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Off-state Impact on FDSOI Ring Oscillator Degradation under High Voltage StressTrommer, Jens, Havel, Viktor, Chohan, Talha, Mehmood, Furqan, Slesazeck, Stefan, Krause, Gernot, Bossu, Germain, Arfaoui, Wafa, Mühlhoff, Armin, Mikolajick, T. 09 December 2021 (has links)
The degradation predicted by classical DC reliability methods, such as bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot carrier injection (HCI), might not translate sufficiently to the AC conditions, which are relevant on the circuit level. The direct analysis of circuit level reliability is therefore an essential task for hardware qualification in the near future. Ring oscillators (RO) offer a good model system, where both BTI and HCI contribute to the degradation. In this work, it is qualitatively shown that the additional off-state stress plays a crucial role at very high stress voltages, beyond upper usage boundaries. To yield an accurate RO lifetime prediction a frequency measurement setup with high resolution is used, which can resolve small changes in frequency during stress near operation conditions. An ACDC conversion model is developed predicting the resulting frequency change based on DC input data. From the extrapolation to 10 years of circuit lifetime the model predicts a very low frequency degradation below 0.2% under nominal operation conditions, where the off-state has a minor influence.
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Highly-efficient Low-Noise Buck Converters for Low-Power MicrocontrollersAhmed, Muhammad Swilam Abdelhaleem January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling and control of fuel cell based distributed generation systemsJung, Jin Woo 13 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Development Of Algorithms For Security Oriented Power System OperationYesuratnam, G 07 1900 (has links)
The objective of an Energy Control Center (ECC) is to ensure secure and economic operation of power system. The challenge to optimize power system operation, while maintaining system security and quality of power supply to customers, is increasing. Growing demand without matching expansion of generation and transmission facilities and more tightly interconnected power systems contribute to the increased complexity of system operation. Rising costs due to inflation and increased environmental concerns has made transmission, as well as generation systems to be operated closure to design limits, with smaller safety margins and hence greater exposure to unsatisfactory operating conditions following a disturbance. Investigations of recent blackouts indicate that the root cause of most of these major power system disturbances is voltage collapse. Information gathered and preliminary analysis, from the most recent blackout incident in North America on 14th August 2003, is pointing the finger on voltage instability due to some unexpected contingency. In this incident, reports indicate that approximately 50 million people were affected interruption from continuous supply for more than 15 hours. Most of the incidents are related to heavily stressed system where large amounts of real and reactive power are transported over long transmission lines while appropriate real and reactive power resources are not available to maintain normal system conditions. Hence, the problem of voltage stability and voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system planning and operation. Reliable operation of large scale electric power networks requires that system voltages and currents stay within design limits. Operation beyond those limits can lead to equipment failures and blackouts. In the last few decades, the problem of reactive power control for improving economy and security of power system operation has received much attention. Generally, the load bus voltages can be maintained within their permissible limits by reallocating reactive power generations in the system. This can be achieved by adjusting transformer taps, generator voltages, and switchable Ar sources. In addition, the system losses can be minimized via redistribution of reactive power in the system. Therefore, the problem of the reactive power dispatch can be optimized to improve the voltage profile and minimize the system losses as well. The Instability in power system could be relieved or at least minimized with the help of most recent developed devices called Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers. The use of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers in power transmission system have led to many applications of these controllers not only to improve the stability of the existing power network resources but also provide operating flexibility to the power system.
In the past, transmission systems were owned by regulated, vertically integrated utility companies. They have been designed and operated so that conditions in close proximity to security boundaries are not frequently encountered. However, in the new open access environment, operating conditions tend to be much closer to security boundaries, as transmission use is increasing in sudden and unpredictable directions. Transmission unbundling, coupled with other regulatory requirements, has made new transmission facility construction more difficult. In fact, there are numerous technical challenges emerging from the new market structure. There is an acute need for research work in the new market structure, especially in the areas of voltage security, reactive power support and congestion management.
