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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da secção do nervo isquiático sobre parâmetros ultraestrutural, histoquímico, imunoistoquímico e de captação de análogos da glicose em gânglio da raiz dorsal de rãs Lithobates catesbianus

Rigon, Fabiana January 2013 (has links)
As rãs são utilizadas como modelos experimentais em diferentes situações experimentais. Uma delas é o estudo dos efeitos da seção do nervo isquiático (SNI) sobre o tecido nervoso. Essa ampla utilização desses animais como modelos experimentais justifica a realização de estudos que visam o conhecimento morfofuncional de seus tecidos. Inúmeros estudos mostram que, assim como nos mamíferos, o principal substrato energético no tecido nervoso de rãs é a glicose. Porém, é desconhecida a distribuição dos transportadores de glicose no tecido nervoso de rãs, bem como se a SNI altera esse transporte. Outra questão em aberto é se o lactato, cuja concentração está aumentada no plasma de rãs durante períodos de hibernação e após atividades motoras, é usado como substrato energético pelo tecido nervoso, o que está demonstrado em outras espécies de vertebrados. É desconhecida ainda no gânglio da raiz dorsal (GRD) de rãs a distribuição e os efeitos da SNT sobre a reação à nicotinamida adenina dinucleotídeo fosfato diaforase (NADPH-diaforase), enzima considerada equivalente a óxido nítrico sintase, responsável pela síntese de óxido nítrico, e a reação ao ácido periódico-reativo de Schiff (PAS), que indica a presença de mucopolissarídeos, incluindo o glicogênio, uma importante reserva energética no tecido nervoso de rãs. Desconhece-se também a distribuição e os efeitos da SNT sobre a imunorreatividade à serotonina, importante molécula com função neurotransmissora e/ou moduladora no sistema nervoso, tirosina hidroxilase, enzima limitante na síntese de catecolaminas, moléculas com diversos papéis fisiológicos, incluindo ação neurotransmissora e/ou neuromoduladora no tecido nervoso, e c-Fos, proteína considerada marcadora de ativação neural por estimulação nociva. Outras questões ainda em aberto são os efeitos da SNT sobre: a captação do análogo da glicose 1-14C 2-deoxi-D-glicose (14C-2-DG) e concentração plasmática de glicose e lactato; se os tipos II e III de células gliais satélites (CGSs), recentemente descritas no GRD de coelho, estão presentes nesse gânglio de rãs; e os efeitos da SNT sobre a ultraestrutura de CGSs e neurônios do GRD. Assim, o objetivo dessa tese foi determinar: 1) a ultraestrutura de neurônios e CGSs; 2) a distribuição das reações à NADPH-diaforase e PAS, e a imunoistoquímica à serotonina, tirosina hidroxilase, c-Fos e transportadores de glicose tipo 1 e 3; e 3) a captação de 14C-2-DG, na presença e ausência de lactato, em GRD de rãs Lithobates catesbianus com e sem SNI. A escolha pelos transportadores de glicose tipos 1 e 3 foi pelo fato de ocorrerem na membrana de endotélio, células gliais e de neurônios. Para a realização do estudo inicialmente 12 rãs Lithobates catesbianus, adultas, machos, com peso de 100-200g, que não sofreram qualquer manipulação cirúrgica foram mortas por decapitação e os gânglios das raízes dorsais (GRDs) do nervo isquiático retirados e preparados para análises ultraestrutural, histoquímica à NADPH-diaforase e PAS, e imunoistoquímica à serotonina, tirosina hidroxilase e transportadores de glicose dos tipos 1 e 3. Feito isso, 18 outras rãs, nas mesmas condições físicas, foram divididas em três grupos experimentais (n=6/grupo): controle (rãs que não sofreram qualquer manipulação cirúrgica), sham (rãs onde foram efetuados apenas os procedimentos para isolamento do nervo isquiático) e SNI (rãs que tiveram o nervo isquiático direito totalmente seccionado em seu tronco comum). Esses animais foram mortos três dias após a intervenção cirúrgica e seus GRDs do nervo isquiático usados para demonstrar os efeitos da secção nervosa sobre a ultraestrutura, a reação à NADPH-diaforase, e a imunoistoquímica à serotonina, tirosina hidroxilase, c-Fos e transportadores de glicose dos tipos 1 e 3 no GRD. Outros 20 animais, divididos nos mesmos grupos experimentais, foram usados para demonstrar os efeitos da SNI sobre a captação de 14C-2-DG, na presença ou ausência