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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corrosion protection concepts for aluminium and magnesium alloys coated with silica films prepared by water-based sol-gel process / Konzepte für den Korrosionsschutz von Aluminium-und Magnesiumlegierungen mit mittels Sol-Gel-Prozess hergestelltem Silikafilm auf Wasserbasis

Darwich, Samer 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The present work provides an insight in the development of silica films prepared by water-based sol-gel process. The weaknesses of the coating technology are identified, also solutions are discussed. The silica film is applied on aluminium alloy 6082-T6 and magnesium alloy AZ31. The development of the coating properties such as cost-efficiency, crack-free, self-healing and long-term corrosion protection is the main topic of this work. Cracking is the major drawback of silica films; the cracks are generated due to shrinkage of the film during the heat treatment, nanoparticles-doped silica film is successfully reduced the shrinkage which leads to crack-free silica films. The self-healing of the coated aluminium and magnesium samples is generated by corrosion inhibitors-doped silica film. When a defect appears in the film, the corrosion inhibitors leach out of the silica film to the defect area to heal the corroded surface. The long-term corrosion protection is realized by means of a mixture of corrosion inhibitors-doped silica film. / Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Einblick in die Entwicklung von Silikafilmen, die mittels Sol-Gel-Prozess auf Wasserbasis hergestellt wurden. Die Schwächen der Beschichtungstechnologie werden dargestellt und Lösungen diskutiert. Der Silikafilm wird auf Aluminiumlegierung 6082-T6 und Magnesium-legierung AZ31 aufgebracht. Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung der Schichteigenschaften, wie Kosteneffizienz, Rissfreiheit, Selbstheilung so wie langfristiger Korrosionsschutz. Rissbildung ist ein wesentlicher Nachteil von Silikafilmen; rissfreie Filme wurden mittels nanopartikeldotierter Silikafilme hergestellt. Die Selbstheilung von Aluminium-und Magnesiumsubstraten mit Silikafilm wird durch den Effekt der wasserlöslichen Korrosionsinhibitoren generiert. Die Experimente haben gezeigt, dass die Proben mit inhibitordotierter Beschichtung selbst gegen Korrosion geschützt sind. Ein langfristiger Korrosionsschutz wird durch eine Mischung aus Korrosionsinhibitor-dotierten Silika-Film realisiert.

Korrosionsschutz von Eisenwerkstoffen durch intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere / Corrosion protection of iron materials by intrinsically conducting polymers

Nguyen, Phuong Tuyen 10 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The corrosion protection of intrinsically conducting polymers (ICP) for mild steel is studied with polymethylthiophene films (PMT). Homogeneous and very adherent PMT films are formed on mild steel if the surface is pretreated with 2(3-thienyl)ethylphosphono acid used as adhesion promoter (AP). The corrosion protection properties of such films are investigated with and without topcoats in some corrosive media. Possible protection mechanisms of ICP could be discussed. / Korrosionsschutz von Baustahl durch intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere (ILP) mit dem Polymethylthiophen-Film (PMT) wurde untersucht. Homogene, kompakte und haftfeste PMT-Filme auf Baustahlsubstrat nach einer speziellen Vorbehandlung mit 2(3-Thienyl)-ethylphosphonosäure als Haftvermittler können elektrochemisch abgeschieden werden. Die weiteren Untersuchungen betreffen die Wirkung von PMT ohne und mit Topcoat für den Korrosionsschutz auf Baustahl. Mögliche Korrosionsschutzmechanismen von ILP werden diskutiert.

The role of anions in corrosion protection of iron and zinc by polypyrrole / Die Rolle der Anionen im Korrosionschutz des Eisen und Zink durch Polypyrrole

Minh Duc, Le 04 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Inhibitors used as dopant anions in polymer films are responsible for the anticorrosion behaviour of polypyrrole (Ppy). Ppy film doped with MoO42- and TiF62- showed the role of anions in corrosion protection of iron. Ppy doped with 3-nitro salicylate was used for zinc protection. The results of XPS revealed that molybdate exist in two types: [MoO4]2- (62%) and [Mo7O24]6- (28%). Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has indicated the change of the resistance RPM and the capacitance CPM of the Ppy film during reduction. Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) has shown: the mass of the Ppy film decreased in the cathodic region and increased in the anodic region. The anion flux was also observed in Scanning Kelvinprobe (SKP) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) experiments. The release behaviour of molybdate anions depends much on the size of cations in the electrolyte. TiF62- anions has shown good inhibitor properties. However, the mechanism of this action is not yet known. 3-nitro salicylate (3-nisa) was used as inhibitor dopant for zinc in this work. Ppy film could be formed on Zn without any special pretreatment. The dissolution of Zn decreased dramatically in the presence of 3-nisa. The application of Ppy/metal inorganic composites in corrosion protection for mild steel and galvanised steel may be a better selection. Mixture of core-shell particles with matrix polymer was used as primer for protective coatings.

