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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maturação Cuticular em Apis mellifera: Perfis de Hidrocarbonetos Cuticulares, Expressão e Evolução de Desaturases e Elongases. / Cuticle Maturation in Apis mellifera: Cuticular Hydrocarbons Profiles, Expression and Evolution of Desaturases and Elongases.

Lopes, Tiago Falcon 25 April 2013 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos cuticulares têm importante papel no processo de reconhecimento dos membros da colônia de insetos sociais. Muitos estudos têm mostrado variações qualitativas e quantitativas nestes compostos entre os insetos adultos. Contudo, abordagens referentes à modulação do perfil destes compostos durante a formação da cutícula são escassas, e se restringem aos estágios larval de holometábolos e de ninfas de hemimetábolos. O principal objetivo dessa pesquisa foi caracterizar o perfil de hidrocarbonetos cuticulares e a expressão de genes potencialmente relacionados à sua biossíntese durante o processo de formação e maturação da cutícula adulta. Os perfis de hidrocarbonetos foram caracterizados por meio de GC/MS e mostraram diferenças quantitativas marcantes que significativamente discriminaram as cutículas pupal, adulta-farata e adulta. Em paralelo, sequências de enzimas que catalisam a desaturação (desaturases) ou elongação (elongases) de lipídeos, disponíveis no banco de dados do NCBI, foram utilizadas para o desenho de primers e estudo da expressão gênica por meio de RT-qPCR. Cinco genes de desaturases, e oito genes de elongases mostraram variação de expressão estatisticamente significante no tegumento de abelhas adultas em comparação com pupas e adultas-faratas. Testes de correlação entre os perfis de expressão gênica e de hidrocarbonetos cuticulares evidenciaram os genes potencialmente envolvidos com a biossíntese destes compostos para a formação e maturação da cutícula. Estes resultados corroboram a hipótese de que nos insetos sociais, a cutícula só amadurece completamente por ocasião do início da atividade de forrageamento. Associando estes dados a análises de evolução molecular das desaturases e elongases, pudemos sugerir as etapas da via de síntese de hidrocarbonetos catalisadas por estas enzimas, e assim eleger genes candidatos a futuro silenciamento mediado por RNA de interferência para pesquisa de função. / Cuticular hydrocarbons are important for recognition of nestmates in social insect colonies. Many studies have shown qualitative and quantitative variations in the cuticular hydrocarbons between adult insects. However, approaches on developmental profiles of these compounds during cuticle formation and differentiation are scarce, and restricted to larval stages of holometabolous and nymphs of hemimetabolous. The main objective of this work was to characterize the cuticular hydrocarbons profiles and the expression of genes potentially involved in the biosynthesis of these compounds during the synthesis and differentiation of the adult cuticle in the honeybee. The hydrocarbons profiles were characterized using GC/MS and showed remarkable quantitative differences, thus discriminating the pupal, pharate-adult and adult cuticles from each other. In parallel, we used annotated sequences of enzymes catalyzing lipid desaturation (desaturases) or elongation (elongases), available in NCBI data bank, for primers design and gene expression analysis using RT-qPCR. Five desaturase genes and eight elongase genes showed statistically significant expression changes in the integument of adult bees in comparison to pupae and pharate-adults. Correlation tests supported roles of some of the desaturase and elongase genes in hydrocarbons biosynthesis for incorporation into adult cuticle. In addition, these results go along with the hypothesis that in social insects the cuticle is just completed when the insect starts forager activity. Taken together, these data and an analysis on the molecular evolution of desaturases and elongases allowed suggesting the steps in the pathway of cuticular hydrocarbons biosynthesis that are catalyzed by these enzymes, and also allowed to elect candidate genes for further functional studies using gene silencing mediated by RNAi.

Etude du transport de molécules bioactives dans l'épiderme de fruits à pépins(Rosacea Juss) : mise au point et développement d'un procédé d'extraction de produits phytosanitaires / Study of the transport of bioactive molecules in the epidermis of one species of pomaceous fruits : development and improvement of an extraction process of plant-protection products.

