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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Political Economic Barriers to Global Change Adaptations: A Study of Agrarian Rural Development in Northwest Costa Rica

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This is a study of the plight of smallholder agriculture in Northwest Costa Rica. More specifically, this is the story of 689 rice farms, of an average size of 7.2 hectares and totaling just less than 5,300 hectares within the largest agricultural irrigation system in Central America. I was able to define the physical bounds of this study quite clearly, but one would be mistaken to think that this simplicity transfers to a search for rural development solutions in this case. Those solutions lie in the national and international politics that appear to have allowed a select few to pick winners and losers in Costa Rican agriculture in the face of global changes. In this research, I found that water scarcity among smallholder farms between 2006 and 2013 was the product of the adaptations of other, more powerful actors in 2002 to threats of Costa Rica's ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement. I demonstrate how the adaptations of these more powerful actors produced new risks for others, and how this ultimately prevented the rural development program from meeting its development goals. I reflect on my case study to draw conclusions about the different ways risks may emerge in rural development programs of this type. Then, I focus on the household level and show that determinants of successful adaptation to one type of global change risk may make farmers more vulnerable to other types, creating a "catch-22" among vulnerable farmers adapting to multiple global change risks. Finally, I define adaptation limits in smallholder rice farming in Northwest Costa Rica. I show that the abandonment of livelihood security and well-being, and of the unique "parcelaro" identities of rice farmers in this region define adaptation limits in this context. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Sustainability 2014

Morfologia costeira, fasciologia e geotecnia na região de Puerto Jiménez, Costa Rica : um estudo integrado na análise de potencial de liquefação e erosão costeira