Elektrochemisches Verhalten von Aluminiumlegierungen zum kathodischen Korrosionsschutz von hoch legierten Stählen unter Bedingungen des maschinellen Geschirrspülens

Kruppke, Benjamin, Rauscher, Thomas, Wiesmann, Hans-Peter, Thieme, Michael 12 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Abstract der Posterpräsentation: Ebenso wie Geschirrspülmaschinen in deutschen Haushalten mit ca. 68 % eine weite Verbreitung finden, treten unästhetische Korrosionsproduktablagerungen und Lochkorrosion auf Besteckteilen auf [1]. Zur Vermeidung von Korrosionsschäden an metallischen Werkstoffen unter Bedingungen der maschinellen Geschirrreinigung liegt es nahe, eine Schutzanode in den Besteckkorb einzubringen. Der kathodische Korrosionsschutz mit Hilfe von Schutzanoden wird bekanntermaßen bei Schiffen, Pipelines und Bohrinseln genutzt. Der stabile metallische Kontakt durch das Verschrauben der Anode an das Schutzobjekt kann für Besteck im Geschirrspüler jedoch nicht gewährleistet werden, sodass das Aufstellen der Besteckteile auf die Anode zu wechselnden Widerstandsverhältnissen im Kontaktbereich führt. Zudem liegen während eines Spülganges sehr unterschiedliche Bedingungen (Reiniger: pH > 9,5; Klarspüler: pH < 3,5; Essensreste) vor, und es kommt auf Grund der dünnen Elektrolytfilme zu einer graduellen Änderung der lokalen Elektrodenpotentiale längs des Besteckteils. Elektrochemische Untersuchungen an Aluminiumwerkstoffen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung sowie an diversen Besteckstählen bestätigen ebenso wie Messungen an beiden Komponenten in galvanischem Kontakt, dass eine kathodische Polarisation des Stahls um mehrere 100 mV zustande kommt. Experimente im Geschirrspüler zeigten jedoch, dass unter verschiedenen Bedingungen eine dünne Ablagerung von Korrosionsprodukten auftrat, so dass die Eingangshypothese anodischer Korrosionsprozesse am Stahl offenbar revidiert werden muss. Ursachen hierfür werden analysiert, indem eine Dünnfilmströmungszelle, die pH-Wert-Messung bei Stahl-Anoden-Kontakt mit geringer Elektrolytmenge und Temperaturanstieg sowie das instrumentierte maschinelle Geschirrspülen (In-situ-Temperatur- und Potentialmessung des Stahles im direkten Kontaktbereich zur Anode) genutzt werden. Die Ursache der Korrosion des Stahles bei Kontakt mit der Anode konnte bisher nicht hinreichend geklärt werden.

Recobrimentos à base de mulita em refratário de carbeto de silício obtidos a partir de PMSQ [POLI (METILSILSESQUIOXANO)] e alumínio / Mullite-based coating on silicon carbide refractory obtained from PMSQ [POLY(METHYLSILSESQUIOXANE)] and aluminium

MACHADO, GLAUSON A.F. 08 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-08T16:39:39Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-08T16:39:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O carbeto de silício (SiC) é um material que apresenta baixa expansão térmica, altas resistências mecânica e ao choque térmico e alta condutividade térmica. Em razão disto é empregado na confecção de mobília de fornos de sinterização. O SiC no entanto sofre degradação a altas temperaturas quando submetido a atmosferas agressivas. A utilização de recobrimentos protetores evita a exposição direta da superfície do material à atmosfera dos fornos; a mulita pode ser um recobrimento protetor apropriado em razão de sua alta estabilidade em temperaturas elevadas e seu coeficiente de expansão térmica compatível com o do SiC (4x10-6/°C e 5,3x10-6/°C, respectivamente). No presente trabalho foi estudada a obtenção de recobrimento de mulita, para refratário de SiC, a partir da utilização de polímero precursor cerâmico e alumínio particulado. Foram preparadas composições com 10, 20, 30 e 50% (vol.) de alumínio adicionado ao polímero, sendo utilizados pós de alumínio de diferentes distribuições de tamanhos de partículas. As composições foram submetidas a diversos ciclos térmicos para determinação da condição mais adequada à obtenção de alto teor de mulita. A composição que apresentou melhor resultado foi a contendo 20% do pó de Al de menor tamanho de partículas. A partir desta, foi preparada e aplicada suspensão para ser aplicada sobre o refratário de SiC. A suspensão aplicada, após seca, reticulada e tratada termicamente a 1580°C, originou um recobrimento de mulita. Foram realizados ciclos de choque térmico em amostras com e sem recobrimento para comparação, num total de 26 ciclos. As condições foram 600°C/30 min. seguida de resfriamento ao ar até a temperatura ambiente. Após cada choque térmico, as amostras foram caracterizadas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica e determinado o módulo de elasticidade. Os recobrimentos apresentaram boa adesão e não foram detectados danos significativos após os choques térmicos. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Proteção contra a corrosão de ligas de alumínio com recobrimentos à base de cério e polímero condutor / Corrosion protection of aluminium alloys by cerium-based and conducting polymer coatings