In the last few decades more attention was paid to optimal reactive power dispatch. Since the problem of reactive power optimization is non-linear in nature, nonlinear programming methods have been used to solve it. These methods work quite well for small power systems but may develop convergence problems as system size increases. Linear programming techniques with iterative schemes are certainly the most promising tools for solving these types of problems. The thesis presents efficient algorithms with different objectives for reactive power optimization. The approach adopted is an iterative scheme with successive power-flow analysis using decoupled technique, formulation and solution of the linear-programmingproblem with only upper-bound limits on the state variables. Further the thesispresents critical analysis of the three following objectives, Viz.,
•Minimization of the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations (Vdesired)
•Minimization of sum of the squares of the voltage stability L indices (Vstability)
•Minimization of real power losses (Ploss)
Voltage stability problems normally occur in heavily stressed systems. While the
disturbance leading to voltage collapse may be initiated by a variety of causes, the
underlying problem is an inherent weakness in the power system. The factors contributing to voltage collapse are the generator reactive power /voltage control limits, load characteristics, characteristics of reactive compensation devices, and the action of the voltage control devices such as transformer On Load Tap Changers (OLTCs). Power system experiences abnormal operating conditions following a disturbance, and subsequently a reduction in the EHV level voltages at load centers will be reflected on the distribution system. The OLTCs of distribution transformers would restore distribution voltages. With each tap change operation, the MW and MVAR loading on the EHV lines would increase, thereby causing great voltage drops in EHV levels and increasing the losses. As a result, with each tap changing operation, the reactive output of generators throughout the system would increase gradually and the generators may hit their reactive power capability limits, causing voltage instability problems. Thus, the operation of certain OLTCs has a significant influence on voltage instability under some operating conditions. These transformers can be made manual to avoid possible voltage instability due to their operation during heavy load conditions.
Tap blocking, based on local measurement of high voltage side of load tap changers, is a common practice of power utilities to prevent voltage collapse. The great advantage of this method is that it can be easily implemented, but does not guarantee voltage stability. So a proper approach for identification of critical OLTC s based on voltage stability criteria is essential to guide the operator in ECC, which has been proposed in this thesis. It discusses the effect of OLTCs with different objectives of reactive power dispatch and proposes a technique to identify critical OLTCs based on voltage stability criteria.
The fast development of power electronics based on new and powerful semiconductor devices has led to innovative technologies, such as High Voltage DC transmission (HVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), which can be applied in transmission and distribution systems. The technical and economicalBenefits of these technologies represent an alternative to the application in AC systems. Deregulation in the power industry and opening of the market for delivery of cheaper energy to the customers is creating additional requirements for the operation of power systems. HVDC and FACTS offer major advantages in meeting these requirements. .A method for co-ordinated optimum allocation of reactive power in AC/DC power systems by including FACTS controller UPFC, with an objective of minimization of the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations of all the load buses has been proposed in this thesis. The study results show that under contingency conditions, the presence of FACTS controllers has considerable impact on over all system voltage stability and also on power loss minimization.minimization of the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations of all the load buses has been proposed in this thesis. The study results show that under contingency conditions, the presence of FACTS controllers has considerable impact on over all system voltage stability and also on power loss minimization.
As power systems grow in their size and interconnections, their complexity increases. For secure operation and control of power systems under normal and contingency conditions, it is essential to provide solutions in real time to the operator in ECC. For real time control of power systems, the conventional algorithmic software available in ECC are found to be inadequate as they are computationally very intensive and not organized to guide the operator during contingency conditions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as, Expert systems, Neural Networks, Fuzzy systems are emerging decision support system tools which give fast, though approximate, but acceptable right solutions in real time as they mostly use symbolic processing with a minimum number of numeric computations. The solution thus obtained can be used as a guide by the operator in ECC for power system control. Optimum real and reactive power dispatch play an important role in the day-to-day operation of power systems. Existing conventional Optimal Power Flow (OPF) methods use all of the controls in solving the optimization problem. The operators can not move so many control devices within a reasonable time. In this context an algorithm using fuzzy-expert approach has been proposed in this thesis to curtail the number of control actions, in order to realize real time objectives in voltage/reactive power control. The technique is formulated using membership functions of linguistic variables such as voltage deviations at all the load buses and the voltage deviation sensitivity to control variables. Voltage deviations and controlling variables are translated into fuzzy set notations to formulate the relation between voltage deviations and controlling ability of controlling devices. Control variables considered are switchable VAR compensators, OLTC transformers and generator excitations. A fuzzy rule based system is formed to select the critical controllers, their movement direction and step size. Results show that the proposed approach is effective for improving voltage security to acceptable levels with fewer numbers of controllers. So, under emergency conditions the operator need not move all the controllers to different settings and the solution obtained is fast with significant speedups. Hence, the proposed method has the potential to be integrated for on-line implementation in energy management systems to achieve the goals of secure power system operation.
In a deregulated electricity market, it may not be always possible to dispatch all of the contracted power transactions due to congestion of the transmission corridors. System operators try to manage congestion, which otherwise increases the cost of the electricity and also threatens the system security and stability. An approach for alleviation of network over loads in the day-to-day operation of power systems under deregulated environment is presented in this thesis. The control used for overload alleviation is real power generation rescheduling based on Relative Electrical Distance (RED) concept. The method estimates the relative location of load nodes with respect to the generator nodes. The contribution of each generator for a particular over loaded line is first identified , then based on RED concept the desired proportions of generations for the desired overload relieving is obtained, so that the system will have minimum transmission losses and more stability margins with respect to voltage profiles, bus angles and better transmission tariff. The results obtained reveal that the proposed method is not only effective for overload relieving but also reduces the system power loss and improves the voltage stability margin. The presented concepts are better suited for finding the utilization of resources generation/load and network by various players involved in the day-to-day operation of the system under normal and contingency conditions. This will help in finding the contribution by various players involved in the congestion management and the deviations can be used for proper tariff purposes.
