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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the rise of Design-Build-Finance Delivery in Transportation Infrastructure

Gurram, Vikas 11 June 2020 (has links)
While other alternative project delivery methods have emerged to address the limitations of Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build-Finance (DBF) has surfaced more recently. Although DBF has gained prominence in the past decade, research pertaining to this method is limited. Consequently, this research investigated the use of DBF for the delivery of transportation infrastructure by five State DOTs: Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan and Texas through a combination of interviews with DOT personnel and investigation of completed or on-going DBF projects. To complement this, subject matter experts (SMEs) were interviewed to obtain a more general market perspective of DBF. As a result, two variants of DBF, DBF – Receivables and DBF – Risk Transfer, were identified; the DOTs investigated and the US more broadly, primarily use the DBF - Receivables variant where the contractor is entitled to payments for the activities completed irrespective of the project's completion. Whereas in the DBF – Risk Transfer variant, the contractor's payments are linked to the completion of the project. Further, DBF is employed on projects that are (i) in need of acceleration, which generates (ii) social and economic benefits such as congestion relief and safety enhancements; such projects are also (iii) subjected to short-term budgetary restrictions, but they typically have (iv) funds programmed in the future. The distinction found in the variants of DBF provides a better understanding of the drivers of DBF, which were validated through interviews. In practice, this distinction also aids public agencies in better identification of the appropriate project delivery method for a given project. / Master of Science / Infrastructure projects are complex with many stakeholders involved in different stages of the project lifecycle. Design-Bid-Build (DBB) is the conventional method of project delivery for government agencies in the United States for delivery of infrastructure in the in 20th century due to legislation like the Brooks Act of 1972. Alternative project delivery methods, which can be classified into Capital Delivery Methods like Design-Build (DB) and Lifecycle Approach Methods like Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM), have recently re-emerged to overcome the shortcomings of DBB. Design-Build-Finance (DBF) is one such alternative delivery method that has been increasingly used in the past decade to aid public transportation agencies to meet growing infrastructure needs. Significant research has been conducted to determine the drivers of alternative delivery methods like DB and DBFOM. The potential benefits of DBFOM are not found in DBF since a contractor is not involved in the operations and maintenance stages of a project. Moreover, current literature on DBF is limited since it is a contemporary phenomenon. In the US, 11 transportation projects were identified that employed DBF in the past decade. To understand why public agencies are using DBF, this research examined DBF programs in five states using a mix of interviews of key stakeholders and a review of available project documentation. Two variants of DBF with different payment structures and risk profiles were uncovered. Further, agencies tend to employ DBF to accelerate the timeline of a project that has funds programmed in later years and to realize the associated social and economic benefits such as congestion relief or improved safety. However, agencies must consider potential disadvantages such as increased oversight and financing costs when deciding whether or not to use this method.


神谷, 幸宏, Kamiya, Yukihiro, 田野, 哲, Denno, Satoshi, 水口, 芳彦, Mizuguchi, Yoshihiko, 片山, 正昭, Katayama, Masaaki, 小川, 明, Ogawa, Akira, 唐沢, 好男, Karasawa, Yoshio 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.


賴姿伶, Lai, Tzu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
人格測驗一直是企業進行人力資源管理活動時的一個重要工具。大部分的人格測驗都是自陳量表,且沒有標準答案,因此在甄選情境時,應徵者對於人格測驗是否會有意圖地作假,一直是個很重要的研究議題。過去在研究測驗作假的議題上,主要有2種典範:(1)在人格測驗中設有一個量尺(scale)專門測量受試者是否意圖作假,(2)比較作假動機較高者和較低者對人格測驗反應的差異,來檢查是否有作假。 以往的研究大多從古典測驗理論的觀點來探討社會期許量表的作答,在古典測驗理論架構下,僅能就量表總分來判斷受試者的答題傾向,而本研究認為具有不同動機的受試者的作假企圖會反應在不同的題目上面,而非以一個概括的總分來決斷受試者是否有作假。透過試題反應理論(Item Response Theory, IRT)能分析每一個試題的特徵,再加上輔以DIF(Differential Item Functioning)的分析方法,徹底探討社會期許量表中的每個試題對不同群體的受試者產生不同的效果,另外,也透過同樣的方法分析人格測驗中的每個題目,從題目的層次探討:在不同的作假動機下,受試者的作答是否會展現不同的作答組型;接著,再從量表的層次,探討在不同的作假動機下,受試者在社會期許量表及人格測驗的作答是否會展現不同的因素結構。而由於作假可視為一種有意識地操弄作答,以造成良好的印象,因此,本研究也探討應徵不同職務者,是否會「朝向應徵的工作所期望的方向」來作答(作假),同樣的,透過題目的層次和量表的層次來探究這個問題。 本研究樣本乃自北部某顧問公司資料庫取得,為實際應徵工作或在職者之作答資料,為達成研究目的,共分析四組樣本,分別是一般應徵者樣本7,000人,非應徵者樣本7,000人,應徵行銷業務職務者3,974人,和應徵研發工程職務者3,974人。所有樣本皆填答「員工甄選人格量表」和「社會期許量表」二個研究工具,然後以SPSS 15.0 for Windows、 LISREL 8.72、以及 poly-SIBTEST等程式軟體進行資料分析。 研究結果發現: (1) 非應徵者、應徵者、以及應徵不同職務者在社會期許量表和人格五個量表的得分,並不全然支持應徵者得分較非應徵者高的假設,不論是量表總分或個別題項得分之差異,雖然大多數是應徵者得分較高,但亦有約25%以上的題目是應徵者和非應徵者之間沒有差異,甚或非應徵者得分高過應徵者。 (2) 社會期許量表和人格五個量表當中都檢測出DIF題目,且當中有些是應徵者傾向高估,亦有些是非應徵者傾向高估自己的分數,因此形成每一樣本組獨特的作答反應組型。 (3) 跨群組的因素結構恆等性檢定結果顯示,人格五個量表在不同樣本群組的因素結構皆有所差異,但在社會期許量表的結構只在「非應徵者vs. 應徵者」及「非應徵者 vs. 應徵研發工程職類者」兩個比較組中有差異。 (4) 綜合應徵者、非應徵者、和應徵不同職務者在平均數差異、DIF分析、及人格因素結構恆等性之分析等指標,本研究判斷,應徵者在人格測驗上的作假,主要是為了形成「良好印象」的作假,此良好印象與社會期許量表所測者較無關,但與應徵職務特性所期望者較有關。 本研究最主要的突破在於從IRT DIF的方法學從題目層次探討人格測驗的作假議題,並且綜合探討社會期許量表和人格測驗的作假效果,此一突破是植基於本研究所欲探討的人格測驗並無標準答案之特點,因而運用DIF檢測方法來評估是否不同的受試群體(應徵者/非應徵者)在個別題項上,選擇某個選項的機率不同(即使他們的能力相同),而據以判斷不同群體受試者是否具有不同的反應組型;此外,研究結果也初步反映出應徵不同職務者的確有朝向其所應徵的職務所期望的方向作答的傾向。最後,本研究亦針對研究結果,從實務應用的角度以及方法學的角度,提出討論與建議。

The Causes of “Shear Fracture” of Dual-Phase Steels

Sung, Ji-Hyun 23 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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