de lactato, e a taxa de produção de 14CO2 a partir de 14C-L-lactato e de 14C-glicose no GRD. Essas rãs foram usadas ainda para demonstrar os efeitos da denervação periférica sobre a concentração plasmática de glicose e lactato. Nossos resultados mostraram que os neurônios sensoriais do GRD de rã Lithobates catesbianus tiveram distribuição, diâmetro e morfologia que foi similar àquela descrita para essas células em gânglio de mamíferos. As CGSs apresentaram morfologia similar àquela descrita para essas células em gânglios de outras espécies de vertebrados. As células dos tipos II e III, observadas no GRD de coelho, não ocorreram no GRD de Lithobates catesbianus. O padrão de atividade à NADPH-diaforase e a distribuição da imunorreatividade à serotonina, tirosina hidroxilase e Glut 1 e 3 foram também similares ao descrito em mamíferos. Pela primeira vez foi demonstrada, em anfíbios, a presença de reação à NADPH-diaforase em CGCs do GRD. A captação de 14C-2-DG foi reduzida quando o lactato foi acrescentado ao meio de incubação. As alterações induzidas pela SNI foram também similares àquelas descritas nos mamíferos. Houve acréscimo no número de mitocôndrias, retículo endoplasmático, ribossomas e filamentos no citoplasma das CGSs, mais neurônios e CGCs com reação positiva à NADPH-diaforase, um maior número de prolongamentos imunorreativos à tirosina hidroxilase em torno de somas de neurônios sensoriais, e mais núcleos neuronais imunorreativos a c-Fos. Nenhuma alteração ocorreu na imunorreatividade a serotonina e transportadores de glicose. Houve aumento na captação de 14C-2-DG, que foi reduzido quando o lactato foi acrescentado ao meio de incubação. Porém, a formação de 14CO2 a partir de 14C-L-lactato e de 14C-glicose não alterou nessas condições. Todavia, diferentemente dos mamíferos, a SNI não provocou mudança no número de CGCs no GRD, mostrando uma peculiaridade na resposta das rãs à SNI. Assim, nosso estudo reforça o uso de rãs como modelo experimental para estudo dos efeitos da SNI, um modelo de dor fantasma, sobre o tecido nervoso. Porém, dada a diferença peculiar ocorrida no GRD de rãs com SNI, é evidente a necessidade de mais conhecimento dos efeitos dessa situação experimental nesses animais. / Frogs have been used as experimental models in different experimental situations. One of these is the study of the effects of the sciatic nerve transection (SNT) on the nerve tissue. The wide use of these animals as experimental models justifies the studies aimed at morphofunctionally understanding of their tissues. Numerous studies have shown that glucose is the main energy substrate in the nerve tissue of frogs as well as in mammals. However, the distribution of glucose transporters in the nerve tissue of frogs is unknown as well as whether SNT alters such transportation. Another unanswered question is whether the lactate, whose concentration is increased in the frog plasma during hibernation periods and after motor activities, is used as an energy substrate by the nerve tissue, which has been demonstrated in other vertebrate species. In the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells of frogs are still unknown the distribution and effects of SNT on the reaction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-diaphorase), an enzyme that is considered equivalent to nitric oxide synthase, responsible for the synthesis of nitric oxide, and on the reaction of periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), which indicates the presence of mucopolysaccharides, including glycogen, an important energy reserve in frog nerve tissue. Moreover, the distribution and effects of SNT on immunoreactivity to serotonin, an important molecule that functions as a neurotransmitter and / or neuromodulator in the nervous system, tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, molecules with various physiological roles, including neurotransmitter and / or neuromodulator action in the nerve tissue, and c-Fos, a protein that is regarded as a marker of neuronal activation by noxious stimulation are also unknown. Other questions regarding is the effect of SNT on the uptake of glucose analogue 2-Deoxy-D-glucose-1-14C (14C-2-DG) and glucose and lactate concentration plasma; whether the types II and