Giacinti, Géraldine 20 October 2016 (has links)
L’agriculture moderne utilise depuis plus de cinquante ans de nombreux produits phytosanitaires de traitement dans le but d’assurer les meilleurs rendements et de limiter les pathogènes néfastes pour la santé humaine ou animale. Jusqu’à peu, la quantité de résidus phytosanitaires présents dans les denrées alimentaires (fruits, légumes, céréales, plantes fourragères, produits transformés…) était certes contrôlée mais en règle générale, ne soulevait que très peu d’interrogation en terme de conséquences à plus ou moins long terme. A l’heure actuelle, des exigences de plus en plus drastiques apparaissent et se généralisent. Les produits issus des industries agricole et agroalimentaire doivent répondre à des normes de plus en plus strictes en terme de résidus pour rester compétitives. En particulier, dans le cas des pommes, dont le nombre de traitements par saison est l’un des plus élevé en France, les exigences tendent vers le zéro résidu détectable. La stratégie de cette étude repose, dans un premier temps, sur la compréhension des phénomènes de transfert à la surface du fruit. Une caractérisation physico-chimique de l’épiderme de différentes variétés de pommes a conduit à l’identification des structures impliquées dans l’interaction molécule bioactivematrice biopolymérique. Le fludioxonil a été choisi comme molécule modèle en raison de sa fréquence d’utilisation comme fongicide de conservation et de sa composition atomique (présence de fluors). Les épidermes de pommes Fuji ont servi de matrice modèle. Dans un second temps, un procédé de traitement par voie chimique des pommes a été mis au point et développé pour extraire les résidus de 12 molécules de phytosanitaires parmi les plus couramment utilisées dans les vergers de pommiers du Midi-Pyrénées. Trois variétés de pommes populaires en France ont été sélectionnées pour leurs différentes périodes de récolte correspondant à des risques de contamination variables. Les résultats ont conduit à la proposition d’un schéma de désorption des molécules bioactives dans la matrice biopolymérique, basé sur les théories de la solubilité de Hildebrandt et de Hansen. En complément, le développement d’une méthode analytique de quantification par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse trappe d’ions (GC/MS2) des molécules phytosanitaires dans la matrice épidermique des pommes a mis en évidence que : 1- l’augmentation de la concentration des analytes d’intérêt au-dessus des limites de détection de la technique analytique appliquée favorisait la quantification des très faibles traces, voire des ultratraces ; 2- les analytes d’intérêt subissaient en parallèle des effets matrice négatifs. Une forte interaction entre certains analytes de la matrice et les phytosanitaires a été démontrée et une méthode de purification basée sur un couplage chromatographie sur couche mince haute performance avec la GC/MS2 (CCMHP/GC/MS2) a été proposée afin de minimiser les effets matrice négatifs dans / For more than fifty years, the modern agriculture uses lots of products for crop protection in order to ensure optimum yields and to limit pathogens harmful for human or animal health. Until recently, the levels of pesticides in foodstuffs (fruits, vegetables, cereals, forage crops, processed food…) were controlled but usually not problematic regarding the effects over time. Nowadays, more and more drastic requirements are appearing and becoming widespread. The products from farming and food industries must satisfy stricter and stricter standards in terms of residues for maintaining competitiveness. Particularly, for apples, whose treatments per season are among the highest in France, requirements tend to the zero detectable residue. The strategy of this work deals with, on one hand, the understanding of the transfert stages involved at the outer surface of the fruit. A physicochemical characterizations of epiderms of different apples led to the identification of the structures involved in the relationship between bioactive molecule and biopolymeric matrix. Fludioxonil was chosen for modelization for its frequency of use and for its atomic composition (fluorine). The epiderms of Fuji apples were selected as the matrix-model. On the other hand, a chemically treatment process of apples was studied and developed to release the residues of 12 pesticides among the most currently used in apple orchards of Midi-Pyrenees. Three varieties of apples among the most popular in France were selected for their different periods of harvest corresponding to variable pests risks. The results led to a possible scheme of desorption of bioactive molecules in the biopolymeric matrix, based on the theory of solubility developed by Hildebrandt and Hansen. In addition, the development of an analytical mehtod of quantitation of pesticides in the epidermal matrix of apples by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry ion trap (GC/MS2) highlighted that : 1- the increase of the concentrations of the analytes of interest over the limits of detection of the applied analytical method promoted the quantitation of very low traces, even ultratraces ; 2- the analytes of interest concurrently underwent negative matrix effects. A strong interaction between some matrix analytes with pesticides was demonstrated and a mehtod of cleanup based on the hyphenation of high performance thin layer chromatography with GC/MS2 (HPTLC/GC/MS2) was suggested to minimize the negative matrix effects in that kind of concentrated matrix extracts.

