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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation expérimentale de l'initiation et de la propagation de fissure dans une résine époxy sous chargement dynamique / Experimental characterization of crack initiation and propagation in epoxy resins under dynamic loadings

Joudon, Vincent 15 December 2014 (has links)
Les résines époxy renforcées par des nodules thermoplastiques sont largement utilisées dans les matériaux composites à matrice organique de l’industrie aéronautique. Dans le cas particulier des stratifiés, les résines époxy déterminent la résistance du milieu inter-laminaire au délaminage. Ce processus de décohésion macroscopique apparaît classiquement lors d’un impact dynamique et compromet fortement l’intégrité des structures composites légères. Pourtant, les modèles cohésifs actuels ne sont pas prévus pour la simulation du délaminage sous sollicitation rapide. Notamment, l’influence présumée de la dynamique sur la rupture du milieu inter-laminaire riche en résine époxy n’est pas prise en compte. Par conséquent, cette recherche consiste à caractériser l’initiation et la propagation de fissure dans une résine époxy sous chargement dynamique. Dans cet objectif, des éprouvettes entaillées sont fabriquées à partir de la résine époxy Hexply RM21 spécifique du domaine aéronautique. Un protocole expérimental est développé et validé afin d’estimer les ténacités d’initiation et de propagation d’une éprouvette chargée en flexion 3-points par un vérin hydraulique. Les essais réalisés démontrent que la ténacité dynamique augmente fortement avec la vitesse de propagation de fissure, à l’inverse de la ténacité d’initiation qui diminue avec la vitesse d’impact. Ces évolutions sont cohérentes avec les micrographies réalisées post-mortem qui présentent une augmentation des mécanismes de rupture. Finalement, une loi cohésive est définie et identifiée pour prendre en compte l’influence de la dynamique sur l’initiation et la propagation d’une fissure dans la résine époxy étudiée. / Epoxy resins toughened with embedded thermoplastic particles are classically used in the aeronautical composites manufacturing. As matrix into laminated composites, epoxy resins determine the delamination resistance of the interlaminar field. The delamination process is a large decohesion that often occurs during impact loadings and it critically compromises the integrity of the light weight composite structures. However, most of the cohesive zone models are not intended to simulate delamination under high rate loadings. In particular, these models do not consider the expected effects of loading rate on fracture behaviour of the resin-rich interlaminar field. Therefore, this research aims at characterizing crack initiation and propagation in epoxy resins under dynamic loadings. For that purpose, we manufacture notched specimens made of pure Hexply RM21 epoxy resin which is mainly used in aeronautics. An experimental procedure is developed and validated in order to estimate initiation and propagation fracture toughness on a 3-points bending test associated to a servo-hydraulic testing machine. Experimental results demonstrate that the dynamic fracture toughness highly increases with the crack propagation speed while the initiation toughness decreases with the impact velocity. These evolutions are consistent with post-mortem micrographic observations that show intensifying fracture mechanisms. Finally, a cohesive law is defined and identified to take into account the dynamic dependency of crack initiation and propagation in the considered epoxy resin.

Evaluation of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR)-Induced Damage Generation and Prolongation in Affected Recycle Concrete

Trottier, Cassandra 24 September 2020 (has links)
Recycled concrete is among the rising eco-friendly construction materials which helps to reduce waste and the need for new natural resources. However, such concrete may present previous deterioration due to, for instance, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), which is an ongoing distress mechanism that may keep being developed in the recycled material. This work aims to evaluate the potential of further distress and crack development (i.e. initiation and propagation) of AAR-affected RCA concrete in recycled mixtures displaying distinct past damage degrees and reactive aggregate types. Therefore, concrete specimens incorporating two highly reactive aggregates (Springhill coarse aggregate and Texas sand) were manufactured in the laboratory and stored in conditions enabling ASR development. The specimens were continuously monitored over time and once they reached marginal (0.05%) and very high (0.30%) expansion levels, they were crushed into RCA particles and re-used to fabricate RCA concrete. The RCA specimens were then placed in the same previous conditions and the “secondary” ASR-induced development monitored over time. Results show that the overall damage in ASR-affected RCA concrete is quite different from affected conventional concrete, especially with regards to the severely damaged RCA particles, where ASR is induced by a reactive coarse aggregate, as the RCA particle itself may present several levels of damage simultaneously caused by past/ongoing ASR and newly formed ASR. Moreover, the influence of the original damage extent in such RCA concrete was captured by the slightly damaged RCA mixture eventually reaching the same damage level as the severely damaged mixture. Furthermore, the original extent of deterioration influence the “secondary” induced expansion and damage of RCA concrete since the higher the original damage level, the higher the cracks numbers and lengths observed in the RCA concrete for the same expansion level whereas wider cracks are generated by RCA having previously been subjected to slight damage thus indicating the difference in the distress mechanism as a function of original extent of damage. In addition, it has been found that distress on RCA containing a reactive sand generates and propagates from the residual mortar (RM) into the new mortar (NM) as opposed to RCA containing a reactive coarse aggregate, being generated and propagated from the original coarse aggregate (i.e. original virgin aggregate – OVA) into the NM. Likewise, RCA containing a reactive sand caused longer and higher number of cracks for the same “secondary” induced expansion than the RCA made of reactive coarse aggregate. Finally, novel qualitative and descriptive models are proposed in this research to explain ASR-induced distress generation and propagation on RCA mixtures made of reactive fine and coarse aggregates.

