicente, localizado na porção central do Litoral do Estado de São Paulo, tem se destacado como um dos principais pólos econômicos do Brasil, devido ao complexo petroquímico e siderúrgico, ao Porto de Santos e à aptidão turística da região. O rápido e intenso desenvolvimento, a partir da década de 40, resultou na degradação do ecossistema local devido à introdução de esgotos e efluentes não-tratados, bem como ao aporte atmosférico de substâncias nocivas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi determinar as concentrações de hidrocarbonetos marcadores geoquímicos em sedimentos de testemunhos, para traçar o histórico da contribuição destes compostos ao longo dos últimos 100 anos, relacionando os resultados com a ocupação urbano-industrial da região. Paralelamente, procurou-se determinar a origem da matéria orgânica sedimentar (C, N e S) assim como verificar a existência de correlação estatística entre os hidrocarbonetos e a susceptibilidade magnética, ou seja, indicadores de poluição de natureza distinta. Quatro testemunhos foram coletados em áreas de mangue e próximas à fontes pontuais de poluição, como o lixão do Alemoa, o terminal petrolífero do Alemoa e próximo ao acesso do Pólo Industrial de Cubatão. A identificação e quantificação dos hidrocarbonetos foram feitas por um cromatográfo a gás acoplado a um detector de ionização de chama (GC-FID) para os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos e a um espectrômetro de massa (GC-MS) para os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs). A análise granulométrica mostrou o predomínio de sedimentos lamosos nos sedimentos mais recentes, devido a progradação das áreas de mangue e às atividades antrópicas como o escorregamento de morros adjacentes e a dragagem de canais. A aumento no teor do nitrogênio (Ntot.) nas secções próximas ao topo dos testemunhos é proveniente das indústrias de fertilizantes e do lançamento de esgotos não-tratados. Embora tenha ocorrido um aumento na concentração de n-alcanos de fontes antrópicas ao longo dos últimos anos, a introdução biogênica aparece como um importante componente no total dos n-alcanos, sendo atribuída à contribuição dos múltiplos rios que deságuam no estuário e do mangue adjacente. A distribuição da concentração dos hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, em particular a mistura complexa não resolvida, foi relacionada com o desenvolvimento do Pólo Industrial de Cubatão e do Porto de Santos, à deposição de resíduos sólidos no morro do Alemoa e à adoção de medidas de controle de poluição por parte das indústrias da região. Em relação aos PAHs, foi possível estabelecer as principais fontes (petrogênica ou pirolítica) destes compostos ao longo dos testemunhos. O predomínio de PAHs de maior peso molecular (4 6 anéis), indicou contribuição antrópica da queima de biomassa, carvão, óleo bruto e combustíveis fósseis. A correlação estatística entre hidrocarbonetos e susceptibilidade magnética mostrou a aplicabilidade deste parâmetro na avaliação preliminar do histórico da poluição de sedimentos marinhos. O aporte de metais magnéticos, caracterizado pela susceptibilidade magnética, foi associado a diferentes fontes antrópicas de hidrocarbonetos e aos principais eventos históricos relacionados com o desenvolvimento urbano-industrial da Baixada Santista. / Estuarine areas are environments between land and ocean, where human activities are intensively developed. The Santos and São Vicente Estuary, located on the central portion of the coast of São Paulo state, has one of the most important industrial areas of Brazil. The increasing of urbanization and industrialization near the margins of Estuary, in the 50s, has been responsible for the degradation of the mangrove, for the discharge of sewage, and consequently, it affects the input of organic matter and sedimentary deposition. The main objective of this work was to determine the concentration of hydrocarbons biomarkers in sediment cores in order to investigate the input of these substances in the last 100 years, and to find a relation with the urban and industrial occupation in this area. The organic matter origins (C, N and S) are also studied. A possible statistical correlation between two different pollution indicators (hydrocarbons and magnetic susceptibility) was investigated. Four sediments cores are collected in mangrove areas and near polluted places, as Alemoa garbage disposal, Alemoa petroliferous terminal and Cubatão industrial complex. Hydrocarbons concentrations were determined by gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) for aliphatic compounds and by gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The grain-size analyses showed that in the recent sediments, mud was predominant. It was associated with the mangrove progradation and anthropogenic activities such as settlement, garbage disposal and sweep activities. High nitrogen concentrations were found in the sediments near the top of the cores and it was associated with inputs from untreated sewage and industries. Although a large anthropogenic input of n-alkanes was detected in the recent sediments, the biogenic contribution by rivers and direct input from mangrove vegetation is an important in the total n-alkanes. The distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons in the cores, meanly concerning Unresolved Complex Mixture, was associated with the formation and development of Cubatão industrial complex and the Santos harbour, waste disposal in Alemoa hill and with the preservation program, that results in the improvement of waste treatment and decrease of organic pollutants input in this area. The PAHs analyses indicated multiplies sources of these compounds (petrogenic and pyrolitic). The predominance of higher molecular weight compounds (4 6 aromatic rings) showed anthropogenic contribution from biomass, coal, oil and fossil fuels combustion. Statistical correlation of magnetic susceptibility with hydrocarbons indicated that the input of magnetic metals could be associated with several sources of hydrocarbons, related with the urban and industrial development of Santos and São Vicente Estuary.