Genes cuticulares diferencialmente expressos durante eventos da metamorfose de Apis mellifera / Microarray analysis of genes expressed in the context of Apis mellifera metamorphosis

Soares, Michelle Prioli Miranda 06 July 2012 (has links)
A cutícula dos insetos é composta principalmente por uma variedade de proteínas que interagem com filamentos de quitina, um polímero de N-acetilglicosamina, para formar um envoltório rígido que protege e dá forma ao organismo. O crescimento dos insetos depende da renovação periódica da cutícula, que se desprende durante a apólise e é digerida enquanto a epiderme sintetiza uma nova cutícula substituta. Tal renovação caracteriza a muda e metamorfose e é coordenada por hormônios, com destaque para os ecdisteróides. O atual trabalho objetivou caracterizar a expressão diferencial de genes do tegumento (cutícula e epiderme subjacente), além de elucidar aspectos de regulação e função no contexto da muda e metamorfose, com foco nos genes codificadores de proteínas estruturais e enzimas cuticulares. Para este fim, utilizamos o tegumento de fases específicas da muda pupal-adulta, isto é, de pupas (Pw), de pupas em apólise (Pp) e de adultas faratas (Pbl) para análises de microarrays de cDNA. As análises dos microarrays mostraram 761 e 1173 genes diferencialmente expressos nos tegumentos de adultas faratas (Pbl) em comparação com pupas (Pw) ou pupas em apólise (Pp), respectivamente. A categorização destes genes, segundo os critérios do Gene Ontology, distinguiu totalmente o tegumento de adultas faratas (Pbl) dos tegumentos de pupas (Pw) ou pupas em apólise (Pp) tanto em relação ao critério Processo Biológico quanto em relação à Função molecular, evidenciando grande mudança na expressão gênica durante a construção do exoesqueleto definitivo nas adultas faratas (Pbl). Os microarrays mostraram aumento estatisticamente significante da expressão de 24 genes cuticulares no tegumento de adultas faratas. Este resultado foi validado por RT-PCR em tempo real (qRT-PCR) para 23 destes genes (AmelCPR3, AmelCPR4, AmelCPR6, AmelCPR14, AmelCPR15, AmelCPR17, AmelCPR23, AmelCPR24, AmelCPR25, AmelCPR28, AmelCPR29, AmelCPR30, apd-1, apd-2, apd-3, CPLCP1, Am-C, Am-D, AmelTwdl1, AmelTwdl2, GB12449, GB12811 e GB11550), e por RT-PCR semiquantitativa para o gene Amlac2. Além disto, a maior expressão de outros 2 genes cuticulares (AmelCPR1 e AmelCPR2) em adultas faratas foi demonstrada por qRT-PCR. Estes genes cuticulares positivamente regulados no tegumento de adultas faratas (Pbl) devem estar envolvidos com a formação e diferenciação do exoesqueleto definitivo. O aumento da expressão gênica neste período da muda (Pbl) é regulado pela variação do título de ecdisteróides e ocorre enquanto o título deste hormônio decai, após ter atingido o pico indutor da apólise na fase de desenvolvimento precedente (Pp). Ao contrário, as análises por qRT-PCR mostraram que 2 outros genes cuticulares (AmelCPF1 e AmelCPR1) são negativamente regulados no tegumento de adultas faratas em comparação com pupas, sugerindo que são específicos de cutícula pupal. Estes genes foram inibidos pelo aumento dos níveis de ecdisteróides, que induz a apólise. Vinte e um entre os 24 genes cuticulares diferencialmente expressos nos microarrays codificam proteínas pertencentes às famílias CPF, CPR, Apidermina, CPLCP, Análoga a peritrofina e Tweedle. Os outros 3 genes diferencialmente expressos (GB12449, GB12811, GB11550) não tinham sido ainda caracterizados como genes cuticulares. Dois deles, GB12449 e GB12811, foram sequenciados para validação da predição e para a caracterização das respectivas estruturas genômicas. Experimentos de hibridação in situ com sonda fluorescente (FISH) nos permitiram localizar altos níveis de transcritos destes genes no citoplasma de células da epiderme de adultas faratas, sugerindo fortemente sua natureza cuticular e envolvimento