Atomistic simulation of fatigue in face centred cubic metals / Simulation atomistique de la fatigue dans les métaux cubiques à faces centrées

Fan, Zhengxuan 18 November 2016 (has links)
La fatigue induite par chargement cyclique est un mode d'endommagement majeur des métaux. Elle se caractérise par des effets environnementaux et de grandes dispersions de la durée de vie qui doivent être mieux comprises. Les matériaux analysés sont de type cfc : aluminium, cuivre, nickel et argent. Le comportement de marches naturellement créées en surface par le glissement cyclique de dislocations est examiné par simulations en dynamique moléculaire sous vide et sous environnement oxygène pour le cuivre et le nickel. Un phénomène de reconstruction est observé sur les marches en surface, qui peut induire une forte irréversibilité. Trois mécanismes de reconstruction des marches apparues en surface sont observés et décrits. L’irréversibilité de ces marches est ensuite analysé. Elles sont irréversibles pour des chargements expérimentaux, sauf arrivée de dislocations de signe opposé sur un plan de glissement directement voisin.Avec arrivée de dislocations sur des plans non voisins, l'irréversibilité s’accumule cycle par cycle et il est possible de reproduire l’apparition de fissures en surface dont la profondeur augmente graduellement.Un environnement oxygène modifie la surface (début d’oxydation) mais pas l’irréversibilité parce que l’oxygène n’a pas d'influence majeure sur les différents mécanismes liés à l’évolution du relief.Une estimation grossière de l'irréversibilité est faite pour des dislocations coin pures dans une bande de glissement persistante pour les matériaux dits ondulés. On obtient un facteur d’irréversibilité entre 0,5 et 0,75 pour le cuivre, sous vide et sous l’environnement oxygène, en accord avec des mesures récentes en microscopie à force atomique.La propagation de fissures est simulée en environnement inerte. Les fissures peuvent se propager à cause de l'irréversibilité des dislocations générées, liée à leurs interactions allant jusqu’à la création de jonctions. / Fatigue is one of the major damage mechanisms of metals. It is characterized by strong environmental effects and wide lifetime dispersions which must be better understood. Different face centred cubic metals, Al, Cu, Ni, and Ag are analyzed. The mechanical behaviour of surface steps naturally created by the glide of dislocations subjected to cyclic loading is examined using molecular dynamics simulations in vacuum and in air for Cu and Ni. An atomistic reconstruction phenomenon is observed at these surface steps which can induce strong irreversibility. Three different mechanisms of reconstruction are defined. Surface slip irreversibility under cyclic loading is analyzed. All surface steps are intrinsically irreversible under usual fatigue laboratory loading amplitude without the arrival of opposite sign dislocations on direct neighbor plane.With opposite sign dislocations on non direct neighbour planes, irreversibility cumulates cycle by cycle and a micro-notch is produced whose depth gradually increases.Oxygen environment affects the surface (first stage of oxidation) but does not lead to higher irreversibility as it has no major influence on the different mechanisms linked to surface relief evolution.A rough estimation of surface irreversibility is carried out for pure edge dislocations in persistent slip bands in so-called wavy materials. It gives an irreversibility fraction between 0.5 and 0.75 in copper in vacuum and in air, in agreement with recent atomic force microscopy measurements.Crack propagation mechanisms are simulated in inert environment. Cracks can propagate owing to the irreversibility of generated dislocations because of their mutual interactions up to the formation of dislocation junctions.

