Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corridor"" "subject:"korridor""
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Tvorba a čerpání rezerv na vypořádání důlních škod v souvislosti s přeložkami síťových staveb z hlediska účetního a daňového / Creation and drawing of provisions for mine damages connected with the relocation of utilities in terms of accounting and taxesVincíková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with some selected problematic areas related to the creation and drawing provisions for mine damages connected with the relocation of utilities in the Hořanský corridor. It describes the specific nature of the activities carried out by mining organizations in relation to the owners of utilities.
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Дунав као саобраћајна артерија и осовина развоја у Републици Србији / Dunav kao saobraćajna arterija i osovina razvoja u Republici Srbiji / Danube as a transport artery and axis ofdevelopment in the Republic of SerbiaMilanković Jelena 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду је дата детаљна анализа подручја Подунавља у Републици Србији, који се<br />назива Дунавска осовина. Простор Дунава, тј. Коридора VII има изузетан саобраћајни положај и природне услове за развој и чини део окоснице просторне структуре Србије. На овом подручју је изражена концентрација становништва и агломерација делатности и то посебно на подручју Града Београда, највеће урбане агломерације Србије, али и на подручју Новог Сада, који чини национални секундарни центар. Простор дунавског појаса због свог изузетног значаја узроковао је да има повећану концентрацију производње, капитала, саобраћаја, становништва и насељавања у том делу Србије.<br />Дунавска осовина располаже изузетним потенцијалима за развој пољопривреде, енергетике, индустрије и туризма. Значај и потенцијали реке Дунав за Републику Србију су огромни, али његове предности још увек нису искоришћене, а његова улога осовине развоја није у потпуности потврђена. О природним ресурсима простора око реке Дунав у Европи и неопходности сарадње између подунавских земаља писали су многи, али и закључивали да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна, као и да нема рационалну организацију која би бринула о економским, еколошким, културним, и другим интересима како средње, тако и о интересима целе Еворпе.<br />Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање потенцијала и могућности које подручје Подунавља пружа Републици Србији, као и постављене хипотезе да је Дунав, односно, Подунавље осовина развоја Републике Србије. Утврђивањем основних природних и друштвених карактеристика дунавског гравитационог подручја и саме реке и њихове анализе приказаће се основни потенцијали овог подручја. Циљ је да се укаже на значај Дунава за регионални развој Србије и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних вредности. Реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава се и процена будућег дешавања и промена.</p> / <p>U radu je data detaljna analiza područja Podunavlja u Republici Srbiji, koji se<br />naziva Dunavska osovina. Prostor Dunava, tj. Koridora VII ima izuzetan saobraćajni položaj i prirodne uslove za razvoj i čini deo okosnice prostorne strukture Srbije. Na ovom području je izražena koncentracija stanovništva i aglomeracija delatnosti i to posebno na području Grada Beograda, najveće urbane aglomeracije Srbije, ali i na području Novog Sada, koji čini nacionalni sekundarni centar. Prostor dunavskog pojasa zbog svog izuzetnog značaja uzrokovao je da ima povećanu koncentraciju proizvodnje, kapitala, saobraćaja, stanovništva i naseljavanja u tom delu Srbije.<br />Dunavska osovina raspolaže izuzetnim potencijalima za razvoj poljoprivrede, energetike, industrije i turizma. Značaj i potencijali reke Dunav za Republiku Srbiju su ogromni, ali njegove prednosti još uvek nisu iskorišćene, a njegova uloga osovine razvoja nije u potpunosti potvrđena. O prirodnim resursima prostora oko reke Dunav u Evropi i neophodnosti saradnje između podunavskih zemalja pisali su mnogi, ali i zaključivali da je njihova iskorišćenost nedovoljna i neadekvatna, kao i da nema racionalnu organizaciju koja bi brinula o ekonomskim, ekološkim, kulturnim, i drugim interesima kako srednje, tako i o interesima cele Evorpe.<br />Osnovni cilj disertacije je potvrđivanje potencijala i mogućnosti koje područje Podunavlja pruža Republici Srbiji, kao i postavljene hipoteze da je Dunav, odnosno, Podunavlje osovina razvoja Republike Srbije. Utvrđivanjem osnovnih prirodnih i društvenih karakteristika dunavskog gravitacionog područja i same reke i njihove analize prikazaće se osnovni potencijali ovog područja. Cilj je da se ukaže na značaj Dunava za regionalni razvoj Srbije i da se konkretnim rešenjima predlože najbolji načini za korišćenje njegovih mnogobrojnih vrednosti. Realnim prikazom sadašnjeg stanja omogućava se i procena budućeg dešavanja i promena.