na construção do exoesqueleto definitivo. O presente estudo consiste na primeira análise global de expressão de genes do tegumento de uma espécie de himenóptero social. Os resultados apresentados levaram à identificação de genes com expressão associada à muda pupal-adulta e formação do exoesqueleto definitivo. Este trabalho contribui com novos dados moleculares para o aprofundamento do conhecimento da metamorfose de A. mellifera. / The insect cuticle is mainly composed of proteins that interact with chitin filaments to form a rigid structure that protects and shapes the organism. Insects grow through the periodic renewal of the cuticle, which is shed at each apolysis episode, and subsequently digested while the epidermis synthesizes the cuticle of the next stage. These molting events are coordinated by hormones, mainly ecdysteroids. The current work aimed to characterize differential gene expression in the integument (cuticle and underlying epidermis) during the ecdysteroid-regulated pupal-to-adult molt. Special attention was given to the structure and expression of genes encoding proteins and enzymes involved in cuticle formation and differentiation. To achieve these goals, we used thoracic integument of newly-ecdysed pupae (Pw), pupae in apolysis (Pp) and pharate adults (Pbl) in cDNA microarray analyses. The microarray analysis showed 761 and 1173 differentially expressed genes in the pharate adult integument (Pbl) in comparison to pupae (Pw) or pupae in apolysis (Pp), respectively. Gene Ontology terms for Biological Process and Molecular Function completely distinguished the integument of pharate adults (Pbl) from the integument of pupae (Pw) or pupae in apolysis (Pp). The microarray analysis discriminated 24 cuticular genes with a significant expression increase in the pharate adult integument. This was validated by real time RT-PCR analysis (qRT-PCR) for 23 of these genes (AmelCPR3, AmelCPR4, AmelCPR6, AmelCPR14, AmelCPR15, AmelCPR17, AmelCPR23, AmelCPR24, AmelCPR25, AmelCPR28, AmelCPR29, AmelCPR30, apd-1, apd-2, apd-3, CPLCP1, Am-C, Am-D, AmelTwdl1, AmelTwdl2, GB12449, GB12811 and GB11550), and by semiquantitative RT-PCR for Amlac2. In addition, the increased expression of other two cuticular genes (AmelCPR1 and AmelCPR2) was confirmed by qRT-PCR. These up-regulated cuticular genes in pharate adult integument apparently are involved in adult cuticle formation and differentiation, which occurs while the ecdysteroids titers decay, after reaching the peak that induces apolysis in the preceding phase (Pp). In contrast, two cuticular genes (AmelCPF1 e AmelCPR1) were confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis as negatively regulated in the integument of pharate adults compared to pupae, suggesting that they are specific to pupal cuticle. Therefore, these genes were inhibited by the increasing ecdysteroid levels that induce apolysis. Twenty one of the 24 cuticular genes differentially expressed in the microarrays encode proteins belonging to the CPF, CPR, Apidermin, CPLCP, Analogous to peritrofins and Tweedle families. The other three differentially expressed genes (GB12449, GB12811, GB11550) had not yet been assigned as cuticular genes. Two of them (GB12449 and GB12811) were sequenced, thus allowing prediction validation and gene structure characterization. In situ hybridization experiments using fluorescent probe (FISH) localized high expression of these genes in the pharate adult epidermis, strongly suggesting their involvement in the construction of the adult exoskeleton. This study is the first global gene expression analysis of the integument from a social hymenopteran species. The expression of genes in the integument was associated to the molting process and to the adult exoskeleton formation. This work contributes with new molecular data for a deeper understanding of A. mellifera metamorphosis.