Suitable computer programs have been developed based on the algorithms presented in various chapters and thoroughly tested. Studies have been carried out on various equivalent systems of practical real life Indian power networks and also on some standard IEEE systems under simulated conditions. Results obtained on a modified IEEE 30 bus system, IEEE 39 bus New England system and four Indian power networks of EHV 24 bus real life equivalent power network, an equivalent of 36 bus EHV Indian western grid, Uttar Pradesh 96 bus AC/DC system and 205 Bus real life interconnected grid system of Indian southern region are presented for illustration purposes.
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Conception et réalisation d'un convertisseur multicellulaire DC/DC isolé pour application aéronautique / Design and development of an isolated multicell DC/DC power converter for aeronautical applicationsBrandelero, Julio Cezar 28 May 2015 (has links)
L’électricité prend une place de plus en plus importante dans les systèmes énergétiques embarqués. L’électricité est une forme d’énergie très malléable, facile à transporter et réglable ou transformable avec un très faible taux de pertes. L’énergie électrique, associée à des convertisseurs statiques, est plus facile à maîtriser que, par exemple, l’énergie hydraulique et/ou pneumatique, permettant un réglage plus fin et une réduction des coûts de maintenance. L’évolution de la puissance dans les modèles avioniques est marquante. Avec le nombre croissant de charges électroniques, un avion plus électrique avec un réseau à courant alternatif inclurait un grand nombre de redresseurs AC/DC qui devront respecter les normes de qualité secteur. Une solution pour la réduction de la masse serait de préférer un réseau HVDC (High Voltage DC Bus). Sur les futurs modèles avioniques plus électriques, les concepteurs envisageront des conversions HVDC/DC à partir de l’unité appelée BBCU (Buck Boost Converter Unit). Dans ce cas d’étude, un réseau de distribution en tension continue (±270Vdc) est connecté à un réseau de sécurité basse tension (28Vdc) avec un échange bidirectionnel de puissance pouvant atteindre 10kW. Le convertisseur statique assurant cette liaison représente de nouveaux défis pour l’électronique de puissance en termes de fiabilité, sûreté, détection de panne, rendement et réduction de masse et de coût. Le dimensionnement du convertisseur doit prendre en compte une conception optimale, en aéronautique ce critère est la masse. Dans le processus de dimensionnement et d’optimisation du convertisseur, il est donc impératif de prendre en compte trois facteurs principaux : 1) l’évolution des topologies de conversion, 2) l’évolution des composants actifs et passifs et 3) l’intégration de puissance. La réunion de ces trois facteurs permettra ainsi la miniaturisation des convertisseurs statiques. Dans un premier temps, nous préciserons la démarche adoptée pour le dimensionnement d’un convertisseur en prenant en compte : les topologies actives, les filtres différentiels et le système de refroidissement. Les différents éléments qui composent le convertisseur sont décrits dans un langage informatique orienté objet. Des facteurs de performances seront également introduits afin de faciliter le choix des semi-conducteurs, des condensateurs et du dissipateur pour un convertisseur statique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons le fonctionnement d’une topologie multicellulaire DC/DC, isolée pour l’application proposée. Nous présenterons les avantages du couplage de différentes phases de ce convertisseur. Nous introduirons les différentes associations des cellules et leurs avantages, possibles grâce à l’isolement, comme la mise en série et en parallèle. Puisque la caractérisation des pertes des semi-conducteurs est essentielle pour le dimensionnement du convertisseur statique, nous proposerons deux approches : un modèle de simulation relativement simple et paramétré à l’aide de seules notices constructeurs ; et une méthode de mesure des pertes dans les semi-conducteurs qui est à la fois précise et compatible avec les composants les plus rapides. En ce qui concerne les composants magnétiques, une surface de réponse des matériaux ferrites sera présentée. Nous allons décrire, par le biais analytique et de simulation, des modèles pour la détermination du champ magnétique à l’intérieur du noyau et des ondulations de courant engendrés. Finalement, en profitant des modèles et des résultats obtenus dans les sections précédentes, nous montrerons le dimensionnement et la réalisation de chaque partie du convertisseur BBCU 100kHz / 10kW. Une perspective d’un design idéal est également présentée. / The electricity is taking a more important place in the embedded systems. The electricity is a very moldable form of energy, easy to transport and adjustable or transformed with a very low losses. The electrical energy, associated with power converters, is easier to control than hydraulic and/or pneumatic energies for example, allowing a finer regulation and a cost cutting of maintenance. The installed power in the avionic models is growing fast. With the increasing number of electronic loads, a more electrical aircraft with an AC network would include a large number of rectifiers AC/DC which will have to respect the quality standards. A solution for the reduction of the mass would be to prefer a HVDC network (High Voltage DC BUS). On the future more