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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

非營利組織發展關鍵成功因素-以台灣五個知名婦女團體為例 / Critical Success Factors of Non-Profit Organizations Development-The Case Studies of Five Women Groups in Taiwan

陳琬惠, Chen, Wan Hui Unknown Date (has links)
在各個不同的產業裡,皆有研究提出構成企業「成功」和使其具有競爭力應擁有的關鍵因素。本研究以訪談資深非營利組織領導人來歸類整理出何謂「成功」的非營利組織及其發展的關鍵成功因素,以提供給向來資源有限的非營利組織在發展過程中作為檢視,以將資源優先投入這些關鍵的領域來減少無謂的摸索和失敗的可能。 為達研究目的,選擇持續運作超過十年的婦女團體,運用深度訪談法與關鍵事件分析法(Critical Incident Technique ,CIT),依五個受訪者所提其組織發展關鍵成功因素及對彼此組織發展關鍵成功因素,以「非營利組織的使命」;「非營利組織的參與者」;「非營利組織的運作」這三個構面將訪談內容歸類整理出非營利組織發展的「關鍵成功因素」如下: *非營利組織的使命:有清楚的宗旨(使命) *非營利組織的參與者: 1.參與者的特質:主動積極、對組織使命認同、有理想性格、熱忱、具行動力 2.組織的領導者:一路堅持的靈魂人物、願意不斷成長且洞見觀瞻的領導者 3.互補又分工的合作團隊 *非營利組織的運作: 1.組織文化:平等開放、學習型組織、活力型組織 2.把訴求清楚表達的能力 3.建立公信力及獲得社會認同 4.把人當做最大的資產,對參與者採「增權」方式 5.不斷檢視社會環境變遷,依社會需要調整服務或回應需求產生新服務 6.創新的靈活策略且能結合各方資源發揮影響力 一個非營利組織從成立到成為一個「成功」的非營利組織,最關鍵的因素為組織能否部份或階段性達成當初設定的使命,所以建議領導者要不斷檢視組織的使命是否有貫徹;要不斷反省與自我提升;同時要隨時注意時事以掌握社會需求脈動。非營利組織需掌握社會各種媒介的情報,促使成員相互激盪,培養出組織的共識與新行動;重視團隊合作;連結不同組織的資源網絡及凝聚共識的過程需平等公開,不採取一言堂的方式,「增權」組織成員潛能以使其盡情發揮,使組織維持最大動能。 / Research shows that there are key factors contributing to “success” that are common across industries. This study investigated the key to success of Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) and their developments through in-depth interviews with NPO leaders. These findings can serve as developmental key learnings for other, resource-limited NPO’s, allowing them to more effectively harness available resources, thus reducing wastage due to trial and error. This research paper endeavors to organize these Critical Success Factors into easily accessible best-of-practice case studies for up-and-coming NPO’s. For the purposes of this study, the author selected five Non-Profit Women’s Associations with a least ten years of successful operations. Research methodology was depth interviews combined with Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Three main constructs were used in this process including: The mission of NPOs, NPO participants and NPO operations. This study identifies and organizes “Critical Success Factors” that all successful Non-Profit Organizations should own. The Critical Success Factors of A Successful NPO Are: 1.Well defined missions. 2.Strong Personnel/Membership Structure: a.Members of the organization will have: i.self-motivated; identification to organization missions ii.A high degree of enthusiasm iii.The ability to execute the organization directives b.A successful NPO will have Leadership with the following characteristics/skill sets: i.The spiritual leader of an NPO with an unchanging sense of mission, a strong and insight. ii.The ability to continually learn and apply those learnings to the organization. iii.A mutually supporting team that divides work up equally. 3.Strong Operations: a.Organization culture: Equal, open, focused on learning and vigorous. b.Externally it will be able to: i.Clearly articulate organizational goals and objectives ii.Create sufficient exposure to create positive awareness and opinion within society c.Internally it will be able to: i.Create “esprit-de-corps” within organization ii.Empower stake-holders to leverage their strengths d.Continual review of social changes and the adjustment of old services or the introduction of new services to meet social needs. e.Creative and flexible strategies and the ability to integrate various resources to exert influence. A successful NPO needs to accomplish the initial Mission. In order to achieve this, it is recommended that the NPO leadership continually review whether or not the organization is achieving the objectives for which it was established and conduct self-evaluation and self-improvement. The NPO also needs to be in tune with developments and trends in the society it is operating in. By making the information gleaned open and available to all members of the organization, the leadership can empower its members and contribute to a common sense of purpose, helping it achieve the maximum efficiencies and success.

Analytisk CRM för beslutsstöd : Faktorers påverkan på förmågan för beslutsfattande, samt dess genererade sociotekniska förändringar / Analytical CRM for decision support : Factors' impact on decision-making capability, and its generatedsociotechnical changes