Sauma, Natalia Zamora January 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa integra aspectos diferentes da geologia dos aredores de Puerto Jiménez, sul da Costa Rica. Situado aproximadamente 380 quilômetros de San José, capital do pais. O estudo compreende uma área de 28 km2. As características geomorfologicas foram interpretadas de fotografias aéreas, e posteriormente trabalho de campo, envolvendo mapeo a detalhe da superficie e subsuperfície. O trabalho de campo envolveu a descrição de colunas estratigráficas e a amostragem superficial que não sobrepasou de 5-10 cm. Para a análise do subsolo foram feitos 23 testes com DPL (Penetrômetro Dinâmico Leve). Este documento de dissertação foi dividido em três secções gerais: 1) aspectos introdutórios, metodologia e aspectos gerais teóricos; 2) a descrição dos resultados, separada, também, em 3 capítulos, com sua respectiva discussão, segundo os temas de morfologia litoral, descrição e interpretação de facies e potencial liquefação, 3) conclusões e uma última parte que inclui referências e anexos. Além dos aspectos de sedimentologia e de geomorfologia o estudo atual incorpora uma análise do potencial de liquefação em sedimentos quaternários e pliocênicos. Assim, dados das granulometrias, das geomorformas, da dinâmica e das características do solo, no geral, métodos quantitativos, como a análise geotêcnica da região; foram integrados para compreender a evolução tectônica da costa e de sua relação nos processos de liquefação e de erosão litoral. Sendo o alvo preliminar deste estudo, entender as mudanças na linha e na geoformas da costa, para determinar as implicações que pode ter a historia geológica e a evolução do litoral no estudo de riscos costeiros potenciais, considerando especificamente, o processo de liqüefação. Os dados coletados contribuem com a interpretação da evolução da costa e de seus problemas de erosão assim como, do potencial de liquefação dos sedimentos que cobrem a planície aluvional-costeira. É importante considerar que o potencial de liquefação depende não somente da atividade tectônica, mas também, dos aspectos hidrogeologicos, do tamanho do grão, da composição mineralógica e das caracteristicas geomórficas, geotêcnicas e geomorfológicas. O tamanho de grão e as análises palinológicas dos sedimentos mostraram a evolução da planície de cordões litorâneos, e os terraços marinhos e fluviais, que indicam mudanças paleoambientais, relacionadas aos processos tectônicos e oceanograficos. As fácies mais importantes definidas indicam principalmente ambientes e sistema estuarinos, e predominantemente do sistema praial. Neste estudo, a região onde predominam sedimentos mais finos ao oeste da região não se apresentaram espécimes palinologicos ou não foram reconhecidos pelo fato de estarem muito meteorizados pela redeposição ou por processos erosivos. Os sedimentos representam características de imaturidade e pouco retrabalho o que indica que existem na região processos energéticos heterogêneos e percorsos cortos dos rios. Com relação à geomorfologia da planície litoral, e a predominancia de uma rede da drenagem que mostra um controle estrutural forte. Também, diversos alinhamentos e deflexões estruturais foram distinguidos na análise geomorfológica. A integração da informação analisada previamente deu como o resultado a criação de um mapa potencial de liquefação que identifica três zonas (potencial baixo, moderado e alto) desse processo. O potencial elevado (onde os valores do fator da segurança ou, a relação CRR/CSR, são menos de um), prevalece nas zonas da planície aluvial, das áreas de manguezal e na póspraia, diminuindo no topo dos terraços soerguidos distinguíveis na região e na montanha. / The present work integrates different aspects of geology of the surroundings of Puerto Jiménez, located about 380 km from San José, in southern Costa Rica. The study comprises an area of 28 km2, where geomorphologic characteristics were interpreted from aerial photography, and later field work, that involved detail mapping of superficial and the sub-surface. The field work involved description of stratigraphic columns, and superficial sampling done in between 5 to 10 cm. For the subsoil analysis, 23 tests were made with DPL (Dynamic Probing Light). This dissertation is divided in three parts: 1) introductory aspects, methodology and theoretical general aspects; 2) description of results, also separated, in 3 chapters, with their respective discussion, according to the subject of coastal morphology, description and interpretation of facies and liquefaction potential, 3) conclusions, references and appendix. In addition to the aspects of sedimentology and geomorphology the present study incorporates an analysis of the potential of liquefaction in Quaternary and Pliocene sediments. Data of sedimentology, geomorphology, dynamics and characteristics of soil, in especifically, quantitative methods as the geotechnical analysis of the ground; were integrated to understand the tectonic evolution of the coast and it’s relation with the liquefaction process and coastal erosion. The primary objective is to study the changes in the coastline in Puerto Jiménez, and to determine the implications that may have geological history, as well as the coastal evolution in the study in regards to potential coastal risks, considering specifically the process of liquefaction. The collected data provides a contribution by helping achieve a better understanding about the evolution of the coast and its problems regarding the erosion as well as, the potential of the liquefaction of the sediments that cover the aluvional-coastal