Low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys / Fatigue à faible nombre de cycles des matériaux à mémoire de forme

Zhang, Yahui 22 June 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une analyse globale multi-échelles de la fatigue à faible nombre de cycles des matériaux à mémoire de forme (MMF). Dans un premier temps, une large campagne d’essais a été menée pour différents chargements thermomécaniques comprenant des tests de fatigue sous contrainte et déformation imposée et pour différentes fréquences de chargement. A partir des résultats des essais, un critère de fatigue, basé sur l’énergie de déformation, a été développé ; on montre que l’énergie de déformation est un paramètre pertinent pour prédire la fatigue des MMF en tenant compte du couplage thermomécanique et du type de chargement : contrainte ou déformation imposée. Ensuite, en prenant appui sur la répartition de l’énergie de l’hystérésis en dissipation et énergie stockée, on avance une interprétation physique du mécanisme de la fatigue des MMF. Dans la troisième partie, on propose une modélisation multi-échelles de l’initiation des fissures de fatigue dans les MMF à partir de la notion de plasticité de transformation (PlTr). Dans ce cadre, on montre que la fatigue de MMF est contrôlée par la (PlTr) et que la température maximale lors de la transformation de phase est le paramètre à retenir pour prédire la rupture par fatigue des MMF. Le modèle permet également de prédire le lieu d’initiation des premières fissures de fatigue. Enfin, un procédé – fondé sur l’«éducation» des MMF – permettant d’améliorer la résistance à la fatigue est proposé. / The thesis proposes a multi-scale comprehensive analysis of low cycle fatigue of shape memory alloys (SMAs). First, low cycle fatigue of SMAs is experimentally investigated; comprehensive tensile-tensile fatigue tests under both stress and strain controlled loadings at different frequencies are carried out and results are discussed. Second, a new strain energy-based fatigue criterion is developed; it is shown that the use of total strain energy is a relevant parameter to predict fatigue lifetime of SMAs for different thermomechanical conditions and under different types (strain-control or stress-control) loadings. A physical interpretation of the mechanism related to the low-cycle fatigue of SMAs is then provided based on the conversion of hysteresis work into dissipation and stored energy. Third, fatigue crack initiation during cyclic stress-induced phase transformation is modeled based on transformation induced plasticity (TRIP); it is shown that the maximum temperature during the cyclic loading is a relevant indicator of the fatigue of SMA. Furthermore, the effect of the macroscopic mechanical load on the the fatigue lifetime is addressed as well as the spatial location of crack initiation. Finally, a mechanical training process that allows enhancing resistance to low cycle fatigue of SMAs is proposed.

Mikrostruktura, její stabilita a únavové vlastnosti ultrajemnozrnné mědi připravené metodou ECAP / Microstructure, it´s Stability and Fatigue Properties of Ultra-Fine Grained Copper Prepared by ECAP Method

Navrátilová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with fatigue properties and stability of microstructure of ultrafine-grained (UFG) copper prepared by severe plastic deformation by means of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) method. The effect of different fatigue loading regimes and thermal exposition on microstructural changes was investigated and the fatigue lifetime curves were experimentally determined. The research attention was focussed on localization of cyclic plastic deformation and fatigue crack initiation in UFG structure. Experimental results indicate that after stress-controlled fatigue loading (both symmetrical and asymmetrical) the microstructure remains ultrafine; no grain coarsening was observed. Contrary to this, strain-controlled fatigue loading results in formation of bimodal structure. Grain coarsening was observed also after thermal exposition at 250 °C for 30 minutes. Annealing at lower temperatures does not result in grain coarsening or development of bimodal structure. Fatigue loading results in development of surface relief in form of cyclic slip markings. Their density, distribution and shape differ for particular fatigue loading regimes. Differences in crack initiation mechanism in low- and high-cycle fatigue region were found. Nevertheless, the characteristic feature for all loading regimes was stability of UFG microstructure in the region of cyclic slip bands and fatigue cracks.

Primary Processing Parameters and Their Influence on Porosity and Fatigue Life of Additively Manufactured Alloy 718

Sheridan, Luke C. 18 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.