Salloum, Alexander, Yousef, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle genomgår förändringar av betydande karaktär som i stor utsträckningdrivs av digitalisering. En av de mest påtagliga förändringarna som påverkar företagenär förändringarna i konsumentbeteendet. Dessa dramatiska förändringar utgör enbetydande utmaning för företag då traditionella metoder för kundhantering inte längre ärtillräckliga.Betydelsen av Customer Relationship Management (CRM), utifrån ett analytiskttillvägagångssätt, blir då avgörande för att bättre hantera kundrelationer i dagens högtkonkurrerande arbetsmiljö. Analytisk CRM är ett IT-beroende arbetssystem däranvändaren av data och analys utför processer och aktiviteter som gör att erbjudnaprodukter och tjänster i högre grad möter kundernas behov. Studiens övergripande målär att genom insikter förstå hur beslutsfattare upplever olika faktorers påverkan påderas förmåga att använda analytisk CRM för att stödja deras beslutsfattande samt desociotekniska förändringar som genereras av det. För att uppnå detta antogs enkvalitativ forskningsmetod där djupintervjuer genomfördes. Sju respondenter, medvarierande roller som Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marknadschef och CRMansvarig intervjuades för att få deras insikter och erfarenheter om analytisk CRM.Studiens resultat och slutsats visar på att beslutsfattare anser kundcentrering ochinformationsteknik som avgörande faktorer för användningen av analytisk CRM.Kundcentreringen skapar en datadriven miljö som främjar datadriven beslutsfattandegenom användningen av data och analys. Det genererar sociotekniska förändringar påbåde djupare och ytmässiga nivåer. Informationstekniken spelar en avgörande roll iinsamling, hantering och analys av data. Detta påverkar beslutsprocesserna till att blidatadrivna och stärker beslutsfattarnas förmåga att fatta välgrundade beslut.Sociotekniska förändringar som generades av informationstekniken var på ytliga nivåer. / Society today is undergoing significant changes largely driven by digitalization. Onetangible change that impacts businesses is the shift in consumer behaviour. Thesedramatic changes pose a significant threat for companies as traditional methods forcustomer management are no longer sufficient.The significance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), based on an analyticalapproach, therefore becomes crucial to better manage customer relationships in today’shighly competing work environment. Analytical CRM is an IT-reliant work system whereparticipants of data and analysis perform processes and activities that enable offeredproducts and services to better meet the needs of customers. The overall goal of thestudy is to understand through insights how decision-makers' experience variousfactors' impact on their ability to utilize analytical CRM to support their decision making,as well as the sociotechnical changes generated by it. To achieve this, a qualitativeresearch method was adopted, where in-depth interviews were conducted. Sevenrespondents, with varying roles as Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Marketing Managerand CRM Manager, were interviewed to get their insights and experiences on analyticalCRM.The study’s results and conclusion show that decision-makers consider customercentricity and information technology (IT) as a pivotal factors' influencing the use ofanalytical CRM. Customer centricity fosters a data-driven environment that promotesdata-driven decision-making through the utilization of data and analysis. It generatessociotechnical changes on both deeper and surface structures. IT plays a critical role inthe collection, management, and analysis of data. This impacts decision-makingprocesses to become data-driven and enhances the decision-makers' ability to makedata-driven decisions. Sociotechnical changes generated by information technologywere at surface structures.

運用資訊導向觀念發展EIS設計的方法論-以金融業為例 / An Information-Oriented Approach to Developing EIS Design Methodology - A Banking Example

阮耀毅, Ruan, Yaw Yih Unknown Date (has links)
高階主管在面臨日益艱難的經濟情勢與經營環境〈主要是來自消費者(Customers)、競爭(Competition)及變動(Change)等3C的壓力)時,依賴傳統組織架構及報告系統來獲取決策資訊的作法,其有效性正受到強烈的質疑。高階主管資訊系統(Executive Information Systems,EIS)可說是九○年代電腦資訊系統應用的新領域,它以易學易用的圖形使用者介面、多維分析及往下展開的特性,使高階主管能迅速存取各種攸關其企業成敗的關鍵性資訊。由於其親切易用,近年來EIS的應用更沿組織階層向下發展,成為Everyone Information Systems。在企業發展EIS日趨普遍的情況下,一套系統化的分析設計方法更形重要。   然而,在相關的文獻中對EIS的發展方法並沒有提出具體的執行步驟,只有概念性的描述,不易引導開發人員及高階主管將其策略理念轉換為資訊需求,而許多發展EIS失敗的例子,正是由於系統資訊需求不正確、時間與成本超出預算、操之過急及政治因素等所造成。因此實務界人士據其顧問經驗提出一個EIS快速發展方法,強調雛型系統的快速建立以爭取高階主管的持續支持及系統的後續發展。但因仍缺乏系統化的需求分析方法,系統發展者往往需經多次歷練才能領悟其中訣竅,也不易將個人經驗傳授於他人。因此雖然企業組織眾人已感受到EIS的重要性,相關的軟硬體工具也可親易用,而EIS的成功推展卻仍受到相當限制。   有鑑於此,本論文以符合文獻中對EIS發展方法之概念性描述的「資訊導向」觀念為基礎,並參考快速雛型系統發展方式,運用「中間擴散」(Middle-Out)方向,整合策略分析及資訊系統規劃的具體作法,發展一套結構化的EIS發展方法,稱為EISAD,含目標分析、關鍵成功要素分析、主要績效指標分析、資料分析、資料庫設計、輸出設計、轉換設計、程序及控制設計等步驟。並以金融業為例:說明此方法論的實際運用過程。以期在理論上對EIS發展方法論,及實務上對金融資訊系統應用層次之提昇有所貢獻。 / Due to the rapid changes of business environment and the increasing customer demands and competition pressure, it is getting important to have Executive Information Systems(EIS) to help executives access to high-level strategic information. Recently, EIS has even evolved down the organization hierarchy to become "Everyone Information Systems". The increasing EIS demand endues the needs for EIS development methodology. However, the literature contains only a few academic studies of EIS development methods which are broad and vague. The EIS development has not been researched in a rigorous and systematic manner. Many practitioners adopt a rapid prototyping approach to attract the executives for further support. Due to the lack of a systematic approach to help extracting the user requirements, it is usually up to the developer's experience to informally address the executives' information needs and this experience is hard to be transferred to others. In this thesis, we propose an EIS development methodology, called EISAD, based on the information-oriented concepts and middle-out system development direction. EISAD integrates related tools in strategic analysis and information systems planning as a structurized EIS development methodology. The step by step explanation of the EISAD is illustrated using a banking example.

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