Evolutionary Biomechanics of the Rostrum of Curculio Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

January 2009 (has links)
abstract: Weevils are among the most diverse and evolutionarily successful animal lineages on Earth. Their success is driven in part by a structure called the rostrum, which gives weevil heads a characteristic "snout-like" appearance. Nut weevils in the genus Curculio use the rostrum to drill holes into developing fruits and nuts, wherein they deposit their eggs. During oviposition this exceedingly slender structure is bent into a straightened configuration - in some species up to 90° - but does not suffer any damage during this process. The performance of the snout is explained in terms of cuticle biomechanics and rostral curvature, as presented in a series of four interconnected studies. First, a micromechanical constitutive model of the cuticle is defined to predict and reconstruct the mechanical behavior of each region in the exoskeleton. Second, the effect of increased endocuticle thickness on the stiffness and fracture strength of the rostrum is assessed using force-controlled tensile testing. In the third chapter, these studies are integrated into finite element models of the snout, demonstrating that the Curculio rostrum is only able to withstand repeated, extreme bending because of modifications to the composite structure of the cuticle in the rostral apex. Finally, interspecific differences in the differential geometry of the snout are characterized to elucidate the role of biomechanical constraint in the evolution of rostral morphology for both males and females. Together these studies highlight the significance of cuticle biomechanics - heretofore unconsidered by others - as a source of constraint on the evolution of the rostrum and the mechanobiology of the genus Curculio. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Evolutionary Biology 2009

Chicken Eggshell Membrane and Cuticle: Insight from Bioinformatics and Proteomics

Du, Jingwen 10 January 2013 (has links)
The chicken eggshell possesses physical and chemical barriers to protect the embryo from pathogens. The avian eggshell cuticle is the outmost layer of the eggshell whose protein constituents remain largely unknown. Since eggs with incomplete or absent cuticle are more susceptible to bacterial contamination, we hypothesize that cuticle protein components play an important role in microbial resistance. In our study, at least 47 proteins were identified by LC/MS/MS in the non-calcified cuticle layer. Similar to Kunitz-like protease inhibitor (also annotated as ovocalyxin-25, OCX-25) and ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) were two of most abundant proteins of the cuticle proteins. Some proteins that have antimicrobial activity were also detected in the proteomic results, such as lysozyme C, ovotransferrin, ovocalyxin-32, cystatin, ovoinhibitor. This study represents the first comprehensive report of the cuticle proteome. Since the sequence similarity of the kunitz motif in OCX-25 is similar to that of BPTI, it is predicted that it will have the same trypsin inhibitory and antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and/or Gram-negative bacteria. In order to test the antimicrobial property and trypsin inhibitor activity of OCX-25, cuticle proteins were extracted by 1N HCl. Antimicrobial activity was monitored using the Bioscreen C instrument; and antimicrobial activity was identified primarily against Staphylococcus aureus. Trypsin inhibitor activity was studied by using a specific trypsin assay, and the assay indicated that the cuticle proteins could inhibit the reaction of trypsin and substrate. Therefore, the current research has provided some insight into the antimicrobial and enzymatic aspects of the cuticle proteins, and its function for egg protection. Eggshell membranes are another important component of the chicken eggshell.Due to its insoluble and stable properties, there are still many questions regarding formation and constituents of the eggshell membranes. The purpose of our study was to identify eggshell membrane proteins, particularly these responsible for its structural features, by examining the transcriptome of the white isthmus during its formation. Bioinformatics tools were applied to analyze the differentially expressed genes as well as their encoded proteins. Some interesting proteins were encoded by the over-expressed genes in the white isthmus during the formation of eggshell membranes, such as Collagen X, and similar to spore coat protein SP75. These proteins may have potential applications. Our study provides a detailed description of the chicken white isthmus transcriptome during formation of the eggshell membranes; it could lead to develop the strategies to improve food safety of the table egg.