MATHEUS FERNANDES DE ANDRADE 07 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] As tecnologias de manufatura aditiva (MA) tornaram-se alvo de grande interesse industrial para fabricação de componentes e peças finais destinadas a inúmeras aplicações em diversos setores da indústria. Estes componentes, em sua maioria, são projetados para apresentar vida em serviço superior à 107ciclos, fazendo com que a análise do comportamento em fadiga no regime de altíssimo ciclo (VHCF) se tornasse um critério de projeto imprescindível. O aço inoxidável AISI 316L é um dos materiais mais processados por MA, com inúmeras abordagens na literatura. Contudo, ainda não há um conhecimento consolidado a respeito do comportamento deste material quando submetido a longas ou super longas vidas em fadiga após processamento pelas distintas técnicas disponíveis, nem tampouco dos mecanismos de iniciação de trincas predominantes. Em geral, no regime de VHCF as trincas tendem a se iniciar internamente ou em regiões subsuperficiais a partir de defeitos internos presente no material. Esse fato resulta em uma característica na superfície de fratura conhecida como fish-eye. Outro fenômeno que ocorre na superfície de fratura, mais especificamente dentro da região do fish-eye, é a formação de uma camada fina granular (FGA) ao redor dos sítios de iniciação de trincas. O presente trabalho analisou a resistência à fadiga de longa duração do aço AISI 316L manufaturado pela técnica de deposição por energia direcionada a laser (L-DED). Corpos de prova de duas condições de pós-processamento do material, com e sem tratamento térmico, foram submetidos a ensaios de fadiga em equipamento ultrassônico (frequência de 20±0,5 kHz), com R = -1 e tendo como alvo 109ciclos. Após o levantamento das curvas S-N das duas condições microestruturais, as superfícies de fratura foram analisadas. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o tratamento térmico reduziu a vida em fadiga do material em função da população de defeitos metalúrgicos encontrada, bem como influenciou a formação de fish-eye e FGA durante a iniciação e propagação das trincas. Por fim, o tamanho do FGA foi quantificado experimentalmente, para permitir a comparação com dimensões de FGA estimadas por equações empíricas presentes na literatura. / [en] Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have become a target of great industrial interest for manufacture of components and final parts intended for several applications in many sectors of the industry. Most of these components are designed to have a service life higher than 107cycles, making the analysis of the fatigue behavior in the very high cycle regime (VHCF) an essential design criterion. AISI 316L stainless steel is one of the most processed by AM, with numerous approaches in the literature. However, there is still no consolidated knowledge about the behavior of this material when subjected to long or super long fatigue lives after processing by the different available techniques, nor about the predominant crack initiation mechanisms. In general, in the VHCF regime, cracks tend to start internally or in subsurface regions from internal defects present in the material. This fact results in a characteristic in the fracture surface known as fish-eye. Another phenomenon that occurs at the fracture surface, more specifically within the fish-eye region, is the formation of a fine granular area (FGA) nearby the crack initiation sites. The present work analyzed the long-term fatigue strength of AISI 316L steel manufactured by laser directed energy deposition (L-DED) technique. Specimens of two post-processing conditions of the material, with and without heat treatment, were subjected to fatigue tests in ultrasonic equipment (frequency 20 ± 0.5 kHz), with R = -1 aiming 109cycles. After surveying the S-N curves of the two microstructural conditions, the fracture surfaces were analyzed. The research results indicated that the heat treatment reduced the fatigue life of the material as a function of the population of metallurgical defects found, as well as influenced the formation of fish-eye and FGA during the initiation and propagation of cracks. Finally, the size of FGA was experimentally quantified to allow comparison with the dimensions of the FGA estimated by empirical equations present in the literature.


