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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Using Live Demonstrations in the Teaching of Counseling Theories and Counseling Process

Bitter, James 01 October 2011 (has links)
The presenters will demonstrate an approach to teaching counseling theories and counseling process that involves instructor demonstrations. Emphasized is the value of experiential approaches as a way for students to become actively involved in learning counseling process. Some of these experiential methods include: observing live ~ 193 ~ Sunday demonstrations by the instructor with students or outside clients; role‐playing counseling process with peers; opportunities to counsel as a student naturally would; preparing students to offer demonstrations of their own; instructor demonstrations as a part of supervision; and appropriately dealing with studentsʹ personal concerns that emerge as they begin to pragmatically implement counseling theories and process. Emphasized are ways to provide supervision and feedback for students, as well as methods of evaluation. The goal of the session is to demonstrate what might actually take place in a class. The session will start with a brief introduction followed by a demonstration of initial counseling process, a discussion of what could be learned and how the instructor might respond to student comments, and a final demonstration of a more complex counseling process with feedback from students.

從娼少女個別諮商歷程之探討 / The analysis of individual counsiling process for juvenile female prostitutes

李孟珍, Lee, Menp Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個別諮商歷程分為二階段:一是少女從娼歷程分析、二是個別諮商內涵分析。少女從娼歷程分析應用Herbert (1981)問題行為十因子分析模式,以探討了解從娼少女之從娼行為歷程及其相關因素,並據而進行個別諮商,而以吳英璋(民74)之心理治療內涵分析:以微視分析、個別諮商次與次的分析、及整體分析來呈現諮商內涵。   本研究以臺灣省立雲林教養院收容違反少年福利法及少年事件處理法之少女為對象。先以五位個案進行試驗性研究後,再以十位個案正式進行研究。研究工具採用基氏人格測驗、臺灣省立婦女習藝教養所特殊所民態度量表、青少年重要事件調查表、及自編諮商效果分析表。   主要研究結果發現:從娼少女之個別諮商,運用十因子分析模式能夠分析從娼行為之歷程與相關因素、確能發現個案間之個別差異,據以訂定適當之諮商目標,同時採用個別諮商內涵分析以建構完整之諮商模式,可以有效地提供從娼少女個別諮商服務。   根據研究結果,本研究建議收容從娼少女機構將訓導與輔導分立,並設立轉導室,提供少女主動求助的場所,以進行個別諮商;另外,建議諮商員能有適當之心理建設,以面對特殊族群的個案。 / The study of individual counseling process can be understood through the analysis of the factors of the juvenile female prostitution, and the following individual counseling.   The fifteen subjects of this research were violated either Children Welfare Law or Adolescence Welfare Law and educated for the probation in the juvenile female institution.   The major results of the research are based on the Ten-Factor Clinical Formulation Model (Herbert, 1981) could easily found the behavioral process and its related factors of juvenile prostitutes. And we are able to distinguish efficiently characteristic differences between individual cases ,and according to their differences set up a proper goal for individual counseling.   This study suggests that institutes for female prostitues should separate counseling service from discipline system, and set up a special counseling center where juvenile prostitutes could find assistance and shelter, a place for private counseling.

Misslyckad finansiell rådgivning : hur stort är problemet, egentligen? / Unsuccessful financial advice : how big is the problem, actually?

Jansson, Lina, Tenic, Medina January 2012 (has links)
Finansiell rådgivning har blivit en allt viktigare del av värdepappersmarknaden och samhället i stort. Nya lagar och riktlinjer har kommit till för att skydda konsumenten och öka kompetenskraven hos rådgivarna. Trots detta har Finansinspektionen hittat och belyst ett flertal risker som konsumenten kan utsättas för och årligen inkommer ett stort antal anmälningar till Allmänna reklamationsnämnden från konsumenter som är missnöjda med den rådgivning de fått. Om antalet anmälningar som inkommit till ARN under åren 2008-2011 ställs i perspektiv till antalet rådgivningsmöten som hålls per år utgör denna siffra ca 0,02 % av antalet möten. Det är därför intressant titta på hur stort problemet kring misslyckad finansiell rådgivning egentligen är samt att undersöka hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på rådgivningen. Syfte: Studiens syfte består i att kartlägga och analysera de fall som skett avseende misslyckad finansiell rådgivning gentemot privatpersoner, samt att granska och analysera hur bankerna säkerställer kvalitén på den finansiella rådgivning de erbjuder. Genomförande: Genomförandet av studiens datainsamling har skett genom en kombination av intervjuer, granskning av dokument, empirisk forskning samt finansiell teori och rådande lagstiftning. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts och studiens primära källor har inhämtats genom intervjuer med olika företag samt genom granskning av Allmänna reklamationsnämndens beslut mellan åren 2008-2011. Slutsats: Bankerna utgör en liten del av ARNs ärenden och majoriteten berör istället de mindre aktörerna, som till exempel försäkringsförmedlare och kapitalförsäkringsbolag. Bankernas kvalitetssäkring har både för och nackdelar och det är svårt att skapa en bra balans mellan att förebygga för mycket och för lite. Kartläggningen av problematiken kring misslyckad finansiell rådgivning visar att bankerna har vissa brister avseende finansiell rådgivning men att de gör ett bra jobb överlag och följer rådanade lagar och riktlinjer. Detta tyder på att misslyckad finansiell rådgivning är ett litet problem bland de svenska bankerna. / Financial advice has become an important part of the securities market and the social society. New laws and guidelines have been introduced to protect customers and to increase the skills required for financial advisers. Despite this the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has found a number of risks to which the customer can be exposed for. Meanwhile The National Board of Consumer Disputes annually receives a numerous of complaints from customers who are dissatisfied with the financial advice they have received. If we put the complaints received by the board in perspective to the number of counseling meetings held every year we will see that this number represent approximately 0,02 % of the number of counseling meetings. Therefore, it’s interesting to look at how big the problem regarding unsuccessful financial advice actually is and to investigate how the banks ensure the quality of financial advice. Aim: Purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the cases that have occurred regarding unsuccessful financial advice and to examine and analyze how banks ensure the quality of the financial advice they offer. Completion: This study was completed through a combination of document reviews, empirical research and review of financial theory and current legislation. To answer the purpose of the study a qualitative method have been used and the empirical data were obtained through interviews with various institutions and banks and through examination of the decisions taken by the Board of Consumer Disputes during the years 2008-2011. Conclusion: The banks represent a small portion of the Board of Consumer Disputes cases during 2008-2011. The banks ways of quality assure their financial advice has both advantages and disadvantages and it’s difficult to find a balance between preventing too much and too little. The examination of unsuccessful financial advice shows that the banks have some shortcomings regarding financial advice but in general they are doing a good job and applies laws and guidelines. This shows that unsuccessful financial advice is a small problem among the Swedish banks.

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