Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cornet."" "subject:"hornet.""
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Bohumir Kryl (1875-1961): An American Musical IconJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: For those familiar with the name of Bohumir Kryl, he may be known simply as a cornetist who regularly utilized the extreme pedal register of his instrument. However, his life was much more complex than that. Born in 1875 near Prague, Kryl was trained by his father as a sculptor, and, for a brief stint in his childhood, he was a circus tumbler. Returning to his family vocation, he traveled with them to America and spent much of the 1890s sculpting the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument and busts on the English Hotel in Indianapolis, as well as the friezes adorning the Lew Wallace study in Crawfordsville, Indiana. In the late 1890s, he left sculpting to become a professional cornet soloist, touring with the bands of John Philip Sousa and Frederick Innes, among others. Kryl soon garnered the title of World’s Greatest Cornetist. He formed his own band in 1906 and continued to solo and conduct well into the 1930s, eventually becoming known as one of the five greatest bandmasters in the world. He stopped soloing in the 1930s, but continued to conduct various orchestras until the late 1940s, gaining notoriety for his women’s orchestra. He also became infamous in the way he chose to parent his two daughters. He was financially successful, spending a short time as a bank president in the 1920s and amassing a significant art collection over the span of his life. When he died in 1961, he was worth nearly $2,000,000. This document is the first comprehensive biography of the extraordinary life of Bohumir Kryl.
Many documents were reviewed in preparation for this biography, including thousands of newspaper articles, telegrams, and letters. Much of Kryl’s personal correspondence used for this study was acquired through the Redpath Chautauqua Collection, located in the University of Iowa Library in Iowa City. Because there are few secondary sources, this biography of Kryl is based on these primary sources, which were carefully organized, reviewed, and documented. Their wealth of information has allowed this study to offer a complete and multifaceted picture of the life and times of Bohumir Kryl. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2019
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The Trumpet and Cornet Works of Emile Joseph Trognee (1868-1942): Musical and Pedagogical ContributionsScheusner, Geoffrey Herther January 2009 (has links)
Emile Joseph Trognee's career took place not only during a time unsurpassed with regards to the musical and constructional developments of the trumpet, but also in the highly important and evolving musical environment of Imperial and Soviet Russia. As a result of an investigation of their inherent musical qualities, this document will establish how Emile Trognee's works are representative of European trumpet and cornet pedagogical and musical trends of the early 20th century. Through formal, thematic and harmonic analysis of these works, the key pedagogical and stylistic features are identified and discussed as consistent or unique to those of the period. Preceding that analysis and critical to an understanding of the contextual relevance of this material is a summation of the important 19th and early 20th century musical developments that influenced the instruction and use of the trumpet and cornet in Russia and Europe. It is hoped that modern study of the challenging works of that period will benefit from a better understanding of the performance and educational practices of those who were present at their inception or particularly adept in their performance.
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Etude et conception de guides d'onde et d'antennes cornets à métamatériaux / Study and design of waveguides and horn antennas with metamaterialsByrne, Benedikt 08 November 2016 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux besoins croissants d’équipements de communication pour les applications spatiales, il est important de réduire, le plus possible, la taille et la masse de l’équipement des satellites. Cela conduit à une réduction des coûts de lancement des satellites sur leur orbite ou laisse la possibilité d’ajouter des équipements dans la fusée. Ceci compte aussi pour les composants radioélectriques. L’objectif étant de réduire les dimensions sans pour autant détériorer les performances en rayonnement (directivité, polarisation croisée, bande monomode, etc.). Il est possible de contrôler la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans les antennes cornets et les guides d’onde à l’aide de surfaces anisotropes (corrugations, métamatériaux). Ainsi, contrairement à ce que prédisent les lois physiques sur la propagation et le rayonnement d’ondes électromagnétiques dans des structures classiques, les performances des structures à parois anisotropes peuvent être radicalement améliorées : pour le guide d’onde, réduction de la fréquence de coupure ; pour l’antenne cornet, amélioration de la directivité ou réduction du niveau des lobes secondaires. D’après l’état de l’art, même si les résultats de simulations et de mesures obtenus sont très prometteurs, le dimensionnement de la structure des métamatériaux est sujet à optimisation, donc gourmand en ressources informatiques. L’apport principal de cette thèse a été de développer une nouvelle méthodologie de conception s’appuyant sur une Théorie Modale Elargie (TME) analytique pour des guides d’onde à parois anisotropes. Elle permet de dimensionner très rapidement des surfaces à métamatériaux les plus adaptées aux applications requises. Un prototype de guide d’onde et un prototype d’antenne ont été conçus, fabriqués et mesurés grâce à cette méthodologie. Les résultats obtenus démontrent l’intérêt, l'efficacité et le caractère général de la méthode proposée pour la conception de dispositifs hyperfréquences guidés à parois anisotropes. / In space applications, one of the biggest challenges is to reduce the size and mass of equipment, in order to reduce the costs of the rocket launch. For RF components, this has to be done without lowering RF performance (directivity, crosspolarization, single-mode bandwidth, etc.). The challenge is all the more problematic in the case of used horn antennas and waveguides because of their relatively large size. It has been shown that the use of anisotropic surfaces (i.e. corrugations and metamaterials) on the inside walls of guided RF structure makes it possible to influence and control the way electromagnetic waves travel, enabling new devices with radically different and improved performances : for waveguides, reduction of the cuto&# 64256; frequency ; for horn antennas, improvement of the directivity or a reduction of the side lobes. A state of the art of previous work done on metamaterial horn antennas pointed out that, even if the obtained and presented results seem very promising, the procedure to obtain the optimized RF structure is very time-consuming and requires considerable computer resources. The main contribution of this PhD work was to develop a new methodology based on the analytical Modal Expansion Theory (MET) for waveguides with anisotropic walls. This methodology makes it possible to optimize very rapidly the dimensions of the metamaterial surfaces adjusted to the required application. A metamaterial waveguide and antenna prototype have been designed, realized and measured thanks to this methodology. The results obtained demonstrate the usefulness, effectiveness and general applicability of the method developed for the design of RF structures with anisotropic walls.