electrical aircrafts, the designers will be facing a HVDC/DC power conversion. This is the role of the unit called BBCU (Buck Boost Converter Unit). In our case of study, a distribution network in DC voltage (± 270Vdc) is connected to a security low-voltage network (28Vdc) which includes a bidirectional power exchanges achieving 10kW. The power converter for this connection gives new challenges for the power electronics in terms of reliability, safety, failure detection, efficiency and reduction of mass and cost. The design of the power converter needs to take into account for an optimal design. It is thus imperative to take into account three main factors: 1) the evolution of the power topologies 2) the evolution of the active and passive devices and 3) the power integration. The meeting of these three factors will allow the miniaturization of the power converters. At first, the adopted approach for designing power converters, taking into account the power topology, the differential filters and the cooling system are presented. The various elements which compose the power converter are described in an Object-Oriented Programming. The performance factors will be introduced to facilitate the choice of semiconductors, capacitors and heat-sinks. Secondly, the operation phases of a multicellular isolated DC/DC topology for the proposed application are presented. A discussion of the advantages of the magnetic coupling is also introduced. Thanks to the isolation, different associations of switching cells, series or/and parallel connection, are possible. Knowing the losses of power semiconductors is an essential step to design a power converter, thus two approaches are proposed: 1) a simulation model using a relatively simple model with the datasheets information; and 2) a losses measurement method which is precise and compatible with the fastest devices. As regards the magnetic components, a response surface of ferrite materials will be presented. Some models for the determination of the magnetic field inside the core and the current ripple are also described. Finally, by taking advantage of models and results obtained in the previous sections, the design and the realization of each party of the BBCU power converter 100kHz / 10kW is showed. A perspective of an ideal design is also presented.
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Análise teórica e experimental do comportamento de grandes e pequenos sinais e desenvolvimento de um novo modelo dinâmico de pequenos sinais do conversor ZVS-PSM-FB.Zanatta, Cleber 27 October 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This Master Thesis presents the development of a new dynamic model for the DC-DC Zero-Voltage-Switching Phase-Shift-Modulated Full-Bridge (ZVS-PSM-FB).At first, the ZVSPSM-FB converter is analyzed and the Steady-State equations are derived. Then, using the ac equivalent circuit modeling technique, it is derived two new ZVS-PSM-FB dynamical models, based on step operation of the converter and steady-state converter equations. These two new ZVS-PSM-FB dynamical models with two dynamical models previously presented in the literature are used to perform a frequency response and a transfer-function DC-gain
comparison to verify the performance of the dynamical models. Comparison results shows that our second model here derived presents a better performance among other models, keeping the desirable characteristics as simple polynomial ratio transfer-functions, excellent theoretical accuracy of transfer-functions DC-gains, transfer-functions coefficients independency of circuit parasitics components, excepting the primary leakage inductance. Even in this work, it is shown frequency response experimental results of the ZVS-PSM-FB converter, designed following telecommunications rectifiers power supplies standards. / Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo dinâmico para o conversor CC-CC Ponte-Completa Modulado por Deslocamento de Fase e com
Comutação em Zero de Tensão (ZVS-PSM-FB). Inicialmente, o conversor ZVS-PSM-FB é analisado, onde são derivadas as equações que definem a operação em regime-permanente do
conversor. A seguir, utilizando-se da técnica de modelagem ca média de conversores estáticos, deriva-se dois novos modelos dinâmicos para o conversor, tendo por base as etapas
de operação do conversor e as equações de regime-permanente. Feito isso, os dois modelos aqui derivados, são comparados com outros dois modelos dinâmicos já apresentados na literatura para verificar seus desempenhos quanto à resposta em freqüência e resposta do ganho-cc das funções de transferências à variações de carga do conversor, dos modelos dinâmicos. Resultados desta comparação mostram que o segundo modelo aqui derivado é o que apresenta melhor desempenho entre os modelos comparados, mantendo características desejáveis de simples formato de função de transferência como razão de polinômios, precisão
teórica excelente para resposta de ganho-cc das funções de transferências e não-dependência dos coeficientes das funções de transferências de parâmetros parasitas do circuito, a menos da indutância de dispersão do transformador. Ainda neste trabalho, são mostrados resultados
experimentais da resposta em freqüência do conversor ZVS-PSM-FB, projetado com especificações de normas para retificadores chaveados de alta-freqüência para equipamentos
de telecomunicações.
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