plain. It is important to stand out that the liquefaction potential depends not only on the tectonic activity, but also, on the hidrogeological, grain size, mineralogy composition, geologic, geotechnical and geomorphologic aspects. The grain size and palinological analysis of sediments in the surface provide essential information about the evolution of the strand plain, and marine and fluvial terraces, which indicate the relationship between the paleoenvironmental changes to the tectonic and the oceanographic processes. The most important facies defined are constituted of sedimentary character and in some cases palynomorph asemblages indicate mainly estuarine environments and beach system deposits. In this particular region, where the study is focussed, most of the muddy sediments do not present palinological specimens or they could not be recognized since they are very weathered by erosive processes and redeposition. It is mainly consisted. The area is represented by immaturity that indicate not continuous energic fluxes or processes and short river drainage. In relation to the geomorphology of the coastal plain, a morphologic predominance constituted by beach ridges has been recognized; the drainage network shows a strong structural control. In addition, several structural alignments and deflections were distinguished in the geomorphic analysis. The integration of the information previously analyzed provided as a result the creation of a liquefaction potential map identifying three zones of low, moderate and high potential for that process. The high potential of liquefaction (where the values of the factor of safety or, relation CRR/CSR, are less than one), prevails in the zones of alluvial plain, mangroves areas and backshore, being decreased in the upper part of the raised terraces and mountains. / El presente trabajo integra diferentes aspectos de la geología en la región de Puerto Jiménez, ubicada a en la zona sur de Costa Rica a unos 380 km de San José. El estudio comprende un área de 28 km2, donde se analizaron las características geomorfológicas y sedimentológicas con ayuda de fotografias aéreas, y posterior trabajo de campo, que involucró mapeo a detalle y muestreo tanto superficial como subsuperficialmente. La labor de campo involucró descripción de columnas, muestreo superficial del suelo, entre 5-10 cm, para el análisis del subsuelo se realizaron 23 ensayos con DPL (Dynamic Probing Light). El estudio elaborado se divide en tres partes: 1) aspectos introductorios, metodologías y aspectos teóricos generales; 2) descripción de los resultados separados, así mismo, en 3 capítulos, con su respectiva discusión, según el tema de morfología costera, descripción de facies y el potencial de licuefacción, 3) conclusiones, referencias y anexos. Además de los aspectos de sedimentología y geomorfología el presente estudio incorpora un análisis del potencial de licuefacción en sedimentos cuaternarios y pliocénicos. Datos de sedimentología, geomorfología, datos de la dinámica y características, en general métodos cuantitativos como el análisis geotécnico del suelo; fueron integrados para entender la evolución tectónica de la costa y su relación en proceso de licuefacción y erosión costera. Siendo el objetivo principal, realizar un estudio sobre los cambios en la línea de costa en puerto Jiménez, determinando las implicaciones que puede tener la historia geológica y la evoloción costera en el estudio sobre potencial de riesgos, considerando específicamente el riesgo de licuefacción. Los datos obtenidos contribuyen a tener más claridad en la evolución de la costa y sus problemas de erosión así como, el potencial de licuefacción de los sedimentos que cubren la llanura aluvio-costera. Es importante resaltar que el potencial de licuefacción depende no solo de la actividad tectónica, sino también, de las características hidrogeológicas, granulométricas, composición mineralogica, geomorfología, aspectos geológicos y geotécnicos. Los análisis granulométricos y palinológicos de los sedimentos en superficie muestran información relevante sobre la evolución de la planicie de cordones arenosos, terrazas marinas y fluviales, que indican posibles cambios paleoambientales relacionados al factor tectónico y a los procesos oceanográficos. Las facies más importantes definidas están constituidas de palinomorfos y de caracter sedimentario que indican ambientes estuarino y del sistema de playa, predominantemente. En esta región en estudio se encontró que las facies de sedimentos limosos no presentan especímenes palinológicos o no pudieron ser reconocidos por el hecho de estar muy alteradas por procesos depositacionales y erosivos. Predominan en la región, sedimentos que representan inmadurez y procesos oceanograficos no homogéneos y que los rios los transportam por un trayecto corto. En relación con la geomorfología de la planicie costera, se reconoce una predominancia morfológica constituida por cordones arenosos, una red de drenaje que muestra un fuerte control estrutural. Así mismo, varios alineamientos estructurales y deflexiones fueron distinguidos en el análisis geomorfológico. La integración de la información previamente analizada dio como resultado la creación del mapa de potencial de licuefacción mediante el cual se identificó tres regiones de bajo, moderado y alto potencial de ese proceso. El alto potencial de licuefacción (donde los valores del factor de seguridad o, relación CRR/CSR, es menor que 1), prevalece en las zonas de llanura aluvial, zona de manglar y la zona tras playa, siendo inferior en la parte superior de las terrazas levantadas y la zona montañosa.