III of satellite glial cells (SGCs), recently described in rabbit DRG, are present in this ganglion of frogs; and the effects of SNT on the ultrastructure of SGCs and DRG neurons remain unanswered as well. Thus, this thesis aimed to determine: 1) the ultrastructure of neurons and SGCs; 2) the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and PAS reaction, and immunohistochemistry for serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase, c-Fos and glucose transporters types 1 and 3; and 3) the uptake of 2-DG-14C, in the presence and absence of lactate, in DRG of frogs, Lithobates catesbianus, with and without SNT. Glucose transporters types 1 and 3 were chosen because they occur in the membrane of endothelial cells, glial cells and neurons. Initially, 12 adult male frogs, Lithobates catesbianus, weighing 100-200g, not having undergone any previous surgical manipulation, were killed by decapitation. The DRGs of the sciatic nerve were removed and prepared for ultrastructural analysis, histochemistry of NADPH-diaphorase and PAS, and immunohistochemistry for serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase and glucose transporters types 1 and 3. After that, 18 other frogs in the same physical conditions were divided into three experimental groups (n = 6/group): control group (frogs not subjected to any surgical manipulation), sham (frogs in which only surgical procedures for isolating the sciatic nerve were performed), and SNT (frogs in which the right sciatic nerve was completely transected). These animals were killed three days after the procedure, and their sciatic nerve DRGs used to demonstrate the effects of nerve transection on the ultrastructure, NADPH-diaphorase reaction, and immunohistochemical serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase, c-Fos and glucose transporters types 1 and 3 in the DRG. Other 20 animals, divided into the same experimental groups, were used to demonstrate the effects of SNI on the uptake of 14C-2-DG in the presence or absence of lactate, the production rate of 14CO2 from 14C-L-lactate and 14C-glucose in the DRG. These frogs were used to further demonstrate the effects of peripheral denervation on plasma glucose and lactate levels. Our results have demonstrated that sensory neurons of bullfrog, Lithobates catesbianus, DRG showed distribution, diameter and morphology similar to those described for these ganglion cells in mammals. The CGSs showed morphology similar to that described for these cells in the lymph nodes of other vertebrate species. Cells types II and III, observed in rabbit DRG did not occur in the Lithobates catesbianus DRG. The pattern of NADPH-diaphorase activity and distribution of immunoreactivity of serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase and Glut 1 and 3 were also similar to those described in mammals. For the first time, it has been demonstrated the presence of NADPH-diaphorase reaction on SGCs of DRG in amphibians. The uptake of 14C-2-DG was reduced when lactate was added to the incubation medium. SNT-induced changes were also similar to those ones described in mammals. There was an increase in the number of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and filaments in the SGCs cytoplasm; more neurons and SGCs with positive reaction to NADPH-diaphorase; a greater number of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive extensions around body sensory neurons; and more c-Fos immunoreactivity in neuronal nuclei. No changes occurred in serotonin immunoreactivity and glucose transporters. There was an increase in the uptake of 14C-2-DG, which was reduced when lactate was added to the incubation medium. However, the formation of 14C-2-DG from 14C-L-lactato and glucose did not change under these conditions. Unlike mammals, SNT caused no change in the number of SGCs in DRG, showing a peculiarity in the response of frogs to SNT. Therefore, our study supports the use of frogs as an experimental model to study the effects of SNT, a model of phantom pain on the nerve tissue. However, given the peculiar differences occurred in the DRG of frogs with SNT, it is clearly necessary to carry out further studies to better understand the effects of an experimental situation like this in such animals.

