Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corrosion defects"" "subject:"eorrosion defects""
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[pt] A redução de espessura de parede de dutos, causada por
corrosão, é um dos
defeitos que mais afetam a integridade dos mesmos. Este
defeito pode ocorrer no
metal base, nas soldas longitudinais e circunferenciais. Com
a expansão do
número de dutos rígidos instalados no fundo do mar e o
avançado tempo de uso, a
indústria de petróleo tem desenvolvido diversas ferramentas
de reparo desses
dutos, sem comprometer a segurança e a perda da produção. O
objetivo preliminar
desse trabalho foi o estudo e a geração de modelos
computacionais, os quais uma
vez parametrizados, possam servir como ferramenta para
análise de conexões de
reparo de dutos submarinos. No decorrer desse estudo, sobre
dois tipos de
conexões de reparo, foi percebido que o comportamento na
falha, descrito pelos
modelos numéricos das mesmas, possui detalhes que precisavam
ser esclarecidos
em complementação ao programa experimental adotado
(Alves,1995). Uma fase
dessa pesquisa constou o trabalho de laboratório no qual
repetiu-se a confecção da
mistura de resina epóxi e cimento, segundo as referencias
adotadas no programa
experimental de Alves e realizaram-se ensaios de compressão
em corpos-de-prova
cilíndricos moldados com essa mistura visando o levantamento
de curva tensão
versus deformação e determinação do coeficiente de Poisson.
Outra fase dessa
pesquisa foi a consulta de diversos outros trabalhos que
indicassem o
comportamento dessa mistura, quando submetida à compressão.
Por fim, foram
gerados modelos analíticos e numéricos da conexão de reparo.
Seus resultados
foram comparados com os resultados obtidos no programa
experimental de Alves.
Com base nessa comparação foram levantadas as discrepâncias
dos resultados,
bem como as possíveis causas dessas discrepâncias e suas
possíveis razões e
sugestões para se alcançar o objetivo inicial foram indicadas. / [en] The reduction of pipeline wall thickness caused by corrosion
is one of the
defects that more affect pipeline structural integrity.
These defects can take place
in the metal base, in the longitudinal and circumferential
welding. With the
expansion of the rigid submarine pipelines mesh already
installed and considering
the advanced time of using, the oil industry has been
developing several tools for
pipeline repair without compromising the safety and avoiding
production stops.
The preliminary objective of this work was the study and the
generation of
computer models, which once parameter, they could be a tool
for analyze the
repair connection of submarine pipeline. During this study,
about two types of
repair connection, it was realized that the behaviour at
failure described by the
connection numerical models has details which needed to be
explained in addition
to the considered experimental program (Alves). One phase of
this research was
the laboratory works in which it was possible to repeat the
mixture of epoxi resin
and cement, according to the references adopted in the
experimental program
(Alves). Compression test were conducted on cylindrical
specimens made of this
mixture for determining the stress-strain curve and the
Poisson coefficient.
Another phase of this research was the consulting of other
works which could
indicate the expected behaviour of the mixture subjected to
the compression load.
Finally, analytical and numerical models of repair
connection were generated the
results were compared with those obtained on experimental
program (Alves)
Based on comparison, discrepancies were detected as well as
they possible causes.
Suggestions to obtain the initial objective were indicated.
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[pt] A avaliação estrutural de dutos com defeitos de corrosão
vem sendo estudada desde o final da década de 60. A
partir dos conceitos da Mecânica da Fratura, foram
elaboradas expressões semi-empíricas que permitiram
estimar a pressão de ruptura de defeitos de corrosão.
Desde então, essas expressões foram sendo ajustadas e
aprimoradas por testes de ensaios destrutivos e análise de
elementos finitos. Os principais métodos desenvolvidos
são o ASME B31G, 085dL, Effective Area, DNV RP F-101
(defeitos isolados) e DNV RP F-101 (defeitos complexos).
Esta tese foi elaborada utilizando alguns dos ensaios
programados para o projeto Produt 600536, e parte dos
seus resultados foi aproveitada neste projeto. Para o
trabalho de tese, foram utilizados cinco espécimes
tubulares de aço API 5L X46, com 3,0 m de comprimento
aproximado, diâmetro nominal de 457,2 mm e espessura
nominal de 6,35 mm. Estes espécimes continham defeitos
reais de corrosão interna, do tipo longo, localizados na
geratriz inferior, e foram retirados do oleoduto Orbel I,
pertencente à Petrobras, durante a sua obra de
reabilitação, em 2001. Os defeitos de corrosão foram
mapeados com medições manuais por ultra-som espaçadas em
20 mm e com medições mecanizadas CSCAN espaçadas em 5mm.