La transformación de la intimidad de las familias chilenas y costarricenses en el contexto del modelo neoliberal de modernización: 1973-2013

Guerra Aburto, Liliana January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos / No autorizada su publicación a texto completo, según petición de su autor. / Esta investigación realizada entre los años 2009-2013 es de carácter cualitativo. Su objetivo es develar las transformaciones en la intimidad de las familias chilenas y costarricenses de estratos medios. Específicamente, los ámbitos de la intimidad investigados son amor y sexualidad, parentalidad/marentalidad y ámbito doméstico. Se utilizaron como técnicas de recolección de información, la entrevista en profundidad y los grupos de discusión. El análisis de éstos, se realizó a través de análisis de discurso y como forma de validación, se utilizó la saturación de los discursos. En cuanto a los resultados, es posible señalar que en la actualidad coexisten distintas visiones de familia en ambos países, una más apegada a la tradición y otra más liberal que sostiene un discurso más igualitario entre los géneros. Son los adultos mayores quienes están más aferrados a la visión de familia tradicional, sin embargo, sus visiones también permean a las generaciones más jóvenes, especialmente a adultos y adultas de ambos países, quienes sufren más contradicciones en torno a los cambios vividos. Por su parte, los y las jóvenes de ambas sociedades, sostienen discursos más liberales, aunque -en el caso de los hombres- no exentos de imaginarios que refieren a la superioridad masculina y subordinación femenina. Existe una visión más conservadora tanto en hombres como en mujeres costarricenses que en chilenos y chilenas, con una marcada influencia religiosa, y una fuerte connotación machista en las relaciones de amor y sexualidad, así como también en los aspectos inherentes a la crianza y cuidado de los hijos. Especialmente arraigada se encuentra esta visión, en el aspecto de doméstico. Los resultados de la investigación están cruzados por diferencias de género y generacionales, siendo estas últimas las que resaltan.

Experiencia Chilena en Implementación y Administración de los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio. Aprendizajes para Costa Rica

Villalobos Rodríguez, Iván January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Land Use, Stream Stability, and Benthic Invertebrates in a Dry Forest Watershed of Western Costa Rica

Demko, Jacqueline Ann 09 March 2017 (has links)
There is a paucity of data on dry forests, the most threatened biome in the tropics. The Nandamojo is a tropical dry forest watershed in Western Costa Rica that has been impacted by varying degrees of human induced modifications. This research was conducted to examine the influence of land use and channel characteristics on invertebrate communities within a sub basin of the Nandamojo watershed. This study addressed three hypotheses: (1) sites with low tree cover and small riparian buffer zones will have high erosion, (2) macroinvertebrate abundance will be lower at sites with low channel stability values, and (3) benthic macroinvertebrate abundance will be higher in years of high rainfall and flow regimes. Sites were established along three tributaries, which were surveyed in 2013 and 2015. Data were compared (1) along the length of respective tributaries and their elevation gradients, and (2) between survey years. Although Nandamojo is a mixed land use watershed, two of the four land uses were dominant; pasture and forest. Macroinvertebrate counts were statistically different across survey years and seasons. The abundance of macroinvertebrates was greatest on Tributary 3, where the dominant land use was forest. Regional interannual rainfall is suggested as a driving factor for interannual differences in macroinvertebrate abundance. Although results suggest that this sub basin is in good health, taking preventative action by developing a subbasin management plan is needed. As tropical dry forest is the most threatened forest biome, educating local residents not only about the numerous risks of human induced modifications such as forest to pasture land conversion, but also the corresponding importance of maintaining riverbank vegetation in headwater streams should be a foremost priority.

Treefrogs in Forested Swamps at the La Selva Biological Station: Assemblage Variation through Space and Time

Maccachero, Vivian C 10 November 2011 (has links)
Swamp-breeding treefrogs form conspicuous components of many tropical forest sites, yet remain largely understudied. The La Selva Biological Station, a rainforest reserve in Costa Rica, harbors a rich swamp-breeding treefrog fauna that has been studied in only one of the many swamps found at the site. To understand if the species composition of treefrogs at La Selva varies over space or time, frogs were censused in 1982-83, 1994-95, 2005 and 2011 at two ponds located in the reserve. Data on treefrog habitat utilization were also collected. Species composition varied spatially only in 2011. Temporal variation was observed at both ponds for all groups tested. Habitat use varied among species and between swamps. The pattern of variation suggests that temporally dynamic systems such as temporary Neotropical forest swamps will converge and diverge in species composition over time.