Regulation of non-specific lipid transfer proteins in abiotically stressed Physcomitrella patens

Jansson, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Non-specific lipid transfer proteins is a large and diverse protein family found in plants, with roles in biological systems ranging from long distance signaling to plant pathogen defense. Little is known about the roles of nsLTPs, but recent studies have cast some light on the issue, among other things proposing that they may be involved in the cutice formation on land-living liverworts, mosses and non-seedbearing plants. Increased cuticle formation is thought to be a part of a plants defense system against stress. In this experiment, the expression of nsLTPs type G in the moss Physcomitrella patens was examined by qRT-PCR on cDNA synthesized from already existing mRNA samples from moss under different abiotic stresses. The different stresses were UV-light, salt (ion toxicity), heavy metal, cold drought, plant hormone and osmosis. House-keeping gene P. patens beta-tubuline 1 was used as reference and relative expression analysis was performed. The study showed a general down-regulation of PpLTPg's in the abiotically stressed samples, and the possible coupled regulatory response of PpLTPg3 and PpLTPg5. The results imply that the PpLTPg's in Physcomitrella patens could be connected to biological processes that cease during stress, or that they worl through negative feedback to support plant defense against stress.


Xia, Ye 01 January 2010 (has links)
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is initiated upon recognition of specific microbial effectors by cognate plant resistance proteins and immunizes distal tissues of plants against secondary infections. SAR involves the generation of a mobile signal at the site of primary infection, which then translocates to and activates defense responses in the distal tissues via some unknown mechanism(s). This study shows that an ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN 4 (ACP4), GLABRA1 (GL1) and ACYL CARRIER BINDING PROTEINS (ACBP) are required for the processing of the mobile SAR signal in distal tissues of Arabidopsis. Although acp4, gl1 and acbp plants generate the mobile signal, they are unable to respond to this signal to induce systemic immunity. A defective SAR in acp4, gl1 and acbp plants is not associated with salicylic acid (SA)-, methyl SA-, or jasmonic acid-mediated pathways but is related to the presence of an abnormal cuticle on acp4, gl1 and acbp plants. Other genetic mutations impairing the cuticle also compromised SAR. An intact cuticle was only necessary during the time when the mobile signal is generated and translocated to the distal tissues. A novel role for the plant cuticle as the site for SAR-related molecular signaling is demonstrated.

Chicken Eggshell Membrane and Cuticle: Insight from Bioinformatics and Proteomics

Du, Jingwen 10 January 2013 (has links)
The chicken eggshell possesses physical and chemical barriers to protect the embryo from pathogens. The avian eggshell cuticle is the outmost layer of the eggshell whose protein constituents remain largely unknown. Since eggs with incomplete or absent cuticle are more susceptible to bacterial contamination, we hypothesize that cuticle protein components play an important role in microbial resistance. In our study, at least 47 proteins were identified by LC/MS/MS in the non-calcified cuticle layer. Similar to Kunitz-like protease inhibitor (also annotated as ovocalyxin-25, OCX-25) and ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) were two of most abundant proteins of the cuticle proteins. Some proteins that have antimicrobial activity were also detected in the proteomic results, such as lysozyme C, ovotransferrin, ovocalyxin-32, cystatin, ovoinhibitor. This study represents the first comprehensive report of the cuticle proteome. Since the sequence similarity of the kunitz motif in OCX-25 is similar to that of BPTI, it is predicted that it will have the same trypsin inhibitory and antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and/or Gram-negative bacteria. In order to test the antimicrobial property and trypsin inhibitor activity of OCX-25, cuticle proteins were extracted by 1N HCl. Antimicrobial activity was monitored using the Bioscreen C instrument; and antimicrobial activity was identified primarily against Staphylococcus aureus. Trypsin inhibitor activity was studied by using a specific trypsin assay, and the assay indicated that the cuticle proteins could inhibit the reaction of trypsin and substrate. Therefore, the current research has provided some insight into the antimicrobial and enzymatic aspects of the cuticle proteins, and its function for egg protection. Eggshell membranes are another important component of the chicken eggshell.Due to its insoluble and stable properties, there are still many questions regarding formation and constituents of the eggshell membranes. The purpose of our study was to identify eggshell membrane proteins, particularly these responsible for its structural features, by examining the transcriptome of the white isthmus during its formation. Bioinformatics tools were applied to analyze the differentially expressed genes as well as their encoded proteins. Some interesting proteins were encoded by the over-expressed genes in the white isthmus during the formation of eggshell membranes, such as Collagen X, and similar to spore coat protein SP75. These proteins may have potential applications. Our study provides a detailed description of the chicken white isthmus transcriptome during formation of the eggshell membranes; it could lead to develop the strategies to improve food safety of the table egg.

