Spelling suggestions: "subject:"corruption"" "subject:"korruption""
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Essays in Organizational EconomicsLivio, Luca 30 August 2016 (has links)
This thesis consists of three independent essays which contribute to the literatures on organizational and regulatory economics.In the first part of the dissertation, I address questions related to the optimal incentive provision in hierarchies. In particular, I investigate how the choice of the optimal compensation policy of an organization is affected by the workers' psychological preferences for reciprocity. This essay relates to a recent strand of theoretical and empirical research that studies how the presence of reciprocity concerns impacts on the optimal organizational design (See e.g. Dohmen et al. 2009, Englmaier and Leider, 2012, Englmaier et al. 2015).The second part of the dissertation concerns the optimal design and regulation of a hierarchical organization in the presence of capture concerns. In many organizations the task of evaluating an agent's performance is delegated to a third party, a supervisor, who can opportunistically misreport information. The question of how the provision of incentives in hierarchies is affected by the supervisor's opportunism has long been studied in economics. Addressing this research question is of great importance since it can improve our understanding of the internal organization of firms and can have broad applications to regulatory design. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Vybrané problémy sportu z pohledu trestního práva / Selected problems of the sport from the perspective of criminal lawBauer, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of criminal liability for actions occurring in the field of sport. Specifically, it chooses and examines the fields of sports injuries caused between athletes and corruption in sport. In its broadest conception it is divided into three parts. In the initial part the specifics of the society-wide phenomenon sport and substantial "non-legal" concepts of issues are described, in particular concept of sport, its category, the autonomy of sport and sport rules are defined here. The main part deals with the issue of criminal liability of athletes for causing injury to another. Whether certain actions involving a sports injury meets the definition of a crime is discussed in the context of current legislation. Followed by the research of the possible application of the concrete legal defenses for mentioned actions. For example researched legal defenses are consent of the victim or excusable risk. In this section are most mentioned and analyzed the selected theories of sports and legal doctrines that are often based on similar concepts as concrete legal defenses. Maybe the most substantial de lege ferenda considerations follow that describe possible solutions involving the definitions of sports excess and the special legal defense - sports risk. The interesting practice of...
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Corruption in infrastructure procurement : a study based on procurement of infrastructure projects in PakistanShabbir, Aqsa January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this research project is to bridge the existing knowledgegap in the empirical identification and understanding of the most frequentcorrupt actions and the causes behind during procurement of infrastructureprojects in Pakistan, in addition to exploring the ways to enhance institutionalbasedtrust between the participants of the procurement process. Consequentlythe study aims to provide a conceptual framework to control corruption ininfrastructure procurement while proposing the institutional trust-buildingmechanisms. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are utilised in thisstudy to achieve this research aim. Quantitative research data is collected usinga questionnaire survey. A total of 450 questionnaires were sent to variouspeople engaged in procurement of infrastructure projects in Pakistan. Theresponse rate was 36.7% (n=165). The questionnaire comprises of two mainquestions; one is about the most frequent corrupt actions in traditional andPublic Private Partnership (PPP) infrastructure procurement processes whileother question asks about the perceived institutional trust-building mechanismsin context of infrastructure procurement market in Pakistan. Various appropriatestatistical methods, including Mean Ranking and ANOVA were utilised toanalyse the collected data. The questionnaire survey was followed by 15 indepth semi-structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders. Theseinterviews provided information on various causes of corruption and reasons asto why people do not for example report a known incident of corruption. A traditional content analysis approach was used to analyse the data collectedusing interviews. From the analysis a cyclical framework of corruption controlemerged, and this is outlined within the thesis. The goal of this framework is tofacilitate procurement stakeholders (individuals, groups, or organisations), toimprove their anti-corruption plans from project to project. This research studyhas filled the knowledge gap through identifying the top twenty potentialcorrupt practices in traditional and PPP infrastructure procurement processes inPakistan and explored the causes behind their occurrence. The study alsorecommends the solutions to mitigate this problem throughout the life cycle ofprocurement process. In addition, the study proposes the institutional trustbuildingmechanisms in the context of infrastructure procurement market inPakistan to cater for the likely loss in trust due to perceived level of corruptionin this sector. The study has also introduced a conceptual framework to controlcorruption in infrastructure procurement process in general and particularly inPakistan. The framework does not intend to introduce new alternatives butinstead builds on existing practices so that users can more easily adapt to theimprovement. The findings of this research are believed to be useful for allpractitioners who are either considering or currently involved in infrastructureprocurement process in Pakistan and trying to avoid or minimise the influenceof corruption.