</p> / <p>The paper gives a detailed analysis of the area of Podunavlje in the Republic of Serbia, which bears the name the Danube Axis. The Danube region, that is the region of the Corridor VII has an exceptional traffic position and natural conditions for development and it makes a part of the essential framework of the spatial structure of Serbia. This region has a pronounced concentration of population as well as agglomeration of economic activities, especially on the territory of the City of Belgrade, the largest urban agglomeration in Serbia, and also on the territory of Novi Sad, which is a secondary national center. Due to its particular significance, the Danube region has an enlarged concentration of production, capital, traffic, population and immigration in that part of Serbia. The Danube Axis has enormous potential for the growth of agriculture, energetics, industry and tourism. The Danube River has enormous significance and enormous potential for the Republic of Serbia. However, its advantages have not yet been taken, and its role as a foundation for development has not yet been fully confirmed. Many people have written about natural resources of the area surrounding the Danube River in Europe and about the necessity of cooperation among the countries along the Danube River basin, but they have also concluded that their exploitation has been insufficient and inadequate, as well as that there has been no rational organization to take care of the economic, ecological, cultural and other interests of Central Europe and of the whole Europe as well. The main goal of the dissertation is to confirm potential and possibilities that the area of Podunavlje offers to the Republic of Serbia, as well as to make a hypothesis that the Danube, that is Podunavlje, provides the basis for the growth of the Republic of Serbia. The establishing of major natural and social characteristics of the Danube gravity zone and of the River itself and their analysis will show the true potential of this region. The aim is to emphasize the importance of the Danube for the regional growth of Serbia and to suggest the best ways of exploiting its numerous assets in the form of concrete solutions. A real portrayal of the present state enables the assessment of future occurrences and future changes.</p>
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Enforcing Higher Standards for Flood Hazard Mitigation in VermontFlanders, Tamsin 18 December 2020 (has links)
The state of Vermont faces increasing risk of costly damage from catastrophic flooding events as climate change increases the frequency of heavy rains and cumulative precipitation. In addition to increasing flood inundation risk, extreme precipitation events are leading to high rates damage from fluvial erosion—erosion caused by the force of floodwater and the materials it carries. As in all U.S. states, flood hazard governance in Vermont is shared by multiple levels of government and involves a complex compliance model that relies on local governments to regulate private property owners to achieve community, state, or federal goals.
To encourage municipalities to adopt higher-standard flood regulations, the State government created higher-standard model flood hazard bylaws and has incentivized their adoption through the State Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund program. The higher standards modeled by the State apply no-fill, no-build, and an assortment of additional standards that exceed the Federal Emergency Management Association’s National Flood Insurance Program’s minimum standards. The State encourages the application of higher standards not only to the federally mapped flood hazard area but also to the State-mapped “river corridor.” Though these regulations are enforced through the local flood hazard permitting process, State floodplain managers are meant to play a substantial advisory role in their regulation. A decade after the first of these flood hazard regulations appeared in Vermont municipalities, little is known about how much encroachment still happens in flood hazard areas and how municipalities have handled permitting projects under these new controls. A better understanding of the local governance of flood hazard regulations can further inform State flood hazard governance.
This study of twelve Vermont towns found in those towns a fairly high degree of conformance to local regulations but a mixed record on compliance with the State’s expectations for the permitting process. There was on average a little under one investment per town over a 4.3-year period that was significant enough to, by law, trigger a conditional permit review. Within the study sample, activity in the regulated flood hazard zone conformed to local bylaws at a rate of about 88%. However, only three of the ten projects that triggered conditional review were reviewed at the State level, as is the expectation for new, replacement, or improved structures, and the fact that none of the suspected non-conforming structures received a State-level review (and some missed local review) suggests that receiving full review will increase the rate of individual permit conformance.