Bcl-2 family members regulate the sensitivity to 2-deoxy-D-glucose in lymphomas

Zagorodna, Oksana 01 December 2011 (has links)
Bcl-2 family members are important regulators of apoptosis, and their tampered expression is often involved in oncogenesis. Of particular importance are the levels of Bcl-2 family members in forming lymphomas. We studied two groups of murine thymic T cell lymphomas derived from either Bcl-2 or Bax overexpression in order to predict their sensitivity and resistance to treatments. While the growth rate and histological characteristics were similar for both lymphoma groups, Bax-derived lymphomas failed to undergo cell cycle arrest following radiation treatment and had frequent p53 mutations. In contrast, Bcl-2-derived lymphomas often halted proliferation following radiation delivery and rarely had p53 mutations. Bax-derived lymphomas were uniformly sensitive to treatment with 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) while all Bcl-2-derived lymphomas were resistant. This led us to hypothesize that the Bcl-2 family is involved in 2DG-induced cell death. Focusing on the mechanism of 2DG toxicity in Bax-derived lymphomas, our studies demonstrate the following: cell death involved the activation of proapoptotic Bax, was effectively blocked by anti-apoptotic Bcl-2, and was mediated, at least in part, by the BH3-only family member Bim. Based on these results, we explored whether a BH3 mimetic (ABT-737) could sensitize lymphomas to 2DG killing. Indeed, a combination of ABT-737 with 2DG enhanced killing in Bax-derived lymphomas and resensitized Bcl-2-overexpressing lymphomas to 2DG. Since both 2DG and BH3 mimetics are currently in clinical trials, understanding their killing mechanisms and optimal combinations are of potential clinical significance. The work in this dissertation demonstrates a novel role of Bcl-2 family member proteins in regulating 2DG toxicity and may predict response to 2DG treatment. The information found presents a new strategy of combining 2DG with BH3 mimetics to improve existing lymphoma therapies.