Maturação Cuticular em Apis mellifera: Perfis de Hidrocarbonetos Cuticulares, Expressão e Evolução de Desaturases e Elongases. / Cuticle Maturation in Apis mellifera: Cuticular Hydrocarbons Profiles, Expression and Evolution of Desaturases and Elongases.

Tiago Falcon Lopes 25 April 2013 (has links)
Os hidrocarbonetos cuticulares têm importante papel no processo de reconhecimento dos membros da colônia de insetos sociais. Muitos estudos têm mostrado variações qualitativas e quantitativas nestes compostos entre os insetos adultos. Contudo, abordagens referentes à modulação do perfil destes compostos durante a formação da cutícula são escassas, e se restringem aos estágios larval de holometábolos e de ninfas de hemimetábolos. O principal objetivo dessa pesquisa foi caracterizar o perfil de hidrocarbonetos cuticulares e a expressão de genes potencialmente relacionados à sua biossíntese durante o processo de formação e maturação da cutícula adulta. Os perfis de hidrocarbonetos foram caracterizados por meio de GC/MS e mostraram diferenças quantitativas marcantes que significativamente discriminaram as cutículas pupal, adulta-farata e adulta. Em paralelo, sequências de enzimas que catalisam a desaturação (desaturases) ou elongação (elongases) de lipídeos, disponíveis no banco de dados do NCBI, foram utilizadas para o desenho de primers e estudo da expressão gênica por meio de RT-qPCR. Cinco genes de desaturases, e oito genes de elongases mostraram variação de expressão estatisticamente significante no tegumento de abelhas adultas em comparação com pupas e adultas-faratas. Testes de correlação entre os perfis de expressão gênica e de hidrocarbonetos cuticulares evidenciaram os genes potencialmente envolvidos com a biossíntese destes compostos para a formação e maturação da cutícula. Estes resultados corroboram a hipótese de que nos insetos sociais, a cutícula só amadurece completamente por ocasião do início da atividade de forrageamento. Associando estes dados a análises de evolução molecular das desaturases e elongases, pudemos sugerir as etapas da via de síntese de hidrocarbonetos catalisadas por estas enzimas, e assim eleger genes candidatos a futuro silenciamento mediado por RNA de interferência para pesquisa de função. / Cuticular hydrocarbons are important for recognition of nestmates in social insect colonies. Many studies have shown qualitative and quantitative variations in the cuticular hydrocarbons between adult insects. However, approaches on developmental profiles of these compounds during cuticle formation and differentiation are scarce, and restricted to larval stages of holometabolous and nymphs of hemimetabolous. The main objective of this work was to characterize the cuticular hydrocarbons profiles and the expression of genes potentially involved in the biosynthesis of these compounds during the synthesis and differentiation of the adult cuticle in the honeybee. The hydrocarbons profiles were characterized using GC/MS and showed remarkable quantitative differences, thus discriminating the pupal, pharate-adult and adult cuticles from each other. In parallel, we used annotated sequences of enzymes catalyzing lipid desaturation (desaturases) or elongation (elongases), available in NCBI data bank, for primers design and gene expression analysis using RT-qPCR. Five desaturase genes and eight elongase genes showed statistically significant expression changes in the integument of adult bees in comparison to pupae and pharate-adults. Correlation tests supported roles of some of the desaturase and elongase genes in hydrocarbons biosynthesis for incorporation into adult cuticle. In addition, these results go along with the hypothesis that in social insects the cuticle is just completed when the insect starts forager activity. Taken together, these data and an analysis on the molecular evolution of desaturases and elongases allowed suggesting the steps in the pathway of cuticular hydrocarbons biosynthesis that are catalyzed by these enzymes, and also allowed to elect candidate genes for further functional studies using gene silencing mediated by RNAi.