Connectivity of fragmented amphibian populations in a Neotropical landscape

Nowakowski, Aaron J 06 May 2014 (has links)
A high proportion of amphibian species are threatened with extinction globally, and habitat loss and degradation are the most frequently implicated causes. Rapid deforestation for the establishment of agricultural production is a primary driver of habitat loss in tropical zones where amphibian diversity is highest. Land-cover change affects native assemblages, in part, through the reduction of habitat area and the reduction of movement among remnant populations. Decreased gene flow contributes to loss of genetic diversity, which limits the ability of local populations to respond to further environmental changes. The focus of this dissertation is on the degree to which common land uses in Sarapiquí, Costa Rica impede the movement of two common amphibian species. First, I used field experiments, including displacement trials, and a behavioral landscape ecology framework to investigate the resistance of pastures to movement of Oophaga pumilio. Results from experiments demonstrate that pastures do impede movement of O. pumilio relative to forest. Microclimatic effects on movement performance as well as limited perceptual ranges likely contribute to reduced return rates through pastures. Next, I linked local processes to landscape scale estimates of resistance. I conducted experiments to measure habitat-specific costs to movement for O. pumilio and Craugastor bransfodrii, and then used experimental results to parameterize connectivity models. Model validation indicated highest support for resistance estimates generated from responses to land-use specific microclimates for both species and to predator encounters for O. pumilio. Finally, I used abundance and experiment-derived resistance estimates to analyze the effects of prevalent land uses on population genetic structure of the two focal species. While O. pumilio did not exhibit a strong response to landscape heterogeneity and was primarily structured by distances among sites, C. bransfordii genetic variation was explained by resistance estimates from abundance and experiment data. Collectivity, this work demonstrates that common land uses can offer different levels of resistance to amphibian movements in Sarapiquí and illustrates the value of investigating local scales processes to inform interpretation of landscape-scale patterns.

Postavení vybraných středoamerických států ve světové ekonomice / The Position of Selected Central American Countries in the World Economy

Kocián, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse position of selected Central American countries in the world economy. Selected countries are Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter provides general information about Central America. The second, third a fourth chapter characterize general and economic information, international trade, foreign direct investments and future possibilities and perspectives of selected countries. In the last part I describe socioeconomic comparison of selected countries.

The Effects of Simulated Peccary Extirpation on Leaf Litter Dynamics, Reptiles, and Amphibians in a Neotropical Forest

Reider, Kelsey 10 November 2011 (has links)
Peccaries are known to play a significant role in shaping the diversity of habitats and structure of plants in rain forests. However, very little is known about their roles in regulating animal populations. I review the ways peccaries increase disturbance, create habitat diversity, provide resources, act as predators, and might otherwise directly and indirectly affect other animals. To determine effects of simulated peccary extirpation on the detrital food web, I examined the hypotheses that a reduction of peccary density on fenced exclusion plots would cause changes in the amount and quality of leaf litter as habitat for leaf litter reptiles and amphibians. I found that compared to open controls, exclusions had significantly deeper litter and more rapid cellulose decomposition. Exclusions were thus expected to provide more habitat and prey for litter amphibians and reptiles than control plots, but, paradoxically, encounters of reptiles and amphibians were greater on controls.

Western Hemispheric Trade Agreements and Sustainability: Lesson From Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and Salty Anchovies

van Miller, V., Crespy, Charles T., Loess, Kurt H., Renau, José A. 01 July 2010 (has links)
The relationship between international commerce and sustainable development is the subject of much controversy that is exacerbated by geographic boundaries that are co-jointly developed, shaped, and sustained by regional trade agreements. The outcomes of three Americas trade agreements - NAFTA, CAFTA, and USPTPA - are analyzed across three dimensions: economic, ecological, and labor. The three dimensions collectively form for each trade region a specific ECOL niche that is concurrently subject to national variation. We propose and find that low-ECOL niches in the Americas appear to attract more foreign trade with investment. Nevertheless, this tentative finding seems not to hold for those corporations that seek out strong ECOL niche countries like Costa Rica.

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