Modificação da D-glicose em produtos de interesse industrial (C-glicosídeo e derivados) buscando preferencialmente o emprego de processos sustentáveis / Modification of D-glucose in products of industrial interest (Cglycoside and derivatives) preferentially seeking the use of sustainable processes

Rodrigues, Bruna Green 10 December 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos a química é apontada como solução para diversos problemas globais originados por um modo de vida não sustentável, em virtude disso o desenvolvimento econômico e social ficam vinculados aos conhecimentos em ações sustentáveis embasadas na química verde. Neste contexto emerge a indústria química baseada em matérias-primas renováveis, dentre as biomassas renováveis destacam-se os carboidratos com cerca de 75% da biomassa da terra. Os glicosídeos são moléculas orgânicas nas quais o açúcar está ligado à uma porção não-carboidrato (aglicona), dentre eles os C-glicosídeos se destacam por apresentarem tanto resistência à hidrólise ácida quanto à enzimática, característica que confere interesse a indústria de fármacos e às ciências dos materiais apresentando-se como excelentes blocos de construção. A condensação de Knoevenagel é a reação entre um grupo metileno ativado e um aldeído ou cetona levando à formação de um composto β, β-insaturado e é muito relevante na derivatização de C-glicosídeos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é empregar a D-glicose, como fonte de matéria-prima renovável, na obtenção de Cglicosídeos e potenciais derivados de interesse industrial, visando oferecer ao ambiente uma opção através de processos mais sustentáveis, para isso dividiu-se o trabalho em três etapas: a primeira de preparação da cetona β-C-glicosídeos e reações de proteções, a segunda, de derivações diretas dessas moléculas, por meio das preparações das oximas, das aril cetonas C-glicosídeos, da cicloexenona C-glicosídeo e do metil pentenol C-glicosídeo e a terceira consistiu de derivação de moléculas, obtidas na segunda etapa, em gem halo-nitro, oxima aril e isoxazol aril. Na primeira etapa, síntese da cetona β-C-glicosídeo, fez-se alterações metodológicas e obteve-se um rendimento médio de 92%, o composto foi confirmado por TGA, FT-IR e RMN 13C, nas reações de proteção à cetona β-C-glicosídeo, acetilação e benzoilação, obteve-se rendimentos de 60% e 31,4% respectivamente, os compostos foram confirmados por FT-IR e RMN 13C. Na segunda etapa sintetizou a aril cetona C-glicosídeo, desprotegida e protegida, com 91% e 78% de rendimentos respectivamente, a cicloexenona C-glicosídeo acetilada com 60% de rendimento e o metil pentenil C-glicosídeo acetilado com até 71% de rendimento, oximas a partir da cetona β-C-glicosídeo desprotegida e posterior proteção (economizando uma etapa) e oximas a partir da cetona β-C-glicosídeo acetilada obtendo rendimentos de 73,6 % e 83%, também foi sintetizada a oxima da glicose e sua acetilação gerou o nitrilo da glicose em 60% de rendimento, os compostos foram confirmados por FT-IR e RMN 13C. Na terceira etapa foram obtidos os derivados, gem bromo-nitro C-glicosídeo acetilado 30% (rota desprotegida) e 73% (rota protegida), gemcloro C-glicosídeo acetilados 30% (rota desprotegida) e 72% (rota protegida). A aril cetona C-glicosídeo acetilada, a oxima aril C-glicosídeo acetilada e isoxazol C-glicosídeo acetilado apresentaram rendimentos 45%, 78% e 31% respectivamente, todos confirmados por FT-IR e RMN 13C. A síntese da cetona β-C-glicosídeo desprotegida em meio aquoso alcalino apresenta um alto rendimento e demonstrou uma enorme versatilidade podendo ser empregada na obtenção de muitos derivados, no entanto as reações de proteção são necessárias para derivação dessas moléculas e facilitação da análise. / In recent years, chemistry has been identified as a solution to several global problems caused by an unsustainable way of life, as economic and social development are linked to the knowledge of sustainable actions based on green chemistry. In this context emerges the chemical industry based on renewable raw materials, among the renewable biomasses stand out the carbohydrates with about 75% of the earth\'s biomass. Glycosides are organic molecules in which sugar is bound to a non-carbohydrate (aglycone) moiety, among them the C-glycosides stand out because they have both resistance to acid and enzymatic hydrolysis, which is of interest to the pharmaceutical industry and sciences of materials presenting themselves as excellent building blocks. The Knoevenagel condensation is the reaction between an activated methylene group and an aldehyde or ketone leading to the formation of an β, β-unsaturated compound and is very relevant in the derivatization of Cglycosides. The main objective of this work is to use D-glucose, as a source of renewable raw material, to obtain C-glycosides and potential derivatives of industrial interest, aiming to offer the environment an option employing more sustainable processes, for this the work was divided in three stages: the first one of preparation of the ketone β-C-glycosides and reactions of protections, the second, of direct derivations of these molecules, through the preparations of oximes, aryl ketones C-glycosides, cyclohexenone C-glycoside and methyl pentenol C-glycoside and the third step consisted of derivation of molecules obtained in the second step in gem halo-nitro, aryl oxime and isoxazole aryl. In the first step, synthesis of the β-C-glycoside ketone made methodological changes and obtained an average yield of 92%, the compound was confirmed by TGA, FT-IR and 13C NMR, in the protection reactions to β-C-glycoside ketone, acetylation and benzoylation, yields of 60% and 31.4% respectively were obtained, the compounds were confirmed by FT-IR and 13C NMR. In the second step, the unprotected and protected C-glycoside aryl ketone was synthesized in 91% and 78% yields respectively, the acetylated C-glycoside cyclohexenone in 60% yield and the acetylated methyl pentenyl C-glycoside in up to 71% yield, oximes from the deprotected β-C-glycoside ketone and subsequent protection (saving one step) and oximes from acetylated β-C-glucoside ketone yielding 73.6% and 83% yields, the glucose oxime was also synthesized and its acetylation generated the glucose nitrile in 60% yield, the compounds were confirmed by FT-IR and 13 C NMR. In the third stage the derivatives were obtained, gem bromo-nitro C-glycoside acetylated 30% (unprotected route) and 73% (protected route), gem-chloro C-glycoside acetylated 30% (route deprotected) and 72% (protected route). The acetylated C-glycoside aryl ketone, the acetylated C-glycoside aryl oxime and the acetylated C-glycoside isoxazole presented yields of 45%, 78% and 31% respectively, all confirmed by FT-IR and 13C NMR. The synthesis of β-C-glycoside ketone deprotected in alkaline aqueous medium presents a high yield and demonstrated an enormous versatility that can be used to obtain many derivatives, however the protection reactions are necessary for derivation of this molecules and facilitation of the analysis.

Tentativa de obtenção de sulfato de D-glicosamina a partir de mostos fermentados e síntese de complexos de ouro (I) com ligantes derivados de D-glicose