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Reimagining “The Art of Phrasing” by Jean Baptiste Arban: Teaching Musical Style to Modern Day Trumpet PlayersGeorge, Miranda 12 1900 (has links)
“The Art of Phrasing” is a chapter from Arban’s Complete Celebrated Method for the Cornet (published in 1864) that contains a selection of 150 melodies from Classical and early Romantic works. This section of Arban’s method was necessary for a new generation of cornet and trumpet players to learn melodic phrasing and style. A larger part of the trumpet solo repertoire was written for the clarino register or composed in fanfares due to the limitation of the valveless trumpet. The newly chromatic cornet grew to be a prominent solo instrument in symphonies and wind bands by the mid 19th century, and Arban's “Art of Phrasing” instructed players in musical style. Due to today’s vast number of musical genres, it is unlikely that present day students will be exposed to the melodies of “The Art of Phrasing.” With advancements in music streaming technology and with increased accessibility to countless recordings via the internet, trumpet players are able to access recordings of the melodies. However, there are errors and omissions in the chapter that prevents students from finding recordings with ease. This dissertation presents a new compilation of melodies organized by musical period from medieval to modern day, complete with proper title, composer name, chronological information, genre, and location within the selected work. In order to help students distinguish between musical styles, a brief description of characteristics from each musical period is provided, including information on the function of music in society, performance practice, and compositional trends in rhythm, melody, harmony, and expression.
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Jean-Baptiste Arban, du cornet à la baguette : un musicien français du XIXè siècle aux multiples talents / Jean-Baptiste Arban, from the cornet to the conductor's baton : a French multi-talented musician of the 19th centuryCanin, Xavier 25 January 2016 (has links)
Rares sont les musiciens de la famille des cuivres qui ignorent de nos jours le nom de Jean-Baptiste Arban (1825-1889). Son attachement au cornet à pistons et au Conservatoire de Paris a cependant relégué dans l’ombre ses autres activités : composition, enseignement, direction d’orchestre et entrepreneuriat. Afin de les faire mieux connaître, nous avons pu réunir une importante documentation issue d’archives, publiques et privées, ainsi que de la presse de son temps. Ces documents nous ont permis de mettre en évidence l’ensemble des faits relatifs à sa vie et à son œuvre, concernant tout un pan de la vie parisienne, de la monarchie de Juillet à la IIIe République. Comptant quelque 700 entrées, le catalogue d’œuvres que nous avons établi illustre aussi la richesse de sa production musicale, principalement liée à la danse et au divertissement. En retraçant le parcours atypique de cette célèbre figure musicale du XIXe siècle, de sa jeunesse passée à Lyon dans une famille d’artificiers à la direction des bals de l’Opéra, l’auteur de cette thèse espère apporter une contribution efficace à l’histoire de la société française de cette époque. / Few brass musicians today are not familiar with the name of Jean-Baptiste Arban (1825-1889). However, his commitment to the cornet as well as to the Conservatoire may have overshadowed his other activities: composition, musical education, conducting and entrepreneurial actions. In order to make them known, we have managed to collect substantial information from private and public archives and extracts of contemporary press. Such documents have allowed us to bring to the fore all the events connected with his life in Paris from the July Monarchy to the Third Republic. With about 700 entries, this catalogue illustrates how rich his musical production was (mainly linked to dance and entertainment). Thanks to such a review of the atypical career of this famous figure of music in the 19th century, going from his youth in a family of firework makers in Lyon to conducting dance at the Opera House, the writer of this thesis expects to make a significant contribution to the history of French society in those days.
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Performance Practice of Brass Band Music of the American Civil War: A Perspective from Saxton's Cornet BandCrawford, Joel M. 01 January 2015 (has links)
This project examines source materials, methods, and instruments required for creating an informed period performance of military brass band music from the American Civil War. The rapid development of brass bands in America combined with the volatility of the war meant that much of the development of these styles were not formally documented. To compound this problem an instrumentalist trained on modern instruments who plays on an instrument from the period will produce a sound highly colored and influenced by their sound concept on a modern instrument. Experience with the instrument and attention to their idiosyncrasies will offer the closest possible sound to bands in the Civil War era. This project examines primary musical sources as well as considerations on how to properly approach a period performance of brass band music of this era. Central to this examination is the author's training and experience as a member of the Civil War period performance ensemble Saxton's Cornet Band.
