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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UPC Exportador 2020. Exportación Digital

Quispe Farfán, Percy Hugo 19 September 2020 (has links)
Los nuevos procedimientos aduaneros en la era de la aceleración y transformación digital. El profesor Percy Quispe nos explica los cambios en este nuevo procedimiento, las ventajas, las desventajas y las oportunidades de mejora para ser una aduana de clase mundial.

The regulation and impact of non-tariff barriers to trade in SADC free trade area

Mukucha, Ephraim 02 December 2012 (has links)
This paper critically evaluate the effectiveness of the non -tariff barriers legal framework under the SADC Protocol on Trade. In the same vein it identifies and discus a list of non-tariff barriers to trade that are still prevalent in the SADC region despite the prohibition for their use under the Protocol. The list of these NTBs is made up of quantitative restrictions, customs procedures and administrative requirements, technical standards, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, government participation in trade, lack of infrastructure, restrictive rules of origin and anti-dumping measures. Their impact is also addressed using some case studies based on the experience of businesses and people trading in the region. The paper concluded that the widespread and continued existence of NTBs in the region is as a result of a weak regulatory framework aimed at addressing them. To this end the paper single out the provisions relating to the granting of derogations from complying with the Protocol, the rules of origin, antidumping provisions and rules relating to the protection of infant industries as some of the weak points in the Protocol. To assess the compatibility of the rules regulating NTBs under the Protocol with the WTO rules one of the chapter is dedicated to a discussion on the WTO legal framework for NTBs. The paper also gives the reader an opportunity to have a grasp of the progress made in the SADC Free Trade Area by providing a section which focuses on the NTBs Monitoring and Elimination Mechanism. Problems associated with the mechanism are also clearly laid down in this paper. Recommendations are made at the end of the paper as way of providing solutions to some of the issues identified as weaknesses on the NTBs legal framework. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted

Rusijos, Baltarusijos ir Kazachstano muitų sąjungos įtaka krovinių srautų formavimuisi / The influence of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan customs union on the formation of goods traffic

Žiedelienė, Rūta 03 July 2012 (has links)
Šiais, spartaus ekonomikos augimo laikais, vis svarbesnis tampa tarptautinės prekybos klausimas. Šiandien, nei viena valstybė negali pasiekti ekonominio augimo, jeigu aktyviai nesireiškia ir nedalyvauja tarptautinėje prekyboje. Siekdamos kuo geriau įsitvirtinti pasaulinėse rinkose, šalys vis labiau pasineria į užsienio prekybos politikos procesus, kas lemia spartų prekybos sąlygų keitimąsi. O šis prekybinių sąlygų pasikeitimas sąlygoja šalių būrimąsi į bendras sąjungas. Ne išimtis ir neseniai pradėjusi veikti Rusijos, Baltarusijos bei Kazachstano (toliau RBK) muitų sąjunga. Darbe daug dėmesio skiriama šios muitų sąjungos kūrimosi bei funkcionavimo procesų nagrinėjimui. Šio darbo tikslas ir yra išanalizuoti RBK muitų sąjungos kūrimąsi ir funkcionavimą bei poveikį tarptautinei prekybai ir muitinės priežiūrai. Magistriniame darbe buvo atlikta ES bei RBK muitų sąjungų lyginamoji analizė, aptarti jų panašumai ir skirtumai. Darbe taip pat vertinama RBK muitų sąjungos įtaka Lietuvos tarptautinei prekybai su Rusija ir Baltarusija, prekių srautams bei muitinės formalumams. Darbe panaudoti keturi metodai: teorinis, analizės, empirinis bei apibendrinimo metodai. Remiantis jais, pirmoje darbo dalyje yra pateikiama tarptautinės prekybos samprata ir jos reguliavimo priemonės, taip pat nagrinėjama muitų sąjungos samprata ir jos formavimo pagrindai. Antroje dalyje aptariamos RBK muitų sąjungos ištakos, funkcionavimas ir plėtra, nagrinėjami ES ir RBK muitų sąjungų panašumai ir skirtumai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The rapid growth of countries economy and politics, becomes an increasingly important issue for international trade. Nowadays, there are no countries that can achieve economic growth while not participating an being active in an international trade. In order to get better positions in global markets they become increasingly immersed in to the foreign trade policy processes. The rapid change in terms of trade causes the unionize of countries into different kinds of unions. RBK customs union it is not an exception. So, this work mostly focuses on the examination of this customs unions creation and functioning. The aim of this study is to analyze RBK customs unions functioning and influence on international trade and customs procedures. The comparative analyses of customs union was carried out in this work. It also evaluated the influence of RBK customs union to the Lithuanian international trade and customs procedures. Four methods were used, in order to examine and analyze this. That is: theoretical, analytical, empirical and concluding methods. According to these methods the first part of the work studies the theoretical aspect of modern international trade regulations, presents the formation of customs union and discusses Lithuania integration into the EU. The second part deals with the origin and establishment of RBK customs union, evaluates its functioning and development, analyses similarities and differences between EU and RBK customs unions. The third part discusses... [to full text]