LETICIA BUENO NOGUEIRA 17 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] A determinação do limiar de propagação de trincas de fadiga oferece uma gama de utilização dos materiais na engenharia, na aplicação a projetos que sejam tolerantes ao dano. [delta]Kth é uma ferramenta que permite o estabelecimento de um critério de carregamento sob o qual as trincas não crescerão significativamente durante as operações de serviço do componente. Para sua determinação ser amplamente aplicada, foi necessário estabelecer e estudar os fatores que pudessem influenciá-lo positiva ou negativamente. Dentre os quais, a microestrutura apresentou grande importância porque precisou ser controlada desde a fabricação do material até a colocação em serviço do componente acabado. A finalidade do componente e os esforços a que são submetidos quando em serviço determinam a seleção do material. Assim, enumerou-se características básicas e requisitos mínimos que atenderam a segurança e reduziram a relação custo-benefício. Foram selecionados materiais (SAE 4340 e SAE 4140) cuja composição química e propriedades mecânicas fossem semelhantes ao 42CrMo4 para que pudessem servir de alternativa no emprego de eixos-virabrequim a fim de propor uma solução no problema prático o qual estes vinham rompendo muito abaixo do limite de vida em fadiga a que se propunham. Os resultados obtidos se mostraram satisfatórios pois nos ensaios de propagação de trinca de um dos materiais escolhidos (SAE 4140) obteve-se [delta]Kth de 12,48 MPa[raiz quadrada]m e no material de referência, [delta]Kth (médio) de 6,1 MPa[raiz quadrada]m. A observação da microestrutura do material de referência pode, com ressalvas, ser visto como indicativo de corroboração do resultado apresentado no [delta]Kth, pois foram localizadas ocorrências de inclusões dispersas na matriz metálica. / [en] The determination of the fatigue crack propagation threshold offers a range of materials utilization in engineering, in application to projects that are tolerant to damage. [delta]Kth is a tool that allows the establishment of a loading criterion under which the cracks will not grow significantly during the service operations of the component. For its determination to be widely applied, it was necessary to establish and study the factors that could influence it positively or negatively. Among them, the microstructure was of great importance because it had to be controlled from the material manufacturing to the placing putting into service of a finished component. The aim of the component and the stresses to which it is subjected when in service determine the material selection. Thus, basic characteristics and minimum requirements were listed which have attend the safety and has reduced cost-benefit ratio. Materials (SAE 4340 and SAE 4140) were selected whose chemical composition and mechanical properties that were similar to DIN 42CrMo4 so that they could serve as an alternative in the use of crankshafts to propose a solution in the practical problem which they were breaking well below the limit fatigue life that they proposed. The results obtained were satisfactory because in the fracture toughness tests of one of the chosen materials (SAE 4140) [delta]Kth of 12.48 MPa[square root]m was obtained and in the reference material, [delta]Kth(average) of 6.1 MPa[square root]m. The observation of the microstructure of the reference material may indicate, with restrictions, as a corroboration of the result presented in the [delta]Kth, because occurrences of dispersed inclusions in the steel matrix.

On initiation of chemically assisted crack growth and crack propagation paths of branching cracks in polycarbonate

Hejman, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
Stress corrosion, SC, in some cases gives rise to stress corrosion cracking, SCC, which differs from purely stress intensity driven cracks in many aspects. They initiate and grow under the influence of an aggressive environment in a stressed substrate. They grow at low load and may branch. The phenomenon of SCC is very complex, both the initiation phase and crack extension itself of SCC is seemingly associated with arbitrariness due to the many unknown factors controlling the process. Such factors could be concentration of species in the environment, stress, stress concentration, electrical conditions, mass transport, and so on.In the present thesis, chemically assisted crack initiation and growth is studied with special focus on the initiation and branching of cracks. Polycarbonate plates are used as substrates subjected to an acetone environment. Experimental procedures for examining initiation and branching in polycarbonate are presented. An optical microscope is employed to study the substrate.The attack at initiation is quantified from pits found on the surface, and pits that act as origin for cracks is identified and the distribution is analysed. A growth criterion for surface cracks is formulated from the observations, and it is used to numerically simulate crack growth. The cracks are seen to coalesce, and this phenomenon is studied in detail. Branching sites of cracks growing in the bulk of polycarbonate are inspected at the sample surface. It is found that the total width of the crack branches are approximately the same as the width of the original crack. Also, angles of the branches are studied. Further, for comparison the crack growth in the bulk is simulated using a moving boundary problem based algorithm and similar behaviour of crack branching is found. / <p>Both papers in thesis as manuscript, paper II with title "Branching cracks in a layered material - Dissolution driven crack growth in polycarbonate"</p>

Numerical and experimental identification of fatigue crack initiation sites in clinched joints

Ewenz, Lars, Bielak, Ch. R., Otroshi, M., Bobbert, M., Meschut, G., Zimmermann, M. 20 March 2024 (has links)
In this paper, a study based on experimental and numerical simulations is performed to analyze fatigue cracks in clinched joints. An experimental investigation is conducted to determine the failure modes of clinched joints under cyclic loading at different load amplitudes with single-lap shear tests. In addition, numerical FEM simulations of clinching process and subsequent shear loading are performed to support the experimental investigations by analyzing the state of stresses at the location of failure. An attempt is made to explain the location of crack initiation in the experiments using evaluation variables such as contact shear stress and maximum principal stress.

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