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Antenne Multifonction pour Radar et Communication / Multifunction Antenna for Radar and CommunicationOuedraogo, Samir 09 January 2018 (has links)
Afin de répondre à la demande croissante de nouveaux services, les objets que nous utilisons au quotidien (les smartphones, les voitures, les avions, etc.) tendent à intégrer de plus en plus de systèmes radio tandis que l’espace disponible pour l’intégration de ces éléments est de plus en plus réduit. Ces systèmes radio nécessitent l’utilisation de plusieurs antennes devant répondre à des critères de compacité, d’isolation, de coût, etc. À titre d’illustration, un smartphone contient plusieurs antennes pour assurer des fonctions telles que la téléphonie, la navigation, la connexion à internet par WiFi, les liaisons Bluetooth, la technologie NFC (Near-Field Communications) et ce nombre tend à s’accroitre considérablement avec l’émergence de nouveaux services. Le même phénomène se retrouve également au niveau des plateformes aéroportées où des fonctions telles que la communication, la navigation, le radar, etc. sont utilisées. Cela conduit donc à la nécessité de réduire le nombre d’antennes en regroupant par exemple plusieurs fonctions au sein d’une même et unique antenne. Dans de précédents travaux de recherches, J. Euzière a démontré la possibilité de combiner une fonction radar et une seconde fonction (ici de communication) en utilisant un réseau de 16 monopoles initialement dédié au seul radar, grâce au Time Modulated Array (TMA). De cette façon, les deux fonctions utilisaient la même fréquence et étaient alimentées par une seule source. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer une solution d’antenne multifonction pour radar et communication encore plus compacte (constituée d’une seule antenne). L’idée est de partir d’une solution antennaire déjà existante et d’y apporter les modifications nécessaires à l’ajout d’une seconde fonction, sans pour autant augmenter la surface de l’antenne ni la complexité du système. / In order to respond to the increasingly demand of new services, the objects we use on a daily basis (such as mobile phones, cars, airplanes etc.), tend to integrate more and more radio systems while the space available is limited. These radio systems require the use of many antennas that must meet multiple requirements such as compactness, isolation, costs, etc. A smart-phone, for example, contains several antennas for global navigation satellite system (GNSS), WiFi, TV, FM radio, Bluetooth, near-field communications (NFC) and the number is expected to increase as new systems are added. Another example is in airborne platforms where multiple functions such as communication, navigation, radar, electronic warfare are used. This leads to the need of reducing the number of associated antennas by regrouping several radio functions into a single antenna. However, combining the functionality of several antennas into one shared radiating element while maintaining the functionality of the various radio systems presents a great challenge. During its Ph.D, J. Euzière demonstrated the possibility to combine a radar function and a secondary function from a 16-monopole array originally dedicated to radar operation by using Time Modulated Array (TMA) technique. By this way, the two functions were operating at the same frequency and the system was powered by a single source.The main objective of this thesis is to propose a more compact antenna (a single antenna) dedicated to radar and communication operations instead of using antenna array as J. Euzière did it. The idea is to start from an existing antenna solution and make the necessary modifications to add a second function without adding additional surface and complexity. As we are interested in radar applications, we will choose a directive antenna: a horn antenna. The goal is then to study the possibility to modify the radiation pattern of the horn antenna through controllable elements (slots) and to transmit a direct modulated signal at the antenna level for the communication function. Furthermore, polarization diversity is an attractive way to increase the isolation between two applications. Thus, this aspect will be taken into account in the design of the antenna solution.
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Les cornets polaires: étude d'une région clef de l'interface vent solaire-magnétosphère à l'aide des données Cluster.Grison, Benjamin 27 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'accès direct à l'ionosphère que les cornets polaires permettent au plasma du vent solaire font de ceux-ci une région-clef pour l'étude de l'interface entre le vent solaire et la magnétosphère. Il a été choisi d'étudier la nature des ondes UBF et de leur interaction avec le plasma dans la partie la plus distante des cornets polaires avec les données Cluster.<br />Une étude de cas détaillée montre que les injections de plasma du vent solaire s'accompagnent d'une forte activité électromagnétique. L'analyse des ondes, met en valeur la nature alfvénique dominante de ces fluctuations, ainsi que le mélange des modes dans une même bouffée, résultat obtenu par une analyse pluri-satellitaire, ici le filtrage-en-k. Les ondes d'Alfvén sont identifiées dans le domaine cinétique. Les interactions possibles avec le plasma sont recherchées. Ces résultats sont pour partie généralisés, montrant l'importance des ondes UBF dans la pénétration du plasma du vent solaire dans la magnétosphère terrestre.
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The Knights of Pythias band of Champaign, Illinois : their place in American band history and an analysis of selected cornet solos from their performance library /Bean, Keith Raymond. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. / Printout. Vita. Includes analysis of the cornet as a solo instrument in selected works from the James Benefield collection that reflect a variety of musical styles. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-65).
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