Espinosa, Andrés Villaseñor 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-05-15T18:54:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 andresvillasenorespinosa.pdf: 5788214 bytes, checksum: bccb4cf324e2971868e69e9514dbf4c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T14:42:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 andresvillasenorespinosa.pdf: 5788214 bytes, checksum: bccb4cf324e2971868e69e9514dbf4c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T14:42:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 andresvillasenorespinosa.pdf: 5788214 bytes, checksum: bccb4cf324e2971868e69e9514dbf4c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / As doenças reumáticas são até hoje uma das principais causas de incapacidade física em diversos estratos populacionais. As principais doenças reumáticas (em termos de número de incidências) são a osteoartrite (também conhecida como artrose) e a artrite reumatoide (AR), as quais atingem milhões de pessoas no mundo e nenhuma delas tem cura conhecida. Diversos tipos de compostos, como por exemplo, D-glicosamina e sais de ouro (I) e (III), devido à sua potencial aplicação como fármacos no tratamento das doenças reumáticas, são alvo de muitos grupos de pesquisa na area da química medicinal. Neste trabalho foi purificado um complexo quitina-glicano (CQG) a partir de mostos fermentados de cerveja, o qual foi submetido a diversos processos de hidrólise ácida e enzimática. Foi isolado D-glicose em grande rendimento, porém não foi possível obter D-glicosamina, nem outros sacarídeos. Também foram sintetizados 4 complexos de ouro (I) os quais foram produzidos reagindo-se os sais de ouro Au[PEt3]Cl e Au[PPh3]Cl com compostos derivados de D-gliconolactona. Estes foram sintetizados submetendo-se a D-gliconolactona a reações de formação de cetais e o grupo hidrazida, para depois serem ciclizados com CS2 para formar os derivados de oxadiazolidina, formando assim os ligantes desejados. Os ligantes foram finalmente reagidos com duas variedades de sais de ouro contendo grupo fosfina para a formação do complexo de ouro (I) correspondente. Os complexos de ouro (I) e os ligantes usados estão sendo avaliados biologicamente quanto à sua potencial aplicação no tratamento de artrose e artrite reumatoide, assim como no tratamento de leishmania. / Rheumatic diseases are nowadays one of the most recurring causes of physical disability among all sectors of society. The most common rheumatic diseases (in terms of incidence rates) are osteoarthritis (also known as arthrosis) and rheumatoid arthritis, which both affect world's population by millions and none of them have a known cure. Various types of chemical compounds, such as gold (I) and (III) salts and D-glucosamine, are widely studied by various research groups in the field of medicinal chemistry because of their potential application as treatment drugs for rheumatic diseases. In this work, a quitin-glucan complex was obtained from brewer's spent yeast, which was submitted to subsequent stages of acid and enzymatic hydrolysis. High quantities of D-glucose were harvested from these processes, but no measurable amount of D-glucosamine or any other saccharides were found. Also, four gold (I) complexes were produced by reacting Au[PEt3]Cl and Au[PPh3]Cl gold salts with D-gluconolactone-derived compounds. These were synthesized by working up D-gluconolactone through ketal and hidrazide formation followed by oxadiazolidine cyclization with CS2 to achieve the desired ligands. These ligands were subsequently treated with two different phosphine-containing gold salt moieties to obtain the corresponding gold (I) complexes. The aforementioned complexes and their corresponding ligands are being biologically tested for potential rheumatoid arthritis and ostheoarthrosis treatment, as well as leishmania treatment.

Sinteza i biomedicinska ispitivanja novih bioizostera stiril-laktona i antitumorskog agensa tiazofurina / Synthesis and biomedicinal investigation of novel styryl lactone and antitumor agent tiazofurin bioisosteres

Svirčev Miloš 26 September 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu prikazana je sinteza 11 tiazolnih izostera goniofufurona (1-11),<br />4 konformaciono kruta analoga goniofufurona (12-15) i jednog butadiolnog<br />derivata&nbsp; tiazofurina&nbsp; (16).&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; izvr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; i&nbsp; poređenje<br />biolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; sintetisanih&nbsp; analoga&nbsp; sa&nbsp; sa&nbsp; aktivno&scaron;ću&nbsp; i&nbsp; selektivno&scaron;ću<br />kako GF i TF tako i doksorubicina, jedinjenja &scaron;irokog spektra dejstva (DOX).<br />Hiralni&nbsp; prekursor&nbsp; novosintetisanih&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; 1-15&nbsp; bila&nbsp; je&nbsp; D-glukoza,&nbsp; a<br />jedinjenja 16 D-arabinoza.</p> / <p>A multistep synthesis of 11 novel thiazole isosteres of goniofufurone (1-11), 4 novel conformationally constrained isosteres of goniofufurone (12-15), as well as&nbsp; one&nbsp; butanediole&nbsp; derivative&nbsp; of&nbsp; tiazofurin&nbsp; (16)&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; achieved.&nbsp; In&nbsp; vitro cytotoxicity of newly synthetized derivatives has been evaluated and compared with the cytotoxicities of goniofufurone, tiazofurin and doxorubicin.</p>