Interviews with State officials indicated that the State may be more interested in changing the culture of local flood hazard mitigation than in achieving perfect land use conformance. When local actions that promote access to information and the capacity to regulate are compared with a Town’s permitting compliance rate, a slight pattern emerges showing that communities that have flood regulation information available online, town-wide zoning, and a zoning administrator, are more likely to have projects be permitted by the Town and sent to the State for review. Interviews with State-employed flood managers and local floodplain administrators also suggest that additional social factors, such as whether bylaws have community “champions” and who acts as the zoning administrator, may influence the degree of community compliance. Often local authorities rely on their own discretion to regulate activity in the flood hazard area as a way of navigating tensions between regulations and private property rights, representing both a valuable point of flexibility for compliance and a potential sticking point in the State’s effort to facilitate a culture shift.
Flood hazard mitigation regulation in Vermont most closely aligns with a cooperative enforcement model, which relies on long-term relationships and credible threat of enforcement (among other factors) in order to work. Because the findings show that breakdowns in the expected relationship between Town and State government clearly occur, one important approach to achieving a cultural shift would appear to be strengthening State-local relationships. This may involve increasing the State staff-to-community ratio, conducting more community visits and trainings, distributing a flood regulations enforcement manual, strengthening the capacity of regional planning agencies, and/or reducing the barriers to preparing permits for State review. Focusing on long-term relationship-building with a number of community members may help prevent the breakdown in communication that can occur as individual floodplain administrators come and go. A second strategy would continue to support the state-wide housing buyout program to mitigate inequitable outcomes and general resentment over property loss. And because the ERAF incentive program does not have any penalties that incentivize enforcement, a third beneficial approach would involve creating stronger incentives for local enforcement and compliance, such as ERAF criteria that mandates local enforcement actions and improved State-level monitoring of compliance. Yet while there may be room for strengthening flood hazard regulation enforcement, Vermont’s innovative regulations and incentives for adoption appear to be translating fairly well into local-level conformance and compliance, and could serve a model for other states.
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Mimoúrovňové křížení železniční trasy Přerov - Brno silnicí III/4349 v Chropyni / Level crossing of the railway line Přerov - Brno by road III/4349 in ChropyněSobková, Jolana January 2020 (has links)
Master‘s thesis is created in a form of a study and deals with the level crossing of the railway line in Chropyně. Thesis solves modification of existing crossover in two variants in the road design cathegory marked as S7,5. This master‘s thesis verify a direction of road by underpass beneath the railway line number 300. Although mainly this study solves the option of overcoming the railway overpass in the displaced position. At the same time it deals with various possibilities of connecting the displaced option to the existing road network.
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Bytový dům / Blosk of FlaceMatal, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The diploma theses covers the topic of "Apartment building" and is written in the form of project documentation in accordance with valid regulations. It deals with a four-storey building with a flat roof. The building was designed to provide comfortable housing for eight families on the upper two floors. The rest of the building should be used for commercial purposes so that the comfort and the privacy of the residents would be preserved.
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Ensamma tillsammans : Hotell i Mariefred / Alone together : Hotel in MariefredHeymowska, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Resandet försiggår i korridorer och fickor - mellanrum mellan här och där. Präglade av flyktighet och anonymitet utgör dessa rum en optimal plattform för introspektiv aktivitet. På bussen, tåget, flygplatsen, hotellet är vi ensamma tillsammans. Projektet utgår ifrån en teoretisk undersökning av hotell och andra icke-platser som det globala kommunikationssamhället bidragit till. De temporära rum som resande och hotellvistelser erbjuder ger utrymme för oss att ifrågasätta och utvärdera oss själva och vår identitet. Undersökningen fokuserar på individens påverkan av att befinna sig på avstånd från ”verkligheten”. Mariefred lämpar sig synnerligen bra att placera ett hotell marknadsfört som en plats man kan söka sig till för att vara ensam tillsammans med andra och fullt ut tillåta sig själv att befinna sig i mellanrummet, både fysiskt och psykist. Ambitionen har varit att utveckla ett hotellförslag där arkitekturen - såväl visuellt som rumsligt och konceptuellt - förstärker och uppmuntrar till asocial samvaro och introvert utforskning. / Travelling takes place in corridors and pockets - spaces inbetween here and there. Characterized by volatility and anonymity, these rooms provide an optimal platform for introspective activity. On the bus, the train, at the airport, the hotel - we are alone together. The project is based on a theoretical investigation of hotels and other non-places that the global society of communications has spawned. The temporary rooms that traveling and hotel stays provide, create a platform for us to question and evaluate our selves and our identity.The investigation focuses on how individuals who find themselves at a distance from "reality" react and are impacted. Mariefred is a particularly well suited location for a hotel that markets itself as a place one can go to to be alone togehter with others and to fully allow oneself to be in the between - both physically and mentally. The ambition has been to develop a hotel where the architecture - both visually, spatially and conceptually - enhances and encourages antisocial togetherness and introverted exploration.