Herbert Duchatsch Johansen 11 November 2013 (has links)
As ligas de alumínio vêm sendo amplamente usadas nas indústrias aeronáuticas e automobilísticas por suas propriedades mecânicas superiores às do metal puro. Entretanto, como as propriedades de corrosão dessas ligas variam, sendo piores do que as do alumínio puro, surge a necessidade de estudos de diferentes métodos de proteção contra a corrosão. O uso de coberturas protetoras é uma alternativa para diminuir os processos corrosivos e, desta maneira, aumentar a vida útil desses materiais. Das coberturas de conversão existentes, as mais usadas ainda são à base de cromo, porém o cromo tem se mostrado danoso ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Por outro lado, as coberturas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério, ambientalmente mais corretas e menos nocivas, já têm sido usadas com sucesso para este propósito. Ademais, partindo do consenso sobre o bom desempenho da polianilina (PAni) em proteger metais oxidáveis contra a corrosão, inclusive o alumínio e suas ligas, o presente estudo propõe o desenvolvimento de proteção anticorrosiva de ligas de alumínio pela combinação de camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério associada com camadas de PAni nas ligas de alumínio das séries AA1xxx e AA6xxx. A combinação de camadas duplex surge como uma alternativa promissora por: (i) possibilitar a formação de pontos de ancoragem sobre a superfície, promovidos pelas camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério, para a posterior deposição de PAni; (ii) ampliar o uso das camadas de conversão à base de óxidos de cério isoladamente ou combinadas com PAni e (iii) promover o melhor sinergismo na proteção contra a corrosão das ligas de alumínio e de outros materiais pela associação e maior interação desses sistemas. / Aluminium alloys have been widely used in automobile and aircraft industries for their superior mechanical properties to the pure metal. However, as the corrosion properties of these alloys vary, being worse than those of pure aluminium, there is a need for studies of different methods of corrosion protection. The use of protective coverings appears as an alternative to reduce the corrosion process and thereby increase the useful life of these materials. Conversion of existing coverage, the most used are still based on chrome, but chrome has proven harmful to the environment and human health. Furthermore, coverage of cerium-based conversion, more environmentally friendly and healthy, have already been successfully used for this purpose. Furthermore, based on the consensus on the proper performance of polyaniline (PAni) to protect oxidizable metals against corrosion, including aluminium and its alloys, this study proposes the development of corrosion protection of aluminium alloys by combining layers of cerium conversion associated with layers of polyaniline on aluminium alloys AA1xxx and AA6xxx series. The combination of double layers arises as a promising alternative, which may: (i) facilitating formation of anchor points on the surface, driven by layers of cerium conversion, for the subsequent deposition of PAni (ii) expand the use of cerium conversion coatings alone or combined with PAni and (iii) promote synergy in protection against corrosion of aluminium alloys and other materials by the association and greater interaction of these systems.

The role of anions in corrosion protection of iron and zinc by polypyrrole

Minh Duc, Le 20 September 2005 (has links)
Inhibitors used as dopant anions in polymer films are responsible for the anticorrosion behaviour of polypyrrole (Ppy). Ppy film doped with MoO42- and TiF62- showed the role of anions in corrosion protection of iron. Ppy doped with 3-nitro salicylate was used for zinc protection. The results of XPS revealed that molybdate exist in two types: [MoO4]2- (62%) and [Mo7O24]6- (28%). Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has indicated the change of the resistance RPM and the capacitance CPM of the Ppy film during reduction. Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) has shown: the mass of the Ppy film decreased in the cathodic region and increased in the anodic region. The anion flux was also observed in Scanning Kelvinprobe (SKP) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) experiments. The release behaviour of molybdate anions depends much on the size of cations in the electrolyte. TiF62- anions has shown good inhibitor properties. However, the mechanism of this action is not yet known. 3-nitro salicylate (3-nisa) was used as inhibitor dopant for zinc in this work. Ppy film could be formed on Zn without any special pretreatment. The dissolution of Zn decreased dramatically in the presence of 3-nisa. The application of Ppy/metal inorganic composites in corrosion protection for mild steel and galvanised steel may be a better selection. Mixture of core-shell particles with matrix polymer was used as primer for protective coatings.