Melhoria da competitividade através da aplicação de logística integrada em uma empresa

Laercio Donizetti Olivaes Munhoz 28 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo de caso sobre a cadeia de suprimentos para abastecimento de partes e peças importadas em uma empresa sistemista do setor automobilístico, que tem em seu extenso portfólio a fabricação de auto rádios, amparados por contrato de joint venture com uma empresa chinesa, que dada as inúmeras mudanças ocorridas nos últimos anos neste mercado tão competitivo global e local, têm requerido constante preocupação com a modernização da cadeia de suprimentos dos itens importados, para preservar a produção enxuta, de forma a acompanharem o fluxo produtivo das montadoras. Nesse contexto, é apresentada uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre a logística integrada, regimes aduaneiros, técnicas de melhorias produtivas conhecidas como Optimized Production Technology OPT e Total Quality Management TQM e operadores logísticos, estando todos focados na aplicação eficaz neste estudo de caso. Em resultados e discussão demonstra-se as novas aplicações das ferramentas da logística, sem interrupção do processo e seus reflexos na operação, todos mensurados na cadeia de valor. A consideração final indica que as alterações contribuíram positivamente com a otimização fazendo uso da logística integrada, quebras de paradigmas, realinhamento do processo logístico e produtivo com retomada da competitividade no mercado. / This paper aims to present a case study on the supply chain to supply parts and components imported in a first tier suppliers of the automotive sector, which has in its extensive portfolio to manufacture car radios, supported by joint venture agreement with a Chinese company, which given the many changes in recent years in this very competitive market globally and locally, have required constant concern with the modernization of the supply chain of imported items, to preserve lean production in order to monitor the flow of productive assembly . In this context, we present a brief review of the literature on integrated logistics, customs procedures, improved production techniques known as Optimized Production Technology - OPT and Total Quality Management - TQM and logistics providers, all focused on being effective in this case study. In results and discussion show to the new applications of the tools of logistics, without interrupting the process and its consequences for the operation, all measured in the value chain. The final consideration indicates that the changes contributed positively to the optimization by making use of integrated logistics, breaks paradigms, realignment of the logistics process and resumption of production with market competitiveness.

Celní deklarace a exportní přepravy do Ruska v rámci společnosti DAMCO Czech Republic s.r.o. / Customs declaration and export shipments to Russia within the company DAMCO Czech Republic s.r.o

Linhartová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the issues of customs declaration on the specific example within the company Damco Czech Republic s.r.o. in Jaromer in the Eastern Bohemia. An export to Russian federation by international truck transport was chosen as an example, which means transport from Jaromer to Moscow. The conclusion of the thesis summarizes the most signifiant pieces of information about the current state of customs issues in the Czech Republic but also within the European Union. Also it contains my opinions on the process of customs declaration and work of customs officer in the Damco CR s.r.o.

Perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų taikymo įtakos prekių eksportui ir importui analizė ir perspektyvos / Analysis and perspectives of the influence of implementation of processing under customs procedures for the export and import of goods

Zdancevičius, Mindaugas 03 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo tema – „Perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų taikymo įtakos prekių eksportui ir importui analizė ir perspektyvos”. Tokia tema aktuali tarptautinės prekybos kontekste, kadangi minėtų procedūrų vykdymas leidžia ūkio subjektams naudotis pigesnėmis žaliavomis arba pigesne darbo jėga bei teikia kai kurių kitų privalumų ir tokiu būdu padidinamas prekių konkurencingumas pasaulinėje rinkoje. Perdirbimo procedūrų taikymas teigiamai įtakoja bendras valstybės eksporto apimtis, gerina darbo rinkos padėtį ir prisideda prie tarptautinės prekybos liberalizavimo. Darbe siekiama išanalizuoti perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų teisinį reglamentavimą (pradedant tarptautinėmis konvencijomis ir baigiant Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktais) ir įvertinti kokią realią įtaką šių procedūrų vykdymas turi šalies eksporto ir importo apimtims. Dar vienas iš darbo tikslų – įvertinti perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų teisinio reglamentavimo pokyčius ir ateities vystymosi prognozes. Darbas pagrįstas mokslinės literatūros, susijusios su tarptautine prekyba ir muitinės procedūromis, analize, taip pat Kioto (tarptautinės muitinės procedūrų supaprastinimo ir suderinimo) konvencijos, ES muitų teisės aktų bei kai Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teisės aktų vertinimu. Praktinis perdirbimo muitinės procedūrų įtakos eksportui ir importui įvertinimas atliktas remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos Muitinės informacinių sistemų centro ir Statistikos departamento pateiktais statistiniais duomenimis. Perdirbimo muitinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the thesis is "Analysis and perspectives of the influence of implementation of processing under customs procedures for the export and import of goods". This topic is relevant in the context of international trade since the implementation of the aforementioned procedures allows for the economic agents to use cheaper materials or cheaper labor force as well as provides some other advantages and thus increases the competitiveness of goods in the global market. The application of processing procedures positively affects the total country’s export volume, improves the situation in labor market and contributes towards the liberalization of the international trade. The thesis aims to analyze the legal framework of processing under customs procedures (from international conventions to legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania) and evaluate real impact of these procedures on the country’s export and import volumes. Another objective of the work is to assess the changes of legal framework of processing under customs procedures and future development forecasts. The work is based on the analysis of the scientific literature, which is related to international trade and customs procedures as well as evaluation of Kyoto (simplification and coordination of international customs procedures) convention, customs law of the EU as well as some customs laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Practical evaluation of the influence of processing under customs procedures to the export and... [to full text]

Žemės ūkio produktų importo ir eksporto muitinės procedūrų taikymo ypatumai / Peculiarities of applying customs procedures to import and export of agricultural products