Caractérisation biochimique et physiologique de la fonction catalytique de l'hexokinase dans la racine de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum)

Claeyssen, Éric January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Regional Lung Kinetics of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury and Protective-Ventilation Strategies Studied by Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography

Borges, João Batista January 2014 (has links)
Mechanical ventilation in itself can harm the lung and cause ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), which can induce or aggravate acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Much debate remains over pivotal concepts regarding the pathophysiology of VILI, especially about the precise contribution, kinetics, and primary role of potential VILI mechanisms. Consequently, it remains largely unknown how best to design a well-timed and full-bodied mechanical ventilation strategy. Little is known also about small airways dysfunction in ARDS. Dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) can be used to image cellular metabolism, which during lung inflammation mainly reflects neutrophil activity, allowing the study of regional lung inflammation in vivo. We studied the regional evolution of inflammation using dynamic PET/CT imaging of 18F-FDG in VILI and during different lung-protective mechanical ventilation strategies. By dynamic CT we investigated also the location and magnitude of peripheral airway closure and alveolar collapse under high and low distending pressures and high and low inspiratory oxygen fraction. Piglets were submitted to an experimental model of early ARDS combining repeated lung lavages and injurious mechanical ventilation. The animals were subsequently studied during sustained VILI, or submitted to distinct approaches of lung-protective mechanical ventilation: the one recommended by the ARDS Network (ARDSNet), or to one defined as open lung approach (OLA). The normally and poorly aerated regions - corresponding to intermediate gravitational zones - were the primary targets of the inflammatory process accompanying early VILI, which may be attributed to the small volume of the aerated lung that receives most of ventilation. The ARDSNet strategy did not attenuate global pulmonary inflammation during 27h and led to a concentration of inflammatory activity in the upper and poorly aerated lung regions. The OLA, in comparison with the ARDSNet approach, resulted in sustained and better gas exchange and lung mechanics. Moreover, the OLA strategy resulted in less global and regional inflammation. Dynamic CT data suggested that a significant amount of airway closure and related reabsorption atelectasis occurs in acute lung injury. Whether potential distal bronchioles injury (“bronchiolotrauma”) is a critical and decisive element in ventilator-associated lung injury is a matter for future studies.

Interferon Signaling-Dependent Contribution of Glycolysis to Rubella Virus Infection

Schilling, Erik, Wald, Maria Elisabeth, Schulz, Juliane, Werner, Lina Emilia, Claus, Claudia 31 August 2023 (has links)
Interferons (IFNs) are an essential part of innate immunity and contribute to adaptive immune responses. Here, we employed a loss-of-function analysis with human A549 respiratory epithelial cells with a knockout (KO) of the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR KO), either solely or together with the receptor of type III IFN (IFNAR/IFNLR1 KO). The course of rubella virus (RuV) infection on the IFNAR KO A549 cells was comparable to the control A549. However, on the IFNAR/IFNLR1 KO A549 cells, both genome replication and the synthesis of viral proteins were significantly enhanced. The generation of IFN β during RuV infection was influenced by type III IFN signaling. In contrast to IFNAR KO A549, extracellular IFN β was not detected on IFNAR/IFNLR1 KO A549. The bioenergetic profile of RuV-infected IFNAR/IFNLR1 KO A549 cells generated by extracellular flux analysis revealed a significant increase in glycolysis, whereas mitochondrial respiration was comparable between all three cell types. Moreover, the application of the glucose analogue 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) significantly increased viral protein synthesis in control A549 cells, while no effect was noted on IFNAR/IFNLR KO A549. In conclusion, we identified a positive signaling circuit of type III IFN signaling on the generation of IFN β during RuV infection and an IFN signaling-dependent contribution of glycolysis to RuV infection. This study on epithelial A549 cells emphasizes the interaction between glycolysis and antiviral IFN signaling and notably, the antiviral activity of type III IFNs against RuV infection, especially in the absence of both type I and III IFN signaling, the RuV replication cycle was enhanced.