Příprava poly-para-xylylenových vrstev a charakteriazace jejich vlastností / Poly-para-xylylene films preparation and characterization of their properties

Menčík, Přemysl January 2012 (has links)
Poly-p-xylylene is a basic polymer of parylene family. It was discovered in 50s of the 20th century. In practical applications, there are used several derivates. Most of them are discussed in this thesis. Poly-p-xylylene has many utility properties, like barrier, thermal and mechanical properties. It can be used for conservation and protection of electronic equipments, medical tools and devices or museum exhibits. The most important property of parylene is its low dielectric constant which enables parylene to have good insulating properties in form of very thin layer. The most common precursor used for parylene coatings by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is [2,2]paracyclophane. Special device invented for this process was described in this thesis, including every part and assembly. The main aim of this thesis was to test properties of thin parylene layers on metal samples. High degree of polymer crystallinity was confirmed by confocal laser microscopy and optical microscopy in the polarized light measurements. Problems in the conventional method of production of parylene layers were found during the measurement of thickness of layers. Purity of deposited films was determined using Infrared spectroscopy (IR). Parylene barrier properties were quantified by the measurement of Oxygen Transmission Rate through a layer deposited on the surface of PP foil. Because the research has been mainly focused on protection of museum exhibits, the corrosion resistance test is the most important. Metal samples with thin parylene film were compared to samples with conventional restoration coating. The samples with parylene protection were slowly corroded by point corrosion. In contrast to them, the samples conserved by conventional restoration method were almost destroyed by corrosion.

Analýza cen zámečnických konstrukcí v ceně objektu / Prices analysis of locksmith constructions included in the price of the construction object

Konečný, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The first part of this master’s thesis, which is more theoretical, contains information relating to prices in general, construction budgets, cost calculation of construction works and materials and costs. In the second part describes the use of materials and their properties, surface treatment and analysis of selected locksmith constructions.

Alternative protective coatings for hot stamped automotive body parts / Revêtements alternatifs pour pièces automobiles embouties à chaud

Close, Damien 22 March 2018 (has links)
De nombreux revêtements sont actuellement disponibles pour les aciers emboutis à chaud et trempés pour le domaine de la construction automobile. Afin d’augmenter les performances des produits actuels en termes d’aptitude à la mise en forme à chaud, de résistance contre la corrosion et de compatibilité avec les procédés de fabrication ultérieurs, les constructeurs automobiles et les sidérurgistes ont développé de nombreux types de matériaux alternatifs. Peu de produits ont trouvé une place importante dans l’utilisation industrielle. L’objectif de ce travail est de procéder à une vue d’ensemble des performances des produits actuels, d’identifier de nouveaux concepts de revêtements et d’étudier leur compatibilité pour l’application de la mise en forme à chaud. Cette étude porte sur les revêtements d’alliages de Zn-Mn. De nombreux bains électrolytiques et paramètres électriques ont été étudiés afin de déterminer des conditions de déposition optimales pour obtenir des alliages Zn-Mn avec une forte teneur en Mn. Les propriétés cristallographiques, microstructurales et anticorrosives de couches obtenues sur des plaques d’acier de grandes dimensions ont été caractérisées avec de nombreuses techniques. La compatibilité des couches protectrices pour le traitement d’austénitisation a été évaluée après des traitements thermiques à différentes températures et durées de chauffe. Une attention particulière a été portée sur l’évolution de la composition et des phases d’interdiffusion formées, ainsi que sur l’apparition de mécanismes d’oxydation et d’évaporation à haute température. Enfin, l’aptitude à la mise en forme à chaud et notamment la susceptibilité à la fissuration par métaux liquides de ces nouveaux revêtements ont été évaluées par des essais d’emboutissage / Various coatings are currently available for press-hardened steels used for the automotive construction, mainly with the aim of providing good anticorrosive properties to the body components. In order to improve performance of the coated products in terms of hot formability, corrosion protection and suitability for subsequent manufacturing processes, steelmakers and car manufacturers investigated various alternative coating materials. Only a few solutions resulted in a serial production. The aim of this study is to proceed to a screening of the performance of current coating variants, to identify new concepts for alternative coating materials and assess their suitability for the hot stamping application. The present work is focused on the study of Zn-Mn alloy coatings. Various electroplating baths and electric parameters were studied in order to determine optimal deposition conditions for obtaining Zn-Mn alloys with high Mn contents. The deposits obtained on large-scale steel plates were characterized with regards to their crystallographic, microstructural and anticorrosive properties. The behavior of the coating materials during austenitizing treatment was studied after heat treatment to different temperatures and heating durations. A particular attention was given to the evolution of the composition, the interdiffusion phases formed as well as to the presence of oxidation and evaporation mechanisms at high temperature. At last, the forming properties of the alternative coating materials and their susceptibility for liquid metal embrittlement were assessed on the basis of direct hot stamping experiments

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