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Corruption in the Judiciary : Balancing Accountability and Judicial IndependenceFolkesson, Emelie, Arvidsson, Amélie January 2010 (has links)
A non-corrupt judiciary is a fundamental condition for the endorsement of rule of law and the ability to guarantee basic human rights in society. The judiciary must therefore be an independent and fair body that fights corruption, not the other way around. This essay systematizes different binding and non-binding international, and to some extent regional, norms and standards regarding corruption in the judiciary and judicial independence, and presents potential factors and effects of judicial corruption, through an inventory of documents recognized by organizations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Further, the essay presents different anti-corruption strategies and the dilemma of implementing such strategies with regard to judicial independence. The advantages and disadvantages of different anti-corruption strategies are reviewed through the study of some successful and unsuccessful examples. There are several definitions of corruption, this essay emanates from the definition of ‘abuse of office for personal or private gain’, a definition that is wide but yet well recognized. The factors of judicial corruption are many and often overlapping, but they vary from state to state and must hence be analyzed individually to find the factual reasons for what generates corruption. The effects are detrimental and break down the very core of rule of law and corrupt judges neglect fundamental principles such as equality, impartiality, propriety and integrity. With regard to the different factors and effects, the norms and standards, and the anti-corruption strategies, a discussion follows about how to rid the judiciary from corruption with preservation of the respect of judicial independence. The discussion also raises the predicament that malpractice of various fundamental principles e.g. judicial independence can occur and further distort unhealthy judiciaries. The main conclusion regarding anti-corruption strategies is that they must be carefully weighed against the principle of independence.
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Public, Tax, and Health Policies and Institutional PerformanceKoumpias, Antonios M 24 November 2017 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the effectiveness of public interventions in tax policy (such as a tax compliance campaign in Greece), the performance of public institutions that dictate land zoning (corruption of zoning officials in Greece and Spain) and public health (publicly-provided health insurance; namely, Medicaid). The common underlying theme of the dissertation is the public nature of the policies examines with an empirical emphasis. The ultimate goal of this research body is to provide credible policy solutions for the improvement of public administration.
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Online corruption-reporting, internet censorship, and the limits of responsive authoritarianismHoskins, Jack 22 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis traces the development of the Chinese government’s attempts to solicit corruption reports from citizens via online platforms such as websites and smartphone applications. It argues that this endeavour has proven largely unsuccessful, and what success it has enjoyed is not sustainable. The reason for this failure is that prospective complainants are offered little incentive to report corruption via official channels. Complaints on social media require less effort and are more likely to lead to investigations than complaints delivered straight to the government, though neither channel is particularly effective. The regime’s concern for social stability has led to widespread censorship of corruption discussion on social media, as well as a slew of laws and regulations banning the behaviour. Though it is difficult to predict what the long-term results of these policies will be, it seems likely that the regime’s ability to collect corruption data will remain limited. / Graduate / 2018-07-14
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大陸公務用車建議採購清單對機構用車銷售量的影響 / The Effect of China's Governmental Vehicle Procurement List on the Institutional Vehicle Sales黃孟平 Unknown Date (has links)
On November 18th 2011, China enact detail rules on the management of governmental vehicle procurement list. Few months later, on February 24th 2012, an unprecedented governmental vehicle procurement list was published. The procurement list includes 412 types of vehicles which are all China's own brands. This research analyzes the effect of this governmental vehicle procurement list on the sales of listed vehicle given the background of Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign.
The empirical evidence shows that when Xi Jinping launched preliminary policy in December 2012, increased sales of vehicle being on the procurement list in 2013 are averagely 45.5 cars per month more compared to increased sales of unlisted vehicles. Also, the market share of listed vehicle can be witnessed a steady increase over time.
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A case for civil forfeiture in EthiopiaGebremeskel, Saba Hailu January 2014 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This research paper aims to clarify and argue the need for Ethiopia to include civil forfeiture in its assets forfeiture legal framework. It will analyse the existing domestic assets forfeiture laws and international instruments on assets forfeiture. It will show how the new Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Proclamation and the other anti-corruption laws deal with assets forfeiture in general and civil forfeiture in particular. For a number of reasons, Ethiopian law enforcement is struggling to investigate crimes such as money laundering and corruption to obtain convictions.
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The law of assets declaration in MalawiChapita, Ellen Chiyamiko January 2015 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Has the failure to conduct post-Truth and Reconciliation Commission prosecutions in South Africa contributed to a culture of impunity for economic crimes?Mabunda, Sagwadi January 2015 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The end of Apartheid and the transition to a new constitutional democracy in South Africa was ushered in by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The purpose of the TRC was to promote a dialogue between victims and perpetrators of gross human rights violations to try and achieve reconciliation in the country. To this end, the TRC was given the power to grant conditional amnesty to those who came forward to reveal the full truth to the country about the crimes that they had committed. Those who refused to apply for amnesty or who did apply but were denied amnesty were supposed to be prosecuted. A number of years have passed since the final TRC report was submitted and hardly any prosecutions have taken place. This paper argues, by comparing the transitions in Argentina and Chile to the one in South Africa, that the lack of post-Truth Commission prosecutions in South Africa has contributed to nurturing a culture of impunity for acts of corruption in high offices of state. It argues that in countries transitioning from repressive and authoritarian regimes to democratic governments, prosecutions of gross human rights violations are necessary for the creation and strengthening of the rule of law and a human rights culture. Therefore, the impunity for economic crimes such as corruption is detrimental to democracy.
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