Vikšna, Aidas 22 December 2006 (has links)
Bendroji žemės ūkio politika suvaidino ypač svarbų vaidmenį plėtojant ir gilinant integracijos procesus Europoje. Lietuvai įsiliejus į bendrąją ES rinką atsivėrė galimybė veikti didesnėje ir aktyvesnėje rinkoje, naudotis ES paramos instrumentais. Tačiau kartu su padidėjusiomis galimybėmis Lietuvos žemės ūkio sektoriui teko priimti ir ES bendrosios rinkos iššūkius: didesnę konkurenciją vidaus rinkoje, aukštus kokybės standartus, prekybos ir gamybos apribojimus. Kol kas nepakankamai suderinti žemės ūkio produktų muitinio įforminimo aspektai tarp muitinės bei Nacionalinės mokėjimo agentūros. Europos Sąjungos šalių muitinėse dar nėra vienodai traktuojamos kai kurios reglamentų, kitų normatyvinių aktų nuostatos, dėl ko kyla nemažai nesusipratimų, teikiant paslaugas užsienio įmonėms. Esant sudėtingų Europos Sąjungos muitinės veiklą reglamentuojančių teisės aktų, reglamentų, kodeksų gausybei, tarptautinės prekybos operatoriams sunku susigaudyti procedūrose ir tvarkose, forminant krovinius muitinėse. Temos aktualumas: Lietuvai tapus ES nare pasikeitė žemės ūkio ir maisto produktų prekybos režimas ir muitinės importo ir eksporto procedūrų teisinis reguliavimo ir jų kontrolės atlikimas. Tyrimo tikslas: išnagrinėti žemės ūkio produktų eksporto ir importo ir jiems taikomų muitinės procedūrų pokyčius Lietuvai įstojus į ES. Tyrimo uždaviniai: apibūdinti Bendrąją žemės ūkio politiką, atskleisti jos tikslus ir reguliavimo instrumentus; išnagrinėti žemės ūkio produktų importo ir eksporto... [to full text] / Problems of the topic: the Common Agricultural Policy has performed an extremely important role in development and extending integration processes in Europe. Upon joining the EU common market Lithuania opened up an opportunity to operate on a larger and more active market, to use the EU support instruments. However along with the increased opportunities Lithuanian agricultural sector had to accept the challenges of the EU common market: greater competition on the internal market, high quality standarts, trade and production restrictions. So far the aspects of customs processing of agricultural products are insufficiently agreed upon by the customs and the National Paying Agency. The customs of the EU member states have yet no single interpretation of some regulations, other provisions of legislative documents, which results in much misunderstanding when providing services to foreign companies. Due to a great number of complex European Union legislative documents, regulations, lawbooks governing customs activities, international trade operators face difficulties when trying to get a handle on procedures and practices when they arrange customs clearing for cargo. Topicality of the issue: since Lithuania has become an EU member state changes in agricultural products and food trade regime and legal regulation of import and export customs procedures and performance of their control have been introduced.

Analýza celních režimů v EU se zaměřením na režim tranzitu / The analysis of customs procedures in the EU with the focus on transit

Lukavská, Dana January 2008 (has links)
The thesis responds to the changes in customs procedures which Czech companies had to face after the Czech republic was joined to the customs territory of the EU. The first part of the thesis provides the basic characteristic of individual customs procedures and it is focused on the area of customs operations. The following sections concentrate on the issue of "transit" customs procedure. The scope of the thesis is a general approach of the realisation of international transport in transit. It demonstrates the most important changes which were caused by the membership of the Czech Republic in the EU. The thesis emhasizes Community transit, Common transit betweeen the Community and the EFTA countries and the carriage of goods based on the customs documents TIR a ATA. Due to its importance for facilitating international trade a special attention is given to the TIR customs transit system.

Vliv vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie na celní politiku ČR / The impact of joining the European Union on the Czech customs policy

Ponomarev, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the customs policy of the Czech Republic as an EU Member State. The aim of the study is divided into three areas: The first objective is to characterize the changes that occurred in the Czech Republic after it became part of the single customs territory of the EU. Therefore to clearly describe the basic features of the EU customs policy - its principles, tools and techniques for customs proceedings, each customs procedures, Common Customs Tariff, etc. The second goal is to provide an overview of collecting customs duties in the territory of the Czech Republic just before and after joining the EU. The third objective of this diploma thesis is to characterize and analyze the revenues from customs duties throughout the EU, as the customs duties are one of the Traditional Own Resources (TOR) of the EU budget.

Adopting a harmonised regional approach to customs regulation for the tripartite free trade agreement

Jana, Vimbai Lisa Michelle January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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