Para cada espécime, foram realizados ensaios de tração em
4 corpos de prova, sendo 2 corpos retirados
transversalmente e 2 longitudinalmente. Estes espécimes
foram instrumentados com extensômetros de resistência
elétrica e pressurizados até a ruptura. Para cada
espécime, foram levantados diversos perfis de corrosão em
função do comprimento estabelecido para o defeito e do
tipo de medição (manual ou mecanizada). A pressão de
ruptura foi estimada pelas equações dos métodos ASME
B31G, 085dL, Effective Area, DNV RP F-101 (defeitos
isolados) e DNV RP F-101 (defeitos complexos),
utilizando planilha Excel e/ou os programas
computacionais RSTRENG e DNV RP F-101. Os valores de
pressão de ruptura estimados para os espécimes,
utilizando os métodos acima relacionados, foram
comparados com as pressões de ruptura reais, obtidas nos
ensaios de pressão. Os resultados confirmaram o
conservadorismo embutido no método ASME B31G e
comprovaram que os métodos Effective Area e DNV RP-F101
(complexo), que utilizam o perfil de corrosão, apresentam
resultados melhores que os métodos ASME B31G e 085dL
e podem ser considerados uma boa ferramenta para avaliar
defeitos de corrosão, considerando somente carregamento
de pressão interna. / [en] Structural assessment of pipelines with corrosion defects
has been studied since the late 1960s. From the principles
of fracture mechanics, semi-emprical mathematical
expressions have been developed for predicting burst
pressure of corroded pipes. Subsequently, these expressions
have been modified and calibrated based on the results from
finite element analyses and laboratory burst tests. The
main methods are ASME B31G, Modified B31G (version 0.85 dL),
Effective Area and DNV RP-F101 for single and complex
shaped defects. This thesis was done utilizing some
laboratory tests from Produt 600536 Project. For
this study, five specimens with 3.0 meters each were
removed from Petrobras pipeline (Orbel I), during its
rehabilitation. The pipe material was API 5L X46,
18 diameter and 0.25 wall thickness. These specimens had
real internal corrosion with very long defect length, at
the 6:00 o`clock position. The corrosion defects were
mapped by manual ultrasound, at 20 mm intervals, and
mecanized ultrasonic measurements CSCAN at 5 mm intervals.
For each pipe, the yield strength and ultimate strength
were determined by tension tests of 4 specimens, 2
removed from transverse and 2 longitudinal. Every pipe
specimen was monitored by strain gages and pressurized up
to the point of rupture. For each specimen different
profiles were determined depending on the length defined
for the defect and for the intervals of measurements. The
burst pressure was predicted by the following methods: ASME
B31G, Modified B31G (version 0.85 dL), Effective Area and
DNV RP-F101 for single and complex defects. These predicted
rupture pressures were compared with the real burst
pressures. The results confirmed the conservatism of the
ASME B31G method and demonstrated that the Effective
Area and DNV RP-F101 for complex shaped defects methods can
be considered good for evaluating longitudinal corrosion
defects, considering only internal pressure load.
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[pt] A redução de espessura de parede causada por corrosão é
dos defeitos que mais afetam a integridade dos dutos.
Estes defeitos podem ocorrer no metal base, nas soldas
longitudinais ou circunferenciais, bem como nas zonas
afetadas pelo calor. Os métodos de avaliação da
resistência remanescente introduzem ressalvas ou proíbem
tratamento de defeitos de corrosão coincidentes com as
juntas soldadas. No presente trabalho foram avaliados os
níveis de segurança dos métodos usuais de avaliação da
resistência de dutos com defeitos introduzidos na região
da solda longitudinal de tubos soldados por arco
Os tubos testados eram de aço C-Mn fabricados na década
60 e foram retirados de operação após uma campanha
superior a 30 anos. Com estes tubos foram fabricados 5
espécimes, cada qual com 1 defeito externo produzido por
eletro-erosão, sendo posteriormente submetidos a testes
pressão monitorados. Foram realizados ensaios de tração,
ensaios de impacto Charpy e ensaios de dobramento, para
determinação das propriedades mecânicas do metal de
do metal de solda e da zona termicamente afetada (ZTA).
Foram realizados também ensaios metalográficos do metal
base e do metal de solda, análise química do metal de
e do metal de solda e medição das tensões residuais no
metal de solda. A aplicação dos métodos de nível 1 (ASME
B31G, 085dL, RPA, DNV isolado e PCORRC) resultou em
pressões previstas inferiores às pressões reais de
para defeitos de formato esférico. Para defeitos de
retangular a aplicação dos métodos de nível 1 resultou
pressões superiores às pressões reais. A aplicação dos
métodos de nível 2 (Effective Area e DNV geometria
complexa) resultou em pressões previstas superiores às
pressões reais de ruptura para defeitos de formato
esférico e de seção retangular. As análises das fraturas
indicaram que não ocorreu falha por deficiência de
tenacidade em nenhum espécime. A corrosão alveolar leve
pré-existente na superfície interna dos espécimes foi
apontada como causa mais provável das pressões previstas
superiores às pressões reais de ruptura. / [en] One of the most important issues that affects pipeline
integrity is corrosion-caused metal loss. This type of
defect can occur over the pipe body, seam or girth welds
or even on heat affected zones. Pipeline remaining
strength criterions are restricted or even prohibited for
assessing corrosion defects coincident with weld regions.