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Exploring a group of Limpopo Province's senior phase mathematics teacher's pedagogical content knowledge of algebra using content representationsBopape, Mamogobo Eunicca January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Mathematics)) ---University of Limpopo, 2016 / This research explored the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of algebra as held by a group of senior phase teachers in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Sixty-one teachers from different districts in the province participated in this study. This qualitative study used a case study design. Data was collected using a test and content representation (CoRe) matrix.
The results were analysed through analysis of narratives. The study revealed that most of the teachers could not identify the main concepts that are taught in algebra. It was discovered that some could not differentiate between algebra and arithmetic. The findings also point out that the teachers had inadequate knowledge of algebra subject matter. The participants were able to identify some of the concepts that learners were supposed to do in the next grades. The findings revealed that most of the participants did not know the importance of teaching algebra. It was revealed that most participants could not identify the learners‘ difficulties; they could not specify the procedures they followed when teaching the identified main concepts in algebra, or give reasons for using those procedures. Furthermore, they could not specify factors that influenced their teaching. However, they were able to indicate different methods they used to assess learners‘ understanding. It was concluded that these teachers had inadequate PCK of senior phase algebra. The study recommends development programmes for both subject matter knowledge and PCK for practising teachers.
Keywords: pedagogical content knowledge, content representations (CoRes), algebra, senior phase mathematics teachers.
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Testování a hodnocení vlastností keramických jader pro technologii vytavitelného modelu / Testing and evaluation of ceramic core properties for investment casting technologyTirala, David January 2021 (has links)
Production of top quality castings for applications in energy, aerospace and medical industries by the addition of ceramic cores to investment casting presents many metallurgical and technological problems. Ceramic cores applied in investment casting are subjects to many requirements in terms of their inertness to the casted alloy and at the same time to their final removal from the casting cavity in such a way that does not damage the casting. Both of these assumptions can be achieved by applying a thin layer of inert oxide ceramic coating to the surface of a ceramic core, made out of a chemically removable – leachable oxide ceramic.
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Numerická simulace výroby keramických jader pro technologii lití na vytavitelný model / Numerical simulation of the ceramic core manufacturing in the investment casting processKinc, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is validation of numerical simulation of the ceramic core manufacturing in the investment casting proces. The first part submit the theoretical description of the manufacturing of the ceramic cores and a description of the basic principles of numerical simulations. The second part compares the video recording of filling the wax-ceramic mixture to the die-casting mold and simulation of the same process created in a simulation software Cadmould 3D-F.
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Damage of bearings caused by electrical discharge currents at large drives derived from latest field research resultsTröger, Sven, Kröger, Matthias 28 February 2020 (has links)
Bearing currents are not all the same. Under certain circumstances and special use cases classic bearing insulations are not sufficient anymore to prevent bearing currents due to the operation of frequency converters. Additional corrective measures have to be implemented to reduce the source of bearing currents the common mode current. The usage of nanocrystalline tape wound
cores shows high effectiveness. As part of a big field study with more than 50 large drive trains in the primary industry, the damaging mechanics of bearing currents are examined under real conditions. Of exceptional high interest is the influence of disturbances which can hardly be simulated in the laboratory. Additional to the shielded motor cable parallel installed functional potential equalization cables applied multiple times have almost no effect in regard to reducing the bearing current. With an optimal installed functional potential equalization system more than 95 percent of the common mode current can flow back through the motor cable shield to the converter. The disturbance impact in the field can influence the voltage over the bearing that breakthroughs are favored but also reduced.
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Reconstructing long term sediment flux from the Brooks Range, Alaska, using edge clinoformsKaba, Christina Marie January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-40). / Laterally extensive, well-developed clinoforms have been mapped in Early Cretaceous deposits located in the northeastern 27,000 km2 of the Colville Basin, North Slope of Alaska. Using public domain 2-D seismic data, well logs, core photographs, and grain size data, depositional geometries within the Nanushuk and Torok formations were interpreted in order to constrain the transport conditions associated with progradation of the shoreline and construction of the continental margin out of detritus shed from the ancestral Brooks Range. Using STRATA, a synthetic stratigraphic modeling package, constructional clinoform geometries similar to those preserved in the North Slope clinoform volume (32,400 km3) were simulated. Sediment flux, marine and nonmarine diffusivities, and basin subsidence were systematically varied until a match was found for the foreset and topset slopes, as well as progradation rates over a 6 million year period. The ability of STRATA to match the seismically interpreted geometries allows us to constrain measures of possible water and sediment discharges consistent with the observed development of the Early Cretaceous clinoform suite. Simulations indicate that, in order to reproduce observed geometries and trends using constant input parameters, the subsidence rate must be very small, only a fraction of the most likely rate calculated from the seismic data. Constant sediment transport parameters can successfully describe the evolution of the prograding margin only in the absence of tectonic subsidence. However, further work is needed to constrain the absolute magnitude of these values and determine a unique solution for the NPR-A clinoforms. / by Christina Marie Kaba. / S.M.
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Microbial diversity and activity in permafrost and ground ice from the Canadian High ArcticSteven, Blaire. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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