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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation and Repeatability Testing of a New Hybrid III 6-year-old Lower Extremity

Ryu, Yeonsu 30 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation d’essais de choc sur dispositifs de retenue de véhicules : Application aux dispositifs mixtes acier-bois / Vehicle restraint system crash test modelling : Application to steel-wood structures

Goubel, Clément 13 December 2012 (has links)
En France, un tiers des personnes tuées sur la route le sont lors d’un accident sur un obstaclefixe. Dans 90% des cas, ces accidents surviennent après une perte de contrôle du véhicule.Les dispositifs de retenue de véhicule ont pour but de maintenir les véhicules en perdition surla chaussée en limitant la sévérité de l’impact.Ces dispositifs doivent subir des essais de chocs normatifs afin de pouvoir être installés sur lebord des routes européennes et d’évaluer leurs performances en termes de sévérité et dedéflexion.Les tolérances existantes sur les paramètres d’essai (véhicule, masse du véhicule, vitesse,angle et point d’impact …) et les incertitudes sur les caractéristiques mécaniques desmatériaux constituant le dispositif ont un effet sur les performances de ce dispositifs etdoivent être prises en compte lors des calculsLes dispositifs mixtes (acier-bois) présentent une difficulté supplémentaire en raison del’hétérogénéité du matériau et de sa sensibilité aux variables d’environnement telles que latempérature et l’humidité.Afin de prendre en compte cette variabilité et d’évaluer son impact sur les performances d’undispositif, des essais dynamiques sur des échantillons de structure ont été réalisés et modélisésnumériquement.Enfin, un modèle complet d’un dispositif de retenue de véhicule a été effectué et corrélé surun essai de choc réel à l’aide d’une méthode prenant en compte la variation de paramètresphysiques liés à l’apparition des modes de ruine de la structure. Une fois corrélé, le modèle aété utilisé afin d’évaluer l’incidence de la modification des caractéristiques mécaniques dubois liée aux variations des conditions environnementales. / In France, one third of the people dying on the roads are killed after impacting against ahazard. In 90% of the reported cases, these accidents result from loss of control. VehicleRestraint Systems (VRS) are specially designed to restrain an errant vehicle and to limitimpact severity.Before being installed on the roadsides, these devices have to be crash-tested according tostandards in order to evaluate their safety and deflexion performances.Tolerances exist on impact parameters (vehicle, vehicle mass, impact speed, impact angle,impact point …) and material’s mechanical characteristic uncertainties have an effect towardsdevice performances and have to be taken into account during numerical simulations.Steel-wood structures present an additional numerical challenge due to wood heterogeneityand its sensibility to environment variables such as temperature and moisture content.In order to assess the effect of this variability toward safety performances, three point bendingdynamic experiments on structural samples are performed and modelled.Finally, a complete model of a vehicle restraint system is built and validated according to realcrash test results thanks to a parametric method. This method takes into account the variabilityof the parameters associated to the failure modes of the structure. Once validated the model isused to assess the effect of wood mechanical properties modifications due to environmentvariable variations.

Analýza jízdy osobního vozidla s přívěsem / Analysis of Driving a Passenger Vehicle with a Trailer

Šujan, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the negative effects associated with the operation of a trailer for a personal vehicle with respect to the design speed, technical checks and analysis related legislation. Its work is drawn from the measurement, cooperation with leading Czech production plant trailers Vezeko s.r.o., an organization engaged in the implementation of engineering controls DEKRA Automobil a.s. and available literature, including electronic resources. Results of the work end with proposals for specific measures to minimize the identified adverse effects.

Development of Dynamic Test Method and Optimisation of Hybrid Carbon Fibre B-pillar

Johansson, Emil, Lindmark, Markus January 2017 (has links)
The strive for lower fuel consumption and downsizing in the automotive industry has led to the use of alternative high performance materials, such as fibre composites. Designing chassis components with composite materials require accurate simulation models in order to capture the behaviour in car crashes. By simplifying the development process of a B-pillar with a new dynamic test method, composite material products could reach the market faster. The setup has to predict a cars side impact crash performance by only testing the B-pillar in a component based environment. The new dynamic test method with more realistic behaviour gives a better estimation of how the B-pillar, and therefore the car, will perform in a full-scale car side impact test. With the new improved tool for the development process, the search for a lighter product with better crash worthiness is done by optimising a steel carbon fibre hybrid structure in the B-pillar. The optimisation includes different carbon fibre materials, composite laminate lay-up and stiffness analysis. By upgrading simulation models with new material and adhesive representation physical prototypes could be built to verify the results. Finally the manufactured steel carbon fibre hybrid B-pillar prototypes were tested in the developed dynamic test method for a comparison to the steel B-pillar. The hybrid B-pillars perform better than the reference steel B-pillar in the dynamic tests also being considerably lighter. As a final result a hybrid B-pillar is developed that will decrease fuel consumption and meet the requirements of any standardized side impact crash test. / Strävan efter lägre bränsleförbrukning och minimalistiskt tänkande inom bilindustrin har lett till användning av alternativa högpresterande material, såsom fiberkompositer. Vid design av chassi-komponenter utav kompositer krävs noggranna simuleringsmodeller för att fånga upp bilens beteende vid en krock. Genom att förenkla utvecklingsprocessen för en B-stolpe med en ny dynamisk testmetod kan produkter bestående av fiberkompositer nå marknaden snabbare. Provuppställningen skall förutse bilens prestanda vid ett sidokrocktest genom att endast testa B-stolpen i en komponentbaserad miljö. Den nya dynamiska testmetoden med ett mer realistiskt beteende skall ge en bättre uppskattning om hur B-stolpen, och därmed bilen, kommer att prestera i ett fullskaligt sidokrocktest. Med utvecklingsprocessens nya förbättrade verktyg kan strävan mot lättare produkter med bättre krocksäkerhet utvecklas genom optimering av en hybrid B-stolpe i stål och kolfiber. Optimeringen innefattar olika kolfibermaterial, laminatvarianter och styvhetsanalyser. Genom att uppgradera simuleringsmodeller med nya material och adhesiva metoder kunde fysiska prototyper tillverkas för att verifiera resultaten. Slutligen testades de tillverkade prototyperna utav stål och kolfiber i den nyutvecklade dynamiska testmetoden för jämförelse mot den ursprungliga stål B-stolpen. Hybrid B-stolparna presterade bättre än referensstolpen utav stål i de dynamiska provningarna och är samtidigt betydligt lättare. Det slutgiltigt resultatet är en utvecklad hybrid B-stolpe som både ger minskad bränsleförbrukningen och uppfyller kraven för ett standardiserat sidokrocktest.

Biomechanical Characterization of the Human Upper Thoracic Spine – Pectoral Girdle (UTS-PG) System: Anthropometry, Dynamic Properties, and Kinematic Response Criteria for Adult and Child ATDs

Stammen, Jason Anthony 29 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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