This present work investigated the reliability of the most
common assessment criteria for corroded pipes when defects
were coincident with seam weld region in submerged arc
welded pipes. The tested specimens were C-Mn steel pipe,
from a pipeline manufactured in the 60´s and had operated
for over 30 years. Five external defects were created on
five pipe specimens and pressure tested until rupture.
Stress, charpy V-notch and bending tests were carried out
to find the mechanical properties of the welded joints.
Microstructure and chemical composition from base metal
and weld metal were also analyzed. Residual stresses on
welds were measured. The level 1 criterion (ASME B31G,
085dL, RPA, DNV single and PCORRC) applications have
underestimated failure pressure for spherical shaped
defects. On the other hand, the same criterions have
overestimated failure pressure for rectangular shaped
defects. The level 2 criterions (Effective Area e DNV
complex geometry) application overestimated failure
pressure for all 5 specimens with both spherical and
rectangular shaped defects. Fracture analyses have
indicated that no specimen had a toughness controlled
failure. Internal pit corrosion that was found after
pressure testing is recognized as the most probable cause
of underestimated pressure forecasts.
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The Effect of Corrosion Defects on the Failure of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Finite Element Modeling StudyOrasheva, Jennet 01 January 2017 (has links)
The transportation of oil and gas and their products through the pipelines is a safe and economically efficient way, when compared with other methods of transportation, such as tankers, railroad, trucks, etc. Although pipelines are usually well-designed, during construction and later in service, pipelines are subjected to a variety of risks. Eventually, some sections may experience corrosion which can affect the integrity of pipeline, which poses a risk in high-pressure operations. Specifically, in pipelines with long history of operation, the size and location of the corrosion defects need to be determined so that pressure levels can be kept at safe levels, or alternatively, a decision to repair or replace the pipe section can be made. To make this decision, there are several assessment techniques available to engineers, such as ASME B31G, MB31G, DNV-RP, software code called RSTRENG. These assessment techniques help engineers predict the remaining strength of the wall in a pipe section with a corrosion defect. The corrosion assessment codes in the United States, Canada and Europe are based on ASME-B31G criterion for the evaluation of corrosion defects, established based on full-scale burst experiments on pipes containing longitudinal machined grooves, initially conducted in 1960s. Because actual corrosion defects have more complex geometries than machined grooves, an in-depth study to validate the effectiveness of these techniques is necessary. This study is motivated by this need.
The current study was conducted in several stages, starting with the deformation behavior of pipe steels. In Phase 1, true-stress-true plastic strain data from the literature for X42 and X60 steel specimens were used to evaluate how well four commonly used constitutive equations, namely, those developed by Hollomon, Swift, Ludwik and Voce, fit the experimental data. Results showed that all equations provided acceptable fits. For simplicity, the Hollomon equation was selected to be used in the rest of the study.
In Phase 2, a preliminary finite element modeling (FEM) study was conducted to compare two failure criteria, stress-based or strain-based, performed better. By using data from the literature for X42 and X60 pipe steels, experimental burst pressure data were compared with predicted burst pressure data, estimated based on the two failure criteria. Based on this preliminary analysis, the stress-based criterion was chosen for further FEM studies. In Phase 3, failure data from real corrosion pits in X52 pipe steels with detailed profiles were used to develop a FEM scheme, which included a simplified representation of the defect. Comparison of actual and predicted burst pressures indicated a good fit, with a coefficient of determination (R2) level of 0.959. In Phase 4, burst pressure levels were estimated for real corrosion pits for the experiments from the same study as in Phase 3, but only with corrosion pit depths and length and without corrosion widths. Widths were estimated from the data used in Phase 3, by using an empirical equation as a function of pit length. There was significant error between experimental and predicted burst pressure. Errors in Phases 3 and 4 were compared statistically. Results showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the error when the width of the corrosion pit is unknown. This finding is significant because none of the assessment techniques in the literature takes width into consideration. Subsequently, a parametric study was performed on three defect geometries from the same study in Phase 3. The pit depths and lengths were held constant but widths were changed systematically. In all cases, the effect of the pit width on burst pressure was confirmed. In Phase 5, the three assessment techniques, ASME B31G, MB31-G and DNV-RP were evaluated by using experimental test results for X52 pipe. Synthetic data for deeper pits were developed by FEM and used along with experimental data in this phase. Two types of the error were distinguished to classify defects. Type I errors (α) and Type II errors (β) were defined using Level 0 evaluation method. Results showed that although ASME B31G is the most conservative technique, it is more reliable for short defects than MB31G and DNV-RP. The least conservative technique was DNV-RP but it yielded β error, i.e., the method predicted a safe operating pressure and pipe section would fail. Therefore, DNV-RP is not recommended for assessment of steel pipes, specifically for X52 pipes.
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