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Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice: Examining if Conceptual Models can be Effective as Tools to Guide the Planning and Valuation of Multi-Use Urban Trails.Gallagher, Karen Rose January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments, archaeology, and indicators of a glacial refugium on northern Vancouver Island, CanadaHebda, Christopher Franklin George 24 December 2019 (has links)
Recent research has revealed human settlement on the Pacific coast of Canada extending back nearly 14,000 years, but much of the late Pleistocene record is unknown due to shifting sea levels, poor understanding of Cordilleran ice extent, and limited research on the biota of the coast during this time. This study, undertaken in Quatsino First Nation and ‘Namgis First Nation territories as part of the Northern Vancouver Island Archaeology and Palaeoecology Project, employs modern multi-proxy analysis of lake sediment cores from two sites on northern Vancouver Island to reconstruct palaeoenvironments during and immediately following the Fraser Glaciation in coastal British Columbia. Evidence from radiocarbon samples, pollen, ancient environmental DNA, plant macrofossils, and diatoms indicates that Topknot Lake on the outer coast of Vancouver Island has remained unglaciated through most of the local Last Glacial Maximum since ca. 18,000 cal BP. A non-arboreal herb-shrub tundra assemblage prevailed from ca. 17,500-16,000 cal BP with taxa including willows (Salix), grasses, sedges (Cyperaceae), heathers (Ericaceae), and sagewort (Artemisia). After ca. 16,000 and into the terminal Pleistocene, Topknot Lake was dominated by pine, alder (Alnus), ferns, and aquatic plant species. In the Nimpkish River Valley deep in the Vancouver Island Ranges, Little Woss Lake also demonstrates a record extending to the late Pleistocene (ca. 14,300 cal BP). The environment comprised dry and cool conifer woodland dominated first by fir (Abies) until ca. 14,000 cal BP, then by pine, alder, and ferns from ca. 14,000-12,000 cal BP. eDNA evidence from ca. 14,000 cal BP corroborates these plant taxa as well as indicating brown bear and Chinook salmon in and around the basin at that time. A mixed-conifer assemblage consisting of pine, western hemlock, and alder followed from ca. 12,000-11,100 cal BP into the early Holocene. Collectively, these indicators demonstrate an open environment on the outer coast of northern Vancouver Island since ca. 18,000-17,500 cal BP and well-established biotic communities across the region throughout the late Pleistocene. These results inform future archaeological research for early human habitation in coastal British Columbia and provide key evidence to support the viability of the coastal migration route for the first peopling of the Americas. / Graduate / 2020-12-11
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Návrh severního sjezdu z VRT do Hranic na Moravě / Design of the North Junction from Hranice na Morave to HSR LineGelová, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is the design of railway junction from high-speed rail RS1 Bohumín – Přerov to railway station Hranice na Moravě at a speed 160 of kph. The design has been developed with minimisation of land occupation and the minimisation of engineering structures. The next aim is the design of two pairs of railroad switch on the high-speed rail. Part of the thesis is the design of the railway substructure, railway superstructure and track drainage.
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The Education Development in China’s Southwest Border Area Under the Belt and Road InitiativeStevens, Kerry A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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