Proteínas do Tegumento de Abelhas Apis mellifera em Metamorfose: Identificação por Espectrometria de Massa / Integument Protein of Honeybee Apis mellifera under Metamorphosis: Identification by Mass Spectrometry

André Fernando Ditondo Micas 19 December 2012 (has links)
Como qualquer inseto holometábolo, a abelha Apis mellifera sofre metamorfose completa, apresentando grandes mudanças na forma e fisiologia quando passa do estágio larval para o estágio de pupa (muda metamórfica). Após esta muda, com o prosseguimento do desenvolvimento, o tegumento pupal (cutícula e a epiderme subjacente), extensivamente remodelado, é substituído pelo tegumento adulto, definitivo, que passa por intensa melanização e esclerotização. Eletroforese bidimensional e espectrometria de massas foram utilizadas neste trabalho para caracterizar as mudanças do padrão proteico no tegumento em desenvolvimento de operárias e zangões. No total foram identificadas 51 proteínas diferentes no tegumento torácico extraído de larvas, pupas e adultos (adultos-faratos). Quatorze proteínas foram identificadas como genuinamente cuticulares: Apidermina-3,1-like, Apidermina-2, Cuticular proteins analogous to peritrophins-3C e 3D, AmelCPR3, 12, 16 e 27, Glicoproteína SgAbd-2-like, e cinco outras proteínas homólogas à proteínas cuticulares de outras espécies de insetos contendo um domínio de ligação à quitina. As proteínas diferiram principalmente quantitativamente entre as fases de desenvolvimento e sexo, e poucas diferenças qualitativas foram observadas. Por exemplo, Apidermina-2 é típica de tegumentos fortemente esclerotizados e pigmentados. As diferenças quantitativas foram destacadas pela comparação da abundância de algumas proteínas e seus respectivos RNA mensageiros (utilizando RT-PCR em tempo real) entre as fases de desenvolvimento e entre os sexos. Várias proteínas cuticulares mostraram mais de uma forma molecular, aparentemente derivadas de modificações pós-traducionais. Além de conferir suporte experimental para a validação de genes de A. mellifera preditos, ou não-anotados, nossos dados forneceram novas informações sobre as proteínas que atuam no tegumento em desenvolvimento. / As a holometabolous insect, the honey bee undergoes complete metamorphosis, displaying a marked change in shape and physiology when passing from the larval to the pupal stage (metamorphic molt). As development progresses, the extensively remodeled pupal integument (cuticle and subjacent epidermis) is replaced by the adult integument, which undergoes intense sclerotization and melanization. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry were here used to characterize the changing protein patterns in the developing integument of workers and drones. Overall, we identified 51 different proteins in the thoracic integument extracted from larvae, pupae and adults (pharate adults). Fourteen proteins were identified as genuine cuticular proteins: Apidermin-3,1-like protein, Apidermin-2, Cuticular Proteins Analogous to Peritrophins-3C and 3D, AmelCPR3, 12, 16 and 27, Glycoprotein SgAbd-2-like, and 5 other proteins homologous to cuticular proteins from other insect species, and containing the chitin-binding domain. Integument proteins mainly differed quantitatively among the developmental stages and sexes, although few qualitative differences have also been detected. For example, Apidermin-2 is typical of the heavily pigmented and sclerotized integument. The quantitative differences were highlighted by comparing the levels of some of these proteins and their respective mRNAs (using RT-qPCR) among the developmental phases and between sexes. It is noteworthy that several cuticle proteins showed more than one molecular form, apparently derived from post-translational modifications. In addition to give experimental support for validation of predicted, or unannotated, honey bee genes, our data provided new information on proteins acting in the metamorphosing integument.

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