The Interferon Response Dampens the Usutu Virus Infection-Associated Increase in Glycolysis

Wald, Maria Elisabeth, Sieg, Michael, Schilling, Erik, Binder, Marco, Vahlenkamp, Thomas Wilhelm, Claus, Claudia 03 April 2023 (has links)
The mosquito-borne Usutu virus (USUV) is a zoonotic flavivirus and an emerging pathogen. So far therapeutical options or vaccines are not available in human and veterinary medicine. The bioenergetic profile based on extracellular flux analysis revealed an USUV infection-associated significant increase in basal and stressed glycolysis on Vero and with a tendency for basal glycolysis on the avian cell line TME-R derived from Eurasian blackbirds. On both cell lines this was accompanied by a significant drop in the metabolic potential of glycolysis. Moreover, glycolysis contributed to production of virus progeny, as inhibition of glycolysis with 2-deoxy-D-glucose reduced virus yield on Vero by one log10 step. Additionally, the increase in glycolysis observed on Vero cells after USUV infection was lost after the addition of exogenous type I interferon (IFN) b. To further explore the contribution of the IFN response pathway to the impact of USUV on cellular metabolism, USUV infection was characterized on human A549 respiratory cells with a knockout of the type I IFN receptor, either solely or together with the receptor of type III IFN. Notably, only the double knockout of types I and III IFN receptor increased permissiveness to USUV and supported viral replication together with an alteration of the glycolytic activity, namely an increase in basal glycolysis to an extent that a further increase after injection of metabolic stressors during extracellular flux analysis was not noted. This study provides evidence for glycolysis as a possible target for therapeutic intervention of USUV replication. Moreover, presented data highlight type I and type III IFN system as a determinant for human host cell permissiveness and for the infection-associated impact on glycolysis.

Synthèse de copolymères greffés d'acétate de cellulose-g-PS par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par les nitroxydes / Synthesis of graft copolymers cellulose acetate-g-PS by Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization

Moreira, Guillaume 19 June 2014 (has links)
Face à la diminution croissante des ressources d'origine fossile, une attention particulière est portée depuis plusieurs années envers l'utilisation de ressources renouvelables. Dans ce contexte, beaucoup de recherches sont orientées vers l'utilisation de polysaccharides tels que la cellulose. L'intérêt de ces composés est qu'ils sont abondants, peu chers et biodégradables. A l'inverse, ces polymères possèdent une faible résistance mécanique limitant ainsi leurs applications. De manière à moduler les propriétés de ces polymères, une alternative consiste à les modifier chimiquement par greffage de chaînes de polymères synthétiques. Néanmoins, les stratégies de greffage décrites dans la littérature présentent certaines limitations notamment sur la facilité de mise en oeuvre, la toxicité des méthodes employées, le nombre d'étapes de synthèses ou encore le contrôle des masses molaires. Par ailleurs, la caractérisation de ces architectures complexes reste délicate notamment pour prouver le greffage covalent des chaînes de polymère sur le polysaccharide. C'est précisément dans cet axe de recherche que s'insère ce sujet de thèse. Plus particulièrement, l'objectif principal consiste à mettre au point une méthode de greffage de l'acétate de cellulose robuste et facile à mettre en oeuvre, en vue d'une utilisation potentielle en tant que compatibilisant de mélange de polystyrène et d'acétate de cellulose. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, notre stratégie a consisté à utiliser la polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par les nitroxydes (NMP) où une attention particulière a été portée sur la caractérisation structurale des matériaux synthétisés (RMN du solide et DOSY, RPE, CES, DLS et DSC). / In order to respond to the fossil resources depletion, a particular attention was paid to the use of renewable resources since several years. In this context, many researches focus on the use of polysaccharides such as cellulose. These compounds are attractive because of their abundance, low cost and biodegradability. On the other hand, these polymers suffer from weak mechanical resistance limiting their practical applications. Grafting synthetic polymers chains on these natural polymers is an alternative to this problem. Nevertheless, grafting strategies described in the literature involve certain limitations such as the difficulty of implementation, the toxicity of the used methods, the great number of synthesis steps or the control of molar mass. Moreover, the characterization of these complex architectures remains delicate in order to prove the covalent grafting of chains on the polysaccharide. In line with this research context, the topic of this thesis concerns the development of a robust method for cellulose acetate polymer grafting. Moreover, the selected method has to be easy to implement, with a possible application as a compatibilizer for blending of polystyrene and cellulose acetate. In order to achieve this purpose, our strategy is based on the use of Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization (NMP) where particular attention was paid to the structural characterization of synthesized materials (solid state NMR, DOSY NMR, ESR, SEC of grafts, DLS and DSC).

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